#i can see a million people getting flustered and trying to defend themselves like ''well they dont LOOK disabled idk i dont think theyre
everyone's all for disabled rights & anti-capitalism until your co-worker does the dishes slowly, or gets confused when given directions, or needs to be trained on how to do something that you think is fairly simple, or this or that or whatever lack of ability they have that makes you start to devalue them as a person and call them "useless" for not being a perfect cog in the capitalist machine
like sorry my existing makes your job harder but maybe direct your anger & aggression upwards instead of stamping down vulnerable groups who are just trying to survive and have gone their whole life being abused and screamed at for not being "good enough" or for being Inconvenient or a Burden
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Insecurities and loneliness
Lily faces problems on her first year, problems that Ginny knows very well and knows that she will need to talk about - almost - everything about her own first year. Things are almost never easy in the beginning.
Thanks to @startanewdream, for the prompt, thanks to @whathefawkes for the incredible help and conversation, I hope you all like it.
No, in my HC all cousins are not best friends, because each one has their own life. Lily is the youngest. She is going to the second year, Albus to the fourth, James to the sixth :)
Read bellow the cut or on AO3
'Can I come in?' James asked, looking a little flustered, his cheeks flushed and his hair a little messy, just putting his head into Ginny's office.
'Sure, did something happen?' Ginny continued to sort the papers into organized stacks, keeping her mind working and still trying to pay attention to what James had to say. It was only a week away for her to deliver that work, and if a comma was wrong, she was screwed.
'Look, I don't like to gossip... well, not like that, at least, but I think there's something wrong with Lily.' As soon as he stopped talking, Ginny had already dropped the papers and stared at her son, big eyes towards him, a little scared.
'What do you mean, something wrong?' James looked at his own feet, seeming to think the exact words, and Ginny hated that he was not as impulsive in these moments as she was, but more rational like Harry.
'Mira realized that... I also noticed... that she is a little alone. Since Rose traveled... She doesn't seem to have friends.' James grimaced, as if he didn't like having to say it out loud. 'I know it's her first year, but Lily seems a little out of place, I don't know. I mean, Louis is out, Rose is older than she, Hugo and she are not that attached, Albus has his friends.. I just want to say that maybe she is feeling a little alone. She was alone all afternoon today, basically, in the living room. Albus is locked up with Scorpion and even when they go to the kitchen, I don’t think they’ll talk to her, and I was with Mira… We asked her out, but Lily said she didn’t want to.’
'I'm going to talk to her,' Ginny assured, thinking that those papers could wait a few more hours. Harry would work until later, and she could take the time to work. Something about her maternal instinct didn't seem to like what James was saying. 'Thanks.'
'You're welcome.' James smiled, waving and running out of her office, leaving Ginny surrounded by silence.
She didn't want Lily to feel alone, Ginny knew what it felt like to be alone and the consequences of that weren't the best. Her daughter was the youngest and her brothers always seemed too busy for her. Lily was the youngest of the entire family. Perhaps the lack of a close cousin and with her age would make her feel more alone than usual.
Of course, Ginny noticed that James and Albus got letters from their friends, but Lily only received a few from time to time from Rose, but she particularly believed that her daughter had found other ways to communicate with friends. Through the mirror, or perhaps, she would send letters but she was only more discreet; Ginny felt like a bad mother.
Leaving her office in the underground, next to Harry's and their wine cellar, Ginny went up the stairs and walked towards the living room, where a loud noise of voices was heard. The room was dark, even though there were still traces of sunlight outside, the curtains all drawn, and the only source of light was the TV on over the fireplace. Lily almost disappeared in the middle of the sofa cushions, lying where Harry used to be. There was a thin blanket on top of her, an empty popcorn jar, empty cookie wrapper inside the jar, and a cup on the coffee table, which Ginny guessed was chocolate milk.
Which made her understand the gravity of the situation and how miserable Lily was feeling, since she only drank hot chocolate when it was miserably cold, or when she was miserable.
The girl's arm was still bandaged, as she had fallen off the broom when she was trying to accompany James on high, and Harry was unable to fully relieve the fall. Lily had been fine, even though Ginny had seen her terrified eyes when the healer said that she would need to put the bone in place and it would probably hurt.
'Hey,' Ginny said quietly, walking around the couch to sit next to the girl, who did not take her eyes off the TV, where now a blonde girl seemed willing to dye her hair black. 'All right?'
'Yea,' Lily murmured, shrugging her shoulders as if she didn't pay much attention to her mother. Ginny smiled sadly.
'James said you didn't want to go out with him and Mira today... did anything happen?' She tried again, lifting the blanket and lying next to Lily, as they used to do before she went to Hogwarts.
‘They clearly didn’t want me to go together. So, I didn't.' Lily continued without looking at Ginny, her glasses reflecting a little of the colored lights that came from the TV.
'Do you want to talk?' This time, Lily turned her attention away from the TV, for a few seconds, looking at Ginny quickly before turning around again.
'No.' Ginny nodded, trying not to take it too personally.
'Do you want to help me make dinner? I thought about cooking that pasta dough that your dad made… Maybe make meatballs?' Ginny knew it was her favorite dish, of course, it wasn't Harry's homemade pasta with meatball, but she could try.
'Why doesn't Al help you?' Lily said, looking at her mother again. 'Or is he too busy?' Lily's sarcastic tone didn't go unnoticed, and Ginny didn't think it was even the girl's intention to make it clear what she meant, but still, it hurt a little inside her. The 11-year-old Ginny seemed to feel the pain that Lily felt.
'Your brothers are very busy, huh?' Ginny tried, stepping on eggs and afraid to end up breaking one, causing Lily not to open up to her.
'Everyone is.' The girl pulled the blanket up to her chin, turning her attention back to the TV.
‘Even your friends?’
'They didn't send me any letters, so they must also be busy.' Ginny wanted to break the main rule that she and Harry stipulated when Teddy started being a tantrum teenager, which was ''give them space to talk when they feel comfortable'', and wanted to hug Lily and ask a million questions and then go up to James and Albus' room and force them to interact with their sister.
But Ginny was steady, taking a deep breath and trying to keep her composure.
'Did you send them a letter?' It seemed that it hurt Ginny more than it hurt her daughter, the monster from the past terrorizing her mind, even if it wasn't real at all.
