#i absolutely have to play as fane next time just to see what happens
asexualdreammorpheus · 9 months
the first sex scene with fane is so much funnier as an undead instead of him feeling weird about that thing the godwoken does with their tongue he feels weird about what the godwoken did with their tibia
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
All Night Writeathon!
As the title suggests, I literally stayed up all night writing this little memory scene for a smutty one shot. I’m playing around with immersing Fane with more of the Inner Circle since he does develop a lot of meaningful relationships with most everyone, save for Cassandra and Bull (it takes Fane a very long time to warm up to Bull, even more so than with Cassandra).
But here! Have this ‘little’ excerpt that I may or may not tweak a few bits when I revise!
The dreaded sound of a wet squelch had Fane stopping dead in his tracks as he, Solas, Cole, and Varric traversed the corpse infested bog in search of the Inquisition patrol that had been kidnapped by Avvar. Solas and Cole were locked in one of their usual cryptic discussions, so Varric, of course, was the first to notice how he had halted in his lead. 
“You doing okay, Tempest?”, Varric called out to him, the sound of roaring rain and howling wind nearly obscuring it if it weren’t for Fane’s abnormal sense of hearing. 
Fane tilted his head up towards the stormy sky as he slowly, but furiously started to try to unearth where his boot was mired in shit. Of all the places to go, why had the Avvar chosen a blighted bog full of shitting animals?! Even his kin didn’t defecate like this! It was disgusting!
“I stepped in shit again.”, Fane growled, jerking his body more which only spurred him to sink in deeper. He blinked before snarling in irritation. “Oh, for fuck’s sake! The next bogfisher I see I’m going to fucking tear it apart and shit in its corpse!”
He heard Varric let out a poorly concealed snort, wet, stocky footsteps coming up to where he was trapped. Fane refused to turn his gaze down to Varric, knowing full well what the dwarf would be looking at him with. He was not in the mood for Varric’s bullshit, no pun intended!
Varric let out a whistle, tilting his head at Fane’s submerged boot. “I think you’re a little stuck there.”
Fane actively whipped his head down to glare daggers into the, as he thought, smiling dwarf, still attempting to dislodge himself with more jerks.
“What gave you that idea, dwarf?! Was it the fact that my entire calf is mired in fucking shit?! Or was it from the last time I got trapped, a groaning corpse attaching itself to my ankle before I nearly bit it in a pile of shit?! Either way, it leads back to shit!”, he snarled around irritated grunts as his attempts still fell flat. Why the hell couldn’t he get out?! It was like this pile of shit was a rift attempting to suck him in!
“That’s a lot of shit.”, Varric responded with a growing smirk, the dwarf attempting to keep his laughter at bay. “You know, this reminds me of a story--”
“Don’t.”, Fane warned, pointing with a gloved finger to exaggerate his disinterest before more footsteps approached. Oh, great. This was the absolute worst. Maybe he should just let himself be consumed by the sink hole of shit! At least it would save him from more mortification!
Fane saw Solas and Cole finally make their way up to where he and Varric were bickering back and forth, looking equally as drenched as he was. However, the two Fade minded companions still appeared to be locked in their own discussion until Fane saw Cole’s head perk up, hair curtained eyes locking onto where he was trapped. 
“It won’t let go. Warm, wrapped like a blanket, but not the good kind.”, Cole said simply, water pouring from his large brimmed hat as the spirit tilted his head curiously. “I didn’t know it could be like that. How does it hold so tightly?”, blue eyes travelling down to the pile of feces.
“The question for the age, kid.”, Varric told Cole with a growing smirk, still trying not to bust a gut as he kept his eyes on Fane. 
Fane let out an agitated groan at Cole and Varric’s words before hearing a familiar, but infuriating snort come from the man next to the kindly, curious spirit. Oh, here we go! Why had he decided to bring the trio of men who constantly found some way to exasperate him?! Well, Cole never meant to exasperate him, but the other two always did!
Emerald eyes which were deepening in hue from mounting frustration met humored blueish grey as Solas watched him struggle to free himself from the suctioning mound, mouth twitching with the urge not to smirk at his predicament. 
“Again, Inquisitor?”, Solas asked calmly, but Fane could hear the literal joke in the elf’s voice. 
Fane felt his eyebrow twitch as he snarled in response. “What do you mean ‘again’?!”
“I think he means that this is the..”, Varric chimed in, amber eyes looking up to the sky as the dwarf idly counted on his fingers before looking back to Fane. “..tenth time you’ve stepped in shit. Though, the fifth time wasn’t really your fault.”
“It wasn’t a teddy bear.”, Cole piped in, a small frown forming at the mention of the bear they had found off one of the mire’s diverging paths. 
