#hospital de santana
chicoterra · 19 days
Hospital de Santana usa leitura como método terapêutico para crianças
Projeto “Leitura Também Cura” distribui livros infantis para os pacientes atendidos e internados na pediatria. Por: Jamile Moreira Para comemorar o Dia Mundial do Livro, que acontece nesta quinta-feira, 18, o Hospital Estadual em Santana (HES) deu início ao projeto “Leitura Também Cura”, com a distribuição de livros infantis para as crianças atendidas e internadas no local. O projeto usa a…
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redacaonacional · 2 years
Bahia: Governo do Estado investe mais de R$ 25,4 milhões na Saúde de Feira de Santana e anuncia construção de 57 novos leitos
Bahia: Governo do Estado investe mais de R$ 25,4 milhões na Saúde de Feira de Santana e anuncia construção de 57 novos leitos
Bahia: O governador Rui Costa, acompanhado pela secretária da Saúde da Bahia, Adélia Pinheiro, autorizou nesta quinta-feira (26), em Feira de Santana, o início das obras de reforma e ampliação do Hospital Geral Clériston Andrade (HGCA), cujo investimento é superior a R$ 17,4 milhões e resultará na implantação de 57 novos leitos. Na oportunidade, ainda foi entregue a reforma e requalificação da…
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purasangree · 28 days
¿Sabes quién es el de la foto?
Es diputado del PSOE, se llama André Diouf y le pagas 71.897€ al año.
En 2005 fue condenado a 1,5 años de cárcel por dar una brutal paIiza a Gregorio González y María Victoria Santana, un matrimonio de avanzada edad residente en Canarias.
A Gregorio le reventó las costillas y le provocó un traumatismo craneoencefálico perforándole el tímpano a patadas. Lo dejó sordo.
El matrimonio fue trasladado en helicóptero al hospital debido a la gravedad de su estado de salud derivada de la violencia extrema del asaltante.
Sánchez lo hizo diputado para cumplir con la cuota racial y ahora nos da lecciones de ética y humildad desde el congreso.
✅ t.me/noticias2030
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Taylor Swift’s Rio tour marred by deaths, muggings and a dangerous heat wave
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The deaths of two people, muggings and a dangerous heat wave left legions of Taylor Swift’s Brazilian fans angry and disappointed in the three-day Rio de Janeiro leg of the pop superstar’s Eras Tour, which concludes Monday night.
Gabriel Mongenot Santana Milhomem Santos, 25, a fan who had traveled from the country’s center-west region to see Swift, was stabbed to death on a Copacabana beach about 3 a.m. Monday, Rio’s police said in a statement.
It was the second death of a Swift fan in four days. On Friday, 23-year-old Ana Clara Benevides Machado fell ill during the singer’s first show in the city, and died later that evening at a hospital.
Fans also reported fainting from extreme heat, being mugged or getting caught up in a police raid.
Continue reading.
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theretirementstory · 3 months
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Greetings from a cloudy Bar sur Aube, where it’s 7c at the moment. We are due a maximum of 10c so it’s not going to be that much warmer. It has rained a lot but we have had some high ish temperatures along with a weak sun but it’s the rain you remember especially when it’s a very heavy downpour and you are soaked!
I did smile when I saw the Drappier Champagne van at the Gendarmerie, the Drappier driver wasn’t delivering so I wonder if he had been speeding or worse still “drunk in charge of the champagne van”.
Anie messaged on Sunday afternoon to say could she come visit me, of course, I produced mince pies and coffee cake along with one of the new teas Monique had bought me for Xmas. She stayed for about an hour, it was enough really, I am finding it hard to concentrate on hearing French for longer than that. She always brings some gift and this time it was a small jar of the herb sariette and a jar of marmalade. I baked a batch of cheese scones yesterday, I added some sariette and herbes de Provence, they were really lovely.
Monique has been in touch keeping me up to date with her blood tests, appointments etc.
My fortnightly blood test was due and the nurse arrived promptly. The results are not coming back as quickly as previously but perhaps it’s the tests requested that make the results arrive later.
The plumber came to install the new boiler, amazing all finished in 3.5 hours! Oh the luxury have having lovely hot water “on tap”. You don’t miss something until it is taken away from you.
My grandchildren are with “The Photographer” this weekend and then it’s “the big adventure”, they are going to London from Monday to Thursday to go to the Zoo and the Natural History museum.
