#how to build a coaching business online
jessica-larson · 6 months
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Craft your journey to success with our Coaching Business Plan—a succinct guide merging passion, expertise, and strategic insight. Join us in creating a future of excellence, one coaching session at a time.
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kajmasterclass · 1 month
#The Parallels Between Athletics and Life with Tom Montelli | KAJ Masterclass Discover the secrets to entrepreneurial success from Tom Montel#son of a legendary basketball coach. Learn how to cultivate a champion's mindset#apply athletic principles to business#and build meaningful relationships – all inspired by the world of basketball. Unlock strategies for extraordinary achievement in this inspi#contact us at: [email protected] **Book host KAJ for speaking engagements#coaching sessions#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online** ………………………………………………………………………………… *SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS* Discover products and#you help us create more valuable content for you. Thank you for your support! 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey! Connect with top podcasters#unlock a FREE exclusive 30-minute handholding session with me#whether you're a host or a guest. Join now: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop authentic Indian handloom sarees on Ethnics Land (Since#Khudania Ajay (KAJ)#is a seasoned content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (Indi#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. Connect with Ajay: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaykhudania/ https#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online** 🌐 CONNECT WITH ALL THINGS KAJ 🌐 📺 Watch More: youtube.com/@kajmasterclass 🎧 Lis#contact us at: [email protected] **Book host KAJ for speaking engagements#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online**#Youtube
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FULL VIDEO COURSE| How To Developed 6 Figure Business
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denierob · 2 years
A lifestyle entrepreneur, it's been my goal to help other professionals achieve the same level of financial and time freedom that my family has been enjoying for years.
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golia100 · 3 days
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Do you want to build a successful business in the field of interior design?
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theadventurek9 · 2 years
A hotly debated topic I’ve seen floating around TikTok that I am personally at war with in my own head is pricing for dog training. While I’m not going to go into my own prices right now I’m curious to hear dogblr’s thoughts on it. Both from other profesional trainers and as dog owners that pay for training.
It started with a video of a user exclaiming how having expensive board and trains as their only training options leaves out systematically oppressed minorities in the dog owning community. Which I can agree with, if quality trainers only charge thousands of dollars in training costs then low income people have no access to training other than low quality box store options. (Petsmart/petco) which I used to train for and know that there are some gems training for these companies but largely it’s not.
Then the retaliating side is saying that dog trainers have a right to create programs that cater to what and how they want to train. They also have a right to charge prices that give them an acceptable living that they need. That offering low prices doesn’t keep roofs over head and food on the table. Trainers burn out and end up leaving training for jobs with better pay and security. I don’t know about you guys but I know WAY too many trainers living in pretty poor conditions and barely able to make their payments each month.
I’m currently working with a business coach that has highlighted some points that are ringing with me (because they did not like how low my prices were). If you charge more for higher and more rounded programs (than just in home privates or group classes) then you can build yourself up to help more people later on down the road.
Part of your income should go back into your own education, seminars, mentorships, classes, and so on. Part of your income needs to go into expanding the quality of your business (better facilities, vehicles, equipment, kennels and so on) and then when you have that and your own needs met, you give back to the community. Through scholarships, training for rescue dog programs, free info and all of that. Yet before you can give, you have to make sure you get your own needs met. So that can entail higher end programs to start, getting the the needs of yourself and your business in order, then you can start giving back.
I’m not sure how this would be structured yet but I’m excited of the potential of getting there. I really like the idea of scholarships, then maybe offering some more simple programs down the road.
I’ve already made sales for programs, that are started after I move, but I’ve already reinvested all that money into more online classes for things I feel like I have holes in. I’m also hoping to attend the online clicker expo this year. (DC is just too far, maybe we will attend in 2024 when it’s supposed to be on the western side of the country)
People of all incomes deserve access to basic dog training. Dog trainers deserve to make money and be comfortable. There is a fine line somewhere here and it’s stressing me out to put a finger on it.
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thedigitalnavigator · 3 months
The Ultimate SEO Checklist for Online Coaches in 2024
As an online coach in 2024, leveraging SEO is paramount to attracting more clients and establishing your authority in a competitive digital landscape. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a crucial tool for improving your online visibility and driving organic traffic to your coaching website. Below is the ultimate SEO checklist tailored for online coaches looking to optimize their digital presence effectively.
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1. Comprehensive Keyword Research
Begin with thorough keyword research to identify terms your potential clients are searching for. Focus on long-tail keywords related to your coaching niche, services, and common questions your audience might have. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush can provide valuable insights into search volume and competition levels.
2. Optimized Website Structure
Ensure your website has a clear, logical structure that’s easy for both users and search engines to navigate. Use a straightforward menu with clearly labeled sections and a sitemap to help search engines crawl your site more effectively.
3. High-Quality, Relevant Content
Content is king in the world of SEO. Produce high-quality, informative blog posts, articles, and resources that address the needs and questions of your target audience. Regularly updating your site with fresh content can improve your search engine rankings and keep visitors coming back.
4. On-Page SEO Optimization
For every piece of content you create, ensure you're implementing on-page SEO best practices. This includes using your chosen keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout the content in a natural, reader-friendly way. Also, optimize images by compressing them for faster loading times and using descriptive file names and alt text.