Ginny knew that eventually it would happen, and that raising a girl would bring out this demon she kept under lock and key.
Dealing with Teddy, James or Albus' insecurities seemed a lot easier now. It was as if theirs didn't hurt as deeply as the ones she shared with Lily.
Ginny knew what it was like to be lonely even with a big family.
'It's just her. I only have one friend,' Lily said, looking ashamed of it. 'And I did, but she didn't respond.' Ginny blew out a breath that she hadn't even realized she was holding, closing her eyes for a second as if she was trying to find the right words.
‘Lily, honey-’
'-It's okay,' Lily interrupted, speaking a little louder, as if she was controlling herself to explode. 'She looked like she was my friend just because of James, anyway.' She shrugged, denying vehemently as if she wanted to forget. ‘Okay, I’m over it.’
'-It is true. I'm fine here. Today I saw three good films, and two bad ones, much better than yesterday, that everything I watched was bad.’ She smiled, as if she was trying to be happy. 'Besides, maybe when I remove the sling, I can improve my nail painting technique. The left hand always gets worse than the right.'
‘My love, but are you going to be locked in here?’
'But there's not much to do, mom,' Lily complained, her voice wavering and shaking. 'Rose is traveling, Teddy is away, Albus is always very busy, and James too. Everyone has something to do but me.' Her brown eyes teared up behind her glasses, which was the last straw for Ginny, who hugged the girl as if she were still her little baby, lying trapped against her chest and kissing her forehead.
Her mother's heart, which wanted to protect her children from all harm and pain, broke when she felt Lily's tears wet her white button-down shirt, one arm hugging her back, while keeping the other protected from the grip.
Ginny wanted to be able to feel that pain herself, wanted to open Lily's chest and remove any shadow of insecurity that might arise, with her own hands, to take care lovingly so that she would never doubt herself, and that she would always be happy.
But Ginny also knew that she couldn't do that, not just because of the obvious, but because it would help Lily grow and learn to defend herself. It was necessary if Ginny wanted her daughter to be independent and really sure of herself.
However, it still hurt.
Ginny kissed Lily's head, stroking her red hair, and closing her eyes when the demons themselves seemed to want to visit her, the ones who hardly made any more noise but who occasionally tormented her.
'I didn't have a good first year either,' Ginny started, her voice strangled. 'I also felt lonely and out of place, and a little lost, because I saw my brothers just being my brothers at home and when I got there everyone had friends of their own, and they were famous, and they didn't seem to care much for me.' She laughed sadly, pressing Lily against her. 'But I know they still loved me, they just had their own lives, and I know it hurts when we don't feel inside any group, or when we see ourselves alone, but... You are not alone, Lily. You never will be. It's your first year, everyone who came in with you is also lost, I promise you that, and little by little you will get to know more people, loosen up more, and make friends... This girl? Maybe she really is your friend, even though she likes James.. It’s because he is older, and when we are that age the older boys look much more interesting.’
'But James is ugly,' Lily complained, her voice muffled against her mother's shirt. Ginny laughed softly, thinking about how that sounded a little with a little bit of jealousy.
'Well, maybe your friend doesn't think so. Who knows, maybe she just can't answer the letter? Call her to come here, or to come with us to the Amusement Park next week. What about?'
'What if she doesn't want to?' Lily lifted her head, her glasses fogged and a little crooked on her face, her brown eyes a little red from crying.
'So, when you return to Hogwarts you make other friends. Maybe you meet someone on the train and become friends with that person, who knows? The youngest always go alone, it is a good opportunity to meet someone. That's how I met Aunt Luna.’ Ginny smiled, seeing her smile too. Not a big smile, but a lot better than the crying of before. ‘James was worried about you.’
'James?' Lily's eyes blinked, looking confused by that brother's demonstration. Ginny would have to talk to him and Albus about not leaving Lily alone at Hogwarts, at least for now, while she was still adapting.
'Yes… I know that now he and Albus don't seem to want you around, and I swear, when you get to their age you will also feel that way, but they are still your brothers, and they still love you. Never forget that, okay?’
'Okay.' She nodded, her cheeks a little flushed.
'And me and your father always, Lily, always, we will be here. You can always send us a letter and call us whenever you feel necessary or want to talk. Never think you can't tell us how you feel, okay? Promise me.' The demons who seemed to have woken up with that situation, stirred inside her, as if only the memory of what she lived and the times she thought of telling that she felt something was wrong but was afraid, would make her want to cry again.
It had been a few years since the last time something had reminded her of Tom and made her feel that way.
'I promise.' Lily hugged her, as if now it was Ginny who needed that warmth.
It soothed her in a way, it was like the times when Harry held her after a nightmare, silently promising that it was all over and that she was fine.
'Are you going to make dinner with me? I bought the cookies you like.’
'This is a great way of bribing,' The girl took the blanket off them, dragging herself off the couch. 'But I'm still going to paint my nails.' Lily picked up the whole mess of dishes and packaging, following her mother into the kitchen after turning off the TV.
'Okay, we can do this together.' Ginny smiled, winking at her. 'I love you, my love.' She hugged her once again, taking advantage of the fact that Lily still liked affection, and had not yet reached Albus' age, who seemed to hate showing affection.
‘I love you too, mom.’
'Now, tell me...' Ginny cleared her throat, taking the pasta dough that Harry had made two days ago. 'Mira and James?' Lily's eyes widened, turning away from her and opening the refrigerated cupboard where they kept the meat, looking like she wanted to buy time.
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, mom.’
'Hey,' James interrupted the music Lily was listening to, sitting on the bedroom floor as she arranged the new books her father had bought for her, by color. She almost got off the ground with a fright, looking at the door and seeing Albus and James standing there. ‘How are you?’ The older asked, wearing only an old pair of shorts that were stained with paint. Albus looked as if he had been forcibly pulled out of bed, with messy hair and the old wrinkled Muggle band T-shirt, as well as the shorts he wore.
'Fine. Did something happen?' Lily was surprised, they almost never entered her room, Teddy did, but James and Albus not.
'No, we just wanted to be with you,' Albus said, showing the Explosive Snap box he was carrying. 'Want to play?'
'Hm... yes.' She frowned, placing the last book on the shelf and crawling forward, being followed by her brothers who also sat on the floor, not even complaining about the music she heard.
