#i don't know whether to start adding tags to these little hc's but anyway
bright-molina · 3 years
ok wait this is the anon asking about how the buckley-mercers came about and I read Emergency Contact again and realized it was a reader insert and I cannot help but think that the reader has to have some form of trauma they are literally a buckley and now I can’t stop thinking about what it could be? I JUST ADORE YOUR WORK SO MUCH
I'm so glad you like this little world as much as me and @biqherosix do oh my gosh 🥺
[I'm gonna use she/her pronouns for this one but if anyone would prefer any others just let me know!]
Ahh okay SO
Short answer: poor Baby Buckley has had it rough. Absent parents and both her siblings leaving her alone left her with her fair share of abandonment issues and quite a bit of emotional detachment.
Long answer:
Baby Buckley is Alex’s age, they met when they were young a couple times during family reunions and whatnot and the last time they exchanged numbers and they talk all the time, calls, texting, facetime, everything (this will be relevant in a little bit)
We all know Maddie practically raised Buck herself and the two of them are the ones who raised Y/N
But still, it isn’t the same as having parents. If they paid little attention to Buck, they paid even less attention to y/n, there were a lot of times when their parents forgot there were kids in the house at all
Buck is 11 years older so when he was out doing something it was y/n fending for herself, a child barely old enough to read with no one there, that’s just how it was
So she learned to keep to herself, she could never keep her parents' attention no matter how hard she tried, and she tried practically everything. They always looked past her so she learned quickly to keep every single thing locked inside cause there was no one there to pay attention either way
It was always different with Maddie and Buck though, she let her guard down then because they were always there. She could trust them. Then Maddie left. She knew nothing about what was going on, all she saw was someone else leaving her alone. So she distanced herself. They both did.
Then one night Buck mentioned wanting to leave, promising y/n he’d take her with
But when he found the letter from Maddie telling him she couldn’t go with them he didn’t know what to do. Without her guiding him to do the right thing he was lost, fully believing he couldn’t do it. So he left.
He took a page out of Maddie’s book and left y/n a letter, promising he’d keep her updated and visit her soon
And for a while she believed him. She waited by the door every day after school, collected his postcards and hung them on her wall, smiling as she read the stories he told over and over again.
But days turned to weeks then months then a year had gone by and nothing
He still sent postcards and gifts on birthdays but it wasn’t the same as having him there
The postcards and pictures became bitter reminders that he was out living his life, happy as could be, without her. So she took them down and stuffed them deep inside an old backpack out of sight. Every new one he sent joined the pile unread.
Maddie stopped answering her calls and it became more obvious that they had both moved on without her
So there she was, alone at home, with two parents who preferred to pretend she didn’t exist
They were absent at best, most days were spent alone in her room, either sitting in silence or blasting old cd’s as loud as she could but never letting herself think of either of her siblings
She was never too good at remembering to do things herself, it was just easier to forget anything and everything, easier to not say a single word
Her only relief came when Alex called, he’d relay everything about how his band was doing, play her their newest songs, and sometimes when he could tell she was having a rough time he’d sing to her
That brief period of feeling okay, of feeling like there was someone there, meant everything. As they got older the phone calls turned to texts and even those became more sporadic until they stopped all together for a brief period of time.
I’m actually gonna elaborate on the rest of this in another short fic I’m working on now but essentially:
One day Y/N gets a call from Alex’s phone but it’s not actually Alex. It’s Reggie, Luke, and Bobby looking for him, he was missing and they thought she’d know where he could be
It’s not him, it doesn't sound like something he'd do and she can tell something is wrong. So naturally, she uses the debit card Buck left her to buy herself a ticket to LA telling them “No one will miss me here anyway.”
Y/N is 15 when she decides to stay in LA. Permanently.
The five of them practically live in Bobby’s garage together, it’s just safer and better for them given everything they have to deal with at their respective houses. They’re there for each other and that’s all they need, they’re convinced of it.
She has no clue Buck is also in LA. The postcards were at the bottom of one of the only bags she took with but they’re still left unread. She doesn’t answer the calls from him or Maddie and the first time her dad calls she loses it, breaks down in angry tears and throws the phone across the room because why now?
