#how to get scholarship to study abroad after 12th
kensmartin · 1 year
How can I get scholarship to study abroad in 2023?
How can I get a scholarship? How can I get scholarship As per the Cambridge word reference, a grant is “a measure of cash given by a school, school, college, or other association to pay for the investigations of an individual with extraordinary capacity yet minimal expenditure.” I will add that a few grants are more adaptable, permitting all understudies to apply no matter what their scholarly…
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cosmiclcves · 3 days
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if you’re hearing SEPTEMBER by EARTH, WIND & FIRE playing, you have to know CARLA HUANG (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the 60 year old GENERAL PRACTITIONER has been in town for, like, 35 YEARS. they’re known to be quite A PERFECTIONIST, but being EMPATHETIC seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble MICHELLE YEOH. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those NEWSPAPERS DRAPED ACROSS HALF-EATEN BREAKFASTS, TAKEAWAY COFFEE CUPS, THE SMELL OF BLOWN OUT CANDLES vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around BRIGHTSIDE long enough!
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FULL NAME: carla huang.
D.O.B & AGE: september 12th, 1963; 60 years old.
GENDER: cis woman.
HOMETOWN: kuala lumpur, malaysia.
OCCUPATION: doctor; general practitioner.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: divorced; currently single.
CHILDREN: three.
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carla was born into a chinese family in kuala lumpur, malaysia. she’s the eldest of four children — being the oldest and first born child by 5 minutes before the arrival of her twin sister, a fact she’s never tired of boasting about.
growing up she’d always had a fascination with doctors and medicine, an interest she never grew out of and chose to pursue as a career.
at the age of 18, she moved from malaysia to the united states to study medicine abroad. she settled in connecticut after receiving a scholarship to yale.
after graduating, she moved to hemlock springs with her now ex husband shortly before they got married and began starting a family.
worked as a physician at the local hospital for at least a decade before deciding to take a job as a general / family practitioner at hemlock springs’ top medical practice.
carla is the proud mother of three children — two biological and one adoptive. she is an incredibly supportive and doting mother. no matter how busy her life can be at times, she always makes time for her children and makes sure she’s there when they’re in need. no matter what.
five years ago carla and her husband divorced after he cheated on her with a younger woman. the divorce was messy, but she has finally moved on from that heartbreak and feels a sense of relief now that she has rid herself of a husband who didn’t appreciate her.
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transglobalmanish · 15 days
How to Study Abroad after 12th from India
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Congratulations on completing your 12th grade! As you embark on the next chapter of your academic journey, have you considered the exciting prospect of studying abroad? A foreign education offers a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons, gain international exposure, and pursue specialized programs not readily available in India. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the process of studying abroad after 12th standard.
Study Abroad Dreams: Launching from India after 12th
Congratulations on your 12th grade exams! Have you considered studying abroad? It's an incredible way to broaden your horizons. Here's a quick guide to get you started:
Pick Your Path: Research universities and programs that fit your interests. Popular options include undergraduate degrees, foundation programs, or pre-masters.
Shine on Paper: Standardised tests like SAT/ACT might be required. Focus on excelling in your 12th-grade subjects to meet program entry requirements.
English Language Proficiency: Demonstrate your English skills with tests like TOEFL or IELTS. Many universities offer preparatory courses too.
Financial Planning: Research scholarships, tuition fees, and living expenses. Explore education loans and financial aid options.
Visa Power: Research visa requirements for your chosen country. Start the application process well in advance.
Planning and Exploration: Setting the Stage for Success
Destination Decisions: Before diving into specifics, take time to explore your options. Consider factors like:
Cost of living: Research living expenses in different countries to ensure it aligns with your financial resources.
Language of instruction: Assess your language proficiency and choose a country where the primary language matches your comfort level.
Program availability: Investigate universities offering programs that align with your academic interests and career aspirations.
University Selection: Shortlist universities based on program offerings, faculty expertise, campus environment, and alumni network. Utilize university websites, rankings, and educational consultancies to refine your choices.
Scholarship Scouting: Financial aid can significantly reduce the burden of studying abroad. Explore scholarships offered by the universities, Indian government schemes, and private organizations. The earlier you start researching, the better your chances of securing funding.
Building a Strong Application: Highlighting Your Strengths
Standardized Testing: Many universities require standardized tests like the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) for undergraduate programs. Research the specific test requirements of your shortlisted universities and plan your preparation accordingly.
English Language Proficiency: Demonstrating English language proficiency is crucial. Popular tests include TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Prepare diligently to achieve the required score on your chosen test.
Academic Credentials: Gather essential documents like your Class 10th and 12th mark sheets, transcripts (if applicable), and certificates of achievements. Consider including any relevant research papers or project work to showcase your academic potential.
Letters of Recommendation (LORs): Request LORs from teachers who can vouch for your academic performance, work ethic, and potential. Choose teachers familiar with your strengths and interests in relevant subjects.
Statement of Purpose (SOP): This is your chance to shine! Craft a compelling SOP that highlights your academic goals, research interests, and reasons for choosing the specific program. Emphasize your experiences, skills, and aspirations to make a strong case for your suitability.
Application Process and Beyond: Securing Your Spot
Application Deadlines: Be meticulous about deadlines. Universities have strict application windows, so plan ahead and submit your application well in advance. Missing deadlines could result in disqualification.
Application Fees: Most universities charge application fees. Ensure you have the necessary payment methods readily available to avoid delays.
Student Visa Application: Once you receive an acceptance letter, initiate the student visa application process for your chosen country. Gather the required documents, meet with visa officials, and demonstrate sufficient funds for your studies and living expenses.
Financial Arrangements: Secure funding for your studies through personal finances, scholarships, or educational loans. Research loan options with competitive interest rates and repayment terms.
Strategies for Success: Maximizing Your Chances
Start Early: Don't wait until the last minute. Start researching universities and scholarships well in advance to give yourself ample time for preparation and application processes.
Seek Guidance: Utilize study abroad consultants that specialize in international education. They can offer valuable guidance on university selection, application procedures, and visa processes.
Network and Connect: Connect with alumni or current students from your shortlisted universities. Their insights can be invaluable in understanding the academic environment, campus life, and navigating the application process.
Highlight Your Uniqueness: Beyond academic scores, showcase your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and leadership qualities. These experiences demonstrate a well-rounded personality and commitment beyond academics.
Maintain a Strong Academic Record: Continue performing well in your 12th standard exams. Strong academic performance reflects your dedication and ability to succeed in a demanding academic environment.
Conclusion: Embarking on an Extraordinary Journey
Studying abroad after 12th presents a unique opportunity for personal and academic growth. By planning meticulously, building a strong application, and utilizing the available resources, you can increase your chances of securing a place at your dream university. Embrace the challenges, immerse yourself in a new culture, and embark on a transformative journey that will shape your future. Remember, with hard work, dedication, and strategic planning, the world of international education awaits you!
Studying Abroad After 12th in India: Your FAQ Guide
Many Indian students dream of studying abroad after 12th grade. Here's a breakdown with key questions and answers to kickstart your journey:
1. What are the Eligibility Requirements?
You'll need to have passed your 12th grade exams with good marks. Specific score requirements vary by university.
A valid passport is essential for travel and visa applications.
2. Which Exams Do I Need to Take?
Standardized tests like SAT (US) or ACT (US) might be required for some universities.
English proficiency exams like IELTS or TOEFL are generally mandatory for non-native English speakers.
3. How Do I Apply to Universities?
Research universities offering programs that interest you.
Each university website will detail their application process, deadlines, and required documents (transcripts, essays, etc.).
4. Are Scholarships Available?
Absolutely! Explore scholarships offered by universities, governments (both Indian and your target country), and private organizations.
Strong academic records and impressive extracurriculars increase your scholarship chances.
5. What About Visas and Living Costs?
Visa requirements differ by country. Research the specific regulations for your chosen destination well in advance.
Factor in tuition fees, accommodation, food, and transportation when budgeting for living expenses abroad. Research average costs in your target country.
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studysquaresblog · 1 year
Study in Germany education consultants India- Study in Germany from India: Everything You Need to Know
Are you an Indian student aspiring to study abroad? Are you considering Germany as your destination of choice? If yes, then you're in luck! Germany offers a world-class education system that's highly sought after by international students. Studying in Germany will open up a world of opportunities for you, including access to cutting-edge research facilities, top-notch universities, and an excellent quality of life.
In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about studying in Germany from India. From the benefits of studying in Germany to the admission requirements and the cost of living, we'll cover it all. So, without further ado, let's get started!
Table of Contents
Why study in Germany?
How to choose a university in Germany?
Admission requirements for Indian students
How to apply for a German student visa?
