#i cannot tag this with aftg because i do not want it to pop up in the general aftg tag šŸ™ˆ
jeanmoreaux Ā· 7 months
I am loving your recent flood of AFTG posts, I have never been the same since I read that series and Captive Prince a few years back
Anyways I saw the one compiled with quotes about rage and Andrew and I almost cried
I really really love Nora for being like, fck it and she just wrote the characters she wanted and the story she wanted and nothing comes close to that experience
I really appreciate how Andrew fully is an unhinged and violent person and thereā€™s no ā€˜redemption arc or forgivenessā€™ nonsense that most writers (Iā€™m looking at the recent YA sickness and booktok monstrosities) ā€”- would intent to write in or be forced to do so by their editors or whatnot.
He is unapologetically himself and even though in reality I would probably avoid someone like that (I am smol. I have all the rage of the world but I would snap like a twig in 2 seconds if he decided to just end meā€”-ala Allison and Aaron situation WHICH I HAVE SOME BEEF WITH IF YOUā€™LL HEAR ME OUT) ā€”-I just appreciate his character so much I canā€™t explain
Neil is myyyy boyyy though I definitely experienced the series the way he also develops across the books. When heā€™s shookt Iā€™m shookt, when heā€™s snarky Iā€™m also feeling snarky, and when heā€™s driving into a conversation like knives Iā€™m also with him (the scene after the assault in book 2, at the hospital where Neil confronts him about ā€˜doing nothingā€™ still sends chills down my spine)
I just love AFTG itā€™s tattooed into my brain
ahhhhh you have noooo idea how much joy this ask brought me. even after all these years i still get excited when people come talk to me about these books and the characters in it. i am all with you in the opinion that this series is made special by nora just writing what she wanted to write. itā€™s so unapologetic in that approach as well, which is why the story and the characters and the dynamics work for me. and omg donā€™t even get me started on andrew or neil, they are my sons. i have soooo many feelings about them itā€™s awful. i actually appreciate how messed up they both are and how they both donā€™t really lose that by the end of the story. they do get better in their own ways without fundamentally changing as people and that just feels so right for them (to me at least). for me, this story has always been about the after of trauma. itā€™s about the coping mechanism to deal with it and the adjustment you have to make to survive it and also that even when youā€™re never gonna be what society considers ā€œnormalā€ again you can have a life thatā€™s worth living and full of love and accomplishments and success. a life that lets you be okay most of the time. in my opinion, none of the characters needed a redemption anyway. ((but youā€™re right, popular sensibilities often push editors to demand that from their writers. which is so stupid to me but another discussion entirely lol.)) like, with these characters, itā€™s all about perspective. you simply cannot meet them on a level that insists on ā€œhealthyā€ notions of ethics and morals because they operate on such other principles. principles that make sense for the characters based on their psychology and circumstances. and thatā€™s where you have to meet them and the point from where you have to judge them, in my opinion. ((thatā€™s also why i think aftg is not for most people because i get not wanting to stray from oneā€™s own set of sensibilities when it comes to the stuff in this series.)) personally, these characters (and especially andrew and neil) are so interesting exactly because their brains are so different from mine. i find that fascinating. and nora characterises them well enough to give it all a coherent internal logic that works out for the story. so YES OMG i appreciate these characters so much as well. theyā€™re truly so different in a way that i eat up. and PLS full-on shit-stirrer, people-dragging, truth-spitting neil is my FAVOURITE!!! love it when he lets lose and verbally attacks people like there is no tomorrow. makes me so proud in the weirdest way.
also. whatā€™s your beef with the allison and aaron situation? šŸ‘€ i am so curious and iā€™ll gladly hear you out
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bloodydamnit Ā· 5 years
A line has been crossed.
Making a trap fic, is not how you win an argument.Ā 
You took time out of your day, to write an inc*st fic. You took time out of your day to write nearly 3k of disgusting, horrific, fucking content.Ā Ā 
All to what? To try and trap inc*st shippers (who I think are just as immoral and wrong, as you)? All to what? Prove a point?
This is a trap and do not fall for it. This fic?
