#hy tbosas
kald-dal-art · 2 months
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Random TBOSAS screencap redraws from Twitter requests, fun to do once in a while
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zippiedippievippie · 7 days
Not to be annoying but Circ, Teslee, Hy, and Sol are computer/gaming nerds. They run a coding club called Computer Commodore to the Power of Four (what a mouthful, eew nerds!) that’s just the four of them and they hack websites whenever they’re bored
Teslee seems sweet until suddenly she’s hacking our beloved tumblr.com and sitting back to watch the chaos ensue. Also she definitely found Urban (🤢)’s user and exposed him to the entire school for his hidden love of telenovelas
Circ has mad computer skills but spends most of his time doing good aka fixing inaccurate Wikipedia pages (😡😡😡) and fighting with people on Reddit (he’s a sensitive soul who cries in the bathroom when the trolls are mean to him)
Sol likes to imagine herself as a baddie hacker with tats and piercings who could care less about anything (picture Rihanna in Ocean’s Eight or Samira Wiley in Nerve) but she ditches her computer in a heartbeat to go hang out with her gf (what a simp eew)
Hy is the only normal one. He actually knows what grass is (and has even touched it wow!) and parents love him. He’s into old arcade video games and his favorite movie is Wreck it Ralph (and denies it every time Sol brings it up, what about it!)
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bloodredlolipops · 2 months
Associating TBOSAS tributes with songs from my playlist because I am bored and decided to do this for fun:
(Note: If any of these are your favorite song then you can say that you are the character I gave the song to.)
Facet: I / Me / Myself by Will Wood
Velvereen: Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Marcus: LOOK DON’T TOUCH by Odetari & cade clair
Sabyn: Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds
Circ: Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms
Teslee: I Am Not a Robot by Marina and the Diamonds
Mizzen: Home or Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
Coral: She Likes a Boy by Nxdia
Hy: Say It Ain’t So by Weezer
Sol: Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
Otto: Riptide by Vance Joy
Ginnee: Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Treech: Trees by McCafferty
Lamina: Not Strong Enough by boygenius
Bobbin: Bruno is Orange by Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Wovey: Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
Panlo: Lovers Rock by TV girl
Sheaf: Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds
Tanner: Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
Brandy: Mary by Alex G
Reaper: Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms
Dill: I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski
Jessup: Things to Do by Alex G
Lucy Gray: I’ve Had Enough by Melina KB
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spiralling-thoughts · 2 months
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Some bad sketches I did yesterday for the background tributes. Movie Hy and sol are such an underrated duo . Some love for sabyn because of how awkwardly they forgot about her in the scene where the tributes arrived, Otto had no chill with that crossbow (that I know I drew awkwardly). And of course the only named tributes from district 9 in the entire trilogy
Side note: I had no idea what the weapon that panlo grabbed during the bloodbath was so I went to the wiki and apparently it's a sword but I have no idea what kind of sword 🙃🥲
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Imagine if, while in the zoo, the tributes of the 10th hunger games had spent their time bonding and at some point kinda joked about escaping together? And they all thought out exit strategies and such and even the word they’d use as signal to initiate the plans. They discuss who’s good at what, jokingly dividing tasks between them, with Wovey, Bobbin, and Mizzen getting the task of “stay behind us and don’t die” because they’re the youngest. No one really takes it seriously, they just use the fantasy to escape their horrid reality for a second because it’s nice to imagine all of them can make it out alive, even if they know that’s not the case.
Then the arena bombings happen
Otto and Ginnee probably still die, since they died from schrapnel, but Panlo and Sheaf were far enough away to still be conscious and moving around (that last part is mostly because of adrenaline). Everyone’s caught off-guard, but someone (probably Coral) sees their chance and screams the word they discussed, and all tributes jump into action. Jessup and Lucy Gray still save their respective mentors, but because the tributes are working together the peacekeepers have been taken out so there’s no one to drag them away. Instead, all 21 remaining tributes book it as fast as they can and manage to escape the area before reinforcements arrive. They are now on the run, and cannot show their faces without getting shot on sight, but they’re alive and that’s what matters. Mizzen, Sheaf, and Treech are the best thieves of the group (Mizzen’s small and fast (he was just closer to the snakes than everyone else shut up), Sheaf is described as "a limber little girl", and Treech sneakily stole Dill’s water bottles. That’s my evidence. Also they need more love) and thus go out to scrap together anything that may be helpful.
They, being the overachieving badasses they are, get their hands on futuristic medicine to cure Dill’s tuberculosis faster than the real world ever could and help Hy manage his asthma (because it’s chronic, there’s no way they can find a cure for that just lying around even in the future). I say they’re overachieving, because Sheaf did the back handspring for food, Treech only died because of Lucy’s cheating (still getting 6th(movie)/3d(book) place, and he definitely would’ve killed her and been a real contender for the win if she hadn’t cheated), and Mizzen is 13. A 13-year-old got 5th(book)/4th(movie) place. I rest my case.
They use the newfound supplies to heal their wounds and disinfect them, Jessup doesn’t get rabies because I make the rules here, and things are good. They spend a while utilizing their unique skills to stay hidden until one of two things happen:
1) the mentors, who have gotten quite attached to their assigned tributes, fight for the games to be disbanded and rally the rest of the academy, leading to a better Panem where the Capitol and the districts become a functioning, not-dystopian nation again and everything ends well.
2) the tributes manage to escape the capitol and flee into the woods, letting Lucy Grey lead them to the Covey because ain’t no way they can just go back to their own districts just yet. The covey, being nomadic, is the best place for them to stay until they’ve grown up enough to be unrecognizable from their child selves to anyone who doesn’t actually know them.
Either way, things are better. I wanted to share this because I’m sad that all these wonderful (fictional) children died for the amusement of genuine monsters (and those indoctrinated to believe district people are not people)
Edit because a lot of new people are liking this post: someone wrote it :)
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thecoffeelorian · 6 months
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (49)
*When the Mentors lied about their Tributes’ skills on LIVE TV*
Lepidus: Welcome back to the ✨Table Talk✨! I’m your host, Lepidus Malmsey-
Casca: Booooo!
Lepidus: Ugh. Who let Highbottom sit with the audience again?
Felix: Just ignore him.
Lepidus: And why does your school want me to do another round of interviews?
Vipsania: To gain more sponsors-
Gaius: For money.
Hilarius: We love money.
Coryo: I need money.
Sejanus: To proclaim my undying love to my Coryo-
Coryo: Not now, Babe.
Sejanus: But-
Coryo: I’ll give you a kiss if you shut up.
Sejanus: Can you kiss me now-
Casca: Booooo! Get a room-
Felix: Back to you, Malmsey!
Lepidus: Um- okay. So here we are again with our favorite Mentors-
Festus: Yo, Leppy! Leppy, why do I have to wear this stupid paper bag?
Lepidus: It’s Lepidus.😑 And your Class President was the one who asked me to cover your face.
Festus: Why?!😫
Felix: Creed, just wear the bag.
Coryo: That’s what you get after you forced us to bail you out from juvenile jail, Bestie~.😊
Festus: I did nothing wrong-
Coryo: You trespassed and dumpster dived on private property.
Festus: I did not!
Felix: The President of Panem would disagree.
Festus: But I’m not even a fugitive!
Lysistrata: Not yet~.☺️
Festus: But-
Felix: Lepidus, please continue.
