#i dont know if i hc larry as trans or not but he is here to be supportive either way!!! so interpret that however u wish uwu
loopylostandfound · 1 year
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ace attorney characters say trans rights <3
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zeekubeast · 7 years
drags my aa headcanons off twitter bc why not
ethnicity headcanons
phoenix is japanese american/jewish mixed
maya (and all the feys) are straight up japanese american. so is gumshoe tbh
the gavin brothers are brazilian-german (german mom, grew up in frankfurt, parents got divorced and then moved to the us)
miles edgeworth is black-british/japanese-english mixed and was raised in england bc he’s a ponce
the von karmas are austrian. franziska grew up in vienna. you can fight me on this.
simon & aura blackquill are japanese english. simon read entirely too many penny dreadfuls as a kid.
metis cykes is japanese, athena is a super mixed european bag (mmostly french imho?) and also adopted via marriage
shadi enigmar aka zak gramarye was either lebanese or turkish
thalassa & magnifi gramarye are ambiguously balkan? idk maybe armenian or cyprean (i dont like the rroma headcanon bc that reeks just a little too much of “g*psy magic” bullshit :/)
jove justice is filipino/latinx american
AS A RESULT: trucy is arab-balkan and apollo is pinoy/latinx-balkan mixed. but they were both mostly raised outside of their “heritage” so they have complicated feelings about it (also bc like nobody outside of europe knows that the balkans exist)
valant gramarye is french
larry is as white as toast bread
gender & orientation headcanons
bi/pan folks: phoenix wright, gumshoe, mia fey, jove justice, klavier gavin, gregory edgeworth, adrian andrews, clay terran
gay folks: maya fey, pearl fey, trucy wright, apollo justice, miles edgeworth, lana skye, ema skye, franziska von karma, aura blackquill, athena cykes, juniper woods
ace spectrum folks: miles edgeworth, ema skye, (probably more but they aren’t coming to mind rn)
my gender hcs are much more malleable bc many of the options are extremely good (and also changing them up changes certain narrative angles so i like being flexible) BUT the big ones
trans women: mia fey, ema skye, athena cykes, metis cykes, robin newman, jean armstrong
trans men: MILES EDGEWORTH, klavier gavin, apollo justice (a v popular one i’ve noticed)
beyond the gender binary: nahyuta sahdmahdi, maximillian galactica, vera misham
neurodivergence & disability headcanons
edgeworth has c-ptsd and major depression
ema skye, trucy wright, athena cykes, and apollo justice are all autistic
athena also has bpd & adhd. comorbidity brain struggles
franziska also has ptsd and impostor syndrome
juniper woods is chronically ill and has chronic anemia
trucy & apollo have abandonment issues (thanks parents), though trucy is much more well adjusted thanks to phoenix
gumshoe and kay faraday both with adhd eyyoo
there’s more but this post is getting very long so i’m gonna cut it here
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geirutoneido · 7 years
Why do you say that larry butz isn't straight or cis!
OH! oh were you the first anon? i legitimately had no idea what you were referring to. (if you are not the first anon, then @/first anon, i still dont know what you mean)
in short, it’s because its my hc! im not straight or cis and larry is one of my favorite characters and i like the idea of him being like me, so i hc him as bi and nonbinary. in aa no one discusses sexuality or gender much canonically (with the exception of some characters) so larry being bi and nb is not less canon than him being straight and cis
i don’t like when especially slash shippers or people who are like “lol everyone in aa is gay and trans!” are like “... except for larry”. and like... the reason is most of fandom doesnt really like or care about larry and that makes me :^( because he’s, you know, my fave.
i don’t see why straight shippers would get mad about it though because they’re gonna ship their straight ships and have straight hcs regardless of if larry is straight or not because lets be real here: straight shippers dont care about or want to ship larry /either/. its not exactly like im taking anyones super mega rare straight representation away here!
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