#hybridanafrost talks anime
hybridanafrost · 2 years
Vermillion Sibling Headcanon
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We all know this aspiring Crimson Lion Kings captain admires his big brother so freaking much. However, this doesn't stop Leo from being a meddlesome younger sibling!
Leo is THE kid with all the audacity. The moment he catches wind that Fuegoleon likes someone, he has to know about them. He will be his brother's wingman whether Fuego likes it or not.
Leopold would flirt for Fuegoleon. He just knows his brother is a perfect gentleman and doesn't want to be too forward. So as a younger sibling, he takes it upon himself to just ask outright if his crush is single. He really means well, but ends up embarrassing everyone in the situation.
"My brother thinks you're ravishing!"
Mereoleona would also make it worse by scolding Fuegoleon. Thinking he was making Leo flirt for him instead of being a man about it. Fue is just overwhelmed with embarrassment. He asked for none of this.
Once things calm down and they talk things over, Leo understands his actions were not helping. Leo apologizes to Fuegoleon and the object of his affection before leaving the room. Much to Fuegoleon's surprise, he actually got asked out to dinner instead of it being the other way around. Apparently his crush found the whole thing adorable!
When Leo finds out he'll be boasting.
"I knew it would work, brother."
"Leo, you are IMPOSSIBLE!"
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Ideale Family Headcanon
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Thought I'd throw my hat in the headcanon ring by saying these men can DANCE.
It's because the Ideale men have passed down their dancing skills from generation to generation. All in the name of wooing the women!
Zara was very talented at it and I recon he probably woo'd Zora's mom with a waltz. Naturally, Zara taught Zora some traditional dances for festivals to impress girls.
Zora was a shy 12 year old before his father died. Zara had encouraged him to be more talkative and make friends. He even made a doll for his son because of how lonely he was.
So you know he must have taught Zora dancing despite his son's whining and constant eye rolling. All this effort in the hopes that he can one day stand out and socialize with more confidence.
Zora: Dad, this is so embarrassing! Why do I have to learn to dance? Girls probably only want to dance with the noble boys anyway.
Zara: Why? Because women love it. Good God, Zora, if a rich man ever lost a woman, it was to a man who could dance!
Fast forward to Zora in his 20s not advertising that he can dance since it would ruin his street cred. However, if he found someone worth while, he would definitely dance with them in private. Zora would get a sick satisfaction in telling that person the Black Bulls will never believe that Zora Ideale can ballroom dance. That cool masked jerk.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
"I'm not crying. My eyes are just taking a piss."
- Yami Sukehiro, overwhelmed with love and pride in his squad.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Vanessa Enoteca Headcanon
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I just love this lady and her big sis energy! I headcanon Vanessa would be the ideal squad member to help you get over a break up.
She will show up in your hour of need with:
- Bottles of wine - This is Vanessa we're talking about! You know she will be coming in clutch with a vintage to help you drink your sorrows away. Vanessa gives off that drunk girl in the bathroom of a nightclub vibe. She will hype you up whenever you're down.
- Rouge the cat - Feeling anxious or stressed? Have a kitty; pet the kitty. You deserve a cute purring creature nuzzling your face!
- Spa and Hair products - She's not going to let your skin suffer from puffiness after all that crying. You'll be wearing a nice cooling face mask to cleanse your pores. She'll also cut and style your hair because you deserve to look and feel your best after your crummy ex!
- Shopping Money - Once you both have sobered up, she's taking you out shopping for a brand new outfit. You've never looked better!
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC Odette Dumont x Zora Ideale
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"A-Are you asking me to dance?"
So earlier I posted this headcanon for Zora's family and their relationship with dancing.
And naturally a scene developed from that involving Zora and my OC Odette.
Zara had brought his son out to a festival to finally put those dance lessons to use and socialize with kids his age.
Zora, being such a shy boy, mostly kept to himself until his eyes caught the sight of 11yr old Odette. Needless to say, it was crush at first sight. Zara caught the look his son had and nudged him in her direction. "Go on, ask her to dance."
To say his son was nervous would be an understatement. Zora could barely verbalize the whole interaction. He got her attention by tapping her shoulder from behind.
Odette, being wary from her abusive home life and being bullied by the boys at the orphanage spun around alarmed. She had dropped into the fighting stance Yami taught her with her fists up to protect her face. Zora nearly jumped back scared he was going to get his butt whooped. Odette's eyes drop to Zora's open hand stretching out to her, shaking a bit from the nerves.
