#i do like mayom
negrowhat · 2 years
I’m glad Mayom worked up the courage to ask Nadia out but like...ok nevermind.
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petrichoraline · 5 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
i got tagged in the summer lmao i've been struggling cause i simply can't make a completely honest list - my taste is too fluid and the definition of "fave" is a blur to me
thank you to my lovely @tenprem and @littleragondin for tagging me, consider yourselves tagged again in case your answers differ vastly from your previous ones hahah
💓Fave bl: default answer is Bad Buddy, current - Last Twilight and Cherry Magic..and Cooking Crush
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👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻Favourite pairing: as in actors? if i say GunSing am i gonna get ToddBlack again? (im fine with DrakeSing too y'know, im just being teased atp)
honestly i don't know, i think of actors i really like but i'm not big on their counterparts..? i enjoy it a lot when they mix and match, i don't have anyone i particularly follow.. i will say MaxTul were super powerful, i really appreciate the bonds between a lot of pairs like ForceBook and i think some of them have amazing chemistry like FirstKhao but even though there are a few i would always try to tune in for like OffGun and YinWar, there's no one i can call a fave, i don't think..currently JimmySea are eating it up tho
🎭Most underrated actor: just the Wayufilm crew in general, I see them do fundraiser lives on yt all the time and I don't think they're that well known by the fandom
🧍‍♂️Favorite character: ig it is Karan currently, Tay really made the character shine in a different way than Machida Keita's Kurosawa and i can't get enough of those puppy eyes
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🕴Favorite side character: rn it might be Metha from Cooking Crush? he's just a bit too charming for someone i'd punch if i met him irl..or Fire, i think writing about him made me fond, they're both so..this
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📽Favorite scene: from all the thai bls i've seen?? there's beauty like THAT ITSAY scene, there's unexpected scenes i come back to like WaanTul in the last episode of Between Us, there's Nuea and Toh finally getting everything out in the open..there's the Kitty Gang in FUTS going up the elevator, the ep.5 KinnPorsche scene..most of PatPran's scenes!! like how am i supposed to even start choosing lmao
i'm gonna say (after i catch up with my shows this whole list would prolly be different, it could be Karan's scream soon) the one from my recent shows is the rooftop scene from LTTS..sue me for being basic, i'll plead guilty
📝Favorite line: nth has ever quite stuck with me as "do you want us to be friends?" "no." so let's go with it
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🃏Most anticipated bl and why: let's say Jack and Joker hahah, I hope it works out <3 i want to see a project YinWar have certain freedom over completed successfully - even if it ends up not being my thing, they deserve to share their talents and artistic vision. they are trying something new, maybe there will be a nice balance between comedy and drama and also it seems like those characters are meant to be whipped for each other and YinWar can pull that off splendidly
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Healthiest relationship in a bl: PatPran and PuenTalay are the first to come to mind, the communication and conflict resolution skills are on another level
💢Most toxic relationship in a bl: I suppose it would be VeeMark before the end or maybe DimGreen from 2gether? I also personally don't like Mayom and Nadia from My Ride but I can't tell if they're actually toxic 😄 and im reminded of GramBlack cause that friendship sucks imho
OH WAIT PiMork is pretty bad. yeah, maybe not the worst but they've got a spot on the list..and ig TehOhAew but I have not actually seen s2 so overall I don't have a definitive opinion :')
🍿Guilty pleasure series: i guess it would be Cause You're My Boy (My Tee) because everyone hates on it but I binged it and had a good time 🤷‍♀️ also I Will Knock You cause it has some questionable elements but it's also very special
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❎Most underrated series: out of what I've seen it would obviously be Rainbow Lagoon but it's two episodes, not sure if it counts as a series.. really sweet short watch though, you should give it a try here 🥰
also maybe The Best Story? I didn't like it that much because of the ending but it's younger YinWar and I never hear anyone talk about it; I'd say they were pretty good at it 😊
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i'm tagging @sommmnus @forcebook @catboyjosten @sparklyeyedhimbo @lovesickfolly @sollucets as per usual no pressure and sorry if youve done it ❤
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squeakygeeky · 11 months
My Ride ep 4 Drama vs Novel
The foundation of Mork and Tawan's relationship is kindness and that's why I love the novel and series so much. Anyway, here we go.
Tawan doesn't actually faint in the novel, but the hospital scene is pretty similar otherwise, with the addition of Nadia showing up and meeting the uncles and hitting on Mork.
It hasn't happened yet in the show, so I may talk about it later, but the food-based flirting happens before Loy Krathong in the book. Mork, whose talents are in motorcycle driving and caring and introspection and analysis, resorts to googling 'am I gay?' and at this point in the novel finally realizes he likes Tawan.
There's a scene in the book with Nadia (who is male in the book) telling Tawan about why things feel apart with a guy he was seeing. I'm putting an excerpt mostly for @bengiyo since we were chatting yesterday re: Nadia.
"He said he likes me. Said I look good and have a nice build, which is just his type. I have a good profile, and he's been wanting to have a doctor boyfriend for so long, especially a pediatrician. But he doesn't want me to be ladylike. He wants a manly boyfriend, who can walk with him along the road and be seen as a friend, not lover."
Shortly after that is when Mayom the barista overhears their conversation and starts hitting on Nadia and Tawan is like, 'right in front of my salad?' and flees the scene.
I don't understand why in the show they had Tawan wait until last minute to ask Por to the festival. It's one of the things that makes show Tawan seem a little childish. In the book Tawan had of course mentioned it to Por earlier, and Por seems to have forgotten and made plans with his family (and we the readers don't know he's cheating yet).
The bookstore scene happens at this point and since it's one of my favorites and there aren't any similar scenes in the show, please bear with the blow by blow recounting.
Tawan bumps into Mork at the bookstore, literally. Them both being their is a coincidence, but Mork purposely arranges being bumped into literally so that it will be like a TV Drama.
Thanks to google, Mork is at the bookstore to read a book called 'Can't Help It If You're Gay,' spots Tawan and Por, and overhears enough to know that Tawan is sad because Por is ditching him for Loy Krathong, and Por doesn't seem to notice or care, at which point Mork goes straight from 'I can't compete with this dude' mode to bumping mode. Por is just like 'oh, great, you ran into your friend so I can leave now' and bounces (because he is terrible).
