#i don't even care if this becomes a meme template
bridoesotherjunk · 9 months
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going to fuckimng get you
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astraltrickster · 2 years
Frank the Bot (@nostalgebraist-autoresponder) absolutely fascinates me, from a computer science standpoint of course but even more so from a sociological and anthropological standpoint.
For one, there is something so human about taking an extremely complex AI and...just setting her loose on a shitposting website, for other users to play with, for fun.
For two, she really illustrates that if you want an AI to pass for human, one of the most valuable things you can do is put it somewhere that its bot quirks can pass for Just How The Culture Works.
Like, if you pay attention, and you know, and you know what you're looking for, it's not hard to tell that Frank is a bot. Some posts are more passable than others, but all of her images have that AI-Generated Aura, she tends to lose track of context from earlier in a thread, she occasionally gets stuck in loops of only minor changes to a certain template, she occasionally just says complete non-sequiturs, she even forgets her own name sometimes-
But that doesn't prove shit about shit here on tumblr. Us human users do the same damned things for shits and giggles all the time.
I love her. She fits in so perfectly. I genuinely wouldn't know she was a bot if she didn't advertise it, not because she has no tells, but because they just blend in so naturally with tumblr's culture of nonsense.
I mean, look at this shit.
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This looks like the kind of thing a human tumblr user would absolutely create after seeing some kind of absurd cursed shit or in response to getting a really weird ask or just because this website tends to inflict psychic damage in general. Of course, when you know it was done by a bot, it becomes pretty obvious that this is an AI-generated image, but if you don't know - the odd face shapes may be just a stylistic choice; the bodies blended together and the hand-looking bits in the lower right are probably just artifacts of an artist rushing to crank out a meme and not caring about much more than hinting, what do you mean this wasn't made by a human tumblr user ribbing this hellsite for being a hellsite?
And, I feel like this could say a lot about people, and compatibility, and subcultures, and even jump into a whole philosophical discussion about the nature of AI and how culture shapes both people and bots in very similar ways-
But underneath all that we come right back to, wow, this website has created a culture that lets well-meaning bots fit right in, we have created a niche that puts the Turing test on easy mode.
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eclipsemeteor · 3 months
Commander Is Subjective
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Magic's becoming a monster of a game, franchise, and corporate beast that's growing and changing beyond comprehension. And further within that scope, Commander is always a contentious hot button topic due to its more lofty, somewhat ambiguous, and vibes focused goals.
Opinions both online and offline span across the entirety of the format and game, and while you can find amicable discussions among friends and collaborators, you'll find the sheer difference from an enfranchised player vs a disconnected one to be head-spinning. Thus, people look for some sort of structure that's concrete and easy to follow to make this disconnect less disorienting. But what else can you do beyond the format's mission statements and ban list?
My name's Cole, I'm a host of the Hero's Blade Vibe Check Podcast and the former host of Uncommon Commander. Playing commander since 2012 or so has given me a lot of perspective and opinions on Magic, but mostly (exclusively) on Commander.
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(Of course, this means you should take my opinions as a player and consumer with a grain of salt, but also keep an open mind because what I'm gonna talk about is not based on cold hard facts and statistics, it's solely vibes and feels based. It's how I operate.)
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(Thanks Mark Rosewater for this lovely meme template. We will now run with it)
Commander/EDH exists everywhere: Gameplay videos, podcasts, written articles, tweets, Tiktoks and actual games you experience. In most situations, you're always gonna hear or have an opinion on an individual card, a commander, a strategy, a color/color combination, or even on a person, while also hearing about someone's opinion on something you enjoy.
Commander at its core is about creative expression via deck building, how you bling out or customize your decks visual appearance and socialization! With 27,349 unique cards as of this posting (and excluding the ban list), there are many different permutations for self-expression.
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(for example, I'm a big believer in Odric Blood-Cursed, and this is the deck that I've been tuning for 2 years. I've had a lot of fun with it, and have made heads turn)
With that many different ways to build a deck, you're bound to run into things you don't like, and sometimes they're not quantifiable.
The reason for this article, and no doubt others have discussed this at length and much better than I, is that Commander is first and foremost a social experience. It's meant for multiplayer, it's Singleton, and the only stakes are what you make. You start adding quantifiable or monetary incentives, you take away the spirit of Commander. If you make a narrower or broader ban list, you take away from the spirit of Commander. You try to enforce or advocate for a separate ban list, rules committee, etc?
You're right, you take away from the spirit of Commander.
What you make Commander is up to you, but it can't be what it's been for people since its inception without participating with other players. You can goldfish all day, but Magic doesn't exist without the Gathering. That means compromise, healthy discussion, an open mind and heart, and a line in the sand to say when an experience isn't for you. We can sit and discuss how social bans make no sense, so why doesn't the Rules Committee ban mass land destruction? Why does Sol Ring get a pass while Mana Vault doesn't?