“The Ex-Graduate” will be starting her final week at the bar, where she worked part-time while studying and full time since her studying finished. She starts her new job in a couple of weeks so she will be given a new title on here too 😊.
“The Trainee Solicitor” is working his socks off and will be looking forward to a little break away from home for a few days. Next week will be busy at work as two staff members are on holiday but you can only do as much as you can do in the hours you are at work so just keep that in mind!
So let’s have a look at my music choices this week. I don’t know how I hadn’t thought of this one before now. I have no idea what makes a good guitarist I just know that some music just gets to you. Here is one of the guitar greats doing what he does best! The song was released in 1999 😳, it is “Smooth” by Santana featuring Rob Thomas. Well if that doesn’t get you moving I am not sure what will!
The second song is one that always makes me “feel good”, I want to get up and leap around. We go way back to 1970 for this hit from George Harrison, the song is “What is Life”. Enjoy listening to these tracks today.
So today was the day I had been looking forward to, the day of the visit to the gorgeous “La Belvedere” restaurant for lunch. I was disappointed when Maud messaged to say she had had bronchitis and was still coughing so thought it best to cancel the restaurant. Oh well until the next time 😉. I am going to make myself something “tasty” for lunch 🤞and if I get out of bed now, I may be able to prepare a super dessert too.
It was the knitting group on Friday and I must say we were a little depleted! The 92/93 year old lady is suffering with her back so was unable to attend. The newest member of the group had previously been into hospital for an operation and therefore didn’t arrive until about 4pm. Helene, a lady who suffers from some neurological problem couldn’t come as she was unwell and her husband (who brings her) was also unwell. It was just as well I had decided to go! I was only going to stay for a couple of hours and forego the cake and drink, however, I brought the “tarte” home with me and enjoyed it after my evening meal. We were discussing the best things to make to sell at the markets. It was suggested that we tried key fobs, I produced a pattern for some pendants and earrings and will photocopy the pattern to take back in a fortnight. The ladies were impressed with my little cardigan . It has been decided that from now on a receipt needs to be produced to show the cost of materials, I guess that puts paid to a refund for me, as the wool I have had for years, so no longer have the receipt. Oh well does it matter, it gets the wool used up 😊.
Now I am going to “put my best foot forward” (wish I knew which one it was 😂) .
I think this photo should be called “house on the hill”.
I wish you all a good week until next week.
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meninoapaixonado-o · 1 month
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CAP VI - A máscara prevenia o covid ou apenas escondia um rosto triste?
Após o carnaval, surgiu uma pandemia que ninguém sabia o que era, ninguém esperava, ninguém sabia quanto tempo iria durar.
Foi uma das piores experiências pra Andrew, porque a recomendação era todo mundo ficar em casa, não tinha lugares pra sair e como seria então pra ver o Dizaster?
Andrew não era assumido pros pais, conforme foi dito no início do livro, e até esse momento continuava da mesma forma. Como ver Dizaster? Como dormir com ele todos os finais de semana? É aí que a pandemia além de matar diversas pessoas, começou a matar um amor.
Sabendo disso, Andrew conversou com Dizaster, trouxe a questão de não ter como vê-lo todo final de semana e afins, mas a esperança de que isso logo fosse passar era maior, então eles separaram os finais de semana no mês e decidiram os dias que iriam se ver e se amar, estava dando certo. Apesar dessa distância e todo o distanciamento que a pandemia trouxe, eles continuavam se vendo todos os dias no trabalho e fazendo dá certo algo que pra eles seria de forma temporária: a pandemia.
Andrew saía do trabalho e ia pra casa do Dizaster direto, quebrando a quarentena todos os dias. Um COVID misterioso ou diversos dias de amor? Diversos dias de amor, mas é claro.
Além de tudo isso, o Andrew estava no último semestre da faculdade, escrevendo tcc e tendo aulas de forma remota, o sonho de fazer formatura indo cada vez pelo ralo… e nunca houve.
Com pouco tempo de pandemia foi surgindo diversos casos inclusive em Feira de Santana, não demorou muito e Andrew ficou doente. Iniciou com o paladar e o olfato faltando, após isso, dor forte de cabeça e tosse seca fazendo com que houvesse muita dor na parte do pulmão.