“Definitely not, kid. More like a grizzly bear.”, Varric said with a small shiver. “Too bad we didn’t have a trusty warrior to shield us.”, a sigh escaping with a teasing tone as amber eyes glanced back up at Fane. “They must have had a lot of shit to deal with.”
“They must have fallen to a truly formidable foe.”, Solas unexpectedly joined in to his roasting, sighing with a light shrug. “..or rather, stepped into the path of one.”, stormy eyes glinting with guarded mischief as the regarded Fane, who was steadily growing more and more irate with the two’s teasing. 
“Are you two finished?!”, Fane snarled out darkly, feeling his boot give a little as he continued to twist and jerk his leg. “Or should I wipe those shit eating grins off your faces?!” Why did he always end up being humiliated in some capacity during an excursion!? If it wasn’t shit, it was some other unknown substance that reeked or squelched or moaned before he snuffed the life out of it!
“I think you should wipe the shit off your boot first, Tempest.”, Varric poked the fire more, starting to let out amused snorts. 
“I agree. I am sure it does not smell particularly pleasing.”, Solas poked the other side, raising a hand to stifle a snort with a light cough. 
Fane felt his face go deadpan as fiery rage roared within his soul, distant roaring making itself known within his mind as draconic instinct began to take flight. “Fuck the bogfishers. I think I’ll go for lesser prey. They scream louder.”, he said flatly as the flames burned past his deadened expression. 
Fane barely noticed the look of Cole’s eyes widening a bit, the spirit seemingly noticing something, as he instinctively went to pivot his body in an attempt to lunge at either Solas or Varric, who were both still trying to keep themselves in check. However, before he could even get into position, he heard a wet pop before he felt gravity take hold of his off balance frame. 
“Wha--?”, Fane uttered in question, eyes going wide before he fell face first into the pile of shit his foot had been trapped in, the contained momentum in his attempted pivot backfiring from his sheer weight twisting him too far. 
There was a dead, dead silence, save for the howling wind and steady downpour, as Fane’s mind tried to process what had happened. He was-- What the-- Did he really--?
“Shouldn’t he wipe his face first?”, Cole’s innocent question broke through the shocked silence before the raucous laughter of Varric finally burst forward, the dwarf unable to keep his mirth contained any longer as Fane slowly pushed himself up to hover above the offending mound. 
Fane stared down at the steaming pile of shit as Varric’s laughter rang throughout the bog, barely hearing soft footsteps with how loud it was and how red hot rage began to color his reeling mind. He was going to kill this dwarf! He would tear him apart! Rend the sky with dwarven bones! Level the ground with his corpse! Ripe his smirking, laughing face right off!
However, before Fane could even think to launch himself upwards to complete that promise, Solas came into view, crouching down to where he was on his hands and knees to give him a small, apologetic smile. 
“Are you okay, vhenan?”, Solas asked him, the endearment falling out without hesitation or shame. 
Fane wanted to bite back, to shove the concern away, but the depth of blue and grey that projected sincerity had his rage simmering down a few degrees. He was entirely too weak to this elf, but he supposed he really didn’t care. Especially since they both had finally closed the large rift that had separated them since Haven. That was worth any kind of childish teasing, or the irritation it could invoke.
Fane sighed as he lifted a leather gloved hand to wipe at his face, the heavy rain helping take off the heavier traces of shit. “Is it possible to burn my face, as well as my clothing?”
Solas chuckled softly, reaching into his pouch before pulling a strip of cloth from it. “It is possible, but I would advise against it.”, the cloth in the mage’s hand delicately being used to help him in his wiping. “However, a bath would be sufficient for purging your face and body of defecation.”
Fane let out a small hum at Solas’s touch before sighing longingly. “I would kill for a bath right now.”
“As long as it is not myself, Cole, or Varric, then you may ravage as you wish, but I do not believe it will afford you what you desire.”, Solas joked lightly, a thumb gingerly wiping under one of his eyes with the cloth. “However, though I cannot promise anything luxurious, I could heat up enough water for you to wipe yourself down until we return to Skyhold.”, Solas offered with a tiny smile, summoning a quick flame to dispose of the ruined cloth once he felt Fane’s visage was clear enough. 
Fane felt warm relief and affection fill him at that offer as he let a tiny smile of his own break through his tight mask. “I could kiss you right now.” He could never stay angry at his sky for long, could he? Not when Solas so obviously showed he cared for him. It may have taken a while to get to this point, but this was a milestone along the path, and he would not spurn it with petty anger.
“Unless you wish to be met with a barrier, ma’isenatha, I would suggest not.”, Solas teased with a small smirk before slowly rising to stand up straight. “Now, come. We should not linger lest Varric’s cackling awaken the corpses no doubt resting in the waters.” 
