#i don't care if you don't like it. i am a professional hater. just maybe don't tag your post????
idyllic-affections · 9 months
totally not gonna hit u with more angst (sorry)
because i've always thought about how kaveh would feel whenever his mom writes to him or something. she'd tell him stuff she does in fontaine with her new husband and stuff
and i thought about the possibility of her new husband having kids of his own
and i could just imagine all the pain he goes through when he reads the stuff they do as a family together
ik kaveh wants her to be happy because she deserves it of all people (and he feels like he was the root of all her suffering)
but the jealousy that weighs his heart is so sickeningly disgusting when his mom writes about doing things they did as a family with her step children.
she deserves to be happy, he really thinks so.
he just hates how her happiness didn't include him anymore.
(yes yes yes ikik his mom still loves her *looking at her defenders* im just saying this in kaveh's perspective yk? like what do you think a child who moves on with some guy he barely knows and now have step kids in a different region, far away from him?? get a grip xd)
oops looks like i dropped angst and don't wanna pick it back up !!! x3
i know kaveh loves her. i know he feels like he is responsible for her suffering. i know he wants her to be happy, but it's unrealistic to me that he allegedly doesn't feel jealous or angry. he should feel pissed imo. i would?? i am mad FOR kaveh and he's not even real bro
she left him alone. i don't care that he was "old enough." no child should have to suffer through grief and pain of loss without support, regardless of age. did she genuinely believe he was okay? like. girl. what. did she genuinely think he was fine??? did she genuinely think he wasn't suffering, that he was okay, that he wasn't drowning in grief?????? "she was suffering too" OKAY??????? YOU DON'T LEAVE YOUR CHILD LIKE THAT? who the fuck abandons their kid, who they had a good relationship with...... it's sooo weird to me that she just left him like that. it feels like she ran away from her pain and it drives me fucking insane. she shouldn't be allowed to run from her past. why the hell did she do it????? because kaveh reminds her of her late husband?????? that is ridiculous. girl that is your whole son. you do not get to run from him. you do not deserve to run from him. he deserves his mother. she does not deserve to live happily when kaveh is still drowning in his own pain because--shocker!--she didn't help him heal.
kaveh wants her to be happy. he is so nice. he is so so kind and i don't know HOW he isn't furious. but you know, maybe it's because he doesn't exactly like himself. maybe he thinks he deserves the abandonment he's been given. someone who values themselves would be mad, because they know they deserve better treatment, but perhaps kaveh doesn't. he doesn't know he deserves better. because he still believes his father's death was his fault and therefore hates himself for it. poor thing.
i am so abnormal about kaveh's backstory i am sorry AJEKSHSNZGNFBC
i am a professional kaveh's mom hater sorry kaveh's mom likers 🫶🫶 /lh
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popontomarlie · 3 months
We're heading towards the end and I get some pieces of information from there and there, I get less brain rotted about DFF day by day and don't really care about pheejin so much (still love Copper and protect Jin though, hearts), so now I see this story as a whole. And I don't like it.
I'm not a professional script writer and have only a few fanfics on ao3, so, I'm the least qualified person. But as I always say when it comes to hockey games, if even I noticed it, it must be an obvious thing.
When pre-release trailer just came out, I was crying, screaming, throwing up for about a month. I still re-watch it every one in a while, because it's a beautiful thing and I could write a story based on it only.
But we've got what we've got and I have some questions and thoughts.
First, the evil five or whatever people call them. Throughout the flashback we see Jin not really getting along with Por, Tee and Top, who are, I personally believe, the original trio. Fans proposed that Fluke became friends with them because they used him for school, and I am all for this explanation. But Jin? The question is not why he became friends with them but rather why they became friends with him? I can only suggest that Por brought Jin into the company because rich kids (people in general) like to be surrounded by rich kids (people).
Another question is why Por attends this school? Why doesn't he attend blue pants private school like White and Phee? When I first thought about it, I explained it to myself that maybe Por's father wants to be this down-to-earth politician whose kid goes to a state school, but I don't think his mother would just allow it.
Also, as surprising it was for all of us that Por called out Keng, it is pretty reasonable for a politician's teenager son to know about sa and power harassment. At least it makes sense to me. Maybe his father had some scandals at his workplace and talked about it at home, idk. Just saying.
