ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
Back to DeviantART
There is something I have to admit. 
Few months ago I actually decided to continue posting drawings on DeviantART since my stay on Twitter did not succeed that much. First I am going to say about is why I was making some art clean-ups and attempts at leaving DA.
Since last September I was having depression, which was caused by the failed attempts at finding a job. It was making me lose self-esteem. An another reason of this is, that I had been noticing its community had started getting more aggressive towards the stuff I like the most. Not only once I was being affraid, I might be having haters not only on DA, but they would also attack me on YouTube too. 
Knowing a lot of people had started moving to Twitter because there are less n00bs and there is less censorship at drawing, I wanted to try it myself being sure I might feel safer. Well these were the times, where I had not learnt enough about its community yet. 
My self-esteem was restored 2 months later and I got my courage back. Everything was fine until the several things happened on last May. 
First they turned this website into dA Eclipse, which was one of the reasons why people, including the people I have known very well, had already moved somewhere else. Second, one of my best friends got banned from DA after he got a false sexual content report. Third, I found out now a lot of people from my homeland recently started demonizing DA too. Regarding to all of that I decided to remove most of the drawings I had made for myself and move to Twitter hoping I might succeed as much as I did on DA. 
Even thought, on Twitter there is a lot of the posts, that were speaking to me and there is a lot of the pleasant art, the Twitter itself kinda disappoints me. It's full of dramas, a lot of people is hateful or two-faced and I have to be lucky to get at least 10 likes, because a lot of my watchers is kinda affraid of Twitter by the similar reasons. It makes me sometimes realize, that leaving DeviantART was one of my greatest mistakes, since I was kinda "raised" on that exact website. 
Since I finally got a job, my self-esteem started slowly restoring. While my last vacation I got completely recovered mentally, which is one of the reasons why I continued posting my drawings on DA regularly once again. 
No matter how many n00bs are in that website, but I just feel safer than I do on Twitter. 
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
Najwyższy czas poruszyć temat pewnych mitów, które należy również w Polsce obalić.
Zauważyliście, że w krajach, które są bardziej przyjaźnie nastawione wobec LGBT, jest więcej kobiet rysujących mature content, NSFW czy po prostu kobiety thicc niż u nas w Polsce? Czemu się tak dzieje? To proste. Bo na zachodzie starają się obalać mity, o których milczeć już nie powinno. Akceptacja ciała innych osób jest spowodowana tym, że sami siebie też akceptują. Również spowodowane jest tym, że nie boją się ujawniać swoich prawdziwych orientacji seksualnych. Niestety w Polsce nadal jest to rzadkością. Niestety u nas po dziś dzień dalej ludzie żyją w przekonaniach, że kobiety albo rysują mature content wyłącznie dla męskich widzów albo w ogóle tego nie rysują. To tak jak dalej żyć w przekonaniu, że mężczyźni dalej nie rysują uroczych rzeczy. Wydaje mi się, że w naszej ojczyźnie pruderia silnie się łączy z homofobią. Tzn. kobiety nie-heteroseksualne, które tworzą mature content z żeńskimi postaciami, boją się podwójnego, a nawet potrójnego linczu. Raz, że będzie wyzywana od "lezb", bo "cycki jej się podobają". Dwa, że będzie wyzywana od "lafirynd", bo "seksualizuje siebie samego i się sprzedaje". A trzy, że "grubaski jej też się podobają". Tak. Są pewne prawaki, dla które nawet dziewczynę z nadwagą porównują do prostytutek, bo mają większe cycki, co jest bardziej porąbanym porównaniem. To co ja ciągle widzę, niestety nadal przypomina mi tą wielką dramę w fandomie Happy Tree Friends z lat 2011-2013, gdzie prawie każdy twórca płci żeńskiej był wyzywany od "lafirynd", bo rysowała postacie z żeńskimi figurami ciała BEZ WZGLĘDU NA TO JAK SZCZUPŁE TE POSTACIE BYŁY CZY NORMALNIE SIĘ UBIERAŁY! Niestety mnie też ta drama straumatyzowała, lecz nie powinienem dalej o tym mówić, bo szkoda gadać. Wracając do tematu zachodu, coraz więcej twórców płci żeńskiej (np. CreepyShow Art czy lunarclaws) stara się udowadniać, że rysują kobiety thick NIE