Fane sighed before pushing himself up into a kneeling position before vaulting himself up to his full height with a soft grunt. “I’m more worried about hidden shitty sinkholes than flimsy corpses.”
Solas gave him a small, but fond smile, and a tiny roll of his eyes before beginning to make his way back to where Varric was currently doubled over on the ground still cackling, and Cole confusedly hovering around him like a concerned little bird. Fane watched Solas go with a faint smirk before sighing lightly. The ‘fun’ was over. Thank goodness.
“Right. Back to work.”, he grumbled before crossing his arms, following after Solas slowly. “If you bust your intestines open, Varric, I am not putting them back in! Nor will I be the one to tell Hawke and Fenris you died because I fell in shit!”
“Hawke d..did the same thing at Chateau Haine! H..He’d get it!”, Varric wheezed out, pounding the ground with a fist as another bout of laughter took hold. 
Fane rolled his eyes as he stood next to Solas, sighing heavily. “Are all dwarves like this?”
“Not from my experience, but Varric is not like most dwarves.”, Solas said, glancing up at him with a small smirk. 
“Right.”, Fane said, pushing against the inside of his cheek with his tongue before a thought popped into his head, a smirk turning the corner of his mouth upwards. “He’s a shit dwarf.”
“H..Hey! I--!”, Varric started to defend around coughing laughs before pausing to think. “..You know what? You’re right, and I take the compliment!”, he exclaimed, finally starting to calm down as he pushed himself off the soaked ground. 
“Good. Because that’s the only compliment you’re getting for the day.”, Fane stated before uncrossing his arms. “Alright. Fun and games are over. Time to go hunt down some Avvar.”
“Maybe you’ll fell them with your mighty stench, oh Inquisitor!”, Varric proclaimed with a few slight wheezes.
Fane took a deep breath through his nose, coughing a bit when his aforementioned ‘stench’ made itself known. Just what he needed.
“If I don’t fall first that is.”, Fane mumbled out with a small sneer before turning away to motion for the others to follow. “Come on. After that whole ordeal, I really want to get back to Skyhold so I can just burn myself with scalding water.”
“Wouldn’t that hurt?”, Cole asked with a bit of concern.
“It is a figure of speech, Cole.”, Solas assuaged the compassionate spirit’s worry with a reassuring smile. 
“Speeches don’t have figures..”, the spirit mumbled in confusion before Fane heard Solas begin to explain, but tuned it out as he stared at the expanse of the mire before them, idly noticing distant corpses shambling about and bogfishers, who were shitting as they spoke. 
Fane let out a tired groan, massaging his temples with his thumb and middle finger. 
“I need a bath. An indefinite one.”
Suffice it to say, Fane didn’t like the Fallow Mire. Nor did he like all the damn bogfishers that would be aggroed from wayward lightning! *begins to project onto her OC*
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findmeinpops · 4 years
FindMeInPops’ 12 Days of Ficmas: Day Three - ‘You. Me. Snowman. Now.’
It’s that time of year again where I try to pump out a drabble or one-shot for each of the twelve days leading up to Christmas! I have a couple already written but some of them will be written by prompt and on request so bare with for any editing errors! Enjoy, my loves, and have a happy festive season :)
And a quick fyi for those who prefer AO3, my 2019 12 Days of Christmas collection is at this link and should be uploaded with an hour of this being posted.
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Prompt: No. 32 - “You. Me. Snowman. Now.”, No. 52 - “Do you want to build a-” “Absolutely not.”
Ship(s): Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Rating: T
CW(s): this has a slight, unintentional, dom-y tone but nothing even vaguely inappropriate
Reindeer Games: Vixen: Winter
@riverdalebingo​ : Free Space
“Hey.” Y/N prodded Sweet Pea in his sweater-clad arm. “Hey, hey, Sweet Pea.” She prodded him again but Sweet Pea continued to fane obliviousness, scrolling endlessly on his phone. 
“Sweet Peaa.” She complained dragging out his name and beginning to pull on his sweater instead, intent on getting her way. “Sweet Pea, please?”
“What?!” He suddenly bit back, his head snapping to face hers, his eyebrows drawn in an irritated scowl, mouth straight and a hardness in his eyes. Y/N shrank back slightly, her hand raised to pull at his arm again but was now slowly moving to cover her lower lip. Sweet Pea’s expression softened at the wounded look that flickered through her eyes, sorry that his stress had caused him to snap at her.
“Sorry, Princess, I’m sorry, what did you want to tell me?” Switching off his phone, he dropped it down the side of the sofa cushion before pulling her against his chest.
“It was nothing, don’t worry, I shouldn’t have interrupted your working.” She knew that he was stressed with work as of late and was now berating herself for annoying him when she knew he was already drawn tight.