Lepidus: So my first question is for-
Livia: Just spit it out, Leppy. We don’t have all day.🙄
Juno: Yeah~. I even have an important appointment with my chiropractor after this.
Lepidus: Fine.😞 What are your Tribute’s strengths and weaknesses?
Livia: Excuse me?! Weaknesses?! That’s incorrect. My new bestie from ✨District One✨ doesn’t have weaknesses.🙄💅
Lepidus: That’s impossible-
Livia: Facet with his tasset can even stop a freaking bullet just by looking at it.
Lepidus: That’s a lie-
Livia: I’ve seen him do it before, Leppy~.
Palmyra: Just one bullet? That’s so lame, Livia. Velvereen the Wolverine can melt bullets and spit acid.😌
Vipsania: Ha! Both of your Tributes are nothing compared to mine. My Tribute, Treech the Leech can suck your blood out in seconds.
Pup: Well, my Tribute, Lamina with her stamina can drown anyone with just her salty tears.
Apollo: Bro, shut up. My Tribute, Otto from the Grotto can kill a grown man with just one punch.
Diana: Just one punch? My Tribute, Ginnee Houdini can turn you all into dust-
Juno: That’s so unoriginal, Ring. My Tribute, Bobby-
Hilarius: Bobbin.
Juno: Bobby Corn Poppy can lift a thousand grown grizzly bears with just one arm!
Hilarius: But my Wovey with just one knee can make you run for your money!
Gaius: You be lying, Hilari! My Tribute, Panlo with his hands low can kick all of your asses!
Androcles: That’s all you’ve got, bro?! My Tribute, Sheaf the Chief can strangle you with her eyes!
Io: Andie, stop with your nonsense! My Tribute, Circ with his quirk can fly you to the moon and back!
Urban: That’s all?! My Teslee from Mississippi can break a giant’s neck with her thighs!
Persephone: Do better, Urban! My Mizzen The Gremlin can break your bones with just using his zen!
Festus: Lol. My Tribute, Coral No Morals can knock you all out with just her profanities!
Dennis: Creed, sit down! My Hy So High can fly faster than a fly!
Iphigenia: Suck it, Dennis! Sol Aerosol can burn you all with just her sweat!
Domitia: Lame! My Tanner with a hanger moves faster than a spider!
Arachne: That’s just so and so! My Tribute, Brandy Sharp Candy will slice you to bits!
Clemensia: Little Crane is just jealous because Reaper The Sweeper has the strength of a thousand wild zebras.
Felix: And Dill with the drill has the agility of an eel!
Florus: Boring! My Tribute, Sabyn So Keen has the eyes of an eagle, speed of a cheetah, and the strength of a thousand flamingos!
Sejanus: But they won’t stand a chance against my friend, Marcus Spartacus!
Lysistrata: Wrong! My Tribute, Jessup with his getup will crush Marcus Spartacus like a bug!
Coryo: But they will all surrender to Lucy Gray and her army of Mockingjays!
Everyone:. . .
Festus: What’s a mockingjay?
Lepidus: What the duck and buck are you guys even saying?!😫
*Meanwhile, at the Zoo*
Lucy Gray: Sheaf the Chief-
Sheaf: Don’t even start, Baird.
Lucy Gray: But-
Sheaf: Do you want me to strangle you with my eyes?
Lucy Gray: Nevermind.😞
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persephoneprice · 9 days
Hey do you have any thoughts on the names in tbosas, especially the Capitol students? Like how they have Ancient Greek/roman names. Do you have names you like or don’t like? I just think the way Suzanne Collins names her characters is really interesting and I was wondering your thoughts on it
oh this is such a fun question!
honestly, i LOVE the way suzanne names her characters- especially the capitol’s tendency to go for roman names. i think the capitol’s roman names vs the districts industry-related names really drives home the divide between the two.
(i wish i was one of those very smart fans who could connect the use use of roman names and culture to the capitol and come up with brilliant ideas but alas. i am not.)
and honestly, i’ve seen some people hate how on the nose some of the district names are but i actually enjoy it a lot. i love the names like hy and sol and teslee and mizzen.
my only real complaint is that i would have loved to see district 12 characters have more industry inspired names! i like katniss and peeta well-enough but as someone from appalachia, i think something more on the nose for them as well could have been interesting.
or, alternatively, it would have been interesting to see historically common last names of the area being used rather than names like ‘everdeen’ or ‘mellark’. (but that’s probably just me, and tbf i guess a name like katniss smith wouldn’t sound very good for a dystopian novel.)
sorry, i know you said tbosas and especially capitol students but somehow i keep ending up back at talking about appalachia- oopsie
anyway, what are your thoughts? do you have any names that you really liked or didn’t like?
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everlvrks · 4 years
naming in songbirds and snakes
authors note: it is 1 am and this is unbataed, apologies for any spelling or grammar errors.
the hunger games is known for its outrageous, futuristic names; one of my favorite pieces of the series. this post does a beautiful job analyzing the names that appear in the original trilogy and categorizing them into 4 different categories. but that post is a little old and we’ve just recently got a lot more content (and names) to pick apart and analyze.
researching these names reminds me how everything suzanne includes in her novels is intentional. she doesn’t pick random names because they sound good but because they mean something. i think that’s important to remember while reading this series. it’s definitely something i will keep in mind during my next reread of the trilogy.
i didn’t cover every name in tbosas. if there’s a name you have thoughts about, reblog and let me know.
potential tbosas spoilers and long post under the cut
names will be divided into capitol and tribute (district) names  
capitol names take many influences from ancient roman and greek names, but they also tell the story of the character. i will only be discussing major characters, not all will be mentioned.
coriolanus: snow’s first name largely has to do with his story. from the play coriolanus by shakespeare, meaning “conqueror of corioli,” a heroic roman solider, caius marcius, gains his name from a victory at corioli. when he leads the attack on corioli, it does not go well. but he keeps fighting and returns to rome victorious. he brings glory to rome and his mother volumnia. basically summing up his whole story. he tries to lead an ‘attack’ (him trying to win the games) but that fails. he’s reduced to a peacekeeper but he still doesn’t stop trying to be something greater. he wins in the end. he goes back to the capitol, attends university and is mentored dr. gaul.
which brings me to...
dr. volumnia gaul: dr. gaul’s name has two parts. one representing her relationship with snow. the other representing her relationship with panem. volumnia is the mother of caius marcus in shakespeare’s play, coriolanus. volumnia, in the play, uses caius as a means of securing personal prestige aka using snow’s ideas in her games. she wants her games to be better, the best. and she uses snow for that. gaul was also a roman province that embarrassed rome (read: gual’s games not being popular, things going wrong, etc.). but unlike gual, dr. gual was not stop/conquered by panem/rome.
sejanus plinth: sejanus was a close friend and ally of roman emperor tiberius who worked to improve conditions for the empire. he was also strangled to death. sejanus plinth was unable to change anything before his death by hanging. a plinth can be looked at in two different ways. @hutchhitched described it as a platform—a place someone can take a stand and deliver a message. it can also be looked at as a means for climbing. social climbing, if you will. the main ambition of the plinths.
strabo plinth: a wealthy philosopher who allied with the romans and was granted roman citizenship as a reward. seems familiar? plinth: see sejanus.
crassus snow: crassus was a roman general who played a key role in the transformation of the roman republic into the roman empire. just like his namesake, crassus snow was known for his military experience and wrote the proposal for the hunger games, successfully transforming panem into what we know today.