5. Mobile Responsiveness
With the majority of internet browsing now done on mobile devices, your website must be mobile-friendly. Google uses mobile-first indexing, so a responsive design that adjusts to various screen sizes is essential for SEO.
6. Page Load Speed
A slow website can significantly increase your bounce rate and negatively impact your SEO. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check your site’s speed and follow the recommendations to improve load times, such as compressing images and minimizing the use of large files.
7. Secure Website with HTTPS
Security is a top priority for Google and your potential clients. Ensure your website uses HTTPS encryption to protect user data and improve your site’s trustworthiness and search ranking.
8. Backlink Strategy
High-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your niche can greatly enhance your SEO. Focus on building relationships with other coaches, industry websites, and influencers to earn links that boost your site’s authority.
9. Local SEO for Local Coaches
If you offer coaching services in a specific area, local SEO can be incredibly beneficial. Claim your Google My Business listing, include local keywords in your content, and ensure your business is listed accurately on local directories.
10. Analyzing and Refining Your SEO Strategy
SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance, understand how visitors are finding you, and identify areas for improvement. Regularly reviewing and updating your SEO strategy based on performance data is key to staying ahead in search rankings.
11. Engaging Social Media Presence
While social media doesn’t directly influence SEO rankings, it can drive traffic to your website and increase your online visibility. Share your content on social media platforms where your potential clients are active, and engage with your audience to build your brand.
12. User Experience (UX)
Google values websites that provide a good user experience. This includes easy navigation, fast load times, and engaging, valuable content. Ensure your website is designed with the user in mind to not only satisfy search engines but convert visitors into clients.
This SEO checklist for online coaches in 2024 highlights the importance of a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to optimizing your online presence. By following these steps, you can improve your visibility in search engine results, attract more potential clients, and establish yourself as a leading authority in your coaching niche.
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thesaleswhisperer · 4 months
B.S.ers Are SOL in Copywriter Jeff Putnam's World
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...
Listen to Jeff Putnam’s first interview on The Sales Podcast, episode 510, back on June 23, 2021, and see the change he’s made
Deep down, he always wanted to be a writer
He did a project as a kid on Ernest Hemingway and saw a picture of him smoking a cigar and hunting a shark with a machine gun that lit a fire
In December 2018, he got the idea for Rugged Legacy and launched it in early 2019
He didn’t want to work for anyone else
He had to learn copywriting so his business wouldn’t die
Then, he started teaching people how to do it
Wrote two books, and he reads all the time
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Working on a novel and is about 1/3rd complete
Most people suck at writing so they pay him to write
Now 99% of his income comes from writing for others
He focused on Twitter rather than building a “personal brand”
He got so busy with work that he didn’t have the time or interest in building a brand
He no longer promotes himself online
People know who he is
He has a great network now
He has some coaching clients
He wakes up at five am, takes his huskie for a walk, gets some coffee, reads for four hours, then starts his day writing for clients
Vince Flynn/Mitch Rapp series
Jack Reacher series by Lee Child
Loves Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
Will reference a business book but doesn’t sit and read them
Does not like the appeal of the “digital nomad” lifestyle
He doesn’t want to live out of seven suitcases
He spent nearly five years hustling and grinding and perfecting his writing craft
A customer of his asked him if he’d help with their website, and that became his first paying copywriting client, but he was visible and active online and on Twitter, so they knew him
He Googled typical prices for copywriting and added 20% to that
Then he raised his prices until people balked, and then he dropped his prices 5%
He’ll include three revisions, but the fourth is 50% of the original invoice
He doesn’t design websites, but he writes the copy
He loves writing long-form content like 80-page white papers
He’ll write 16k-20k words every ten days or so
Many people confuse niche and industry
He can research any industry and write about it
A Web 3 startup paid him $60k upfront ($5k/mo) to do all of their content, and he had no experience in that space
The Web 3 client saw an article Jeff wrote on marriage and reached out to him
If clients are jerks, he cuts them loose
He charges 6-7 cents per word
He just does words
He uses AI as a style guide by uploading something like a five-paragraph description the client provides
“Additionally…in a fast-paced world…”
He loves 3-piece suits
He’ll sometimes wear his suit to write to anchor himself
“I’m a serious Catholic”
Adoration and Holy Hours and Mass
He carries his rosary always
He has Catholic cigars, Incensum Cigars
He converted to Catholicism last year
There are only 450 TLM churches in the U.S.
His wife is Hispanic who grew up in New England and is Catholic
He spent 18 months writing a book on Catholic masculinity
He decided to go to Mass May 7, 2023, which was two months after he launched the book
His wife was a lapsed Catholic, but now they go weekly
He’s in RCIA and entering the Catholic Church fully this Easter
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
#The Power of Storytelling & Digital Marketing for Small Businesses with Dan Grech | KAJ Masterclass Join us as we discuss the power of story#founder of BizHack Academy. Discover how to leverage storytelling to attract customers and build a marketing-focused culture. Gain insights#this episode offers valuable insights to elevate your marketing game. 🔥 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO🔥 💼 BUSINESS INQUIRIES 💼 For p#contact us at: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………… *SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS* Discover products and services that suppo#you help us create more valuable content for you. Thank you for your support! 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey! Connect with top podcasters#unlock a FREE exclusive 30-minute handholding session with me#whether you're a host or a guest. Join now: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop authentic Indian handloom sarees on Ethnics Land (Since#Khudania Ajay (KAJ)#is a seasoned content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (Indi#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. Connect with Ajay: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaykhudania/ https#coaching sessions#and more: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/book-online** 🌐 CONNECT WITH ALL THINGS KAJ 🌐 📺 Watch More: youtube.com/@kajmasterclass 🎧 List#Youtube
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greatwyrmgold · 7 months
Undersiders Cluster Trigger Without Undersiders
In my previous two posts about an Undersiders cluster trigger, I've talked vaguely about a "cult" where the Undersiders lived before their trigger event. That idea has stuck in my mind since, and the only way I know how to get thoughts like that out of my head is to post them online. Thank god for Tumblr.
