#i also have this quote with riza about hayate
incorrectfmaquotes · 3 years
Ling, laying on the floor: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me, as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of death-
Ed: Dude... Are you okay?
Ling, tearing up: Lan Fan stole my garlic bread.
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aquietwritingcorner · 2 years
March Mildness Day 20: Strange Hobby       Word Count:  1521   Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  K/G   Characters: Black Hayate, Heymans Breda     Warning:     Summary: Breda has just one question: Where did the bones Hayate was burying come from?   Notes:     AO3 || ff.net
Strange Hobby
That dog was up to something. Breda was sure of it. It was up to something, and he was the only one who seemed concerned.
“Dogs do strange things all the time,” Havoc had said, leaning back in his chair and smoking a cigarette, clearly not taking any of this seriously. “You’re just paranoid.”
“I don’t think he’s been doing anything strange,” had been Fuery’s answer as he held the beast in his arms. “He’s been really good when he’s been here.” His obvious prejudice for the dog had made him practically useless as well.
“I don’t know, ask the Lieutenant,” was what Mustang had said while he was scowling at some paperwork. “She never lets me out of here long enough to think about the dog.” Mustang, too, had been useless.
“Hayate has been acting perfectly normal,” Hawkeye had responded. “There’s been nothing out of the ordinary from him.” Her bias was clear, and Breda had expected no less.
“Dogs can present strange behaviors from time to time,” Falman had said, sounding as if he were quoting something. “However, in most cases the behavior is nothing to worry about and the dog will go back to its typical behavior within a few days.” It had been the longest answer, and also one that was completely useless.
It was clear that no one was going to take this seriously—which meant that it was up to Breda.
It had been bugging him since the whole Warehouse 13 incident. Sure, the bone they had found had clearly come from Hayate burying it. That solved the mystery of how it got there. But it had left a question in Breda’s mind that no one else seemed to have: Where had the bone come from?
Not only that, but it was clear this was a habit of the canine’s. That meant that he had to have done it more than once, and that meant that he had to be getting the bones from somewhere. And since it wasn’t likely that Hawkeye was buying meat on the bone every day for her dog, as that could get expensive and Riza was a frugal woman, the dog had to be getting the bones from somewhere else.
And that was what made Breda suspicious.
He’d have to find out on his own.
For weeks he tracked the movement of the little dog as it related to the office. It was often with Hawkeye or Fuery, or, at times, staked up outside. It wasn’t unusual, though, for Hawkeye to let the little dog run free. Breda had to admit that she had trained the dog well. It knew it’s way around Central Command well and could often fine its way to and from her. But all in all, its’ behavior in the office was the same as it had always been.
That meant that whatever the dog was up to, it happened outside of the office.
He had spent of his off days staking out the plot where they had seen the beast burying bones before. More than once he saw the dog return to the spot and bury more bones there. Breda’s concern grew. If the beast was burying this many bones on his few days off, then just how many was he burying when Breda wasn’t able to watch? And again, where did they come from?
He began following the dog around, noting that the times that the burials happened were varied. Sometimes they where when Hawkeye would be off duty which mean that either she just let him outside, or he had a way of getting out. Other times it was when Hawkeye would be on duty, which mean that she must have let him run free again.
He would have to investigate both.
It was a little easier to investigate at Central Command. He could be just about anywhere down there and not raise suspicions. He’d ask casual questions and he found, to his frustration, that most people like the dog. They called him friendly, nice, well-behaved. Some found him to be calming. Others called him a welcome break. The secretarial pool like him, because he would get between their girls and anyone who was being too pushy for any reason. The Range Masters liked him, because he would patrol with them and for them when people were on the range, and alert them to troubles. The cooks liked him because he didn’t chase away the cats that kept the mice down, and even sometimes helped to catch vermin himself.
Those stories, of the bloodied creatures that the beast had killed, did not help Breda’s fear of the pooch.
Hawkeye was a little harder to investigate. She was, by nature, more suspicious, and she knew him and his schedule, so it wasn’t as if he could just show up at her house. He did, however, drive by it a couple of times, and once even got out to go look around. He had spotted a doggie door, and that explained how the dog had gotten out of the house. There had also been what could have been the remnants of some sort of meat dinner in the garbage can, so it was possible she had given it the last bone that Breda had seen it with.
But there was no way that could account for the number of bones that Breda estimated the dog was burying.
It was driving him up the wall, and what was worse, was that no one else seemed to care! He had more than a few data logbooks filled with information and yet none of them held the answer for him. He needed more intel to figure this out! But how?
