#i didnt write for the other cabins bc its obvious theyre scary and dangerous
ellilyre · 26 days
I have been thinking of darker sides of demigods
A child of Hermes, looking in your eyes while making a promise they don't plan to keep. You don't even feel their hand on you, and they already have what they wanted.
A party with a child of Dionysus gets too intense. You try to tell them it's too much, but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a laugh. You're feeling thrown apart by too many emotions at once. Next morning you feel terrible, barely alive, and they smile and tell you they're so excited to do it again.
A child of Demeter watches you leaving your garbage on the forest floor as you leave your hangout spot. One moment later, roots are holding your ankle and the ground open underneath you. They will eventually leave you go, they just pass the message "hurt the nature and i'll hurt you back."
A child of Aphrodite will look at you like you're their whole world, laugh like they're in love, hold your hand tight... And once they got what they wanted, they say it's over, but offers you stay on good terms. You'll never properly move on. For the rest of your life, you will miss and mourn them.
You get into an argument with a child of Apollo. While you leave the room, they whisper something. The next day, you have a running nose, and then your head feel heavy, and then your ears ring... It's nothing dangerous, but it won't go. Whatever you try, you will not feel any better before you apologizes to and beg them to make you feel better.
A child of Athena will get what they want from you. Whatever you think you're doing, they are perfectly aware of it. They know how to influence you so you, without even realizing, do exactly as they planned and wanted.
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