Cost of living in Germany
Scholarships and financial aid for Indian students in Germany
Working part-time and after graduation in Germany
Accommodation options for students in Germany
Health insurance in Germany
Student life in Germany
Top universities in Germany
Frequently Asked Questions
Why study in Germany?
Germany is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities and research institutions. German universities offer a broad range of courses and programs, including Engineering, Medicine, Economics, and Natural Sciences. Additionally, the German education system is renowned for its academic excellence and innovation, with many universities ranking high in global university rankings.
Moreover, studying in Germany is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and meet people from diverse backgrounds. German universities offer a welcoming environment that fosters academic and personal growth, making it an ideal destination for international students.
How to choose a university in Germany?
Choosing a university in Germany can be overwhelming, given the numerous options available. However, there are several factors to consider, such as the course of study, location, reputation, research facilities, and student life. To narrow down your options, research and compare universities based on your preferences and academic goals.
Admission requirements for Indian students
To study in Germany as an Indian student, you'll need to meet certain admission requirements. First, you'll need to have completed your 12th grade with a minimum of 70% or higher to be eligible for undergraduate programs. For postgraduate programs, you'll need to have a relevant undergraduate degree and a minimum score of 6.5 in the IELTS or 90 in the TOEFL exam.
Additionally, some universities may require you to take specific entrance exams or submit a portfolio of your work for creative courses.
How to apply for a German student visa?
Once you receive an acceptance letter from a German university, you'll need to apply for a German student visa. The visa application process may take up to three months, so it's advisable to apply well in advance. You'll need to provide proof of admission, health insurance, financial means to support yourself, and a valid passport to apply for a student visa.
Cost of living in Germany
The cost of living in Germany varies depending on the location and lifestyle. On average, a student in Germany may spend between 800-1000 euros per month, covering accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses. However, some universities offer subsidized housing and scholarship opportunities that can help offset living expenses.
Scholarships and financial aid for Indian students in Germany
Indian students studying in Germany can take advantage of various scholarships and financial aid opportunities available to them. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships for international students, including Indians, to study in Germany. Additionally, many universities offer their own scholarships and funding options for students. It's advisable to research and apply for these opportunities early on to increase your chances of receiving financial assistance.
Working part-time and after graduation in Germany for Indian students
Indian students studying in Germany are allowed to work part-time while studying, which can help with expenses and provide valuable work experience. Non-EU/EEA students, including Indian students, are allowed to work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year, while EU/EEA students have no restrictions. After graduation, Indian students can extend their stay in Germany for up to 18 months to look for a job related to their field of study. Once they find a job, they can apply for a work visa and eventually permanent residency in Germany.
Accommodation options for students in Germany
There are several accommodation options available for students studying in Germany, including student residences, shared apartments, and private renting. Student residences are a popular option, as they are often located on or near university campuses and offer affordable rents. Shared apartments, known as WG (Wohngemeinschaft), are another popular option, where students live with roommates and share the rent and utilities. Private renting is also an option, although it can be more expensive and require more paperwork. It's important to research and book accommodation in advance, especially in popular student cities like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg.
Health Insurance in Germany
Health insurance is mandatory for all students in Germany, including international students. There are two types of health insurance available: public and private. Public health insurance is mandatory for students under the age of 30 and offers comprehensive coverage for medical and dental treatment. Private health insurance is available for students over the age of 30 and offers more flexibility in terms of coverage and services. It's important to choose the right health insurance provider and plan, as healthcare costs in Germany can be high without adequate coverage.
Student life in Germany
Student life in Germany is diverse and vibrant, offering a wide range of cultural, social, and sports activities. Germany has a rich cultural heritage, with several museums, theaters, and art galleries, offering a wealth of opportunities for students to explore. There are also several student clubs and organizations, providing opportunities for students to meet new people and engage in shared interests. Sports are also an important part of student life, with many universities offering their own sports clubs and facilities. German cities are known for their lively nightlife, with many bars, clubs, and music venues to choose from. Overall, student life in Germany is both enriching and enjoyable, providing an excellent opportunity to experience German culture and society.
Top universities in Germany
Germany is home to several top-ranked universities, known for their academic excellence and research prowess. The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in Germany, offering a wide range of academic programs in engineering, natural sciences, and management. The University of Heidelberg is another top-ranked university, known for its strong research in the fields of medicine, law, and humanities. Other notable universities in Germany include the University of Munich, the University of Freiburg, and the University of Berlin. These universities offer excellent opportunities for academic growth and research, as well as a chance to experience the vibrant and diverse culture of Germany.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can international students work part-time while studying in Germany?A. Yes, international students can work part-time for up to 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. However, students should keep in mind that their studies should always take priority.
Q. What are the popular accommodation options for students in Germany?A. The popular accommodation options for students in Germany include student residences, shared apartments, and private renting.
Q. Is health insurance mandatory for students in Germany?
A. Yes, health insurance is mandatory for all students in Germany, including international students. Public health insurance is mandatory for students under the age of 30, while private health insurance is available for students over the age of 30.
Q. What are some top-ranked universities in Germany?
A. Germany has several top-ranked universities, including the Technical University of Munich, University of Heidelberg, University of Munich, University of Freiburg, and University of Berlin.
Q. What is student life like in Germany?
A. Student life in Germany is diverse and vibrant, offering a wide range of cultural, social, and sports activities. Students can explore the country's rich cultural heritage, join student clubs and organizations, and enjoy the lively nightlife of German cities.
In conclusion, studying in Germany is an excellent opportunity for Indian students to pursue their academic goals while experiencing a new culture and way of life. From top-ranked universities to affordable accommodation options and vibrant student life, Germany offers a wealth of opportunities for international students. However, navigating the application process and settling into a new country can be overwhelming. That's why it's essential to seek guidance from experts like Study Square, who can provide comprehensive support and advice throughout the entire process. Contact Study Square today to learn more about how they can help you achieve your academic aspirations in Germany.
We at Study Square believe in working closely with the students to understand their requirements and help them in working towards their goal of a global education.
Visit Us- https://www.studysquare.com/
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“I want to study abroad but I can't afford it” is a common worry when planning to study abroad for Indian students after their graduation. Studying abroad is definitely a costly affair. Many students are deterred by the high cost of some overseas education degrees, but study abroad is an invaluable experience. Here are some strategies to save while experiencing a journey of a lifetime. Here is a list of some of the creative methods students have used to fund their abroad education, which are more practical than others. 
There's a Scholarship for Everyone
Overseas scholarships are the sought after option for an affordable education abroad. Many are provided by foreign institutions based on merit. There are various scholarships for studying abroad by Indian Government after 12th for those who wish to study abroad. These scholarships are need-based, merit-based, diversity-based etc. The most convenient way to finance your Bachelor study abroad plans is through scholarships. There are a wide range of Study Abroad Scholarships out there like:
Merit-based scholarships
Fully funded scholarships
Sports scholarships
Partly funded scholarships
Targeted scholarships
International and independent organisations scholarships (also known as fellowships)
Abroad scholarship for Indian students can be a great way to secure funding for fees and living expenses abroad. Depending on the university, country and course, there is a wealth of opportunities available to those with excellent academic credentials, from a low-income background, or working in a specialist field.
TIP: There are a lot of scholarship to study in Germany for Indian students
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) 
This is great for working people who want to study abroad. SIP requires users to invest a set amount in a mutual fund plan regularly. It's clever because it saves and invests. These tiny amounts add up to a large fund that lets you pursue your educational goals. You can visit your bank for more information or attend the WORLD EDUCATION FAIR 2023 by Orient Spectra and explore your options.
Look for Students Grants
Student grants or bursaries are similar to study abroad scholarships, but they are only need-based. Many universities provide such grants to students with financial issues and great calibre to help them pursue their higher education abroad. Given by government or charity organisations, these financial aid grants are preferable to student loans for paying for higher education costs. 
You know what? The perk of study abroad grants is that you do not have to bother about repaying them as they are non refundable, but their value varies greatly from one university to another. It is highly beneficial if your income course is very low or nil. With grants, you will have enough money to fund your tuition, and cover your miscellaneous expenses. 
Moreover, you can avail multiple grants at a time.
Get a Job to offset the cost
When all other funding alternatives have been exhausted, overseas education while working can be a viable choice. With a valid student residency permit, most overseas students can legally work, usually at least part-time. This will allow you to participate in most of your classes as well as contribute to your living expenses while pursuing your education abroad. 
If you plan to study in UK, or study in Germany then there are many universities which allow students to work part time for various reasons. Part-time work can help defray some of your living expenses, but it won't be enough to cover your tuition on its own; It is best to combine work with another type of funding. You can opt for  Education Loan Assistance alongside a part time job to manage your finances better. 
