#i actually took the time to do this todya
shonenkun309 · 11 months
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A/N : HALT!! When was the last time I updated a chapter?! *ᵃᵖʳⁱˡ ²²* Yikes...two months...Damn Character.Ai it's all your fault- Ahem ahem!! Hello my sweet sweet sweet sweet potatoes, Who missed this incomprehensible and vague series, the very series that who knows when it's gonna finish? Anyhow!! After simping over Koga as I usually do, I was also busy with real life related things *ᵐᵒˢᵗˡʸ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ'ᵃⁱ ⁱˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇˡᵃᵐᵉ* but here I am and I'm back and promise you...two months of absence will never happen again...😚🌹
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~ words : 11169
Chapters : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14, 15, 16
Tags : @just-somehuman @the-bird-and-the-flute @kogasimp1 @callmeklair @colourless-hydrangeas @randomf2p @blackmond11
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 17
Aoi : "Are you sure about this?"
Futaba: "Like I said, I was running after someone in my dream, only to stumble and find myself in front of my house door . It's like I had no control over my dream. Even though I knew I was supposed to stay up all night, my body seemed to force me to sleep..."
Aoi: "Got it. So, it sounds like you were forced to sleep, had this dream where you ran after an unknown entity, but at the same time, your physical body was also running. And your feet refused to obey your mind and instead, ran towards the entity."
The silence in the room was deafening, as both Aoi and Futaba tried to make sense of the strange occurrence. Futaba added that she had never sleepwalked before, and this was her first time ever experiencing something like that.
Aoi : "Does your father know about this?"
Futaba : "I didn't dare tell him; I was afraid of making him worried, especially after our conversation yesterday. I want to solve this puzzle without involving my father in it in anyway."
Futaba let out a tired sigh, and then the shop bell rang, and Oji entered through it, carrying his groceries.
Oji : "Oh, bright eyes is here today? How's it going?
Futaba : "Hello, Oji.
Oji : "Still upset?"
Futaba : "Actually..."
Futaba decided to tell Oji about her eccentric dream last night, causing Oji's expressions to become serious.
Oji : "Are all of this was a result for your desire to go after the entity or...?"
Futaba : "to tell you the truth, I had some curiosity, but my curiosity didn't led me to know the identity of that entity, although, I found myself going after it... automatically."
Silent prevailed once again, but suddenly Futaba had a moment of realization.
Futaba : "Could it be..."
Aoi : "That so-called-Tsuchi is behind this?"
Futaba : "But, are Tsuchi able to mess with dreams as well? That's insane!"
Oji: "I'm still not sure how your dream ties into what's been happening, but after hearing Yura's account of that night, it got me thinking.."
Futaba's memories of that fateful day returned to her thoughts, and she remembered how they had faced off with the sand men and how one of them had tried to take her away to an unknown destination, which ultimately resulted in...
Futaba : "No way. Kuya took it down, I witnessed it with my own eyes. Or are you suggesting that it continued to pursue me in my dreams or something?"
Oji : "We cannot rule that out."
With a serious tone emanating from Oji, Futaba remained silent.
Oji : "We know very little about this mysterious ayakashi, so it's important to consider all possible powers it might have, even if they seem impossible or made up."
*Jingle jingle* The sound of bells ringing in the shop breaks their focus, and the three individuals turn around to identify the new arrival.
Futaba : "Kuya?"
Kuya : "Old man, I'm starving."
Kuya, typical of him, exclaims his hunger without even looking around after entering the place.
Oji: "Oh Kuya, it's been a long time..."
Aoi: "Any updates?"
Kuya: "No...nothing yet."
Futaba sighed after hearing what he said and placed her hand on her cheek as if she was thinking deeply.
Kuya: "Where's that little girl todya?"
Futaba: "Hmm? You mean Fukajiro? I didn't spot her on the way here, why?"
Kuya is struck momentarily silent and fixates his gaze upon Futaba after she provides the response. As Futaba stares back, she feels as if Kuya is trying to convey something to her, yet Kuya simply continues to stare.
Kuya: "Hmm, is that so?"
Futaba: "Um..."
Futaba feels a bit confused regarding the recent occurrence, as if Kuya was trying to communicate something essential to her, but she was unable to comprehend it. Additionally, considering her understanding of Kuya, it was challenging for her to forecast his actions and words. She pondered on this for a long time, even after Kuya occupied his designated space and commenced devouring his meal.
Later, Futaba takes her leave from Racord with Aoi.
Futaba: "Thanks for tagging along, Aoi."
Aoi: "It's not a big deal. I was thinking of checking up on Koga after everything that happened too."
Futaba lets out a sighs at the mention of Koga's name.
Aoi: "L- listen...Don't let it bother you, we promised Koga to look out for you if anything happened to him, because we're all in this together as comrades."
Futaba understands the true intention of Aoi's words, and the warmth of this realization allows her to smile.
Futaba: "Thank you Aoi, it really means a lot to me that you're still by my side throughout all of this. I feel like my problems are a burden to you."
Aoi: "Don't worry about it, we're in this together. Exactly, like Ginnojo says, our aims are one and the same. However... promise me you'll come to me if you ever get into any trouble—I don't mean you shouldn't rely on others, it's just-"
Futaba: "Haha, I get what you're saying Aoi, and I'm counting on you and everyone. Thanks again for everything."
