#i am quil12 on ao3 (and also ff.net if you want to see my old old stuff)
quil12 · 2 years
So I decided recently to read back through some of my old old fanfic from when I was in like middle school because I've been writing a lot recently and I wanted to see how much I've improved as an author - and let me tell you, I have improved a lot.
I wanted to share some excerpts from my fics over the years, comparing the same thing - kissing (because that's something I've been doing since my very first fic).
I want to share it because I feel like a lot of people fall into a trap of thinking that their writing isn't good enough, and I want to show that it gets better the more you work at it. I don't think that I'm an amazing author by any means, but the amount of growth I've had feels like a lot.
This first one is from my first ever fic. I was 13 when I wrote this and the fandom is Naruto with the pairing being NaruHina (Naruto x Hinata)
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The next one is from when I was 15. The fandom was Hetalia with the pairing being Sufin (Sweden/Finland)(using their human names in this case)
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Then, there's a pretty big time skip because, while I was still writing fics on and off through high school, none of them were ship-centric, so, this next one is from this year when I was 21 when I got back into fic writing near the end of college. The fandom is Persona 4 with the pairing being Souyo (Souji/Yosuke or Yu/Yosuke)
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Then, we have one from this month, after about 5 months of very consistent writing. This is about the level that I am currently at 22. It's still Persona 4 and Souyo
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Basically, I just think that it's really cool to compare these things. If your writing looks like how mine did when I was 13, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! You will definitely get better and better as you keep writing, so keep it up!
The cool thing is also that while reading over the last one, even now, just a few weeks out, I can see little things that I would want to change - you are literally always learning while you write.
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