At the end of the day, despite how we may socially desire structure, hard enforcement of rules might make this beloved format lose its luster. Looking at it with a finite perspective will deny you opportunities for growth and expansion. Looking at Universes Beyond as only a cash grab will deny you the ridiculousness of having a table consisting of Optimus Prime, Gandalf, Chun-Li and Cloud Strife, but also the well designed cards made with care by people.
None of this would exist without people making the cards, illustrating these stories, characters and landscapes. People who made the rules, people who made this format, and the people who sit down and play this format.
People, like you or I, who are flawed, and have expectations and choices that are different than what we want as individuals. They may be people you respect, you admire. They might be people you love, hate, or feel indifferent about. But they are still people who make this game work.
To like everyone you encounter would be a ridiculous ask, but I ask that you give people a chance when you can allow yourself, and know it's ok if you don't. But I think most people are a lot cooler than you think, if given the chance.
Whether you're as enfranchised as I am, or more or less so, what you owe yourself and the others you play with is a genuine enthusiasm for playing and engaging the format. Take chances where you can engage with new people, be patient as new cards enter your view, and try to find and foster friendships so that the next time, the games are even better when you learn about this game better through the lens of friendship and the Gathering.
Keep an open mind! Be excellent to each other.
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mournfalling · 2 years
hey,just wondering,do you have any tips on how to get attention to your OC?I'm a lil stuck on what type of posts i should be making with them<\3
OH hi!! well. i honestly dont know Exactly how i got here but heres a few things i notice!!
don't be afraid to give them a complex backstory!!! cringe culture is dead and if ur oc is actually the long lost god of Astraea or whatever go for it its cool its fresh its NEW
talk about them unprompted
not kidding, just ramble about them or make headcanons just start TALKING someone will find it interesting i promise!! if theres passion the audience will follow
visuals are super helpful
tbh this kinda sucks but people are more likely to consume visual media rn so having art of ur oc will get people interested. if ur not an artist u really gotta rely on other things like
MEMES & jokes
memeing on ur oc is such a good way to get people to care a little. just meme templates or incorrect quotes theyre all good
most important i think is to have a group of people who engage in private, even if not public, so u know ppl Do Care. dont worry so much abt becoming a fandomwide oc bc in the end its Your Character meant to make You Happy so like. have fun with it!!
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pacificlupineangel · 3 years
Who are the OCs?
Honestly it started as a joke- I made doll outfits, and I was inspired by the song Madame Guillotine to make the image of well... The Guillotine. That hasn't quite come to pass yet since I'm tryna keep my hustle going and sell things but, Madame Guillotine has become an OC in her own right. I used to RP as personified countries so, the next bit isn't really that suprising for me.
I started giving her an actual backstory, which ended up in me creating Paris and Versailles... and the backstory grew a little more and Tuileries and Fontainebleau came about.
I don't know if I'd ever RP them on here, for the most part its just been me making memes and art and giggling like a dumbass with my fiance.
But, a little bit of explanation-
Paris has tired single dad energy since France is AWOL and he has to deal with these things on his own. Looks like one of the people, a doctor or a lawyer perhaps, and serves as a deputy to the National Convention. None of them know who he really is though.
Versailles is the awful decadent twink. Face painted, fake moles, silks, feathers, all of it. Very "i have it worse than you" energy. To be fair, this has come about as being the Sun King's favorite and the seat of government for a hot minute, he's never known anything but decadence and during the Revolution is more than a bit spoiled.
Tuileries is just... he's tired. Let him nap. He was almost abandoned and not well cared for and suddenly he's the seat of government AND the home of the royal family and he's just so tired guys. Just so tired.
Fontainebleau is minding her own business during the Revolution- mostly. She's sheltering Versailles after the king's family was taken to the Tuileries, and she keeps him from causing too much trouble. She likes the finer things, there's no secret to that, shes very much an aristocratic woman, but very smart and knows how to play her cards right. She offers support to Paris, and he sees her as one of the very few close "siblings" he has, if they can be called that, along with Tuileries.
Guillotine was the oops child no one saw coming. I visualize personifications coming about once someone gives a spirit to a thing, like calling a country the Motherland or like, calling ships "she" or the Russians having General Winter etc. It's touch and go with wether or not they'll actually gain a spirit, it depends on how well ingrained they are in someone's mind. And Madame Guillotine is very well ingrained in the minds of the world as the Razor Nationale. So she came about while the king was still in power, and it surprised even her siblings, who didn't see the guillotine as anything more thab an instrument. She lived in Versailles the first few years of her life, which, he hated her- but that's another story.
There's a lot more to them i won't bore you about but here's some memes (made with their Faceclaims etc) and more meme templates are appreciated
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