#i cant believe i didnt make a counting sheep joke in this lol
Because I'm currently dealing my own case of insomnia these last few days, I give you:
How the demon brothers deal with an insomniac Mc.
• Ah, he knows exactly what that's like....
• Even though he's also a terrible insomniac on account of how little he sleeps, he still scolds you when he sees that you're still up.
• What a hypocrite.
• After he scolds you he's still making you tea or something else soothing if you don't like tea.
• He'll push his work to the side for now as he puts on one of his relaxing records.
• The two of you can sit in silence and listen or talk about RAD.
• When you finally do fall asleep he gently carries you to his bed.
• If you're unable to fall asleep he makes sure that no one bugs you at breakfast and tells you that if you're feeling tired at RAD you can go home and rest.
• He's actually a bit of an insomniac himself.
• When his mind starts to race with money making schemes he can find it difficult to sleep.
• Hence his habit of hitting up the casino late at night.
• When he notices you're up late he scolds you (Big Brother instincts popping up).
• But he still leads you into his room for a movie night.
• Picks out movies that are slow paced in the hopes that it'll lull you to sleep.
• If they do then he quietly turns off the TV and drapes a blanket over you.
• Whispers "Good night Mc" before cuddling up on the other side of the couch and going to sleep.
• If you don't and you're still awake come morning, you'll probably have to wake him up for breakfast.
• He definitely fell asleep during the movies lol. He tried to stay up for you but couldn't.
• Asks if you were able to fall asleep and when you say you couldn't he makes sure no one bothers you during breakfast or at RAD.
• He wakes down the hallways demanding that people be quiet and get out of your way.
• Has a terrible sleep schedule himself.
• Since he does online school he can do his schoolwork whenever. So it doesn't matter if he wakes up at 8am or 8pm.
• He often tries to force himself to stay awake so he can continue to watch anime/play games even though his eyes are burning.
• But when you are unable to sleep he suggests reading manga because blue light can make it harder to fall asleep.
• The two of you end up reading mange together while watching Henry swim around in his tank.
• It's actually really relaxing and has a good chance of lulling you to sleep.
• If you're able to fall asleep Levi will verrrrrrry carefully wrap a blanket around you. He's terrified of accidentally waking you up.
• If you stay awake he tries to convince Lucifer to let you say home. Saying that he'll make you two will do schoolwork together.
• (You two don't to schoolwork, you two game instead.)
• Ah, he read how to cure insomnia in this book! Let him just find it!
• ..... it's somewhere around here....
• .... no matter, he memorized what was in that book anyway!
• He makes you tea and other home remedies to help you fall asleep.
• He also heard reading to someone can help them asleep - it's not like he wants to read to you with your head in his lap! He's just trying to help!
• Yes, Satan will read you a bedtime story.
• Yes, he will tuck you into bed too.
• Satan actually picks out a mystery to read to you before bed, so now you don't actually want to fall asleep. You want to know what happens.
• The two of you spend the night on the edges of your seats as Satan reads you the novel.
• When your alarm for RAD goes off you two realize that you spent the night reading and not sleeping.
• ....oops.
• Now you're both dead tired going to RAD.
• At least Satan keeps anyone from bothering you, as he snarls at anyone who gets too close to him when he's cranky.
• Oh no, don't you know lack of sleep is terrible for your skin!
• It's not like you chose to be an insomniac, Asmo.
• He fully believes that a lack of a proper nightly routine is what's causing your insomnia.
• Prepares a full nighty routine for you, from drinking relaxing tea to a bath to face masks Asmo prepares it all.
• Does not allow you to use your phone an hour before bed as bluelight is bad for you.
• You two end up chatting as he puts skincare products on you.
• He definitely has a whitenoise machine. He says it helps "block out the chaos" (aka his chaotic brothers) before bed.
• If you're still unable to sleep Asmo is willing to stay up and chat.
• But Asmo does need his beauty sleep so he ends up falling asleep pretty quickly.
• When he wakes up he asks you if you were able to fall asleep last night.
• If you did then congratulations! You now have a new nighty routine that Asmo insists you do every night!
• Good habits create good skin!
• If you didn't then he'll pout, but say that nobody finds their perfect shade on the first try!
• He's willing to try out a new routine tonight! He heard all about this new trend where people work up a sweat before going to bed...
• .... oh no, you may have created a monster. Good luck trying to fall asleep normally now.
• Pouts when you tell him that you're an insomniac and sometimes can't sleep no matter how hard you try.
• He understands, sometimes he gets so hungry that he finds it hard to sleep.
• Suggest eating before going to bed with a full stomach as he always feels sleepy after eating a big meal.
• Thank Diavolo Asmo didn't overhear this, you're not supposed to eat before bed!
• After raiding Hell's Kitchen (Thank Diavolo it's open 24/7) you two lay down in Beel's bed and try to sleep.
• But the food doesn't exactly help with falling asleep, and Beel notices that.
• He offers to go on a run because he always feels tired after exercising!
• Yeah, so now you're running around the Devildom while Beel leisurely jogs next to you.
• When you return to the House of Lamentation you can't feel your legs anymore.
• If you pass out from exhaustion Beel counts this as a success. Until you tell him you're unable to walk when you wake up because your legs are too sore.
• Well, now you'll get a lot of rest?
• If you're still unable to fall asleep when you return from your run Beel offers to stay awake to keep you company.
• But you shoe him into bed because both of don't need to go to RAD exhausted tomorrow.
• At RAD he offers to carry you around everywhere and glares at anyone whose being too loud.
• I headcanon Belphie as being able to magically put people to sleep because he's the Avatar of Sloth so your sleep problem gets fixed pretty uneventfully.
• But if he can't do that Belphie will try to get you to sleep by taking out his most comfy bedding and offers to sleep next to you.
• Body warmth is supposed to lull people into sleep, don't you know? So why don't you two cuddle up together?
• Trust him, he's the Avatar of Sloth, he knows what he's talking about.
• If you're still unable to sleep he'll talk to you about stars and constellations, hopefully, that his calm and steady voice will lull you into sleep.
• If it does then he's extremely smug and wraps an arm around you before going to sleep himself.
• If you don't? Well....
• .... snore, mimimi
• Yeah sorry, but Belphie accidentally falls asleep. Hey, don't blame him! The bedding he picked out is really comfy!
• He was genuinely trying to stay up to keep you company but after a while his own voice lulls him into sleep.
• When you wake him up for RAD and he finds that you couldn't sleep he suggests pretending that he fell asleep on top of you and wouldn't wake up. So you're forced to stay home from RAD.
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