#i don't know what's up with the burlesque stuff lately
igotsnothing · 10 months
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*koi ni ochiru: to fall in love
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
Hi there! If you were still accepting these and had the time, I wanted to join in on the redacted match ups!! Please and thank you <3
About me:
A song I'm fixated on right now is Read Your Mind by Sabrina Carpenter. Specific lyrics are
"Decompressin', tryna ease the tension But you got me stressin', feelin' like I need to call when You sneak up on me, tell me that you miss me in your life
I can't read your mind You say that you need to be alone But night and day, want me at your beck and call"
I think I've just been really drawn to this song lately because I'm at a place where things are going really well for me, and I have a full assurance that I know who my friends are right now and I just compare that to a previous time where I didn't have those certainties and thinking about people who were kind of two-faced and would make me relate to this song.
Not sure if this tidbit is relevant, but I hadn't even taken any enneagram test before going down your list of questions. I'm a 4 apparently! (The test I took showed me a pie chart that was like, all 9 numbers, the other two biggest pieces were 7 and 2, if that matters at all. Idk, as said hadn't done a test for this kind of thing until just now)
I do love YouTube video essays, but I always watch them intently rather than as background noise. My go-to favorite would be the Lindsay Ellis Omegaverse Lawsuit video (does that count as a video essay? I'm pretty sure it does). On the surface, it sounds like such a ridiculous topic to take so seriously, but the actual case was very dramatic and fascinating to me.
I didn't really have a childhood imaginary friend. I would either play by myself or pretend I was playing with cartoon characters (I specifically remember on multiple occasions pretending to be going on adventures with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach).
My go-to way to fall asleep would be taking my medication (I am an insomniac, and melatonin supplements don't work for me, so we got prescribed sleep medication), and then either putting on an asmr audio roleplay video or just laying in silence depending on how tired I am. I can never fall asleep to sleep aid audios, I prefer listening to just rambling nonsense about a specific thing like video games or something like that.
My favorite Redacted audio would be Confronting Your Technician. I really like that one for multiple reasons. First off, Project Meridian was the first series I had actually listened to when I first found the channel and I really liked the concept of an android listener. I think the series as a whole is really interesting because it really makes me think about how we treat technology, especially as you get into the territory of making devices seem more "human" (that's the brief version, but I have many ramblings about this series in my notes on my phone). Secondly, I really relate to being taken advantage of by someone who would know I wouldn't know any better or any different, and to have that audio as the turning point for not just confronting Marcus for what he did, but also having James be there to help the asset face him was just really nice. I didn't have that same kind of support when I had to face people who were bad to me, and listening to that audio is almost healing in that sense for me. I have it saved on a comfort audios playlist even though it's not labeled as a comfort audio.
The redacted boy that holds no appeal to me is one Asher Talbot. He's sweet, and he's lovable, but when I first found the channel, his audios just felt kind of boring and repetitive. Not that I don't like the occasional sweet and domestic fluffy stuff, but I just didn't see that much in him tbh. I understand the appeal, but he's just not for me.
One movie I know all the words to is Burlesque (2010). I'm not a huge movie person, but I ended up watching that at a sleepover I went to, and I just really loved the movie. I like musicals, I like sexual humor, and I liked the story of the movie (even if it was a little cheesy and predictable at times). Plus, it features Christina Aguilera, and her vocals are PHENOMENAL!!
A redacted boy that I love platonically and would love to be friends with is Huxley. He's in my top 5 favorite redacted characters, but I think ultimately I do like him more as a friend than a romantic partner. He's just so chill and supportive and I tend to be very fast-paced and anxious and excited a lot of the time, so I think he would be a good friend to have to sort of balance that out.
My go-to thing to ramble about always relates to animation. Specifically, I am such a nerd about breaking down the process of how something was animated and either theorizing or looking up certain choices that were made behind the scenes. For a long time, I wanted to pursue animation as a career, and I still kind of do, so that has become a topic I am very passionate to ramble about at any given moment, not specific to when I'm tired.
When I was a kid and we stopped at a gas station, I either got a Dr.Pepper and cheese puffs, or a cherry icee and a plain glazed donut. Nowadays, if I stop at the gas station for a snack, I'll get a diet Dr.Pepper and nacho cheese Doritos.
My current favorite playlist is this playlist I made for me to start my day playing. Noise helps me wake up, and so I made a playlist with songs that inspire me to think confidently of myself. I'm not going to share the entire playlist, but the first three songs are all from Barbie movies (You Can Tell She's A Princess and On Top Of The World from the Princess Charm School movie, and Life Is A Fairytale from the Fashion Fairytale movie). The rest is what I can describe as generic uplifting pop music. It feels very cheesy and fake to have a playlist like this, but it genuinely does make me feel happy and energetic and confident in the morning and I think it helps me start my day just a little bit on a good note.
