#i also liked s2 and parts of s3-4 and I didn't like s5 but s6 had an interesting storyline
userlaylivia · 6 months
@simon-eriksson, @smudgedbypen, @andsmile, @maya-matlin, @crashingwavesinmyworld, @bughead-bones, @crowley-anthony, @sharpayandryan, @i-know-you-can
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 6 months
I'm have an itching that only tinimmy episodes can fix and I figured you'd have the best opinions on that matter sooo
Best tinimmy episodes?
you have no idea how flattered i am that you came to me for this. seriously, an honor!! 🫡💖 (i also had an anon in my inbox a few weeks ago with this same question, and i haven’t gotten around to answering it, so i hope you see this!!) (picture is just for fun lol)
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when i am in the mood to watch tinimmy episodes (which….is all the time) these are usually my go-to’s!
s1 ep 6 : sheesh! cab, bob?
literal babies in this episode!!!!
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s3 ep 17 : two for tina
this episode changed my life the first time that i saw it
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s4 ep 10 : presto tina-o
perhaps controversial, but they are SO CUTE IN THIS EPISODE. i love when they apologize to each other and when she calls him her “almost boyfriend” 😭
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s4 ep 20 : gene it on
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s7 ep 6 : the quirk-ducers
speaks for itself, i think
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s7 ep 8 : ex machtina
THEEEEEE TINIMMY EPISODE. obviously i’m biased though
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s7 ep 9 : bob actually
sky kiss 😭
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s9 ep 14 : every which way but goose
he was too embarrassed to tell her about his butt stuff!!!! he rescues a goose for her!!! he has BEEF with a goose because of her!!!!! i love it
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s9 ep 20 : the gene mile
i debated making this an honorable mention but i looooooove when they are competitive with each other so it made the list
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honorable mentions (aka i love specific parts of this episode but i wouldn't necessarily call them "tinimmy episodes") :
s1 ep 10 : burger war, s2 ep 8 : bad tina, s3 ep 13 : my fuzzy valentine, s3 ep 23 : the unnatural, s5 ep 1 : work hard or die trying, girl, s5 ep 12 : the millie-churian candidate, s5 ep 16 : the runway club, s5 ep 21 : the oeder games, s6 ep 2 : the land ship, s6 ep 7 : the gene and courtney show, s6 ep 14 : the hormone-iums, s4 ep 7 : they serve horses, don't they?, s9 ep 9 : UFO no you didn't, s9 ep 22 : yes without my zeke, s10 ep 4 : pig trouble in little tina, s11 ep 11 : romancing the beef, s11 ep 22 : vampire disco death dance, s12 ep 18 : clear and present ginger, s13 ep 5 : so you stink you can dance, s13 ep 16 : what a (april) fool believes
thank you so much for asking!!! hope you like the list and find an episode to watch!!! 🫨🫶🏻💖
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lucky-bishop · 7 months
Now I'm curious what you would say about Peter's position in the narrative? (and I'm totally on board with what you said about Derek btw.)
I mean, yes he was kind of the tragic villain in S1 but especially later?
Okay, strap in, because I have a lot of feelings about Peter Hale and it's gonna take me a while to talk through all of them. Thank you for this question though! 💖
I believe that Peter is a tragic villain in S1 and S2, a reluctant ally for S3 and part of 4, a straight up villain/antagonist late in S4, absent in S5, and back to a reluctant ally for S6. I'm just putting this up here to refer to because Peter does not have a single role in the narrative that is consistent throughout the series (he's a slippery little shit like that).
So let's start at the beginning: S1. Peter is pretty clearly the villain in S1 and S2. S1 - there's a little more sympathy for him (not expressed in the show, but from an outside perspective). He was the victim of a horrific crime, and then abandoned to die by his remaining family. He is not sane. If that happened to anyone, I don't think they would be sane afterwards. It's not made incredibly clear, but it seems that Peter's level of consciousness in the coma varied a lot (especially as related to later events). To have no sense of time, to only know pain both physical and mental (his body burned, the loss of his entire family and pack) and have no release, no way to express it - yeah. Peter's a hell of a tragic villain.