Education loans 
Educational loans are a common worldwide financial compromise that students make to fulfil their study abroad dreams. Aid from banks and other institutions requires you to pay the money back, often within a certain amount of time and with interest. With the financial assistance you also get the freedom and flexibility of choosing your own loan amount and loan duration. Such a student loan for study abroad will cover up to the total cost of attendance, as determined by your school; it also covers expenses such as tuition, accommodation , books, commute, health insurance, and living expenses. Make sure to consider multiple lenders before settling on a choice.
 Attend the WORLD EDUCATION FAIR 2023 by Orient Spectra– and your dream of funding your foreign education can soon become a reality!
Ask your parents for help
If you don’t want to take a study loan for abroad education and if your family has the means to fund your overseas education dreams, then "family bank" is the best possible source of college funding. Your parents may be able to help pay for your education if they have the means to do so. But this also means you are likely to depend longer on them, which may clash with your need for independence. Feel free to attend the WORLD EDUCATION FAIR 2023 on March 11, 2023 at Taj Deccan, Banjara Hills, with your parents and discuss your possibilities to study abroad for free.
The Sponsorships Option
Sponsorships to study abroad are different from scholarships for abroad education. These are provided by certain companies and organisations depending on your degree or field of study. The company usually pays for your tuition. There are three different kinds of sponsorships: Sponsored degree, Company scholarship, and Corporate sponsorship. 
Simply put, it is when a company you work for or have some other connection to pays your fees.  Companies usually use this kind of sponsorship to find new people to work for them. Most of the time, if a company pays for your college, you agree to work for them for a certain amount of time after you graduate.
Where there’s will, there’s way.
There are multiple options for you to fund for education abroad if you don’t have any savings or other means to finance your studies. So don’t let the lack of money hold your ambitions back.
Take advantage of this information and attend the SEMINAR on the various trends of abroad education only at the WORLD EDUCATION FAIR 2023 and explore your funding options to fulfil your study abroad dream.
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merideano · 1 year
Study in Latvia and visa Requirements
Why Study in Latvia?
Motives for Joining Latvian Institutes
Latvia continues to be a commendable nation when it comes to studying abroad because of its excellent educational system. Students should continue to develop their talents since they can use them as a stepping stone to success in finding jobs that are relevant to their field of study after graduation. Students are permitted to work a part-time job for 20 hours per week in addition to their studies. When compared to the standard of living, Latvia's cost of living is extremely low. Each year, more than 5,500 foreign students enrol at universities in Latvia.
Further are more reasons why studying in Latvia is a good option for International Students:-
Many wonderful programs are offered to international students.
 Latvian degrees are globally acknowledged.
 Latvia has a reasonable cost of living.
 It's economically a rich country, so students have many future opportunities.
 An amazing atmosphere for academic life that motivates students.
 The tuition fee is less compared to other countries.
 It provides scholarships to brilliant students.
 Availability of different fields of study. So Latvia offers choices in programs. Students can select the course as per their engrossment.
 The wide job market for international students.
Requirements to Study in Latvia
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Eligibility Criteria
Students need a study visa if their course of study lasts longer than 90 days. Students who have previously obtained an acceptance letter, also known as an offer letter, from the university are eligible to apply for a visa. There are many career chances for international graduates because the European nations themselves persuade them to stay after graduation. The Latvian educational system is renowned across the world.
a group of documents that a student must gather before applying for a study visa for Latvia. Students must exercise extreme caution because even one error could result in the embassy rejecting their application for a visa. Verify the prerequisites before applying as there may be additional ones depending on the University or College.
Following are the required documents for a study visa:-
Students must have an original valid Passport.
 They must carry a Passport-sized photograph with white background and 35X45 cm in size.
 They need Academic Documents, including 10th and 12th DMC's, Graduation Certificates and Graduation DMC's.
 Students must clear any of the below English Proficiency Certificate.
 Curriculum Vitae is also required.
 The student must have a police clearance certificate.
 Students must get their original bank certificate with at least Rs 4 lacs as financial proof.
The bank certificate must show the student's name, date of birth and passport number.
Students must issue an International debit card from the same bank.
 Other required documents are:-
Application form
Invitation letter.
Guarantee letter.
Admission letter.
How to Apply for Study Visa for Latvia
Latvia Study Visa Process
Students need a visa to enter Latvia; if an International Student comes here for a longer period, they must apply for a long-term visa. First of all, students need Acceptance Letter from the University; only then can they apply for a Latvia Study Visa. The Visa process can take time so willing students must start the process as soon as possible.
Read More-: latvia study visa consultants
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How to Get Admission in Abroad University After 12th Class
How to Get Admission in Abroad University After 12th Class
One of the best ways to pursue your studies abroad is by securing a scholarship. These scholarships help students pay for their education abroad and remove the financial burden of attending a foreign university. You can also apply for scholarships based on your financial need. However, you must make sure that you know the eligibility criteria and requirements of these scholarships before applying…
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uniabroad · 2 years
How to Study Abroad after 12th From India?
We have different complex concepts about studying abroad. While some consider it expensive, some think that they may never meet the eligibility criteria. Yet, these are never real challenges. Following the proper steps for a college application can help students get admission to colleges or universities abroad. Pre-planning is essential for the candidate to maintain an excellent record in his/her high school years. Most universities check the performance of the students in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th exams. Interest in extra-curricular activities plays an important role in college admissions. Participation in competitions, voluntary projects, and other such activities boost the student profile.
These non-academic activities help the students to make an effective Statement of Purpose (SOP). These activities ensure that the university properly values the potential of the students.
Research is a key component of the application process. Students need to resolve the conflict of choosing a suitable stream. Before choosing a subject for education abroad, students need to understand some points about themselves and their choice.
They should understand their area of academic interest and the future aspects of their education. They also need to understand the job opportunities and salary benefits that they get after education. After considering all these features, they have to decide which course they should choose.
Courses are chosen by students in the early years of their career matter a lot.
 Since they invest most of their time and money in their first degree, they need to choose it wisely. Apart from this, they also have to keep in mind the duration of the course. In some countries, only 4-year courses are available for a bachelor's degree.
Selecting a university to study abroad after the 12th is one of the most important steps in a learner's foreign trip. Before taking a final decision, students must know about the location of their dream university, scholarship grant, fee, availability of courses, environment, campus placement, eligibility and admission process.
How to study abroad after 12th from India? The answer is simple. To secure a seat in a college or university abroad, students have to pass through the entrance gate. Be it IELTS, SAT, or ACT – admission is required for students to be eligible to go abroad for higher education.
The admission process varies from country to country. It also relies on the university and its criteria. The primary task of the students is to translate and authenticate and scan the required documents and mark sheets. Students need to keep themselves safe to ensure a smooth admission process. Receiving a letter of recommendation and drafting a statement of purpose comes next.
Filling out their admission application form, attaching the documents, and paying the admission fee is the next part of the process. There are always separate interview rounds for shortlisted candidates in reputed schools or universities. Students can Devise their interviews with experts. Basically, Interview is taken to test Communication, confidence, and attitude toward their goals in academia
Once admission is confirmed, the student visa application comes as the next step. To be able to apply for a student visa it is necessary to have an offer letter from an accredited school or university in that country. Scheduling the interview, making a passport, or residential proof like a bank statement, acceptance letter with ID card, and receipt of payment of application fee are some of the important steps that a student must go through during the visa application process.
for more information kindly contact
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ruethestorm · 3 years
my contribution for the free day of the @meroniaevent ☺️
meronia college roommate au headcanons
both go to Columbia University on full scholarships
were both valedictorians of their high school
mello was on the wait list at first but of course he’ll take that to his grave
a math and Russian literature double major. he chose math cause he likes and it is good at it, and Russian lit cause he’s a good Russian Boy™
has always studied russian on his own, and has always felt connected to his home country. he wants to study abroad in Moscow for at least one semester. knows Russian history and politics like the back of his hand. always clung to his heritage for a sense of security
ready engage in heated, almost violent, debate about the USSR and russian politics at any given moment
the first day on campus, he makes friends with the other Russian (international) students and they’re shocked when they find out he’s not native
Unlike me, he doesn’t have any religious trauma, and wherever he was he was living pre-adoption he could always find comfort in his local catholic church, wearing his rosary, and the idea that his saints were watching over him
he has a marble statue of his favorite saint on his dresser, he bought it at a thrift store in his junior year of high school for $6 but it’s his most prized possession
a bio and chem double major on a premed track, plans to become an anesthesiologist and retire at 50.
a secret Pixar and Disney Fanatic. runs a blog reviewing all the Disney movies when they come out, and posting character analysis and essays on the older ones. has about 50 followers, and It makes it his day whenever he gets a new one, or someone comments on his post
likes to listen to Disney soundtracks to study.
a major jazz fan, and his favorites are Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Wellington. He had a mild obsession with the Harlem Renaissance as a child and his love of jazz is the lasting remnants of it.
mildly embarrassed at his toys and the teddy bear he keeps hidden behind his pillows.
sticklers for getting to class at least 10 minutes early and submitting assignments on time. both fought tooth and nail to get in with a full scholarship. have experienced the foster care system, insecure housing, were forced to grow up early. they don’t take it for granted.
disgusted at all the legacy kids and spoiled rich kids they see at school
didn’t know about the each others background, but one day:
“so, are you going home for break?” mello asked.