tylko dla męskich widzów, ale również przede wszystkim ze swojej pasji. Przyczyny są takie, że nie boją się przyznać że są np. biseksualne, panseksualne, nie-binarne, itp., przez co mają również sporo żeńskich widzów szczególnie, gdy żeńscy widzowie są bardziej otwarci wobec innych orientacji seksualnych. Często się słyszy również, że osoby, którym się nie podobają takie rysunki, to zazwyczaj geje, lecz jeśli chodzi o nich to jest coś, o czym się nie dawno dowiedziałem. Ostatnio zauważyłem, że w dzisiejszych czasach geje zaczynają być bardziej tolerancyjni i otwarci wobec żeńskich postaci thick. Mało tego. Niektórym z nich nawet zaczyna sprawiać przyjemność rysowanie takich postaci, dzięki czemu ten drugi mit też zaczyna być obalany. Podsumowując, im bardziej takie zjawiska zauważam, tym bardziej uświadamiam sobie, że nasza ojczyzna nadal żyje w kłamstwie.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
My Instagram
Today I have an Instagram account while the digital design lessons.
At the moment I am using it for the educational purposes.
My username is Ktokolwiek1992.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
The best decision for my DA page.
Because a lot of people prefered seeing me still posting drawings on DeviantART, I decided to continue posting them on DeviantART. But being awared I am gonna get banned just like my friend did, I am gonna put the limits in my drawing themes. There are several types of my drawings I prefer uploading mainly on FurAffinity and InkBunny than there: - sexual drawings (for example pin-ups or something like that) - fetish ones (snake squeeze, vore, etc.) - gore - etc. If you are into this stuff, you should watch my FurAffinity page: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/boggytheworm/. I am gonna post only casual drawings. Also I am NOT gonna delete the drawings I made for all of you.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
Have changed my Twitter page’s URL code.
I had to change it, since some people still have problems with finding me on Twitter.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
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It's a high time to reveal who is hiding behind this avatar. Her name is Marielle Delacroix and she is proving people she is a one to have this avatar. 
She hates being misgendered because of what she is drawing, especially by the Easterners. Also she used to be Suzette's rival at drawing mature content. Credits: Infernis / Marielle belongs to me and Imp-Rose. This drawing was produced by me.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
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Danse macabre.
Originally made on May of 2019, because I don't remember when that was exactly made, since a date is not accurate.
While having a break in my job I was drawing a Mobian manticore girl dancing with her scythe. Credits: This drawing was produced by me.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
The nicer Infernis.
Alright. Let’s risk. I hope this drawing might not be taken off from this website.
Recently I have been thinking about Infernis not being completely evil. I mean I am basing her on the certain busty characters, who despite of being demons are very kind and not evil. Also I am still thinking about a human character this character is an avatar of. Credits: Infernis belongs to me and Imp-Rose. This drawing was produced by me.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
Turning my DA account into a stamp-related page.
I have come up with a better idea for what I am going to do with my DA page. Knowing how many people would like me to stay on DA, I am going to turn my DeviantART page into a one, where I make only stamps. My stamps have always been getting much more favourites than my drawings, so why not? The stamps are the useful stuff on DA, so I am going to continue posting stamps... I repeat... STAMPS! on my page. If you want to see me uploading drawings, come to my Twitter, FurAffinity, Inkbunny and Tumblr. Just suggest me which ones of my drawings would you like me to reupload and then I might decide which ones I should reupload. At the moment I am posting drawings on: Twitter: twitter.com/BoggyWorm FurAffinity: www.furaffinity.net/user/boggy… Tumblr: ktokolwiek1992.tumblr.com/ Inkbunny: inkbunny.net/BoggyTheWorm Toyhou.se: toyhou.se/BoggyTheWorm
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
For the Lin Kuei!