"A-Are you asking me to dance?" She blinked, putting down her fists. Her voice was gentle as to not scare him off.
The boy swallowed hard and nodded.
Odette looked over at Morgen, who was her chaperone for the evening.
"Go ahead, Odette." Morgen gave an approving smile.
"Kay." She took the boy's hand and was genuinely surprised with how well this quiet boy could move his feet. She offered him a smile and thanks when the dance ended.
Zora nodded in affirmation before returning to his father's side. The grin on Zara's face was massive. He teased his son about how grand it would be if that pretty girl were to become his future wife someday.
For Odette's backstory you can check out the link below. Trigger warning for abuse.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Young Fuegoleon Vermillion for @thoughtfullyrainynightmare!
Besides Zora and Yami, I can't help but simp for him and his regal energy.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC - Odette Dumont (Formal)
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Not much to say here. Just felt like drawing my OC in a pretty dress. 👗
This is the inspiration:
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For Odette's bio:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC Odette Dumont - Fury Form
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I have been working on a list of spells for Odette's Ironsand grimoire and I decided to give her a beserker form.
- Ironsand Fury Form -
The ironsand influences the iron in her bloodstream to boost her strength, speed, and healing but it has many downsides. When she first unlocked the spell she was unable to think rationally and had an impulsive tunnel vision. She would get caught in a fog of her own repressed anger and would not respond when spoken to. When describing what it was like being in this form, she'd say that the only noise she can hear is the pounding of her own heart and a buzzing sound similar to a swarm of wasps. Once she takes this form, Odette is often incapable of turning it off without outside help. Someone she knows and trusts has to grab her to get her to snap out of it.
After extensive training (and some much needed therapy) she can control her behavior better when in fury mode, communicate with others, and keep it on for longer.
However, the physical kickback can be devastating if she pushes herself too far. Normally, Odette's nerves start to shake uncontrollably when she comes down from the adrenaline rush. If she goes over the time she allows for herself in this form, the strain on her body can leave her immobilized. In extreme cases, it can cause her body to develop a fever or even cause major strain on her heart.
The key physical features of this form are that her amber brown eyes darken to black, matching the color of her magical attribute. There are also dark colored veins that appear on her skin. She can also self heal any surface level damage she takes in almost an instant.
For Odette's backstory you can click the link below.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC Odette Dumont, full body and colored thanks to the wonderful @thoughtfullyrainynightmare! Thank you again! I LOVE the way it came out! ❤️
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You can see the original drawing here:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC - Odette Dumont
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Welp, finally caved and created an OC for my new favorite anime series. I couldn't get the idea of her out of my head so I put her on paper to the best of my ability.
I miss having the attention span to dedicate to digital art when I was younger. Otherwise, this would be full color with a png of the Black Bulls sigil on the cloak because I am NOT freehanding that!
Name: Odette Dumont
Age: 25
Birthday: September 4th
Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Squad: Black Bulls
Grimoire: Three Leaf Clover ☘️
Magic Attribute: Ironsand
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Dark Green
*TRIGGER WARNING* for domestic and child abuse!
Odette is the bastard child of nobleman Lord Dumont and a commoner. She grew up abused by her father since she was his only heir, not legitimate nor male. Her father had a sick obsession with her mother and used Odette to trap her. Odette has scars on her back and one behind her ear from being "disciplined" by her father. Every time he disciplined her, he would make her mother helplessly watch. One night her mother got in between them and fought back. Things turned violent and spiraled out of control. Odette, 11 years old at the time, managed to run away from home and bump into 15yr old Yami and Nacht back in their rebel days. They protected her and took her to an orphanage where she ended up living in until she could take care of herself. She spent years bonding with Yami, Nacht, and Morgen as if they were her surrogate brothers. She picked up street smarts and learned how to fistfight in order to defend herself.
Once she turned 15 and was awarded her grimoire, she left to go explore the kingdom. She initially invited Nacht to come with her after what happened to Morgen and his family, but he pushed her away. Yami made her promise to join his squad when she came back.
Hobbies: Reading and Dancing
Reading - Ever since she was small, she would read about far away places, temples, and ruins. She dove into a book whenever she wanted to escape her reality. Learning about Yami's homeland made her want to go out and see the world.
Dancing - Her commoner mother was a dance teacher and dancing was something that brought them both joy.