“yeah. honestly i didn’t really feel like it- but Maggie is honestly quite stubborn, she swore she’d throw out my stuff if i didn’t come home,”
“You call your mom by her first name?” mello chuckled. Typical spoiled rich kid, he thought.
“Well, yes. She’s my adopted mother. I’ve always felt more comfortable calling her that. And she’s always insisted on it. To call her ‘mom’ would be awkward for the both of us, I suppose.”
“Wait, you’re adopted?”
Near steeled himself for the incoming barrage of insensitive, invasive questions he was so used to.
Mello’s face had lit up. “So am I,”
“Yes. I was adopted by my parents when I was nine. How old were you?”
“Maggie adopted me a week before my twelfth birthday,” he answered, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Wow. I never would have guessed it. You’re so- put together, I guess? You’re not like any foster kid I’ve met,”
“Well, that’s somewhat Maggie’s doing. She asked me, on my 12th birthday, where I wanted to go to college. I said Columbia. She said, ‘Okay. Columbia it is, then.’ And here I am,”
“Wow. That’s incredible,” mello said, genuinely awed. “What does she do?”
“She’s a case worker. She was mine, actually. It’s a quite charming story. I could tell it to you- if, if you wanted to hear it, of course,” he said, confidence faltering at the end. He started to twirl his hair, looking at the carpeted floor.
“That is definitely a story I want to hear. Look,” he said, putting on his jacket, stuffing a calculator and pencils into his pockets, “I’ve gotta go make this calc final my bitch- but- when I get back, we’ll trade stories, Ok? Don’t fall asleep on me,”
For the first time, Near gave him a genuine smile. “I’ll make sure of it,” he said.
After The Talk, one night:
“You know, Nate. There’s nothing wrong with having toys, or stuffed animals, or whatever the fuck you feel like. You’re almost 18, right? You can’t go your whole life being embarrassed of the shit you like. I mean, I’m catholic. I don’t give a fuck about anyone else’s beliefs, but those are mine. If someone has a problem with it, they can suck a dick about it,” he yawned.
“Thank you, Mello. No one’s ever said that to me before,”
“Yeah, whatever. Go to sleep. You’ve got an 8 am tomorrow and I’m gonna kill you if you sleep through your alarm for an hour like last time,”
nate couldn’t help the smile plastered on his face as he fell asleep
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keepinglowkeyy · 3 years
Masters Preparation For Abroad
Hey ! My name is Shreen Katyan and I am going to pursue my Masters from Boston University FALL 2021 in field of Bioinformatics which is offering me a scholarship too ! 
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Here I am ,writing my first blog, so very enthusiastic to share my experience of an year long journey of preparing for the Masters and providing insider tips to help people who are passionate to study abroad so they grab the best opportunities. 
I know the process is exhaustive but its all worth it when you secure your dream school. So lets get started! Please bear with me since its a long blog but it is gonna give you so much clarity about the process with EXTREME INTRICATE DETAILS.
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In order to pursue your masters in US, please keep in mind it is very expensive and the selection process is tough and competitive but when you succeed you would be exploring hands on  the best connection networks and the latest technologies of the world.
I would suggest you to go for Fall semester since generally when your degree ends there are more chances  for getting a job since all the student career fairs are held in such a timely manner .Also most courses are provided in Fall semesters only. Even internship is more feasible if you go according to this plan. Most students go for fall only.
For example If you need to get an admit for Fall 2022 which means Sept/Oct of 2022, start your preparation in April/May of 2021 itself. I am highlighting the entire timeline process for applying as a FIVE POINTER for your convenience.
1.CHOOSING YOU STREAM AND COLLEGE-Make up your mind about which course you want to pursue and from which University .For that simply google and legit through read the different Universities websites, which schools provides which courses and under  which department. You are gonna be amaze how unique integrated courses which are out there available which will ignite you since you need to be very sure about your Masters since its a pretty hard commitment. For example ,I found this Biotechnology Management course of Johns Hopkins University which were taking students from biology field and specializing them in MBA with management jobs in pharma industries (their field only). Shortlist some colleges after seeing what are they prerequisites ,are you liking the college facilites,is there a high chance for you to get an admit etc. CHECK FOR THE DEADLINES OF EACH PROGRAM YOU SELECT TO APPLY FOR AND ADD THEM TO YOUR CALENDER.
2. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS-Start preparing for GRE exam .Prepare for as much time as you  feel required .Keep giving mocks and check your score so you get an idea what scores lands you in what type of University. For preparing if you have a Magoosh account,Gre official books ,Barron word list and for extra high level practice, try Manhattan lb. .THESE ARE MORE THAN SUFFICIENT FOR A SCORE OF 320 +. Finish the exams off by September for 1st attempt and Mid November for the final attempt so you get results well on time.
3.BUILDING RESUME-Please keep building your resume parallelly with internship, online courses, research articles etc. in THE SUBDISCIPLINE OF THE FIELD IN WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING thus strengthening your application. EVERYTHING MATTERS EVEN YOUR GPA,YOUR EXTRACIRRICULAR AND CO CIRRICULAR ACTIVITES, YOUR 10TH AND 12TH GRADES ,STATEMENT OF PURPOSE(SOPs) ,LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION(LORs) ETC. Seek out to good consultancies for building your SOP,LORS and APPLICATION PROCESS.
4.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST- TOFEL is majorly accepted by the US universities.Self prepare for TOFEL and GRE. With little practice from YouTube, please work especially on the WRITING SECTION, you can secure a 100+ score which is the basic requirement for A+ GRAD schools. TOFEL you can prepare for a week around and giving it anytime even after applying to college according to your convenience.
5.APPLICATION PROCESS-Check out for the dates when the application submissions start. Early birds have a benedictory status. Note the deadlines for admission .There are gonna be so many pages and questions you might have doubts with, this is the place where your consultant  guides you the most . APPLICATION ENTIRELY DECIDES YOUR GATEWAY INTO THE COLLEGE SO PLEASE BE VERY SINCERE AND THROUGH ABOUT IT.FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASICS IN  THE SELECTION PROCESS OF REALLY COMPETITIVE APPLICATIONS.
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Finally, wait for a couple of months as the offer letters rush in!!!!It is very overwhelming and shortlist the college you want to go taking into consideration factors such as the place, the program enrolled, ranking etc. Alongside start with the Visa application process filling out the DS160, Sevis fee payment etc. Ask your university ,they guide you through the whole process after sending in the offer letter and I -20. Arrange your funds, best way I went about preparing for my visa interview was through telegram group where everybody posts their experiences so that you can get a gist of questions would be asked. Prepare those and IF YOU ARE GETTING A GOOD COLLEGE AND FUNDING IS STRONG VISA WONT BE REJECTED POSITIVELY.
Book you flight well in advance and give enough time to yourself to settle in a new country.YOU DID THIS NOW GO FLY OFF!!!!!!!
I hope this helps :) .Signing off!Feel free to reach out for more queries.
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admitkardblog-blog · 5 years
Canada Student VISA - Process, Eligibility and Requirement
Canada Student VISA. How to apply for Canada Student VISA? Visa Application Documents for Canada Student Visa. Eligibility for Canada Student Visa
Student Visa
With Canada being one of the most promising destinations to study at, it has been a student magnet for students all across the world. Multiple undergraduate and postgraduate courses have been offered to the students opting to study here. Canadian Universities offer world-class facilities, quality education, best infrastructure, and so on.
Canada student visa requirement checklist:
One needs to be ready with the following steps to go abroad:
·         Getting accepted by the university: One of the important and the initial point is to get accepted into the college of one’s choice without which one cannot proceed any further
·         Province acceptance certificate: One requires a province acceptance certificate if the province university mandates it is situated in. This would fall under the first step of the visa requirement checklist. However, this is not mandated by all the provinces. One has to check the norms associated with a specific province carefully.
·         Police clearance: One’s police records need to be cleared to travel abroad for any purpose. Minimal records, such as a mere traffic violation record, needs to be managed to get a certification.
·         Presenting the funds: Student when applying to university in Canada has to be prepared with documents related to funds that would be used for studies. An amount of $833 would be required roughly, which includes the tuition fee and living expenses.