Second, Non's family. His parents in particular. I do understands that their behavior might be realistic, some people can act the same in real life, but we're talking about characters, and characters' actions usually have a narrative. So we have two neglectful towards Non parents. They don't love him, because he's not as good and hard-wordking as New, he dares to ask for money or whatever. And when the video is leaked they're ashamed of their son sleeping with a man, but don't even think about their son being groomed (and they know about his mental state, they must realize his son is vulnerable). They don't care about their son until he disappears. And what should we expect from a characters like this? That they probably gonna believe that Non run away with Keng and pretend they only have one son. But suddenly their focus shifts to Non, and this twist frustrates me so much. The parents are just plot tools, not characters, and it makes the audience even more fierce, but once you start analyzing?
I'm not sure about New's character, because for me there are some contradictions in him too. First of all, New, how the fuck could you not know about your mother's state? Okay, they didn't tell you bc they thought you were in England, but why didn't you send Phee to check on them or something?
Okay, this is the question I have for him as a person (who calls her mom every day) to another person. But to think about it in a context of a character? New just doesn't care so much? See, he get obsessed easily, first with his education, then with his revenge. And, yeah, as other people have already pointed, New does it all for himself, not for Non.
The problem that I have with DFF is that once you reach ship wars/wars with jin haters post clarity you come to realize how messy this story is. Hear me out.
I think there're too many characters. Yes. It could be Top who took and leaked the video. Why you make Jin do it if then you give no explanation of his actions (in the show, not by the actor) or don't even show some shift of his attitude towards Non if he's disappointed? Make him a jealous bully! Make him the reason Non loses it completely when the last person who's been nice to him becomes mean too. Or if Jin doesn't become the absolute antagonist, why don't you make at least one scene when Jin realizes he's fucked up? And if he's a manipulator as many believe, show his manipulative side! And if it's revealed he was not the one to leak the video, there will be even more questions. Again, I love Jin, I see so much potential for him, but at this point I think that Jin girlies developed his character much better that the writers.
I think it was possible to split Jin's character into two: Top and Fluke. Top takes the video. Fluke makes Non stay in the project as a fellow bullying victim.
And Phee's new love interest? Oh god, this boy could've lost his focus with anyone or anything. Send him into a university party life and he will forget Non just fine. Or make him fall in love with Tee, imagine how spicy it would be.
Anyway, my point and position when it comes to books, movies, shows is that if you don't/can't develop a character/plot line properly, don't do it at all. And this is exactly what happened with Jin; he's definitely not a secondary character like Top and Por (i mean their screen time and depth), but not main like Non, Tee, Phee or New either. He's stuck in this limbo, hated by almost everyone (and oh how funny it is that Copper started getting hate too, I though DFF fans were anti-bullying). Again, I love Jin, and I think about him just as I always think about things I love: you do it well or you don't corrupt it with your ass work at all (and BOC is usually guilty of this but don't let me start).
To conclude:
If I were given this idea, set of characters and asked to write a script (12 ep) I would go for an already proven method and make one episode per character from their perspective (other three for murder in the woods). Start with Top and Por' pov, then go to Fluke, then Phee, then Jin, then New, then Tee and White (not sure if Non's pov is better in the beginning or the end). Give each character a backstory, even Top who is literally just a guy (derogatory), show through his pov how the original five became friends and how stupid and evil teenagers can be.
P.S. My main suspicion is that writers created (poorly) some characters so BOC could establish their young actors, which, to put it respectfully, was a bad idea. What do you get in the end? Ship wars, actors being bullied, disappointment by both fans who want a revenge horror and fans who want a gray characters' story.
I hope I will be proven wrong and have to put on my clown wig again this week, but you should've seen me in January and see me now, the disappointment vibes are killing everything around me.
P.S.S. If White turns out to be Non but after surgery, my facepalm is gonna be so strong I'll have to go under face surgery myself. Non's face to White's face? He'd have to break his jaw and would not be able to move it for months, not saying that he'd probably have to wear braces!
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theji · 3 years
我的世界守则 The Rules of My World: An Analysis
I came across this video while browsing Weibo last night. It was taken during Yibo's rehearsal for his 'The Rules of My World' performance. I've listened to the song countless times and I like it, the rhythm and all, and the dance. But as with many rap music, I don't pay attention to the lyrics. I suddenly realised I don't really know what the song is talking about, save for the few phrases that stood out. That sparked my interest and inspired today's post. I had previously done some analysis of Zhan's songs, so it's Yibo's turn.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional translator or lyricist. And obviously I'm not Yibo nor do I know him personally, so I can't say for sure what the song is really about. The following analysis is purely based on my personal interpretation. It has CPN components. Please skip if you don't believe that BJYXSZD.
