#i always get tempted to just delete all the links to my old art but people always tell me not to
zarla-s · 1 month
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I was cleaning up some broken links on my old silly Pokemon fansite, the Neglected Pokemon Lovers Unite (NPLU), and I realized that it has now been open for 25 years. TWENTY. FIVE. YEARS. That is an ASTONISHING amount of time for a site to stay open! Even if the last substantial update was like back in 2009 lol. The world around it has changed so much, but I think it's still valuable as a time capsule of a certain time on the internet. I wrote up a new essay about it on the site and did some general clean-up here and there.
Anyway to that end, since so much of the fic and art there is so old, I decided to compare Radic's oldest form to his newest! Radic was always a human boy but I just couldn't draw humans at the time so I made him a furry lol. Eventually I figured it out.
I also thought it'd be a neat challenge to mimic my own style back when it was really wonky and bad. And it was! It was kind of fun actually. I don't have too many shots of Radic from back then (it was hard to get art on the internet in the late 90's-early 00's), but I do have a few - hugging Kitsune, two old kiribans if you want to compare. I had a lot more old shots of Parasects though to reference unsurprisingly, they were very triangular lol. I think I did a pretty good job of matching what my art used to look like. I had a clear see-through Gameboy back in the day if you can't tell what Radic is holding lol.
("Isn't Radic the faceless avatar of your gamer self as depicted in Handplates-" yes, but Pokemon!Radic is the only one that actually became his own character, all the rest are shells)
If you do go poking around the NPLU, please keep in mind that almost everything there is very old and most of the fic and art is pretty bad (and shockingly violent). Plz do not judge me! My younger self was a cringey weeb but she was trying very hard. :<
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I’ve been very inconsistent on this blog lately and I feel like it’s a sign that I should loosen my format
As much as I enjoy posting edits on milestones, I think it was a lot easier to keep up with the last time I made one of these blogs, because back then I did not have a job lol (for those unaware that was years ago and it was about Laevatein from Fire Emblem Heroes. I’d link to it but I think it got deleted with my old main blog so rip)
The stress of my own self-imposed pressures has definitely been a problem and a contributing factor in why I have posted so little on this sideblog recently. I think we need to go back to basics, those basics being: Xu Fu is the best servant and she isn’t even summonable yet. Extremely talented of her and we’re all very impressed.
The reason I’m thinking about posting here again is because Servant Summer Camp is indeed coming, and I get the feeling I’ll be screenshotting Xu Fu’s parts a lot to scream about them (cause I’m kind of just like that), and this blog was always meant as a place to concentrate my adoration of Xu Fu posts, so this is likely where I’d like to do it
Anyway I’m not saying I’ll never do a Xu Fu edit again or anything I’d just like to be less strict on myself. That being said, kinda fucked up I haven’t done any edits with the brand new Xu Fu Shopkeeper arts we got… I can’t make any promises but that is very tempting
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