typically, tributes have names that reflect the industry of their district. there are a few exceptions to this; including sabine, ginnee, jessup and lucy gray baird.
district one
one of the wealthier districts in panem, district one is responsible for producing luxury items, such as jewelry, for the capitol.
male tribute: facet, literally meaning “one side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem” suggest gemstone that is placed into jewelry but he is merely a part of the captiols larger plan.
female tribute: velvereen, derived from velveteen, meaning “a cotton fabric with a pile resembling velvet.”
district two
another wealthy district, district two is the home of the nation’s quarries and masonry workers. also recruits and trains peacekeepers and produces weapons for their use.
male tribute: marcus, derived from malleus, latin meaning “hammer.” the main tool of a masonry worker.
female tribute: sabyn, derived from sabine, italic tribe located near the tiber river. captured and raped by the romans. parallel to her current situation of being captured by the capitol.
district three
one of the poorer districrs. responsible for technology, district theee manufactures televisions, computers and other electronics. citizens of this district are very adept at engineering.
male tribute: circ, derived from circuit, something which an electric current can flow; used in electronics.
female tribute: teslee, possibly derived from tesla, an inventor and engineer.
district four
it’s major industry is fishing, trains citizens at a young age for their industry.
male tribute: mizzen, literally a part of a ships mast aka ships used for fishing.
female tribute: coral, do i have to explain this one? marine invertebrates that live in the ocean.
district five
it’s main industry is power and electricity.
male tribute: hy, possibly derived from hydroelectric, alluding to the hydroelectric dam that produces power for panem.
female tribute: sol, derived from solis, latin for sun. another producer of power.
district six
responsible for transportation.
male tribute: otto, variation of auto derived from automobile. a form of transportation
female tribute: ginnee, meaning “pure” a reminder that these are innocent children.
district seven
main industry is lumber
male tribute: treech, possibly a styilization of tree, the source of lumber
female tribute: lamina, the blade of a leaf, something trees have ;)
district eight
the textile makers
male tribute: bobbin, a spindle which thread is wound. typically found on sewing machines
female tribute: wovey, possibly derived from woven because textiles are, woven.
district nine
responsible for grain production
male tribute: panlo, derived from pan, meaning bread in spanish. bread is made from grain.
female tribute: sheaf, literally meaning “a bundle of grain stalks.”
district ten
the cattle ranchers of panem
male tribute: tanner, from the verb to tan, meaning “convert animal skin into leather”
female tribute: brandy, a brand is “an identifying mark burned on livestock”
district eleven
male tribute: reaper, to reap, meaning “to cut or gather a crop or harvest”
female tribute: dill, an herb. that you grow
district twelve
the coal miners
male tribute: jessup, derived from hebrew “yosef.” interestingly this is only the second name derived from hebrew within thg. second to johanna. could also be a reference to jessup, nevada; a mining area.
female tribute: lucy grey baird, she explains her own name. baird meaning poet or minstrel.
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I’m working on a thing where all the tributes of the 10th Hunger Games won separate games, ultimately leading to president Snow getting his shit rocked because he sucked from the beginning and TBOSAS proved that, and I was thinking about how all the tributes would have won their games. The way you play the game and what led to your victory will probably have impact on how you cope and what exactly triggers PTSD. I’ve been mostly focused on Lamina and Treech because I love the district 7 tributes they’re built different, but I’ll try to come up with as many as possible for this list:
Velvereen was a career, and scored multiple kills while working with them, but ultimately the alliance broke apart as their members died off in their attempts to hunt down others. Velvereen, being less murder-happy, didn’t get revenge killed, nor did she get overwhelmed by a tribute she attacked, which left her as the last of the pack standing. She won because her last opponent used a melee weapon and she used throwing knives. Thanks to the advantage she had by not only having a long range weapon, but also a lifetime of training to hone her accuracy, she ended their would-be-battle swiftly and took the win.
Facet was also a part of the career pack, not necessarily hunting people down but going out of his way to kill whoever he came across that wasn’t a career. His weapon of choice was a spear, and he won by leaving the career pack when the water got a bit too hot under the team’s feet, and spearing the last tribute like a cannibal-style meat skewer.
Sabyn made full use of her superior health and knowledge of building structures in an urban arena. Aside from using her skill with the mace to bludgeon people to death, she also used it to hit all the weak points in the structures and collapsed walls on top of people. She took out the last remaining tributes by collapsing a building on top of them and killing off the survivors with her mace.
Marcus spent most of his games using his vastly superior physical strength and more well-fed state to his advantage, knowing most of his allies were waiting for the moment they thought they no longer needed him to get rid of him. His solution was to run awa- just kidding he killed them all in their sleep and used the intellect everyone thought he lacked for the rest of the games until the final fight, where he bashed the other tribute’s head into the rocks and then choked them to death.
Teslee wins her games by using her knowledge of electronics to reactivate the mines around the starting platforms and hiding in the cornucopia when there’s only four people left. When the mutts drive everyone to the middle of the arena, they’re subsequently blown up.
Circ wins his games in similar fashion to Teslee, except he gets forced to help the careers with his intellect and knowledge of technology. In response, Circ uses his intellect and knowledge of technology to trick the careers into protecting him and handing him weapons until he no longer needs them, then having the plan they made him execute literally blow up in their face and electrocuting several of them in the process. The last career is killed when Circ evades their attacks until they hit an electrical line with their fully metal weapon.
Coral probably won the same way she almost did in the movie. She was part of the career pack and made sure to be the one to backstab their allies first. There is no little brother figure for her to be worried about, nor are there snakes designed to kill every last person in the arena, so she has all the room and time she needs to handily shish kebab the last tribute and claim victory.
Mizzen doesn’t have as much brutal efficiency, nor the physique that Coral did even though I’m aging him up. He instead wins by mixing her strategy with the tried and true method of staying away from the things that could turn you into a pincushion. It’s like Marcus’ approach in reverse, starting with intellect and finishing with brute strength. He joins the careers, but as soon as things go slightly south he takes out the biggest threat when they aren’t paying attention and runs for the hills (or ocean, because district 4). He lures the last tribute to a body of water by pretending to run away and using the dark so they don’t see the cliff coming, and once they’re in his territory he uses his net to catch them and his trident or knife to finish them off.
Lamina cries so much in the lead up to the games that everyone, including her mentors, have given up on her. Once the games actually begin she surprises everyone with her strategy and skill with an ax, climbing a mountain high enough that people can’t kill her without going up themself and only coming down when she has to. When she does, she stockpiles water and food so she can stay up as long as possible while waiting for the others to whittle down the numbers. On one of her runs she finds a tribute who had a run in with the careers and was tortured almost to death. At their request, she puts them out of their misery. At the end of the games she’s barely got a scratch on her and is still at peak health for the circumstances. She’s forced to come down by the gamemakers, and all but one tribute is killed by the mutts. However, they’re so badly hurt that they beg her to just finish it and end their torment, at which point she hands out a second mercy kill.
