#i didn't get to talk abt canon psychotic bab kanda here either so i might make a post abt him later.... idk
baereaved · 7 years
If you're up for it, I'd love to hear some schizophrenia headcanons for any of those characters you mentioned.
i was legit just abt to elaborate on it myself so thank u so much for enabling me, all of u anons are too good to me
let’s start off w/ wisely since he was the Star of that posti lov to base hcs like these in canon fact and?? wisely shows a ton of symptoms, palhis gigantic hatred of hygiene immediately to me was just 👀 bc? same?? not wanting & actively avoiding hygienic stuff is a symptom as well as neglecting other needs, so is sleeping way too much & that typically sounds like a mood disorder symptom to ppl but it’s in schizophrenia too & wisely’s sleeping issues plus the fact that? he really seems perfectly well-adjusted mood-wise = schizophrenia, not to mention he rlly shows a lot of avolition? which looks like laziness but is actually a symptom where he rlly just can’t work up the energy to do things and naturally doesn’t have the same motivation to do certain things that nts havealso, like, even the earl called wisely out as always being eccentric (even in comparison to the other noah!) when he reincarnates which translates in everyone’s minds as “very very strange and absolutely not thinking the same way other people do” and just. so much in the way he acts are hallmarks of negative symptoms in schizophreniacatatonia, too. if we still used subtypes like that (which we don’t) then i’d def place him as a catatonic subtype
and ofc we haven’t really seen much/any evidence of hallus or delusions for him but one could sincerely make the argument that all of the noah hallucinate re: how they see/interact with their inner noah and how wisely finds that rlly hard to control, especially since we have violent impulses sometimes too y'know? people like to pretend it doesn’t happen and a lot of times we’re more vulnerable to violence but we’re also susceptible to being more violent & losing our hold on reality enough to hurt othersplus, i really like to imagine that wisely, considering how he interacts w/ people & how his mind-reading works that he gets a TON of auditory hallus & that contributes to his headaches & he probably gets confused a lot & gets reality checks from tyki & road often
i think road would be helpful at giving wisely reality checks even tho she’s psychotic herself & they’d probably help out each other and balance each other out bc they aren’t hallucinating the same things, obviouslyi’d think a lot of road’s symptoms would manifest as paranoia & visual & auditory hallus, and she’s very, very self-aware of the fact that it’s not real but she’s so lost in her dream world anyways that she can’t tell very often what really is reali think road would embrace it a lot too and at this point in her life probably has a really good balance with her hallus and is used to them, but i imagine it used to be that she wasn’t so acclimated & that she used to have a lot of visual hallus in the form of flashbacks & i bet especially she has the same issue the earl has of hallucinating neai like to think she’d have taste hallus too, like tasting blood for no reason, which, from personal experience? super weird, that, & that’s part of why she loves candy so much bc Pure Sugar makes it easier
we’ve seen the earl hallucinate before & i’d say a good chunk of that is bc of his trauma but also i feel like all those years he’s been around? would confuse him a great deal & he’d have hallucinations of really old things, hearing voices he hasn’t heard in a hundred years, seeing people he hasn’t seen in a thousand, not to mention he’d also have a lot of hallucinations of nea & a lot of confusion in generali feel like he’d be schizoaffective, like me, altho probably bipolar instead of depressed type, but maybe i’m still projectingi bet a lot of negative symptoms come out in him too & some are justified ofc, e.g. paranoia but also the fact that he also just gets exhausted and needs so much time to recoveri bet he’d have to deal w/ disordered thinking and speech a lot too & spaces out a lot & he just generally appears Weird to anyone else even tho everything he does makes total sense to him, always, like putting 15 sugar cubes in his tea
i like to think all of the noah who are more in touch with their noah side are psychotic, bc i’m very, very in love w/ these super strong noah family members & what can i say? i want to see myself in themand i also just appreciate how they act around each other like it’s so understanding & they KNOW what the others are going thru, e.g. road and wisely always understand why the earl gets so lost and know how to help him, the earl and road know how wisely trails off and acts strange and zones out and are perfectly fine with it and make sure the others treat him well & not like it’s a problem, and i bet wisely and the earl help road any time she starts losing herself and retreating too much from them and they know how to bring her back and they all just!! deal with their symptoms really well together and understand each other!!
i have more to talk abt, ofc, but this. is long. and if i write more i’ll be compelled to put it under a read more, so i’m gonna stop herei’m sure i didn’t mention a million things and i have hcs for the other dgm charas i mentioned too so asks are still always welcome
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