'The Rules of My World' is the 2nd song that Yibo penned the lyrics to himself. The fact that he wrote the lyrics is significant and makes the song worth analysing. 2019's 'Wu Gan' was more 'inward-looking'; about Yibo expressing his own thoughts on navigating the entertainment industry. To me, 'The Rules of My World' is him making a statement, a stand, at the same time, he's sending a message to those he cares about - GG and his (real) fans. Yibo released this song on 30 Dec 2020. The timing is interesting cos it like he's summing up his sentiments based on the events that took place during the year. To outsiders, 2020 was a good year for Yibo. He had many endorsements, projects, high exposure, his commercial value rose. But in CPN reality, 2020 was terrible for so many reasons. GG's incident, him being overworked, crazy fan wars and antis etc etc..anyone who cares about Yibo would be delusional to think he had it good last year.
欢迎你们来加入我的世界 (You're welcome to join my world)
入场券上面有正义的光源 (There's a light of justice on the admission ticket)
DD is giving fans an open invitation to enter his world, to understand him as a person and not just an idol. And he also hopes that his world can bring some light to the fans' world, to bring some positivity, encouragement and guidance to them.
此生面对严厉又仁慈的一切 (In this life we'll face harshness but also kindness)
轻松一点,我们一起度过黑夜 (Just relax, together we'll overcome darkness)
In the entertainment world (or life in general), there will be ups and downs, criticisms and compliments. Regardless of what may come, we can overcome any challenges together. Darkness here could also refer to the antis who seem determined to bring GGDD down. This could be a message to fans - to tell them that they don't always have to rush to defend him, and they don't need to retaliate (aka fan wars). It could also be a message to GG, to make a stand of solidarity and to reassure GG that DD will face any challenges alongside him.
新的征途 (A new journey)
愚蠢的,不好相处 (These fools, they aren't easy to get along with)
愚蠢的,不会打住 (These fools, they won't stop)
但衬托明天更耀眼的路 (But they will set off a brighter path for tomorrow)
It was said that DD matured considerably after the 2*7 incident. Took up more responsibility, became more focused on his career and mindful of future advancements etc. Started to take on more serious acting projects and to shift his career trajectory towards something more sustainable and less 'idol'. The new journey could be a reference to this new path. The fools - the antis, those against GGDD - may have caused damage but their actions have also sparked off DD's desire to do better and to find his footing in the entertainment industry. He now has a clearer view of what he wants, the path he wants to take.
我是我的样子 (This is how I am)
我生来就固执 (I was born stubborn)
讲自己的故事 (I'll tell my own story)
活独特的气质 (Living my unique self)
Follow me, 找到自己的价值 (Follow me, find your own value)
不去迎合别人活 才会觉得有意思 (Life is interesting if you don't cater to others)
我的世界不退让 (It's my world I won't give in)
我的世界不退让 (It's my world I won't give in)
Here, DD is being assertive. This is me, I follow my own rules, I'll make my own decisions, I'll forge my own path, I won't be influenced, I won't give up on my beliefs. So antis, capitalists etc can f*ck off.
It could also be seen as an advice to his fans - to follow his lead and live their own lives. This is also something that GG has repeatedly said to fans - to focus on their own lives, personal relationships, studies, careers etc. Don't devote so much time on chasing idols, online fan wars etc.
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
乐观地,走向前 (Just move forward with optimism)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
无所谓,多危险 (Doesn't matter how dangerous it is)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
这是我的世界 (This is my world)
我世界的守则,不许你诡辩 (These are the rules of my world, I won't allow any sophistry)
I see this as DD's words of encouragement, to himself and to GG. Despite all the challenges and hardship, darkness will pass and the sun will come out eventually. And it's shining brightly, there is hope left in this world, there's is much to look forward to. So don't fear, be brave and forge ahead.
Sophistry: the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving
Poor DD is always hit with industry rumours, about him dating his co-stars etc. Last year, someone even made a false police report against him. Just look at the number of statements his company had to put out. There have also always been ongoing rumours about rivalry between GGDD, tales of backstabbing etc, especially in 2020 at the height of the incident. DD is saying that this is his life, his world. No one knows better than the both of them. So to those who don't know better but continue to spew nonsense about his life and relationships and spread hate, know that I don't care about your antics, they don't hurt me but I won't tolerate them as well.