It’s months later, her and Luke, who are the quickest, are at a grocery store, one of the big ones that can afford to lose a little money, with their bags and sublty sneaking whatever they need into the pockets. Everything happens fast and next thing they know there’s a scream, a lot of yelling, and upon closer examination, an accident.
Despite everything, Y/N picked some stuff up from Maddie and she’s the first to rush to the scene, telling Luke to call 911
She makes friends, hesitant ones, with the paramedics who responded to the call. The one who helped her, Chimney as he introduced himself, doesn’t tell anyone about the things stuffed in her bag. He does however promise that if she ever needs anything to come down to the 118 and ask for him and his friend, Hen.
Eventually, she does and as promised, they're both there. She’s tense and on edge the entire time she follows them around the place but it’s not until she gets to the second floor that she realizes she made a mistake going there in the first place.
The very first person she lays eyes on is her brother. Evan Buckley himself.
And she runs.
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lovelytarou · 3 years
tidal waves
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pairing: atsumu miya x reader
genre: angst, suggestive
tags: high school sweethearts(?), breakup, strangers to lovers, mentions of cheating
a/n: i was about to put in some warnings for toxic relationship, but i couldn't do that to tsumu i don't hc him as someone who would do such a thing to his lover. also this is not proofread!!
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atsumu is like a wild current, when you get taken by his strong waves, there is nothing else to do than just go with his flow.
this is osamu’s life ever since they were kids. it was nothing forced, he loved hanging out with his twin. although sometimes, atsumu could be a handful.
even while playing, atsumu is like a roaring tide – ready to take on whatever stands in his way and granted, he always gets what he wants.
his overzealous life is what keeps him going every day, playing with his 100%, not half-assing anything, and living life to its fullest.
atsumu realized he was in love when he had heard your laughter in the hallways.
everything stops then. he could've sworn none of the people that littered the hallways moved, and he felt his heart stop.
there you were – laughing with your friends, a bright beautiful smile on your face and letting out melodious sounds without seeming to notice the effect it had on him.
he could only stare at you for how long before he felt osamu whack him upside the head.
“hey, idiot. you havin’ a stroke or somethin’?” osamu narrowed his eyes on his brother, looking for anything off but he guessed atsumu has always been weird.
“let's go inside, class is about to start–”
“samu, who’s that angel?” atsumu cut him off, gaze still on your retreating figure. his voice sounded distant as him you're taking him with you as you walked away with your friends.
“huh? who? that girl? dunno her,” osamu shrugged before dragging his twin inside the classroom.
all day, you’ve been stuck in atsumu’s mind, not caring at all about the lectures. he had a goofy smile on his face as he stared out the window.
who are you? what is your name? do you know him? what class are you in? are you older than him? what are you doing now? why are you so beautiful?
there are so many questions that atsumu miya would like to know. and the first thing in his list is to ask you on a date.
he sure hopes you’re not dating anybody.
the second time atsumu saw you was when you were sitting inside the gymnasium with a friend, holding what looks to be a bento box. were you giving it to someone? his heart fluttered inside his chest, imagining the receiver to be him.
god, he wished it was him.
his gaze tore off you when a ball hit his head. his glare was immediately wiped off his face when he saw who threw the ball at him.
“atsumu, pay attention.” kita scolded, the cold expression on his face causing a shiver to run up and down his spine. he could really be scary without even trying.
“sorry, captain!” he saluted before jogging off to his position.
osamu had noticed that atsumu felt a little off that day. not in a sense that his performance was bad, per se. more so, he was pushing himself to his limits. other than that, he kept glancing to the stands and doing spontaneous moves with his irritating smirk on his face.
he has always been observant, and he had seen this expression on his twin’s face before.
atsumu likes someone. but he doesn’t know who.
osamu kept a close eye on his twin as they continued practicing. the team they are up against are coming in a moment now and they don’t need to waste any time.
when break came, atsumu kept whining about how his body hurt as he downed his bottle of water. osamu can only roll his eyes as his twin obviously was showing off when he lifted up his shirt and wiped it on his sweating face. a few fangirls of theirs squealed from the stands, and although atsumu would sometimes bask in their praise and screams, this time, he had a pout on his lips as he stared at that same spot once again.
“who the hell are you lookin’ at?” he can't help but interrogate his twin, he's highly suspicious and he wanted atsumu to just spit it out instead of acting this way. or else, his performance will surely affect the game.