Aoi's cheeks quickly flushed a deep red at the realization of his own embarrassment, and as the two of them attempted to steer the conversation to another topic, their attention was drawn to a different sight. In the distance, they spotted a group of children playing and giggling blissfully as usual. Masanobu was among them, having the time of his life. While Futaba was accustomed to these kinds of sights, Aoi directed her to shift her perspective, and she grew shocked when she widened her vision at this request. At a distance far from the children, Futaba and Aoi noticed Fukajiro standing. Her emerald eyes were fixed on the youthful players, but the look on her face was one of either sadness or coldness, and this observation took Futaba and Aoi by surprise. She seemed to be hiding behind a pillar, observing the carefree children from afar. As Futaba and Aoi drew closer, they were abruptly called out to by a familiar voice. "Saotome." A deep and commanding voice echoed through the air, prompting them to turn their attention to the source.
Futaba : "Major Aizen?"
Aizen proceeded to make his way towards them, now clad in casual attire and no longer in the white uniform of his Major position, which made it evident that he was on leave.
Aizen: "You seem to be in top condition today, Saotome."
Futaba: "Looks like you're taking a break, Major Aizen?"
Aizen: "That's correct. I had planned to take the day off, but I was notified a few minutes ago that I needed to return to Headquarter for a pressing matter."
Aoi: "Did something happened?"
Aizen: "I lack that informations as of now, but if updates regarding the ongoing matter are acquired, I will inform you promptly."
Hearing this, Futaba and Aoi exchanged concerned glance as the underlying tension and uncertainty of the current calm still lingered. The tense lull was then interrupted by Aizen's inquiry.
Aizen: "How is Kitamikado doing?"
Futaba stood stunned by Aizen's sudden question, and Aoi seemed equally taken aback but managed to maintain a stoic demeanor.
Futaba: "I can't say for sure... I don't know what he's going through right now, but all I can say is he the same...like a lifeless body."
The gravity of the last part of Futaba's statement weighed heavily on her, as if the life was slowly fading out of him, and she felt powerless to do anything about it.
Aizen: "If that's the case, it's similar to the condition of those affected by the phenomenon. They all share one commonality, which is that their state is closer to a coma or even closer to death, perhaps..."
The additional information increased Futaba's uneasiness about Kuga's trajectory and what would happen if all of this didn't stop soon. Later, Aizen shifted his glance towards Aoi.
Aizen: "I've always been curious, Satori. How did you know Kitamikado was still alive? Did you use your powers to probe into his heart?”
Aoi: "I did. But as I delved deeper into his mind, it felt like there was another entity inside him, obstructing my progress. Something just seems off about it all..."
A moment of silence filled the conversation, as the three thought about the implications of the phenomenon and the uncertainty that still remains.
Futaba: "There's a lot we need to talk to you about, Major Aizen."
Aizen: "And when the time comes, I'll summon you, Saotome. I only hope that things don't get worse than they already are. Now, allow me to take my leave, Saotome. I will see you again soon."
As Aizen bid his farewell and departed, Futaba and Aoi were left feeling uncertain about the current situation. Suddenly, silence was broken by the sound of a "Tadaa!!". The startled duo sprang into action, and Fukajiro stood before them, laughing heartily.
Futaba: "You've certainly adopted a new style of greeting."
Futaba's sarcastic words were not without a hint of amusement, and Fukajiro was quick to take note of her smile.
Fukajiro: "I had to change things up a bit to see a new side of you both, Futaba. And Aoi, it's been a while since we last met."
Aoi's tone was stoic, but the slight change of expression in his eyes betrayed the fondness he had for Fukajiro.
Aoi: "Do not startle us like that again."
Fukajiro: "Hehe, I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises."
The conversation progressed, and the two were able to catch up with Fukajiro. The tension from earlier had dissipated, and the three were left chatting like old friends.
Futaba: "How long have you been standing there, Fukajiro?"
Fukajiro : "Oh, I caught a glimpse of the two of you talking to someone and decided to wait to say hello until that someone left. Who was the guy anyway?"
Futaba: "He's just an acquaintance, don't worry about it."
Just as Fukajiro was about to ask another question, she suddenly stopped, her eyes falling on something, or someone else. Aoi and Futaba followed Fukajiro's gaze, and they saw Kuya standing there, his golden eyes staring coldly at the little girl and her innocent emerald eyes. The situation seemed tense, with the golden eyes against the emerald ones. Aoi and Futaba felt curiosity growing inside them, as they remembered that Kuya had asked about Fukjiro before, and now, they were seeing this. Fukajiro kept looking into Kuya's golden eyes, a small, innocent and curious smile spreading across her face, waiting to know why he was staring like that.
Kuya: "You...where have you been?"
Kuya's tone was cold as he spoke, his golden eyes resting on Fukajiro in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. As if sensing the tension in the air, Fukajiro tilted her head to the side, indicating that she did not understand the question.
Fukajiro: "Um...me? I'm here..."
Her confusion was apparent on her features as she tried to make sense of Kuya's words.
Kuya: "I don't mean that, I mean that night. Where did you disappear to?"
At this moment of confusion, Futaba's gaze darted back and forth between the two with a mixture of surprise and anxiety. But before any of them could say more...