'I brought you cake, I thought you would want it too.' James reached for a plate for her, a nice piece of the carrot cake that Al and Harry had made the day before. Lily smiled.
'Of course, thank you.' She imagined that her mum might have spoken to them, or maybe - and more likely - James had forced Albus to accompany him, but Lily didn't care much, she liked that they at least cared for her, it didn't matter how they got there. ‘Mom asked me about you and Mira today.’
'What?' James turned, his cheeks incredibly red.
'Oh, James, you were discovered.' Albus laughed, pushing his brother's shoulder with a slight provocation.
'I didn't say anything.' Lily swore. 'You're welcome.'
'Thank you.' James was still flushed, but rolled his eyes when she and Al laughed. ‘I don’t even know why she asked if there’s nothing going on.’
'So can I tell her that I saw you two kissing today?' Albus asked, a cheeky smile on his face, eyebrows raised.
'Fuck off, Albus.' James pushed him back, which only made them laugh even more.
Mum was right after all, Lily thought, filling her mouth with cake and watching Albus tease James even more, they were still brothers and her best friends.
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Meeting and Dating Ricky Thomas
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You first met Ricky after moving into his neighborhood. Your parents thought that it would be a good idea to send you to summer camp while they got your new house ready so they asked around and settled on Camp Arawak. 
- They mainly decided to send you there because they found out that Ricky; who was your age, would be going there. Your parents had asked the boy to take you under his wing since you didn’t know the place and he begrudgingly; up until he met you of course, accepted. 
- He was expecting you to be young with the way your parents had approached him but as he stood at your front door watching you lug your bags down your stairs, well, lets just say you certainly weren’t a kid. He could immediately feel his spirits lift. 
- Your father thanked him for looking out for you and you gave him a shy somewhat embarrassed smile. After saying goodbye to your parents, you turned and followed him to the bus stop, your nerves at an all-time high. 
- Ricky is very pleased with the situation. His summer has certainly started out well. He introduces himself and starts making conversation the instant you’re away from your parents, asking you questions about yourself and all that good stuff. 
- When you’re finally at the camp, he acts as your own professional tour guide, telling you all that you need to know, showing you to your bunk and telling you where you can find him. You thank him and head off into your cabin while a million different scenarios involving the two of you race through his head. 
- Due to the nature of your meeting, Ricky has the perfect excuse to force himself down your throat. Come on Y/n, I’ve got the perfect plan for this activity. Hey Y/n, I’ll walk you to the building; you know, so you don't get lost. Y/n, those girls are jerks, come on, lets hang out all alone together over here. 
- I feel like Ricky wouldn’t even ask you out, he’d just sort of assume that the two of you were dating from how much you hung out and how accepting you were of his; what he thought was obvious, flirtation. I mean he certainly wasn’t subtle about his interest in you either but you probably just thought that he was being friendly and that that's how all guys; or at least guys from your new city, acted. 
- That was why it took you by surprise when; all of a sudden, he just started speaking like the two of you had been a couple. 
“Hey Y/n, I was just thinking that maybe you’d want to go steady?” He spoke as though it were a completely normal thing to say, busying himself with swinging a stick back and forth as he did so. 
- You were completely taken aback …but then it all clicked. The compliments and teasing, the constant company, the different places he’d taken you when you were all alone. They’d been dates. He had asked you out, it had just been so nonchalant that you hadn’t realized it wasn’t just another hangout.
- You liked Ricky so it wasn’t difficult for you to agree to his proposition, but even if you hadn’t liked him like that at first …were you not sort of in too deep to back out?
- He gave you a smile when you agreed, taking your hand and telling you to “come on” as he led you into the trees beside the trail you were on. He stopped when the two of you were perfectly hidden, placing his hands on your shoulders and pulling you into a kiss. Two romantic surprises in one day, how lucky were you! 
- So that's the story of how you got your first kiss and found out that you had a boyfriend all in the span of a few minutes. Definitely a good one to tell to your future kids. 
- Pda all the time. Touching you is always a good thing in his eyes and everyone around you being able to see that you’re a couple is just an added bonus.
- Literally everyone has to know that you’re together. You’re his! Arent they jealous? Look at how wonderful his girlfriend is! Hey, he said look not stare! Keep those eyes to yourself bastard!
- He likes to keep his arm around your shoulders whenever you’re walking or sitting together.
- Kissing in the woods.
- Pecks on the lips. They always make him smile.
- He genuinely has a hard time keeping his eyes off of you. You’re just so pretty and you’re his, he knows he’s a heartthrob but boy he feels like he got lucky.
- His kisses are somewhat clumsy but nice. They’re pretty much always gentle and chaste but you always have more than one so you never mind that they’re short and sweet.
- Lightly tugging at his hair when you kiss. You sort of do it absentmindedly but it drives him crazy, if you know what I mean.
- Handholding. It just feels natural to him. He’ll often reach for your hand in the dark whether you’re sitting and watching something or he’s walking you home.
- He likes being the big spoon when you cuddle, nuzzling his face into your neck and hair as he pins you close to him. He also likes when you face each other, your face buried in his chest as his arms wrap themselves tightly around you. Regardless of the position, you always feel safe in his arms which is exactly what he wants.
- Stealing one of his shirts to sleep in. You can’t exactly cuddle when you’re at camp so his shirt will have to do.
- Nicknames? Are you kidding. He’s got pages full of them.
- He never minds any of your odd quirks. He just accepts you for who you are.
- He literally cannot see you out in public and just not talk to you. Hanging out with his friends? You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up with you in a minute.
- Anytime you visit, he tries to usher you out of his house as quickly as possible. His mothers eccentricity sort of embarrasses him.
- Becoming friends with Angela and Paul.
- Getting to hear about all the shenanigans he got himself into with Paul. He likes being able to impress you with his stories.
- He likes walking you back to your bunk after dinner or the little gatherings that the camp has. Is it mainly because he gets a goodnight kiss? Maybe.
- Getting little handpicked flowers and pretty weeds.
- Going swimming together. He cant even hide his pleased grin when he sees you in a bathing suit.
- You allowed him to touch your boob ... once. It literally made his entire year.
- Arcade dates.
- Sneaking out to see each other at night.