“hm? oh, them.” atsumu pointed at you, who’s on the edge of your seat as you looked at their opponent who is now entering the gym.
oh. that girl he heard laughing in the hallway.
his gaze then shifted to what you’re looking at and realized it was the captain of their opposing team you were ogling.
osamu shook his head, “leave it, ‘samu. yer hopeless.” patting his twin on the back, they jogged back over to greet the other team before the game started.
atsumu played normally throughout the game, albeit a little harshly against your boyfriend. he gave them little to no opening, and they even scored a point lower than theirs. nevertheless, he gripped the captains hand after the game a little too tight with a fake smile on his face.
he followed you as you pranced towards your boyfriend and gave him the bento box. he felt his stomach turn when he leaned down to kiss you. finally, he decided he can no longer watch and turned his back to you.
what a lucky bastard.
atsumu didn’t sleep a wink that night. his thoughts kept drifting back to you, thinking about how he has no hope like what his twin said. he thought about what could’ve been if he was in that guy’s place. he’ll always flaunt the bento you bring him in front of the team, he’ll even take you to their practices and walk you home afterwards. maybe have a date, or just hangout in yours or his house.
he’ll treat you better than that guy.
the next day, atsumu decided he can’t have you and what he feels is only a crush. a crush so intense, he had his heart broken by someone who he doesn’t even know.
the third time he saw you was when you were crying alone in one of the stairs. he was supposed to go back to the classroom that time but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you, head dropped down as your sobs and sniffles echoed. he gulped, feet frozen from where he stood, not knowing whether to reach out for you or if you will even like to be approached right now.
clearing his throat, he took a few steps towards you as he sat a few inches away from you. you gasped when you lifted your head up as you saw him, quickly wiping away your tears as you looked away from atsumu.
“hey, so, uh...you okay?” he was hesitant. he felt like he was approaching a wild animal instead of offering comfort for someone who was crying their eyes out.
“no...” your small voice answered, sniffles followed after that and before he knew it, you were crying again.
his eyes widened in panic as he wracks his mind on what to do.
“hey, shh! uh, calm down. um – shit –i'm sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry harder, oh fuck–” he decided to put his arms around you and bring your head to his chest. he rocked the two of you from side to side as he shushes you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair.
“there, there.” he patted your head when he felt you calm down. he winced at the wet patch on his uniform but he didn’t comment about it. “a beautiful person like you shouldn’t be crying, anyway.”
he heard you let out a breathy chuckle as you pull yourself away from him. a tinge in his heart made him wish that you hadn’t pulled away from him too soon. all his feelings from long ago suddenly rushed back, looking at your tear streaked face and reddened nose. even after crying you looked radiant.
“sorry about that, i don’t usually go around crying on strangers.” you forced a smile, hiccuping slightly as you forced yourself to calm down some.
“but thank you. i, uh, i needed that.” this time, it was a genuine smile.
“no worries! i just happen to pass by and you know, yer lucky it was me, because if it was somebody else they might take advantage of you or somethin’,” he rubbed the back of his nape, a blushing blooming across his face as he averted his gaze from you.
it was totally not because he realized it was his crush from before and he wanted to comfort you. nope!
“sorry about your uniform, um...” your eyes switched to his face then to his tear stained uniform.
“atsumu. atsumu miya. but you can call me ‘tsumu,” he offered his hand, blush still on his face. you told him your name as you shook his hand.
“i can wash it for you if you want?” even if your offer might sound like he might have a chance to see you again, he decided he doesn’t want to burden you with it and shook his head no.
“nah, i’ll be fine. don’tcha worry yer pretty little head over it.” he went and ruffled your hair, making you smile as you rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away.
“you know, there’s something that can help you feel better.” he added, a thoughtful look on his face. for a moment, you admired how expressive he is with his emotions. you can’t deny that he looks cute.
atsumu dragged you away from the stairs and out of the campus. your eyes widened in shock upon realization that you two are going outside despite the class not being over yet. what is with this guy? what if he’s a delinquent all along!
“um, atsumu, we shouldn’t be leaving the school right now...” your worried tone made him turn his head to you and flashed you a grin. you swore your heart skipped a beat when he smiled at you like that.