My guilty pleasure media is the show Mr.Pickles. It's a cartoon about this demon dog who kills people. The show is very violent, and the writing is morally questionable, but overall it is a show I like to just binge every once and a while because I do consider myself to have a somewhat sadistic sense of humor. I never actively wish bad on any real people, but I will laugh at a cartoon dog ripping someone's legs off.
I feel like I've already said a lot (definitely way more than I was anticipating lol) so I think I'll leave it here
Please and thanks again!! Have a good time zone!!!
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Thank the lord for you, because this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. 44 match-ups, and I finally get to pair someone with that sweet, lovable boy, Geordi.
The basis is definitely there for a deep emotional connection and supportive relationship. Geordi has this history of insecurity and not being properly appreciated or treated which resonates, to me, with your song choice and why you relate to it. That makes me think the two of you would really understand each other and be able to connect, to communicate clearly in a relationship and set boundaries, to build something good and cohesive right out the get-go.
On a lighter, funner note, I think the two of you would have a lovely, comfortable, domestic life together! Geordi would love pop music with you (so far, the only Redacted boi I headcanon as a Swiftie) and would love listening to you ramble about animation. Even the things you don't have in common would mesh well- I can see you loving watching Star Trek with him or, at least, listening to ramble about Star Trek. Likewise, I’m not sure he loves Mr. Pickles, but he loves you and spending time with you engaging in the things that make you happy.
Oh, you're the one I want/ I want to drive away with you/ I want your complications too/ I want your dreary Mondays/ Wrap your arms around me, baby boy
Like I said, Swiftie! This song is so cheerful and sweet and is just a fun love song that works for y’all. Also, Geordi knows all the words, and you’ll catch him belting it out when he doesn’t know you’re home. He’ll be embarrassed, and it’ll be so, so cute.
I like David as a runner-up because of his similarities to James, the way he’s a solid, reliable authority figure but more protective and warm than the telepath. He, if necessary, would be the perfect man to make sure you were never taken advantage of again. Elliott is a runner-up because I just love pairing that dreamwalking boy with creatives; like, imagine him building dreamscapes full of adjustable models and features, your own life-size animation models. He’s an artist’s dream come true!
note: this didn’t officially factor into it but your song being named “Read your mind” was a very serendipitous coincidence
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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Cupid's Curse
Chapter Six
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Warnings: fear, masturbation, stalking
Taglist: @gingermous @mt2sssss @dev-angeline @graciexmarvel
Chapter Five | Chapter Seven
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"A girl like you," Lockley walked into the club and overhears part of a conversation between the bartender and yourself. "A beautiful girl too. How aren't you married already?" Sweet guy, twice divorced, kinda nosey but makes excellent drinks. "Not to be rude."
You laugh so low Lockley can't hear but can tell but your body language you are laughing. You shrug then write something on a piece of paper. "The one? Like thee one? That's cute though I have my own opinions on that."
You cross your arms.
"That stuff for fairy tales. In this world you gotta grab whatever is tossed in front of you– Ay, sup, Lockley?"
You jump like a scared little mouse and turn your head to see the man who saved your life across the bar. It can't be helped that you stare at him as the bartender moves on from you to speak to him.
Those eyes take glances over to you while the bartender is preparing his drink.
"There's my beauty!" You fake smile as a customer, a very old man who honestly is only alive because of this place, calls you over. "Everyday you bless my still beating heart." He's harmless and you like his sweet talk. One time while drunk he showed you his wife, she died a long time ago. Said you look like her (you both share the same hair color and skin tone from what you can tell). "Water for right now and those sticks things." Mozzarella sticks. You shake your head. "Fine, a salad." He needs to watch his cholesterol intake.
It's probably odd how close you are with the old man, or how this place is the nicest gentlemen's club around. It used to be a burlesque place before having to change the routines for the modern age.
You remember this place from way back. Who knows, you worked in the same place with no problem and it fit your needs.
The old man is smoking his cigar while the show starts with cowgirl stripping (you don't ask). Water and a salad, the old man thanking you before you leave him to himself.
And that's your late evenings.
Being called beautiful, waitressing, and now pretending you don't feel Lockley's eyes burning holes into your back. You like it— You don't like it! It throws you off but not enough for anyone to notice, it has you burning up and craving the sort of danger you know better than to seek out.
