#i don't even feel like spending time on my hobbies rn im so sad and mad and burnt out and hurt
dokyeomini · 9 months
tbh idk how long it'll take me to feel like myself again after these 2 jobs
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sunasjellyfruit · 2 years
Haikyuu boys love language
Nekoma edition.
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Karasuno, Aoba Johsai.
Characters: Lev, Fukunaga, Yamamoto, Kenma, Yaku, Kai and Kuroo.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct me.
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Lev Haiba.
He's so cute, i can't think of him as someone whose love language isn't words of affirmation. But he's also a bit clumsy and blunt, so one day he can be like "oh no baby, that shirt is horrible, please take it off" trying to be nice and helpful (without thinking that his words might have hurted you) and the next moment after looking at your eyes he would say "well you know what? You always look pretty so don't worry" and then he would kiss your forehead. And he always compliments your style or how you look early in the mornings, so at least you recieve a positive message every day. Oh and Lev is so energetic and cheerful that if you ever feel sad he would try to share his happiness with you by telling you how special you are and how important your actions are.
Shohei Fukunaga.
He's seem to be quiet and supportive with his teammates, and I don't know why but gift giving suits him. And I haven't chosen this because I think that he would spend all his money on you, but because i think that he loves little details. It can be a flower he saw on his way to school that reminded him of you and he took it to give it to you later, or a beautiful ring that his little sister taught him to make with a white stone and some golden wire. And he loves to bake simple recipes like special coffees or cookies and then he would bring them to your next date as a surprise.
Taketora Yamamoto.
He's very similar to Tanaka so words of affirmation would have been the safe option, but once he gets an s/o im sure that he can't keep his hands to himself, he has to touch you (basically physical touch hehe). The moment you two are together, he would first hug you, your arms are so comforting and you are so warm, he loves it so much. Then he would kiss you softly while he mutters a quiet "hello beautiful, how are you today?" (i love him so much omg im so sad rn). And it has become an habit that when you two are sitting together you will rest you head in his shoulder while he has an arm around yours, or gently holding your waist just to squeeze it from time to time to make sure that you're not falling asleep.
Kenma Kozume.
He's my favourite character, im gonna take this to a personal level. We all know that he's reserved and he might be seen as someone cold, while in reality he really cares about others. This is what makes me think that his love language can be either acts of service or quality time. He's not the biggest fan of cuddling or going to fancy dates, but if you two end up in his room, under a blanket and playing videogames then he's definitely having the time of his life. And if you're ever having problems with whatever, he'll be there for you without even thinking about it. You can pass a certain leven in a videogame? He's there to teach you how. You need help with some homework? He's not gonna give you his homework for you to copy it but he will help you and explain it to you so you understand the subject. And if you're ever bored you can call him with the excuse that you don't have anything to do and he will start a list of "things that y/n can do instead of calling me" (don't worry, the first one is visiting him with a videogame for you two to play)
Morisuke Yaku.
Quality time. And he does love dates. It's actually his favourite activity to do with you, take you out wherever you want. If a new film has just been released, then you two are buying two tickets to be the first watching it. And if a new café has been opened then he's taking you there to see how the place is, if the cakes are tasty and all those things. And the best dates are when you try hobbies that the other enjoys. For exaple if you like drawing or painting, Yaku will prepare a date in the park with some food, the perfect ambience for you two to spend the afternoon painting and sharing what you're doing (even if it ends up being a disaster, he loves everything you do). And if you ask him to teach you some volleyball, you have his entire heart, as he would take the opportunity to play (or teach) you while at the same time practice with his teammates. Don't worry, he has told Kuro and Kai to not be very hard with you.
Nobuyuki Kai.
He's calm and polite, and in my opinion words of affirmation suits him pretty well. As the vice-capitan, he's used to encourage the others to give their best and to cheer them, so when he's with you he can't help but to act similar. But he genuinely likes to praise you, because he adores how your face turns red and how you smile as if it was the first time that he mumbles a "I can't believe how beautiful you are". And there's no other person who listens to you as attentively as Kai does, especially if you're talking about something that he thinks is important (which is basically everything that you say). If you're ever stressed about school he's gonna be there for you, checking if you're all right, asking you if you need anything and reminding you that he's there for you.
Tetsurō Kuroo.
As he's the capitan and a third year student i think that he doesn't have much time, but he still loves to spend time close with his s/o. That's why i would say that physical touch and quality time are his love language. He loves having you near, being able to pull you close and hug you when he's stressed, or hold your hand when he feels like he needs some support. I also find him as someone who can be a bit jealous, but because he doesn't trust other people, so having an arm around your waist is also common for him. But behind doors he's a big soft boy who only wants to give you lots of kisses and affection. And when you two finally have some time for yourselves, and when you finally can have a proper date he's taking you to the most amazing places, even if that means going out of the town. But if you two are too busy with studies, the team, school in general or just your personal problems then Kuroo is more than happy to just have a small date in your house where he can help you to memorize various study topics if it means that he can have you sitting on his lap and with his hands on your thighs, or resting his chin on your shoulders just to slowly kiss your cheek if you answer correctly.
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