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Is a trap. And I think it is a testament to how far some of you will go to prove a point. You can moderate your comments.Ā 
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You can delete them (twice you did. The first time there were 4 comments and you deleted -Ā the second there were 9). But I have the receipts. All the comments posted before were calling this out as a trap, but you got rid of them - you deleted them.
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I have all the original comments and if people would like to see them, calling you out, then I would be happy to dm them to you in order to protect peoples anonymity.Ā 
This is why so many people find it toĀ be a joke. Because you, - whoever you are - whether done alone or not, are treating this like children.Ā 
It just blows my mind. You took time to writeĀ 3k... ofĀ pure... fucking..Ā disgusting mother fuckingĀ inc*st. For what?
This is fear mongering. This isĀ an attempt to get people on your side. And it will not work.Ā 
You say here, you just read the books and you are so excited?:
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Then why, when we go on your tumblr, does it say you posted a fairly popular aftg post, 7 months ago?
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I'veĀ blocked out the other name because they have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. that is the only reason.-
This. isn't. okay. Do not fear monger. Do not try and drag people into this. This ruins your argument. This completely obliterates many of your arguments because this. is not. real.Ā 
Youā€™re telling me that all of a sudden, when everything is popping off again, someone just so happens to post an inc*st fic - a glorified, horrific, disgusting, fic?
We looked at your other fics. You took tagging very very seriously. And now?
The only reason why Iā€™m posting this because this is very very HARMFUL. I will say it again, this is not HELPING your argument. This is WRONG, this is IMMORAL, this is one of the MANY problems on BOTH SIDES.Ā 
I am not even saying this for those inc*st shippers to be warned. This is for those of you who CARE about victims. This is for the sane people that give a fuck about what actual victims fucking go through. This is for the people that care about protecting victims.Ā 
I am getting involved because this shit, cannot continue. This is not. okay. I know I will get hit for this. So fucking be it. But since Iā€™ve been dragged into this again, I will continue speaking.
I don'tĀ know who was involved in this and I do not care, nor will i make assumptions. This is not. the way. you go about a valid, important argument.Ā 
Unfollow me if you do not like this post. Quite frankly, I do not want, nor do I need your support if you believe in shit like this.
Iā€™ll say it again. Do your own research. When you see something suss, do. your own. research. Be informed before you enter an argument.Ā 
I want to see this condemned on BOTHĀ ā€˜sidesā€™. If you do not condemn behavior like this, then you are a part of the problem, anti, moderate, or fucking not. Those that donā€™t like me, that have blocked me, should be standing up against this disgusting shit just as much as I am.
And for those of you that are in the business of sending hate, I implore you not to. Itā€™s useless, it doesn't help ANYTHING. Do not reduce yourselves down to this type of shit. It is not fucking worth it and it hurts the cause, rather than help it. I do not want to see hate on anyone's fucking profile. Send hate to me all you want, I donā€™t give a fuck. But do not go spouting in peoples inboxes. Please.
Also, the person in question, who wrote this disgusting fic - their tumblr has been inactive for months. Donā€™t bother interacting and if you know what their current tumblr is? Keep it to yourself. The only reason why I have not blocked out their name is BECAUSE their tumblr seems to be inactive. If someone believes I am wrong, I would be happy to block out their names. But in order to prove the correlation between the tumblr post and the fic, I thought it was necessary.Ā 
Lastly, for the love of god, if I see people supporting inc*st on this post, and the other arguments that theĀ ā€˜antiā€™sā€™ use to PROVE THEIR POINT, fucking hold back. I do not need your help in this argument. This is indefensible and I do not need freedom of speech comments on this post. You, of course, are free to do whatever you wish because that IS YOUR RIGHT. But please, for fucks sake, refrain. The number of people I see trying to stand up for whatever belief they have, are just feeding the flame and stoking the fire. You are hurting your own argument.