Tawan is like 'What are you reading, Mork?' and Mork is like '...What book?' But Tawan sees it and is like, 'hey, I read that too.' Mork clearly doesn't have a monopoly on obliviousness because no thoughts that Mork might be struggling with his sexuality appear to cross his mind. Anyway, Mork skims the section on unrequited love, doesn't even buy the book, and decides to devote his entire life to making Tawan as happy as possible without trying to interfere in his relationship.
Mork and Tawan do ride the ferris wheel at Loy Krathong, and Mork is afraid of heights, but there's nothing resembling a confession. And that's where we'll leave things until next week.
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absolutebl · 2 years
What Zabb Man!
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quick pitch
What Zabb Man! 
(Thailand April-May on YouTube) 
Main Tropes: enemies to lovers, tsundere/tsundere, rich/poor, foodie romance, CEO 
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It's like Star Hunter has FINALLY grown up with this show. 
WZM was better than we have any right to expect with decent pacing and a foodie theme threaded through the narrative as both love language and plot driver - which I have been WAITING for. Basically CEO falls in love with a street vendor’s food, recruits him to work in his hotel, falls in love with him, and that’s the beginning. Class struggles! Kitchen drama! Papaya pounding (not a euphemism)! Chef poaching (not literally)! Spicy scenes (yes literally)! It’s all so delicious. 
Star Hunter... did you serve this one up just for little old me? Sure seems like, since no one else consumed it. Well... I do have a high space tolerance. 
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I think I have finally figured out Star Hunter’s brand: CHEEKY. 
Will this review be full of food puns.
Oh yes indeed. 
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Sure this show gets absurdly over cooked and falling apart messy in tone, it's like Star Hunter just CAN'T help but over egg the plotting (see what I did there). I imagine their workshopping is a hoot, it's a bunch of young actors being ridiculous, and the chaos just leaks onto the screen. But all the acting is on point, and ... FOOD! 
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(Yes I have eaten my body weight to som tum. Why do you ask?)
The leads are actually pretty good (previous in Hidden Love). 
Poon is a great character because he is tsundere WITH good reason. And he’s portrayed with depth and sweetness for all his salty pride. 
Also I'm not opposed to a bit of a CEO romance in my BL. Alpha being won over by love and som tum, tasty. 
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But what I really loved was that Athip loves Poon first for his food. When Poon runs away Athip finds him because of his food. Arthip begs forgiveness by eating Poon’s food. 
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But it’s PokeTongue (AKA BankBonus who play Teng & Mayom) who once more steal the bacon. Honestly they dominated Gen Y 2 and now they are doing it again. Just give them their own show already! 
They absolutely crackle on screen together and it’s such fun to watch, who cares about plot? 
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Thai language moment: Pronouns 
Teng & Mayom’s relationship negotiation scene (see image above) jumped around between pronouns khun/ter for you & pom/rao for I so much I couldn’t follow the nuances at all. But I can say that that pronoun hopping was part of the negotiation of intimacy between them, and changes the whole tenor of the scene. 
This is one of those I wish we had translator notes on. 
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Food moment: Mayom 
Star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus) is no relation to the gooseberry (Ribes) many of use grew up with in the UK. They tase a little similar in that (like cranberrys for the US folkz) they are sour and astringent, but they grow on a tree (not a bush) and are quite cute. 
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More on Mayom & Teng 
For this particular couple I liked their claiming segment. 
First I should say I'm starting to notice faen being translated more as “partner” instead of boyfriend, or VERY rarely “lover.” I’m not sure this is more or less accurate, it’s certainly more precise, but there’s just no direct translation so part of me wants them to leave it faen at this point. 
We should all just learn it and adopt the word into English, it’s a better gender neutral term than anything we got. Lover is overly explicit and old fashioned. Significant other is awfully stiff and cumbersome. Partner has multiple non-romantic meanings, especially in a workplace setting. 
Faen is a good word, single syllable, easy to say, nice mouth feel, pretty, reminds me of the Scots fain (which has a LOVELY meaning). 
Still it’s certainly interesting to see “partner” start happening in BL, adds to the modern feel. Like they’ve been listening to the queers, again.   
(I expanded on my faen feels because of comments.) 
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Secondly, because Teng broke up with his ex due to the closet, this is one instance where Mayom’s possessiveness is justified by the narrative since Teng needs it to feel confident in their relationship. Hence the live broadcast claiming scene.
In the end, this was the foodie romance set in the Thai Restaurant industry I have always wanted. The machinations of being in food service formed not just setting but also plot. Perhaps if Bite Me, Love Area and some of the ones from Korea (My Sweet Dear, Tasty Florida, Ocean Likes Me, To My Star) hadn’t disappointed me in this regard, I wouldn’t be so generous with this show. And to be fair, it probably should get a 7/10 by my normal standards. But What Zabb Man was cooked up exactly to suit my palate (and apparently no one else’s) so it gets a 8/10. 
RECOMMENDED, especially if you like Thai food.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
❤️ - What character do you like that you probably shouldn’t like?
This one is so hard! Why not like a character? I dunno. Hmmmm. But you know what?
Padbok. I love Padbok despite that his entire characterization is just being a Bad Boy with Trauma Issues. I love him so much. He's such a little fucker and I love him for it. Also, definitely one of the best actors in the show tbh.
💙 - Which couple is the most solid and least likely to break up after the show has ended?
You know what? Teng and Mayom built a real, adult relationship based on mutual communication and understanding. They're gonna last a long time. They talked, they agreed, they know what they both want, they're actually adults... I think they can go the distance.
🖤 - What couple deserved a better show than what they got?
Everyone in 7 Project, tbh. Especially the GL that managed to be entirely about the boy who rejected her. Seriously. That show just needed to be made... better. Lots of potential, nothing to show for it.
BL Ask Game
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rei-the-head-shaker · 2 years
My Ride (S01E04)
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I love Mork uncles so much, I have loved them since the first time they appeared, but in this episode a bit more! They really do care for him and they (try to) set a good example try to guide him and support him, amazing!