·         Medical or fitness test: It is required to test an individual before flying to Canada. It is one of the basic norms which most of the countries follow to avoid health threats to their people.
Canada Student Visa IELTS Band Requirements
To get Canada Student Visa one has to be a native English speaker; however, those who are not native English speakers have to go through a special English proficiency test. This test comprises of speaking, writing, reading, and listening English.
While the student has to score within the band determined by the Canadian university norms. The requirement for the undergraduate courses is 5.5 in all four sections with a combined of 6 to qualify for the student visa. Whereas for postgraduate courses, one has to avail 6 in all four sections with a combined score of 6.5 to avail for the student visa.
Documents required for the visa:
The documents that are required for the visa to progress or for applying for the Canadian student visa are as follows:
1.    Passport
2.    Recent passport size photograph
3.    Marriage certificate if traveling with a spouse
4.    In case accompanied by another family member then above documents would be required for them
Financial requirements:
Once getting the acceptance letter along with detailed specifications of the cost to be paid. There is a list of financial documents required to aid other documents:
1.    A proof certifying that the tuition fee has been paid
2.    Proof certifying the accommodation fee has been paid
3.    Bank statement issued by banks of past 3-4 months duly stamped by the authorized bank
4.    Sponsor’s bank statement confirming the sponsorship of the student
5.    Loan approval if applied for a loan
6.    Scholarship letter if the student would be completing the studies under the scholarship
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Canada Student Visa processing time
The time required for visa processing determines the amount of time required in fulfillment of the entire procedure. The visa processing time often depends upon various factors such as the kind of application submitted, for example, student visa, tourist visa, working visa, and so on.
The condition of the visa application of whether it is complete or it requires certain aspects to be filled or looked at. The time took also depends upon the working conditions of the people and how long they take to process the application.
The student visa usually takes a minimum of 15-25 days; therefore, it is strongly suggested to apply three months beforehand. To remain on the safer end, one should apply before the travel date and time. Also, it takes some time to rectify the information provided to the people, and hence it is usually the time taken by the people to revert after checking the information provided.
Canada student visa processing time under SPP:
SPP or the student partnership program which has been developed by the immigration department of Canada and the citizens along with the Association of Canadian Community college.
This initiative has been developed to ease the visa filling procedure, which was earlier a difficult task to conduct. Some of the Canadian universities offer the same program under this scheme. However, the students whose visa has been rejected cannot apply for this program.
This program offers a brighter future for the brilliant students out there. This program makes the visa application procedure and the university acceptance process much smoother as the acceptance takes place based on merit in one of the topmost universities in Canada. The documentation required for this program is as follows:
1.    Acceptance Letter From the College
2.    Class 10th and 12th  mark sheets
3.    Financial Documents to show that the course is sponsored
4.    Payment Receipt of the fee
5.    Receipt of education loan granted by the bank
6.    Purpose of stay
Documents required for college application under the same program:
1.    Scanned copy of Mark sheets and Photographs
2.    College fee payment receipt
3.    Scanned copy of filled application form that is submitted online
4.    Letter of Recommendation
5.    Minimum 6.0 bands in IELTS
The requirement for applying to this program includes a relevant background in the same field; for example, if applying for a science course, one must have a relevant under graduation degree in science.
Along with a 50% score in the course that has been completed by the student as well as there should be no backlogs in the course. Further few more requirements are there when applying for this program:
·         Valid passport holder
·         Passport size photograph
·         English certifying test scores
·         Admission letter from the desired college
·         Purpose of visit
·         Relevant mark sheets of education records
·         Financial aid documents
·         Loan documents if any
·         Indian banking documents
·         Medical reports
The student visa is often referred to as the study permit, which is managed by immigration, refugees, and citizen department. The student study permit acts as an assurance of granting permission by the Canadian authority to study in a particular territory.
This is often the case in most of the countries across the world. Ideally, the study permit lasts 90 days post completion of the course, and hence, this grace period is granted for the student to apply to other courses and jobs of their choice.
Canada Student visa tracking
A student visa for Canada can be tracked through VFS websites or by visiting the centers nearby. On the first visit, the VFS makes the applicant give a biometric to link it to the application of visas and for easier identification.
The VFS is a private facility that has been made available globally to apply for a visa, track the application status, and much more. To reduce the bulky work, the embassies outsourced this segment of the visa department. It also provides sms facilities to customers to stay on track with regards to the applications.
The VFS global employee helps the applicant to fulfill the requirement needed for the application easily. The visa tracking system helps to send alerts about completion of the visa, and hence, it is later on sent back to the applicant via post or can be collected by the same.
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Canada Student visa process
How to apply for the student visa
Applying for the student visa is often time-consuming, and therefore, it is best suggested to apply beforehand. Applying beforehand gives a grace period for students to gather required documents, which would be essential for the procedure. The following is the checklist which are the essential aspects of the visa application procedure:
·         To apply offline, one should visit the IRCC website, which would guide the student for the same, and after that, the VFS office should be visited.
·         If applying online, one can simply visit the Canada visa portal and fill in the application form with suitable documents.
·         Followed by submitting the visa fee and submitting documents.
·         Once the documents are approved, then the candidate gets an Invitation letter.
·         Once one lands in Canada and hands over this invitation letter, then the student visa is given to the students. This step takes approximately six weeks.
Canada Student visa Fee
Canada student visa fee in Indian rupees
The visa fee often differs in nature, depending upon the facilities offered by the country and the purpose of visiting the country. The fee structure differs in the case of tourist and student visas due to the duration of the stay of an individual.
The difference in the fee is often due to the services offered by the visa centers. For example, when applying for a tourist visa, not a bulk of documents would be required to be verified, and hence the fee would vary. Whereas in the case of a student visa, multiple documents are required and hence followed by authentication of the same, which is a lengthy job.
Canadian student visa fee costs approximately 150 Canadian dollars, which would be roundabout to Rs 8,000. This is the fee scale of almost all the developed countries which offer great educational facilities. The fee would be divided Among the VFS and the Canadian embassy itself.
Canada student visa rules
The student visa granted by Canadian embassy bonds the students with some rules which are as follows:
·         A student visa is not required for courses less than six months duration
·         A student study permit is not required if the family resides there itself
·         One must receive an acceptance letter from the university to be applicable for the visa
·         One should have proof of the financial aid which is present for the student
·         One should be a law binding citizen with no criminal records
·         One should be fit to travel
Statement for the Canadian student visa
The student must provide the reason for applying for a Canadian visa. One should present a letter stating the facts about where one got accepted to, the tuition fee, the accommodation available for the same.
People often visit a country to search for job opportunities and increase the unemployment rate and various other rates of the country. One needs to provide a detailed statement stating the reason for their visit to a certain place.
For example, when applying for a tourist visa, one may state that it is due to visit an ill relative or so on. Similarly, in the case of a student visa, one needs to state the university to which the student will be studying in followed by the financial facilities, which will help the student survive.
This will guarantee the immigration officers that the government does not need to provide any type of aid to the students, and hence the individual is stable.
Medical Test for canada student visa
A medical examination is a vital part of the visa application form, and therefore, one has to clear such examinations to visit Canada.
The different examination that is required to be given in the medical examination are as follows:
·         Physical examination like eye, nose, heart, lungs, and other organ check-ups.
·         Chest X-rays
·         Blood tests for HIV and Syphilis
·         Urine tests
Such are the general tests which are taken to determine any long drawn illness which may be contagious for the residents living to the country one is traveling to.
Student visa without IELTS
A student applying for a visa without IELTS might have to apply for an alternative because it is vital to be a certified English speaking individual to travel to Canada.
A newly arisen alternative for IELTS is PTS. PTS is a newly formed test that has been surfacing around to a great extent. PTS differs from IELTS simply by the testing methods that are being used in the test.
Where PTS is a much newer method of testing English abilities, IELTS follows an old way. Since Canada is an English speaking country, therefore, it is highly required for students to be fluent in English, and therefore, such tests are of vital importance.
Such tests also hold more considerable significance to avail of a resident permit in the future in Canada. To be part of a country, one needs to be able to be a native speaker of that country. IELTS has been a strong foothold in such a field; however, PTS is also widely recognized nowadays.
Canada student visa approval rate
Earlier, the approval rate of student visa getting accepted was closer to 59%, whereas, in the changing times, the approval rate has increased to 70% in the year 2017.
It is affected by numerous different reasons, such as the level of English abilities one promises to offer. Along with the ease of availability of the procedure that is presented and available to the public.
The SPP program also added as an advantage in the visa approval rate, and therefore, now the visa is much widely approved. There are multiple other programs that make the visa application procedure much faster, and one needs to check up with the desired university of which program is supported by the same.