It always seemed to happen as they neared the end of the year, like clockwork, throughout their three year relationship, more frown-lines would appear in his brow and black circles would form and grow larger under his eyes as they got further into December. This year though, with the heavy snowfall of the last few days and his inability to make it out of the house to work, he had seemed so much more frustrated and was nearly constantly attached to his phone. Y/N had not had the same problem, being able to work from their cozy study instead, due to her career of choice being writing, but the inability to leave was now beginning to even affect her. If Y/N was completely honest, she was going stir-crazy, she wanted nothing more than to go out and play in the snow, and she had indeed gone out yesterday for a few minutes but, after giddily making a snow angel, the novelty soon grew old and her excitement wore off as she could not enjoy the heavy snow with her favourite person.
“No, it’s fine, I’ll just pop another movie in.”
“Y/N, what did you want to tell me, it’s alright.” Her head still pressed against his chest, he smoothed his thumb along her cheekbone, his other tracing patterns at its place on the material covering her waist.
“I-I just wanted to know if you would like a hot chocolate?” It was more of a question mumbled against his jumper but Sweet Pea’s keen ears easily picked it up. He drew himself back from their embrace so he could try and see her face but it stayed securely against his chest, hidden from view.
He sighed, pulling her onto his lap, one leg either side of him, kneeling on the sofa. Of course this was to try and get her to look at him but she kept her head down and firmly placed it against his neck.
“You’re lying.” The tone wasn’t harsh per se, but it held a confident accusation.
“Mmm.” Y/N grunted against his skin, neither confirming nor denying, but from experience, Sweet Pea had learnt that an unwillingness to reply tended to mean that he was correct.
“Tell me.”
The next thing that left her mouth was not quite coherent due to the words being incredibly muffled by his skin and were probably intended to be that way to avoid Sweet Pea understanding her; the only thing that Sweet Pea was sure of was was that she hadn’t said ‘no’.
“What was that sweetheart?” He coaxed, finding her grip slightly more lenient and slowly pulled her up from her position before cupping her face in a hand so that he could see her pretty eyes.
Y/N remained silent for a count and Sweet Pea was almost ready to ask again before a small smile appeared on her face.
“Do you want to build a snowman?” She sang slightly off-key but the tune was still very much recognisable; the pair had watched Frozen a couple of times since it had come out and the film had become a fast favourite of Y/N’s.
“No, I don’t. Now, what did you want to-”
“That is what I wanted to tell you.”
“Well, I still don’t want to build a snowman.” He could only sigh when a pout appeared on her expression, suddenly wishing that her face was still hidden against his chest; she knew that her puppy-dog face always weakened his defences.
“No, I really don’t wa-”
“Why?” She questioned, sitting back on her bum and crossing her arms across her chest. “Why don’t you want to build a snowman with me?”
“Because building a snowman is stupid and pointless.” He moved his arms to sit just on her hips whilst his hands clasped in the small of her back to anchor his arms around her, trying to stop her falling off his lap backwards.
“You think I’m stupid and pointless?”
“No, I said building a snowman is stupid and pointless, don’t twist my words.”
“It’s the first proper snowfall since we’ve been together, Pea, I want to build a snowman with you.” She subconsciously reached to brush a strand of hair that had fallen onto his forehead, smoothing it in-line with the rest.
“It’s cold.”
“Well yes...it’s snow...and December.” He gave her a pointed look.
“I don’t want to build a snowman.” His voice held the ‘this the end of the discussion’ tone but Y/N ignored it.
“Have you ever built a snowman?” She questioned further.
“Y/N.” He spoke a little sterner.
“Sweet Pea.” She mimicked the tone. He sighed.
“No I haven’t but-”
“YOU HAVE NEVER BUILT A SNOWMAN.” She jumped up from his lap, breaking through his arm-barrier, her expression one of shock and perhaps even horror.
This news should not have been much of a shock to Y/N. After all, until Sweet Pea met her, he was very much an anti-social, stay-inside outcast, unless he was meeting with the Serpents; even then, though, he only participated in the rough-housing, activities which required ‘man-power’ (as he put it) plus occasionally volunteering at the local homeless shelter. 
“No Y/N, I have never built a snowman.” He sounded defeated and that was because, after being with Y/N for three years, he knew exactly what was coming next.
“We’re going to make a snowman.” She stood firmly in front of him, arms crossed, begging him to argue with her.
“Sweetheart, I still don’t want to-”
“I don’t care. You. Me. Snowman. Now.” She ordered, marching towards the cupboard in the hallway pulling out his coat, scarf, and gloves, throwing each in turn at him, where he still sat on the sofa; one glove hit him square in the face and she had to suppress a giggle.