By the time it's your break, you cringe at how wet you are.
Fucking hells.
You change in the locker room, hiding in a stall to quickly get yourself off. You long since got over the shame of masturbating at your workplace bathrooms, and have mastered staying quiet… Plus your fingers are not as good when you are picturing a certain someone's leather gloved hand between your legs.
When break is over, you pray the next few hours are fast.
Lockley, thank the Gods, is in a private room with his favorite stripper; and though you are envious, you know better than to wish it was you with him. In this state, you fear touching him might end up killing him, too much adrenaline and endorphins might give him a heart attack. Oh, then if you try to stop it you might hollow his heart out of emotions!
You rather he die than experience that horrible fate.
The shift ends and the only casualty is your underwear left in your locker to pick up tomorrow with your back uniform for laundry day.
You close up the bartender then get ready to walk home… Then you notice Lockley smoking next to a cabbie parked in front of the club.
"You need a ride home."
You shake your head being pleasant.
"It wasn't a question, señorita." He opened the passenger door. You stare at him confused then consider running. With a deep breath you get in and regret it so much.
"Good chica."
You hyperfocus on how amazing your phone case looks, wow the detail they put into copying and pasting the Birth of Venus on back is great!
"Where to?"
You open your mouth then close it, then open it again tell him an address which is a block away from where you live.
The car ride is silent. Your leg is shaking as anxiety is kicking in, though you aren't close to him you are close enough. Thoughts run rampant and your heat is driving you wild. Don't stain the fucking seat. Chanting those words in your mind.
When the address you gave was a few minutes away, the longest few minutes of your life.
"You should be careful out here," He drove past the building you gave him. "Lots of gente peligrosa prey on those like you." He… Stopped in front of your building. "Keep it in mind." He turned to face you as he spoke those last words of warning, "First ride is free." Unlocking the doors. You get out on shaky legs (blessed your willpower the seat as no stains).
"Buenas noches, hermosa." Normally would sound romantic if it wasn't for how terrifying this is! The dark purr in his voice is not with lust, it's a threat.
"G-goodnight, thank you."
He tips his hat before driving off.
Everything feels surreal as you go upstairs to your flat. Dropping everything, taking off your clothes then showering in hot water, eating dinner. You lay in bed, the sun rising, where is Hypos when need to be knocked out.
Heart is beating fast, your powers at this point probably have other tenants walking up horny.
You need to not be turned on right now! He could be pointing to kill you or blackmail or something terrible!
Phone goes off. A text message.
Hi, this is Steven! Early shift today. Would you like to meet for lunch?
Nevermind, everything is fine.
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merlwybs-wife · 8 months
might have a solution for marsnek going forward
i have this Ishgard AU version of Marsnek & I might just... gently swap out current canon Marsnek with his canon for the Ishgard AU.
further explanation & ramble below:
Currently in Marsnek's canon, when he was in his late 40s, he confronted his abusive husband he lived with in Ishgard and asserted he was leaving him. This resulted in the guy promptly trying to kill him, to which Marsnek managed to just barely escape with his life to flee to Kugane.
Given OOC stuff that has happened, all his current Threads were suddenly dropped. I don't have IC explanations atm. I get most of my RP from discord servers, and with Echelons being the primary one atm, it simply does not work for Marsnek. (The bulk of our population are Ishgardians, and Marsnek simply Will Not go into Ishgard).
But I have an AU where Marsnek killed his husband. And proceeded to become a serial black widower. I'm trying not to make hasty, impulsive decisions-- but this really appeals to me atm (tho knowing me I'll have decided in the next few days lmao). I found a way to keep his motifs/tropes/etc, and it lets me revisit a side of Marsnek I like a lot. Namely, his more neutral evil iteration as opposed to the true neutral he's become.
The idea I've come up with, thanks to a good friend, involves Marsnek having killed his husband-- but failed to do a very good job vetting his cleaners. It's kinda funny, because Marsnek doesn't mind blood & death-- his laziness & unwillingness to exert himself is what does him in. One cleaner ends up being really big in Ishgard's criminal syndicate (of which I will probably name and develop lore for), but he doesn't realize this until a few years later when they "come to collect."
This individual blackmails Marsnek, likely taking control of his finances. Tries to make a profit off of his hobby/profession of traveling "tours" to perform burlesque, while also using him for political favors in the Pillars. He thusly becomes a "syndicate asset/value/property" type thing, and obviously can't kill this guy because then an entire syndicate would be after him. Consequently, whenever he leaves Ishgard for a brief period of time, he is attended by "guards" who are more just retainers/handlers who make sure he doesn't try to slip through their fingers and wiggle away.
