#huge sausage
want2fucku-blog · 9 months
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devsgames · 4 months
Every so often I'm reminded of how many people don't realize just how high the bar is for indie titles to actually make enough money or gain enough recognition to be sustainable.
Like someone will say "I think it's great that mildly successful indie titles exist that no one has heard of before, such as [multi-award winning indie game that was incredibly financially successful that has had coverage by multiple major news outlets]! It's so nice small indies exist" :)
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hugh campbell is literally the tallest member of the boys in the show and it's one a my favorite details<3
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they rarely show it off and tend to use camera angles and posture (hughie boi i see you constantly slouching--LOOK AT HIM~<3<3<3 just casually *unintentionally* making butcher appear is *actual size*--) to play up or downplay/switch up height differences, but i kinda love that hughie went from being the second shortest member (comics) of the boys to the literal tallest<3 (butcher was generally in the middle with homie just casually being a head taller than him--, frenchie and mm being the taller guys on the team, love sausage of course being the biggest guy when there~<3<3<3 he still is btw--)
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love love LOVE him so fucking much<3<3<3 literally the *only* REAL bear in this damn series (HE STRAIGHT UP BEAR HUGS BILLY IN THE COMIC AHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3!!! we better see moar of him i swears--). mm is a close one, but he's more of a good big papa wolf~<3 butcher's a scraggly dumpster kitten or fuckin' heifer--
i *also* love love LOVE the single inch height increment hughie and billy got goin' on with homie, it's just the cutest most fun thing~<3 it goes--
5'11" (homie<3)
6'0" (billy bean<3<3)
6'1" (not so wee hughie<3<3<3)
6'2" (LOVE SAUSAGE~<3<3<3<3!!)
i see you sandwiched right inbetween those bois there, 'ey billy~<3? ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
throw in mm between billy and homie, it's hard to find a solid height on that bitch<3 (and they *def* keep trying to downplay his height and bulk cause holy FUCK, THAT MAN--) but i'm gonna say he's probably around 5'11.5", closer to 6'0" maybe??
lol for the roughest layout i guess, they tend to bill urban a bit taller than he is (you can tell cause they'll bill quaid at the same numbers but he's definitely taller than urban, also i SWEAR everytime this man is in a photo that's not a solo glamor shot he's tryin' out some jank ass angles always always always leaning *in* to the camera to make himself look *bigger* leik honey you are so fuckin' cute-- and they *def* keep trying to make billy look *way* bigger than he actually is, BILLYYYYYYYYYYY--) but boi, i see you too<3<3<3
i guess maybe a little closer, it might go something like...
5'11" (homie)
5'11.75" (mm)
6'0.5" (billy bean)
6'1.5" (hughie)
in which there's .75 increments, and then a full 1 inch leap from billy to hughie. either way, they're def very close and not a single one is 'small' per se (except compared to love sausage--tho i do bet starr is one of those fuckers to downplay his height so other men get insecure LMAO--), but i just love the sequencing<3<3<3
what i *also* love~?
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(bad posture homie lol) homie's reaction to hughie posturing at his full height was fucking amazing. IT WAS OH MY GAWD--i can't. he had his little surprised moment and then made a *pleased* "ooh~<3" and then smirked like THIS--
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leik hughie... MAH BOI--i know he *tried* so fucking hard but leik. homelander is just so unthreatened by him that he's fucking *amused* and engaged with hughie *trying* to be brave. *he relaxed further*-- he just... he just doesn't give a shit. and it's horrible. but also *beautiful* because at this point, you can tell he's just so bored out of his mind that he even *welcomes* the challenge in some ways. he is LOVING that people feel so attacked by him without him doing much--LEIK.