Treech won his games by focusing on survival during training and pretending to be very bad at wielding an ax, only showing enough skill to avoid suspicion since he’s from the lumber district. He used good looks and charm during the interview to gain sponsors and talked about home to set up a proper sob story to get sympathy. He used the confusion of the cornucopia to snatch some of the supplies further away from the cornucopia and stays hidden from other tributes for the entirety of his games. Thanks to his stealing from everyone, including the careers, without getting caught, he has enough screen time to maintain his sponsors without putting himself in too much danger, especially before he gets his hands on an ax. His only kills occur during the final minutes of the games, where he jumps the last three careers once he realizes they won’t fight each other until he’s dead and waiting for the capitol to send mutts is more dangerous. He uses the element of surprise to jump the careers, cleaving one in the head and throwing his ax at the career with a long range weapon, before using his knife to injure the last tribute while stopping them from fatally wounding him until he manages to pull the ax from the body of the second career, turning to avoid a swing and gain momentum before swinging down and planting his ax in the last kid’s neck, killing them instantly.
Bobbin lost his arm in the games (I cannot see him as someone that isn’t Knox Gibson), and killed someone with a needle since he knows five ways to do exactly that. After losing his arm, he stayed alive by sewing it and several dangerous gashes closed so he wouldn’t bleed to death. He tripped the second to last other tribute using thread from his clothing and they got ripped to shreds by mutts that had been released into the arena. The last person was killed with that same thread, a brick, and yet again a needle.
Wovey used her perceived disadvantage (again, I cannot see a Wovey that isn’t Sofia Sanchez) by making everyone believe she’s weak. The arena was an industrial terrain not unlike district eight, which meant hiding was a piece of cake for her. Also, she used her knowledge of these kinds of buildings to lead whatever tribute was chasing her around until they were in a prime place for her to strike or ran into another tribute to strike for her. The last tribute was pushed into a machine, which crunched them to death.
Sheaf used her agility to her advantage, and luckily there was a sickle in the arena for her so her strategy became to rush at people with melee weapons, who would then predictably prepare to block a head-on attack, only to duck past them and cleave them in the back. She won her games by tiring her opponent out and decapitating them.
Panlo picks up on skills easily, and in the three days he had at the training centre he learned to shoot pretty decently with a bow and arrow. He’s best with a sickle, but they didn’t have those in his arena and he’d rather stay long range so bow and arrow it was. Nobody expected him to become so proficient so quickly, and since none of the careers used bows Panlo waited until after the bloodbath to run to the cornucopia and grab the set, as well as some supplies. He spent his games scoping out good sniper posts and shooting anyone who got too close for comfort, winning the games by waiting for the last two to finish duking it out and shooting the winner in the stomach, then finishing it with a shot through the chest.
Tanner won his games by joining an alliance (not the careers) and relying on their numbers to keep others from attacking him for as long as possible. During the final fight he uses his strength to wrestle the other person to the ground and uses his knife and experience from working in the slaughterhouses to gut them.
Brandy wins her games by using everything she knows from the slaughterhouses to kill the other tributes. During her last battle, she wrestles the other tribute to the ground and snaps their neck.
Dill is also aged up, and used her fragile state to play innocent before dropping all sorts of deadly things on people’s heads from the trees and poisoning them with her knowledge of agriculture.
Reaper is basically Thresh if Thresh hadn’t died so the capitol could have their star-crossed lovers death battle (you cannot tell me the storm didn’t have that exact purpose, the mutts are more ambiguous). Physically intimidating and strong, but deciding to lay low for most of the games rather than going on a rampant murder spree. He refuses to play the game and doesn’t kill anyone until he and one of the careers are the last two standing. The skirmish ends with Reaper scoring a revenge kill for his district partner, who was killed by this tribute.
Jessup used his strength to to intimidate the other tributes into steering clear of him. He joins the careers right until they’ve got one more dangerous tribute to get rid of, at which point he knows it’s time to cut his losses and run away. He keeps the careers alive, because he needs them to get rid of the other tribute and he’s lower on the priority list, but he knows that once that kid’s gone he’s the next to go. So he subtly stalls them until a night where it’s his turn to watch and grabs as many supplies as he can quietly get his hands on and leaves them behind. Another tribute stumbles across them and gets rid of half the pack, but that’s not Jessup’s concern. He wins the games by smashing a bottle over another tribute’s head and stabbing them to death with the shards.
Lucy Gray Baird wins by becoming the capitol favorite for her games. Her “performance” leads to her getting more sponsors than even some of the careers, which allows her to stay alive without having to put herself into much danger to get supplies. She wins by singing to snake mutts until they recognize her scent and stop attacking her, at which point she has venomous sentient weapons in her arsenal which she makes full use of, taking out two tributes with snake bites and ultimately distracting the last other tribute with them, using the opening it gives her to kill them.
I genuinely cannot think of anything for Hy, Sol, Ginnee or Otto for now, sorry 😅.
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I love reading all of your fix it AUs and the funniest thought popped into my mind but - all of them happening at once. The minute the tributes are dropped in things start going wrong. One of the tributes escapes via climbing the zoo enclosure (Treech, Lamina, Sheaf, Circ) (prompting tighter security, stopping Arachne from bringing in a glass bottle and Jessup doesn't get bit) and during interviews, mentors get knocked out and more escape (Brandy, Coral, Mizzen?). The Peacekeepers start really cracking down but everyone sees this. One Peacekeeper is *really* conflicted about this and eventually grabs two (Bobbin and Wovey?) and helps them escape. Otto and Ginnee dip since they know cattle cars best shortly after. Then the zoo gets compromised and everyone's like "Okay tour the arena while we set up the next enclosure" guess what happens next? THE ARENA EXPLODES. Because Otto, Ginnee and Sheaf already dipped, Panlo stands somewhere else, doesn't get exploded and instead escapes with Sabyn, Facet and Velvereen, and because he survives he actually prevents Facet and Velvereen from getting shot and Sabyn from falling. At this point there's like, 8 tributes left, so they decide "fuck it put the tributes in with their mentors while we figure out what to do". Most of the tributes left either have sympathetic mentors (Sejanus, Lysistrata, maybe Dennis?) willing to help them, or mentors who could be pushed in that direction (Lucy Gray, Sol, Reaper/Dill, Tanner). And on TOP of that, the escaped tributes return multiple times to extract more tributes during that whole process. Teslee escapes and blends into a workplace where she gets things done so the boss keeps quiet. At least one person fakes their death and it's pretty easy to when Dill and Hy are both doing pretty badly. Someone dresses up as a Peacekeeper. Tanner 'disappears' when Coral and Mizzen drag him into the sewers. The 10th Hunger Games, advertised as a spectacle for the first time, gets endlessly delayed and postponed until the Capitol public gets fed up and goes 'just skip this ffs' None of the tributes return to the arena, except for Lucy Gray, which is on purpose so that Coryo can win on technicality, (either that or the very few remaining tributes are put in the arena but they all hide, the Games take ages until they realize that the tributes. Aren't in the arena anymore. No one knows when they escaped.) the whole thing is an embarassment and no Hunger Games are held because it was just *that* bad.
!!!!! OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! I love that actually it's hilarious. Here's the order I'd do it in:
Lamina and Treech climb out of the zoo together and end up hiding on the rooftops of the Capitol while they try to figure out a way home. They steal some clothes and clean up a little, after which they're entirely unrecognizable. Coral tells Mizzen to sneak through the bars and hide out somewhere. She'll come get him. Bobbin overhears and Wovey ends up going with Mizzen. When Coral and Bobbin successfully knock out Festus and Juno while the peacekeepers are out of the room and gets out of her chains, Brandy decides to follow. Slamming Arachne's face into the table is very satisfying.