Her ironsand allows her to heal, fast travel via sandstorm or tunnel, and launch all sorts of devastating attacks. Yami also bothers her with requests for new swords whenever he breaks his.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Would you be willing to answer 😭 (crying), 🌌 (milky way), and 🖍 (crayon) regarding Odette?
Here's a link to the original OC questions post:
😭 - What makes them cry? Do they cry easily?
Definitely things that have brought up her trauma. Her parents, Morgen's death, people she trusts hurting her. Death in general too, now that I think about it.
Odette's surprisingly sensitive, but she's gotten very good at hiding it. All her trauma has made her kind of bury any unpleasant feelings. Years of growing up around boys have toughened her up and given her thicker skin. She usually tries to hide behind a smile whenever she's feeling down. However, over time that pressure can cause her to burst when she's alone and overwhelmed.
🌌 -What was the inspiration behind your oc? What was the first thing you decided about them?
The very first thing I thought up was the magical attribute. I thought Ironsand was a fascinating attribute to have and the potential for it to be used for something like healing and attacking.
It just seems like it can be very versatile!
For example, sand behaves as a solid when you stand on it, and it can support your weight. However, if you run it through an hourglass, it will start flowing through the hole like a liquid. Then spread them in the air and the individual particles will behave like a gas. There are so many kinds of spell ideas you can come up with from these facts alone.
Then I thought about making her a dancer in order to have a fighting style based on fluid movements. I also decided to name her Odette from Swan Lake/The Swan Princess because I felt like the name was appropriate for the setting of BC.
🖍- What advice would you give to them?
Baby girl, it's not your fault. You didn't deserve any of the bad shit that happened to you. Stop running from your feelings and stop blaming yourself. You are so loved. And it's okay to love and forgive yourself. Also, try to get more sleep.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: Odette Dumont
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Here's a full body pic of my lovely OC!
She's quite tomboyish so I decided long pants and ankle boots suited her every day style well. She loves exploring so she's got a bag packed to go travel.
You can read her back story here:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
What about 👁(eye), 😨 (fearful), and 💤(the sleeping one)?
You can find the original ask post here:
👁 - What color are their eyes? Do people notice their eyes? Is there anything special about them?
Odette's eyes are amber brown. They're a pretty rare shade and many romantic admirers comment on them. If one looks closely enough, they can distinguish the difference in emotions they hold like sadness and mirth. Her eyes are very honest.
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What's special about her eyes is her magic can change their color to match the color of her magical attribute during Fury Form. The transition from color to color is similar to that of a solar eclipse.
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Odette later finds out this color change is due to a genetic component passed down from her father. The signature Dumont eyes, rumored to be associated with madness and raw power. They are the undeniable proof that she is her father's daughter.
That leaves her feeling rather disturbed.
😨 - When scared, do they go into fight or flight?
So, it can go both ways.
Odette has built up a lot of confidence in her fighting ability and will stand her ground when she has to step in.
However, outside the battlefield, she tends to get bombarded with unwanted male attention. It makes her very uncomfortable. When she was backpacking around the kingdom, she made it a point to split town by the third unwanted marriage proposal.
💤 - Do they fall asleep easily? What helps them sleep?
Odette is a light sleeper, due to a lifetime of feeling unsafe. She's also prone to bad dreams and night terrors when experiencing the "anniversary effect" of certain traumatic events.
What usually helps her sleep is being around people she trusts. I can easily see her falling asleep on the sofa during a slow day at the hideout because Yami happened to be in the room quietly reading the paper. Rain usually helps too.
This is part 2. Here's part 1 of my answers:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC: Odette Dumont, Orphanage Days
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Here is my OC Odette after leaving an abusive home life and fully transitioned to orphanage life. The cardigan-like article of clothing she's wearing a black hand-me-down shirt from Nacht. She looked too cute hanging around him and Yami so he gave her something black so she can fit in. The nuns at the orphanage were concerned she joined a gang.
For more of her story click the link before. Trigger warning for abuse.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: Odette Dumont Flashback
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Did somebody ask for a tragic backstory? Look no further, friends. Click the link below.
Trigger warning for mentions of abuse.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC WIP doodles
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These are my first pancake doodles of Odette. Trying to get the hang of the Black Clover art style.
The most recent one I did was her full body pic here: https://hybridanafrost.tumblr.com/post/678442707495108608/black-clover-oc-odette-dumont-heres-a-full-body
Just so you can get an idea of how much I improved! 💪🏾
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