One thing I adore about this, is he'd still be a black mage & void-tainted, and he'd be right under the nose of the inquisitors. The potential for subtle-handed nuance fits so well with the Regency themes in Echelons.
The more I talk about it, the more I want to do this. I'm just. AHHH
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Finding the First Gay Kiss - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 11.25.22
Hey Whores Realized I haven't given you an update recently. The short answer is I was planning on watching D.W.Griffinth 3 hour Epic Intolenrance tonight so I was putting a kabash on the movie watching. So instead I've been catching up on television because I am too lazy to actually read. Big News I actually really like Cabinet of Curiosities.
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(its just a real fun time... Don't Judge Me)
so let me go over some of the stuff I've seen in the meantime.
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Judith of Bethulia (1914) dir. D.W. Griffinth
So this movie is not nearly as gay as I was promised. The main reason why this showed up is because there is a nerdist article thats like UwU the Earliest Gayest Movies ever which should actually be congradulated it has some rare pepes on there, (is that problamatic???), however this one is the furthest reach of gay shit ever. Essentially this inclusion in the list is because of a pet theory by Susan Stryker which was included in the documentary Disclosure(2020). I think I have a quote here something.
"There's a claim," Stryker says, "that this is one of the first films that we know of where a [director's] cut in the film is used to advance the story. And there's a kind of, like, trans, or, you know, gender nonbinary character who is kind of circulating around the cut in the narrative. It's almost like the figure of the 'cut trans body,' the eunuch who's been castrated or emasculated, who is a 'cut figure', presides over the invention of the cinematic cut."
and the Eunach in its self is absolutely a queer icon, (in this sense literally iconography, as in a mythic trope), it presents us an intersex body, a masculine form that is asexual, a person that lives in between the hedgemonic binary of masculine and feminenin. The Eunach also has negative connotations as the Nance trope plays into this idea of Sexual Inversion in men being non-sexual and emmasculated. I don't think its wrong for the a eunach to be considered queer at the same time, is the mere presence of a queer coded character necessarily the watershed moment we should pretend it is?
The Nance character presided for decades in vauldville and burlesque circles and it was often not played in a positive light the nance or fairy act in vaudville was a far cry from the gender subversion of Julian Eltinge and other female impersanations of the time, it was in no less words a form of sexual minstraly, presenting the sexual invert as degenerate, unmanly, and frivolous. Tbh Its not necessarily and aspect of representation that I want to respect or cherish.
However at this point I feel that I have got my ego involved and made this representation about my own sexuality and pain. In all seriousness the supposed representation is presented as being trans, non-binary or intersex and while this film did not provide me much queer utility I would be loath to disregard that for somebody somewhere they felt seen by this charater or this aspect of queer lens interpretation. it just wasn't for me.
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The ABC of Love (1916) dir. Magnus Stifter
Its Die Asta!
As we have covered on this blog Asta Nielsen was known for her boyish charm and her unflappable stage present. She was also beyond unafraid to go full butch in her work and many of her storys were incredible queer in a lot of her films. Truly a bisexual icon.
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(what a fucking BICON)
in this one we see Die Asta in a classic shot of her pressed against a wall of flowers in this case sittig with her lap dog, a boudour doll, and reading a book of romantic fancys. it should also be noted that shes coded as a big younger in the film around her late teens, y'know a young coquete.
so Its not conveyed well but basically shes like
"UwU daddy I want to get railed by a tall dark and handsome foreigner"
"sure doll, let me find some fuck boy who wants to get in that snatch. BRB"
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(she specifcally asked for a 'latin lover' which as someone who has fucked several latino men I get it)
But instead of getting a hot latin stud, (which I guess shes european so like she wants to fuck a spanish guy in this context??? not my kink but whatev.
anyway instead of getting a hot latin STUD!!!! she gets like some dweeb???
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and like he can't even fuck so she is absolutely pissed because she want to get railed! (yes I am describing this movie accuretly), so she goes on a honeymoon in paris and your probably wondering how she deals with the wet blanket that is her husband. Um the answer is of course Crossdressing!
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(I think this is from victor/victoria or something but you get it)
and Die Asta pulls a Danger Girl and serves us a full butch fantasy. She literally wears a whole ass wig and shapewear to serve some masc tuxedo action. and of course as in any of these "role-reversal" comedies she fucking slays. Apparently serving masc means you smoke fatties and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk. this movie involves die asta throwing two DTF women onto her man and saying
"Be a Man, Frank"
Imagine your wife just wanted you to cuck her while she serving butch top energy.