A peacekeeper comes in, notices the mentors aren't even seriously harmed, and starts to have doubts about these kids being violent monsters. Oh well, he's here now anyway. Might as well get some younger ones out. There goes Teslee and Sheaf! That's 9 down, 15 to go. In the cattle car back to the zoo, Otto and Ginnee dip. They offer for the other tributes to follow, but they decide it's probably best to stay in the car because a group of 15 getting out of the car is gonna be a whole lot more noticeable. Besides, if there's any trace of the car being opened, the peacekeepers will know what happened and have a far better shot at figuring out where they are. The longer it takes them to check the cameras, the better. With only 26 people in the arena (not counting peacekeepers) it's even less crowded. Gaius pulls Panlo deeper into the arena looking for allies so he has a better shot at winning the plinth prize and guess what? Both survive. Panlo saves Gaius from death by pulling him out of the way of some schrapnel, which makes Gaius rethink his cringy unfunny district jokes. One of the rebel scum just saved his pathetic ass, maybe he can stand to be a little nicer to and about them. He vows to apologize for being such a dick, but before he knows it Panlo is sprinting for the exit and knocks down a peacekeeper about to shoot Facet in the back. Now the other ones are aiming at Panlo though, and Gaius decides that this is his chance to make up for his behavior a little by bodyslamming the fucker. Marcus takes out another and Sejanus takes the last one, so Gaius' little bout of treason is not remembered by anyone important enough to get him killed. Marcus ends up staying in the arena and is a little nicer to Sejanus. Nobody knows who took out the peacekeepers that were guarding outside... (spoilers: it was Coral, Brandy, Bobbin, and Lamina)
One specific place suddenly has much better tech. Nobody knows why.
The meetings in preparation for the interviews don't go much better for the Capitol's reputation. Somehow, through means still unknown by the supposed superior people, Circ managed to not only knock out Urban (who is both older and stronger than him) but picked several electric locks and escaped the Capitol Academy without anyone noticing until a panicked Urban began running around the building demanding to know where he is. Strangely, he's not screaming about the prize. He's moreso concerned about whether such a young, vulnerable boy is okay and straight up forbids the peacekeepers from using lethal force when they find him. They don't. A business that's partners with the one that suddenly got tech upgrades gets them too. Everyone assumes it must be some sort of secret they shared with each other.
Oh, and the zoo enclosure is demolished before the meetings even end. So that's great. Oh well, only 8 tributes left anyway. Surely the mentors can handle them with some peacekeeper supervision?
Tanner disappears when Domitia takes him out to the market under the guise of needing muscle to carry their groceries. She actually just wants to show him more of the world because he showed interest. When a blond with striking blue eyes and a brown hat throws fireworks from the roof and a flash of red hair swiftly moves through the crowd, pulling Tanner into an alleyway... Well, there was so much chaos! How was she supposed to notice? That was the peacekeepers' job. And anything could've displaced that sewer grate, so putting the cover on the hole correctly is not tampering with the evidence! It's doing her civil duty to keep the streets tidy. When Clemensia sees the peacekeeper guarding Reaper looking a little more... dark-skinned, she decides that it isn't her place to comment. That would be racist! Her giving him as much food as he could easily carry is just her expressing her gratitude for his service. Hy collapsing in public and being dragged out of there by that same peacekeeper isn't anything suspicious at all. Nor is the boy with the familiar trilby causing a ruccus and running in the opposite direction, preventing other peacekeepers from following or checking that Hy is really dead. And she knows this, because Dennis agrees with her. Not suspicious at all. The inhaler Dennis got for his tribute disappearing later that same day isn't suspicious either. Nobody needs to know, and Dennis doesn't even have to mess with the security cameras. They're already looped. Even more plausible deniability, oh joyous days!
When Dill disappears, Felix doesn't deign it important enough to mention that it happened right after he figured out what medication would help her with her tuberculosis. He fully trusted that totally-a-peacekeeper to not let her escape. it's not his fault he ended up "failing". When he points at an actual peacekeeper to take the blame, it's totally a coincidence that it's one who mistreated the tributes the most severely. Who would people believe? Some random nobody or the son of the president? Exactly.
Iphigenia notices her dad is particularly invested in not letting Sol escape. So when she stumbles upon the girl climbing out of a window in the bedroom that conveniently has no security cameras, helped down by a redheaded girl while Hy waits down below, she promptly shuts the door and eagerly anticipates her father's reaction once he finds out.
Lucy Gray, Jessup, and Marcus are eventually thrown into the arena when the Capitol finally relents to their citizens' annoyed outrage over this disaster. For a week, nothing happens on camera. When the peacekeepers finally go in to weed the tributes out, they're... not there. At all. Nobody notices that one of the holes high up in the back wall of the arena was easily accesible from the outside by a skilled climber. Nor did they notice the several fabrics that started going missing a few weeks ago because surely they're not related? Cameras don't show anything, and nobody notices that they were looped to hide a brunet and a redhead scaling the side of the arena to drop in a long rope of stitched-together fabrics in a part of the arena without cameras. There was no way anyone could've seen the three remaining tributes dodging the cameras, Lucy Gray appearing last, and climbing said fabric to be coached down by the two intruders.
Gaul, desperate to keep her show on the road, attempts to get new tributes sent over. Surprise surprise, they're swiftly disappeared too. And again. And again. And again. Next year, there's one more attempt before the president finally decides the point has been made and it isn't worth the trouble. And if several former mentors, including his own son, sometimes disappear without explanation to return some time later looking happier than ever, who is he to pry? Surely nothing that interesting could be happening.
Peacekeepers never really pay attention to the tributes anyway, so of course they forget their faces once the search is declared dead. And the more recognizable ones who show back up on stage? Well, they're entertaining, so... It's probably their twin or something.
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (48)
*When Felix was outed as a Ravinstill* Read [this] first.
Felix: Hi, Dill.
Dill: Hey, Philip.
Felix: How are you holding up?
Dill: Fine. Those ✨Miracle Pills✨ you gave me earlier worked wonders!
Hy: True. They even cured my f*ckin’ Asthma.
Dill: Stop swearing in front of me, Hy.🙄
Felix: So you two are not coughing blood anymore?
Hy: Yup! My lungs are good as new!
Dill: I can even sing better than Baird-
Lucy Gray: Are you challenging me to a sing-off, child?!
Jessup: Lucy Gray, stop being mean-
Lucy Gray: Fight me, Dill! Fight me! C’mon now! Let’s have a sing-off battle!
Jessup: Lucy Gray, no-
Lucy Gray: Lucy Gray, yes!
Felix: By the way, I brought you guys some homemade pizzas and lemonade from my place to enjoy-
Mizzen: Thanks. But can we order takeouts again?
Dill: I want takeouts too. That green bean casserole was so good-
Brandy: I need another whole ass chicken, boy! A whole ass chicken!
Lamina: Can we order that famous pink peppermint ice cream from that boring Capitol commercial?
Felix: But I have pizza-
Lamina: Pretty please?🥺🙏
Felix: Um-
Lamina: I never tasted ice cream before!😭
Velvereen: I’m starting to think that those are just fake tears.😒
Lamina: My tears are real!😭
Velvereen: Then why aren’t you dying from dehydration?
Lamina: Velvet is bullying me again!😭
Velvereen: 🎶Fake tears~, fake tears~. Lamina has fake ass tears~.🎶
Lamina: I’ll f*ckin’ axe you and your ugly braids, 1!😭
Treech: 🎶Oh, Velvereen, you better watch out~. You better watch out~.🎶
Felix: Why am I even here again?