“Now where are your wellies?” Y/N asked as she pulled out her own coat, scarf, gloves, and wellies, before beginning to dig deeper into the cupboard.
“I don’t own any wellies.”
“Mine aren’t going to fit you.” She spoke as if he didn’t already know this.
“Of course.”
“I guess you could wear your hiking boots...but you’d have to wear some fluffy socks with them…” she thought aloud, not really paying attention as she rooted through the numerous bags in the bottom of the cupboard before pulling out a pair of well-worn hiking boots.
“I don’t own any fluffy socks.” Y/N snorted at the way he practically spat ‘fluffy socks’.
“You can borrow a pair of mine.” She was actually only half-joking, she did not want him losing his toes to frostbite.
“Yours aren’t going to fit me, Y/N.”
“They’ll be fine, you know that pair that practically come up to my knees?”
“Of course.” Sweet Pea sighed, utterly defeated, he wasn’t going to deny Y/N anything, he did not know why he bothered arguing in the first place.
“Alright.” Y/N clapped her hands together, the noise seeming much louder in the empty field. “First we make a snowball; you can do the head and I’ll do the body.”
Sweet Pea obliged, scooping up a large handful of snow before packing it together tightly.
“Now we just roll it.” Y/N crouched down, trying her best not to topple over and soak through her trousers - she was far too cold already, not that she would admit it to Pea.
“Just roll it?”
“Yeah, you’ll see that snow tends to stick to snow.” As she spoke, she began to push her small snowball into the almost foot-deep snow and roll it. “Watch how I’m doing it.”
Getting the general idea, Sweet Pea followed suit.
As Y/N’s snowball had continued to grow, she began to struggle to push it, it soon weighing the same as her and so, eventually, Sweet Pea’s surpassed hers - the student had become the master, as he had told her smugly.
Once they were done, Sweet Pea carefully lifted Y/N’s oversized snowball up and balanced it on top of his, holding it in place as she packed copious handfuls of snow into the neck space.
“He’s a little bumpy and uneven,” Sweet Pea looked at their snowman critically, eyeing one particularly flat side, “but I’d say he’s pretty good.”
“We haven’t finished yet!” She exclaimed in a ‘duh!’ tone. “You go rummage around the bushes for a handful of pebbles and I’ll be back in a minute!” with that, she skipped from the field, following the short path that led back to the house.
Sweet Pea wasn’t overly concerned that she would be harmed by another person as their home was out of the way and the pathway that led to the field pretty well hidden, but he was well aware of her accident-prone ways and could not help but worry that she may slip and fall on a patch of ice. Nevertheless, he followed her instructions, planning to search for her if she was not back in five minutes. He had no reason to worry, though, as she reappeared before he had finished his job, a bundle of clothing clutched happily in her arms.
They met each other at the front of the snowman. She dumped the bundle on the floor before taking a round black stone from Sweet Pea’s hands and pushing it into what would be the snowman’s face. Sweet Pea understood the idea and quickly marked out a smiling face for the snowman as Y/N wrapped a scarf around his neck and pulled a hat over his head.
“And finally,” she announced once she had finished dressing the snowman, “his nose.” She pulled a carrot from her pocket, offering it to Sweet Pea to do the honours. This was his first snowman and he should therefore have the pleasure of putting the nose on the snowman.
After the finishing touch was placed, they both took a few steps back. Sweet Pea wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her into his side as she wrapped an arm around his waist. They stood there for a few minutes, admiring the masterpiece, until snow slowly began to fall from the sky again.
Silently, Sweet Pea offered Y/N his hand, which she accepted, and then they began making their way back inside into the warmth.
“I think he should be called Dave.” She announced as they passed the row of hedges that surrounded the field.
“I love you.” He said instead of answering, squeezing her hand in his.
“I love you too.”
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fanesavin · 5 years
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The Inquisitor takes some time to ruminate on his newfound position before a friendly face gives him a small measure of confidence.
[ (x) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (x) (x) | Part 4 | Part 5  (x) | Part 6 (x) | Part 7 | Part 8 (x) | Part 9 (x) | Part 10 (x) (x) | Part 11 (x) (x) ]
Faye had stepped into a corridor to catch her breath before she hyperventilated from all the chaos and noise. She had her head between her knees, sat on the floor in her white robes, when she the sound of boots. She fell quiet, trying to not be notice, as the figure walked by.