Tonight, he had stayed late, supposedly to go over some reports, but really to go over this data. It had led him nowhere but in mental circles, and Breda decided to shut it all down for the day. He closed his latest logbook, stood up, and left. He couldn’t think about this anymore tonight. His head was spinning, and he was no closer to finding out his answers. His books were still laying on his desk, but he was beat. He’d pick them up in the morning.
Breda should have known better than that. He must have been so tired that he either didn’t set his alarm or slept through it. By the time he woke up, he was supposed to have already left, and he ended up getting to work an hour later than most of the team did. An apology was on his lips as he entered the room, only to be stopped cold by what he saw.
His books. His log books. Open. Spread out. And in the hands of his teammates. All of them had at least one, and all of them were reading one. For a moment, all they did was stare at each other. No one knew what to say.
Havoc, of course, was the one to break the silence. “Hey, Breda. Went looking for reports on your desk this morning and found some really interesting reading instead.”
“What are you—give me those!” Breda stalked in, trying not to turn red, and swiped the one from Havoc.
“You know, for a man who claims to hate dogs, you certainly spent a great deal of time focused on Hayate,” Mustang said, looking up from of the logbooks.
“It is a very thorough job,” Falman said, and Breda cursed. If Falman had read them, then there went any hope of this being forgotten. “Although I’m not sure if looking through Lieutenant Hawkeye’s garbage is a violation of privacy or not.”
“Who knew that Hayate went so many places?” Fuery said giving the dog a rub between the ears. “This really is a great catalogue of information, sir.”
“Were you really that concerned about the bones?” Riza asked, and her slight concern nearly made Breda want to yell again. “All you had to do was ask. The cooks often give him leftovers or bones that they can’t use to make stock,” she said. “All the bones he buries comes from the kitchens or from me,” she said.
Breda stared at her. From the cooks? From the cooks?? He’d been working himself to the bone and it was all because the cooks gave her dog bones?
“It’s okay,” Havoc said, swinging another volume between his fingers. “We all have weird hobbies. Too bad you’re afraid of dogs. I could have set you up with—”
Havoc didn’t finish the sentence before Breda was there, swiping the books out of everyone’s hands. He dumped them in his bag, grabbed some files off of his desk, and turned around. “I’m working from home today,” he said, and stalked out the door.
And on his way out, he glanced down, only to see that little dog grinning at him, with that malicious look no one else could see, its tail wagging. Maybe the dog had won this round. But Breda was still convinced that the dog was up to something.
And he’d prove it. One way or another.
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karinakamichi · 4 years
FMA 03 Month 30 Day Challenge
Day 1: Favorite/Least Favorite Male Character:
Ed is my favorite. Least favorite would probably be Bradley or one of the side military characters like Basque Grand, Shou Tucker or Hakuro which are all terrible human beings.
Day 2: Favorite/Least Favorite Female Character
Favorite Female is either Winry or Lust, or possibly even Riza. Can’t decide. 😞 FMA has so many good females.
Day 3: Elric Brothers
The Elric Brothers are some of the best Brothers I’ve seen in anime. I like their flawed bond and how they always manage to work things out even if they don’t always talk it out. And honestly their dynamic is fascinating. I really like how they’re both kids beneath it all and how Ed is the more temperamental and cynical one despite being the older one while Al is typically the calmer head but still has outbursts sometimes. His hopeful naivety and tendency to be tricked is also something I can sadly relate to sometimes due to my autism.
Day 4: Homunculi:
The homunculi are a fantastic Villian. I always love the concept of the past coming back to haunt the protagonists and the homunculi give an interesting take on that.
Day 5: Team Mustang:
Team Mustang is just awesome with every single appearance. Roy’s backstory and arc is emotional, Hughes was a godsend(if we’re counting him), Riza keeps everybody in line, and the others’ moral support and loyalty is just touching. Black Hayate is best doggo, not to mention poor buttmonkey havoc whom we all love. (Quit stealing people’s girlfriends, Roy!)
Day 6: Favorite/Least Favorite Antagonist
Lust, Envy or Dante is my favorite antagonist, while Majahal or maybe Mugear is my least favorite. Not to mention Shou Tucker.
Day 7: Favorite/Least Favorite Opening/Ending
Favorite Opening is either Melissa or Undo. And favorite ending would probably be Motherland or the first ending.
Day 8: Favorite/ Least Favorite Fight
Favorite Fight is Greed vs Ed and Sloth vs Elrics. Least favorite fight would be Ed vs Majahal I think.
Day 9: Favorite Quote
“Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world that exists outside ourselves and our dreams.” And Ed’s quote to Rick and Leo about coming to our own conclusions about others a little bit at a time.
Day 10: Favorite/Least Favorite Scene Arc/Episode
Lab Five is probably the best arc. And my favorite episodes are 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 46/47 and 51.