Anyways, here's an outline of a high control group which might produce that sort of cluster trigger event. If anyone wanted to write a fanfic about that specific cluster trigger.
The Grift
Meet Andrew Randal. He's an ordinary psychiatrist who wants to give people a second chance. His company, New Growth, offers a wide variety of programs to help people defeat their inner demons and build a new life for themselves.
From an omniscient and objective perspective...Andrew is a charismatic ex-therapist, targeting and testing desperate or vulnerable people. His specific targets are ex-criminals and the criminal-adjacent. Drug addicts, prisoners on parole, supervillain henchmen...even the occasional ex-supervillain. Other kind of desperate people show up, and their money spends well, but they're a pleasant byproduct of the main grift.
Not all of his programs are complete bullshit...just most of them. The core of his stated self-help philosophy revolves around identifying your "inner demons" and building a new, better you that excludes those demons.
Obviously, with many of his clients being convicts or other rule-breakers, conforming to a strict set of prosocial rules is part of this program. For your own good, violation of these rules is met with punishment. (A punishment you agreed to, remember?) Also, since many of his clients are low-income, he also offers a program where clients can perform good, honest labor, both to build character and so they can enjoy the rest of the programs.
Of course, the honest labor is for various agriculture businesses and such that pay Andrew for the labor. This sounds like it might create an employer-employee relationship, but Andrew created a legal defense dense enough that disillusioned clients figure it's not worth testing in court and just leave the program.
Obviously, a lot of Andrew's marketing focuses on framing this in a way that is neither unethical nor illegal. This isn't labor exploitation! This is a chance for people to work hard while they build their futures. It's a chance to bootstrap yourself out of the gutter and into the good life. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to make everyone into complacent sheep, dependent on external aid. And it's all optional, anyways, it's not like clients have to do the work. A lot of people just pay for the normal sessions and move on.
This kind of rhetoric might drive some people off, but it generally isn't used unless there's some specific threat to New Growth that needs to be defeated with facts and logic.
Aside from the obvious benefits of this business model, it lets Andrew identify people who are willing to follow orders and leave their old selves behind. But more on that once I describe...
The Accomplices
Having outlined the grift, let me identify the people helping Andrew with it. While Andrew is not a parahuman, he gathered a few parahumans to help him with his grift.
First is his high school bud, Colter Elliot. Colter fell in with the wrong crowd, barely avoided criminal charges, and got a job at the local youth center. He was a coach for their basketball team, and while he got the kids energized, he was focused on making the kids into an effective basketball team, and not supervised well enough. Colter got settled into this new role, the kids started getting hurt at practice. A few follow-up questions later, an investigation into his coaching practices was launched to figure out whether he should just be fired, or whether he needed to be charged with child abuse.
Colter wound up with one of those borderline Master/Stranger powers, arguably with a dash of Trump. He gives people orders; ignoring them drains your energy, fatiguing you, but following them gives you a burst of strength and energy. (Though not enhanced endurance or resilience or anything. I'm sure he'll use this power responsibly.) Needless to say, he supervises most of the work teams.
Second are two sisters and clustermates, Megan and Lily Fleischer. They triggered when a douche who Lily rejected ambushed the two of them with some friends; the douche drove Lily into a corner and started beating her within an inch of her life, while the friends restrained Megan and kept watch and such.
Megan gained the power to produce fog that messes with people's heads, causing them to get lost in the fogbank and see shapes that aren't there. She also has a Striker power that can make other people emit that fog for a brief period, which they will of course be surrounded by. She was mostly recruited for her marketing expertise.
Lily has two Striker powers. One of them is basically a weaker version of Megan's secondary power—it makes someone spew smoke, which doesn't have any effect beyond obscuring vision and smoke inhalation. The other Striker power incapacitates people with hallucinations, which she can influence but which are largely drawn from the target's mind.
Lily's hallucinatory touch is a key part of Andrew's process for finding people's inner demons; another key part is lying about what the power actually does. They're primed to expect that they'll face down their inner demons in psychic combat, so that's what they hallucinate. Lily's control is sufficient to make sure that they always lose, unless they've paid/worked for enough programs to slay one of those demons.
The last significant parahuman is Lavender Green, formerly the supervillain Bioeffector. Her power isn't as hyper-specific as Colter or Lily's, so I won't dwell on her trigger event. She brews tinkertech slurries of chemicals and protists, which inducing some kind of growth or healing in living organisms.