“don’t worry, i’m sure you can ace yer classes, anyway. and yer goin’ to like this, i promise!” you can’t help his energetic self rubbing off on you and let him lead the way to wherever it is he’s going to take you.
he might look all suave and composed, but inside he’s panicking just by the feel of your soft palm against his.
you’re holding hands, for heaven’s sake! he just comforted you because you were crying and now he’s holding your hands! he might pass out at this point, but he’s not done with his mission just yet. he wouldn’t let this day end without you being at least a little bit happy.
you both stopped in front an ice cream stand that many students also frequented. atsumu dug in his pockets for money, his tongue poking out. he paid the vendor and soon, he’s holding two ice cream cones with his favorite flavor.
“try this! it’s the best!” he handed you the other ice cream cone, immediately scarfing his own as he watched your face expectantly.
you took a small lick on the cold dessert and you were suddenly taken to heaven. whatever this is he gave you, it was good.
you moaned when the flavors bursted in your tongue, “you’re right! this is the best!”
atsumu laughed at your face, ice cream making a mess on your lips, near your cheek and even your nose! it was cute for him, and he felt himself fall in love all over again.
when you noticed him staring at you with an amused smile on his face, you tilted your head in confusion, hand going up to swipe at your cheek. but it only made the mess even worse by the action.
“what’s wrong, ‘tsumu? is there something on my face?”
atsumu shook his head as he bit his lip, holding back his laughter.
“nope, yer all good! nothing wrong with yer face at all!” turns out you didn’t trust him so you went to the car parked on one of the stores nearby. you gasped upon looking at your reflection. you were a mess!
nothing wrong with my face, my ass.
“tsumu! you’re so mean!” you whined, immediately wiping your face with a tissue that came with the ice cream.
the man in question only laughed at your reaction. you can only glare at him playfully as he seemed to almost run out of breath from laughing at you.
meanwhile, atsumu can’t help but think that this is probably one of the first time in a while where he laughs happily. and it’s over something stupid as seeing your face with ice cream.
“s-sorry! can’t help it, you looked ridiculous!” he managed out in between laughs.
once he calmed down, he apologized sincerely to you dragged you once again to who knows where.
the two of you skipped class that day.
since then, you and atsumu kept hanging out. usually with his twin, osamu, and sometimes tagging you along to their volleyball practices and even introducing you to the whole team. everybody seems to know you already from how much atsumu has told them about you. he can’t help it, you’re just so amazing that you take his breath away.
it didn’t take them too long to notice how much you two grew closer and closer.
atsumu has never been the one to be nervous before, during, and after their games. he likes to call himself level-headed when it comes to tense situations, not immediately letting his nerves take control of his body and consume him.
he lived for the thrills of life.
so, why, when he looks at you as you smile at him while pointing to a cotton candy stand did he feel his heart race a mile a minute? he was just going to ask you out.
and if you said no, then he’ll understand. it wouldn’t be the first time he’ll experience heartbreak.
“look, ‘tsumu! they have a lot of cotton candy there! let’s go, maybe we can buy some before they ran out.” you tugged at his hand and pulled him towards the stand. he lets himself get dragged by you. he paid the vendor absentmindedly.
throughout the day, atsumu keep glancing at anything except for you. he even forgot to eat his own cotton candy and instead let you eat it.
when you asked him to go to the rides in the fair, he agreed, which is why you both find yourself in the front seats of the roller coaster.
okay, since when the hell did the two of you get there?
he looked over at you who’s smiling from ear to ear, screaming in excitement as you put your arms in the air. you looked so beautiful, still so amazing in his eyes. he doesn’t deserve you but he doesn’t want to let you go ever again.
the ride is pulling back, back, back until it snapped. there was a deafening silence before the ride fell slowly then faster and faster until it threw you into a high spiral.
you were screaming, the people behind you were screaming, but atsumu can only shut his eyes because he was feeling dizzy.
“y/n! will you go out with me?!” he shouted into the air. there was absolutely no way that you can hear him over the screams and the air attacking your ears.
“what?!” you screamed back.
“will you go ou–”
“no, i heard you! i was just asking if you were serious!”
“yes i am! i'm in love with you!”
your heart flew along with the rollercoaster and you think it was the most memorable moment than all the rides in the amusement park.