Fane didn’t bother stopping as soon as he had left the council chamber, what a god awful debacle. Eyes downcast he walked with absolutely no direction as quickly as he could. Anywhere would do so long as it was the furthest possible point from playing childminder to squabbling Lords and Ladies. He wasn’t sure he could take it. Ultimately, Fane walked until he came upon one of the balconies of the keep that overlooked the bay pausing momentarily he took a swig from the jug before hitching a leg over and bringing the other to join it. Not the safest seating arrangements but the stone was wide enough for a man to stand on it comfortably so sitting as he was presently wasn’t so difficult.
Faye looked up from her moment of internal panic to see the tall form of lord savin walking by. He looked… gods he looked weary. Faye couldn’t imagine the weigh on his shoulders right now. To be more or less de facto leader until another was found. How long would that take? Days? Weeks? Months?? And she’d not been kind to him either. Not that she realized how he felt about her internally, since they hadn’t spoken since… since then.
Feeling the pull of her conscience - for she truly liked Lord Savin - Faye got ahold of herself and stood. She followed his footsteps, feeling drained herself but not certain why. Other than she’d been scared out of her mind for the duration of the meeting. And holding in all that fear was physically and mentally exhausting.
Turning the corner to the balcony, sighing at the feel of the breeze on her face, Faye moved out onto the dark balcony. She froze, however, as she saw Lord Savin… sitting on the railing, legs on the wrong side of a very long drop. Her heart fluttered into her throat, and she stepped forwards. “My Lord…?” she said quietly, fearing to startle him.
Fane liked the chill of the sea breeze, it was a welcome relief following the stuffy council chamber. Combined with the wash of wine he found some of the tension finally leaching out of his frame. He let his eyes drift to some far off point, tired and unfocused. He'd been feeling that way since the previous night adding all of this on top?
He sighed, to himself mostly but also to the gods. Who had seen fit to put him in this position. He'd like a good word with whichever ones idea it was to put him here. He may have been a leader of armies of marshalling them on the field of battle but not this. He could barely keep the peace in his own household as had been thoroughly demonstrated not ten moments prior. As if his situation hadn't been difficult enough without the additional undermining of those around him. People who were meant to help and support him?
He grunted silently too lost in his frustration to particularly notice the presence of someone behind him. But when they spoke a ripple of tension went through him tension and sadness. Idly he was glad she couldn't see his forlorn features as he took a sip of his drink. "Aye? Come to give me more of a rollicking about how badly that went?" where once there may have been humour in is tone presently it was flat.
Faye knew little of House Savin or Blackspire. Only that it was a large hold with lands and people under it’s care. A great many it seemed. Faye often wondered what it would be like to have people that loved you. People that cared. People that were loyal to you and believed in you wholeheartedly. Yet what a burden it must be as well. To have that much responsibility. To have to make decisions that could affect the lives of thousands. And affect the future for generations to come. Faye wouldn’t know.
He didn’t turn as she called out to him. But neither did he plummet to his death. His acknowledgement of her presence seemed to be permission to stay if she wished. Though the humor she’d come to associate with him over their short acquaintance was gone.
“No.” Faye moved up to stand at the railing and look out over the bay. The breeze was cool and smelled of salt. She turned her face into it. “I came to say that I-.” She spoke quietly, looking out on the slowly moving lights of the ships floating at port. “I wish… I wish to help. If you’ll allow me.” Not just with the investigation into the Raj’s death, but help him as well. Whatever that may mean. An apology sat on the tip of her tongue as well, but she couldn’t quite make herself say the words. Not just yet. She was still hurt and angry. And more than a tiny bit humiliated.
There was a lot on Fane’s mind, too much honestly and while he wished to have had the opportunity to speak with her earlier. To settle their differences and apologise for how he had behaved, well, they all knew what had happened. And so here they were, or well, here he was. Nursing a drink and contemplating the path he’d led that had brought him here.
He sensed her approach more than anything in particular, not that he turned around presently, the view was pretty and he wanted to enjoy it for the time that he had it. Her iteration of her help caused him to look down at the flagon in his hand, “considering the task ahead of us, we’re going to need to get all the help we can get.” He grew quiet, more pensive as he sat there looking down thoughtfully. But before she could apologise he sat up a little straighter mulling over something.
Eventually, he lifted his head and a moment later was swinging himself back over, still perched (but the correct way) he looked at her. “I beg your forgiveness for my behaviour last night and this morn’. While I regret that I wounded your pride and hurt your feelings… I’d rather that than a hastily made decision made while utterly filled to the gills.”
Faye hummed in agreement. “I won’t lie and say a part of me wishes I hadn’t... hadn’t come back.” She gazed out over the dark water. “I’m not made for… councils and the like. No one listens anyway. Except you. And one or two others.” Though it would take more than that to make any headway on this debacle.