Coral: Oi, Philip, where’s my red headed idiot? He still owes me a whole ass cheesecake!
Felix: Red headed idio- Oh, you mean Festus?
Coral: Duh~. Who else?
Felix: He’s in juvenile jail right now. But don’t worry about it. We’re bailing him out later.
Coral: What did that idiot do now?
Felix: Creed was caught trespassing and dumpster diving on private property.
Coral: Whose property?
Felix: The President’s.😩
Coral: Nice one, Festus! F*ck those sh*tty Ravinstills!
Marcus: Yeah! F*ck the Ravinstills!
Mizzen: And their ugly Bichon puppies!
Felix: I feel so attacked right now.🥲
Treech: How about that pretty blondie and his rich annoying boyfriend?
Lucy Gray: FYI, Sejanus is Coryo’s ✨fiancé✨, Treech.
Tanner: More like his sugar daddy.
Wovey: What’s a sugar daddy?
Tanner: That’s when-
Marcus: Shut it, Tanner! Think of the children!
Felix: Well, Coryo and Sejanus are actually busy-
Treech: Making out in a gold encrusted broom closet?
Felix: Huh?
Sheaf: Planning for their upcoming royal wedding?
Felix: Um-
Sol: Booking their first honeymoon!
Felix: That’s-
Lucy Gray: Can you call them right now? I really need those lovebirds to buy me some makeup and hair curlers for our upcoming late night interview with the funny man.
Reaper: Yo, shorty, where’s my Mentor? She gave me the wrong flavored energy drink again-
Felix: First of all, I am only here to help Dill! So if you guys have problems that you want to cry about, then complain about them to your Mentors!
Facet: Oh, you look kinda cute when you’re angry, Philip~.😏
Coral: Lol. Look at Philip fuming like a baby.😂
Mizzen: Are you gonna cry, Philip?
Felix: You guys are so mean! I’m going home-
Androcles: Yo, Felix! My man, what are you doing here?
Felix: Andie?!
Coryo: Hi, Felix. How’s it going?
Felix: Coryo, please don’t use that name-
Dill: Who’s Felix, Philip?
Sejanus: Felix, my Coryo just kissed me earlier! I’m so happy!😍
Dill: Who’s Felix?!
Dennis: Yo, Ravinstill, can I borrow 50 bucks from the President again?
Felix: I- Um- I’m not-
Clemensia: Hey, Ravinstill, Monty wants to talk to you about her “kitchen rights” again.
Felix: I’m so dead-
Dill: Ravinstill?! You’re a nasty Ravinstill?!
Reaper: F*ckin’ Felix Ravinstill!!
Felix: Yup. I’m dead.
Dill: You lying traitor!
Mizzen: You monster!
Velvereen: Capitol scum!
Reaper: F*ck off and die!
Coral: Fight me, you coward!
Androcles: Yo, why are you bullying Felix?! My bromantic brother did nothing wrong!
Dennis: Yeah! Quit swearing at our poor Class President!
Reaper: He’s an evil Ravinstill!
Sejanus: He’s our baby!
Brandy: He gave me no chicken!
Clemensia: F*ck your chicken!
Dill: He lied to me!
Androcles: He’s just sensitive! Look at him!
Felix: *is not responding*
Coryo: Call the medics, Babe. Felix just fainted.
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (54)
Lucy Gray: Wovey, sweetie, not to sound weird, but how do you address ✨The Amazing Lucy Gray✨ again?
Wovey: The Annoying Birdy from 12!
Lucy Gray: The what?! Who told you to call me that?!
Wovey: Bread Boy Pablo.
Panlo: Ha! That’s what you get for stealing my hair curlers, Baird!
Lucy Gray: I needed those hair curlers to look pretty on TV, Pablo!
Panlo: It’s Panlo! And my Mentor gave them to me as a gift!
Lucy Gray: Your Gaius Brat can suck a di-
Circ: Yo! What about Circ with the quirk, Wovey?
Wovey: Mr. Smarty Pants.
Circ: I can live with that.
Teslee: And me?
Wovey: Curly Tops.
Teslee: Okay.😞
Hy: How about Hy?😀
Wovey: Who are you again?
Hy: Nevermind.
Sol: And Sol?
Wovey: Never heard of her.
Sol: But-
Mizzen: How about me, Wovey?
Wovey: You’re ✨The Gremlin✨.
Mizzen: Eh. Could be worse.
Coral: And me?
Wovey: You’re the angry babysitter.
Coral: That checks out.
Jessup: How about me?
Wovey: You’re Mr. Baby Blue Suit.
Jessup: But my suit isn’t even-
Treech: Me next!
Wovey: Lumberjack.
Treech: Nice!
Lamina: And me?
Wovey: Salty Tears.
Lamina: Wovey, why?!😭
Sheaf: How about me, sweetie?
Wovey: Sheaf the Chief.
Sheaf: Wow. Andie was right!
Tanner: How about your big bro Tanner?
Wovey: Mr. One Eyed Joe.
Tanner: Did Treech taught you that?!
Brandy: *is on top of a tree* It was I! Brandy Sharp Candy! *evil laughs*
Tanner: Get down from there, you mangy little shi-
Brandy: Never!!
Dill: How about me, Wovey?😀
Wovey: Shorty.
Dill: That doesn’t make sense. I’m taller than you.
Wovey: Reaper gave me a gumdrop to call you that.
Reaper: Dill, I-
Dill: Reaper, you lying traitor!
Bobbin: How about me, partner?
Wovey: Bobby Corn Poppy.
Bobbin: Curse you Juno Phipps!😫
Juno: Yo, how’s life, peasants?😌💅
Bobbin: What the heck?! How did you guys get inside our enclosure without us noticing again?!
Apollo: We paid the Peacekeepers to let us in again.😀
Hilarius: Hi, Wovey!
Wovey: Hi, Mr. Rich Clown!
Lucy Gray: Hi, Coryo!
Coryo: Hi, Birdy.
Mizzen: Where’s the food?!
Coryo: Oh, that’s right! We brought you guys 20 boxes of the Capitol’s best spinach puffs and 24 bags of their signature cream cheese bacon today.
Lucy Gray: Nice!
Tanner: Can’t wait to try that!
Mizzen: Blondie, hurry! Toss those spinach puffs to me!
Coryo: Wait-
Mizzen: Feed me and only me, Snow Bae! Feed me and only me!!
Sejanus: Yo, back off, gremlin! Coryo’s my Snow Bae! Not yours!
Mizzen: *hisses like a cat* Be gone, you evil rock merchant!
Sejanus: I’m not a rock merchant!
Coryo: Calm down, Mizzen. These spinach puffs are for everyone-
Mizzen: I am everyone!
Coryo: No, you’re not.
Mizzen: I am the Bacon King!
Coral: Treech, get the ropes before the gremlin eats our food again!
Treech: For the last time, Coral, I’m not your servant!
Marcus: Is it lunch time already?
Sejanus: Hi, Marcus! My Ma made this delicious pie just for you!☺️
Marcus: Ugh. My giant headache’s back again.😩
Sejanus: But-
Marcus: Marcus is too busy nursing his headache, Plinth!
Sejanus: But do you still want my Ma’s homemade pie?🥺
Marcus: No!
Sejanus: But- Coryo, help me!😭
Coryo: Marcus, do you want me to leave you my boyfriend’s mother’s blueberry pie before we leave?
Marcus: Obviously.🙄
Ginnee: Hi, Moonshine!
Diana: Hi, Gin!
