#hsr beta caelus
biscuit-babbles · 4 months
HSR Men Omegaverse (A/B/O) Scents
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To pair with the dynamics headcanons list, I'm going to do a short and sweet one about their scents! Also, this headcanon will be taking some inspiration from @daylightdabbles's Teyvat Omegaverse AU, but is not required to read beforehand!
Rating: SFW Warnings: None Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard, Sampo, Luka, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade, Argenti, Dr Ratio, Aventurine + Gallagher Summary: What scents help to identify each of the HSR men?
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Scent has always been a bit of an odd topic for CAELUS, considering the stellaron pulsing in his chest. While it doesn't seem to be hurting him, it does affect his scent, though fortunately to not such a degree that it's concerning. All it does, fortunately, is add a burnt note to it, making Caelus smell distinctly of a smore that had been left over the fire a bit too long. His scent isn't really sweet nor earthy, but a compromise between the two, with hints of metal heated by licking flames.
As opposed to being just odd, DAN HENG's relationship with his scent is a bit of a sore subject. Even though the scent is entirely his and not swayed by his environment, there's still notes to it that are reminiscent of the Xianzhou by association. Because of this, he tries to nullify it as much as possible, without completely canceling it out. His scent consists of weathered paper, sea spray, and peach trees.
One of the most comforting scents you can come across belongs to Joachim Nokianvirtanen, also known as WELT. By now, it's a staple of the Astral Express, soothing those that board the express and allowing them a comfortable passage. He smells of sandalwood, warm bread, and hot cocoa. It's not overpowering, but it lingers longer than most.
As a beta, GEPARD's scent carries traces of his beloved home, Belebog, as well as his own identifying scent. The cold sting of wintery air and the lingering of rusted metal is paired with rosemary and chamomile tea. Contrasting Welt, Gepard's scent is very strong, filling one's entire chest, but the bitter cold and winds tend to sweep it away almost the moment he leaves a room.
It's hard to say that SAMPO even has a real scent anymore. He has caked on so many perfumes, colognes, and even scent blockers that it's a weird hodgepodge of different scents, just as chaotic as the Aeon he follows. Depending on the day or placement, you can smell an assortment of spiced and floral scents, with the only constant being the lingering of raspberries and blackberries.
Everyone in The Moles knows that if you're in danger, to follow the scent of grilled steak, as it will inevitably lead to LUKA. Though, grilled steak isn't the only thing he smells like, with it being accompanied by the scents of black pepper and citrus. It's a thick, comforting scent, but has the tendency to make others hungry if they spend too much time around him.
It's fortunate for those working under JING YUAN that he smells not only remarkably pleasant, but that the scent itself isn't overbearing. One can only truly describe his scent as 'clean', often being likened to a windy meadow. Jing Yuan usually smells of a mild breeze, wildflowers, and oranges. Though, whenever he's angry or in the heat of battle, it tends to be darkened by the scent of oncoming rain and storm clouds, as if disturbing the previously still meadow.
Traveling place to place as an omega has meant that LUOCHA's scent has.. wavered, for lack of a better term. Omegas typically smell like home, the things they surround themselves with. That's hard to do when your surroundings change daily. It's caused plenty of alphas and betas alike to be confused and unnerved by him, but other omegas find him quite charming. If you take a deep breath, however, you can make out the airy scent of lilies, polish for his rapier, and the fruity scent of his shampoo.
A long, long time ago, there was a craftsman who was said to have smelled of passion and the forge itself. But that man is long gone, leaving BLADE behind in his wake. While Yingxing's original scent disappeared along with him, Blade finds that he is now identified by the scents of smoldering embers, dew-laden spider lilies, and cinnamon. Whenever he finds himself mara stricken or enraged, the embers flare up, leaving the distinct smell of smoke and hot metal. Though, when he's content, it's said to be a comforting scent.
One of the things ARGENTI prides himself on as a Knight of Beauty is his scent. It stood out from the scents of smoldering rubble and fear that clung to his hometown, but has since been embraced as proof he was meant to follow the Beauty. Not very many alphas have such tender, floral scents as him. He smells of freshly cut roses, an early morning fog, and the heart of a lush forest.
Frankly, DR RATIO doesn't concern himself much with his own scent. It's simply a biological fact to him, it doesn't need any further attention nor dressing up. Though he can't help the flattered feeling that swells in his chest whenever he catches someone swooning over his scent, which tends to linger heavily wherever he goes. Dr Veritas Ratio smells of pomegranate, sandalwood, and buttered toast.