在我世界行走 (Walking in my world)
什么人生主题你透露 (What kind of life theme do you envisage)
是胆大勇猛所向披靡 (Is it to be bold, courageous and invincible)
或胆小逃避钻进壳里 (Or to be timid and escape into your shell)
喧闹倾诉众人party (Is it to pour out your troubles at a rowdy party)
寂寞相思不停地哭泣 (Or to cry silently non-stop out of loneliness and love-sickness)
都欢迎你来我这里 (All are welcome)
只要跟从自己的内心 (So long as you follow your heart)
跟限制和噪音 说一声 bang bang (I'll say 'Bang Bang' to restriction and noises)
怪兽都退散 (Monsters, be gone)
What kind of person am I in your eyes? The cool guy or soft sweet babie Yibo? Here, DD is acknowledging that the public has many different perceptions of him, and fans love different personas of him and he's ok with that. But if you love him, then let him be. Don't try to restrict him, don't quarrel or force him into a certain mould of your preference. He won't hesitate to shoot the haters (monsters) down.
迈出轻盈的步伐 (Take a light step forward)
一声令下 (With a single command)
来宣布 告别孤勇 (To announce a farewell to having to fight alone)
On this new path, with a new-found realisation of what he wants, DD is clear of what he wants to achieve and he is no longer burdened by fear, uncertainties etc. Both GGDD now have each other by their sides, they share a common purpose as they navigate the intricacies of the entertainment industry together and work their way to the top. And I think this is something that we're seeing more in the fandom since end 2020 - GGDD seemingly becoming more bold in their actions and messages they put out (silent or otherwise).
想要做盘旋的龙 (Wanna be a hovering dragon)
还想做懒散的虫 (Or a lazy worm)
别打扰我 走开 没空 (Don't bother me, go away, I have no time for that)
In public, DD is that proud and confident king. He's not a pushover. But behind the cameras, he just wants to chill and relax (and play games). Please don't bother me, give me some privacy to lead my own life, don't tell me what I can or cannot do.
Cue DD's message. He meant it.
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Follow me, 找到自己的价值 (Follow me, find your own value)
不去迎合别人活 才会觉得有意思 (Life is interesting if you don't cater to others)
我们永远不退让 (We will never give in)
我们永远不退让 (We will never give in)
This is a repetition of the earlier verse but what has changed is the last 2 lines. From <It's my world I won't give in>, DD now says <We will never give in>. This was actually the first thing that sparked off my CPN, and hinted to me that this song concerns GG in some ways. Who's We? We all know how GGDD almost always use the word 'we' in their CQL promo interviews and bts, as though they come as a package and all views represent both of them as a entity. This also echoes the earlier sentiments - both of them, after the 2020 incident, have developed a steely resolve. They won't let the antis or challenges or societal views hold them back anymore. Their world, their rules. They will fight for their rights and what they believe in, and they are determined to reach their goals.
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
乐观地 走向前 (Just move forward with optimism)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
无所谓 多危险 (Doesn't matter how dangerous it is)
阳光耀眼 (The sun is dazzling)
这是我的世界 (This is my world)
我们的世界不会被改变 (Our world will never be changed)
Again, similar to the above 'we' example. From this part of the song onwards, DD is referring to them both. The last line could also be viewed as an affirmation of GGDD's commitment to each other. Whatever is it, our relationship will not change. We will go through it all together.
Don‘t stop, get it, get it
Let me see you work up on it
Don’t stop, get it, get it
Let me see you all up on it
Let me see you work up on it
Don‘t stop, get it, get it
Don't stop
I interpret this as DD's words of encouragement to GG. Like don't stop fighting, continue to work hard towards your (our) goals. Go for it, you can do it!
在我的世界 (In my world)
本能很关键 (Instinct is the key)
坚持自己 (Stay true to yourself)
就是你们的世界 (It is your world)
DD's parting words to fans: to stay true to oneself, to build and enrich your own worlds, to fight for your goals, like how he is trying.
Well, I had fun working on this. Maybe I'll do Wu Gan another time. Reminded me of literature class during my schooling days, although I never did Chinese literature back then. Feel free to share your thoughts on the song with me. =D
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Are you a Jensen fan?
Cause honestly a lot of your ask come off as wordy just to make it look as if you know more than what you do, and you're just passively agreeing aggressively with any anon that comes on here that's not blatantly a Danneel Stan.
Some things you say are just completely Anti Jensen. For example, that long as spill about how you believe Cliffffff of all people is a professional in his field? Are you new? A "professional" doesn't date stalker stans, or sleep with the very fanbase that he's supposed to be guarding his friends from. Sorry, I was around when the whole, superstalker99 x cliffffff, fiasco shit happened. He's not a professional. He's a leech.