“yes!” you laughed, feeling giddy all over. it might be because of atsumu or it could be because of the rollercoaster.
“i’m in love with you too!”
you both went home hand in hand, smiling at each other like two lovestruck idiots.
dating miya atsumu was like being caught in a wild current. and just like everything else when they're taken by his strong waves, you went along and swam perfectly with his flow.
you were there for him when he has a match. wearing his jacket as you cheered for him louder than the school’s band. he appreciates it, really. he finds it endearing how you showed all of your support for him and in turn, he scored every point for you and only you.
he’s the sweetest boyfriend. promising you’ll never regret a moment if you agreed to go out with him. a date turned into two, and before you knew it, you’re both falling deeper and deeper in love with each other.
he has your restaurant orders memorized, almost like muscle memory at this point from how often you two always spent time with the other. you even know where he last put something of his when you both decided to move in together.
college came and the two of you can’t help the stresses it came with it. yet, the flame of your love couldn’t burn any brighter. despite the hectic schedules, you both find a way to spend even at least a day with the other. squeezing in dates in the weekends, study dates on wednesdays, even hanging out sometimes in the cafeteria.
then there was that party after they won against another univerity’s team. it was loud, the place packed with people, swimming with drinks and drunk in the thrill of the party.
he has an arm wrapped on your waist protectively as you both wafted through the house. he had a few drinks in him, and when you told him to calm down a bit he only dismissed you saying he can handle himself.
“i’m gonna go and get us drinks, babe. wait here.” he slurred, kissing your temple as he got up from his spot next to you on the couch, waddling through the people to get to where the drinks are.
you stayed put on the couch, eyes straying to the couple making out on the couch across from yours. almost all the people around you are either touching each other or having a lip locking session by themselves.
it made you squirm in your seat as you thought about atsumu’s lips on yours, hands wandering all over your body like what these people are doing right now.
it must be the atmosphere or the alcohol you had downed a while ago, but it suddenly felt too hot. you took off your top layer of your clothes and fanned yourself with your hands.
atsumu still wasn’t back so you decided to get up and check on him, avoiding the grinding bodies of people.
your heart sank, a boiling rage bubbling inside you as you saw him in a corner with a girl who was also very much drunk and all over your boyfriend. she was getting handsy with him and you hated it. you should be the one touching him like that, not some girl in this party that he wouldn’t even remember the day after.
huffing, you walked towards him and grabbed his hand.
“baby, there you are! what took you so long?” your hands flipped his body towards yours so the girl would be stuck with the sight of atsumu’s back.
your boyfriend’s eyes are a little unfocused as he glanced down at you. it widened when he saw who it was, a smile stretching his face upon seeing who it is.
“hey there, yourself.” his eyes drank you in, taking every bit of skin exposed, until they landed on your lips. “god, yer smokin’ hot.”
he captured your lips with his, you let yourself appreciate the moment, hands playing with his hair as you purposely make loud moans while opening your eyes slightly to see the girl he was with a while ago with an enraged look.
i win.
you would've scoffed at her when atsumu’s hands drifted down to your hips, grinding his own to yours as he started nipping your jaw and neck.
“let’s go somewhere private, baby, please.” he suckled on the spot near your collarbone before travelling back up to your neck, lips nibbling on your earlobe, “wanna touch you, wanna feel you, please, baby, please.”
the neediness laced in his tone almost made your knees give out underneath you. a hot liquid feeling inside of you swirling in your stomach as you felt arousal cloud your whole being.
biting your lip, you nodded at him, pecking his lips one last time before dragging him to a more private place.
you stopped in front of a room, knocking first to see if there’s anyone inside. when no one answered, you both proceeded to go in, locking the door behind you. atsumu was quick to pin you against the door, attacking your lips with rough kisses as he grinded his pelvis against yours.
“fuck, baby,” he moaned between kisses, “i want you, ‘m gonna make you feel so fucking good,” it wasn’t a promise, more so it was a statement. you know, he’s going to make you feel so good by the end of the night, and you don’t doubt that one bit.