- Not a lot of things scare or creep him out. He’s got no problem squashing a big for you or proving that there’s nothing there when something goes bump in the night. None of your teasing threats ever scare him either.
- Listening to him brag when he wins a game.
- Trying to get him to watch his language and keep out of trouble. I suggest using the argument of: well if you’re being punished then we can’t hang out together.
- He teases you a lot but it’s always good natured.
- Tricks and pranks. He likes messing with people but in your case, he does so nicely. He’ll also occasionally ask you to help him prank someone else which is a nice change.
- Sarcasm and smartass comments.
- He’s definitely the type of guy to say that he doesn’t understand girls whenever you say something suspicious or the two of you have an argument.
- He’s annoyingly good at persuading and guilt tripping you into doing something when he really wants it. They’re never anything bad or malicious, don’t worry?
- He has a habit of showing up at just the right time. It seems like he always just happens to be there when you need him.
- He’s good at comforting you, even though what he says is fairly juvenile. It’s all in the way he says it and the way he touches you.
- He may act like a jerk sometimes but he really does care about you a lot.
- He questions you about the guys he’s jealous of, asking you who they are and how you know them; or what you’re doing if you seem to be flirting.
- Some of the older guys at camp; the ones that he regularly pisses off, have definitely flirted with you just to mess with him. He’s still bothered by the fact that they managed to make you legitimately flustered.
- He makes sure to take care of you. Haven’t eaten? He’ll grab you something. Look tired? Did you get enough sleep last night? Someone upsetting you? He’ll tear their heads off and shit down their throats.
- No one is ever gonna hurt or upset you in his presence and outside of his presence. He’s always running to your defense and acting like your knight in shining armor. He’s protective when it comes to the people he cares about, it’s just a part of who he is.
- He’s definitely gotten into some fistfights in your honor and to protect you. He’s pretty much a powder keg when it comes to defending you.
- He’s got a temper which means two things. 1) You’ll have to learn how to calm him down properly or 2) you’ll have your fair share of fights.
- Fights can definitely get heated and blown out of proportion because of his short temper. Occasionally, he’ll insult you and/or you’ll break up but he always comes back and admits that he didn’t mean what he said.
- No matter what you were fighting about, he’s always able to worm his way back into your heart, even though he’s pretty bad at apologies.
- He’s not one for all that mushy gushy romantic stuff so he rarely says that he loves you. Instead, he shows that he does through his actions.
- The future is certainly going to be a bit ...turbulent, but he hopes that you’ll stick by his side for a while.
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quakerjoe · 5 years
Cuppa Joe for Sun., 7 Jan 2019
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I was sitting in my living room with my best mate watching “Parts Unknown” with the late Anthony Bourdain and the episode we were watching was in Welch, West Virginia. Watch it. Seriously, watch it. Listen carefully. You may just get more woke. I know I did. You see, people from regions like this are typified as hicks, hillbillies and rednecks. Well, to be fair, they are. Good ol’ coal country folk bent on guns and Jesus with a deep love of football. It’s never been my cuppa tea, honestly, but having been through places like this, I’ve experienced a couple of things. If I shut up and just listen, these folks, for the most part, are just like anyone anywhere else. They have pride in their homes, their families, their traditions, and they certainly don’t love, more or less, as frequently, or deeply as we do. Their pleasures are simple. Their tastes plain and direct. Their pains every bit as real as yours or mine.
Looking at them strictly through a political scope of late, especially since 2016 where my vision narrowed a bit, I’ve come to remember something; something that’s a bit embarrassing and certainly bears the burden of a dose of shame, now that I’ve watched this episode of “Parts Unknown”. Bourdain visited a coal mine and fired machine guns and ate the local delicacies of the area and talked to the folk, even being so brave as to broach the topic of politics in this once deeply blue, now deeply red and pro-trump part of our nation. “I’d lost my way,” I realized as I did something I haven’t done in a long time. I listened.
Now don’t get me wrong here; I’m not about to defend these poor bastards for voting for trump. Not in a million years. They didn’t do their research or homework and they’re guilty for putting that fuckwit in the White House. However, taking the time to listen to the “why” made me look a little deeper. It made me realize something. These simple folk, not overly educated but hard working, kind-hearted people, despite not being on the short path for a Pulitzer Prize for anything intelligent… might just be the geniuses we need. Sounds crazy? I’ll explain.
One of the big reasons they went trump is because HRC gave them all the impression that she was going to kill the coal industry but didn’t make the case well enough about retraining and repurposing their workforce. She ran a campaign against an industry steeped in their traditions now, generations having worked in the mines. Simply, she was an uppity city gal without a clue and she lost them. The problem here, for those unfamiliar with places like this, is that uppity city folk have ALWAYS found some way to come into their small, quiet towns, fool them into buying or investing in shit they don’t need nor want (which goes all the way back to the Carpetbaggers. Look that up if you don’t know what that is). While it brought them good paying jobs sometimes, like Big Coal did, they’re all too aware that their crops, resources and so forth are bought on the cheap there and sold by middle men for small fortunes in the big cities. They know full well they’re getting screwed, but they also don’t really have the means to exploit the market directly, eliminate the middlemen, and see that small fortune themselves. Generations have experienced making a little money while their efforts went on to make city folk pretty rich.
So why trump? In short, many feel he’s going to bring change and they like him because he “talks like they talk” and says how he feels and what he means. By now I do hope that’s changed a bit. Still, the orange fuckwit did ring a chord with these people, even though he’s a rich twat from NY. They’re confident that trump will bring change, and you know what? I just caught on that they’re right, just not in the way they’re thinking.
We’re at a strange stage of existence where the well educated are flustered at having to deal with the less educated, including that gap in religious beliefs or lack thereof. Both sides now look down their noses at one another and the chasm of contempt is obviously growing bigger and bigger. It’s no secret that we’re all getting more and more poor regardless of our level of education or faith, and because of that, the rich fuckers at the top utilize that ongoing divide to keep us from actually remembering what makes us all alike for fear we, the actual people, may rise up and literally get rid of them one way or another.