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this movie ends with her father gaslighting her into thinking for limp wrist no bitches husband is cheating on her but actually THE GODDAMN HUSSY is just the porter in full drag. I also love in these stories nobody gets clocked, its always a seemless transformance where everyone absolutely asumes this person is the gender they present as. Honestly kinda nice.
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Vingarne (The Wings) (1916) dir. Mauritz Stiller
So this is one of the first adapatations of the 1902 Mikael by Herman Bang. it is also mostly lost with the available version being a fixup version from 1985 which used production stills and intertitles as a way of feeling in the gaps in the story. There is still 20 minutes of this film that are lost forever or at least to the best of our knowledge. A pretty common narrative in early cinema, there are a lot of early cinema works whose tape was not properly archived or literally destroyed for censoreship or just to get the trace amounts of silver nitrate that was imprinted during the film production process.
The movie itself is the story of a gay artist who falls in love with his muse, a grecian youth type. The film falls into this sort of pedarast adjacent storyline, where you have this older sexual experience man and his younger protege/boytoy. Narratively in the story he is also the adopted son of the artist but as I mentioned on DoestheDogDie.com this doesn't necessarily mean that this love story is incestious as Same-Sex Adoption was a thing at the time.
Basically the young muse decides to get some pussy and leaves the poor old artist to die of sadness or some shit.
This movie is kinda hard to follow and you kinda have to ask yourself if you want to add DDLB and fickle Bi's to your pantheon of early queer cinema.
On a side note i am watching Dad Takes A Fishing Trip(2009) by Tim Kinkade which deals a lot with Daddy kinks so I have been kinda exploring a lot of the eroticism around this type of age gap relationship. So there is that.
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bestie, pls excuse how much time it has taken me to answer to you.
as I have previously told you, life is all over the place + on friday I got hit by the stomach flu and also right now, although my stomach seems much better, the energy isn't there, so sorry.
also don't mean to act like a creep, but do let me know if you enjoy 'the blind assassin' by margaret atwood, because one of my fave authors suggested it and I have been for ever curious about it.
first of all, I am glad you enjoyed the workout routine I shared! I felt like I had obviously to share it with a fellow 'fall out boy' friend and as I have previously said, I absolutely love the vibes from the personal trainer doing it! I am going to try to see whether there's a maneskin themed one! (also this incoming week is eurovision and I can't wait!).
also for the italian lessons: sadly my only comparison is english, as it is the other language I know well enough (I also know french but not that well and the other languages I know are... kind of... dead?) and I think that italian is definitely more difficult than english as it isn't that mechanic and verbs can be extremely troublesome.
still, once you get the ear for it, it gets better and you shall know that even us mothertongue speaker get things wrong! still, for anything, I am here!
ok elaena's sweatheart husband seems familiar to me (definitely handsome, like ma'am you bagged it. but also in my mind elaena is gorgeous so like... ugh) while I absolutely love may calamawy, as I loved layla in 'moon knight' and she is so pretty! aerion is (1) lucky boy and she definitely gives me the witchy vibes! (in the best sense possible).
"but thinking about his space being super vacant at first and slowly getting more and more cozy, the more you integrate yourself in it, is suuuuch a soft thought" and yeah, I agree! I do feel like he'd definitely be annoyed by messy stuff and things that aren't his own, so he finds it extremely strange as he softens at the thought of your small trinkets or products around his home. it's just like you are there, although you aren't there, yet.
and yeah, I think that he does lack a whole lot of experience and this might make him seem a bit awkward + closed off. like I am similar and I have to admit that I'd be the absolute most introvert person and might appear much meaner than I am. so, he'd definitely appreciate it, if you stuck around to actually get to know him further than the premises!
ok this is it! also I hope to be able to work a bit on the burlesque fic because I saw something and now have an idea for a scene, although I am going to need to finish the drabbles (can't wait to get to your own, because it's my guilty pleasures) and need to write a request!
with this being said, I hope you had a nice weekend and have a lovely week!
PLEASE don't worry at all!! you know it takes me ages to reply so please, no shame in the replying late game bestie! also I hope you've fully healed by now of your stomach flu, dear! I'm so sorry to hear you were sick. Having stomach issues is the worst because eating is the best thing in this life.
And not creepy at all! I just started it and I'm enjoying it. I'm super intrigued by it because I have no clue as to how the plot is gonna turn out (in the best way possible). There's mystery and elements of sci-fi and the storyline isn't linear. So I'm already hooked with wanting to predict what it's all leading to! I'll definitely let you know if I liked it when I finish it!