What he does in S2 is...less tragic, and more villainous, even though he's not the primary villain of this season. This is where we start to see more of how manipulative Peter is (though we definitely catch a glimpse in S1 where he's trying to get Derek and Scott both to join him). What he does to Lydia is unforgivable. He's already assaulted her physically, but he then, in parallel to his own suffering, assaults her mind. I wish we had a better understanding of how magic worked in TW because it's difficult to assume how much of this is directly Peter's choice. He glimpses Gerard Argent with the kanima and nopes the fuck out of there purely out of fear and self-preservation.
S3 with the alpha pack and the nogitsune is where we finally start to see a more complete picture of Peter - and it isn't pretty. He's manipulative. He's a liar. He's sarcastic and petty to a bunch of teenagers. But he is their ally, even if it's reluctant. He shares information - for a price. He helps - when it benefits him, or at least doesn't inconvenience him. The only time he seems to help without these things is when Stiles is possessed by the nogitsune, and even that can be interpreted as a continuation of self-preservation.
S4 is where things get complicated and also they fucked up with Peter for me. Not with the benefactor storyline - I think that turning out to be related to his coma madness was actually incredibly interesting. Even an unconscious Peter is a manipulator. But working with Kate - even if he was going to double cross her in the end - and trying to kill Scott didn't make sense. It's pure villainy, yes, and maybe that's why they did it, but it doesn't fit the Peter that we know. He would never have agreed to work with Kate. He dedicates his entire life to killing everyone involved with the fire - but especially her - in S1. He's willing to die just to kill her. And then they team up? Nah. Trying to kill Scott for his alpha spark is more reasonable, but I still don't quite buy it. He knows he wouldn't have taken over the pack, or escaped, or accomplished whatever other goal. That's where it's unclear - what, exactly, is his motivation for wanting to become an alpha again? Just...power? Peter loves power, don't get me wrong, but
S5: my man is imprisoned in Eichen and then immediately gets kidnapped by the wild hunt when he gets out. Nothing for his character arc but handing him a fat L honestly. He kinda deserved it.
S6: now this is where things get complicated again but in a better way. Awesome that it only took them the entire show to get to this version of Peter (I guess that's the point of the character arc. but I wanted more of this Peter). Peter has fully succumbed to the wild hunt until Stiles shows up (and I have a lot of Steter thoughts about this but that's not what this post is about. anyway.). That magic is strong, since the Peter we've seen clings to life so desperately that he tears it apart with his claws all the time, but he is docile here. At least until he wakes up - then it's back to fighting to the death to escape and to live. He's - surprise, surprise - manipulative here once again. The clearest example of this is when he encourages that guy to try his plan just to watch him fail and die. But when he gets back - he tries to help Stiles and the others. His selfishness makes a return when he goes to get the fuck out of Beacon Hills (which, honestly, fair) but it is an interesting turn that he tries to convince Malia to come with him, is it not? The narrative has told us Peter doesn't care about other people, family more than included. Seems he didn't get the message, in the end. And speaking of 'in the end' - he stands by the pack. He very nearly dies (again!!!) because he stayed to help. It's an interesting end for a character as complicated as Peter, for sure.
Peter is selfish and self-serving and manipulative and honestly just kind of a dick to a bunch of teenagers for little reason (teenagers are annoying, yes, but dude. you're a grown man cut the sass a little). And he's my favorite special little guy, even if the narrative doesn't really care about him until the end of the series and only barely then. Peter is, if I had to sum it up in one term, an infrequently justified villain with some hinted at soft spots that I would've loved more exploration of. Let's pretend that's one term. Like I said, he's my favorite, and I had a lot to say. I hope this sums it up well!