Another person that hides their scent often is AVENTURINE, who never allows his true scent to show. Scents are like facial expressions, they can betray your true intentions, and Aventurine refuses to have anything but a perfect poker face. Hidden under layers of strong colognes and scent blockers, locked away from the public eye and only kept the secrecy of Aventurine's own room, is the scent of vanilla, shea butter, and blueberries.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, GALLAGHER is constantly surrounded by scents, and finds a sense of comfort in their expression. It's said that he even smells like a perfectly blended drink himself, with a sweet but savory blend that seems to take the edge off of most he comes into contact with. Gallagher smells of fresh grapes, strawberry schnapps, and rose.
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honkai star rail omegaverse au pt. 1
the astral express:
himeko, welt and march 7th are all betas.
dan heng is an alpha, but initially introduced himself as a beta.
caelus is an omega
dan heng is a young alpha that had introduced himself as a beta when he joined the express.
he used scent blockers and suppressants to conceal his alpha traits which worked until caelus joined the crew.
despite the medication he was on- he found his true self slowly trying to creep up to the surface whenever caelus was around. he has been around many omegas without any implications, so why is this omega making things difficult for him?
spoiler alert, they are fated.
they learn the truth once the truth about dan heng's past comes forth and he sees that the express accepts him for who he is, he stops taking suppressants
it is an adjustment for everyone on the express, having a fated alpha and omega within the same vicinity, especially for the pair themselves
himeko, welt and march navigate around them and help the two out- for example, himeko will check on caelus after heats since his pheromones have no impact on her.
dan heng wants to help out, but is afraid he would not be able to control himself since this is all very new for them so he will ask himeko, welt or march to pass things along to caelus and to check on him when he is unable to
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cheezyharu · 2 months
Happy 1000 posts to this account lol, man that’s a lotta posts XD
Impulse designing got the better of me again… anyways here’s my interpretation of Akivili from Honkai Star Rail
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Based on Pom-pom (beta + current) and Stelle and Caelus's design. More under cut, since my brainrot was pretty bad I’ll put it under there.
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Weapon, thanks to @skyward-current for the idea of making smth based on a telescope. So 8 ish hours struggling later we got this thing, which is supposed to be a telescope that doubles as a blaster. This doesn't give telescope vibes but this will do for now. Yeah I suck at weapon designing man, never got used to these mfs after all these years :V
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Battle poses/concept. If Akivili were to be playable, I wanna bet them to be Fire/Trailblaze, or at least Fire/Destruction if Hoyo wants to stick to the main 7 playable paths (although I HOPE they'll make them an exception) I tried to make something that fits the telescope blaster thing I tried to design, but then I still wanna keep my original idea for their battle somehow (chucking the Astral Express at the enemy) so bam that's their ult now :/
Anyways babbling time-
I highly doubt that Akivili is even dead, lost after some event sure, but something tells me they're not dead. For all we know this mf could be vibing in the Sea of Quanta or smth. I'm sure at some point in HSR plot we'll meet/become the Trailblaze at some point in the future. Definitely really later on like.. say 5.0 ish or later.
As for personality, I wanna say they're the most... Humane/moral of all Aeons due to being the one that surrounds themself with mortals the most often. Cause let's be real here: there are literal documents in HSR stating that Akivili is known to live alongside humans. This is also why my design is very human, with some small details that try to differentiate them from mortals.
Well back to personality, I feel like Akivili is very outgoing to everyone, Nameless and strangers alike, but also very reckless. Like they give off doing it despite knowing it's dangerous vibes to me, but I think that's just me associating Stelle and Caelus to the Trailblaze too often.
... Oh now that I think abt it, should I give them more bird features? I read on the wiki that Akivili could represent a word meaning "eagle" or smth ...
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biscuit-babbles · 5 months
HSR Men Omegaverse (A/B/O) Dynamics
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This is entirely self-serving, but let's be honest, the HSR community is kinda starving for a/b/o content. So! I'm here to make sure y'all are fed. ♡ And if you're at all upset with the dynamics I give them, fear not! I may or may not write content in the future that will dabble in giving them other dynamics.
Rating: SFW Warnings: None Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard, Sampo, Luka, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade, Argenti + Dr Ratio Summary: What the dynamics of all the HSR men would be, and how it plays into their personalities and environments.