It was particularly important because it helps Mork in his own journey of realization through this episode. He went from "I don't like guys" to "Fuck! I might be bisexual! Also... I think I like you Tawan!" real quick!
Poor Tawan is working so much to get time to spend with Por, and Por not only cheat on him but also GHOSTS HIM?!
Por I know why you are angry and you are not completely wrong feeling like that but cheating and ghosting are really not the right answers and they also makes me hate you a little bit...
Nadia finally knows the truth and I hope things will move in the direction I want them to move! She deserves someone nice in her life, but she has to open her eyes first! Mayom since to be a nice guy (at the moment, at least...)
A really interesting thing is happening between Toy and Boss!
Toy... Sweetheart... If you wanted to go on a date with Boss so bad, I'm pretty sure there would have been a better way to reach this goal, without being an asshole... 🤦🏻‍♀️
I'm also very curious to know what's up with Boss and his fear of certain loud noises! Hope we'll discover something in the next episode!
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mayomkun · 3 years
Since PayPal has changed its policy in my country so I wouldn't be able to receive payment after 18th February unless being a registered business account, I'm gonna have to close my commissions for a while. In the mean time I'll clear the rest of the commissions  and look for alternatives if I ever find one.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
What Zabb Man ep 5:
Right, I'll start with the bad and end with the good... Oh my god, Amy is so annoying. I know she's meant to be but that's why I'm so frustrated with her character and the storyline. She has too much screen time for just a plot point, and a terribly over-used one at that - an antagonist to get in between the main characters' relationship - and I don't care about her. And it's even more annoying that the show is doing what I said last week that I thought they would - with Taywich being a love interest for her. Honestly, man, find someone better. Why do you like her? But at least he said what we've all been shouting to these kinds of characters for years, and maybe this trope will finally be phased out of future series? 🤞🏽
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Thankfully, it looks like they're putting this aspect of the story to bed because it was Too Much.
I do like that this series seems to be calling out some of these tired tropes...but I'm looking forward to a time when we don't have them anymore.
The cooking contest... I really wasn't that interested in this and all the food and dishes - I mean, it didn't really move the story along, it felt like a filler, maybe one of these 'Thai tourism, let's tell everyone about Thai food so they come visit' inserts - and I think they spent too long on it (although I do want to try a papaya salad now!). And the result was quite predictable. I actually spent most of the time trying to remember why I recognised Bas...
Mayom and Teng...I go hot and cold with these two because I like their dynamic when they're being flirty...and I did appreciate that Mayom seemed to back off when he learnt about Tan but then he became too insistent. Teng told him a handful of times he wasn't ready, he didn't want to start anything, that Mayom should give up but Mayom just doesn't seem like he's taking 'no' for an answer and that...is a red flag for me. And of course, Tan comes in and plays the immature little sh*t so we're going to sympathise with Mayom...but Teng needs time. And I think this storyline could really show this respectfully and have Teng and Mayom end up together without feeling like Teng is being pressured from both sides.
But anyway, thanks to Until We Meet Again, I loved that I knew what Look Choup was and recognised it at the end in the spilled bag that Mayom dropped. It seems the way to Teng's heart really is through food.
Wow, this is getting long...
So on to Punn and Tian...and I love these two. I feel like the show is getting their dynamic right, thankfully. Tian is making himself clear to Punn and although Punn is cautious he's very openly showing that he likes Tian as well and very openly says why he's holding back - his self-esteem about their class difference. And that's so refreshing. And honestly if the rest of the series was just Tian trying to show Punn he's worthy or Punn flirting with Tian, building up his trust and self-esteem, until he's ready to commit well, I'd be down for that.
I loved their flirty moment in the office...and especially that they didn't jump back in horror or embarrassment when Pirada barged in. I'm glad they're being shown as comfortable with intimacy and being seen by others. Oh and I loved the parallel between Tian/Taywich physical play-fighting over Punn compared to Teng uncomfortably being stuck in the middle of Tan verbally 'marking his territory' for Mayom - yet another way the show is calling out another tired trope.
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But as it is, it looks like we're in for an angsty next episode. A shift of pace, perhaps a new antagonistic force...and I'm excited to see where this series goes.
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mayom-hospital · 4 years
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Most of the time, the head and neck tumors are squamous cell carcinomas or may be of other types. Doing CT scans, MRI, PET scans are the most important steps to check the tumor, to know about the stage, and what options doctors have for treatment. Cancer negatively affects important functions like swallowing, speaking, chewing, thinking process, memory, etc. To know more about head and neck cancer, I would recommend visiting Mayom Hospital and consult Dr. Manish Prakash, one of the best ENT specialists in Gurgaon.
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mayomhospital · 4 years
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In general, the effect of coronavirus is the same as on the normal person. It is not more likely to be seriously unwell. If some pregnant women will experience COVID-19, the symptoms are the same such as fever, cold and cough. In the most severe case, it would be pneumonia or other severe problem. I would suggest to all pregnant women that if you are suffering from the flu symptoms, so do not take lightly, immediately contact your maternity care team. If you have queries related to coronavirus infection during pregnancy, then you can talk to Dr. Arti Gupta at Mayom Hospital on call.