Day 11: Favorite/Least Favorite Alchemist:
Either Roy, Ed or Izumi is my favorite, I don’t really have a least favorite.
Day 12: Favorite/Least Favorite Military Member:
Still Roy or Ed but Hughes and Riza are fantastic as well.
Day 13: Most Annoying Character:
Hmm... I guess Wrath. I found him quite annoying at first after showing his true colors, but yet I don’t hate him and he’s one that I actually really liked in Conqueror of Shamballa.
Day 14: Favorite/Least Favorite Chimera:
Martel’s my favorite. Least favorite is uh... don’t really have one that I dislike that much.
Day 15: Favorite Brother:
Edward(Sorry, Al! 😞)
Day 16: Saddest/Funniest/Favorite Moment:
Flame Vs Fullmetal and Mystery of Warehouse 13 was pretty funny. And Nina’s and Hughes’ deaths were the saddest. Ed’s speech after nearly getting killed by Barry was also sad tho, not to mention the scene with Ed, Al and the homunculi in Lab five, and Greed’s, Lust’s and Wrath’s deaths.
Day 17: A Character You Wish Hadn’t Died.
Seriously? That would be Majahal. His death made Greed’s so much less impactful. And Envy’s death in COS also seemed kind of bleh to me. But in sentimental way, I would say Izumi, Lust, Nina, Hughes, Greed, Wrath and Trisha. I felt so bad for them all and those around them and wish things could have worked out better for everybody.
Day 18: A character you’re glad died, or one you wish had died:
I kind of wish Shou Tucker and Hakuro had died. But I’m glad Bradley died.
Day 19: Favorite thing about FMA 2003:
The Deversive and human Characters, The dark tone and narrative, not to mention how the series questions it’s own principles.
Day 20: One Character from Brotherhood you wish had been included in FMA 2003:
I like it as is, but I would say either Ling or Olivier.
Day 21: FMA 2003, Brotherhood or the manga
Day 22-25: Your OTP 
Mainly, RoyAi, EdWin and AlWrath, even though I have a lot of other ships.
Day 26: A character you related to
The Elric Brothers, both in different ways.
Day 27: How did you get into FMA?
Partly Recommendation, partly just skimming through well received anime/anime I had heard of.
Day 28: Favorite Team(Resembool Trio, Team Mustang, Homunculi, Ishvalans, etc):
How about all? No? Fine. I’d have to say either Team Mustang or the Homunculi. Though Resembool Trio is great too.
Day 29: Something You Would Have Liked to Change:
I wanted the last 10 episodes to be longer and for CoS to be a miniseries. Also I would have had Izumi’s death animated. Not to mention I would have had some flashbacks with Envy’s past as a human and his birth/ life with Dante as a Homunculus.
Day 30: A Crossover You Want
I mainly want a Brotherhood x 03 crossover ova and I’m sad bones never made one. But an Undertale, Naruto or ATLA/LOK Crossover would be cool. Or an angsty time travel au with fma.
Day 31: Conqueror of Shamballa
COS is actually pretty good to me for what is despite the flaws it has and it gave us some closure that the 2003 series by itself didn’t. I would have liked to see more of the characters we already loved though and perhaps even more alternates. I like the open ending it gives tho, and I wish certain parts from the script had been animated. Not to mention, again, it should have been a miniseries like it was originally going to be.
That’s pretty much it. Hope this answered some questions people had.
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tsaritsa · 7 years
a strange fate with wandering limbs / ch xii
this story can also be found on ff.net or ao3. 
On June 19th, Riza Hawkeye falls asleep at approximately 11.28pm. On June 20th, she doesn’t wake up.
Edward is fairly sure he has never felt more awkward as he sits in a chair next to Mustang in some lawyer’s office a week after Captain Hawkeye’s funeral. He isn’t entirely sure why he’s been summoned – he can’t think of any reason why he would need to be present at the reading of a will (and he’s unsure of what reason why the Captain thought to include him). It is a small drab room, painted in a yellow that has not aged well – he can see the marks where condensation has cut through the faint blackness of mould beginning to form at the base of the wall.
It’s fucking depressing, and he doesn’t want to be here at all.
There’s a sudden banging, and the man who Edward assumes is the lawyer enters the room, nearly tripping over himself with boxes and plainly marked files. It’s too much for one person to handle with grace, but Mustang simply watches with what Edward can only describe as disdain.
This was going to be a fun interaction.
“Sorry about that…” the lawyer mutters, unceremoniously dropping the boxes next to his desk and shrugging in a well what can you do? manner when they go spilling all over the carpet, dust motes being thrown into the air.