“ah! i know, baby. nnngh– fuck,” you whimpered when his hand travelled down to touch you beneath your bottoms, “l-let’s move this to the bed,” you panted, out of breath just from him kissing you alone.
it took him a while to get his hands off you and process the words you said to him. he lifted you up with ease and threw you onto the bed, removing both of your clothes with lightning speed. he couldn’t wait anymore, he just wanted to be inside you, entangled with you.
before he can position himself inside you, however, you pushed him down with all your might and straddled his hips.
you showed him just who he belongs to that night.
you thought it was silly, the next day you asked him about the girl last night. it sparked something in him, causing him to snap at you.
“what do you want me to say, y/n? that i’m cheatin’ on you? for fuck’s sake, i don’t even know the girl! so will you stop bitchin’ about it?!” he was seething, not even sparing you a glance as he spat those words at you.
your chest felt tight as you stared at him with disbelief.
many fights followed after that.
atsumu realized he fell out of love for you when he doesn’t look forward to coming home. he looks like a robot, emotionless as he only grunted to acknowledge your presence, if he even acknowledged it at all.
you would eat together, but no word will be spoken unless it would start another fight.
it was getting tiring, to say the least. every other day, all the two of you have been doing was make up, fight again, then make up. you would storm off, he would follow after you, you will both apologize, you will fight again in the morning, the house will be filled with angered screams.
you both lied in bed, backs facing each other, feeling the cold wrapping the two of you like a blanket.
he never invites you to his games anymore. never puts any effort on dates, or even study dates the two of you were used to doing. you rarely even see his face unless it was to come home and get his stuff and then he was gone. sometimes days, weeks, it even came to a point where he disappeared for a month.
the both of you don’t even know, how or why you started fighting like this. how you both drifted apart when it’s been going great to the two of you.
as per usual, it was osamu who noticed the whole ordeal. he never saw you with his twin anymore, never brings you up to any conversation. the light in his eyes seemed to dull, and he looked like he wasn’t getting any sleep.
“how’s y/n, by the way? you seemed to stay here more than yer guys’ own place,” he wss just making small talk, moving around his own kitchen as he prepared dinner for himself and his twin who’s sitting on his couch in the livingroom, busy playing games.
“fine. just busy with her studies ‘s all,” atsumu nonchalantly replied, paying half a mind to what his brother was saying.
“you guys doing alright?” osamu almost broke the bowl he was holding when atsumu let out a curse.
“i just said we’re fine, samu! god, this is why i don’t want to stay here in the first place.” atsumu stormed off, throwing the controller on the couch before slamming the door shut.
osamu doesn’t understand why his brother got mad at that. but judging by his reaction, things with the two of you weren’t fine at all.
it was cold when atsumu went outside, his own breaths coming out in smoke as he leveled his breathing. if somebody mentioned you one more time, he’s sure he was going to lose his shit.
he brought out his phone, dialling a familiar number and bringing the device to his ear, waiting for it to ring.
“are you home right now?”
moans and sounds of slapping of skin reverberated in the room. both of their sweaty bodies moving against each other desperately. it felt good, too good. but it wasn’t you, atsumu know that. but for a while, it made him forget about you.
with her, he can control her however he wanted. pleased him however he wanted. without complaints, without second thoughts, she simply just allows him to use her body whichever way he wanted.
“a-ah! atsumu, i– fuck! i lo-love you–”
atsumu gripped the girl’s neck, cutting off her air slightly but not completely, enough to make her lightheaded.
“shut up, cumsluts don’t talk unless i order them to,” he punished them with bruising thursts of his hips, chasing after his own release.
the girl screamed louder and louder. it felt too good, he hits all the right spots leaving her to roll her eyes to the back of her head, seeing stars behind her eyelids.
atsumu stayed the night in the girl’s house, limbs entangled as they fucked again and again and again until all thoughts of you disappeared from his head.
two weeks later, he texted you saying he wants to break up. you felt suffocated. lungs fighting over the sobs wracking your body as you hugged yourself tight. after being disconnected with him for so long, worrying yourself over where he could’ve gone or how he was. he’s only going to give you a text saying he wanted to break up without even sparing you an explanation? it’s like you didn’t even spend years together.
your brain remembered his words from when you first started dating. he said you will never regret a moment when you agreed to go on a date with him.
yet as you found yourself lost in his wild tidal waves, the water choking you and not allowing you air to breathe, you were only left drowning in the sea.
turns out you couldn’t swim along with his flow anymore.
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