Ginnee: Diana, did you bring the thing?
Diana: What thing?
Gunner: The “thing” that I told you to secretly smuggle yesterday.
Diana: Yup! As promised by the moon goddess, I brought you one of Gaius Breen’s spicy banned books that you really wanted to read-
Ginnee: Shhhhh! Don’t say that out loud, girl!
Otto: Say what, Ginnee?😒
Apollo: Otto, buddy, I thought you knew?
Otto: Knew what?
Apollo: That dear Ginnee requested my lovely twin sister to bring her a very spicy banned book to read.
Otto: What spicy banned book?
Apollo: 50 Shades of Gray.
Diana: Yeah, that’s true.
Ginnee: Lies! All I can hear are lies!
Diana: And she also wanted me to bring her an official copy of the Twilight Saga.
Ginnee: Otto, I can explain!😭
Lucy Gray: Yo, is the 50 Shades of Gray all about me?
Coral: Everything’s not about you, Baird!
Lucy Gray: That’s incorrect.
Otto: Ginnee.
Ginnee: Yes?
Otto: Your taste in books is trash.
Ginnee: I know!😭
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catindabag · 5 months
✨Treech the Leech✨ and his different reactions in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
When he first met his crazy gym bro Mentor (Vipsania “Ney Ney” Sickle).
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When he and Hy snuck out of the zoo to attend an illegal underground boxing match with Vipsania and Dennis.
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Whenever he sees Mizzen the little gremlin committing another “ food crime against humanity” in front of a pissed off Coral.
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Real footage of when Treech and Vipsania trained for President Ravinstill’s annual ✨Bake & Brawl Competition✨.
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Real footage of Treech and Vipsania’s spectacular performance on the Lucky Flickerman Show. #gymbrosforever
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Whenever he sees poor Lamina crying.
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When he heard about ✨Operation Felix✨ and ✨Panemvision✨ from Dill and Ney Ney.
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When he realized that ✨Panemvision✨ is really happening (It’s for real, bro!) and that he’s about to sing live on TV for all of Panem to see.
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Every time he sees Jessup and Sheaf talking to the rabid raccoons and treating them like real people. #CrazyCapitolCulture
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When he saw Tanner backflipped while holding a jug of beer to impress the Capitol crowd and gain more sponsors.
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catindabag · 5 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (68)
*We need tents, bro* Read [this] first.
Mizzen: Yo, Blondie, when will the food man arrive with my salmon? I’m
Coryo: For the last time, Mizzen, we just have to wait-
Mizzen: I’m done waiting! Where is my salmon and lemon sauce?!
Coral: Gremlin, shut up-
Mizzen: Where is Mr. Salmon and Mrs. Lemon sauce?!
Coral: Mizzen, stop-
Mizzen: Where are they, Sea Witch?!
Coral: Ugh. I’m not dealing with you today.
Mizzen: *is now shouting at the sky* Mr. Food Man, where art thou?!
Coryo: It’s been 5 f*ckin’ minutes since we called the Pizza Palace! Your stupid salmon can wait!
Mizzen: But-
Coryo: We haven’t even ordered Dill’s Green Bean Casserole and Wovey’s pie from the other store!
Mizzen: Mr. Salmon-
Coryo: My sweet boyfriend is still on the phone negotiating with some bastard wearing an ugly pizza clown suit for Panem’s sake!
Mizzen: Mrs. Lemon Sauce-
Coryo: *turns to Sejanus* My love, the little gremlin is bullying me!
Sejanus: *is still on the phone* Mr. Cheesy Clown, could you please wait- No? What do you mean no?! My gorgeous fiancé is getting bullied by a kid right now- What do you mean by difficult?! I’m not being difficult! You’re the one who won’t sell me a f*ckin’ salad for 10 bucks- Hello? Hello?!
Coryo: Babe, what’s wrong?
Sejanus: My Coryo, my love, the ugly clown from the Pizza Palace just hung up on me!😭
Coryo: The audacity! Should we sue?
Sejanus: Hug me! I’m sad!
Coryo: Come here, Seji Pie.
Sejanus: Yey! *hugs Coryo*
Coryo: *comforts a “sad” Sejanus* There, there. We can just order again from the other Pizza Palace across the street.
Sejanus: Can we order some bread?🥺
Coryo: Are you going to throw it?
Sejanus: Yes. I want to throw bread at that mean pizza clown, my love.
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want, Babe. We could even do it tomorrow after class.
Sejanus: We should throw 2 breads-
Lucy Gray: Why do you want to throw freshly baked bread at a clown?
Sejanus: Because it’s the right thing to do.
Lucy Gray: I don’t get it.
Sejanus: Because that f*ckin’ clown is dead to me!
Lucy Gray: What?
Sejanus: He’s dead to me!
Lucy Gray:. . .☹️
Sejanus: Isn’t that right, my love, my Snow Angel!😍
Lucy Gray: Coryo-
Coryo: It’s a District 2 thing.
Tanner: Really? Throwing bread to the “dead” is a District 2 custom?
Coryo: Yes. Yes, it is.
Tanner: That’s bullshi-
Marcus: Blondie isn’t lying. I even threw bread at Sejanus before he left D2 for good-
Sejanus: That was a gift!😭
Marcus: No, it wasn’t! You and your evil scheming old man are dead to me now and forever!
Sejanus: Marcus, you meanie!
Marcus: I’m not Marcus!
Sejanus: Sabyn, help me!😫
Sabyn: Sorry. I can’t and won’t. You and Mr. Plinth are technically dead to me as well.
Sejanus: Coryo, hug me again!😭
Coryo: My love, calm down. I have to call the other store and order Dill’s casserole-
Mizzen: Can we order bacon pizza? I never had bacon pizza before.🥺
Coryo: No.
Mizzen: Bacon pizza-
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Mizzen: *evil smiles* Ok.😈
Dill: *coughs* By the way, are you guys only here to provide us food?
Coryo: And water.
Dill: That’s not the point.
Coryo: If you want beer or posca, just ask Anderson or Dennis. Those two will give you a crate for free.
Dill: What about our other essential supplies?
Coryo: Other essential supplies?
Dill: You can’t expect me and Wovey to just sleep on the ground without pillows. We want pillows.
Lucy Gray: And I want love-
Sejanus: We can’t provide you love.
Treech: We don’t want your stupid love! We want gear!
Otto: Outdoor equipment!
Coryo: Like what?
Dill: Beds, blankets, pillows-
Circ: Television!
Teslee: A clock!
Lamina: Firewood?🥺
Panlo: Portable toilets!
Ginnee: Torches and marshmallows!
Hy: *coughs* A doctor.
Lucy Gray: Hair curlers! I want hair curlers and makeup!
Coral: Duct tape. The largest and strongest one that you can find.
Coryo: Why would you want me and Sejanus to buy you duct tape?
Coral: So that I could shut Mizzen’s mouth at night.
Mizzen: I heard that!
Coral: *turns to Mizzen* Go to your corner and stay there until the sun sets!
Mizzen: No!
Coral: Then shut up and cry!
Mizzen: No bacon pizza for you!
Coryo: One extra large duct tape it is. Anything else?
Coral: An ice box for my beer and some good quality rope.
Coryo: Sure. We’ll give you 2.
Coral: Thanks.
Treech: How about a birdcage?
Coryo: Why do you want a birdcage?
Treech: I’m allergic to rainbow colored birds.
Lucy Gray: Hi.