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fereldanwench · 3 months
so i finished my rewatch of s1-s3 and new watch of s4-s7 of the 100 aaanddd i wanna ramble
spoilers and, from what i've gathered, unpopular opinions under the cut lmao
i watched the first three seasons in 2015-16, iirc (binged s1 and s2 on netflix; watched s3 as it aired)--i remember losing interest towards the end of s3 so i wasn't super hyped about s4 and just kinda forgot about it. on rewatch, i was also getting bored with s3, lmao. it starts off pretty strong, and the end revelation is a banger, but the last 4 eps or so just draaaggggg
i really liked seasons 4 and 5, though, with one big exception: giving clarke a daughter-figure to go all mama bear over was quite possibly one of the most obnoxious character development choices they could have given her
clarke in general is kind of a frustrating character for me because on one hand, i fuckin love a female character who does awful things for what she believes are good reasons, and that is clarke 100%
but in spite of that awesome set up, she manages to be so fucking boring
i think a lot of it is the actress' performance, tbh--the acting on the show overall generally isn't anything spectacular, but i find her particularly bad. i cant quite pinpoint my gripes, i just find her very bland
and given that the show is basically one extended trolley problem and there are dozens of characters who are also constantly put in the position of making the most difficult decisions in the universe, that just isn't enough to make her compelling
i found myself really drawn to echo in the later seasons because i am predictable af and i love a character who is loyal to a fault and bases their entire identity off being a loyal follower. i do feel like the relationship with bellamy was a little shoehorned, though. like i see the enemies to lovers potential there, but i think having most of that transition happen off-screen took all the fun from it
and i was stunned when i went looking for echo gifs to find out that most people hate her but love clarke apparently, lmao. hard opposite
s5 also delved into one of my favorite dark apocalypse tropes: what will push people to become cannibals to survive? it's always been a morbid fascination and i wasn't expecting them to get as fucked up with it as they did, but it was compelling shit
s6 had interesting elements to it--the worldbuilding/lore i think is part of the reason i got so sucked into the show, and seeing how becca's influence managed to reach a whole other planet was cool. i also liked the personality chip stuff bc it gave me ideas for valerie, haha. i also liked russel as an antagonist--love a very polite and calm villain being pushed to their limits
but i could see it was starting to lead into a setup for a whole metaphysical aspect to everything that had happened, and i just really don't like that shit
oh, also, kane and abby were my absolute favorite couple and i'm very sad they didn't get their HEA
so s7 was very meh to me. lovedlovedloved echo, dioyza, octavia, and hope getting to be badasses together, but that's about it. the transcendentalist shit was so fucking tedious, and bellamy got done dirty. and i've found myself overly fixated on the logistics of the "finalkru" situation with clarke and her buddies living on earth for the rest of their lives with no hopes of procreation or extending the human race
like at some point there's just gonna be one person remaining, right? and they have to spend their remaining days all alone? unless they do some kind of death pact? or how exactly do the transcendents ensure there are no babies? can the humans undo this? like what if they clone themselves or do in vitro fertilization? i have questions!!!
i don't mind a story ending with unanswered questions--i even really like that sometimes--but ending with a bunch of new unanswered questions is annoying lmao
plus i find the premise of finalkru surviving and maybe trying to figure out a way to continue the human race to be more interesting than 87% of the plot of s7
also two of the big themes throughout the show was never giving up hope and always seeking to rediscover their humanity after doing horrible shit--i just don't feel like this ending really tied those motifs up in a satisfying way. 99.9% of the human population no longer experiencing pain because they basically don't exist anymore feels less like a reward for Good Behavior and more... idk, just unsettling to me.
i mean, it's basically sci-fi rapture, and the whole idea of the rapture always freaked me out too lmao
i know the show is based on books, which i haven't read and don't plan to, so maybe some of this would be better explained there, but i've also seen commentary that it deviates a lot from the novels so who knows
anyway, i do like the show overall. there's a lot of juicy stuff here, but very weak ending. reminded me a bit of how i felt watching lost, actually, although not as egregious
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Thank you so much for answering my anchor question.
I’m happy to see aro rep but I think I’ll headcanon Myuna to be bi if that’s ok. I hope she ends up with Chen though. I’m a sucker for romance.
I stopped watching the dragon prince after season 4 cause I disliked season 4 so much. I’m afraid of picking up season 5. I loved the first 3 seasons though especially season 3 had lots of rayllum scenes.
Honestly I’m tempted to rewatch the whole thing just to get to the pirate arc. I remember loving Callum and Rayla as a couple in season 3 but again season 4 really wasn’t my cup of tea.
I think she can definitely be a bi oriented aroace (I don't think the gender of her partners would matter to her) so why not both? I'm pan and ace and aro spec myself!