Furthermore, Danneel's attitude and haughty personality has NOT rubbed off on Jensen. He's a sweet, caring person. He's nothing like her. I've never seen him treat anyone like they were lower than him. He even takes more shit from the fucking hellers than anyone thinks he should, when no one but the hellers would blame him for snapping, and he's snapped a lot less than he's intitled too. Elta can't even handle a few antis online. He's a much bigger person than she will ever be. I've never seen him spit in the face of the fandom the way she has. I've never seen him get online and call his fanbase a bunch of "fat whores". (Her words, not mine.) I've never seen any of Danneel's traits in him, and to say that he does is a slap in the face to him.
Does he drink more than he should as an unhealthy coping mechanism? Yes. Is he a perfect parent? NO. Does he claim to be? Absolutely not. Is he a perfect husband? Not at all. Does he have flaws? Yes, we all, as people, do, but to say he's got some of the same traits as that narcissistic, abusive, plastic cunt? Just... Wow.
You really need to educate yourself before making such comments. That's not cool. Be Anti Danneel all you want. But Jensen hasn't done a damn thing. Neither has Jared. Neither has Gen. At least Danneel ask for the shit she gets. Learn to formulate your own opinions. You want to scream "critical thinking?" Maybe go back and read some of your responses and impute that, "critical thinking", that you seem to not know the full definition of. Stop agreeing with every anon that sounds like they might know a little more than you and do your homework before making such claims.
ANON, reading my blog is a CHOICE you MADE. You. Dislike it? Don't read it. So, to resume your post, you are attacking me for my opinions because you dislike them? That's my problem because? Do you want to reword your post? Do you even know what passive aggressive means? Because I don't think it means what you think it means. I am sorry you dislike what I think of Jensen but ultimately it is none of your business, correct? Is it my job to respond to every triggered person that comes on my blog? Whatever happened to maturity and managing emotions? "make it look as if you know more than what you do" please clarify this generalized statement with specificity. What exactly are you referring to and why are you so triggered? What is is that I know and what is it that you know I don't know and who sets the rules and standards for that? Can you have your manager call me? lol I really wanna get the rules straight before I continue existing without bothering anyone. It's exactly the thing I posted about earlier. Thinking that pointing out stuff means Jensen is a bad person and getting triggered so how exactly do I know more than what I do? What anon and where did I agree and not do my research? Please enlighten me, I am dumb and aggressive and a Jensen hater and not allowed to perceive ANYTHING and not only that but it's MY JOB to be fandom detective. Do I look like Nancy Drew to you? Also, what I know, you'll never know, you don't even know me, so keep sending ghost asks and theorizing because if it helps your frustrated self feel better then cool.
You resent Clif? Cool, cool, cool. So? I only expressed my opinion on what I saw IN THE VIDEO. Was that unclear? Do you need explanations to explanations? Are you just gonna look for things to bash because YOU are triggered? What Clif does or does not do does not interest me. I was talking about his profession and his demeanor. That's it. But go on, make a huge case of everything and please ad several sick interpretations that will increase drama and make you feel entitled even more to trash me.
Do you want to reword this post in a way that actually communicates what you really want to say? Because this looks like you got triggered and just vomited things out of envy. I'm not going to let in anything you said because it doesn't represent me and I don't think it represents you.
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Disclaimer: As pointed out by several people, Clif is renowned in fandom for being kinda shady so please do your research on him.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
We shouldn't demand anything from either Jimin or Jungkook. But it's impossible not to have certain expectations as fans and supporters. A big reason for fans being one of the driving forces in any artist's success, besides the artist's hard work and talent, is their semi emotional investment, together with money and time, in the artist, their art and life. With that level of investment comes expectations, not different than any relationship in real life and whether it's parasocial or not, artists are the biggest benefactors of it in terms of professional recognition and monetary gain, let's not ignore that. There is another conversion for what crosses the line of healthy and unhealthy for another day. But even the least invested or the most healthy investment still comes with a level of expectations. I dount Hybe is like that but generally k-pop companies don't address certain members antis and akgaes (I know the worst of them get sued but I'm talking about the rest who aren't considered so vile but still spread toxicity and hate) because those people are also still bringing in cash and alienating any group of fans is bad for business. Some kpop groups straight up thrives up on this rivalry and hate between members' fans or different group, but not BTS of course. Some are realistic and harmless and some aren't. Back to the main point about expectations, the key thing is not to stop having them but to accept that expectations will not always be met or matched, and just because you have them doesn't mean you're owed them and whether unrealistic or not, to face that and deal with it without poisoning your thoughts. Anon who brought up Taehyung being vocal about his love for Jimin - I think it's not irrational to think that if people believe JK cared on some level about Jimin, whether friendship or romantic, part of these people may expect certain things from him especially when they see Taehyung. The question of why he doesn't, to me at least, seems valid especially when we have no problem discussing a lot of aspects of their relationship, dynamic, personalities and personas as public figures. It's part of the larger discussion around KM. It doesn't mean JK owes us anything or that we're demanding him to do things, though anon did give me that implication and I don't agree with that. Other than that it is just a line of thinking and questioning and one worth looking into because it'a part of KM. I'd argue that shutting down that question with "stop expecting things of them" implies further that there is something to doubt about his behaviour than if we were to consider why he's like that. It may be because he's a different person than Taehyung and Jimin or it maybe because he simply doesn't want to address the hate Jimin gets directly or indirectly. It could also be that he and Jimin have an understanding if what Jimin needs in their relationship and perhaps it's support behind the cameras and JK provides that. If Jimin is alright with it and continues being loving with Jk, then that's enough. Both these options are fine. It's a choice and there's no right or wrong. It's how real life is. People will not always do what we expect of them or dance to our tunes. People should accept this as a possibility and then proceed to choose whether they can accept that and support then with a good heart or if they can't then they need to resolve that or move on from KM rather than to let it fester and intoxicate their stanning experience and views of the members.