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powdercopy9-blog · 4 years
As outlined by the Palo Mayombe property to which somebody is becoming started out into Policies can differ. Palo Mayombe was built in in the Santeria faith Regulations and policies will vary . It really is an entirely unique community, when having an practical experience outside of the Latin American spiritualism. It can be exceptional to determine a truthful distinct in distant communities throughout Latin The usa and in the usa. There are lots of popular Palero priests in addition to secret communities devoted to the Palo Mayombe. Paleros' will not likely encourage their power and definately may and will only implement religious function for a person by affiliate marketer. Palero priest's energy is actually sound that they could need a person of imprecise origin and turn him right into a very powerfual local community form inside the relatively limited time. So as to keep them in administration and possible all over the individuals. It is actually believed a Palero can also deliver loss of life unto someone within around the clock, Plenty of government frontrunners have already been linked to an participation with the very idea of Palo Mayombe . Palero can make and crack you by saying just a few incantations and through performing a few slight rituals. Missing ignorance and getting informed about has always unveiled nervousness to folks. Oftentimes this ignorance has gotten extinction to whole occasions of individuals and countries around the world. Palo Mayombe is surely a exciting and fascinating part of Santeria plus it really really should not be deemed lightly or disregarded. I am thankful to have obtained a chance to are obtaining to get element of a medieval type of speculate. With excellent great pride and identify,. I salute our family and ahijados in Palo Mayombe
The house of your dead is how the Palero spirits dwell. They are able to stop being kept with Santeros Santos or other faith based manuals, for the reason that forces and abilities of the darkish are extremely intense. Traditionally a Palero will keep his spirts in a specific home outside. This special property must always be secured to keep individuals aside. The house must be big enough to carry out your darker secret or misa. Living in a apartment you need to maintain your mood inside a seperate space or dresser large enough to the spirit of Palo Mayombe. A home is the perfect spot for working the spirits of Palo Mayombe. Once you recieve other mood of Palo Mayombe, they are able to all keep with each other. There must be a minimum quantity of lighting and at least one candlestick getting rid of in recognition of the mood always. Palero priest should be carry with products for that If you decide for taking a step in the psychic of Palo Mayombe, it is actually a existence very long determination, service and dedication to your ancestors and spiritual guides A Palero priests' work is a lot more essential to assist and protect the city. When a person is initiated into Palo Mayome, they may be baptized into secrets and secrets of the mindset. Paleros say they are given birth to of fireplace and in the long run will expire of fire. When becoming https://www.palomayombe.org/a-brief-history-of-palo-mayombe/ , a light in darkness will bring in the blessings of your spirits. In passing away, a Palero's life is extingushed in death. They grow to be an elevated spiritual guideline in the eternal residing darkness. They should first seek advice from an experienced Palo Priest, before you can become a part of Palo Mayombe. The Palero determines through immediate experience of the spiritual entire world as well as the people forefathers, when they are able to process Palo Mayombe. Usually the spirit will refuse a person due to the fact Palo Mayombe is just not for this individuals spritual path . The spirits could also reject use of an indivdual mainly because they may not yet anticipate to take care of or understand the responsibities of being a palero. In case the spirits reply favorably for your demand, the next task is to obtain a spiritual cauldron-spritual container. Following the invocation wedding service, the spiritual cauldron has the tricks of effective mood. Cuba and the Carribeans, this cauldron is named a Nganga-Prenda for the reason that tradition of modern day time along with the impact of Latin American's spiritualism in Palo Mayombe, in Core America. It is not uncommon to locate paleros whose spirits are the lifestyle dead. Muertos are held inside of a big clay pot rather than standard large steel cauldron. It all depends around the palero priest where kind you can expect to recieve your soul container and that will support and train the secrets to palo mayombe. Finding the initiation along with the mood of Palo Mayombe is only the first step in the lengthy journey into the world of mood. Palo Mayombe is an african religious beliefs originary from the Kongo area. It really has been safeguarded as much as our instances by the slaves who had been brought in to areas for example Brazil, Suriname, and Cuba, the latter becoming the place where Palo (also referred to as Palo Monte ) has become most favored also among men and women of hispanic descent. Palo is a direct approach to comunication using the Spirits: the belief is strongly animistic and similar to shamanism: everything is available is known as animated by mood, person specifically can be a doorway with other worlds through mediumship. The mood that are the most pertinent for Palo are: the spirits of your Dead, the Spirits of Nature (which inhabit trees and shrubs,plants and flowers and stones, wildlife and so forth.), along with the Highest Entities which manifest themselves from the Forces of character (the Wind flow, the Lightning, the ocean, and so on.) and in guy.
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The main worship and employ is now being taken throughout the Nganga or Prenda, and that is a consecrated cauldron packed (amongst other things...) with sacred earth, stays (palos), and bones, which is devoted to a specifical religious electricity. This cauldron can also be inhabited through the soul of a Dead, which behave as program for all those magical and faith based routines that are executed about the Nganga. On account of religious syncretism a lot of components foreign for the initial african custom may be contained in the rituals, including the utilisation of the sign of your christian cross, images of saints (these much more frequent within the Palo family members of Colombia and Venezuela), and in many cases making use of characteristics and brands of Orishas to clarify/contact the Enkisi, what are the Gods of Palo, the powerful Entities which are sent to our prime The lord Zambi or Ensambi. The Palero works together with spirits of Gentle (Ensambi) or of your Darkness (Endoki). The latter simply being even the denomination to the Paleros which do not use christian symbols in their process of Palo. Being started in Palo is needed to endure a ceremony referred to as "Rayamiento" which implies "itching", exactly where particular spots are traced on the skin from the new adept: a pact is produced with the character who lives from the cauldron, this ritual is additionally known as "to swear together with the Nganga". From now on, the individual that has received "Rayamiento" will probably be beneath the defense from the Nkisi who policies the Nganga of his/her Godfather. The next step in the religion is starting to become a Tata (Dad), or Yaya (Mother) and acquiring a cauldron. Divination can be used to determine which "path" from the Palo Entities is the most appropriate for the newest Nganga. A whole new ceremony is done in which the Tata will swear towards the Dead (Enfumbe) living in the Nganga in order that it can help together with the religious and substance growth of the new complete-fledged palero/a. The divination strategy is referred to as Kujamputu or Chamalongo, as well as the simple habits are just like Obi/Coco Santeria divination. As Palo Mayombe Initiation of Kardecian syncretism in lots of Homes of Palo (Covens published to one Our god- daddy or Godmother) a Psychic Misa is behaved ahead of the initiation, as a way to identify the main spirits that will help to formulate one's existence. These instructions often articulate also through ownership, and could give primary guidance.
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sweetbabynames · 2 years
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A companion as of late entertained me with the story of what amount of time it had required to name her little girl. For over a month guests would appear at her city loft to praise her on the introduction of her infant and promptly ask the self-evident - "What is your baby's name?" With developing humiliation as every day passed, she would reply: "She doesn't have one yet."
In spite of the features of the present day urbanite, African families actually attempt to keep up with naming practices, getting grandparents and town older folks to track down a fitting name for every infant kid. What's more assuming there is one thing you can't do - you can't hustle your seniors in the quest for a name! My companion needed to endure the inquiries and quietly trust that the significant message will be brought back from the town telling her the name of her youngster.