(As an aside: A bioeffector is a microorganism which can kinda fertilize soil it's in. Lavender thinks it was a clever name, but nobody knows what a bioeffector is, so most people assume she called herself that because her slurries have effects on biology. So they think her name is lame.)
Lavender joins New Growth after it's been operational for a few years, but Andrew realizes she compliments his team well. Partly by giving him something else to sell to the big farms they work for, mostly by giving their clients a way to recover from Colton's encouragement.
The Cult
Andrew's first cult-y move is sleeping with a bunch of women under his authority, without letting any of them know he's sleeping with anyone else. For the most part, it's just women with useful talents that he wants to exploit—Lavender, the Fleischer sisters, some non-parahumans with mundane skills, probably another parahuman or two. The sex is as much a means to keep them loyal to him as it is, you know, pleasure.
But Andrew isn't just watching New Growth for potential girlfriends. He's watching for people who can be manipulated—people who follow even the most ridiculous orders, who want to actively bury their old identities and find new ones. People who are willing to become Andrew's slaves (of the non-sexual variety).
The next bit is just...normal high control group stuff. I'll skip the way he breaks people down and molds them to suit his needs and amasses hundreds of followers, and skip to the bit where he buys some land in the middle of nowhere and set up a compound.
By this point, Andrew has convinced his loyal followers about a vast conspiracy that wants to destroy people like them. It's a hodgepodge of common conspiracy tropes, with a bit of parahuman flavor, and probably turning the inner demons from metaphor into "No, Lily's power lets you fight literal demons that live in your brain."
(If a theoretical fanfic author detailed this conspiracy, they should probably indulge the urge to give them a broken-clock moment about a cabal that all superheroes work for or powers coming from aliens. That's just fun.)
So he moves himself, Colter, his girlfriends, hundreds of his followers, and hundreds more of their children/spouses/etc to an isolated location. In this place, called New Hope, he continues his spiel about hard work and defeating your innqer demons and stuff. His followers are already familiar with farming, and Lavender's tinker slurries let them turn mediocre pasture into decently fertile farmland. Most of the followers do that, some of them work in a sweatshop; both farm and sweatshop produce goods that are sold to give New Hope its own source of revenue.
(Note that New Growth is still operating as a business back home; its exploitative practices are just less relevant now that Andrew isn't trying to recruit from its clientele.)
There's firm control within the cult, but relatively little conflict. The residents' powers are underutilized, their shards neglected. So perhaps it's no surprise that Andrew suffers an unexpected death when a disagreement between him and Colter turns violent.
It's often said that a cult's second leader plays a pivotal role in its long-term trajectory, perhaps more important than the first. Colter rises to the challenge. He spins Andrew's death as the result of cabal activity or alien superpowers or something, and steps into the role of cult leader.
Colter is less subtle and less charismatic than Andrew, but he knows how to make people fall in line, can tell a good lie, and basically everyone there is used to taking orders from him. There's a brief power struggle between Colter and Megan, which leads to Megan taking over external operations and Colter running the compound. They share resources, and Megan tries to direct new recruits to the compound, but neither she nor anyone else has as much experience identifying good marks as Andrew does, so it's a pretty slow trickle.
New Hope probably has some clashes with the odd independent superhero or regional villain, but for the most part it's stable. Colter consolidates power over the place and indulges in a more hedonistic flavor of cult leader behavior.
Some more parahumans pop up—several children of Andrew's parahuman girlfriends, a couple of random triggers. Most of these get integrated into Colter's inner circle.
One of the random triggers was a teenager pushed to and past the breaking point by Colter and his power; she turned against the cult in frustration, was driven out by Colter's lieutenants, and continues to hang around in a nearby roadside town. She doesn't want to leave her family with Colter, and worries that they'll get killed if the authorities get involved. (This worry is about two parts lingering conspiracism, one part awareness of things like the Waco siege.) Her efforts to wreck the cult from the outside keep things from staying too calm.
But the first big challenge to New Hope is that cluster trigger.
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kushitworld · 7 months
Elevate Your Fitness Business: Uncovering the SEO Benefits
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In the digital age, the fitness industry is booming, and competition is fierce. As a fitness business owner, it’s crucial to stand out and reach your target audience effectively. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this article, we’ll explore how harnessing the SEO benefits can help elevate your fitness business and drive growth.
1. Increased Visibility in Search Engines
The primary goal of SEO is to improve the visibility of your fitness business in search engine results. By optimizing your website and content, you increase the likelihood of appearing on the first page of search results when potential clients search for fitness-related services in your area. Enhanced visibility means more exposure to your target audience, leading to increased inquiries and bookings.
2. Targeted Traffic
SEO enables you to attract highly targeted traffic. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for random visitors, you can focus your efforts on specific keywords and phrases relevant to your fitness services. For instance, you can optimize your content for keywords such as “personal training in [your city],” “yoga classes,” or “online fitness coaching.” By aligning your content with these keywords, you attract visitors who are actively seeking the services you offer, increasing the likelihood of converting them into clients.
3. Showcase Your Services
Your website serves as a digital brochure for your fitness business. It’s where potential clients get their first impression of your services. By optimizing your website with clear and detailed information about your fitness programs, trainers, and facility, you provide a comprehensive resource for visitors. Include high-quality images, descriptions, and pricing information to give a transparent view of what you offer. This transparency helps build trust and encourages potential clients to get in touch.
4. Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews are crucial in the decision-making process for potential clients. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Facebook, and prominently display them on your website. Positive reviews not only enhance your credibility but also improve your SEO. Search engines value user-generated content, and highly-rated businesses tend to rank better in search results.
5. Local SEO for Enhanced Visibility
Local SEO is particularly significant for fitness businesses, as clients often seek services within their geographic area. To enhance your local SEO, ensure that your business is listed on Google My Business and other local directories. Consistency in your business’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across these platforms is vital for local search engine rankings. This will help your fitness business appear in local search results, attracting clients in your vicinity.
6. Valuable Content
Creating informative and engaging content is vital for SEO success. Regularly publish blog posts, articles, and fitness tips on your website. This content can be related to workout routines, nutrition, wellness advice, or success stories of your clients. Besides providing value to your audience, it offers opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords, further boosting your website’s SEO.
7. Mobile Optimization
With the surge in mobile device usage, having a mobile-responsive website is essential. Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions seamlessly on various devices, improving the user experience and enhancing your SEO.
8. Social Media Integration
While not a direct SEO factor, a strong presence on social media platforms can indirectly impact your online visibility. Share fitness tips, success stories, and blog posts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Encourage your followers to engage with your content, as social signals such as likes, shares, and comments can positively influence your website’s SEO.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation
SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and adaptation. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance. Keep an eye on your rankings, the keywords that drive traffic, and the pages that are the most popular. Make adjustments to your SEO strategy based on the data you collect to stay competitive in the dynamic fitness industry.
In conclusion, SEO is a powerful tool for elevating your fitness business in the digital world. It enhances your online visibility, attracts targeted traffic, and establishes your expertise in the fitness industry. By optimizing your website, creating high-quality content, and engaging with potential clients on social media, you can leverage SEO to grow your fitness business and stand out in a competitive market. Remember that SEO is an ongoing effort, and staying updated with the latest trends is essential for maintaining your competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.
Source: https://kushitworld.com/2023/10/31/elevate-your-fitness-business-uncovering-the-seo-benefits/
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secret-third-thing · 7 months
Ivy and cactus for the ask game!
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
In person, it's generally pretty obvious if I'm not happy. I either look happy or tired. And tired can mean anything from actually tired to extremely depressed or angry.
Online/On voice? You won't know unless I tell you. I'm generally pretty good at masking my feelings. Also, I am really busy in my day to day so "time it takes for STT to answer" is not a good indicator of my feelings.
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
Scoping my stories! Everything I want to write is pretty long and involved. And when I writer shorter pieces (between 3k-7k) it feels a little wonky. So @thevanserrras is coaching me in drabble writing so I can slowly build up to longer one-shots again.
Thank you for asking!! Play along if you'd like!
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smarterbiznetwork · 8 months
SMART(ER) Business Network Overview – Episode 3 – Member Resource Shop
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For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
 Now for a word from our fearless leader! : )
“Welcome, SMART(ER) Business Network members! We understand that navigating a vast array of features and resources can be overwhelming.
That’s why we’ve created this series of videos to help you understand what you have access to and how to leverage these powerful tools for your business efforts.
In each episode, we’ll dive deep into specific areas, guiding you through the features step-by-step. And don’t worry, we’ll be continually adding more features to meet your evolving needs.
So, you can always come back and check what’s new and make sure you’re not missing out on any game-changing opportunities.
We know that as a new member, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information and possibilities within the network. But fear not!
Our series is designed to address things that overwhelm you and provide you with a clear roadmap to success.
Here you are, visiting the third episode of the series, with a total of twenty episodes published so far. And guess what?
We’re always open to adding more as we discover new features and innovative ways to support your growth.
Our goal is to ensure you have a comprehensive guide to follow, empowering you to make the most of your membership.
So, get ready to unlock the full potential of the SMART(ER) Business Network. We’re here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance, feedback, and insights to help you achieve your business goals.
See you inside!”
Session 3: Unleash Your Business Potential with Our Resource Shop!
Welcome to the heart of the SMART(ER) Business Network! As a member, you’ll find yourself coming back to this section time and again, as it holds the key to planning, launching, and building your work-from-home or anywhere business.
Imagine a shop that brings together a multitude of online stores, all at your fingertips. That’s exactly what our resource shop does for you. Whether you’re a member or not, you’ll discover an incredible array of products and services right here.
Just take a peek inside: Lead Magnet Kits, Business Checklists, Business Planners and Journals, Video & Blog Templates, AI Prompt Engineer Sets, Email Swipe Files, and even PLR materials. It’s a treasure trove of resources!
But that’s not all. On the tool side, we have over 1000 options, including WordPress Premium tools and plugins. These tools are designed to boost the efficiency of your organization, focusing on productivity, marketing, and content creation and publishing.
Now here’s the exciting part: as a member of the SMART(ER) Business Network, you not only enjoy lower prices, but you also receive a permanent 10% discount on all your purchases. That means incredible savings for you!
But wait, there’s more. When your referrals make purchases to support their businesses, you’ll earn affiliate commissions. It’s a win-win situation that helps you start earning as fast as possible while ensuring we take care of our members through low prices and discounts.