Dizaster por sua vez, não teve nada, talvez tenha sido assintomático. Já Andrew teve que ficar por 17 dias fora do trabalho e afastado do Dizaster, sendo que ele tinha programado o pedido de namoro para o dia dos namorados e nesse dia ele estava no hospital recebendo medicação, acabando com o pedido e a data especial que ele queria pra selar esse amor.
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arquivoilhabela · 1 year
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► 1950 – Filme “Caiçara”. . Filmado na cidade de Ilhabela, ‘Caiçara’ é uma viagem ao túnel do tempo, apresentando a paisagem exótica da ilha e a história da mulher que vem de fora e é disputada pelos caiçaras. . Ele apresenta cenas na fazenda Engenho d’Água, Rua do Meio (Vila), os antigos armazéns da Rua Doutor Carvalho (Shopping São Paulo), a extinta Colônia Z4 (Vila), Píer da Vila e dos Barreiros, Pedras do Sino, capela de Santana (Siriúba), antiga Cadeia e Fórum, Cemitério (Cantagalo), Congada e Caiapó, etc. . No elenco estão: Eliane Lage, Carlos Vergueiro, Mário Sérgio, Abílio Pereira de Almeida, Adolfo Celi (diretor) entre vários moradores de Ilhabela, que foram convidados para participar das filmagens. . No filme: Marina é uma jovem filha de leprosos cujos pais foram internados antes que ela contraísse a doença. Ela, contudo, sofre com medo de adoecer e com o preconceito das pessoas. Isso a leva a aceitar a proposta de casamento com José Amaro, um homem que viu apenas duas vezes. Amaro é construtor de barcos na Ilha Verde (Ilhabela). . Marina não o ama, mas vai morar com ele na ilha. Logo faz amizade com o menino Chico e a avó dele, Sinhá Felicidade, ex-sogra de Amaro que o acusa de ter abandonado a filha no hospital para morrer. Sinhá Felicidade alerta Marina que o marido é mau e que ela deveria se separar dele. Enquanto isso, o marinheiro Alberto ouve falar de Ilha Verde e da lenda das pedras do sino; ao ver um retrato de Marina, resolve ir até lá em busca de emprego. . #caiçara1950 #adolfoceli #elianelageatriz #filmecaiçcara #caiçarailhabela #filmeilhabela #congadailhabela #congada #caiapó #caiapóilhabela #arquivoilhabela #acervoilhabela (em Ilhabela Litoral Norte - SP - Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2ztoEuLRj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apwmagazine · 1 year
Marlene Santana y su onlyfans filtrado en twitter y reddit, que paso con Marlene2995?
Marlene Santana y su onlyfans filtrado en twitter y reddit, que paso con Marlene2995?
  Marlene Santana y su onlyfans filtrado en twitter y reddit, que paso con Marlene2995? Marlene Santana es la hija menor de Thomas y Francesca Santana. Nació el 18 de octubre de 1985 en el Brookdale Hospital de Brooklyn, Nueva York. Tres días después, el 21 de octubre, Francesca estaba a punto de llevarla a su casa cuando se encontró con una mujer afuera del jardín de infantes. La mujer dijo…
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rututeandocontomas · 26 days
Luto en el Barrio Enriquillo por el Fallecimiento de Alex Fuente
El Barrio Enriquillo se encuentra sumido en el dolor y la tristeza por la pérdida de Alex Fuente, un joven alegre, sociable y de personalidad chispeante, quien gozaba del aprecio de todos los que tuvieron el privilegio de conocerlo. Alex Fuente, conocido prestamista de la comunidad, perdió la vida la tarde de hoy en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Marcelino Vélez Santana, donde…
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portalimaranhao · 29 days
Profissionais de Saúde de Santana do Maranhão participam de Curso de Microplanejamento de Vacinação
As enfermeiras Ana Beatriz Santos, coordenadora de Imunização, e Anastácia Cardoso, do Centro de Saúde Francisco das Chagas, em Santana do Maranhão, foram destaque ao participarem do Curso “Sala de Vacina para Microplanejamento das Ações de Vacinação de Alta Qualidade (AVAQ)”. O curso foi promovido pela Secretaria de Saúde do Estado e ocorreu entre os dias 01 e 05 de abril no Hospital Carlos…
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flordomamore · 2 months
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puravibenamastes-blog · 2 months