I repeat, if you do not like this post - you know where the block button is.Ā 
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corporategreed-fma Ā· 7 years
Tagged by @fullmetal-star to answer these questions then add one of my own for the next people to answer. Thanks! :)
coke or pepsi: Pepsi for sure disney or dreamworks: Hmmm...Iā€™m gonna go Disney coffee or tea: Coffee, itā€™s not even a competition. While most people are 70% water I am 70% coffeeĀ  books or movies: Generally movies because I donā€™t have a ton of time to read anymore, but if itā€™s a movie based on a book then usually the book is better windows or mac: Mac dc or marvel: Iā€™m not super into either but I tend to like the Marvel superhero movies better than the DC ones x-box or playstation: My dad has an X-box so Iā€™ll go with that dragon age or mass effect: Iā€™ve never played either of them so no comment night owl or early riser: Night owl probably cards or chess: Cards chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate (with the exception of ice cream which is vanilla) vans or converse: CONVERSE. My sister likes Vans better and weā€™ve argued over which is better before lol Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ...? fluff or angst: Fluff, I just want everyone to be happy beach or forest: Forest! dogs or cats: Cats clear skies or rain: Both? It depends on my mood.Ā  cooking or eating out: Does microwaving stuff count as cooking Eating out spicy food or mild food:Ā Mild halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Halloween! I love Halloween would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot:Ā Too cold, Iā€™m always really hot for some reason and I hate it if you could have a superpower, what would it be:Ā I think telekinesis would be cool animation or live action: Animation paragon or renegade:Ā no clue, my guy baths or showers: Showers team cap or team ironman:Ā I guess Team Cap? I kinda went back and forth on it fantasy or sci-fi:Ā Thatā€™s tough...I really love them both. I think itā€™d be sci-fi-fi though do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they:Ā 
ā€œWe should take a moment, and hold it, and keep it frozen, and know that life has a hopeful undertoneā€ (which isnā€™t exactly a quote but I love these lyrics)
ā€œWe do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.ā€Ā 
ā€œNow if you are going to win any battle you have to do oneĀ thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let theĀ body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up.Ā It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body isĀ never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were youngerĀ the mind could make you dance all night, and the body wasĀ never tired... You've always got to make the mind take overĀ and keep going.ā€ (This one is pretty much my inspiration for any endurance event I do)
youtube or netflix: Netflix harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter when you feel accomplished: When I finish a long run or something finally clicks in physics
star wars or star trek:Ā Star Wars
paperback books or hardback books:Ā Paperback
to live in a world without literature or without music? This is so cruel??? Literature I guess, I listen to music more often than I read
who was the last person to make you laugh?Ā My mom
sour or sweet candy:Ā Sour
do you believe in aliens?Ā Hell yeah man
dawn or dusk: Dusk
piercings or tattoos?Ā Piercings
girls?Ā I think weā€™re a pretty good group
do you sleep facing the wall or the room?Ā THE ROOM. Even if I fall asleep facing the wall I always end up facing the room. When I was younger I was terrified that a monster or ghost or whatever would attack me in my sleep, so Ā got used to facing outwards as a defense mechanism, like I could spring into action faster if I was facing them or something lol
TRC or AFTG: Idk dude
horror or drama: Horror
ocarina of time or majoraā€™s mask?Ā Again never played either so cannot comment
would you rather live in an area of more nature or city?Ā More nature, Iā€™m really not a city person at all
whatā€™s your addiction right now? Hmmmmm nothing new has popped up recently so Iā€™ll FMA since itā€™s the last thing I was obsessed with
what languages can you speak? English. I took Spanish in high school but I canā€™t really count that because we didnā€™t do much more than learn a lot of vocabulary and Iā€™ve forgotten most of it already
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?Ā Iā€™d love to stay in the area I grew up in, which is kind of a lame answer, but I love being near the mountains and how everyone kinda recognizes everyone since itā€™s a small town
sun or moon?Ā Moon
potato bread or banana bread? Banana bread
are horses good? They kinda scare me because theyā€™re so large but I donā€™t think theyā€™re evil or anything
fruit or mint gum? Mint, fruit gum was very much a middle school thing for me and I canā€™t go back there
Iā€™ll add: breakfast foods or desserts?
And Iā€™ll tag @sentimental-boy @springbender @lieutenant-sarcastic @daxiia @usually-confused @hawkeyedflame @effervescentaffectionsĀ @romip89Ā @vaisraavana and @thegooblin
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