On the workout routine, hell yeah I loved it, and love the vibes as well!! also, nothing to do with the workout itself but with FOB, I'm loving that the newest chapter of your burlesque fic is titled after a fob song AHH!! I'm so excited to read that one, and also to catch up on so many other fics (yours and others) that I've been bookmarking these days! seriously, fic titles inspired by fob hit different.
And thank you on the italian tips!! I do think it's super different than english but as a spanish speaker it's easier for me. A lot of the things are pronounced super similarily, but I'm struggling a bit with all the grammar rules, like, with accents and stuff! also some words are femenine in spanish and masculine in italian despite being so similar and that throws me off guard. Like, la torta (the cake) LA is femenine, and then in spanish it's el pastel (EL being masculine). There are better examples of words that are more similar but can't think of any right now ;sldjfalsdkjslkfj. Words that are more similar in sound and in writing.
OMG BESTIE, I'm thinking about changing Elaena's husband faceclaim lmao! ok the guy that I had chosen is from this series called SAS: Rogue Heroes. And Jack O'Connell is in it as well. Right now I'm going through a Jack O'Connell phase after watching Lady Chatterley's lover and that's the only reason why I want to change it up lmao, because I want to imagine him. I couldn't wait to reply to this to tell you that (I say this and yet I took so long in replying. Brains amirite?)
I'm so soft thinking about the, "you're there although you aren't, yet." I'm imagining him gazing longingly at all the little signs of your presence when you're gone, and him wishing you were there so bad it makes him YEARN. Maybe if you left like, a sweater or a shirt or if you slept in his bed, when he's feeling extra lonely he'd try to catch a whiff of your lingering scent to cope. AHHH just all the feels!!
Definitely feel you about coming off meaner than you are. It happens to me every time, and I think that's part of the reasons why I'm not clicking with the group I teach today. I'm just a very serious person!!! I swear i'm not being mean. Which is why it's extra special when people do stick around and look past your exterior. I definitely relate to him in this way as well!
Bestie once again I'm SO SORRY it took me this long! I like to sit down to properly write so I end up putting this off to when I have the time to do that! hope by now you're all healed from your stomach issues, and I can't wait to read your fics!! I swear that burlesque concept is giving me LIFE and I was so excited to see you updated. Also hope you're enjoying Eurovision!! have lovely day and rest of the week, love ya!! x
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
5 movies, 4 songs, 3 essentials, 2 books, 1 quote
thanks for the tag @signifiquint my love
5 movies (i don't really watch stuff regularly, so i'm going to list my comfort movies that i've seen thousands of times. don't say a fucking word. no i have never claimed to have taste)
pitch perfect - i am in love with anna kendrick. i like all the bops and the banter. i was successfully queerbaited by becca and chloe.
pitch perfect 3 - we don't talk about pitch perfect 2 in my house, but this movie is just so good. the arrangements are great. the banter is cringe but the evermoist joke is so funny it makes up for it. shut your mouth.
burlesque - i am in love with christina aguilera, god she's so sexy in this. and her voice is incredible. i spend the whole movie with hearts in my eyes. i am gay.
she's the man - best film ever. amanda bynes is brilliant. the scene with the spider and the cheese 'mine's gouda!'. everything about it. one of the characters has the same name as me which is extremely cool. this is what shakespeare intended when he wrote twelfth night.