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To make my selfie with the Sub-Zero mask more climatic, I changed my skin to bright blue while editing a selfie.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
My Inkbunny
I have made an account on Inkbunny. My username is BoggyTheWorm. Check it out: inkbunny.net/BoggyTheWorm
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
Grand purge on my DA page.
Because I decided to quit using DeviantART as an art website, I am gonna delete my artwork.
However at the moment I am gonna still keep stamps and the drawings I made for the others until 01.06.2020. 
There is even a possibility I may even close my DA page.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
My first single character playthrough with the commentary.
Because this one succeeded a lot unlike most of my previous commentary videos, I started looking for more ideas for such playthroughs like this.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 4 years
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A not-so-obligatory Virginie fanart.
That’s right, people.After almost 8 years I decided to continue using my Tumblr page. Unfortunately I have to watch out knowing there was a grand purge, that happened back on December of 2018.
I finally succeeded to draw her basing on Furious-Cat's style with some additions of mine. 
 I made a drawing progress video with a description, where I say everything about DeviantART. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5EsIL7mUKs Yes. It's one of the first normal drawings of mine I might never upload on DeviantART. Credits: Virginie belongs to Lilli-Villa (aka PumaHTF). This drawing was produced by me.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 12 years
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Just uploading my drawings with my HTF OCs(or FCs). This time these are Hinako and Mizuka. They are the lesbians. I noticed the lesbian HTF OCs are the extreme minority of the HTF OCs on DeviantART.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 12 years
Everything vs. Everything screenpack comparison
Link to a screenshot montage: http://boggytheworm.deviantart.com/art/EvE-Battle-screenpack-comparison-320903821
Since I found the oldest version of Everything vs. Everything screenpack, I decided to make a presentation about it. The first version of Everything vs. Everything (aka EvE Battle) was released in the Christmas times of 2004. One of the people, who made this screenpack was SyN. I guess it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for the MUGEN players, who liked the screenpacks with a large space. I don't know that much. The select screen had the black dots in the turn mode selection. The versus screen was made of a red arrow, blue arrow and white thin edges. The lifebars has the 3-level lifebars. These lifebars had MvC2 announcers. The problem in this version of the EvE lifebar were the missing lifebar sprites in the turn mode. (I have to admit: I copied these lifebars to my MUGEN 1.0. Yeah. I am such a weird man.) A year later DJ-VAN updated this screenpack. The logo of this screenpack was a bit edited. There were the changes in the select screen. There were the blue dots in a turn mode selection. Also DJ-VAN made a second select screen style. He edited an older one and made a categorial one. The versus screen was edited too. Both arrows are blue and the edges are blue too. The lifebars are slightly edited. The powerbars are a bit different to the older ones. The lifebars in the turn mode are fixed. Also DJ-VAN or someone else made an own announcer for these lifebars. The fact is, that there are the people, who are still using this version of Everything vs. Everything screenpack, since DoomGuy2nd made a MUGEN 1.0 conversion in 2010 year. At the last months of 2009 DJ-VAN made the HD edition of Everything vs. Everything screenpack for the people, who were using MUGEN 1.0. This screenpack was for the MUGEN 1.0 users, who liked the HD resolution. Since this version of EvE Battle screenpack did not contain any lifebars, MUGEN_Overlord made the lifebars for this ones. These lifebars were absolutely different to the older ones. These lifebars had two variations: custom portrait one and default icon one. It's all I said about Everything vs. Everything comparison. If you notice anything wrong in this info, just tell me about it. Thank you.
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ktokolwiek1992 · 12 years
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Just uploading my drawings.
Here is Kyo Kusanagi from King of Fighters series, but I drew him in a HTF style.
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