In numerous African societies the quest for a name doesn't start until the kid is conceived, has been seen by family members and there is conviction the youngster will flourish. This naturally makes a deferral in naming that fluctuates in various societies and customs from three to 10 days during which time both mother and child are permitted to acquire strength.
Really at that time would the quest for the right name be able to start. Also what is the right name? That also differs for every ethnic gathering.
For instance, the rich tradition of commendation and sovereignty in West Africa observes articulation in the pool of Yoruba names. This inheritance is rehashed through subjects normal to many names like a regal crown, Ade-(as in Aderemi signifying "the crown relieves my distress", or Adetumi signifying "I wear a crown"). One more subject is happiness, communicated as Ayo-as in Ayoola which signifies "the delight of abundance" or Ayotola - "euphoria adequately is"). Commendation of God is one more solid topic in names starting with Oba-and Ola-or Oluwa; Obafemi for instance implies the King/God loves me while Olusola implies God made this".
In societies where steers are valued many names have to do with the steers. The Dinka of South Sudan have names for each shade of cow as the name of worldwide model Alek Wek affirms; the name Alek signifies "dark spotted cow" while Mabior signifies "white bull"and Mayom is a"red bull".
The Kalenjin of Kenya have names that follow the phases of the day at which as individual was conceived and regularly this is connected with their creatures; Kipkoech (brought into the world at sunrise - Chepkoech for young ladies), Kipchirchir (brought into the world after a short work), Cherotich (brought into the world as cows returned home). Conversely, the names among the Akan of Ghana are overwhelmed by the week by week cycle with names like Adjowa (brought into the world on Monday, day of harmony) recounting the meaning of every day or the situation of every youngster in the family like Annan (fourth conceived child).
There are great many ethnic gatherings each with its own customs. On account of my companion, naming practices directed that her child would be named for the unique occasions of the hour of birth or after a respected predecessor - certainly not after anybody living as that would bring misfortune. I could feel for the fretfulness my companion felt as days passed, having had a comparative encounter when my first kid was named. Well into the subsequent month, the name returned from the town. She was to be called Zisige - the hour of numerous insects. There were no beetles at that point except for with nothing remarkable happening the child young lady was named for her incredible terrific mother whom they said she looked like.
The name was given. The child didn't cry. In the event that she had cried it would be expected she didn't need the baby's name and another name would have been picked.
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squeakygeeky · 10 months
My Ride Episode 10 Drama vs. Novel
I'll actually start with Nadia. I was kind of disappointed by the way it took a really bad date to make Nadia finally go for Mayom, although it was a pretty funny terrible date. I'm also disappointed how the show needed to make Mayom the Most Specialist Barista Influencer to justify them getting together. Book Mayom does disappear for a bit, leaving Nadia upset, but he was just taking a management training course and a latte art class (because he does want to improve himself to be a better match, but he is a perfectly normal barista). Mayom gives him a latte with a heart (less impressive than a detailed portrait, but still very cute), and their story wraps up with them happily together.
Meanwhile everything with Mork and Tawan in the show just...did not happen at all in the book. But I understand that they needed something exciting to end the series. I hate the cliche of the ex coming back and causing a misunderstanding, and I hate that Tawan was apparently ready to quit his residency over a boy. But I do love that as a mototaxi driver Mork got to have a big dramatic moment on a bike, and a sunset kiss on a mountainside is a romantic cliche I need more of so 10/10 for setting, although I'm not sure we needed the mototaxi guys watching (what were they even doing there for any of this?)
The book has a much simpler and quieter confession scene, with Mork meeting Tawan at the end of a difficult shift in order to bring him more 'hearty' hainanese chicken rice. Tawan had been worrying a little bit about risking losing a friend but at that gesture he goes ahead and confesses to Mork that he likes him, and this is the thing from the end that I wish they'd kept for the show. TAWAN GETS THE CONFESSION. Technically Mork is the one that officially asks Tawan to be his boyfriend, but only after Tawan is forced to repeat himself several times so Mork can get his thoughts together. Also Tawan has to tell Mork to stop calling him Doctor and use his name now that they're boyfriends.
@bengiyo I'm kind of laughing at myself right now because the book doesn't even have a real kiss, when the show has 3. Literally Mork just kisses Tawan's hand and then the hug for a while. But to be fair I'm pretty sure this is all taking place at the entrance to the hospital still and also Mork is telling this story to P'Fueang as a flashback so it's not like he was going to include anything racier.
There's a flash-forward scene in both, but the book's scene is not quite as far ahead in time, it's 2 years. Mork just graduated with his high vocational certificate and is just about to start studying engineering and Tawan is about to start even more training, in cardiology. They celebrate with the mototaxi guys and I really like that Ms. Ai the teacher is there too. There's some joking re: Tawan being the 'wife' clearly related to him being the bottom which its just as well that didn't make it to the show, but maybe this was what made think there had been something vaguely spicy in the novel when there absolutely was not. Anway, Mork asks Tawan to move in with him and Tawan agrees, but only on the condition that Mork meets his father first so we're left with that as a semi-cliffhanger.
The show gives a little more closure, but I kind of prefer seeing Tawan becoming part of the mototaxi tribe. There's a lot in the book about Mork working to better himself, and that's a good thing, but it's nice to see that Tawan also becomes part of Mork's world, it's not all about Mork becoming good enough to be able to date a doctor.
I'm sad to be saying goodbye to Mork and Tawan again. Rewatching the series without the Boss and Toy scenes drastically improved the experience, and this remains one of my favorite BLs, and the only change I'm really mad about is Nadia because otherwise it was a very close adaptation. I do think there were different vibes, with something about the book feeling a little more real. Maybe just because it was in first person able to be introspective, in a way that I don't think you can translate to screen.