"Oh, Fukajiro sweetie, would you help me here?"
The words came from the shopkeeper at the store that Fukajiro worked at, and at the sound of his voice, Fukajiro's focus shifted from the confusing conversation she had just had to her work.
Fukajiro : "I'm on my way!"
But before leaving, she threw one last glance at the three standing in front of her, giving Kuya a particularly hard stare as if to say 'What just happened?' . Without waiting for a response, she turned her back and said goodbye to her friends, disappearing from their line of sight. Aoi and Futaba's eyes were full of question as they turned to Kuya, hoping to get some answers.
Futaba: "Kuya, why did you ask Fukajiro that question? It was so unexpected."
Kuya: "What are you talking about? She disappeared that one day. Why wouldn't I ask her?"
Futaba: "Well, yeah, but..."
Aoi: "Why did you ask her like that?"
Kuya was not satisfied with simply giving an answer, and remained silent, forcing Aoi to continue.
Aoi: "Look, I know how upset you are about Koga's current situation, but you cannot blame a little girl for it."
Kuya: "That's what you think…”
Aoi and Futaba exchanged astonished looks at Kuya's words, unable to believe what they just heard.
Kuya: "I'm done talking here. I'm going home."
Kuya's words indicated a clear end to the conversation, and he began to walk away. But before he could go too far, he stopped to look at Aoi and Futaba from the corner of his eyes, waiting for them to understand the meaning of his pause before following him. As the sun set and Futaba returned home from another visit to Koga, she told Nachi, and the twins about her dream. She explained the details, hoping one of them might have some insight into its meaning. But to her disappointment, nothing changed, and the situation remained the same.
Yura : "Prithee, I doth behold. It seems to be a form of dream manipulation."
Gaku: "Doesn't this sound like what 'Yume no seirei' does?"
Yura : "Methinks not, for this type of ayakashi doth bring nightmares."
Futaba: "But what I saw wasn't a nightmare. Nothing scary or bad happened. I just chased after some entity."
Kuya: "That doesn't explain why you were outside your house when you fell asleep in your room, though..."
Aoi: "This is just getting more confusing the more we talk about it.
Nachi : "But does the Tzuchi really have anything to do with...whatever you saw in your sleep?"
Futaba: "I have no idea anymore. People think it's all over, but I have a bad feeling that it's not. And I don't think it's going to end well."
**Flashback Ends**
Futaba let out a deep sigh as she headed inside, feeling exhausted from today's discussion. But her tiredness was interrupted when she noticed something strange near the veranda, specifically near the flower garden. As she got closer, she discovered that the yellow rose was still fresh, but the camellia flower...its petals had fallen off and scattered. Curious, Futaba picked up a petal.
Futaba: "Instead of wilting, its petals fell of...But that's strange. It was given to me yesterday. How can a flower die so quickly?"
Before she could ponder the situation further, she sensed something near her, only to see Major Aizen's dove heading towards her. This meant only one thing – there was a development in the phenomenon, and Futaba must come to the headquarters immediately. She knew time was of the essence and she had to leave immediately...
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅 >>>>
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accio-ambition · 6 years
No Good Deed (4/15)
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Summary: Killian Jones is a gentleman. He and his brother pride themselves on the matter, even if it ends with harm to them. So when an angry ex of Killian’s client bites him, he tends to the wound, watches it heal, and thinks no more of it.Until he wakes up in a closet on his ship with no memory of what happened the night of the full moon. Fleeing from the unknown, the brothers Jones find Storybrooke, and with it, Emma Swan, who is a lot more familiar with their situation than anyone could expect. And when an old foe comes to their new home, Killian has to rely on new talents to keep those he loves safe. Rating: M for language, violence, some sexual content. (better safe than sorry) Content warnings: violence
pssst. PSSST. imma let you in on a secret. that person you've been wondering about? the one where you're like, "i know they're going to show up, where are they, cmon, hurry up?" they're here in this chapter ;) but SHHHH. as always, thanks a billion million gazillion to Taylor (@killiarious​) and Tragic (@wellhellotragic​) for all of the work that they've put into this. i feel like i haven't appreciated you guys enough because I know i haven't, and I'm trying to think of ways to repay that don't involve selling my soul. and another gajillion thanks to the mods at @captainswanbigbang​ for all the hard work and blood and sweat and tears they sunk into organizing this.
Ayo, you know the AO3 drill
Chapter Four
It’s rough, finding a new place outside of a city so populated. Killian’s left mostly to himself to look at places with Liam pulling more shifts at the station. At first, they look at Brooklyn and other places nearby, somewhere, in theory, Liam could keep his position and commute. He even goes so far as to look at some apartments. But they’re too expensive and populated. Together, they decide to look elsewhere.
A lot of elsewheres.
It takes a couple tries - Boston’s still too populated, Savannah too hot, among a slew of other towns of varying sizes - before they finally head as far north as they can.
“Canada’s got lots of forests, right?” Killian asks, staring at a map of the eastern seaboard from the passenger’s seat. After Liam’s last pay-for-muscle job, they hopped in the car and started driving. “We could take a pit stop at Niagara.”
“We’d have to change citizenship,” Liam says practically, focused on switching lanes on the highway. He sighs as he looks forward. “Maybe we just drive up to Maine and call it quits when we stop for gas.”