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At first, no one was really sure what CAELUS was, to be honest. The only person who really seemed interested in guessing or betting anything was March, who excitedly hoped he was another omega she could drag into her nest and gossip with. However, it wasn't long after finally settling on the express that his dynamic was revealed; Caelus is a BETA. This doesn't really affect him at all, aside from general uneducated in matters pertaining to alphas and omegas. Though, it has been theorized that this is a best-case scenario regarding the stellaron inside Caelus's body. If he was an alpha or omega, a rut or heat cycle might negatively affect the stellaron, and vice versa.
DAN HENG neither openly talks about nor hides the fact that he is an ALPHA. He's fairly quiet and keeps to himself most of the time, so it took everyone on the Nameless some time to find out initially. In previous incarnations, his alpha status helped in the efficiency and social standing of the High Elder, but that proves meaningless to Dan Heng now. All it means to him in the present is that March will steal his clothes and he has an excuse to be left alone for a whole week once every few months.
When first meeting WELT, it's almost suffocatingly obvious that's an ALPHA, from his tall stature, deep voice, and a tangible instinct to protect the rest of the Nameless. Though, once he softens up and reveals himself to be a more gentle, wise, and excitable man, he never loses that air of authority to him. Not in a governing sense, but in the same way as a calming father-figure. Welt will protect those close to him with his life, not willing to let them suffer the same as so many others. He's very comfortable in his status as well, not being afraid to indulge in things more traditionally labeled as for omegas.
The Landau family is an old, prestigious lineage, one that carries with it a lot of tradition - one that GEPARD's father tried to uphold. Despite being a BETA, Gepard has been raised and trained with a traditionally alpha mentality. His job is to protect, serve, and provide for Belebog and the Landau family. Though, he maintained his gentler demeanor in large part due to the continued presence and support of Serval and Lynx. Sometimes he feels an added sense of stress that he isn't an alpha, like his father had hoped for, but he is reminded with every passing day that his dynamic doesn't factor into his value as a Silvermane Guard, or as a Landau.
Acting as prime suspect witness to those reminders is SAMPO. Everyone in Belebog, including Gepard, assumes the slippery con man is an alpha - after all, that's how he has meticulously portrayed himself. A two-faced alpha whose only interest is in lining his own pockets. But underneath all the fake smiles, disguises, and scams is a proud BETA of the Masked Fools. If anything, this dynamic suits Sampo perfectly, as he can feasibly tailor any kind of dynamic he wants for his new persona. Need a beautiful, unassuming omegan woman? Now you have Madam Brughel Poisson. Besides, dealing with a rut or heat cycle wouldn't exactly be all that fun, would it?
Now, Belebog isn't home to just betas. Somewhere in the depths of the Underworld, LUKA is either engaged in a brawl with a formidable foe or keeping a protective watch over the kids. Dynamics aren't very important in the everyday lives of the people in the Underground, but the second he steps into a room, it's immediately obvious that he is an ALPHA. This is made even more clear in his close relationships with other alphas; his playful rivalry with Seele, his brotherly role to Hook, and his training with Oleg.
Acting as the General of the Xianzhou Loufu, carrying the lofty title of Divine Foresight, JING YUAN is the definition of an ALPHA. Every few decades, there's a few scandalous headlines that propose the rumor that he's secretly an omega due to his nonchalant demeanor and close mentorship of Yanqing, but they're quickly disproven every time. While yes, a lofty role doesn't equate to being an alpha, but it's hard to dispute his overwhelming presence. All of the staff in the Seat of Divine Foresight are witnesses to his stubbornness, his cunning, and the crackling tension that arises with the General's anger, no matter how he tries to contrast it with his easy-going attitude.
It never crosses anyone's mind to question what LUOCHA is, exactly. Not everyone's dynamic is immediately obvious, and he's a traveling merchant after all, he might come from a culture with different ideas of how to appear as one dynamic over another. Just another face and scent in a sea of faces and scents. There are very few who know that he's an OMEGA, and even those that do, they don't really care to act on that fact. Don't let his dynamic fool you - it requires a lot of audacity and righteous passion to drive one to want to kill an Aeon.
As a weapon, there is no need for such labels. None of these words mean much to BLADE anymore, even if they still continue to affect him. He never acknowledges the fact that he's an ALPHA, not finding that it swings his sword any faster or brings death any quicker. Though, he can't dispute the way his dynamic serves against his best interests, as any stimuli that emboldens that part of him typically retaliates in the form of the mara. Whenever he's able to indulge in the occasional guilty pleasure, however, he finds himself to be surprisingly tender. Kafka once caught him hoarding a few of the weighted stuffed animals she and Silver Wolf got to soothe his chronic pain, scenting them and trilling at them. Thank the Aeons it was only Kafka who found him, or else Silver Wolf would have been teasing him about it for weeks.