He sits down in the chair behind the desk and it creaks and strains under his weight. “Well,” he begins, clasping his hands together and flashing an oily grin that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “You two are here today because of the last will and testament of a certain Riza Caroline Hawkeye.” A beat passes as he eyes the two men up. “Sorry for your loss,” he adds, trying (and failing) to sound even remotely empathetic.
Mustang snorts in derision.
“Luckily for you,” the balding man continues, as if he was never interrupted, “is that this is a very simple matter indeed. Her instructions were minimal and direct. I doubt there will be any disputes over this.” He leans over his desk to grab another file, and the chair groans dangerously as he does so. Edward would be tempted to find all of this funny if the reasons for his being here didn’t exist.
He flicks through the file quickly, and extracts a single sheet of parchment, covered in stamps and a crumbling wax seal on the bottom left corner.
“I’ll begin reading it now,” he says. “Please don’t interrupt while I do so.”
The man clears his throat.
“I, the undersigned, Riza Caroline Hawkeye of 346 3b Newland Street, East City, hereby declare this to be my Will.  I hereby revoke all previous wills or testamentary writings made by me. I nominate Jacob Marcus Collinger of 37 Adelaide Road, East City, to be the Executor of my Estate. Should he be unwilling or unable to act as executor, I nominate Rebecca Elaine Catalina of 93c Coppermine Road, Central City. I direct that my estate shall devolve as follows:
To Edward Aristotle Elric, I leave my dog, Black Hayate, in your care.
To Roy Nicholas Mustang, I bequeath the residue of my estate.
In witness whereof I have signed this will at 48b Willowstone House, on the 11th of June, 1917 in the presence of the undersigned witnesses who in my presence and in the presence of each other have signed this will as witnesses. Signed, Riza Caroline Hawkeye; Jacob Marcus Collinger; Rebecca Elaine Catalina.”
Jacob clears his throat noisily and watches the two of them with beady eyes. “Very simple indeed,” he says matter-of-factly, laying the paper down on his desk. “Are there any objections?”
“Yes.” Mustang says shortly. “Hayate isn’t going to Edward.”
A strange smile settles on Jacob’s face. “You’re Mustang, then.” It isn’t phrased as a question, and Edward can almost see the hackles beginning to rise on the Flame Alchemist’s back.
“What of it?” Mustang replies, a silky timbre creeping into his voice. This is quickly veering into dangerous territory and Edward shifts in his chair, jaw tensing as the two men gauge each other.
“She said you might be…what’s the word? Ah, difficult. Regardless, she has instructed that her dog goes to young Edward here –” he gestures a stubby hand towards him. “From what I can remember her saying, she felt the city wouldn’t suit him well as he got older. However, if Mr Elric here also feels the same way…” he trails off, and he two men look at him expectantly. Edward shrinks a little under their stare, wishing that the floor would open up and swallow him whole.
“I think…” he begins tentatively, very much aware that his former superior undoubtedly has the gloves somewhere on his person, “that we should respect her wishes. This isn’t really about either of us.” He swallows, and fiddles with his fingers. “And no offense General,” he continues, enjoying how the leer slides off the lawyer’s face quicker than his son stealing a cookie when Winry’s back is turned, “but you have more important things to do than take care of a dog, Hayate or not.”
Mustang’s jaw tenses, but he doesn’t say anything.
Edward turns back to the lawyer, who is looking significantly more uncomfortable as he leans back in his chair, avoiding looking at Mustang entirely. “Was there anything else we needed to be told, or can we go now?”
The relief is palpable on the man’s face and he shakes his head quickly. “Just this letter,” he says, pointing to a small envelope on top of the folder embossed Hawkeye, R. C. It simply says Roy on the front, in a sweeping set of lines that Edward recognises immediately. Mustang picks up the letter gingerly, and levels a hard stare at the sweating man behind the desk.
He stands up, and his coat brushes Edward as he passes. “Fullmetal,” he says gruffly.
Edward looks up in confusion.
Mustang jerks his head towards the door and leaves: Edward follows tentatively, muttering a hasty goodbye to the lawyer as he passes.
He walks with the man to a park nearby where the lawyer’s office is, and Mustang sits down on a bench near the artificial lake. He’s still grasping the unopened envelope tightly, his knuckles almost blanched completely white.
Edward sits down next to him and watches the swans gliding across the still waters of lake, unsure of whether he should speak or remain silent.
“Fullmetal-” Mustang starts, but he shakes his head and sighs. “Edward,” he begins again, handing him the unopened letter. “Could I trouble you to read that, please?”
Edward stares at the older man in shock. “I- that- that letter is for you, I don’t think I should-”
“Ri-” her name catches in Mustang’s throat and the man sighs heavily, closing his eyes. “R- Riza did not say who could or could not read this letter, she only addressed to me.” His arm is still extended, and Edward cautiously accepts the envelope.