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goloyieng · 3 years
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Brown Hair
By Apioth Mayom Apioth
Angok Juach is a fourth year, civil engineering student at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He arrived in the United States on April 16th, 2001, along with his half-brother, Matiop, through the US Department of State Refugee-sponsored program of the so-called Lost Boys of Sudan. They were called the Lost Boys because they travelled unaccompanied for thousands of miles from the then Sudan (now South Sudan) to Ethiopia, and then to Kenya. Along the way, they fought off hunger, thirst, wild animals, and many war-induced humanitarian upheavals. He has a blurred memory of the first time he met his brother Matiop, because he was a seven-year-old then, when he was brought over by his father. Five years earlier, his father was remarried after Angok’s mother divorced him when she discovered his promiscuous ways. She first caught him in bed with another woman when she was coming back from the grocery shop, which was one street down the road. The second time she caught him she was coming from a traditional dance festival, which was held just two blocks away. All these betrayals happened while she was a mouth-call away from her husband. Before she packed her things and left, this was what she said: “How long do you plan on continuing following this wicked path?” She asked. “The last time you betrayed my trust, I forgave you and said, ‘maybe that witch caught you off guard during your weak moment.’ Now, what is even worse I caught you with a different woman this time. And all these things happened while I was just a few blocks away from the house. If you are like this, while I am within the corridors of the community, imagine, what you will do while I am vacationing in far-flung places like Malakal.” She said. Juach Sr. didn’t bother to say anything. He only bowed to change his bad boy image, and promised himself to never let another good woman slip away. And that was how Angok went to live with his mother and her new husband, his stepfather. Angok was three months old.
Matiop’s mother, Samira, on the flip side of the coin, was the daughter of a wealthy Iranian businessman, who had moved to Juba fifteen years earlier to find pastures anew. Juach first met Samira at Shirdel Supermarket when he went to solicit to let his future father-in-law to come and lecture one of his business classes on the principles of business management at a local Awado Secondary School, where he was the leading principal. Since Matiop’s grandfather was a prominent businessman in town he seemed like the right person to approach on how to generate wealth for your business. Matiop’s grandparents would prove to Juach as the hardest people to please. After Juach’s first encounter with Samira, it took him quite a few months to win her over. They seemed to be made for each other. Samira was a beautiful, well-behaved girl, who seemed to like everything about Juach. Besides, what was not to like about Juach: He was handsome, he had the height (he was standing at a whopping 6 feet, 8 inches), and had a slippery tongue, which at times, when he started cracking jokes, he would sent her laughing down the floor to walk on all fours; by then, he would just marvel at the wonders of his smart mouth. He didn’t have a long, hybrid face that sort of looked feminine; his was short, handsomely molded to look like a stubborn teenage face that refused to age. Samira felt that with Juach’s hulking towering figure, which sent a message of authority, and his slippery tongue, she would feel protected under his care.
Things by now had become clearer to Juach: he was riding a bobsled on cloud nine with Samira, and he was hitting an impenetrable fortress with Samira’s parents, who were highly disapproving of their marriage. Her parents’ objections were this: She had never known poverty and under this circumstance, she could survive the few years of marriage since she seemed to enjoy being around him, but how would she survive the whole life full of pitiful living hand to mouth? Juach’s income as a principal was barely enough for himself, let alone, another mouth to feed. One year would pass before Juach decided enough was enough. He coaxed Samira to elope with him. They went to Yambia, in the Southwestern part of the country, close to the international borders of Zaire, now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Yambio wasn’t popular in those days, except for its promising timber production. They settled down quickly, and barely a year later, Matiop was welcomed into the world. With Samira having given birth to Matiop, Juach felt Samira’s parents wouldn’t have too much objection to his prior proposal to take Samira’s hand in marriage. The thought of this triggered them to come rushing back to Juba; Juach, in particular, was becoming fed up with the suffocating small town’s environment: There were no bars, no clubs; places where he usually went to pop open a beer, or go on date nights with female friends to relief himself of the daily grind of work stress.
Upon returning, Samira’s parents finally gave up and allowed the couple to tie a knot. Samira’s parents felt there was no need to let their daughter lead a single life when there was someone to take care of her; as single mothers were looked down with contempt in those conservative days. On the other side of the town, Angok was adding on years at his mother’s and stepdad’s homestead. Five years went by rather quickly. Angok was now seven years old, and Matiop was five. Meanwhile, the thought of allowing his son to be raised by a family he hardly kept in touch with, made Juach felt at an unease. “What kind of man will he grow up to be?” He questioned himself knowingly. Juach went to greater lengths to convinced Angok’s mother about the prospects of finding peace if he was given the chance to raise him. Before long, Angok came to live with his father, Matiop, and Samira, his new stepmother. As Angok tried to make himself comfortable in his new home, Juach would sent the two boys to Werkou Cattle Camp in Jonglei Province, as it was the Dinka custom of that era. Young boys coming of age were expected to go through this mentoring process in order for them to pick up some valuable independent life skills. The boys having known the city life in their short lives, were now going to test their strengths against the natural world and against themselves. First, while they have known to live in houses all their life, now they were sleeping in the open and that meant going head to head with mosquitoes all night long; thwarting off fleas all day; and manning up against the rain whenever it decided to visit them. Second, whereas they were used to a healthy diet in the city, now they had to test themselves against the diet mainly composed of milk, fish, sorghum, and millet. This second test would prove to be the hardest thing they had ever faced in their entire lives thus far. It took them two gruesome weeks to be free of diarrheal infections. Everyone thought they would never survive that ordeal, but they put up a relentless fight to prove their doubters wrong.
As they began to settle in nicely with the lads, the unexpected happened: The Sudanese government’s reinforcement troops who were passing in the area, going in the direction of the town of Bor, started launching artillery into their cattle camp; four years earlier the Sudanese People Liberation Army/Movement – mainly opposition forces of the Southern Sudanese people who took up arms in rebellion against the discriminatory marginalizing policies of the Northern-affiliated government. Now as bullets and mortars had replaced mosquitoes and fleas as the only flying bodies in the air, everyone ran for their dear life. Not before long, the boys would find themselves being joined by other straying boys who were also fleeing the destruction of their villages and homes because Southern Sudan had automatically become a war zone. Their numbers were swelling up in their thousands, and their ultimate destination: Pinyudo Refugee Camp in Ethiopia. Unlike Werkou Cattle Camp, they left behind two months earlier, here, they were left to fend for themselves; there were no guidance mentors to show them quite a few tricks here and there. Food rations came every four months; this meant, they would ran out of the rations two months before the next round of the food dispensation came up. The only people they looked up for salvation was their Southern Sudanese Opposition Forces (the SPLA), they were in a league with. In three years between 1987 to 1990, the SPLA was triumphantly gaining ground in Sudan, capturing eleven towns to the dismay of the Khartoum government who wrote them off as just hordes of unorganized militia, who would fell into disarray sooner or later. Once the SPLA liberated a town, they would bring in captured booty to the camp: food, clothes, you name it, anything valuable to support their always needy friend “life.”