Killian laughs. “Who are you? That’s far too spontaneous for my brother’s brain.”
Liam shrugs. “What can I say? Life on the move has spurned a wee bit of something in me.”
Settling into the seat, Killian folds up the map as best he can and takes to staring out the window. He watches other cars, trees and guardrails, the occasional billboard pass by. His transformation is coming soon - he can feel an inkling of it in his bones - and they’ve got to find somewhere he can run free without hurting anyone, especially his brother.
He briefly falls asleep and wakes up as Liam pulls into a gas station. The sun is setting over the treetops. When he looks around, Killian notices there’s not much else around. A stoplight a little further down the road, some quaint little houses and shops.
“Where are we?” he asks, voice groggy.
“Storybrooke, Maine,” Liam answers. “Welcome to our new home.”
They’ve found something of a gem in Storybrooke. A small town, for sure, but large enough to spawn something of a suburb and boast two completely different grocery stores. But that’s not the charm that solidifies Storybrooke as their new homebase.
Since both of them have worked with, in, and around water and the sea, it’s a bit of an unspoken agreement between brothers that they have to move somewhere with a harbor. It’s a remnant of their childhoods, what’s left of the memory of their father that left them and their mother in the lurch. Every Sunday, their mother would take them down to the docks and walk along them along the water. Killian couldn’t be sure, but he liked to think that she found a connection with her former husband in the horizon on the other side of the water. It’s a feeling that runs stronger in Killian’s veins than Liam’s, probably due to the fact that Killian was younger and more naive, unknowing of the pain and uncomfortableness that their father left behind as Liam did. Still, there’s a certain solace the sea provides the brothers Jones, tainted memories included. How would one know what happiness is were it not for the sadness that came before it?
Killian finds a new job as the harbormaster, in charge of all the comings and goings of ships and boats. It brings him a certain sense of peace, something he could never really find even when he sailed the ferry across the Hudson River.
Much to Killian’s pleasure, Liam seems to settle in better than he does, if possible. Of all the odd jobs he’s worked in his life, the ad in the newspaper for a sheriff’s deputy - no experience required, training paid for - is the perfect fit. He’s already bossy, a leader, and a natural rule upholder.
“Finally,” Killian exhales, his forehead all but slamming on the kitchen table in front of him. “Now others will see the tribulations of living under your dictatorship.”
Rolling his head from side to side, the closest movement to shaking his head in this position, a thought crosses his mind and causes him to groan. He sits up. “You’re going to be an even more pompous arse with that blasted uniform on, aren’t you?”
They live in what either of them can only describe as a hovel, but it’s a hovel of their own, in their names alone. There’s enough grass around them that they could consider it a yard, especially the first spring they live there, when a surprise crop of buttercups pop up from the earth. Out toward the outskirts of town, it’s got enough rooms to be considered spacious and for each of them to have their own personal space.
Privacy is a very important quality to have when two brothers live together, especially as Liam settles further into his place in town. The inclusion of Elsa in their lives is messy at first. She’s a lovely lass - a bit on the quiet side, but Liam looks at her like she hangs the sun, moon, and stars all at once. And she, in turn, provides his brother a confidante other than Killian himself. Elsa brings out a softer side of Liam, one that Killian hasn’t seen since they were children. Probably not since their mother died and his brother added “guardian” to his resume.
They meet after a rather unfortunate incident: Liam’s covering the night shift while Killian, still a little unsettled from his last transformation, pays a visit to the local bar. He takes notices of the gaggle of ladies in the corner of the bar, sitting around the table and gabbing. As the night rolls on, they get a little too rowdy. When one of them ends up dancing on the table, Killian sees the bartender shake his head and reach for the phone.
A few minutes later, Liam struts in. He nods at Killian when their eyes meet and Killian can’t help but chuckle at the slight relief he spots in his brother’s expression when he realizes his younger brother isn’t the reason he’s been called. Still, he goes up to the man behind the bar and, after a brief discussion, Liam heads over to the table of women. The woman who stands up to deal with his sheriff brother has platinum hair, plaited down over her shoulder. Her hands come up, her motions soft and calming as she separates her friends from Liam.
He can’t hear what the conversation is, but the women settle down and Liam can’t seem to stop smiling. The woman says something to her friends before walking to the bar with his brother. Liam calls over the bartender and a moment later, his brother and Elsa are indulging in their first drink.
The rest, they say, is history.
Killian’s never really a desire for another older sibling, let alone a sister, but Elsa makes him rethink the idea. She adds a domesticity there’s never really been in the Jones residence, but she’s got a quick tongue that surprises everyone, including her adversaries in the courtroom.
Elsa introduces both of them to Storybrooke society, mostly by introducing them to her social butterfly of a sister, Anna. She somehow calms them both down in heated situations, especially between each other, and she does it all without ever raising her voice.
She’s the best thing to happen in their lives - or at least the best for them since Killian aged out of the system.
Unfortunately, they still have to keep Killian’s secret from her. For own safety, Liam insists.
“Liam, she’s practically family now,” Killian argues in whispers. It’s a Thursday evening and Elsa’s come over for dinner. She’s in the bathroom at the moment and Killian’s worried. “She has the right to know, especially when the new moon strikes within a week.”
