#i def keep saying spurdle lol
deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
A Supernatual Fandom Themed Word(le) Game
Hey Desties, Want to work together to defeat the Monster of the Week? Well, how about the Supernatural Fandom word of the day.
Play now at https://superdle.netlify.app/
I want to say a special thank you to @alsaurus-loves-dean @icefire149 @thepixelagora @doctorprofessorsong @wigglebox @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @emzwolf @i-have-doubts and anyone else who helped beta test the game or submitted word suggestions!
We are still short on words, so if your 5-letter spn or heller tumblr themed guess is not accepted as a valid entry, and ONLY if your word is not accepted, please add it to our word suggestion list here. (x)
Happy Hunting!
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