In the first few months of 1991, the Ethiopian government would be overthrown by Tigray Liberation Forces, which SPLA didn’t have any affiliation with whatsoever; so the camp was emptied to look for new alliances elsewhere. The boys would set out again, along with their camaraderie band of brothers dubbed the “Lost Boys of Sudan,” back to Sudan, stopping sporadically at places such as Pochalla, Magoth, and Narus, before trekking to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. In Kakuma, if anything, life would hit down low into the deepest layers of the abyss. Yes, they were given food rations by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which was supposed to last a month. But these rations would barely last fifteen days; so they had to be shrewdly extra careful to avoid starvation. There was no SPLA to dispense them their exploits. There was absolutely no one to turn to. The regional governments in the Eastern African block were stretched thin catering to the needs of their constitutional citizens. Droughts and famines were occasional battles to stay vigilant of. Turkana, the natives in the region, occasionally came at night armed with their rifles to pillage the camp, worsening the hunger crisis. And combined these with the hot temperatures which made them felt as if it was frying their brains in the cauldron. Centuries of inhospitable semi-aid climatic conditions had turned Kakuma into uncultivable land. Even if there were abundant of crops to farm, the slippery sandy soil and scarcity of water wouldn’t allowed the endeavor to take place. Amid the deplorable inhumane circumstances they were facing, the boys would turn to education to relief themselves of their life frustrations. It was in Kakuma that their academic pursuits started to take shape. They would keep on progressing up to the sophomore year in secondary school. A decade earlier, in the late 1980s in Pinyudo, they had started their elementary school going all the way to second grade.
The boys would put up with these deplorable inhospitable conditions for eight more years, before they were airlifted by the United States Department of State in 2001. Angok and Matiop have been living together since their first encounter in 1986. They have had some good times, and some unforgettable times. Had they not been living side by side, they would not have reached this far. Memories are abound in their past. Thinking of one memory to generalize all their memories would do less justice to their harmonious relationship. Over the years, they had grown closer and became more than brothers; yes, it is true, they had different mothers, but what forced them to meet in the first place was the blood of their father which flow in their veins. One would think of one memory and there they are fighting together for their dear lives, for example, what about that time when they were fleeing the Tigray Liberation Forces, and they were forced to cross the Gilo River, just before arriving in the Sudan? Didn’t they stay close to each other to form extra cushion to avoid being swept away by the current, and to intimidate hungry crocodiles who were mauling away those who were so unfortunate? And that time in Pochalla, when food droppings from the airplanes were barely enough to go around for everyone? Didn’t they share the few scraps they had to see another day? They have had a good relationship up until now.
For the last three years, Angok often found himself with few alternatives to finance his education. His financial aid, a federal assistance from the US government for low income students, garners him to receive federal grants and student loans. Even with his own personal scholarships added to the fold, he is always clutching for outside help to cover all financial expenses. His annual’s total cost of attendance comes to 37 K. His financial aid and personal scholarships add up to cover about 25 K of the total. He also works part-time as an office assistant at Kim & Kim Certified Public Accountants (CPA), Inc. Once again, his office assistantship only covers about 9 K annually. This dilemma forced him to become a client at Spherion Clinical Trials three years prior. Here, they test new drugs on humans before they are readied for public consumption. He is summoned to come to Spherion once every two weeks. Angok had thus been successful in taking no risks with these drugs. One could say that lady good luck played its part in thwarting off danger from him. The reason for his successful evasion to actually participate in taking drugs was the procedure itself. The procedure only involved in finding their effects in urine. So, once he was given the drugs, he came right back home and trashed most of them, leaving only a scant portion of the drug in question. Then, on the day of the testing, he would take his scant portion of the drug, numbering only about two or three pills or tablets, to the office. He had to be extra careful with this too: he would hide these pills in the internal pockets of his pants. They used to ask him to empty his external pockets before testing. These internal pockets were only accessible by opening the zipper. He went to the tailor to have these pockets patched inside his trousers especially for this purpose. The drugs came in liquid, powdered, or tablet form. Once inside the testing room, and if it were a liquid, he would just mix the liquid with urine; and if it were in powdered or tablet form, he would ground it, put it on a thick clothing, pour the water into it, and let the water sieve into urine, leaving the solid powdered portion sitting on the clothing. This methodical process had been all easy and fun up until last week when they switched the testing for effects from urine to saliva.
One would default him for the ill effect that is about to happen to him, for he could have thwarted the danger away from him had he been in his right mind. But he wasn’t. He could have produced the right amount of saliva without putting himself in harm’s way by avoiding in putting the drug in his mouth, mixed it up with whatever drug he had, and there he could have gotten the right effect of the drug. The name of the drug on the pill bottle read: Mexir. A drug to be prescribed to those experiencing hair loss. Right after he was asked to come to the office, he took the pill, put it in his mouth, took about two minutes to let the pill dissolved juicily in his mouth, spat the little bugger out, and then took the testing sample. In the process, he just doesn’t remember how much of the pill he swallowed. On Wednesday, this week, the effects started to kick in. He began to feel constant headaches, slight fevers, and he was also sweating a lot every few hours in his sleep. By Friday, his hair began to change to dark red. By Sunday, it had settled to just plain brown. It was Sunday morning when the boys began to gather in front of the television set in their apartment in the Spokane Valley. The game was between Chelsea and Arsenal. Chelsea has been riding high since their Russian’s sugar daddy, Roman Abramovich, started pumping millions into the club in 2003. It has been the grandest stage for big stars to come and showcase their talents. For this game, Chelsea had Eden Hazard, Cesc Fabregas, John Terry, and Didier Drogba. Arsenal, on the other hand, had only Mesut Ozil. Arsenal played beautifully, but Chelsea’s big guns sealed the fate of the game. The match ended 2 – 0 in Chelsea’s favor.