Lastly, Jimin did actually indirectly address the hate he gets on his weverse interview and in the ARMY message he left last year "I miss those who love me the way I am". I'm adding this just for accuracy and record sake and because I think it was such a brave and badass thing of Jimin to tell the haters fuck you with such class and grace.
I think one problem about the expectations that fans may have is that many don't have them about his work or public life but about his private life and I think that's where the problem lies. Having expectations is not a bad thing as you say but getting upset or criticising jungkook for example, because he doesn't meet them is.
I think the problem is that many people don't want to start a discussion about the possible reasons why they don't address the issue, they just want answers and are upset that their expectations are not being met by them, in this case jungkook. By this I am not saying that this is the case of the anon who started this discussion, I am speaking in a general way.
Interesting that you say Jimin's answers in that interview were directed at the fandom, I thought they were directed at ex-friends who were in his life but betrayed him? He talked about it several times at the end of last year.
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omglr · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like socialism, feminism, and feminist.
You: hi
Stranger: Abortion is the literal definition of the slippery slope. First they say aborting a fetus is okay and them they move onto late term abortions and everyone is accepting it! Soon they’ll say aborting babies is okay and then say that a mother has the right to abort her teenage sons. Soon, they’ll be aborting all adult men because the end goal of feminism is genocide. That’s why I call them feminazis, because they literally advocate for eugenics and the murder of an oppressed group that gets blamed for everything (men)
You: ha
You: hey dude
Stranger: feminazis are cancer
Stranger: hi
Stranger: the war on masculinity is also a slippery slope
You: ha
Stranger: first destroy gender norms and patriarchy
Stranger: then they want to destroy men
You: dang you need some better boots boy
Stranger: feminists are our oppressors
You: like, these ideas aren't getting much traction with me
Stranger: are you a feminazi?
You: maybe you just live in a rainy hilly area
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: im a man
You: yeah dude, it seems like you've got it rough
Stranger: why are feminists so mean?
Stranger: what did i ever do to them?
You: like, those are some wacky problems that aren't really hurting you
Stranger: yeah they are its a slippery slope
Stranger: they’re going to kill all of us
You: sliperry slopes are logical falacies boy
Stranger: no
Stranger: its the truth
Stranger: birth control is a gateway drug to murdering all men
You: dude, the world is collapsing cause of capitalism
You: not ladies
Stranger: lol are you a commie
You: yeah dude
You: and i hate nazis
Stranger: good for you. you should hate feminists
Stranger: they are literally fascists
You: ha
You: na dude, i'm like more into hating actual facists
Stranger: they are fascist, they want to take away our free speech
You: lol
Stranger: and they dont want our men to just be men
Stranger: feminazis are misandrists
You: you must be trollin boy
You: you sound histarical
Stranger: im not a troll
You: well that's just sad then
Stranger: and lol im hysterical?
Stranger: well you’re a woman
Stranger: so you’re even more hysterical
Stranger: are you on your period?
You: lol
You: yeah bro
Stranger: lol!
You: and you're the one raggin' on me
Stranger: you’re a man hater, all feminazis are
You: lol
Stranger: im just defending masculinity
You: its pretty offputing look honestly
You: you ever get head?
Stranger: no because i am a mgtow who doesnt need females in my life!
You: have you considered going your way into oncoming traffic?
Stranger: lol real men commit suicide the right way only girls attention whore like that
You: or joining the navy ?