I used to think that the GOP only had eyes for corporations and their cash. It’s why I dropped my GOP leanings years and years ago. It’s one thing to want smaller federal government and fiscal responsibility, but when they’re always doing the opposite and the Democrats actually DID what the GOP’s platform was saying it was for, well, actions speak louder than words. However, I think we can all agree to some measure of other, that today’s Dems are acting like moderate GOPers of the 80’s to 90’s. As the Democrats have demonstrated in this new House, diversity is clearly something that keeps them at a respectable level on the Left, but wait… Watch this episode of “Parts Unknown”. It’s on NetFlix. Watch it and then read the rest of this. I’ll wait.
No I won’t. You know it. Still, watch it. It gave me the following epiphany here, and I’d like you to consider it. The people Bourdain talked to about trump, and we’ve heard it before too, and we mostly gaffed it off, but here’s the genius of it all- They’re right in that trump will bring change. He’s so terrible, so fucking stupid, so damaging to the country, that our only hope as a nation is to REMEMBER what makes us all Americans, not bitch about too many of the things that really don’t matter (yeah, I’ll lighten up on the religious folks, even if I think it’s all a load of bollocks) and look at things from a different angle. Here it is. This change NEEDS to happen, but not in the GOP; they’ll never change. No, seriously, they won’t. They’re loving the cash more than country. No, I mean CHANGE needs to come from the Democrats! For too long they've made dumb choices, their politicians are spineless, and their policies framed in ways that seem to look down at most of rural America (what I call #Murica). Democrats need to shut up and listen. They need to HEAR what troubles there are out there and not just wink and nod and say they’ll try to handle it, but to bloody well DO it. They need to be CLEAR what their message is.
Sanders lost a lot of support because he and his staff never actually spent the time to school the people out here on what DEMOCRATIC socialism (actually this term is incorrect if you want to split hairs- what Sanders is shooting for is Social Democracy; something we already have to a degree and it’s being stripped away and replaced with an oligarchy more and more. Also see Plutocracy) is, and the McCarthy-flashbacks kept people hearing “socialist” only and the association we were taught in school to that word relating to tyrannical countries like the USSR, China and so on and it put too many voters off. Still, Sanders creamed trump in loads of polls while HRC was sketchy; a gamble at best. She didn’t connect with the ‘simple folk’ out in the sticks and in blue territory while Sanders did. The Dems need to own their defeat, admit their part in helping trump get elected, and then move on from there. Americans are all for Progressive ideas; they just don’t trust the Dems to either have the spine to try, the balls to fight, or the strength to carry it through. Again, those people in Welch WV are right- trump will bring change, one way or another. Either we’re going to get rid of Corporate Democrats who ignore their constituents and suck corporate dicks for cash (as the GOP is famed for) and actually CHANGE by getting money out of politics and start working for “We the People”, OR they won’t, and change will still happen, only not in the way these rural folk think. It’ll be the collapse and end of the US as we know it, a division so bad that nobody will come and help because we’ve pissed off and alienated out allies and bowed down, on a global scope, to our former enemies like Russia and China and N. Korea.
So, while city mouse and country mouse may both enjoy time with their families, decent wages, decent jobs, good food, clean air and water, good education, healthcare, and the pride of being an American citizen, we need to remember that these are the important things that bind us together, not only with our fellow Americans, but our fellow human beings all across the planet. There are some things that just WON’T go away, and somewhere in here we need to agree to disagree. Abortion. Guns. It’s too late on these issues. We either respect the separation of  church and state and keep abortion legal for the safety and lives of women or we don’t and admit that we’re all up for Sharia Law, #Murican style. As for guns? We’ll never fix this one EVER. Again, watch the show I mentioned earlier. The problem is that we’re so saturated with guns that it won’t matter if there are any gun laws or not. They won’t do a damned thing no matter how much I wish they would. Still, trump will bring change, like they said. The question is, will Democrats make the changes in their party that are needed to literally save the United States and possibly the world, or not change and cement in our history that they ARE the scourge that those on the right think they are?
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roggling · 6 years
17. Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys for Grizavi! You know, Natasha-and-Steve-from-The-Winter-Soldier like. Or however it's easier for you. I'm just... meh, never mind. Forget what I said. I'm bad at doing asks. I'll try again: Can I have a 17. Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys, please?
Listen…I live for these kinds of kisses. They’re so unnecessary, you know. But it’s great fan service so… who cares, am I right?
As always, read below the cut!
“That’s your idea of training? Laser tag?” James questioned, eyeing Lance with an incredulous look. Behind him, he could feel Nadia laughing against her hand.
“Yeah, man! It’ll totally help with your aim. Plus, the training here at the Garrison is getting boring,” Lance exclaimed proudly.
“What does this have to do with piloting the Lions? And Keith is okay with this?” James asked, still not believing that such a training method was allowed by the most emotionally constipated one of all of them.
Lance grinned, “Totally! We did training like this at the Castle before we blew it up. Trust me, this training will definitely be tough.”
James sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Alright, Lance, we’ll do it.”
Lance grinned triumphantly, “Yes! Alright, meet us at Training Deck 6 at 7 tonight. Bring your “A” game.”
James sighed, the rest of the team watching Lance curiously. “What kind of training do they even do? This is ridiculous. Isn’t this training too lenient for Paladins of Voltron?”
“The Paladins of Voltron surpass us in every aspect. Also, they are our superiors and our teachers. We shouldn’t doubt them,” Ina informed James as the group of four made their way through the halls.
“Yeah, hot stuff,” Rizavi mused, nudging James on the side, “Besides, you should let up a bit.”
James just crossed his arms and prepared for the worst.
Lance sprinted away from the MFE pilots with a mischievous grin on his face. When he gave the news to the team, they all grinned and Lance chuckled, “They have absolutely no idea what they’re getting themselves into.”
The MFE pilots are all at the meeting place, though there is no sign of the Paladins. James tapped on his shoulder, annoyance clearly etched on his face as he tapped his foot. Rizavi noticed this and chuckled, smacking James on the arm, “Would you cool it, Mr. Uptight? They’re only human.”
“One’s literally an alien, Rizavi, and Keith’s only half-human,” James pouted.
Suddenly, the lights dimmed and their surroundings morphed into the insides of a Galra ship. The MFE Pilots quickly tried to draw their weapons, surprised to find that they were all missing.
“Alright, let’s get this training on the road!” They all heard Lance’s voice cackle.
“What?” James questioned, surprised at the sudden changes.
“The rules are simple,” Allura’s voice echoed through the halls of the simulation, “If you’re hit by one of us, you’re out. If even one of you is hit by one of our beams, you’re all disqualified and we win.”