ARGENTI will never be one to hide any part of his identity, proclaiming loudly and proudly that he is an ALPHA serving the Aeon of Beauty, Idrila. At first, he may be met with some speculation as to whether he's telling the truth. It's not every day that you meet an alpha that smells so flowery and disarming, much similarly to an omega. Not to mention that he's just as tender, just as wholeheartedly loving as all those lovesick omegas on tv. But similarly to Jing Yuan, he has a certain presence to him that certainly proves his claim.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, regarded as arrogant, brilliant, and an all-around pain in the ass, is DR RATIO. While he will firmly assert that his dynamic has no bearing on his personality nor capabilities, he is very knowledgeable on how being an ALPHA affects his every day life. Dr Ratio takes great care in assuring that not even idiots can misconstrue his intentions, putting on scent patches and never baring his teeth. However, this has led a few to question whether he really is an alpha, pointing out that his grandiose personality may point to him trying to compensate. In one way or another, they are swiftly proven wrong, even if Dr Ratio doesn't see their 'close-minded ignorance' as worth his time nor an explanation.
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biscuit-babbles · 5 months
Beta HSR Men With Their Omega S/O
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This post is in large thanks to my dear and lovely friend, @daylightdabbles ♡ They gave me the prompt for this post, so please give them much of your love!
Rating: SFW + mild spice at the end Warnings: None Characters: Caelus, Gepard + Sampo Summary: How the beta men would handle a relationship with their (gender-neutral!) omega s/o.
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CAELUS may not be very experienced with relationships of any kind, but he's fortunate that he's spent so much time around March. He doesn't have enough awareness of societal standards to feel any sort of embarrassment about being a beta dating an omega. If anything, Caelus boasts about how lucky he is, how grateful he is. His stuff is in an omegas nest! How cool is that!? He's such a sweet and doting partner, tending to your every whim. Caelus brings you snacks, nesting materials, and souvenirs from his trailblaze missions, but they are by far not replacements for his attention. Whenever he has the opportunity, he's trailing after you like a lost puppy, cuddling and scenting you with a fervor. And whenever your heat hits you, he'll gladly tend to you; bringing you food, drinks, more nesting materials, cleaning you up, and.. well, let's just say he's very eager to please.
Having been raised in a very traditional family, GEPARD always felt a sense of pressure from his status. He doesn't feel that same pressure around you, but he can't shake the idea that you shouldn't be with him. You're an omega, you deserve to be with an alpha that can protect you and provide for you. Sometimes Gepard has to be comforted that you don't need an alpha, that you picked him for a reason. That he can protect and provide for you. It's moments like that when he realizes just how lucky he is to have you. Gepard is pretty much just a giant golden retriever of a partner. He will cuddle you whenever either of you are upset, and he will make sure that you've eaten. While he may not be the best at taking care of his plants, he will never fail to take care of you to the best of his abilities. Kisses goodnight are mandatory. Not to mention, Gepard is a large man, and he is a warm man. He's like a living radiator, so he's perfect for your heats, to simply lay on top of him and let him cuddle you and keep you safe. Don't worry, that's not his only benefit during heats. After all, he's a guard captain, he has a lot of stamina.
It would take a pretty special person to convince SAMPO to officially take on a partner, regardless of dynamic. He's never been one to care about someone's dynamic, regardless of societal standards. That's part of the excitement, the thrill. He's had short-lived flings with every dynamic under the stars.. but you? You're different, you excite him in a way no one else has before, and he'll make damn sure you know that, both through both his actions and an assortment of stolen gifts. He frequently seems to disappear, so either you're tucked away in a safe place away from his scams, or you're following close behind him. Either way, he will make sure no harm comes to you. It might cut dangerously close, but that's part of the fun of him saving you! But don't worry, it isn't all fun and games, because he will make sure that you're content and cared for. There's no fun in seeing the person he cares for the most sad and neglected. Your nests are lined with all his disguises and various stolen goods, like a dragon's hoard. Whenever your heat hits you, he doesn't necessarily stop his schemes, but they are fewer and farther in between. After all, the customer is king, but he'll worship you like a god.
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