“Please read it when you are ready,” Mustang says quietly, leaning further back into the park bench, gaze settling somewhere on the far side of the lake.
Carefully, as not to tear the envelope, Edward slides his thumb under the lip and slowly undoes the thin glue. He pulls out a single sheet of stationary and opens it.
The paper is old and crumpled, with stains marring the edges. It was dated the same day that the will was signed for, he notes, eyes quickly running over what few sentences remain of a woman he can only begin to admit now was like a mother to him. There is intimacy in these words that he should not be reading – he practices them with his mouth, silently. They are familiar, and Edward wonders where he has heard them before.
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“Roy,” he begins shakily. “No, I was not born under a rhyming planet, nor I cannot woo in festival terms.” He pauses here, trying his best not to cry. Her handwriting is achingly familiar – her z’s that loop just so and the little jumps where her pen left the parchment. He exhales heavily.
“Yours always, Riza.”
Mustang doesn’t respond beyond shifting a little on the bench and Edward desperately wants to leave the park right this instant. This was something that was intensely private – and while it answered many questions he had – it also raised far far more, and Edward didn’t want to deal with that particular box right now.
It is certainly far more than he wants to consider right now, on a park bench with a man who is looking increasingly catatonic as the minutes pass.
After a while, Mustang holds out his hand once more, and Edward quickly places the letter back into the envelope and hands it back to him. Mustang tucks it into his breast pocket and adjusts the scarf around his neck. It wasn’t a particularly chilly day, but Edward notices how the older man’s hands are shaking.
He doesn’t say anything.
Neither does Mustang.
what riza is quoting in her letter to roy is a line from shakepeare’s much ado about nothing. it’s my favourite play of his (check out the david tennant and catherine tate version if you haven’t – they are comedy gold). as we know, the bard is always up for interpretation: but i always understood that quote from benedict to mean that he cannot and will not love beatrice in the ‘proper way’ – compared to the likes of hero and claudio who, while going through all the proper motions of love, still end up in a worse state than beatrice and benedict ever manage (and perhaps, it can be argued that beatrice and benedict have a love that’s truer and has more basis than that of naïve hero and claudio).
in any case, i would happily argue that roy and riza do not love each other in the proper way, the traditional way – and that is why we enjoy them together so much!!!!!!
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bleedingcoffee42 · 7 years
The snow was coming down harder thanRoy had ever seen as he watched as the military car slid into thecurb in front of Hughes’s house.   It was a testament to Riza’ssuperb driving skills that she made it to the house at all, there wasa sheet of ice under all the snow and the entire city was blanketedin a treacherous mixture of winter hell.   He wished there had been away to contact her and tell her to forget about picking him uptonight, but Riza wasn’t one to shirk her duties because of theweather.   He watched her get out of the car and cover up as best shecould against the onslaught of snow.   He opened the door just as sheset foot on the porch and she marched inside accompanied by her dogwho had to bound through the snow.  “You could have just left mehere, he’s mostly harmless.”
Riza started to unbutton her uniformjacket and looked around the Hughes’s living room.  Hayate came inand shook off and then went over to the fireplace to dry off and stayout of the way.   “Are we talking about the same Maes Hughes?”
Roy smiled and helped her take hertrench coat off and whispered.  “Mostly.  He’s been drinking.”
She closed her eyes as he made sure tograze her arm with his hands as he pulled the wet black trench coatoff her.   He turned to hang it up and she looked up as Maes came inthe room with a bright smile and his daughter in his arms.    She wassurprised when he hugged her and deposited the little girl in herarms.  “Uh…Sir?”
Maes pulled Roy over by his sleeve andlooped an arm around his shoulder and gushed, “Doesn’t it stirsomething in you?  I mean, your kid clearly won’t be as cute andamazing as my Elicia but I promise not to point that out when he orshe comes over to play. Make some babies with him please.  They’d beadorable.”
Riza winced as the little girl pulledher hair and giggle happily.  She expected to see Roy’s typicalfrustrated scowl but instead saw him a little flustered.   Shecouldn’t help but be taken back and felt a little blush tinge hercheeks as she realized he actually had thought about this.  
“Coffee is on!” Maes scooped up hislittle girl and disappeared from the room as quickly as he hadarrived leaving them both standing in the foyer looking likefrightened deer.  He chuckled.   He was glad nobody else knew howeasy it was to incapacitate those two.
“You really have thought about that,haven’t you?” Riza asked.
“Well…” Roy shrugged.  “He onlymentions it every damned day.  You haven’t?”