“Your goal,” Pidge’s voice began, “Is for you all to evacuate the prisoners. We’ll be patrolling the area at different sections. So be careful.”
“Also,” Hunk began, “You kinda really don’t want to be hit by these lasers. They paralyze your body until one of us cancel it with the antidote. Some of us are kind souls so chances are we’ll give it to you right after we shoot you.”
“But Keith is ruthless so don’t get hit by him,” Lance interrupted.
James glared at the ceiling and Rizavi spoke, “Hey, now, don’t you think that’s too harsh?”
“Well,” this time, it was Keith’s smug voice speaking through the speakers, “We wanted to show you how “lenient” our Paladin laser tag training can be.”
Rizavi paused and looked at James pointedly, “He got you-”
“Shut up, Rizavi.”
Rizavi only cackled and suddenly, replicas of the Paladin Bayards floated in front of them, the only one missing was the Black Bayard.
“This exercise is to test your teamwork and your compatibility,” Keith announced as they each grabbed a Bayard, “As potential Paladins, you need to learn how to work with each other and how to sync your movements to work efficiently. We learned this in the heat of battle. Now, it’s your turn. You have to learn to do this unconsciously and effortlessly. Learn to trust your teammates. We begin now.”
A loud buzzer sounded off and the MFE pilots prepped themselves
James, holding the red Bayard, scrunched his brow, “Since we’re not yet that good at defensive tactics, I think we should split off in teams of two. It’ll be too hard to broaden your focus to three other people. Rizavi, you’re with me. Kinkade, you’re with Leif.”
The other two and Kinkade and Leif branched off holding the yellow and green Bayards respectively.
Griffin then moved forward, drawing his gun to point up front and Rizavi turned around so they were back to back, both of them pointing their guns in the opposite directions.
“Why’d you choose me, hot stuff?” Rizavi’s teasing tone echoed off the walls.
“Because you’re second when it comes to sharpshooting and Leif’s the worst so she needed Kinkade’s sharpshooting skills to make up for it,” James answered cooly, his gun straight and aimed at the unknown in front of them.
“Is that all? Or is it for another reason?” Rizavi teased.
James froze over and he coughed away his flustered state, “Yes, that’s all Rizavi.”
Nadia chuckled, “Alright, hot stuff. Believe what you want,” Rizavi continued on with her teasing.
Suddenly, a form appeared in front of them and James immediately shot it down with three shots, two of them having missed its target.
“Did you get them?” Rizavi asked.
James peered over the gun’s scope, waiting for a sign of movement and he grinned when he heard nothing, “Yep!”
James closed in on the body and smirked, “Now let’s see which of you I got.”
When James reached it, however, it was a downed Galra sentry. James frowned and whispered, “What the- AH!”
In a second, the Galra sentry powered up and grabbed onto James. Rizavi acted fast and shot out its head, the Galra sentry immediately stopping and disintegrating into millions of holographic bits.
James panted and looked up at Rizavi, who tried to fight down a smug smile. Before she could say anything, James spat, “Not a word, Rizavi.”
Nadia, however, barked out a laugh, “I didn’t even say anything!”
“We forgot to mention that there are gonna be holographic Galra sentries around too. Sorry guys,” Pidge’s voice spoke through the speakers, though the amused tone in her voice didn’t sound too sorry.
“You won’t be disqualified if you’re hit, but their hits hurt like a bi-”
“-like a dog. They hurt like a dog. We gotta keep this training simulation PG, pigeon,” Lance interrupted.
“Whatever, Lance. Also, heads up, they’re only taken down by a hit to the head,” Pidge added before disappearing, her voice still echoing through the halls.
Rizavi lent Griffin a hand and picked him up off the ground. James dusted himself off, “Well, that’s nice to know.”
Nadia shook her head and aimed her gun forward, “Alright, let’s find these prisoners.”
James nodded, a small smile playing in his lips as he looked down on Nadia, “Right.”
The two picked up their pace, keeping a light jog as they guarded themselves and looked for the prison cells.
They finally did, after some time, but it was guarded by Hunk. Behind him were human prisoners moping and sulking in their cells. Some of them even begging to be taken back home.
Nadia and James kneeled and hid behind a wall, watching the situation with calculating eyes.
“Pidge, did you have to make these prisoners so realistic. I feel mean,” Hunk complained into his comms.
“I had to make them as realistic as possible. Keith told me,” Pidge responded, James and Rizavi hearing it from afar.
“It’s alright Hunk, they’re fake. Just stay focused on defense,” Keith ordered.
“No problems there, man,” Hunk assured.
Suddenly, there was a shift of movement on the opposite hall and Hunk immediately turned, shooting his blaster in its direction, the lasers hitting its head and the body immediately disintegrating.
Nadia and James released a breath of relief, their worries eased after realizing it was just a sentry and not Ina nor Kinkade.
“Hunk! Could you stop shooting at the sentries?!”
“Sorry, Pidge!”
James pondered for a bit and his eyes lit up. He turned towards Nadia and whispered, “I’ve got a plan. When I tell you go, you shoot at the control panels, got it?”
Nadia nodded and James got into position and began shooting at Hunk.
“AH! Okay, they’re here!” Hunk yelled into the comms, powering up his shield and defending himself.
“Alright. Nadia go!”
Nadia began and shot at all the control panels, each of them fizzling out before the doors slid open and a stampede of people shot out of their cells.
“Hunk!” Keith’s voice echoed through the halls, signaling that he was close.
Hunk, who was now free of James barrage of hits since he didn’t want to hurt the prisoners, laughed nervously, “Eh, sorry?”
“No time for that now,” James saw as Keith and the rest of the Paladins showed up from the opposite hall, “We need to find them before they lead the prisoners to the escape pods.”
Allura scrunched her brows, “Wait a tick…Did we all just come out of the same hallway?”
The team groaned and Keith yelled, “Lance I am never letting you assign positions again.”
Lance held his hands up, “Sorry man, I didn’t realize I left it unguarded!”
“I just bumped into Kinkade and Leif, so that means Griffin and Rizavi are in that direction,” Pidge added.
James and Nadia winced and immediately started shuffling with the people, hearing Keith’s distant orders, “Alright, then let’s search for them, team!”
