#hope this is helpful :]
tiredandsleepyaf · 8 months
Blocklist of people engaging in antisemitism
Reblog of this post with some screenshots to back it up
Who you will see on this list:
Anyone who’s a Nazi, openly hates Jewish people, celebrates Jewish death, denies the Holocaust, harasses Jewish people simply for being Jewish or speaking out about antisemitism, etc. (examples: implying or blatantly stating Jewish people should be killed, implying or blatantly stating all Jewish people are evil, or claiming Jewish people are part of some secret society and controlling everything)
People engaging in antisemitic stereotyping, rhetoric, or behavior. (examples: blood libel or Implying or perpetuating that Jewish people run the banks/are all rich elitists/money hungry/etc.)
Who you will not see on this list:
People criticizing Israel’s government or calling for justice for Palestinian citizens without being antisemitic.
Disclaimer: This list is intended to be used as a blocklist or a list of people to unfollow, not as a list of people to harass.
I’ve added the reasons people have been added to this list so goyim stop accusing me of being a Zionist (once again, this list and this blog is NOT for goyim. This list is intended for Jews so they aren’t harassed or subjected to antisemitism. But some of you can’t respect Jewish spaces). I strongly recommend Jewish people who are blocking these people so they don’t have to see antisemitism ignore the italicized text in blue.
toad-underhill. Mocking people fleeing from Israel even though they claim that’s what they want and reblogs stuff from a user who’s well known for being antisemitic (see screenshots for more)
Perpetrating antisemitic stereotypes (see screenshots for more).
Perpetrating antisemitic stereotypes and engaging in antisemitic behavior.
Lying about Jewish people as an excuse to be antisemitic and harassing Jewish people. Bordering on blood libel.
Antisemitic conspiracy theorist who’s made posts about “noticing” (antisemitic dog whistle). Is also likely a white supremest.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotypes (rich elites controlling the media kind of stereotypes) and antisemitic behavior.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotypes and antisemitic behavior. Reposts antisemitic stuff from the person above.
Downplays antisemitism and the seriousness of the holocaust and claims Jews bring up the holocaust to play the victim card.
Violent antisemitic posts and calling Jewish people k***s (see screenshots for example) .
Literally has a swastica in blog name.
Same persons as above.
Blatant antisemitism and strongly implying the holocaust was a good thing.
Antisemitic conspiracy stuff.
Went under a Jewish persons post talking about antisemitism to say we should “eradicate religion”
Goyim who tries to define what antisemitism is for Jewish people. Calls Jewish people talking about antisemitism “unhinged”
Harassing Jewish people for speaking out about antisemitism and accusing them of being Zionists for talking about antisemitism.
Harassing Jewish people.
Harassing Jews and mocking them for being upset/scared about antisemitism.
Mocking Jews for being afraid of antisemitism and harassing Jews.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotyping.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotyping and genocide rhetoric.
Antisemitic behavior and violent undertones. Implies she doesn’t think Hamas did anything wrong.
Engaging in antisemitic behavior and strongly implied hatred toward Jewish people who point out that there are Jews who support Palestine. Also, implies any Jewish person criticizing any antisemitism perpetrated by supporters of the free Palestine movement is a Zionist and is behaving in a way that strongly indicates a hatred for Jews.
dr-schwaglove (changed name to death-to-usa)
Mocking Jewish fear of antisemitism, but probably did a lot worse as she’s been banned multiple times on Tumblr for what she claims is for “anti-zionist crimes” but is likely just antisemitism.
Tw antisemitism ahead! here’s a quote from this person: “I HOPE EVERY ISRAELI CIVILIAN DIES BRUTALLY”
Proclaiming Jews as untrustworthy and basically accusing Jews of being oppressors who aren’t oppressed (seems to buy into Protocols of the Elders of Zion type antisemitism). Compares Jews to Satan. It’s worth mentioning this person is also a terf.