“My best friend seems to havedifferent standards on what ‘love’ means.” Riza replied as Rebeccacould be very vocal about what she wanted in a man and love seemed toencompass a bank account, a fine body and a set of balls that wouldput a prize bull to shame.    She felt him step closer and she lookedat his face now that she had time to adjust to the warm house andrelease the tension in her shoulder muscles from driving in the poorconditions.  Roy’s eyes were a little glassy and his cheeks a littlepink and he smelled of alcohol.   These two had been drinking, thatwas never good.
His voice was low as he looked aroundthe Hughes’s living room.  “You never think about us like this? Coming home to each other, kids…a real home?”
She didn’t respond.   The truth wasbest not vocalized.  
He caught the look in her pleading eyesbefore she managed to hide her face from him with a swipe of her handas she shook snow from her hair.  She wanted him to stop teasing herwith something they had no idea how to work out.    
She closed her eyes.  “Maybe I shouldjust leave now.”
“Can’t.  They declared it a snowemergency and only emergency vehicles are allowed on the road.” Heshrugged.  “You’re stuck here for the night.”
“I think you trying to destroy yourcareer and everything you worked for is an emergency.”  She saidand he pouted.  That adorable pout he had when he was unguarded, apout that made him look so young and downright adorable.   Shestepped away from him and said “However I think coffee more of anemergency after that awful drive so  let’s go see what Hughes isdoing in the kitchen besides eavesdropping.”
Maes pretended like he wasn’t justlistening to everything and was actually serving out pieces of pie.  “Hey, did you hear they closed the roads?”
“Yes.”  Riza said and sat down atthe table as Roy found his chair and Maes went around the kitchenpicking up knives and drinks.  She could hear Elicia upstairs,giggling and splashing.  Apparently Gracia stole her away to give hera bath instead of letting her husband use her as an example of theAmestrian Dream.    
“You should stay the night.  It’srational and safe.   I don’t have an extra bedroom but you can havethe couch and Roy can just sleep on the floor.”  Hughes said andplaced a coffee cup in front of her and smiled.  
Thanks to reading Breda’s fanfiction,she knew this was a set up for her to agree to the “snowed-intrope” as he liked to call it.   Hughes was taking the opportunityto  use the weather as an excuse to force them together for thenight.   Sadly, she wasn’t left with much choice.   The Hughes’slived in the suburbs and snow plows were going to focus on mainroads, if they could get them cleared of all the accidents.   Herother option was to sleep in the car.    “I suppose I will have toinsist Colonel, it is the safest option.”
Roy was in the process of lifting abite of pie to his mouth and almost stabbed himself in the face witha fork.   She…was agreeing to sleep at Maes’s house with him?
“You’d be a great Mom.”  They bothlooked to Maes who was staring at them dreamily.  “You’re veryprotective and so concerned about Roy’s well being…I just can’twait to see you two as parents.  Your kids are going to be…well…ahandful.  But still, you’re going to have an amazing family and I’mgoing to enjoy being a part of it.  I also can’t wait to give my bestman speech at your wedding.”
Roy frowned.   He wished his friend wasbeing thoughtful and mediating the argument but he had that dopeylook on his face that told him he was daydreaming about the playdates Elicia could have with his kids.   The little girl squealedupstairs as if on cue and he felt his hostility subside and thatawkward feeling from earlier rear it’s ugly head.  What the hell wasin that drink he had at dinner?
“I’ll go upstairs and get you someblankets.”   Hughes said and ignored the annoyed glare from Riza.  “Oh…you probably want to take a shower too right?   I’m sureGracia has something you can wear….”
Riza watched Hughes disappear, itamazed her at how stealthy that man could be when he wanted to.   Italso amazed her that he was probably going to bring her some of hiswife’s lingerie to wear tonight.  “What has gotten into him?”
Roy rubbed his face.   DammitHughes.   “The house on the next street over came up for saleand he wants me to buy it.   It’s the house right behind this one,backyards separated by just a fence.   He always wanted to raise ourkids together….”
“What kids?”  Riza whispered.  “The Elrics and the dog?”
Roy reached over and grabbed anenvelope. He handed it to her.  “Our kids.  Apparently itwas a slow day in investigations so he had Armstrong draw what ourkids might look like.”
“What?!”  Riza kept her voice lowbut it was hard.  What the hell was wrong with all of them!?  Bredawrote stores, Hughes with his innuendo and now Armstrong withartwork!?   She looked at the pictures and had to admit Armstrong wasincredibly talented in both art and imagination.  
“He really wants me to buy thehouse?”  Roy said and sighed.   “And it sounds like a greatdream.   You know…us…them…living real lives.   I know it’s adream, but….”
“You’ve been thinking about this morethan just tonight.”  She said, knowing him.  His eyes told her theanswer but he played around with his pie crust on the plate andcontinued.  