Nadia leaned in and whispered in James’s ear, “Do you know where the escape pods are?”
James shook his head, “Not a clue. Let’s just go with the flow.”
Nadia snorted, “Well, that’s a first.”
James shushed her as they heard a whizz above them, watching silently as Allura scanned the prisoner’s heads from a floating pod as she sped by.
“This is a lot tougher than I thought,” James whispered.
This time, Nadia shushed him as she saw the people dip down in front of them. She pointed and James whispered and incredulous, “What?” Before it was their turn to dip down.
It was a quiznaking escalator. On a Galra ship.
It was a huge and tall escalator, probably a hundred feet tall, and it was slow.
Above them, they saw Lance perched on a ledge, his gun aimed at their general direction. Once the pair stood on one of the moving steps, Nadia turned James around to face her, his face now level with hers now that he was on the step under hers.
She cupped his cheeks and whispered, “Kiss me.”
James, ever the smol-bean, froze and stuttered, “W-What?”
Nadia looked into his eyes and licked her own, “Kisses makes people very uncomfortable.”
James looked down Nadia’s lips and, although he was still in quite a daze, nodded, “Yes, they do.”
Without warning, Nadia pulled James’s face towards hers with a powerful tug. James crashed on to her and wound his arms around her waist to balance them and to prevent them from falling on top of the prisoners.
Other than that, James lost all consciousness and let Nadia take the reins. She was dominant, making James melt into a puddle the second her tongue brushed his lips. She became more demanding, pulling him closer and running her hands through his hair, the incessant tugging on his hair making James almost lose his footing again.
And just how the kiss started unexpectedly, it ended unexpectedly. She pulled away, their lips smacking at the separation. And James, still in a daze, chased after her. Rizavi chuckled and pressed a finger against his lips to stop him, “Still uncomfortable?”
“I am yeah. Thanks for asking, though.”
The couple had no time to react before they were both shot in the shoulder and both fell to the ground. The escalator stopped and the prisoners disintegrated.
Above them, Lance was floating on top of a pod, an amused and slightly disgusted face peering down on them.
He swung his gun on his shoulder and asked, “Did you seriously think that I wouldn’t see you?”
Ask prompts are closed!
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
oh my god that was perfect!! can i request the small and affectionate s/o roasting their bullies, but for rei, aoba, wataru, and izumi?? thank you!! 💕💕💖💟❤ you're my favorite enstars imagine blog!! love you! 💘
aaaah we’re so glad to be your favorite !!!!!!! love you too ♥ ♥ i see you a lot in our inbox and it feels so nice to see the same people often !! here you go, part 3 of the small s/o roasting bullies !! and don’t worry, i’m working on your matchup too ♥ - mod mademoiselle
Rei :
Going outwith Rei isn’t exactly the most relaxing activity you could have. Should youtake him out during the day, he’ll essentially behave like a vampire on thebrink of death. Besides, he doesn’t exactly go unnoticed : he’s tall and he haseccentric looks and mannerisms…
Youabsolutely love him for who he is, but sometimes you forget he’s a bit…unusual. People often stare, but they generally don’t do anything more, andthat’s for the best. You don’t think you’d take it lightly if they did anythingto your boyfriend…
That oneday was different. You were out with Rei on a date, enjoying yourself andlaughing happily at his every joke and comment. He was holding your hand on thecafé’s table, and everything was going perfectly well. Until you heard what thegroup of guys seated behind you were saying.
They weremaking fun of your boyfriend, and pretty loudly at that. They didn’t seem tocare if any of you could hear them, laughing and mocking Rei’s looks andhabits. You were wondering if you had to intervene, but Rei looked as relaxedas usual. Maybe he didn’t hear them… ? You kept the conversation going, hopinghe wouldn’t notice.
But therude assholes behind you were talking much louder now, frequently looking atyou to check if any of you were mad yet. Rei was acting as though nothing happened.As suave as ever… You had just decided to follow his lead when they startedinsulting your boyfriend, and your resolve snapped.
You got upand started roasting them, furious they’d make fun of your boyfriend justbecause he looks eccentric. They got quiet all of a sudden and just stared atyou. They definitely weren’t expecting the sweet person their victim was on adate with to start insulting them…
People werestarting to stare, but you didn’t care : you kept going, slapping the rudebullies with the truth. They were making fun of your boyfriend, huh ? Well,maybe that was because he was kind and sweet enough to actually have a date.Very much unlike a certain group of rude assholes, who couldn’t help but makepeople feel bad about themselves just because they’re jealous.
Rei justobserved you the entire time, smirking lightly. He looked pretty unfazed aboutthe whole thing, but gently put his hand on your arm when he noticed a waiterwas coming your way. “That’s quite enough”, he said audibly, and all thecustomers who were looking your way turned back.
Turns outthe waiter had seen the entire thing and came to apologize for the rude guys’behavior, explaining they were regulars here and they often did that. Hearranged to have them out of the café and got you free cake as an apology !
Rei didn’texactly comment on what you did, but he was looking at you proudly for theentire day. He was about to deal with the situation himself, actually, but wasreally happy you stood up for him. It just showed you care about him, andthat’s not exactly an unpleasant situation…
Wataru :
DatingWataru is essentially an emotional roller coaster. You never how he’s going toreact or what’s going to happen, because he’s always surprising you withreactions you wouldn’t have thought of. But hey, that’s why you love him !
He’s alwaysdoing great things and getting invited here or there. Of course, since you’redating him, he always takes you along ! This one time, he was joining othertheater clubs in the region for a joint practice. They were planning to have abig performance together, using the fact that idols would be part of it as anadvantage !
Wataru waspretty excited about the situation, not only because he’d be spreading the wordabout Yumenosaki Academy, but also simply because it sounded fun ! He spent alot of time working on the script for the performance with some other theaterclub leaders, and you knew for sure he was pretty happy when the day of thejoint training finally came.
And yet yougot disappointed pretty quickly. Most of the students were nice, but there wasanother club president there, and he was bullying absolutely everyone : his ownunderclassmen, the other people here… Tomoya was completely unsuited to theater,according to him, and he even found faults in Hokuto’s perfect performance !But of course, Wataru wouldn’t let him ruin his fun…
Yourboyfriend started to arrange for funny “accidents” or mishaps to happen everysingle time the annoying guy was bullying someone. A live chicken would comeout of nowhere to attack him, a part of the set would fall right on him, histrousers would rip right when he was on stage… The only problem was, with Wataru’sflamboyant behavior, the other guy quickly understood he was the one making allthat happen.