Honestly, Faye was still frightened. A death such as the Raj’s would call for vengeance. And although there seemed to be order at the moment, it could all fall apart at any moment. All it needed was the proper catalyst. A spark to start the fire. Faye’s family wasn’t a huge fan of fire. And it wasn’t that she thought herself overly important - quite the opposite in fact - or that she held any relevance in the grand scheme. But history always repeated itself.
Faye stayed where she was, glancing slightly aside as Lord Savin turned back to the safer side of the ledge. His apology caused her features to tighten slightly. “There’s nothing to forgive, my lord,” she said nearly before the echo of his words died out. “I should not have acted in such a manner. The fault is mine.” For thinking someone such as the High Inquisitor would ever look at her as anything but a novelty. A curious thing to be studied.
"A part of me wishes I never came here in the first place," he admitted honestly. "Perhaps the only good thing to come from this is a new friendship…" if what they shared could even be called such "but the rest?" He lowered his head, curling his finger into the stone and letting his mind wander. "It's a shame… and… I know it may not mean much but, I am sorry for how people treat you."
Fane didn't doubt her, she had good cause - better cause perhaps than most to worry. How could she not? Attacked one day and at risk the next. They all were. Who could say if they would survive the ordeal or not at all?
"Perhaps, but I should not have put you in that position in the first place" he grew quieter as he looked at her. "But… perhaps... it isn't so bad. If we make it out of this… I'd like to think that it isn't so hard for us to consider perhaps being friends, hm?" Perhaps it was wishful thinking but he needed a friend right now.
Faye nodded, giving a small smile. She doubted they would be able to remain friends, even if they wanted to. “It’s not your fault. People will always fear what they don’t understand. They’ll always find a scapegoat to blame for the next plague, famine, or death. Someone to take all the anger and fear of the masses on their shoulders, and pay for it with their blood.” It meant more than he could know, but words failed her when it came to telling him how much.
She merely shrugged, agreeing that perhaps it was on the both of them. Though Faye still felt responsible for the first of it at least. A frown crawled over her features after that, but it turned to something that was nothing if not sad. “It’s a lovely thought,” Faye said sincerely. “And I would like that. To be… friends.” If she lived through all this, that is. Though who knew what he would think of her once it was done.
Perhaps they would, perhaps not. Only time would tell on that front. Fane couldn’t foresee the future. If he could, well, none of this mess would have happened would it? The culprit would be in jail and they would all be celebrating the coronation of the High Raj. Unfortunately, they were here and that was not the case. “Then it’s a matter of helping them to understand, and I’m not saying that’s an easy task… It isn’t, but it’s not a hopeless cause.” Fane didn’t believe so at least. “And… if what I saw tonight was any indication, you’re hardly a witch compared to that… Queen.”
Fane wasn’t sure what to make of Queen Bellamy, not having spoken to her enough to form a genuine opinion. “Then… let it be so, if we make it through this…” But opinions went both ways and who knew what Fane would have to do to get the answers he needed to the questions he would have to ask. “If we make it out of this… You should come to Blackspire for a little while, see what real snow looks like hm?”
“I know not everyone hates me. I’ve met several people that are kind and who seem… genuine. I believe I might have even made an ally or two. But it only takes a few to incite to lust for blood.” Faye knew that all too well. As for the other woman, she merely shrugged. “I cannot say. Though her talk of… wolfmen… I don’t like it.” A shudder moved through her that she couldn’t control.
When he offered her to visit his home at Blackspire, Faye was taken aback. She looked at him full on for the first time since she’d come after him. Would he really want her to come? Or was he just asking because he truly didn’t expect either himself or her, or both, to survive? Either way, the offer was… a first.
“I would… I think I would like that. Very much.” If they survived. A blush lit her cheeks and she turned back to the water. “I would invite you the marshes, but it’s nothing to see. Just withered trees and fog.”
“Aye, they’re not all bad… Trying times can bring out the best in people just as it can their worst.” It was simply the unfortunate way of the world but they would make do this he believed wholeheartedly. “No, it’s curious…” he’d heard tales of course but he’d always thought them just that. Tall tales just like those whispered about Lady Lacroy.
The idea of keeping her as a friend after all this was a nice sentiment, whether they would get out of it, that he couldn’t rightly say. But he was happy to make the suggestion, considering her mention of never having seen snow. Proof that he’d been listening to the things she’d said and shared with him. Not just because he was curious but because that curiosity stemmed from genuine interest.
“Very well then, it’s settled… Though I’d say it’s hardly fair for you to visit my home and me not to visit yours…”
Curious wasn’t what Faye would call it. But she was careful with her thoughts, lest she sound no better than the ones accusing her of things that weren’t true. It would be easy to lay blame somewhere else. To shift attentions in another direction. Faye had her own suspicions about who was behind all this. But she kept her own council for now.