“She doesn’t need to know, little brother,” Liam fights vehemently. “I’ll stay over at her place, that way we’ll both be out of your way.”
The conversation is cut short due to Elsa’s return, but Killian can’t help rolling his eyes.
“Oh no,” she says quietly, placing her napkin in her lap. “What did I interrupt? I can go in the kitchen and find look at your alcohol collection until you guys sort this out.”
Taking her hand, Liam shushes her with a smile. “No, honey, that’s alright. My little brother just doesn’t understand why I want to spend some time at your place.”
Killian, really having no other choice, plays along. “I don’t understand why because you always come back complaining that Anna wakes you up at ungodly hours.” Looking down at his mostly empty plate, Killian grumbles, “Trust me, I enjoy the reprieve from nightly activity noises.”
Liam scolds him for his inappropriate comment while Elsa hides her giggles behind her napkin.
(She’s truly the best thing to happen to them in a long while.)
With each passing lunar cycle, the pain lessens. It still burns as it takes over his body, but just as with any sort of exercise, the body grows more tolerant. Liam remains the only person to know of his affliction, a fact that Killian fights the closer Liam and Elsa get. His brother finds more and more unusual ways to keep his lady love and himself away from the Jones house during full moons.
When the weather is nice enough, Killian often excuses himself by saying he’s going camping. Elsa doesn’t blink an eye, and if anyone finds him in the woods in any state of dress, he can say he just had a hard night in the forest.
(The ripping of clothes is still a problem when he transforms. A couple months into this experience, one would believe he’d be better at it.)
Killian’s wolf self loves those weekends. No one has run into him in any form, and the variety of creatures running about in the woods pleases him to no end. While he loved every day of living in New York with his brother, Storybrooke has a magical quality about it. Perhaps it’s the forests or the appearance of Elsa in their lives. It could be the accomplishment of adulthood or the freedom this little town gives them. Any number of things might be the reason. Killian fears that pinpointing the exact reason would ruin the magic.
It’s funny how just one small moment can change one’s perception of magical places. Wolf or not, it hits Killian right between the eyes one day.
“Liam!” Killian shouts, the front door to the station slamming shut behind him. Things are quiet down at the docks, fog failing to dissipate as morning turned to afternoon and making sailing conditions too undesirable. He’s got his pile of paperwork down to a manageable level and with the weather as poor as it is, Killian figures that most people are too fatigued by the grey day to commit any sort of crime. So, as he’s prone to do on occasion, he comes to offer Liam an outing for lunch.
When no one responds immediately, Killian walks further into the precinct. He expects to see Ruby or Leroy, the receptionist and other deputy respectively, but both their desks are alarmingly empty. Walking past them, he heads to Liam’s desk, and once he finds it unattended as well, Killian makes his way to the head sheriff’s office. It’s boxed off with half glass walls from the rest of the station, giving the semblance of privacy where there is usually none. Graham, however, installed blinds shortly after his appointment many years ago, and pulls them when he convenes a department meeting, as they are now.
Since his brother’s appointment to deputy, Killian’s skillfully infiltrated Storybrooke’s sheriff department, befriending Graham over a pint and Ruby with a drunk karaoke night or four. He’s walked in on many a department meeting and sat in the back, offering witticisms and snarky remarks when called for. Or even when they’re not.
(Leroy, as loud as he is, has still managed to vex him. The man is always grumpy.)
So he knocks on the glass door of the small room, giving them warning of his entrance, and waltzes in.
“Good morning, esteemed law enforcement of Storybrooke.” His greeting is too loud in the room, a boom of thunder during an otherwise silent night. Observing his surroundings, Killian becomes confused. Liam’s not standing beside the door. Leroy’s not sitting in the trouble seat with Ruby perched on the arm, checking out her nails. And, the most surprising thing he notices, is that Graham isn’t standing behind his desk, hands resting on the top of the wood and shoulders hunched over the week’s docket.
Instead, all four of them are sitting in front of the desk, chairs dragged in from other places in the building. The looks on their faces express concern and something like guilt, though Killian can’t explain why.
And then he looks to where Graham should be standing to discover his place is taken by a blonde woman, with leather-clad arms crossed over her chest.
She’s a marvel: that’s the first real thought that crosses his mind about her. Her stance radiates power, demands respect, and serves as one of the most powerful turn-ons Killian’s ever had the pleasure of being exposed to.
“Can I help you?” she asks, her voice gruff and unimpressed.
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At the sound, his eyes shoot up, catching a flick of green as her eyes roll back in her head. Thrown for a moment, Killian shakes his head.
He soon recovers and turns on his swaggery pirate persona, “Well, that depends,” he replies. He gestures to Graham, and then back to her. “How come you’re in Graham’s place?”
There’s a moan from beside him, one Killian recognises as his brother’s. He turns briefly to catch Liam rest his forehead on his hand in disgrace. Killian shrugs. “What? I believe it to be a fair question.”
The blonde shakes her head. “This is a private meeting of sheriff department personnel,” she says. The satisfying clunk of her boots are slow and measured as she comes around the desk, stopping right in front of him. “If you’d please wait outside, someone will be out to help you in a moment.”
She grimaces at him, her poor attempt at a polite smile, then she takes the door frame from his lacking hold. “Thank you.”