wild child - this film was the staple film of my teenage years. i think i was like 15 and i thought it was just brilliant and it was like a young teen movie so my little sister loved it too and we would watch it all the time. i know every one of harriet's lines, including the latin, because that bitch was so extra
4 songs (here are four random songs from my list of faves ever)
hit the back - king princess
o.g. loko - of mice and men
big love - fleetwood mac
what goes around.../...comes around (interlude) - justin timberlake (specifically the interlude. so good)
3 essentials
music and headphones - i listen constantly. day to night. i can't get anything done without it, can't get on trains without it, i'd be a mess
nicotine - unfortunately. i'm working on it. i've been in the process of quitting smoking for two years lol
iced coffee - specifically hazelnut frappes. caffeine doesn't do much for me but i love the taste of coffee and this is just so tasty it makes me want to cry
2 books (i've glanced over to my bookshelves and picked two at random)
twilight by peter james - this was really good actually. i don't really read books too often, and when i do it's mostly just the same classics over and over again, but sometimes i'll pick up one of the many crime books my mum has read. hashtag keysie's mum loves crime (books)
be the change by gina martin - interesting and informative read. gina martin is the woman behind the voyeurism act 2019 which ruled upskirting as an offence, and details how hard she had to work to get that passed, and how others can do the same
1 quote (there's only one quote i can give now isn't there)
"Evermoist? Who came up with that name? 'Ugh, my bum crack's a bit dry. Does anyone have an Evermoist towelette?'" *general disgust from all* "My Grandma's in a band right now. Nevermoist." - Fat Amy, Pitch Perfect 3
i'm a little late to this so if you haven't already and you're in the mood @slytherinreggieblack @second-sister @sheofthebookandsong @limetimo
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Oh don't get me started on how much I love these dudes' hair 😂 I used to tease mine and use a ton of hair spray but it's just not the same!! How do they do it?? I don't think alone again or nobody's fool are basic, they're just very GOOD - that's what makes them hits! I learned how to play nobody's fool on bass, which is my favorite instrument btw (and that song is actually really easy - I can't normally sing and play at the same time but with that one I can and it's a blast) and omg you like fleetwood mac too?!? That is so awesome!! I've been listening to them for years - and Stevie Nicks is one of my favorite artists right now!! I think too late for love is one of the first def leppard songs I heard too! I'm pretty sure rock of ages was the very first one though - I actually got into them because I saw the movie with that name and ended up looking up the band from there! Now the funny thing about me and spotify is, it actually has very little idea the amount of bands/artists I listen to (I signed up like 2 years ago because it had Bob Dylan's Empire Burlesque and I really wanted to hear it) and since then I've admittedly been neglecting our hair metal bands and hyperfixating on other stuff 😔 I listened to a lot of Dokken in October and some Def Leppard off and on but they have very little plays honestly. But to answer your question, my top artists on spotify are VERY very accurate considering what I've been hyperfixating on lately. #1 was Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (which has been my absolute favorite band for a little over a year now) it's kinda a long story how I got into them but the short version is that I knew I liked their music from the radio so I watched a little documentary on tv and started absolutely obsessing from there. #2 was The Beatles - which tracks with this 60s thing I kinda have going on. I honestly don't know how that one happened. I think it's because Tom Petty worked with a beatle (coincidentally that beatle ended up being my favorite) I think I looked them up from that and #3 was George Harrison - my favorite beatle and the reason I looked them up in the first place 😂 his solo stuff is very very good. I highly recommend the album Cloud Nine. Now I have a few different questions for you this time 👀 1. Since I mentioned mine, what's your favorite instrument? Do you play any - or do you want to learn how to play any? 2. You mentioned Europe's Rock the Night and I automatically thought about the video lol! It made me wonder, what's your opinion on music videos? Do you have any favorites? -❄
I tried using a curling wand for the perm effect, tease the hair, hairspray but my hair is so stubborn i just put mousse in my hair so it looks kinda like a mullet😂 But that's a good look on bands top songs I never really saw it that way but I like your way of thinking, AND NO WAY YOU PLAY BASS?! I wanted to try bass but i'm too broke to get a bass, it seems so much fun but moving your fingers and everything i have a hard enough time myself with my stratocaster with tabs but chords are mostly what I do but i'm currently saving for a telecaster, and what makes it better for fleetwood mac my MOM listened to them and so now me and her listen to Platinum Blonde (good band btw) and Fleetwood Mac because she doesnt like def leppard😔 but Stevie Nicks is so iconic she has an amazinh sense of style and her voice is literally so talented I just love her🤩 and it's all good if you're hyperfixated on other things it's good to find more interest! I sadly don't listen to Tom Petty and the heartbreakers BUT i heard their music is *chefs kiss* pretty amazing, The Beatles EVERYONE is telling me to listen to them and i need to make time for listening to them! They literally are so talented because my friends and i (they had like their band meet up (i'm just their stylist when it comes to gigs they gotta dress their best when it comes to the public) i went over since it was my friends bday to drop him off a cake) and we were watching beatles, def leppard vids (like interviews) for fun😂 I'll definitely listen to the Cloud 9 album and answering questions time: 1- i play guitar but i mostly sing, i want to learn bass and piano AND DRUMS i'm working on an album to release (just for fun) and i CANNOT play drums if my life depended on it😂😭, 2- okie so my FAVOURITE music videos definitely Def Leppard: Rocket, Bringin on the heartbreak, PHOTOGRAPH, Foolin' (that part joe is getting away from the sparks😂), ME AND MY WINE (i died at steve being goofy), Europe: open your heart when Joey is like "i wanna hear you call!" I find his little groovy dance adorable yet funny idk why, i normally watch music videos when im bored but i've just been really busy but one cool thing i like abouu music videos is they sometimes tell the story and meaning of the song (or they just stand there rockin out which is good either way😌) SO im wondering 1. which song is your top favourites from fleetwood mac (mines 7 wonders and isnt it midnight) 2. Do you have any hobbies 3. What colour is your bass?!