Honestly I loved S4 but that's because I liked what it did with stuff theme / character wise (i.e. love isn't always good and you will do awful things for the people you love), and I always expected Callum and Rayla to begin to have to jump the hurdle of "Rayla's trauma makes her hyperindependent and that's detrimental to her core relationships" so I like that we're finally getting to it cause I'd been waiting for it since like s2. It's not the happiest part of their arc by far but it's absolutely something they've always needed to address. (I also like filler and I think S4 was a great season for Ezran). I know most people (even ones who didn't like S4) LOVE s5 and have it as their favourite or 2nd favourite season (usually with s2 or s3 as their other fave); it's my second favourite as well after s3 and S5 has my favourite Rayllum scenes / development by far.
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These are just some of my fave moments from the first two episodes and I don't want to give away more spoilers but like. S5 is so freaking good on like all counts but particularly for these two, and I cannot wait to see where everything goes - it does a great job at offering pay off for S4, developing its own thing, and steering things ahead for S6. Also has some of the most interesting imagery / development for the show thus far in terms of dreams/nightmares, and Kim'Dael is a treat all on her own as an antagonist in the Sunfire elf plot line
Some of my best stuff on AO3 is also just post S4 if you're interested like "older but just never wiser" and "this fall just might kill me" both of which ended up being predictive of S5 in some ways, which is just chef's kiss
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felixcatton · 2 years
I don’t think Pacey’s love for Joey was more mature than his love for Andie. Pacey and Andie had better boundaries and communication. Pacey and Joey argued all the time and couldn’t communicate. Pacey manipulated her into starting a conversation about sex, got upset at her the morning after they had sex because she didn’t say it was “great”, brought up Dawson even when it was unwarranted and humiliated her at prom. Joey spent a large chunk of S4 pining for the closeness she had with Dawson.
Pacey/Andie were PJ before PJ was a thing. They were frenemies to lovers, they inspired each other and grew while being in a relationship. Andie helped Pacey bring his grades up, she got his dad to show him affection. Joey didn’t know that the last thing Pacey would want to do is celebrate his birthday with his abusive family. The show keeps telling us that Joey was the only one who changed and helped Pacey or that she somehow did it better than Andie but I don’t buy it.
For the first few seasons PJ had similarities, they were underdogs and had bad home situations (I admit, I shipped them a lot!) But once Joey became the perfect dream girl, her relationship with Pacey became boring and nauseating. Pacey and Dawson cast Joey in the role they wanted her to play in their lives. I loved S5 PJ because Pacey didn’t use Joey as an emotional crutch. Unfortunately, in S6 he was putting her on a pedestal again: “my feelings for you were what proved to me that I could be great” (Love Bites). The triangle became one of the most frustrating parts of the show.
when it comes to s3-4 pj, i actually agree with most of this, which is very much why i believe they're much better in the later seasons than they are earlier. his love for joey withstood a lot of drama and growth and time apart, while his love for andie faded as soon as she told him she cheated (and as awful as andie/pa's s3 arc is, it's still canon, in all its messy, stupid glory). it's very easy to see why pj fell apart in s4 and it's very easy to see why they came back together later on. by the time they actually get back together for good, they're well into their 20s and have individually grown a lot since they last dated too.
one thing that i actually did find off-putting about pa, as much as i liked them and as nice as it was to see him get the support he needed, was how the relationship was imo consistently framed as if pacey was andie's project, and as you've said, this was done a bit with pj at the end of their high school relationship too, which is part of why i think they are much better together later in the show than they were earlier. that's also why i might like pa as much as pj if she'd been around long enough for them to have a relationship as adults too. like i can easily compare s2 pa to early pj because they were both teenage relationships, but it's hard to compare s2 pa to series finale pj. pa just didn't have the same level of development, and i DO think pj had a good amount of development by the series finale. all of the bad things you listed here vs. "the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me" shows a lot of growth! at that point, he definitely didn't need her and wasn't demanding that she love him back.
i also don't really think he used her as a crutch in s6 the way he did in s4; they hadn't been together in a few years (many more by the finale) and he was still working hard to make a good life for himself without her. but i also don't think that wanting to be as good a person as you can be for the person you love, which is what i would personally interpret that love bites quote to mean, is a bad thing or using them as an emotional crutch. even if that were what he were saying there, i don't see how that's worse than him needing andie's help so much in s2. i don't have exact quotes, but we were told how much andie helped him.
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