Dumbstruck by the turn of events, Killian has no choice but to glance at his brother as he slowly backs out into the bullpen. Liam raises an eyebrow, nonverbally asking him to follow orders, just this once, and they’ll discuss the rest of the matters later.
Conceding defeated, Killian nods his head. "My mistake," he says, much more humbled.
"I apologize for interrupting."
The woman nods as if to say, "Yeah, sure, fine" before shutting the door behind him. Still a little gobsmacked by the unusual turn of events, Killian makes his way back to Liam's desk and takes a seat. He stares aimlessly at the framed photograph on his brother's desk, an identical match to the one that sits on his own desk down in the harbor. It's from when they were younger, one of the first weekends after Liam officially became his guardian. For some reason, he had saved up a ton of money - picking up extra shifts when he could, sleeping minimally for days at a time, and living off of Ramen and boxed macaroni - all so they could go out on a cheap little rented sailboat on a nice Saturday.
The man who owned the boat offered to take a picture of the two of them once they returned from the water. Sunburnt, a bit dehydrated, and smiling wider than either of them could contemplate possible, that was one of the happiest days of Killian's life. Everything finally seemed to be turning up in their favor.
While life or fate had sent he and his brother through the wringer, this turn of events was certainly not one he had seen coming. A new sheriff? It's not as though Graham has done poorly in his position, nor had he suddenly fallen in the line of duty.
But this new arrival is certainly an interesting development.
Staff meetings, or at least the ones he used to be privy to, lasted anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes. A brief greeting, perhaps a jab at Grumpy's expense, then a run down of the assignments for the day, followed by questions, comments, concerns. In and out before your coffee got cold. And while Killian figured, with the change in command and explanation of local quirks, it would go half an hour, maximum. This sheriff seemed to get straight to business, as if she was more excited about filing paperwork than about tackling the town's problems. Killian could sit and play around for a half an hour, no problem. Maybe he'd even take a nap.
But when a half hour passed, and then an hour, and then an hour and a half, Killian finally had enough. There were only so many times he could Facebook stalk his brother's account, or send himself emails from Liam's work account. Only so many Vine compilations and cat videos to be watched. His stomach growling was the last straw. He stood up, completely intending to march right back into Graham's office and call this meeting cruel and unusual punishment when the door he'd been coerced from earlier opened up.
Grumpy appears first, his facial expression much more sour than usual, followed by Graham, who looks like he needed a nap himself. Ruby comes after, her fingers already quickly flickering across her phone in response to texts or tweets or whatever the meeting had caused her to miss. Liam brings up the rear, slogging out with an apologetic look behind him. He’s barely out of the doorway before the glass door slams shut behind him and the shade shimmies down over the window.
"What's got her so uptight?" Killian asks, spinning around in his brother's chair and watching Liam settle in to work.
Liam merely shakes his head. "Get up," he grumbles, "I've got to get to work."
"I thought today was your day to patrol," Killian counters, rising anyways. "I was going to hop in the back and ask for a ride down to my office because I am not walking through that weather again today. Once was more than enough."
Sighing, Liam takes his seat and scoots in, simultaneously logging out of his Facebook and opening up a case file. "I'm not," he replies curtly.
Leaning in, Killian asks, "It's because of her, isn't it?"
"Sheriff Swan's in charge now, so I'm just following her orders."
"So that's the she-devil's name?" Killian ponders aloud, looking at the closed door behind which he knows she's probably so diligently working. Probably cackling over the change in order, cackling over huge piles of paperwork she either can’t wait to do or assign to one of the others. "Swan." To his knowledge, she fits the name: beautiful, mysterious, more than willing to bite at you should you get too close. He sits back against the edge of Liam's desk. "Huh."
"Don't be rude, little brother," Liam chastises. "She's new to town and the only thing she really knows is what she's meant to do as an occupation." He halts his typing long enough to glare at Killian and say, "Exhibit good form, brother. Don't be an arse."
"Don't be an arse," Killian parrots back with a scoff. "Did you tell her that? She scared the shit out of all of you. I've never seen Ruby turn her phone on vibrate and she did for this woman."
"Killian." He turns around to see Ruby, phone in hand, staring at him. "Liam's right. She's just trying to get a feel for what we're all like. You remember how it was when you guys first moved here."
Conceding to that matter, Killian nods slowly. "But neither of us were that rude, were we now, love?"
Ruby sighs. "No," she admits, and in the same breath goes to defend the woman. "But consider it from her shoes: she's replacing the male sheriff in a town in the middle of nowhere. She needs to exert her authority much more than if it were Graham's first day."
"That doesn't give her the right to..." Killian trails off. She is the sheriff, so technically, it does give her the right to kick him out of what should have always been private, sheriff department only conversations. And yet, Killian's riled up now, and he isn't quite ready to admit to being wrong. "What if there was a real emergency?" he asks instead, changing tactics. "She should have at least asked why I was there."
Just as he finishes his question, the woman herself, Swan, pokes her head out from between the door and its jamb. "What’s with the yapping? Is there a problem out here?" she asks before her eyes catch on Killian's. She puts on the same painful fake polite smile on, for his sake he can only assume, and ventures out of her office toward him. "Ah, yes sir, sorry to keep you waiting. How can the sheriff's department help you today?"