Faye smiled as they seemed to make some sort of tentative plans for after all this. “You’re more than welcome, M’lord. I don’t have much, but… my hearth is warm and I have plenty of wine. One thing I’ve never run out of.”
“Then, I suppose we’ll have to hope we see the other side of all this,” Fane conceded with a slight exhale. He looked at her for a moment, “it’s a kind offer, perhaps I’ll take you up on it sometime…” Fane raised his cup of wine with a small nod of acknowledgement. Unfortunately, much as he wished to linger he knew he could not. “I appreciate your company here tonight Lady Lacroy… It’s been… a welcome relief to discuss anything other than the situation at hand.” His eyes drifted back to the looming castle, what did its walls have in store for them all? “That being said… There’s no rest for the wicked hm?” much as he wish there was, “hopefully together we can solve this mystery that looms over our heads.” Pushing off the railing he lowered himself gracefully into a bow, “may the evening keep you well m’lady.”
A look passed across Faye’s face, one that might have been sadness. Or even something bittersweet. Longing for a thing that had not yet come to be. “I suppose so.” There was a moment that passed between them then, and Faye was glad when he seemed to accept the offer. “Though I fear the wine may not be as good.”
His thanks for her company was met with a small nod, and Faye swallowed as she followed his gaze up to the walls of the keep. “You’re not wicked,” she told him softly, even though she knew it had been said with humor. “The people who did this are wicked. Don’t let them convince you otherwise.” Returning the bow with a small one of her own, Faye met his eyes once more as she moved to leave him to his work. “And you, Lord Savin.”
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lairofsentinel · 6 years
Sorry for bugging you, but I just started DOS2 and I know you like that game. Idk anything about this series so this is probably really dumb, but do you know how long ago Lucian used the death fog on the elves? I’m playing a custom elf and trying to figure out when this would’ve happened in his life. 1 year? 5 years? 10? Before he was born?? Lol. Also, do you have any cool tips or things to share that you really love about the game? Thanks and have a good day :-)
Hello there.
Right now I’m at mywork, so I can’t make a deep research on it. But I’ll keep it in mind.
About the deathfog:You know? That’s a really good question. Considering Ifan is aliveand he was there when that happened, it must have been around 20 ormaybe 15 years ago.  (I think Ifan is more or less 45 y/o) and whenthat happened, he was a commander, a pretty high rank inside theOrder.  But I will research on that shortly.
About Timelines. Well, I’m absolutely lost here.The horrible mess that Larian is with their Lore makes everything horrible.If you checked or played some other games of Divinity, things justmake everything more confusing.
There is a nice“timeline” to have some things a bit ordered, but it is neverenough to be sure with their lore. We need to accept the messy LarianLore as we accept death, I think, lol.http://divinity.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline
Check this too,showing how confused everyone is, specially related with Lucian’stimelinexDhttps://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/7ekklh/timeline_of_divinity_games/
Lore focused peopleare disappointed to be trolled by Larian. Advise: let the lore be. Don’t ask much, You will find only regrets xD
You are playing anelf. If you talked to Saheila, you know that time is not a thing forthem. Their immortality makes them perceive time like an inconsistent thing. Itreally doesn’t matter for an elf. He can be as old as you want to. (if you want to use this as a lastresource in such mess of time and dates and incoherent lore)
About tips:
Activate Pet Palimmediately, and talk to animals. Every animal you see, talk to them.They are precious, and hilarious, and many times they  give yousidequests that can be lore-related or simply silly ones that willmake you laugh.You will laugh. And love the dogs.
Interact witheverything. Even with paintings. There are “talking”paintingssometimes. Use ALT key to highlight interact-able objects.
Explore the maps a lot. It’snever a waste of time, because exploring in this game is morerewarding than in many others RPG. You can find amazing small storiesin the weirdest corners of the map, more insightful perspectives about some chars, beautiful landscapes that may have some chest worth opening, or simply trigger wonderful quests. Like… really. Wonderful. Itotally loved this. And explore caves too. 
Always have Lockpick tools, a shovel, and those disarming kits. If you have Fane in your group, you can forget lockpick tools. Bony fingers work like that XD.
Let me be biased as fuck. One of the bestthings is Ifan. Honestly.  I love him. And Malady. I’m dying to seethe next game with her.
What I hate though is the isometric aesthetic and theturned-based combat. Honestly. I never was a fan of it, but I did myexception with Torment: Tides of Numenera, and with DOS1and DOS2, and I didn’t regret it. DOS2 is wonderful. It’s prettydynamical for a turned-based game, and they managed the isometric with 360º so fucking well that I dont care anymore. It’s beautiful to see. But yeah, I’m not planning to playit in any other difficult than story, because my no-regret has alimit, too xD
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