there are a couple other unhinged and unsettling *positive* reactions he has to people similarly enough, (his descent into madness in real time--not gonna get into it now lest this post become *all* about homie--) but man oh man~<3
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little bit less posture difference here, will say it's silly fandom obsesses over/exaggerates single inch height differences (particularly between homie and billy while ignoring/reversing hughie and billy, leik C'MON--let hughie be his height~<3! also we should be obsessing over the perfect~<3 *sequencing*, DUH--) but it's honestly pretty amazing how much of a nonfactor the height is in general.
for homie, it's pretty obvious he doesn't give a shit as he's particularly relaxed and unbothered by people being taller than him (especially hughie--literally amused by people posturing LEIK--by the gods his reaction to hughie challenging him--I CAN'T IT WAS FUCKING--GOOSEBUMPS~<3<3<3), but it just goes to show. motherfucker is just playing with his food--
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lmao blurry ass pic of baby urban getting *dwarfed* by dwayne "i'm 5'11" and wear lifts" 'the rock' johnson. (also that mofo got so much bigger leik gotdamn i am actually curious how much more he'd *DWARF* urban cause ya look at him now and just. he ate a truck--ya look at the rock next to a guy leik SHAQ and HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT the differences are staggering leik one inch is nothin' baby--) SWEET BABY JEEZUZ--
bonus bonus~<3
another detail i *love*?
the shorter two (and frenchie~<3<3<3!) have the bigger/longer noses and... *likely* the biggest cocks--
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cowboysmp3 · 6 months
i’m really deeply attached to the idea of getting a little sausage dog once i’m settled into an apartment,,, a little beast who is my best friend and also the same size as my current cat
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trivialbob · 9 months
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My wife is prepping for a scheduled colonoscopy. She's now in the midst of 24 hours of a Gatorade and water diet.
That's too bad for her, because she won't be able to eat any of the pizza I ordered for lunch. It's a big pizza. Don't worry, there will be a piece leftover for her tomorrow.
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want2fucku-blog · 9 months
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dylanoteforever · 1 month
Me watching Gordon Ramsey say something I’d absolutely devour in like three bites is pure dogshit
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kwop-kilawtley · 9 months
ANYWAYYYYYY, im soooo happy bella and Jake are having so much fun rn btw. They’re LITERALLY on a double date with Quil and embry at a local breakfast spot rn. I’m not even lying I have security footage! Smeyer lied to you all….
anyway in the tags tell me what u think they got for breakfast
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stinkrascal · 1 year
everyone has such a unique simstyle. like i feel like if someone on simblr took pictures of 100 peoples sims and put them all side by side without saying whose sim belongs to who, id still be able to guess a bunch of peoples sims based on their style alone. i love that!!
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lloonlloon · 1 year
Promising rookie vs some rat we found outside
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ultramantr1gger · 6 months
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man what the hell is that
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pontsalin · 2 years
That twitter post that talks about hermit being allergic to lore and being forced to act like Hermes the armor stand is a real child makes me mad because like
Do you guys watch hermitcraft with your eyes closed?
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crepegosette · 1 year
Since you have Nyo OCs, would it be alright to ask what are your thoughts and feelings on Nyotalia overall?
I have mixed feelings Nyotalia; on other hand, I kinda like how they're different from their original counterparts. I appreciate that they have their own identity, not just straight up "X as a man/woman." On other hand, it feels like they were created solely for fanservice and nothing more.
Imo I feel it can be used to explore character concepts that weren't explored in the original, or even different facets of the country they're representing (ex: I like the idea of Amy representing the "strength" of the US while Alfred represents diplomacy. Its true that those sides can overlap, but one suits the other side better) I kinda try to keep that in mind making my own nyos, (Normal Brazil represents our vibrant, energetic side, while Nyo!Brazil represents our "chill" side, how we don't want beef with anyone) It can be a good way to use traits that weren't picked up in the creation of the original character.
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The Beatles Anthology (book) on the Internet Archive:
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
The heating and hot water arent working and its still snowing outside 😭😭😭 me and the puppies cuddling for warmth.
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kizuike · 2 years
Things were easier when people used AI image generators for stuff like "among us pride parade" not like this
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