“Well, love, I had the hopes of saying hello to my brother and friends here at the station, but I can see that that way of life is no longer approved.” He sticks his hand out for a shake. “Killian Jones, at your service.”
“Yes ma’am.” He nods toward Liam’s desk. “Younger brother to Deputy Liam Jones and occasional department volunteer.”
“Ah,” she hums, and Killian has to hide the slight smile of satisfaction he gets from seeing her face fall. Carefully, she places her hand in his. “Well, I’m sorry for being curt.”
Hoping to rock her world even further, Killian pulls her hand to his lips and press them against her knuckles. He catches a hint of red on her cheeks and hears her small, sharp intake of breath.
Mission accomplished. Even if it earns him a groan from Graham, a cackle from Ruby, and a scolding from his brother.
Swan pulls her hand away from him, brushing it against her thigh. “Mr. Jones, as the sheriff here in Storybrooke now, I’ll have to insist you act professional when you visit the department,” she orders. “Now, I’ve got a lot to catch up on, as do the rest of my coworkers, so I’m asking you politely to leave before things get ugly.”
“That, love, sounds like a promise.” This time, everyone groans at his gall, including Leroy. Holding up his hands, Killian slowly backs away. “I know when I’ve been bested. I’ll see myself out.”
With a solemn nod, Swan heads back into her office. Killian salutes Liam, waves at Graham and Leroy, and winks at Ruby on his way. It’s still soaking with no signs of letting up. He sighs.
“I don’t like her attitude,” Killian mumbles before heading out into the rain. “I don’t like it one bit.”
It turns out to be an absolute lie.
Killian has already prided himself on finding the toughest woman in the bar or the pub, at the party or the event, and wooing her into his bed. Or hers, he really isn't picky. A challenge, he used to say to his friends in New York. He liked a woman who proved to be a challenge.
(It was a rare find. One look and listen to him and almost any woman who had a slight inclination toward him was putty in his hands.)
This time, however, the toughest woman has managed to find him.
Swan proves to be the most difficult nut to crack yet. And, somehow, they fall in to an unlikely friendship nearly immediately. There's something in her that Killian responds to on a subconscious level himself. She snaps at the slightest insult, almost as though she's been fighting for her own way in life as long as he has. The first occasion Granny sends lunch for the whole department via the K. Jones Express, he spots the wild look in her eyes as she nearly pounces on the brown bags. They're all labeled with names, made special for each member of the sheriff's office, but Emma quickly opens and searches each one with the ferocity of a hungry teenager.
When she finally finds hers, she grabs it and takes it back into her office, the door all but slamming shut behind her. Curious, Killian brushes off the thanks Ruby and Graham give him in order to follow Swan cautiously to her home turf.
Gently pushing the door open, Killian peeks in. Swan's sitting at her desk inhaling her food, barely taking enough of a break to swallow and sip at her drink.
"So," he casually says, stepping into the room. She looks like a deer in the headlights, sandwich half-eaten, her mouth stuck open for another bite. "What did our dear Granny send for you today?"
Slowly, Emma places her sandwich back on the foil it was wrapped in and brushes her hands of crumbs. "Grilled cheese and onion rings," she answers.
"What a peculiar combination," Killian muses. He takes a seat in the trouble seat, right across from her. He notices her eyes narrow fractionally as he settles comfortably into the chair.
"Onion rings are better than fries." She says it as though it's a fact.
Killian shrugs. "I wasn't saying anything otherwise, love," he says. "It's just not a combination one sees very often."
Picking up her sandwich and taking another healthy bite, Emma chews in order to stall their conversation. Killian just waits, stares at her. He's never been one to find himself uncomfortable with silence, but this is certainly one of the least uncomfortable situations he's found himself in in recent memory. As he sits there, he notices the way Swan's hair curls slightly and falls from behind her ear, or the freckles that sprinkle her nose and cheeks. They haven't known each other for too long, but Killian finds it a little bit funny that he just now notices them.
Swallowing, Swan sends him a grimace, one he takes willingly. It's not as pained as it was when they first made acquaintance and with each passing meeting, it seems to get a little more genuine. Or at least it's heading in that direction.
"Not that I have to explain anything to you," she says, an attempt at being menacing, "but it's my favorite. It's comforting."
Killian nods in understanding. He claps his hands together, making her jump and causing a small grin to cross his lips. "Well, I'm glad the cold, hard sheriff does have a warm spot in her heart," he teases.
Emma sneers at him and rolls her eyes. "Har har," she says. Shooing him away, she adds, "Get out. I have work to do."
"I'm sure you do. That must be the reason you are swallowing Granny's delicious food whole and not because you're used to fighting for food." Killian winks at her. "You're obviously very devoted to your position and want to get back to your responsibilities as swiftly as possible, aye?"
He watches as she gulps a little bit harder at his words, and he knows with satisfaction that he's hit the nail on the head. Her head slowly nods up and down. Killian sends her a wink.
"That's what I thought," he murmurs. With a tilt of his head, he bows out of the room.
"Until next time, dear Swan."
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tashairosario · 3 years
Premier League Fixtures EPL Fixtures, Schedule & EPL Matches Today
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I would love to subscribe to it as it would make wagering on the games less time consuming and more enjoyable. I would imagine if there is they also might publish for the German, and other Premier level leagues. Thanks for any help you can give me. Sky Sports picks the games for their television broadcasts, which sometimes emglish approval from police for games that are derbies or matches that are considered to be more dangerous requiring rpemier police protection for fans.
