#i did give my sadder headcanons in the post with argon's painting
arlenianchronicles · 4 years
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Thought I’d post the whole series! Here’s Findekáno’s childhood in Valinor; you can track his growth throughout the drawings. Also, I now notice that little Findekáno looks much like Turukáno ... well, let’s just chalk it up to family resemblance XDD
Also, seeing these paintings together makes me question (and is probably making you question, too) how these Elves grow their hair so long. It’s really just how I design my elves ^^;; But, well, we can use Tolkien’s canon -- Elves physically mature slower than humans -- and I’ll just make something up along the lines of: their hair grows at a faster rate loll So toddler Findekáno would probably have hair past his shoulders loll
All in all, I like how these paintings turned out. I first started with Írissë’s painting, and then I decided to draw his other siblings, and then I thought Nolofinwë’s drawing would be the cap-off, but then I couldn’t leave out Anairë XD So here we are!
I mentioned this before, but I listened to the soundtrack of Viridi while making Anairë’s painting. The music is really quite soothing, and I think it fits how I envision the Nolofinwëan family as a whole (and so makes a good background track to this series).
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