Student visa with the low academic percentage
A student applying for universities in Canada with low theoretical percentages tends to just follow out of the bracket of scholarships offered by the university; however, there is no such rule established which forbids a student from applying.
The general ideology that is carried by such deemed universities is that each student has special abilities to offer, and mere scores cannot determine the same.
However, a lot of courses offered by Canadian universities expect to maintain a certainly required score in academics to be eligible in a certain course. Despite low scores, people tend to apply to those courses and face rejection, and therefore, it is highly advised to read the eligibility documents carefully before applying.
Students with low academic records do face a disadvantage that they are not eligible for the SPP program, which offers a much fast pace acceptance in colleges along with the visa acceptance. However, one can look through the courses which allow students with a low academic score to join the course.
Canada Student visa application form
The following is some of the vital information regarding the application form:
·         Once the form is filled one must click on the validate at the bottom of the page in order to print the form
·         The above step would display barcodes along with a space for signature
·         Print the form and sign it along with the date
·         In order to get better quality results one must print in a clear bond paper of white color
Canada Student visa rejection
As there are enormous acceptance from the Canadian authority, there may be few rejections, but that does not mean one is forbidden to apply. It can mean that the authorities do not find the financial aid stable in nature; for example, the loan that has been passed is only for half of the courses, and therefore, the immigration department might reject such cases.
IELTS scores might not be sufficient, or the letter of acceptance is not provided, there are certainly expected band of IELTS scores that need to be met to apply for admission, and if they are not achieved, then the visa form will be rejected. As mentioned earlier, students tend to apply to courses under which they are not eligible for admission, which causes rejection.
Therefore before applying to universities, one must be clear with the eligibility criteria in order not to face rejection by the visa department as they too double-check to authenticate the information that has been provided matches with the respected authorities.
Track Canada student visa application
The student visa application can be tracked easily on VFS websites or by simply visiting the VFS centers, which provide detail information regarding the same. One should keep track of such applications to stay updated regarding what is causing the delay in the same.
It can also act as a self-correcting process regarding the application. The VFS global centers are all across the world, and therefore, they can help the applicant to a greater extent through sms facilities.
The sms is sent to the applicant regarding the status of their application; whether it is ready to be collected or in fact, they would also send sms if the documents are deficient. The VFS employee also makes things a lot simpler by staying connected through mobile phones.
Canada student visa application status
The application status displays a progress bar that determines the time taken for the application to get accepted. It gives an approximation of the time required for the procedure to complete the process.
As mentioned earlier, the visa status can also be checked with the help of sms received from the VFS centers regarding acceptance and rejection of the application.
For example, sms is sent that a certain document is missing, and the applicant can go and submit or send those documents online. The status can also be tracked by calling the agents who are available at the VFS global centers.
Canada Student visa gap in education
One needs to provide with required documents to justify the gap which is taking place within the graduation and the next course applying to. It can be due to taking up of job, or maybe the person would have opted for another course.
One needs to provide required documents for the same, stating the reason for the gap. However, it is strongly suggested that there is no gap in education by the Canadian universities unless the person has been working and has applied for a Ph.D. course, which requires the student to have work experience. Other than a valid reason stated Canadian universities do not encourage education gaps.
Education gaps may also be due to poor academic performance, which is often faced by students. Some of the universities reject such applications of students having backlogs or year backs. Therefore, it is strongly suggested to go through the eligibility checklist of the desired university.
Canada Student visa after medical test
Once the medical examinations have taken place the doctor gives a result in terms of passed or failed in the medical examination. Hence one of those results is submitted; one should patiently wait for the application to process further.
The medical tests would not be giving out the detailed specifications of the results since it is not a requirement for the visa application. The basic medical tests that one is expected to give are a physical examination to make sure that the person is physically fit and forbids the applicants from imposing fraud cases.
Chest x-rays to ensure there is a fatal illness that can be harmful to travel. Blood tests which determine whether a person is HIV positive because most countries forbid such individual to travel that can cause medical harm to residents. Lastly, urine examinations to determine internal diseases.
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nutgeese4 · 2 years
Research in New Zealand 2022
If you're engaged in studying overseas, New Zealand is definitely one of the top destinations. The particular government has permitted the entry requirements for students coming from the border. Inside addition, the nation can be a global head in degree, in addition to the government allocates a high percentage of its budget to education. For this specific reason, it's the great choice for international students. Beneath you'll find the deadlines for applying to an university in New Zealand. To be able to apply for the scholarship, you'll need to have to apply by December 2021. Once you have found an university, you need in order to confirm your membership and enrollment, application process, costs, and important date ranges. Use a research abroad comparison tool such as School Dekho to assess prices and learn more about your options. You will also need to know whether your current institution will take your test scores. In New Zealand, most universities accept scores from GRE, SAT, and TAKE ACTION. You should also prepare with regard to these tests earlier, as they will be very specific, thus you have to know how to submit these people. The New Zealand application process is simple. Most establishments will accept GRE scores from access exams. Once might identified your qualification, submit your app form. If you are a great international student, you will need to submit your test scores to get accepted. Then, make sure you deliver your application within advance so that you don't miss your deadline. By 2022, a person should be able to enter an university in Fresh Zealand and begin your own studies. Through the summer and autumn, there are two intakes for international college students in New Zealand. The September absorption is for students who will be permanent residents or citizens regarding the country. There are special faveur for returning pupil cohorts, and suitable students have recently been contacted directly. Until February 2022, worldwide students will get able to start off their studies throughout New Zealand. An individual will have in order to decide what you want to analyze, along with your options will certainly be reviewed. You are going to have to wait until the next absorption opens to obtain some sort of scholarship. After studying in New Zealand, you will end up being able to reside typically the country for from least 2 yrs. The particular country's climate is usually unique, and a lot of countries are influenced by extreme weather conditions. study in new zealand for indian students after 12th The best spot to study is a country where you'll enjoy a new great quality of life. In the event that you're an worldwide student, this will be the perfect place for you. With so many opportunities to study, you'll find a method to study inside New Zealand. Prior to you travel to Brand new Zealand, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Presently there are two content in New Zealand: the summer intake in July and the fall consumption in November. A person should choose the appropriate intake structured on your preference. The government expects the to recover effectively in the Covid-19 break out increase in able to welcome students through abroad till the year 2022. When you appear in the region, you will have to comply using other regulations of which govern the access requirements. There are some components you should consider before applying in order to an university in New Zealand. Your chosen university must be accredited by typically the New Zealand Council for International Education and learning (NZQA). Your training course should have a known international qualification. Inside addition, you need to plan for the English language tests, which often may be instructed to obtain an australian visa. You must check using your preferred schooling provider for more details. If if you're an international student, you can in addition take up a language language course to get ready yourself for these kinds of tests. The NZQA's website provides the list of certified institutions. This may ensure that the company meets qualifications specifications. The NZQA will be in charge regarding making sure all educational institutions are registered using the government. Hence, students should help make sure that their qualification meets the requirements with their desired courses. The government associated with New Zealand in addition ensures that its courses are totally accredited. If they will do, they'll include a better probability of being accepted by the universities in Brand new Zealand. The NQA also has a new good reputation. Its citizens have some sort of high level of education. Because a result, typically the country includes a long term history of internationalization. This is why it is a hotspot for top quality education. Furthermore, typically the government has grown its investments in the education sector, enabling even more foreign students to attend its universities. However , it's important in order to note that there are still some restrictions regarding studying in New Zealand. You need to know about these before signing up to an university.
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mittencarp6 · 2 years
Just how much Do Study Canada Cost?