Stranger: i once shot myself in the head
Stranger: twice
Stranger: didnt even die
You: tyler durden was gay
Stranger: lol @ all the girls who overdose or walk into traffic
Stranger: just looking for attention
Stranger: whos tyler durden?
You: yeah attentions seakers are pathetic
You: you're tyler durden
Stranger: no?
Stranger: im a real man
You: fight me then
Stranger: lol i dont hit women
Stranger: despite me being a mgtow i still care about chivalry
You: i'm not a woman
You: i'm you
Stranger: the f??
You: yeah b
You: i'm just a projection
You: of your inner desires
You: baby fight me
You: fight me
Stranger: no dude thats pretty gay
You: c'mon
You: just suck my tit then
You: c'mon baby
Stranger: wtf i thought you were a dude??
Stranger: are you a trap?
You: no b
You: i'm your mom
Stranger: because sometimes i want a trap to go my own way with
Stranger: just two bros except she looks kinda femme
You: be the trap you want to see in the world
Stranger: but she wont divorce rape me or get pregnant
You: i'll accept you my child
Stranger: no, im a masculine manly alpha as fuck dude!
You: yeah
You: bet you couldn't drink rubbing alcohol
You: you sound like a pussy my child
Stranger: bet you i can
Stranger: i’ll drink a bunch of rubbing alcohol right now
Stranger: prove it to you that im a real man
You: ok baby
You: then you'll fuck me?
Stranger: no, thats gay
You: its not gay i'm you mom
Stranger: you sound like a pussy fag
You: you speak to your mom with those fingers?
Stranger: beta white knight
Stranger: i fucked your mom
You: you finger bang your mom with that mouth?
You: c'mon girl
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: i am not a girl!
You: do you believe in love?
Stranger: love is for incels, im a chad
You: cause i got something to say about it
Stranger: i pump and dump traps everyday
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsVcUzP_O_8
Stranger: whats that
You: its a hot song
You: to fuck too
You: yeah
Stranger: i heard that song before
You: yeah
You: on the radio?
Stranger: idk where
You: when you were a baby?
Stranger: maybe
You: maybe baby
Stranger: i have a fucking awesome manly memory
You: but you were a kid once
Stranger: nah i was a man when i was 6
Stranger: alpha as fuckkk
You: and isn't that where it all started?
You: where did they touch you?
Stranger: i fucked my teacher when i was 11 lol
You: oh boy
Stranger: yeahhh
You: that was rape
Stranger: no
Stranger: she let me
You: yeah, no
You: she raped you
Stranger: lol a woman cant rape a man
You: that's rape of a minor
Stranger: and besides i liked it xd
You: stilll... she should go to jail
Stranger: men always love sex
You: and you should go to therapy
Stranger: lol its every dudes fantasy bro
You: you sound all fucked up my dude
Stranger: dude wtf??
You: yeah man
Stranger: im not fucked up you are
You: i'm not your mom
Stranger: why tf you support feminism?
You: i'm your friend
You: and i think you need helpo
You: like
You: professional help
You: this is serious
Stranger: i think we chatted before
You: oh probably
Stranger: you’re the really gullible guy who believed everything i said
You: oh totally
You: i must be
You: i believe it
You: i am just real gullable
Stranger: yes totally
You: cool
Stranger: so bro
Stranger: wanna have a barbecue
You: yeah boy
Stranger: hang out, do some bro stuff
You: i'll bring a six pack
Stranger: thanks bro
You: and give you the number of a therapist
Stranger: lol dudes dont need therapists
Stranger: we dont talk about our emotions like girls do!
You: we gotta work on your approach with the ladies man
Stranger: naaah im mgtow now
You: like, that was rough
You: dude, if this is your way
You: its not a good way
Stranger: yeah its a good way
You: it's not to late to deescelate
Stranger: independent free of women
Stranger: m g t o w
You: no man, you are a slave to women
You: you've given them all the power
Stranger: lol says the beta cuck on the plantation
Stranger: no bitch i dont give them power
You: man, you have
Stranger: i just ignore them bitches and gold diggers
Stranger: i fuck traps instead haha xd
You: to come off so hostile at every moment of your life
You: to deny yourself love
Stranger: im a fucking dude bro
Stranger: i aint denying myself love
Stranger: love is for pussy beta fags
You: its cause you dont wanna get hurt
Stranger: real men pump and dump
Stranger: redpilled as fuckkk
Stranger: men dont get hurt
Stranger: men dont cry
You: yeah dude
Stranger: we’re fucking amazing
You: i'm glad you are just trolling bro
Stranger: not a troll bro
You: cause this otherwise would be unhealthy
You: no you must be
You: cause otherwise it would be so so so sad
Stranger: but really its so fun to pretend to be a sensitive fragile dude
You: like what a sad creature
Stranger: i know right!