Our core values revolve around providing massive value, overdelivering, and offering support in the best manner possible. We’re here to help you succeed without draining your bank accounts. That’s our promise to you!
Episode Wrap Up
To join now, go to the offer pages at https://smarterbizacademy.com under the shop menu tab. There you will see the various offers and can register to get started.
While there on the home page, you will also note the banners on the top and bottom of the page. The top one will take you to the latest sales offer (often the best offer too, by the way!), while the bottom banner will take you to the recruiting contest.
The recruiting contest runs from month to month and the data collection starts new (old data is purged/destroyed except for winners and reward recipient’s information for network use to track membership).
In Case You Missed Them – For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series again:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
Again, see you inside! Please view the video and ask any questions in the comment section! We will get back to you ASAP…There are no dumb questions…We are here to help…
Coach Dave
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marigoldispeculiar · 1 year
A Warning About Business/Entrepreneur Courses
Be very, very wary of any influencer, coach, or guru who claims their online course or coaching services can teach you how to run a successful business. Be even more wary of anyone who claims they can teach you how to run a successful coaching service of your own!
The fact is that most new businesses will fail. And as creatives, it can certainly feel like the deck is stacked against us. Grifters prey on this by promising that, if we just pay for theirs services, we'll be guaranteed success; don't fall for this! Remember: when you buy their courses or coaching, you are supporting their business, not your own.
Unfortunately, there is no secret path to guaranteed success. The most useful pieces of business advice are the basics about tracking expenses, staying organized, and doing research. Look to reputable free resources (like investopedia) or take a course from an accredited institution. But avoid flashy coaches and gurus at all costs; they build their success at the expense of your own!
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risetomastery · 8 months
How to Turn Your Online Business Dreams into Reality
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Introduction: The Digital Frontier of Entrepreneurship Selecting a Niche and Business Model: The Foundation of Success Building Your Online Platform and Brand: Your Digital Headquarters Creating High-Demand Products and Services: Delivering Value to Your Audience Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies: Attracting Targeted Traffic Diversifying Revenue Streams for Maximum Profits: Building Financial Stability Optimizing for Maximum Profitability Long-Term: Building a Sustainable Business Conclusion: Turning Dreams into Reality True successful story
Introduction: The Digital Frontier of Entrepreneurship
In today's digital age, the rise of the internet and technology has revolutionized the way we do business. It has opened a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs to start and run their own businesses online. Online businesses offer flexibility, scalability, and the potential for global reach. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a step-by-step framework for building a profitable online business from the ground up. Whether you want to start a side business or build a full-time online empire, follow this ultimate guide to turn your idea into a thriving, sustainable online business. With focus, grit, and commitment to continuous improvement, you can build the profitable online business of your dreams.
Selecting a Niche and Business Model: The Foundation of Success
The foundation of every successful online business is choosing a profitable, in-demand niche and a business model tailored to your goals. Select a niche you're passionate about; this will make creating content a breeze. Conduct thorough keyword research to assess search volume and demand. Join relevant online communities to connect with your audience and understand their needs. Evaluate direct competitors in the niche and aim for less saturated niches or unique angles. Consider affiliate marketing potential, as some niches offer higher commissions. Assess opportunities to create multiple products and monetize in diverse ways. Examples of popular online business niches include health, fitness, personal finance, pet care, tech, travel, content marketing, home design, spirituality, language learning, and more. Choose a business model that complements your niche and provides multiple income stream opportunities. Many successful online businesses incorporate 3-4 monetization models. Some of the best online business models to consider include: 1. Blogging: Make money with display ads, affiliates, and branded products. 2. Online Courses: Sell your knowledge and expertise as courses. 3. Dropshipping: Curate and sell products without inventory. 4. Affiliate Marketing: Earn commissions promoting other companies' products. 5. Information Products: Sell online books, templates, checklists, and more. 6. Virtual Services: Provide consulting, freelancing, coaching, or other services. 7. Subscription Membership Site: Offer exclusive content or tools for a monthly fee. 8. E-commerce Store: Sell physical products, merchandising, and more. Your choice should complement your niche and offer multiple income streams. Many successful online businesses incorporate 3-4 monetization models.
Building Your Online Platform and Brand: Your Digital Headquarters
Your website or blog will serve as the headquarters for your online business. Invest time upfront in creating an optimized, professional-looking platform. Purchase a domain name that matches your brand, ideally a .com if available. Select reliable web hosting with optimal speed and uptime. Install WordPress or ecommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Design an on-brand, mobile-responsive theme that conveys your style. Include essential pages like Home, About, Contact, Services, Blog, and Shop. Set up email marketing and analytics to capture leads and track traffic data. Create visually branded assets such as logos, color palettes, fonts, and graphics. Ensure a cohesive user experience across all touchpoints. If you lack web development skills, consider hiring a freelance designer to bring your vision to life. Continually optimize your website for higher traffic, leads, and sales over time. This includes technical enhancements, user experience improvements, and page speed optimizations.