When a student decides on studying abroad, one involving the factors that they can often consider will be the amount of cash that they want to be paid while studying throughout Canada. The problem then becomes precisely how much can it expense to study canada? Surprisingly, there will be not just one predetermined price or educational costs fee that relates to Canadian universities for international students. The particular tuition fees canada for international students are always better, while the tuition charges for post-graduate classes are often lower. Post tertiary educational organizations in Canada will vary tuition fees compared to Canadian universities for Bachelor's degree programs. These fees furthermore vary according to be able to the duration of the particular course. For Bachelor's degree courses, typically the duration can range by three months to 2 years, with the minimum being a single year. There is also a variation among the universities as to precisely how they calculate the duration of the particular courses and the minimum number of credits which can be wanted for graduation. The standard cost of learning in Canada is much higher than the cost of studying in America. Typical tuition fees canada are $aviaranced for total time students or over to $ Media who complete their programs full period. For thesis established students, the regular tuition fees within Canada are as much as seven thousand plus six hundred dollars per semester. The fees for blog post graduate courses happen to be up to eleven 1, 000 and four hundred dollars per semester. Generally there are various scholarships offered by Canadian universities for each the full period and part moment students who wish to pursue their studies throughout Canada. Most scholarship grants that are presented are provided on such basis as financial need. Yet , some of the particular scholarships that are available in addition do not depend upon financial need. The scholars who are monetarily handicapped can implement for the counsel by way of the Canadian government. There are scholarships or grants that are offered for the particular aboriginal persons, the particular disabled persons and even the poor. If you have sponsors in North america, it will be easy to bring them over and they will pay the tuition fees to suit your needs. Sponsors involving the Indian students do offer funds to study inside Canada. A few of the businesses such as the particular Canadian Sikh Legal representatives Association offer money to study in Europe. Even the Canadian film production services contribute to typically the cost of college tuition in some instances. The fees billed by the colleges in Canada will be quite high in contrast to the costs from the international universities. The local colleges include higher charges for international students. This may be since there are many non-native speakers in the educational institutions of Canada. The particular cost of cosmopolitan student's tuition charges is quite large in comparison with the cost of the tuition fees in typically the domestic colleges in Canada. For that international students, it is essential to use for study lets before they leave their country. study in Canada after 12th Analysis permits help the particular international students obtain financial assistance to study in Canada. When the international college student gets the analysis permit, he or she can research in Canada without having the problem regarding paying the expenses fees separately. The particular tuition fees in the Canadian schools are quite high when compared with the fee regarding the universities in the united states. It may be because there usually are many non-native speakers in the universities of Canada. Even though many American universities also charge superior fees for researching in Canada, the particular rates are lower than those recharged by the colleges in america. Students that want to examine in Canada should submit an application for study enables before they keep their country.
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Generally there are many colleges in Canada which offer high-quality education and learning. There are many American colleges mainly because well as schools in India that provide high quality training. The fee composition as well as the quality associated with education differ substantially from university to another. So it is essential for the world students to find out the different fees structure and good quality of education offered by the universities before they pick one. The expense of studying inside Canada is really rich in comparison to be able to the fees involving the universities in the land. However, it is dependent on the type of program you are choosing. If you are considering taking up an online diploma program then the fees for these types of courses are quite large in Canada. For anyone who is interested in using up an undergrad course then this service fees are quite lower in Canada. The ideal way to reduce the cost of the particular tuition fees is definitely to look for analysis grants from your Canadian government. Study funds are available in the Canadian government for that international students that help them in obtaining higher education in Nova scotia. The study awards are available generally for women and have got many other rewards. There are many part-time job in North america which supply a fine option for the particular students who are usually unable to undertake an undergraduate program. These part-time work opportunities are quite inexpensive and provide a good job prospect following graduation.
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steelcurler1 · 2 years
How to Get a Full Grant in New Zealand
To obtain a full scholarship or grant in New Zealand, students need to be able to know what typically the requirements are and how to put together an application. The application period for each scholarship is different, so students is going to take the time in order to find out exactly when it starts and closes. These people should be mainly because organized as probable, so they do not make any errors. To get started, students should check out the Generosity NZ website. This database contains information concerning scholarships offered by different institutions, and it is worth an appointment. There happen to be various types involving scholarships in New Zealand, from government-funded grants to university or college scholarships. Nevertheless , getting a full scholarship is not simple, and it might require specific travel specifications. In case you are considering a report abroad program, you should look for scholarship programs in addition to government-funded schemes which can help you afford the full education. By using for anyone programs, a person can save way up a considerable volume of money for your future studies. There are numerous scholarships available in order to international students, Nigerians, along with other students coming from developing countries. Presently there are full in addition to partial scholarships offered to study with universities in Fresh Zealand. The scholarship funds are usually offered by private establishments and the government involving New Zealand. The particular conditions and the scope of these types of programs vary, therefore it is well worth trying to get a number of scholarships and using for all associated with them. And maintain in mind that an individual may not get eligible for every scholarship or grant. There are quite a few ways to make application for a full scholarship inside New Zealand. To begin with, check out the particular university website. Almost all scholarships are available on-line, and each scholarship or grant has different deadlines. After reading the rules, apply and get your dream scholarship in New Zealand! A person will be glad you did! Therefore , go ahead and explore your alternatives. Most you have in order to do would be to follow the guidelines! To obtain a full scholarship found in New Zealand, you will have to submit a finish application. It is usually not required in order to have any previous experience or education and learning in New Zealand. To obtain a complete scholarship in New Zealand, approach a Bachelor's degree from a recognized company. You must in addition have an operating visa to operate while you're studying inside of the country. To be able to apply for a new full scholarship, a person must first make a RealMe accounts. This is some sort of registration system for the New Zealand government. In order to accessibility the application type, you should register with regard to a RealMe account. It is significant to remember the login ID involving the site where you will be studying inside of New Zealand. After that, you must sign in to the web site and fill out typically the form. Then, complete the required documents.
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So long as you can come across an university of which offers free scholarships, it is possible to pursue the studies in Brand new Zealand. study in new zealand for indian students after 12th You'll end up being entitled to a full scholarship if you are a resident of the country or if you're a good international student. The most important thing to remember is that scholarships are not the just way to examine inside New Zealand. In case you're a person, you could apply regarding a full scholarship from any college or university. There are several scholarships available to worldwide students, but once most likely from Nigeria, an individual may have far better luck. It's often best to implement early, so you'll have the best chance of receiving a scholarship. In addition to scholarships, you can also apply for full-fledged undergraduate or even postgraduate scholarships found in New Zealand. The particular government and private establishments provide the majority of scholarships for intercontinental students. The very first step is usually to use for a grant in New Zealand. If you're eligible, you can obtain a complete scholarship for almost any education program in Fresh Zealand. To apply for the full grant, you'll need to write an essay and be prepared to pay for your own tuition. Once you've received a total scholarship, you'll need a function visa as well as the right documentation.
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cosmoconsultants · 2 years
Study Abroad Guide for International Students
Do you want to study abroad? Here you will get free expert advice and information on colleges/Universities, Available courses, admission process, Documents required, Scholarship, student visa process and application process to study abroad:-
Top Ten IT Courses in Montreal Quebec for International Students:- Top ten IT courses in Montreal offered by best Vocational Colleges to match industry requirement of skilled professional in IT sector.
Top Ten Reasons to study in Montreal as an International Student :-  For International students amenities like Quality Education, promising job market, cost of living offer top reasons to study in Montreal.
Know all about what the AEC and DEC programs are in Quebec Canada :- Diploma programs in Quebec are classified as AEC and DEC programs; and international students can select as per their requirements.
What is PEQ and CSQ in Quebec and how to get PR in Quebec :- PEQ and CSQ in Quebec give it authority to decide on the matter of PR on the basis of education programs, experience and French language.
Top ten diploma courses in Canada for International Students :-  Diploma Courses in Canada offer short duration educational programs with hands on training which make them very demanding in the job market.
Job Opportunities in Canada in various Sectors for International Students :- The booming economy and the availability of untapped resources create large number of job opportunities in Canada for international students.
Student Direct Stream (SDS) Canada Visa Process for International Students :- SDS Canada program is very helpful to the study abroad aspirants which ensures the speedy and streamlines processing of study permit.
Top Colleges in Quebec for International Students :- Top colleges in Quebec are famous for its quality education, affordable tuition fee and student friendly atmosphere and job oriented courses.
Step by Step Guide for GIC Canada Account :-  One condition in SDS is to purchase Guaranteed Investment Certificate Canada to support monthly expenses of international students in Canada.
Top Universities and Colleges in Saskatchewan :- Universities/colleges in Saskatchewan offer education quality that Canada is known for Job oriented programs land students to lucrative jobs.
Manitoba- a home to Top Universities and Colleges :-  Manitoba offers one of the finest education experience and a home to some of the best education centers and very proficient faculties.
Accommodation and Transportation in Canada as International Student :- International students can save a significant amount by exploring various transport and accommodation options available in Canada.
All you need to know about Homestay program in Canada for International students :- Homestay program in Canada is a great solution to staying problem for International students proving them much necessary feeling of home.
Top Ten Reasons to Study in Ontario :-  Manufacturing and Education hub of Canada, offers reasons to study in Ontario that includes Quality education and umpteen jobs opportunities.
Top Ten Universities in Ontario for International Students :-  Ontario is Canada’s most populous and most developed province. A list of top ten universities in Ontario providing world class education.
Best Colleges in Ontario for the International Students in 2022 :- The most populated and most industrially developed province of Canada that offers great job opportunities with Best Colleges in Ontario.
Top Universities in British Columbia for International Students :-  Universities in British Columbia offer top academic and vocational education in some of the best natural surroundings with moderate climate.
How to become Registered Nurse in Canada – A step by step process :-  Registered nurse in Canada is most look-after in terms of job prospects. Canada health care system offers umpteen opportunities for growth.