“Recently, yeah.   Work keeps mebusy, but eventually I have to come home and my life, not the oneeveryone thinks I live, my shitty life slaps me in the face and Irealize the only glimmers of happiness I have are when I see you. ”
“Maes means well, but he doesn’trealize how much it hurts to show me everything I can’t have.”  Royshrugged.   “I know you’re going to tell me no, tell me all thereasons we can’t and it’s what I need to hear but…I liked the dreamwhile it lasted.   He made me go look at the house and I saw usin it.   I let him walk me around that house and paint this fantasybecause his dreams for me sounded so much better than the ones I hadmade.   I’m sorry.”
She slid her hand across the table andwrapped it around his.  
“I know.”  He said softly.  Theycouldn’t have that dream.  “You don’t have to say it.”
“I thought being snowed in wassupposed to be our excuse for an entire night of wild sex to tame thetempest of sexual tension that was building between us for years.”
Roy bit his lip.  “Did youjust….quote Breda’s fanfiction?”
“I know it’s supposed to be in aremote outpost in the North while we’re on a training mission, butlet’s not get hung up on locations.”  She said and squeezed hishand.  She was glad to see him smile a little.   “I love you Roy,if you need a house and kids and puppies within pistol range of yourbest friend so he can shout out his window at you every day…we canmake that happen.  If you miss him that much to want him in everymoment of your life from the time you wake up to the moment hescreams 'goodnight Roy-Boy’ out his window, we can figure out how tomake it happen.”
He looked up at her and narrowed hiseyes.  “Maybe it is a little close.”
“The Fuhrer’s house is much nicer.”She assured him.  He squeezed her hand and gave her a smile.   Sheheard Hughes coming so she let go and went back to her pie.  
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benperorsolo · 7 years
royai and reylo for shipping thing
you’re a doll
Who was the one to propose:
Was ‘Will you follow me?’ ‘If that is your wish, then even into hell’ not a proposal
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Roy lmao. Actually probably Grumman. Gotta make sure his granddaughter gets the best. He and Roy spend half the time freaking out over the color of the tablecloths while Riza does security detailing and rolls her eyes at their ridiculousness. 
Who decorated the house:
Both, but Riza maybe more. In FMA proper she seems to have more of a homey-house than Roy’s Apartment of Depression. Riza’s the one who sets up the curtains and silverware and whatnot, while Roy hangs the pictures.
Who does the cooking:
Riza. Roy can cook and doesn’t mind to it, but Riza genuinely enjoys it as a way to take her mind off things. Roy makes a lot of breakfasts for Riza though, especially from she’s frazzled from work.
Who is more organized:
Riza again. Roy manages to never lose anything in his menagerie of chaos, but Riza is the one to alphabetize everything.
Who suggested kids first:
Roy. Riza wants them, but feels too much guilt to ever actually ask for them. Roy feels equally guilty but has managed to move past it much better than Riza.
Who’s the cuddler:
R o y at least in terms of being the initiator. Riza isn’t as overtly physically affectionate as Roy but she very much likes the fact that Roy is.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:
I honest-to-god see Riza as the big spoon. Roy likes being held, k
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: 
Honestly, walking Hayate. For all their state-running ambitions, they’re really homebodies at heart. It’s simple, and more important, it’s simply domestic– in the way they thought they’d never be allowed to be.
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
Roy. I mean, this happened in the anime, when he bought Riza flowers and pawned it off as being so inebriated that he did it by accident.
Who kills the spiders:
Either. Probably Riza does, because Roy makes the sort of sad philosophical tirades about killing innocent animals simply because they’ve taken up residence in places deemed ‘inconvenient’ by others that Riza has to grimly ignore when getting pests out of the house.
Who falls asleep first:
Roy. Riza reads a lot in bed, with Roy’s head on her lap as she idly strokes his hair. Then again Roy often stays up late reading alchemical texts, but in that case he stays up in the office/study and doesn’t bring the texts with him to bed.
A head canon:
The Mustang family is never without a shiba inu in the family. Roy and Riza raise Hayate’s puppies alongside their own kids, until the Fuehrer’s house is always overrun by at least one dog scampering in the kitchens or the rosebushes. Eventually the dog breed becomes associated with Fuehrer Mustang himself, and his period of rule over Amestris.
Do they have any “rituals”?
Taking Hayate out for a walk together, in the early dawn when the world is still crisp and cool and barely lit.
Who has the most patience?
Oh Riza, infinitely more than Roy. Roy has patience for long games, like his bid to be Fuehrer, but when it comes to everyday annoyances he’d sooner fry his problems than wait them out. Riza’s got that snipers’ patience for a reason.