Creating High-Demand Products and Services: Delivering Value to Your Audience
The key to running a profitable online business is consistently creating products and services that deliver extreme value to your audience. Popular digital products you can create include online courses, eBooks, guides, checklists, software, premium memberships, virtual events, video tutorials, templates, and more. When brainstorming products, look for opportunities to simplify lives, save time, educate, entertain, or improve outcomes for your target customers. Leverage your expertise and tap into the skills of others to create premium offerings. High-value services like consulting, freelancing, coaching, and more can also be extremely lucrative. Promote your services through your website and social platforms. Structure your offerings to passively earn income over time, such as online courses that continually generate sales vs. 1-on-1 services that require ongoing effort. Deliver an excellent user experience across your products and relentlessly optimize based on feedback to foster raving fans who refer others.
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Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies: Attracting Targeted Traffic
Once your online platform and offerings are ready, it's time to start attracting targeted traffic using proven marketing tactics. A diverse marketing mix is key. Some of the top strategies include: 1. Content Marketing: Create engaging blog posts, videos, and visual content. 2. SEO: Optimize your website for search engines through on-page optimization and link-building. 3. PPC Ads: Utilize platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for pay-per-click advertising. 4. Email Marketing: Build your email list with lead magnets, newsletters, and automation. 5. Social Media Marketing: Employ organic and paid tactics to engage your audience. 6. Affiliate Marketing: Recruit others to promote your products and earn commissions. 7. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with relevant influencers in your niche. 8. Live Events: Host local meetups or virtual events to connect with your audience. 9. Podcast Guest Appearances: Grow your authority and reach new audiences. 10. Retargeting Ads: Remarket to previous site visitors across the web. Start by focusing on 1-3 core channels, then expand your efforts over time. Pay-per-click and social ads can help quickly scale an audience, while SEO and content creation tend to be most cost-effective in the long-term. Leverage tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Business Suite, and landing page builders to optimize results across all campaigns. Don't hesitate to enlist help from digital marketing agencies and specialists.
Diversifying Revenue Streams for Maximum Profits: Building Financial Stability
Generating multiple streams of revenue is key for building a highly profitable online business. Diversification reduces risk and provides stability as each income channel goes through ups and downs. Here are some of the most lucrative online business revenue models: 1. Product/Service Sales: Your core monetization stream. Ensure competitive yet profitable pricing. 2. Advertising: Display ads, sponsorships, native advertising, etc. Set up Google Ad Manager. 3. Affiliate Marketing: Promote other company's products for commissions. Join affiliate networks. 4. Memberships/Subscriptions: Offer exclusive benefits, content, or tools for a monthly fee. 5. Events: Sell tickets for online or in-person events and training programs. 6. Dropshipping: Curate and sell products without holding inventory. 7. Physical Merchandise: Sell branded products with print-on-demand services. 8. Consulting/Freelancing: Sell your skills and expertise through 1-on-1 services. 9. Tip Jars/Donations: Allow fans to tip or donate to show support. Aim to generate income from both active efforts like service packages and passive streams like online courses that earn as you sleep. Automate processes wherever possible to scale income without increasing workload proportionally. Reinvest profits back into growing your business and diversifying income channels to create an unstoppable snowball effect over time.
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Optimizing for Maximum Profitability Long-Term: Building a Sustainable Business
Launching a profitable online business is an important first step. However, creating systems and processes that enable high profitability long-term is vital for sustaining growth. Here are some best practices for optimizing operations and profitability: - Obsessively track KPIs and metrics for all marketing channels and funnels. Analyze data to optimize underperforming areas. - Create excellent customer support systems. Provide prompt, personalized support to increase satisfaction and referrals. - Automate repetitive tasks wherever possible with tools like Zapier. Automate lead collection, customer onboarding, analytics, inventory management, etc. - Systematize your product creation process to quickly test and validate new product ideas, then scale those that resonate. - Document your systems and processes so future hires can replicate them. This includes SOPs for customer service, product fulfillment, etc. - Build a skilled team over time by hiring virtual assistants, freelancers, agencies, and eventually full-time employees. Focus on higher-level strategy. - Maintain work-life balance as a long-term entrepreneur. Make time for adequate rest, leisure, and self-care to avoid burnout. By staying agile, embracing innovation, and relentlessly providing value to your audience, you can build an online business that delivers meaningful income for decades to come.
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Conclusion: Turning Dreams into Reality
Starting and running a profitable online business takes consistent effort and persistence. However, by zeroing in on a niche, selecting the right model, crafting high-value offerings, implementing diverse marketing strategies, diversifying your revenue streams, and optimizing for maximum efficiency, you can build an online business that provides freedom and fulfillment for years to come. Remember to stay obsessively focused on understanding and serving your target audience. Combine your passion with grit, resilience, and creativity. With the right mindset and business foundations in place, you have immense potential to build a thriving online business that stands out and makes a lasting impact. The time to stop dreaming and start taking action is now. Follow this comprehensive guide to turn your online business idea into reality, step-by-step. You can build an online empire that allows you to live life on your terms. The possibilities are truly endless if you commit to continuous learning and improvement. Let this guide spark the fire within and set you on the path to online business success. Start pursuing your online entrepreneur dream today.