Top Colleges in Canada for IT Courses after 12th :-  Top colleges in Canada for IT courses after 12th for international students also rank high in graduation employment rate and students’ satisfaction.
Education opportunities in Alberta for International Students :-  Education opportunities in Alberta province have also opened the door for new job possibilities in emerging fields of IT and oil Industries.
All you need to know about Canada Family Class Sponsorship Program:-  The citizens or PR of Canada, 18 and above can sponsor their spouse, children or parents to get PT under Canada Family sponsorship program.
How to Apply for the Permanent Residence in Canada after Study :-  Study abroad students apply for Permanent Residence in Canada after Study Experience Class. The CELPIP Score helps in higher CRS and IAT.
Study in Canada after 12th :- Study in Canada after 12th offer great opportunity to gain world class industry oriented education and work experience.
Know these terms before Boarding for Canada :-  Know these terms before Boarding for Canada & SDS, LOA, DLI, PGWP, SIN, GIC, Study Permit, Co-Operative or co-op program, SOP, PR, etc
Permanent Residence Status through Canada Express Entry Program :- Express Entry program for Canada PR status is most useful for skilled workers and skilled trade workers by draw system on CRS points.
Best Education Loan Providers for Study Abroad:-  Most of the Public and Private Banks now provide loan for study abroad. Some NBFCs also have attractive schemes to fund study abroad program.
What to Choose for Study in Canada – University or College :-  Study in Canada in top Universities or top Colleges with duration and choosing the best course for jobs, good salary, PGWP and eventually PR.
Top Ten Reasons to Study in UK :- Top ten reasons to Study in UK includes quality education, academic excellence, world renowned degree and lucrative job prospective.
Top Study Abroad Scholarships for Indian Students :-  Here, you will find the list of some of the top study abroad scholarships which may be availed by Indian Students.
How to settle down in Canada as an International Student from India :- To settle in Canada through study abroad, one has to choose DLI PGWP eligible course, landing in Skilled Job and passing CELPIP.
Top ten Universities in Canada for International Students :- The top ten universities in Canada for international students the best in Computer Science, MBA, Core Engineering and architecture planning.
Estimated Cost of Living in Canada for International Students :- Monthly expenses for overseas students in Canada are consisting of expenses on rent, food, transportation & misc. that come to about CAD 750.
The Importance of Study Abroad Consultants: Your true guide for bright career :- It's always advisable to select a professional study abroad consultant that can help you in your journey by making it easy and hassle-free.
Study in Canada: Step-by-Step process :- Study in Canada: Step-by-Step process. Here we are discussing the step-by-step guide to help you realize your dream to study abroad.
What is CAIPS/GCMS Notes? :-  The provision of CAIPS or GCMS proves to be handy for those applicants whose application is pending and they wish to know its real-time status
Documents Required for Study Abroad :-  Here, you would find a list of documents that an aspirant would expect to keep ready to make their journey hassle-free to the chosen country.
IELTS Band Score Requirement for Study in Canada :-  The students are required to get the desired band score in IELTS test before applying to any of the colleges or universities of Canada.
How to Choose the Best Study Abroad Consultancy :-  Choosing right study abroad consultant is vital as dealing with unprofessional may lead to unnecessary delay and over expenses of financial.
Top Ten Part-Time Jobs for International Students In Canada :- Here is a list of the top 10 part-time jobs that an international student can take up during his study period in Canada.
Why Toronto is the Study Hub for International Students :- This city has grown exponentially in terms of infrastructure and opportunities and is contributing to the Canadian economy.
Top Ten colleges in Canada for International Students :- The best colleges in Canada. Industry oriented pattern. They offer variety of courses & considered as the best colleges for Indian students.
Top 10 Reasons to Study in Canada :- Here you would get top 10 reasons than you can think. These reasons will help you in deciding Canada as the next destination to study abroad.
Cosmo Consultants – Know why is the right choice when you are planning to study abroad :-  Here we bring up some of the numerous reasons why you should bet on Cosmo Consultants as your guide to study abroad and visa consultants.
Pre-departure to-do list for students going abroad for higher studies :- Here at Cosmo Consultants, we guide and help you at each step to make your departure and stay hassle-free. So this is the time to organize.
Top Courses to Study in Canada 2021 :- Top Courses to Study in Canada - The Institutions of Canada offer internationally acclaimed courses yet their courses are quite affordable.
Ten Reasons to Study in Australia :- Here, you would find a few reasons why you should opt for Study in Australia and choose it as your international education.
INTERNATIONAL STUDY: A PATHWAY TO MIGRATE? :- For some years there has been research on study abroad, student mobility and international student exchange.
What are the benefits to study in Canada? :- The high-quality education system in Canada is one of the major reason which attracts international students to the land.
What are the Best part-time jobs while study in Canada :- Being an international student, you are allowed to work for 20 hours per week. That’s the maximum hours that you can work.
Expenses Costs to study in Canada :- Here is the rough estimate of costs for higher studies in Canada which is being compared with the other best study destinations.
Top Courses to study in Canada :- The country provides various opportunities to international student. Let’s take a look for the courses available to study in Canada.
Get Work Permit, PR VISA and Study VISA for Canada With IELTS :- Are you looking for the opportunity to study in Canada then work and live in Canada? If yes then, you need to opt for the IELTS Test.
IELTS Preparation Institute for IELTS Speaking Even Good speakers make mistakes :- The IELTS classes in Bareilly suggests some tips and tricks that work for most of the IELTS preparation institute and students.
IELTS academic reading preparation tips by IELTS training classes :- This article deals with IELTS academic reading preparation tips. It will help to prepare with the best strategies to answer IELTS questions.
How to prepare for interview to get study visa? :- How to prepare for interview to get study visa? & Cosmo Consultants & Study Visa
What are the secrets to win Study Abroad Scholarships :- Here are 5 crucial tips required for study abroad scholarship applications which can convert your international dreams into reality.
Tips and strategies to go through study visa interviews :- Tips and strategies to go through study visa interviews - Students goes with various phases to get study visa to study abroad.
How to prepare for IELTS with IELTS classes? :- How to prepare for IELTS with IELTS classes? & Know the tips and tricks to get higher band in IELTS exam. & Cosmo Consultants
How to work and study in Canada? :- There is a lot involved along with number of steps that you need to follow to ensure that you are eligible to study and work in Canada.
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envisionoverseas · 2 years
This article is about the best ways to study abroad.
It was one of the most memorable experiences I had in college. As an exchange student, I was able to live in Paris and study at a university there. Those were some of my most memorable memories. 
This is my top advice and tips for college students planning to study abroad in the future. These were my biggest mistakes, but I also learned from them. Study In Australia.
As soon as you can, plan to study abroad
At the end of my freshman year, I made the decision to go abroad for my second year's spring semester. Right away I started planning. I researched the details of the program over the summer and found it. I booked my flight, and I even arranged for an Airbnb apartment. After school began in the fall, my application for the program was approved. In the months that followed my departure, I was able to obtain the student visa and secure other details, such as registering for classes. Study In Australia With Scholarship.
It is important to plan ahead because you have a lot of details that you need to consider before you travel abroad. It is a good idea to start planning at least six months before you intend to depart so that you have enough time to complete everything. Study Abroad In UK.
Save as soon as you can!
It can be costly to study abroad so it is a smart idea to start saving. While I was able to receive scholarships and grants to pay for my studies abroad, I knew that I would still need money to buy my apartment, food, and travel around Europe. Study In UK For Indian Students After 12th.
I worked during the summer to save some money, and then I was fortunate enough to be offered a part-time job in the fall. This allowed me to save even more money before I left for New York in January.
Babysitting, tutoring and working on campus are all great ways to save money for studying abroad. You should plan how much money you will need each month to study abroad and then try to save as much as possible in the months before your departure. Study In UK With Scholarship.
Find financial assistance
My study abroad experience would have been impossible without scholarships and grants. Apart from the scholarship and grant that I received each semester at college, two additional scholarships were available just for studying abroad.
To learn more about scholarships and grants that you might be eligible for, speak to your university's financial assistance office or to your study abroad advisor. You can apply for national scholarships such as the Gilman Scholarship which is open to all students in the United States. You will have a better chance of getting funding if your application is for smaller scholarships, such as those offered by universities or ones that are restricted to students who travel to certain countries.
Learn the language of the local area
It is my firm belief that it is a good idea to study abroad in a country where English does not become the primary language. Many Americans travel to Australia, Ireland, and England. To study abroad, but why not stay in the U.S. If you can, consider going to a more foreign country for your study abroad.
It doesn't matter if you don’t know a foreign language. Many study abroad programs offer classes in foreign languages starting at the beginner level. Once you are proficient, you can continue to learn. A homestay with a local family is a great way to learn the language as well as experience the local culture.
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