Dengue leva prefeitura de Belo Horizonte a abrir mais um hospital temporário
Um hospital temporário com 40 leitos para atendimento de casos de dengue, zika e chikungunya foi aberto nesta quinta (7) pela Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, na região oeste da capital. A unidade terá funcionamento 24 horas e foi instalada no prédio do antigo Hospital Santana, desativado. Leia mais (03/07/2024 – 18h03) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e Saúde – Principal Pulicado em…
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conexaocapixabaes · 4 months
Embolia pulmonar tira a vida de adolescente de São Gabriel da Palha
Embolia pulmonar tira a vida de adolescente de São Gabriel da Palha
Morreu na noite desta quarta-feira (17), o menino Erick Martins Santana, de apenas 13 anos. A informação foi confirmada pela Associação de Pais e Amigos de Apoio ao Esporte do Município de São Gabriel da Palha (Assopais), da qual Erick era jogador. Segundo a família, o menino lutava contra uma embolia pulmonar desde a última quarta-feira (10), quando foi internado no Hospital São José, em…
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Corpo da sexta vítima de desabamento em Aracaju será enterrado hoje
O Hospital de Urgências de Sergipe Governador João Alves Filho (Huse) confirmou a morte da sexta vítima do desabamento de um prédio residencial, após uma explosão no último domingo (31). Carlos Alberto de Santana, de 70 anos, morreu  na tarde dessa quinta-feira (4), quatro dias depois de ser resgatado dos escombros com 90% do corpo queimado. De acordo com nota divulgada pela Secretaria Estadual…
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ausetkmt · 4 months
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Background information
Birth name Leslie Coleman McCann
Born September 23, 1935 Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.
Died December 29, 2023 (aged 88) Los Angeles, California,
Jazz, soul jazz
Occupation(s)Musician Instrument(s) Piano,vocals
Years active 1959–2018
Leslie Coleman McCann (September 23, 1935 – December 29, 2023) was an American jazz pianist and vocalist.[1] He is known for his innovations in soul jazz and his 1969 recording of the protest song "Compared to What". His music has been widely sampled in hip hop.
Early life
Leslie Coleman McCann was born in Lexington, Kentucky, on September 23, 1935.[2] He grew up in a musical family with three sisters, most of whom sang in church choirs.[3][4] His father was a fan of jazz music and his mother was known to hum opera tunes around the house.[4]
As a youth, McCann played the tuba and drums and performed in his school's marching band.[3][4] As a pianist, he was largely self-taught.[5] He explained that he only received piano lessons for a few weeks as a six-year-old before his teacher died.[3]
McCann attended Los Angeles City College, which was highly influential to his musical career.[6] At the age of 17, he joined the U.S. Navy in San Diego.[6]
During his service in the Navy, McCann won a singing contest, which led to an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.[1] After leaving the Navy, McCann moved to California and played in his own trio.[5] He declined an offer to work in Cannonball Adderley's band so that he could dedicate himself to his own music.[5] The trio's first job was at the Purple Onion club in 1959 accompanying Gene McDaniels.[3]
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McCann (left) with the Les McCann Trio (Herbie Lewis and Ron Jefferson), 1962
The main part of McCann's career began in the early 1960s, when he recorded as a pianist with his trio for Pacific Jazz.[7] In 1969, Atlantic released Swiss Movement, an album recorded with saxophonist Eddie Harris and trumpeter Benny Bailey earlier at that year's Montreux Jazz Festival.[8] The album contained the song "Compared to What"; both reached the Billboard pop charts. The song, which criticized the Vietnam War, was written by Eugene McDaniels years earlier and recorded and released as a ballad by McCann in 1966 on his album, Les McCann Plays the Hits. Roberta Flack's version appeared as the opening track on her debut album First Take (1969).[9][10]
