#i couldve put songs that were considered scary on here but i shall not
silenthillmutual · 1 month
@sanguinaryrot tagged me to pick 5 songs not from a horror movie that i would include in a horror movie
now obviously i haven't seen every horror movie ever (sad!) but these are the ones i picked
sleepwalk - forrest day
survival - muse (just bc i wanna see someone getting bludgeoned to the beat at the end like imagine adam saw beating zepp to death. that's my vision.)
if i had a heart - fever ray
i don't have the cover on hand but i know there was a slowed down cover of "violet hill" by coldplay but i don't remember which one... anyway a club in my undergrad did a cover of this song and it was really cool and i'd put that version in a horror movie bc it was really sad (it was just bass guitar and a guy singing. you understand my hearing.)
i was thinking maybe "i'm your puppet" by james & bobby purify for some straight up possession horror but idk maybe i'm thinking too literally.
tagging uhhhhh @yahargulian @go-go-devil @hermitminded and if anyone else has recs lmk
edit wait @horrorknife and @twilitfossil dragging you into this as well
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