Lying about Jewish people to instigate harassment (basically accusing Jews who aren’t Zionists of being Zionists) thinks most Jewish celebrities and Jewish people support Israel right now, downplays antisemitism, says she “stopped being concerned with things like"don't put horns on Jewish characters" or "X monsters is a Jewish caricature" and "X villain is Jewish coded"” because she “realized that was a Zionist worldview”
Self proclaimed Jew hater and antisemite.
Tw antisemitism ahead! Here’s a quote, “People on here are still saying "Hamas is evil" whilst large chunks of Gaza are being bombed into unmarked graveyards. You need to be literally curbstomped.” I think we know who they’re talking about curbstomping.
Claims anyone who doesn’t support Hamas is in support of genocide. Reblogged the post from prev.
Lying about Jewish peoples intentions to justify harassing them and harassing scared/grieving Jews. Likely also searching for Jews to harass (this includes Jews that support free Palestine, but speak out against antisemitism).
Unfortunately, the majority of people posting the worst antisemitic stuff are cowards on anon, so it can be difficult to figure out who some of the worst offenders are.
The blocklist has been closed and will likely stay that way
(explanation for why here)
If you are more resilient than me and would like to take it over, feel free to copy my list and any of my other post and continue it.
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foldingfittedsheets · 10 days
I was just rereading one of your comics, and i just wanted to ask a question, artist to artist.
How do you deal with feeling like your work isnt good enough to share? Do you feel that way? I only have one medium i feel relatively comfortable sharing, gifting, ect, and I dont get to use it often because it's not exactly feasible for me to get out right now (its oil painting and i live in an rv, i dont have the space for stuff), so how do/did you deal with disliking or hating your work enough to share it
I think sharing your art is always better than not sharing it. You never know what kind of comments or feedback you’ll get, and to be honest even as a fairly big blog 99.9% of the feedback I get is positive and when I was much smaller it was 100%.
You can ask for folks to share thoughts or feelings and you can get perspective that you wouldn’t have if you were just keeping it to yourself.
Also the old masters were pretty much all oil painters, but they practiced with conte, charcoal, and such. See if you can get practice in another medium that might be a bit easier to flex your chops in until you can commit to canvas cause oil is indeed a pain. Practice is crucial to building confidence, and drawing from life as much as possible helps build your art muscles.
It’s still so hard to deal with the aspect of gifting my art, though. I’m a pretty good artist at this point but when giving something away I still viscerally remember being a tiny child with my crumpled drawing in hand being dismissively told “How cute,” after a cursory glance at the paper.
My best advice is to gift to people who merit the emotional turmoil entailed.
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hazbinhotelie · 12 days
Do you read other people’s fanfics? If so What kind do you like to read?
Yes! I either read a bunch of angst and hurt/comfort, or smut. I’m not usually caught up with whatever fandom I’m reading fanfics for, so I typically opt for an X Reader, self insert, OC, etc. things like that. Probably obvious by the content I make.
I prefer to take in content for ships like Staticmoth, Radioapple, RadioStatic, etc. through art or comics, especially for AUs, because I can see small snippets and decide if I like it before committing but I dunno maybe I’m just weird🤷‍♀️
I have very poor memory, so as much as I’d like to direct you to a specific list of my favorites. I literally don’t remember the names. I just have a vague idea of the plot lmao.
So instead, I’ll direct you to the two most recent ones I’ve read and liked! First is @nkirukaj’s The Radio Demon and The Billboard Doe, which is an excellent Alastor x OC fanfic with a shit ton of smut and relatable experiences that I absolutely adore. My second recommendation is @prince-liest 666’s series, I believe? If my brain is working. Has a really good chapter/piece with Alastor helping Vox with repairs and… other things. It’s the really good RadioStatic fanfic. I love it.