He startedhumiliating Wataru in front of everyone, apparently delighted at the thoughtthat everyone would see it. But you wouldn’t take it : he ruined yourboyfriend’s fun and now he was trying to ruin his reputation ? He’d better beready to taste your wrath !
The entireroom fell silent when you got up on stage and slapped him. Mind you, it was areal, actual slap, not the fake ones Wataru was so fond of. You starteddefending your boyfriend and roasting the bully in front of everyone, not evenletting him interrupt you. Only once you deemed he had enough did you stop totake time to breathe.
That’s wheneveryone started to applaud you. The bully was so angry he left on the spot,and everyone was so relieved you and Wataru had stood up to him ! Wataru justwinked at you to thank you for your impromptu reaction, and quickly went backon stage to replace the bully as the new head of the project.
You suspectWataru greatly enjoyed the situation : he saw you flying right as his rescue,after all ! And there’s nothing he loves more than when you surprise him. He’skeeping that in the back of his mind and you can be sure he’ll try to repay thefavor someday, preferably when you’re least expecting it !
Tsumugi :
Since yourboyfriend is the Library Committee chairman, he often spends after-class hours in the library, watching over the room and making sure no one makes afuss. You took the habit to stay with him there and spend nice, peacefulafternoons, quietly reading or studying by his side.
Usually,the two of you almost have the entire library for yourselves : it’s not like theschool’s main focus is on academics… Sometimes a few people come, buteither they’re just looking for a book in particular or they want a quiet placeto study. Or nap, sometimes. As long as they’re not making noise, Tsumugigenerally lets them do as they please.
One day,you were reading along with Tsumugi, resting against him when you heard suddennoise and agitation coming from a corner of the room. Your boyfriend was aboutto get up and investigate, but the offenders quickly got quiet, so you justsmiled at him and kept reading.
But soonenough, it became apparent that they had no intention of keeping quiet. Theywere laughing and shouting, and this time Tsumugi decided to go and tell themoff. You went with him, holding his hand in yours : you know he has apeaceful personality and hates conflict…
Tsumugigently explained they were disrupting everyone else’s concentration and thatthe library was a place of calm and study. The group of students, however, didn’tlook like the type to like calm or study at all. It looked to you as if theyjust wanted a warm place to hang out after classes. It wasn’t the first time asituation like that happened, and you were trusting your boyfriend to resolveit peacefully.
Except theguys had other plans. They started picking on Tsumugi, asking what he’d do ifthey just refused to comply. Your boyfriend started to stutter, visibly nervousabout that confrontation. They kept going, this time making fun of him,insulting him and even stealing his glasses. When they got up and started topush him around, you couldn’t help but step up.
You’d beenhiding behind Tsumugi the entire time, so they didn’t really pay attention toyou, but now that you were walking up to them and roasting them, they surenoticed you. A few of them even got quiet. You made sure to put them back intheir place, yanking your boyfriend’s glasses from the hands of the guy who wasplaying with them. Everyone in the library was looking at you, and the dudeswere obviously uncomfortable with that outcome.
Eventually,as they noticed everyone was staring at them in disapproval, they just left.Besides, you didn’t seem like you’d make things easy for them. You just stoodthere, hands on your hips, as you watched them leave the library. You only wentback to where you were sitting when you were sure they wouldn’t be coming back.
Tsumugi wasvery flustered about the whole situation and thanked you at least a milliontimes, stating he didn’t know what he’d be doing without you. You’re just gladyou were here to help your boyfriend out, especially when you know he’s so kindand gentle to people…
Izumi :
With thatpersonality of his, it’s no wonder Izumi gets into trouble sometimes. And yetyou came to love his arrogant side too ! You love every single part of him,after all, and this one is no exception !
Izumi getsa lot of modelling jobs and is fairly well-known in the industry, and he alwaysbrings you along. Maybe it’s because you’ve been working as his producer, orbecause you date him, or just because he wants to keep an eye on you at alltimes ? You don’t quite know… It’s also possible that he just wants to show offin front of you. That boy, really…
You’ve beenin a lot of sets, with a lot of different photographers and themes, and yetyou don’t think you’re ever going to get tired of watching Izumi modelling. He’sso goddamn perfect in front of a camera ! Well, he’s always perfect actually, but still! It’s always a pleasure for the eyes. You can’t exactly say the people whowork with him are as delighted as you however…
One day, hegot asked to model together with another guy. They didn’t specify who it wasgoing to be, but you faintly knew Izumi wouldn’t be pleased regardless. On theday of the photoshoot, it became clear that you had underestimated thesituation : it turned out that the guy in question was one of Izumi’s rivals.You asked your boyfriend to try and be as professional as he could, but he toldyou he had no intention to lose to his rival.
Izumi wasbeing as abrasive as ever, and the other guy sure didn’t like that. Duringbreaks or inbetween shoots, he’d belittle Izumi and insult him. Your boyfriendpointedly ignored him, but you felt your own patience being tested.
When hefollowed Izumi in his lodge to make fun of you instead, claiming you were sotame and Izumi really was tasteless, you knew Izumi’s berserk button had beenpushed. Out of nowhere, he started rushing to the guy and tried hitting him,and that’s the moment you chose to intervene.
Pushingyour boyfriend behind you, you started roasting the guy, telling him thatbelittling Izumi wasn’t going to make up for his own lack of talent. He triedto talk back but you cut him off and didn’t stop until you deemed he hadenough.
He wentaway soon enough, glaring at you. That was not a fight he wanted to get into :you were two against him, and two fiery opponents at that. You asked if Izumiwas okay, and it took all of his composure not to snap at you, insteadremarking you didn’t have to intervene and he could have managed well enough onhis own.
Izumi wasvery protective during the rest of the day though, making sure you were doingfine and everyone was being nice to you. He didn’t really tell you, but youjust know he’s worried about you. Even though he appreciates you standing up tohim and preventing him to do things he might regret later, he really wants toprotect you and avoid you being in such situations in the first place. Givenhow you’re also very protective of him, the two of you are a very well-matchedcouple…
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