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True successful story
To illustrate the principles and strategies discussed in this comprehensive guide, let's delve into the inspiring true story of Pat Flynn and his online business, Smart Passive Income. Smart Passive Income - About Pat Flynn Background: Pat Flynn was once an aspiring architect who unexpectedly found himself laid off during the economic downturn in 2008. Faced with uncertainty, he turned to the online world to seek alternative income sources. His journey began with a blog, which he aptly named Smart Passive Income (SPI). Selecting a Niche and Business Model: Pat recognized that there was a significant demand for information about creating online businesses and generating passive income. He was passionate about sharing his experiences, both successes and failures, and helping others navigate the world of online entrepreneurship. Pat's chosen niche was personal finance, but his business model extended beyond blogging. Building Your Online Platform and Brand: Pat invested in creating a professional-looking platform for SPI. He purchased a domain name, set up reliable web hosting, and designed an appealing website. His commitment to providing value was evident through the content he produced on his blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. His brand, Smart Passive Income, became synonymous with transparency, authenticity, and actionable advice. Creating High-Demand Products and Services: One of Pat's significant successes came from his creation of online courses and informational products. He developed courses on topics like email marketing, affiliate marketing, and podcasting, leveraging his expertise and audience trust. These products delivered immense value to his audience and contributed significantly to his income. Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies: Pat's marketing strategy was built on content marketing, podcasting, and email marketing. He consistently produced high-quality blog posts and podcasts, which not only attracted a dedicated audience but also positioned him as an industry expert. His email list grew as he offered valuable lead magnets and nurtured his subscribers. Diversifying Revenue Streams for Maximum Profits: Pat's income streams diversified over time. In addition to course sales, he earned from affiliate marketing, book sales, and speaking engagements. He also ventured into software development, creating tools like the Smart Podcast Player. This diversification provided stability and mitigated risk. Optimizing for Maximum Profitability Long-Term: Pat was relentless in optimizing his operations. He regularly analyzed data and user feedback to improve his products and content. His team expanded as the business grew, allowing him to focus on strategic decision-making. Pat prioritized work-life balance, emphasizing family and well-being. Conclusion: Pat Flynn's journey from unexpected job loss to the creation of a successful online business, Smart Passive Income, serves as an inspiring real-life example of the principles discussed in this guide. His dedication to providing value, commitment to continuous improvement, and willingness to diversify income streams are key takeaways for anyone aspiring to build a thriving online business. Pat's story reminds us that with the right mindset and a clear vision, online entrepreneurship can lead to a fulfilling and prosperous career.
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informative-fun · 9 months
Transformation Life Coach Cer
How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca ICF Life Coach Certification Online - ICF Business Coach Certification Online How Do I Get ICF Life Coach Certification Online Online ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Can I Start A Business Coaching Company Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Business Coach Certification Online Life Coach Certification Training Virtual ICF Accredited Life Coach Programs Online Top Accredited Life Coach Certification
From Real Estate Agent and Yoga Instructor To 7-Figure Life Coach Hi! I'm Ashley, and in just a few short years, I switched careers from real estate and yoga instructor to life coaching and built a seven-figure empire that changes lives. You may be wondering just how the heck I did that. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program How Do I Become Business Coach Trained Get Life Coach Training and Certified Online ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Quantum Coaching Academy - How Can I Start A Life Coaching Company Quantum Coaching Academy Coaching Certification Turn Your Coaching Calling Into A Coaching Craft And End Up Being A First-rate Certified Quantum Coach Coaching isn't a profession It's a CALLING? ?A calling you've felt pulsing inside your soul for ages now-- and you're beyond all set to answer it. And if desire was all it took to end up being a first-rate coach, you 'd be successful AF. When you close your eyes, you can visualize the thousands of people you were put on Earth to serve. You can feel the excitement build in your cells as you imagine your ripple effect covering the world in a high-vibe blanket of extensive love and awakening. And honestly, you're secretly delighted when you picture just how much cash you might make just by changing lives. You've become aware of coaches who make 6-, numerous or perhaps 7-figures doing what they like. However then, the dream comes to a shrieking halt. You snap back to your current reality and start to stress over things like: Whether you "understand enough" to help any person. I mean, sure you've got your life experience and your own personal development stories, but is that really what your customers need? Or exists more to being a coach? Whether you can make sure your customers are getting the very best outcomes possible when they work with you. You've been losing sleep due to the fact that you care a lot about your customers' growth and change, and you just wish to feel great about what you deliver as a coach. Quantum Coaching Academy - Coaching Certification Program How To Become Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Have a look around and book a discovery call and let's discover your true calling https://www.quantumcoachco.com/qca https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VESzPgws0-ASbEE4artblQeH3yWKl11EqIOAemiMI8I/edit?usp=sharing https://transformationlifecoachcertif276.blogspot.com/2023/09/transformation-life-coach-certification.html Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy Online Transformation Life Coach Certification Quantum Coaching Academy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bUndKkroA6qkttpm7ohuhfK_s9ZWBRjCXZCW4Vle2Us/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQFI72BFW7DSqYo8CPgzICv1iK5KpqddnbN71CbEbNSJDFmLMEUxHkUmBpVwrVx8EC88J1_7rNurS43/pub/ https://onlinetransformationlifecoach468.blogspot.com/ https://onlinetransformationlifecoach468.blogspot.com/2023/09/online-transformation-life-coach.html https://www.tumblr.com/fun-blogs-usa/728827523690070016 https://howtobecometransformationlife883.blogspot.com/ https://howtobecometransformationlife883.blogspot.com/2023/09/how-to-become-transformation-life-coach.html
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