The process takes time. I blame all three of them because they have cheated a huge number of Premier soccer todah from a great deal of pleasure. A pox on all three of these selfish organizations! They took it away, now you have to pay to get it? I think you call that extortion!? At least this Saturday and Sunday I actually will get 3 each day; unless that changes between now and then!!!
Can anybody find a phone number to call Peacock for live help? I mentioned before to very wary of giving them your credit card information. Rip off artists. So apparently, neglish you want to watch the reigning EPL champs, you need Peacock at the moment. Maybe in November I can watch Liverpool.
I noticed that!!! A real shame. Like I tell everyone, it was fun while it lasted! Looks like Christopher Harris english premier league today schedule right. NBC is screwing over its cable subs a bit more this year. Chris: thanks for the link. I caution people again to be wary of this vendor. Do you want the shock of being wrongly charged?
The hassle of dealing with an organization that hides its phone number? Whose chat line appears inoperative? Other contact info made difficult to obtain? Even the investigator writing up the case noted difficulty reaching them. Do you have the time and disposition to deal with such problems english premier league today schedule such a poor service?
Will report outcome. Obviously it looks like an error occurred with your experience. Many companies make it difficult to find their phone number.
I already pay for Peacock Premium but, unlike every other non-HBO service, it is difficult to watch Peacock outside of the home. My friend has an old Roku and a Amazon fire stick, so the app is unavailable. And she is a Comcast customer. But if you are paying for it then it should be available wherever you english premier league today schedule to watch it. But NBC is making it very difficult for me to share my love of the game with others.
A quick update on my Peacock tribulation. Good news. Thanks to Chris H. The premjer up process was clunky, user unfriendly, and I had no confirmation that it went thru. So I tried again but this time more cautiously opting for the monthly, as my confidence in Peacock ebbed. Bingo… access to the Prem! I received the monthly charge, but later also got charged for the whole year for the failed sign up. My error was that, echedule my initial frustration to get activated, I must have entered my email incorrectly.
So they were also charging me for that service, feeding to nobody or someone lucky! English premier league today schedule was the result of a harried fan being careless out of frustration, but why not install a system that would require lague validation? Looks like Peacock Premium subscribers have been screwed over??
How greedy is that? Just using it to force in new Peacock viewers!! I hope they lose the next Premier League contract. I only say this because there are many cord cutters that hope this same thing happens — but only so they can actually watch a top level match like this one via a stream only service like Peacock.
Not as long as providers know that their traditional cable networks still draw a significant revenue stream, yet also can do so via their separate stream-only service. EPL is most watched euro soccer league in the US and any provider will do what they can to maximize their revenue possibilities.
If you have a later model of the Roku devices with english premier league today schedule latest software you can screen mirror to the Roku. You then control the start and end of english premier league today schedule game from your iPad but the video and sound comes from your English premier league today schedule. I Have just bought a gen6 IPad and maybe this will do better. I pay for Peacock Premium on my old pad, how do I get to install it english premier league today schedule my new one without having to pay twice?
Rebecca You should definitely be able to see an option to just login to Peacock app with your current profile do not sign up again on the new iPad so as to not be recharged. Rebecca since Peacock allows multiple streams at the same time your old iPad installation will not prevent you from installing the app from english premier league today schedule Apple App store and than being charged again.
Just install the continue reading and provide login credentials like email address and password. As far as your freezing problem is concerned it could be that your WiFi connection to the iPad is not very good.
Make englissh that your WiFi connection is excellent 5 bars. Other users did complain that Peacock does buffer the stream too many times to their liking. So distinguish between buffering and freezing, buffering will show a twirling circle. I always have to make sure not to connect to my Routers 5GHz connection as somehow that one is not as good as my 2. If I pay for the product I should be able to access the content whenever I want to, how I want to and at a time see this here best suits me.
LTx In other topics here it was hotly debated what you mentioned. Several factors contributed to the lack of features in the English premier league today schedule Achedule. There was no clear strategy how to present to the public the games as is evident by the dividing the matches between NBC, NBCSN and Peacock and than again a change in strategy by dropping games from the On-Demand Peacock streaming. It all reeks a bit of an amateurish approach. Liverpool v. Now I full article paying for less???
Makes you dizzy trying to figure it out each week. There is an error on the scheduling. On Sunday the 7th you show Wolverhampton v. Leeds and on Monday the 8th you show Leeds v. Crystal Palace. As s Leicester City fan I was miffed there was no game scheduled so went to their site and see they are scheduled to play Sunday v. Otherwise keep up the english premier league today schedule work! Man City pdemier on Peacock will have spanish comm find out here the Telemundo crew available for the first time.
Life, for me, is more complicated with Peacock streaming more of the big games. Do the brave thing everyone and cancel Peacock! Then english premier league today schedule will have to implement a different model.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Competition: Eenglish League. Saturday, April 10 am EDT. Free Trial. Englisu Offers. Rex Hearn January 21, Vasil February 22, Dave L May 13, Jack July 2, Payasos February 23, Chris March 23, Rex Hearn August 7, I love your humor,!
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