After the success of Swiss Movement, McCann, primarily a piano player, emphasized his vocals. He became an innovator in soul jazz, merging jazz with funk, soul and world rhythms. His music was influential for its use of electric piano, clavinet and synthesizer.[11]
In 1971, McCann and Harris were part of a group of soul, R&B and rock performers–including Wilson Pickett, the Staple Singers, Santana and Ike & Tina Turner–who flew to Accra, Ghana, to perform a 14-hour concert for more than 100,000 Ghanaians. The March 6 concert was recorded for the documentary film Soul to Soul.[12] In 2004, the movie was released on DVD with an accompanying soundtrack album.[13]
McCann had a stroke in the mid-1990s,[7] but he returned to music in 2002, when Pump it Up was released, and continued to release music until 2018.[11] He also exhibited his work as a painter and photographer.[1]
McCann died from pneumonia in a Los Angeles hospital on December 29, 2023, at the age of 88.[6]
McCann's recordings have been widely sampled in hip hop music, mostly in the 1990s and 2000s, by nearly 300 acts.[11][14] These include A Tribe Called Quest, Cypress Hill, De La Soul, the Notorious B.I.G., Sean Combs, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Nas, Mary J. Blige, the Pharcyde, Eric B. & Rakim, Mobb Deep, Gang Starr and Raekwon.[11][15]
Source:[16][better source needed]
As leader
Les McCann Ltd. Plays the Truth (Pacific Jazz, 1960)
Les McCann Ltd. Plays the Shout (Pacific Jazz, 1960; Sunset, 1970)
Les McCann Ltd. in San Francisco (Pacific Jazz, 1961)
Pretty Lady (Pacific Jazz, 1961)
Les McCann Sings (Pacific Jazz, 1961)
Somethin' Special with Richard "Groove" Holmes (Pacific Jazz, 1962)
Les McCann Ltd. in New York (Pacific Jazz, 1962)
On Time (Pacific Jazz, 1962)
The Gospel Truth (Pacific Jazz, 1963)
Les McCann Ltd. Plays the Shampoo (Pacific Jazz, 1963)
McCanna (Pacific Jazz, 1963)
Jazz Waltz with the Jazz Crusaders (Pacific Jazz, 1963)
Spanish Onions (Pacific Jazz, 1964)
McCann/Wilson with Gerald Wilson (Pacific Jazz, 1964)
Soul Hits (Pacific Jazz, 1964)
Beaux J. Pooboo (Limelight, 1965)
But Not Really (Limelight, 1965)
Les McCann Plays the Hits (Limelight, 1966)
A Bag of Gold (Pacific Jazz, 1966)
Live at Shelly's Manne-Hole (Limelight, 1966)
Live at Bohemian Caverns–Washington, D.C. (Limelight, 1967)
Bucket o' Grease (Limelight, 1967)
From the Top of the Barrel (Pacific Jazz, 1967)
More or Les McCann (World Pacific, 1969)
Much Les (Atlantic, 1969)
Swiss Movement with Eddie Harris (Atlantic, 1969)
New from the Big City (World Pacific, 1970)
Comment (Atlantic, 1970)
Second Movement with Eddie Harris (Atlantic, 1971)
Invitation to Openness (Atlantic, 1972)
Talk to the People (Atlantic, 1972)
Live at Montreux (Atlantic, 1973)
Layers (Atlantic, 1973)
Another Beginning (Atlantic, 1974)
Doldinger Jubilee '75 (Atlantic, 1975)
Hustle to Survive (Atlantic, 1975)
River High, River Low (Atlantic, 1976)
Music Lets Me Be (ABC/Impulse!, 1977)
Change, Change, Change (ABC/Impulse!, 1977)
The Man (A&M, 1978)
Tall, Dark & Handsome (A&M, 1979)
The Longer You Wait (Jam, 1983)
Music Box (Jam, 1984)
Road Warriors with Houston Person (Greene Street, 1984)
Butterfly (Stone, 1988)
Les Is More (Night, 1990)
On the Soul Side (MusicMasters, 1994)
Listen Up! (MusicMasters, 1996)
Pacifique with Joja Wendt (MusicMasters, 1998)
How's Your Mother? (32 Jazz, 1998)
Pump It Up (ESC, 2002)
Vibrations: Funkin' Around Something Old Something New (Jazz Legend Project) (Leafage Jazz/Pony Canyon, 2003)
The Shout (American Jazz Classics, 2011)
28 Juillet (Fremeaux, 2018)[citation needed]
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palavradigital-blog · 5 months
Hospital Materno-Infantil ultrapassa em dois anos a marca de mais de 6 mil partos em Ilhéus
Ao completar dois anos nesta quarta-feira (6), o Hospital Materno-Infantil Dr. Joaquim Sampaio, em Ilhéus, passa a contar com um Centro de Referência para Imunobiológicos Especiais (Crie). A inauguração foi feita pela secretária da Saúde do Estado, Roberta Santana. O novo serviço facilitará o acesso da população, em especial dos portadores de imunodeficiência congênita ou adquirida e de outras…
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