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sigh-less · 7 years
Hi!! Jexis gave me your URL, she said you might know some cool stuff to do in Seattle? I'm going there tomorrow for a concert and I'm by myself so I don't really know what to do for the rest of the time? Sorry this is so out of the blue haha
Hey! That’s awesome! Not sure what you’re interested in, but yeah, I’ve lived in Seattle a long ass time. First off, don’t for the love of gods do Ride the Ducks. They have a shit reputation and everyone will hate you and those goddamn busses they cart tourists around on. 
Also, the first starbucks isn’t really the first starbucks and is hella overrated. 
For coffee, go find Cafe Lladro. Their drip coffee is the bomb, and they make an apple pie like thing that makes me cry. They got a location down near the waterfront, but they’re in a few different places too. 
Walking through Pike Place Market is cool, if not a little touristy. It still has some cool shit in it, and if you go on a weekday it usually isn’t too busy. Yes, you can stick gum on the gum wall and see them throw fish and all that shit, but I just like wandering (ps: Ghost Alley Espresso is down by the gum wall. Order a Mystery Mocha.) 
Walk through the market and a little north along the waterfront and you’ll be at the Olympic Sculpture Park. You can see some cool local art and shit (there was even an augmented reality thing up there for a while) and see boats and water and seattlish stuff. 
Going even a little more North, and east, will put you at Seattle Center. The Space Needle, while cool, has never been really worth it to me, tbh. But there’s a lot of cool walking stuff to see, and there’s a shitton of theaters around there (I met Jexis through theater so I’m not sure if you’re into that?). If you leave seattle center on the northwest side, go find yourself Dick’s, and get some motherfucking Dicks and shove them in your mouth. Dick’s is our Five Guys, In N Out, etc etc. Been in Seattle forever, bomb ass greasy food until two in the morning, cheap and good shit. 
I really hope to gods you’re not a vegetarian. But if you are, just go find a pho spot. Or thai food. We got a lot of good Vietnamese food places, and Teriyaki joints. Apparently the rest of the world doesn’t eat as much teriyaki as we do around here, which is a crime and a half in my opinion. 
I just realized that my way of telling people about the area is just a food tour. No regrets. 
From Seattle Center, you can catch the monorail back downtown and it’ll put you pretty close to walking distance to everything. Just have cash on you. It’s like 3.25 for a one way trip, but it’s a pretty nifty little five minute ride and one of the few touristy things I like to do on a regular basis. 
If you want a good bar in walking distance of downtown, try the Absinthe Bratissirie in Belltown (if you see a bartender with a shaved head and dark hair, say hi to Megan from ‘Glittery Pickle’. She’ll know what it means.) for some good Cajun food and a chance to try absinthe (sip it SLOWLY. I have learned this the hard way), or go to Shorty’s for pinball, greasy bar food, and $2 tall boys on Tuesdays. The Rendezvous is also a cool watering hole with some decent bar food and good burlesque shows- just don’t argue with the bartenders or they will throw you out. 
You can check out Capitol Hill too- our gayborhood. Just head up Pike street (you can catch the 10, 11, or 49 bus up there from pike and 3rd). Get off in front of the community college, head North up Broadway for some thrift/vintage shops, or south and up or down pine for some bars, a few walks of shame, a leather store, and a great sex toy shop. No seriously, Babeland has a student discount and is totally cool. 10/10. Just take the batteries out of any toys you buy before you put them in your luggage. 
I won’t tell you too much about cap hill, just wander and explore. Cal Anderson park has bike polo some nights, Molly Moon’s ice cream is always worth it, Hot Mama’s Pizza, especially the Pesto pizza is a good slice, Fogon has the best mexican food and a 3-6 and 9-closing happy hour with some delicious nachos and cheap giant margaritas. And hella good ceviche. Just make sure to watch your ass up there and if you hear shooting get the fuck out fast if you’re out late. TBH the hill is mostly ‘woo’ girls at bachlorette parties and brogrammers now. I stick to Belltown for my bar scene. 
Have fun, remember if you get any edibles at uncle Ikes or something to take half of it, wait an hour, then try for the whole thing, and don’t bring an umbrella unless you know how to use it respectfully in a crowd. :)
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