You: like god-damn gollem
You: with no ring
Stranger: i love doing this its like literally they get offended by everything
You: yeah
Stranger: men are really dumb
You: i'm surprised you didnt mention venezula
Stranger: oh righttt
Stranger: well the character im playing isnt a capitalist anyways
You: oh yeah?
You: what is he?
Stranger: feudalist :p
You: ha ha
Stranger: anyways i think im manlier than you and i finished my rubbing alcohol
You: that legit made me laugh
You: ok dude
Stranger: well you think im kidding
You: the feudalist part
Stranger: oh
You: ok, maybe call 911?
Stranger: well i wasnt going to admit to being a fascist after i told you feminazis are the real fascists
You: yeah, i mean, it wouldn't stop a nazi
You: probalby
You: "like, feminists are nazis, but also like... i support the kkk"
You: anyway, you ever listen to riot girl music?
Stranger: no not really
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAtmRhsF30
You: oh wait
You: this isn't it
You: ....
Stranger: true tho
Stranger: what even??
You: https://krecs.bandcamp.com/track/all-women-are-bitches
You: there we are
You: i don't know what was up with that first one
You: anyway, Fifth Column was pretty cool
Stranger: oh
Stranger: not really my type of music tbh
You: fair enough
You: what kind of music you like?
Stranger: idk honestly
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3V1SKM0uVo
You: here's a weird scifi mashup album
You: with a robot socialist agenda i think
Stranger: im not a socialist haha
Stranger: or even anti-capitalist at all
You: i mean, its hard not to buy in
You: in for a penny, in for a pound
Stranger: nice try but im not going to become a commie
You: idk, i mean you say that now
You: but someday you might have to renounce your ways
Stranger: im pretty content being a class traitor, thanks tho
You: lol
Stranger: i love licking the boots of female ceos just as much as male ones :)
You: good for you
You: i mean, after the revolution we'll all have boots
You: and we can take turns
Stranger: no thx boots are oppressive
You: no dude they got good grips
You: to prevent slippery slopes
Stranger: literally foot binding and patriarchy in disguise
Stranger: lol
You: oh, i see what your into now
Stranger: boots are just heels under a different name
You: bondage and heals
Stranger: ?
You: they'll have bdsm after the revolution
Stranger: im not into bdsm haha
You: why not?
Stranger: because bdsm is inherently oppressive to women
You: you're so normy
Stranger: reinforces misogynistic stereotypes
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: patriarchy literally
You: women on top
Stranger: no, thats still misogyny
You: matriarchy
Stranger: but honestly
Stranger: men who have that fetish are honestly sooo misogynistic
You: yeah
Stranger: puttig women on a pedestal isnt any better
Stranger: bdsm is misogynistic
You: and like often into cops and normy shit
Stranger: no revolution
Stranger: i love cops
You: ha
Stranger: they protect and serve us 💕
Stranger: buuuutt
Stranger: 50% of cops should be female
You: thats what your sub should be doing
Stranger: sub?
You: your submissive man servant
Stranger: i dont have one
You: never too late
Stranger: thats pretty gay tbh
You: he give good head
You: and does the dishes
You: and he's there by choice
Stranger: lol matriarchy and gynocentricity
Stranger: feminazis r oppressin men
You: in your case its a gaytriarchy
Stranger: im a girl
You: oh yeah?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im not like other girls
You: you a swerf?
Stranger: yeah i think sex workers rights are dumb
You: gross
Stranger: they should be sex slaves
You: double gross
Stranger: swerf and terf
You: gross x infinity
Stranger: grossssss
You: so what brought you to these terrible opinions?
Stranger: well i watch fox news
You: no further info required
Stranger: :)
You: you watch the OA?
Stranger: whats that
You: netflix show
Stranger: nope
You: its pretty good
Stranger: ehhh not my type of show
You: there are men in it
Stranger: gross
You: they go there own way
Stranger: that sounds nice actually
You: yeah
Stranger: i wish all men would go their own way
You: wish they would leave faster
Stranger: is it wrong to want all men dead?
You: if you are pulling the trigger probably
You: but if its like an accident
Stranger: no, i mean like i want them to just conveniently disappear
You: yeah
You: that sounds normal
You: but also, don't we all have little secret prayers
You: for a goddess to strike our enemies down
Stranger: its pretty late
Stranger: i should probably get going
You: yeah
You: ok, have a good sleep
Stranger: good night!
You: :)
Stranger has disconnected.
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