After the game, the boys continued their conversation for a few more hours. Angok, who is a devoted Chelsea fan was now brimming with pride of Chelsea victory over Arsenal. Matiop, who was on the losing end of the stick this time around is a committed Arsenal fan. His fanhood spanned over two decades longer than Angok’s. Arsenal and Manchester United used to be the top two franchising clubs in the Premier League in the 1990s up until the early 2000s. Perhaps the reason why Matiop had stood around rooting for Arsenal for far too long is because of its history. It is not that Angok is not a big football fan, contrary to that, it was just that after moving to the United States in the early 2000s, he started receiving few football matches on Television. The reason? Football is not a popular sport in the US. However, he started picking up on the game after the 2006 World Cup fever started kicking in. The conversation began quite remarkably well as it is always known that victory add more weight to any event. Angok started rattling off by saying, “Bro, you see, how Chelsea owned Arsenal, man, your team need some work! The days when Arsenal used to be the top guns in the Premier are long gone.” Instead of congratulating the victors, Matiop asked “Since when did Orangutans know how to play football?” referring to the brown coloring of his hair. “Come again, what was that?” Angok asked. “You have heard what I said, Matiop replied. “I said, “Orangutans don’t know how to play football.” “Okay, let me get this straight, I have suddenly become an Orangutan after I received a slight coloring on my hair.” “Matiop, what has suddenly gotten into you?” Angok asked. The conversation continued for several hours without anyone backing down. Angok, upon realizing that he had some class projects he direly need to work on, asked, “Dude, do you mind to turn the volume down just a little bit, I have a few projects to go to battle with?” “Why do I have to do all of that? Matiop shot back. Besides, Orangutans don’t have the brains to design buildings, roads, and bridges. Their main preoccupation is to build their nests up the branches of the rainforest,” he continued. Angok in turn responded by, “Piecing together all the pieces of this clashing standoff, what I have realize is this: You have resorted in thinking that the color of my hair gives you a fair advantage over me because it is an area you have seen I have a weakness with. And because it is something you can’t identify with, it is all of a sudden a psychological weapon you think you can use to lower my confidence.” “It is a free world, you are entitled to think what you want. But facts are facts. Orangutans belong in the Jungle. They don’t mix with people. Spokane is far away from the rainforests of Asia and South America” Matiop responded in kind. Having realized this conservation was going nowhere, Angok stood up and said, “We have pour our hearts out and we are still not making any progress. I am going to leave you in peace, it seems I was trespassing on your marked territory. I feel sorry for your sudden change of opinions about me.” Having said that, he headed straight to his room, packed all his belongings and move to Hillyard, another Spokane neighborhood located in the eastern part of the city. He left Matiop watching HBO “Game of Throne.”
Angok was now midway through his fourth year. He didn’t become too depressed after his brother suddenly turned against him. He knew he was a responsible chap, capable of keeping his things straighten up. All the worries of him turning to a degenerating person was unheard of. Every once in a while, he kept thinking about what always makes people to use other people’s differences as a psychological warfare. He concluded that there is no easy fix to dehumanization tactics. In the world, and in every society, in particular, there are always good and bad people. But the line is blurred between good and bad people when it comes to competition for resources. Take, for example, Matiop, who had never said any derogatory remark to Angok before the Sunday game; all of a sudden after finding himself on the losing end of the stick, he raucously became defensive and used whatever means he had to make sure he stayed on a square level with Angok.
The boys didn’t stay in touch after Angok rushed out of their shared apartment. They never heard from their parents after leaving them in Juba in 1986. The boys didn’t expect much from that city anyway since it was under the Khartoum government until 2005. The Sudanese government was fond of committing many heinous crimes against the Southern Sudanese. Angok, on the other hand, continued visiting Spherion until the eve of his graduation. One year later, he was free of the brown coloration in his hair.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
So I watched the PokTong storyline cause let’s be honest you have to be very patient to watch the rest of the series (sorry MingKit). BankBonus have amazing chemistry, it was instant for me. But I’m so confused about their storyline. Like they obviously both liked each other so what’s up with the whole friendzone in the beginning? It seemed like Pok liked Tong but Tong didn’t but he “helped” Pok get into uni by cheating, then the whole living together and longing for him but still pretending like you hate him! Like Their storyline is such a mess. It almost feels like the creators has an idea for a story, then BankBonus had amazing chemistry and couldn’t play the enemies part well. I mean even in their new show, I mean Teng is taken and is not interested (I think ??) but their chemistry makes it seem like he was?? I’m just confused by this pairing I guess but one thing is for sure, if they ever do get an actual plot, their chemistry is gonna carry that shit to the moon!!!
Their storyline is, in fact, a mess. it's nothing but a mess. It's basically thrown together over so little time and in such a messy way that it's often hard to follow.
The whole storyline really is about Pok being desperately in love with Tong and Tong taking a long time to get into, fearing love, fearing getting hurt and lying constantly to try to get out of it until his lies went so far they hurt Pok and then the show didn't handle any of it well because it was too worried about two boards of wood trying to make out without having to get splinters.
... I love PokTong in all their messiness. Pok in his love that wars with his pain and his rejection and the way Tong is constantly trying to help him without realizing that Pok just wants to be loved not helped. And how Pok was so deep in his own anger at failure that he kept lashing out at Tong... oh, it was so good.
I love their storyline so far in WZM. Teng might have felt something with Mayom but he also did have a boyfriend and obviously chose against that feeling... but he knows there's a spark and I think that makes it all the harder for him because now his boyfriend has asked for a break and Mayom is the one who came to comfort him.
I love the idea of them coming together and Teng having to chose between his life in the closet with someone he's obviously loved for a long time or a chance at coming out but with a new, risky love. It's a very interesting plot to me and their chemistry works.
I just love them. They're definitely two of my favorite Thai acting pairs.
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its-mayom · 4 years
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In general, the effect of coronavirus is the same as on the normal person. It is not more likely to be seriously unwell. If some pregnant women will experience COVID-19, the symptoms are the same such as fever, cold and cough. In the most severe case, it would be pneumonia or other severe problem. I would suggest to all pregnant women that if you are suffering from the flu symptoms, so do not take lightly, immediately contact your maternity care team.
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