Treech: Shoo! I’m allergic!
Lucy Gray: Let me sing you a free song about the birds and the bees instead!😀
Treech: Leave me alone, you weirdo!
Lucy Gray: You can’t ignore me and my songs forever, Treechy!
Lamina: Can I have a box of tissue?
Coryo: We’ll order a truckload just for you.
Lamina: But-
Coryo: Do you want 2 truckloads?
Lamina: Make it 4.😭
Coryo: No problem.
Brandy: I want a knife.
Coryo: No weapons allowed.
Brandy: A sandwich maker.
Coryo: Too expensive.
Brandy: A talking bird.
Coryo: Lucy Gray is enough.
Brandy: A spoon?
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Sheaf: Can we just order some high quality camping gear instead?
Coryo: You guys want a tent?
Dill: A big tent would be nice-
Jessup: A neon green inflatable tent that glows in the dark!
Lucy Gray: A dome tent with a recording studio inside!
Treech: A tunnel tent that can fit in my pocket!
Sheaf: A yurt that can accommodate 40 raccoons and a bear!
Panlo: Ew. No. I don’t want to share a yurt with a bunch of rabid rat-dog creatures every night!
Sheaf: Panini-
Panlo: They might have rabies!
Sheaf: It’s gonna be fun!
Panlo: For you! Not for me!
Sheaf: Don’t be a coward!
Panlo: *turns to Coryo* Blondie, do me a favor and ask your sugar daddy-
Coryo: Boyfriend.
Panlo: Ask your clingy sugar daddy to buy us 24 cabin tents and some comfortable sleeping bags before the day ends.
Coryo: I have to ask the Class President first-
Panlo: Please! I beg you! I can’t deal with these people anymore!
Marcus: And I can’t deal with that “thing” hugging you all day.
Coryo: What thing?
Marcus: *points at Sejanus* That thing.
Sejanus: Marcus is so kind and so shy around me. It’s so cute.☺️
Marcus: Ew.
Coryo: But it’s just the first day-
Panlo: I was stuck with them on that ugly ass train for 3 straight days, sweetheart!
Sejanus: Coryo’s my sweetheart!😠
Panlo: Go back to crying!
Sejanus: Babe, Bread Boy Pablo is hurting my feelings again!😭
Panlo: Blondie, please!
Coryo: Fine! We will go to the Capitol Home Depot later and buy you your tents!
Hy: *coughs* And sleeping bags.
Coryo: Cute or simple?
Hy: Simple-
Sol: Cute! We want cute!
Hy: No. Listen to me-
Sol: Blondie, my partner is sick. He’s asthmatics. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.☺️
Hy: *coughs* That argument doesn’t make sense!
Coryo: Cute it is.
Otto: And don’t forget 5 pillows each.
Coryo: That’s too many-
Otto: 5 flower pillows. Don’t argue with me. I’m right.
Coryo: Fine.😑
Sol: Coloring books.
Coryo: That- *whispers to Sejanus* Babe, are coloring books allowed?
Sejanus: As long as they’re pro Capitol or pro Ravinstill.
Coryo: *turns to Sol* We’ll buy you a box of cheap crayons and a Bichon Frisé puppy coloring book.
Sol: Ok.😢
Ginnee: How about romance novels and banned books? Are they allowed?
Coryo: Odyssey or Iliad?
Ginnee: Twilight.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television. 32 inches. Flat.
Coryo: Can’t.
Circ: I won’t bother you again.
Coryo: It’s still a no-
Circ: I will cry.
Coryo: Fine! We will buy you your f*ckin’ flat screen TV! Happy?!
Circ: Very.
Teslee: Yey! Best escort ever!
Coryo: I’m not an escort.
Tanner: Whatever you say, escort.
Coryo: I’m Birdy’s Mentor!
Lucy Gray: And escort!
Sejanus: My escort!😍
Facet: Can you buy me a hot pink tent? I want to sleep fabulously.
Coryo: Sure. Sparkly or shiny?
Facet: ✨Sparkly✨.
Velvereen: Can mine be a huge white PVC wedding tent?🥺
Coryo: No. That can’t fit inside the tribute’s enclosure.
Velvereen: How about a medieval cube tent with an electric fan?
Coryo: Do you want to add some weird raccoon tapestries to make your little royal abode more cozy?
Velvereen: Please.
Coryo: Anything else?
Wovey: Monopoly.
Coryo: Which version, sweetie?
Wovey: Cheaters Edition.
Coryo: Ok.
Bobbin: Posca.
Coryo: A bottle or-
Bobbin: A crate.
Ginnee: Make that 3.
Dill: *turns to Reaper* Hey, Reaper, do you want anything?
Reaper: *is still busy praying* Panem, give me the normal one. The normal one who’s rich like a Ravinstill but not a Ravinstill.
Dill: Reaper-
Reaper: Give the f*ckin’ Ravinstill to Dill instead! Give it to her!
Dill: Not again.😑
Coral: Watch and learn, Shorty.
Dill: I’m not short-
Coral: Yo, Ash from the trash!
Reaper: Are you talking to me?!
Coral: Yes, you!
Reaper: Say that again! I dare you!
Coral: Ash no cash, what do you want from Blondie?!
Reaper: A one way ticket home!
Coryo: Not available.
Reaper: Normalcy!
Coryo: Sorry. That’s impossible.
Reaper: Sleeping pills!
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Reaper: Your pretty ✨feet pics✨!
Coryo: Heck, no!
Sejanus: You better watch out, Reaper. You better watch out!
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diiwata · 1 month
mmmmmm niche tbosas boba shop au with references to my hometown... write yourself please </3
here are the long awaited deets 🕴
since boba shops don't need 24 employees (can't fit all the tributes, womp womp), their neighbor will be a retro burger joint!!! the tributes from each shop go back and forth, visiting each other on their breaks. howeverrrr the main focus is, of course, the boba shop.
bonus: the mentors as snobby legacy students at the prestigious university that always dwell between the shops for a taste of culture.
what i have so far:
hy's mother, which i'll name gen, has owned the tea house since the early 2000s. it's called "heaven's tea house" (get it?? b/c... in the original book, they're all dead--)
the burger joint is gonna be named "rena's burgers" (after the arena... i'm original, i swear) and it's ran by wovey's chipper old dad, which he inherited from his grandpa
romance is more of a subplot, but it's still there! i'm focused on the ~power of friendship~
i just want them to be goofy ffs...
character tidbits b/c ik that's what we're here for:
lucy gray, mizzen, and dill as the new hires
hy owns the shop now with coral as the manager. their dynamic so far reflects that of dina and glenn from superstore
aka he's super apologetic and can't say "no", while coral CAN say "no" and so much worse if provoked enough
treech as the emo british immigrant barista that the high school girls giggle about (shout out @crazycriter for britreech)
lamina rolls her eyes when they fangirl over him, so much so that they might freeze in the back of her head
mizzen and bobbin have unwarranted beef with hy and he doesn't know why. they don't either. it just became their thing
the mentors are big tippers. like, $50 casually dropped in the little bucket, and the workers all have to pretend they're normal and chill about it so they don't freak out their regulars
juno and urban are regulars and big tippers BUT they're super specific about their orders so they kinda dread them
dennis fling's bereals when he's in the cafe include silly little pics with the employees (shout out to @zippiedippievippie for this idea hehe)
i've planned a meltdown for sol. don't ask. she's a woman in stem and that's a canon event
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