Who was the one to propose:
Ben. He’s by far the more formal of the two, and so it would actually matter to him that he did it ‘right’ for Rey, who was denied so much in her life– getting down on one knee with a ring, and the whole shebang. I don’t even think proposing would register to Rey, growing up abandoned and unloved as she did on Jakku. Not in that she wouldn’t want to be married, but she would be shocked (even after a long-term relationship) that anyone would want to be married to her.
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
I don’t think either are the type to stress over details. That dubious honor goes to Leia. It’s a very minimalist wedding, on Takodana– Leia goes a little pale when Rey explains (Ben blushing furiously beside her) why they want to have their ceremony on that planet particularly. But regardless of the terrible circumstances of their meeting, it’s still the place they first met, and the place that brought them to where they are now. Luke officiates, and it’s literally just rows of chairs set up in the woods beside the exact spot where Ben found Rey and Rey immediately tried to shoot him (Rey points out the still-extant blaster mark on the tree with a sort of amused glee that has Finn and Poe slightly concerned and Ben wanting to die of embarrassment). The reception is at Maz’s castle, of course.
Who decorated the house:
Rey. Ben keeps very few personal effects, and keeps his spaces militarily clean. 
Who does the cooking:
Ben. Rey is totally helpless in the kitchen, though Ben conscripts her to help him so that she’s not completely helpless in situations where Ben’s not there. Nevertheless Ben does the bulk of the work, especially when it comes to experimenting in the kitchen with what Rey calls quote/unquote ‘pretentious’ recipes. 
Who is more organized:
Ben. Rey is organized by dint of growing up with nothing, whereas Ben is organized by dint of personality. Rey grows more and more messy as she begins to shed the impoverished layers of habit forced on her by Jakku. Their room is usually a mess of Rey’s clothes just scattered all over the floor.
Who suggested kids first:
Rey. Ben is terrified of having children, for the obvious reasons of his past and his fraught relationship with his own father (and to a lesser extent, his mother). Rey has her own terrors too, having grown up abandoned without parents of her own. But Rey’s greatest dream has been to have a family of her own, and she’s the first one to let that hope outweigh her fears.
Who’s the cuddler:
They’re both very touchy, having been denied it for so long. But Rey is much more likely to initiate PDA.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon
6′ 3″ tol vs 5′ 7″ small. I wonder which could possibly be which. More seriously, after an entire childhood spent alone, clutching herself in her AT-AT, Rey really likes the reassurance of being held at night. Ben is more than happy to oblige this. Rey being the big spoon usually involves some sort of acrobatics.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
Sparring is something the both of them have always enjoyed. After Ben manages to get Rey into the water (she’s had a pathological fear of swimming for as long as Ben’s known her), then Rey takes to it with an alacrity that’s almost alarming.
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
Neither of them are that grossly irresponsible tbh. 
Who kills the spiders:
Whoever’s closest to the spider.
Who falls asleep first:
Depends. Rey is, of course, ‘desperate to sleep’, but this sleeplessness has gone away substantially since finding purpose and friends with the Resistance, as well as family in Ben’s family and Ben himself. Ben is more likely to go to sleep right away but awake during the night.
A head canon:
A serious one: Before Han left for Starkiller, he gave Leia back his wedding ring as ‘insurance’ that he would return to her this time, and not run away. (Later, as Leia lay contemplating all of Han’s mysterious lucky breaks, she thinks that Han might have –must have– known what was to happen to him. But when facing death, as always, he would go out with a brave smile for the princess.) When Ben confesses to his mother that he’s going to propose to Rey, Leia gives Ben her ring along with Han’s, for Rey and Ben to use as their own wedding rings. If they want. Leia is very clear to stress this; stress that this is not a legacy either of them must bear if neither wish to. But Ben silences her with an enormous hand against her own; the hand cupping the rings. At first, Ben worries that Han’s ring will be too small for him, but his father’s fingers had always been stout and sturdy where Ben’s are long and callow, and in the end, the ring fits just right.
Do they have any “rituals”?
Repairing the Falcon together whenever Rey returns from a trip (Ben rarely gets off-planet, considering the Republic very much would rather he not and it’s a lot of hoops to allow him to go anywhere). Ben is not a half-bad mechanic himself, even though he’s not as instinctual at it as Rey, and he knows that Rey doesn’t need him for the task. He also knows that half the real reason is to get Ben to step foot on the Falcon, which he rarely does without reason. 
He is grateful to Rey for giving him a reason.
Who has the most patience?
I know the jump-to answer is Rey, but I think they just get impatient over different things. Both of them have beserk buttons that make them snap– Ben’s usually involving incompetence and Rey’s injustice.
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