I also enjoy @notherpuppet’s work, specifically the human nanny Alastor AU thing and Buckshot. There’s also another artist @elsa-fogen who has a ‘Charlie’s Toy’ AU that centers around Lucifer and Lilith making Alastor deal with Charlie as a child- but it doesn’t have any ships. It’s fairly obvious to me that there aren’t any ships for the AU, but apparently the creator keeps having to deal with comments and shit about it. Don’t be rude, please. That goes for anything you see or read. I mention this one because I like to see Alastor internally suffering, not because of any ships. I also love the art in general. Another thing I like is a radioapple comic called ‘Shot through the heart and you’re to blame, darlin’ you give love a bad name’ by @drunkenmantis and it’s long but trust me, it’s worth it. I love it so much. The art is amazing.
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ratcandy · 5 months
may i kiss sozo on the head,,, 👉👈
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here is a helpful sozo kissing guide . pick your poison (because either way you'll be inhaling a lot of spores!!!!!)
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k1d1c4rus · 3 months
what era are the cboyz in? i'm struggling to imagine which look each character has xD. i'd also like to ask what your personal fave era of the dcd2 boys are lol
okayyyy this is interesting bc it's set in present day but I imagine the boys looking how they did at their ages in the fic. so:
21 y/o patrick
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26 y/o pete:
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20 y/o joe
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25 y/o andy
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the continuity gets a little funky w the other boyz but here's a general visual moodboard for what they r looking like as i write them:
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your second question may have to wait for another post bc I have reached my image allowance for this one but!!!!!! I will answer never fear. for more visuals u can check out this post where u can see some of the cboyz pinterest board <33
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dorianthedoll · 5 months
had someone ask about my glitter GIFmaking process so i will give! i exclusively use web-based programs, so you don't need to download any software for this!
to preface, my process is a bit convoluted but it's so my images aren't compressed or made fuzzy. ALSO, these steps are for PC.
this is the final result, but you can make basically anything [and probably something prettier than this, i just made this image to demonstrate rotating & resizing pixel GIFs]
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tutorial below!
the site i use for glitter backgrounds is online-image-editor.com
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click "UPLOAD AN IMAGE" to get your picture in, then click the "Animation" tab. it'll take you to "Add Glitters". click that!
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if your image is over 650x650 pixels, it WILL be rescaled. this is why i only upload images below that size, but it's up to personal preference and the compression isn't that bad unless you're using pixel art.
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here are the settings i use when filling with glitter. i always change "Floodfill at selected Color" to "Replace selected Color" because it makes it faster, but it really depends on what you need to be filled. you just click the area on the image that you want to be filled on the preview and it'll be filled
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kaoru jumpscare! here's my image so far! i just open the preview into a new tab to save it. it won't be PERFECT but it'll look presentable and that's all that matters.
NOW, for adding GIFs to this unsuspecting kaoru, i use photopea.com. i usually use GIFcities.org, glitter-graphics.com or tumblr to find GIFs. where the GIFs are from doesn't matter, just make sure you save them as GIFs onto your computer.
when you upload your GIF into photopea, you might realize that it's not moving anymore!
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this is OK, it will be a GIF when you export it. if your image is not exported as a gif, make sure that all the frames of each single animation are in the same folder, and all begin with "_a_".
IMPORTANT because i didn't initially include this, but i recommend you duplicate every layer of your background image 1-3 times if you're inserting GIFs with a relatively higher count of frames so the glitter doesn't flash like crazy when you export. to duplicate layers, select a layer and "Ctrl+J". do this for every layer that doesn't have "copy" in its name first then repeat so you don't duplicate the wrong layers.
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to open a new GIF or image, you go to "File", then "Open..." . note that you can do this with multiple images/GIFs in one go!
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to add the GIF to the image you want edited, make sure you have selected the folder. go to "Layer" then "Duplicate Into ..." and make sure you duplicate to the image you are editing.
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if you go to the image, it should contain a new folder containing all the layers from the image you duplicated from.
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if you want to move the GIF, select the folder and use "Ctrl+Alt+T" to transform. if you only move the GIF it should not turn fuzzier, but if you want to resize the GIF i usually use ezgif.com/resize with the Gifsicle setting for "Resize method".
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you can rotate GIFs by exact 90 degree increments if you hold the "Shift" key while rotating in photopea, however any other rotation WILL make your image fuzzier, and it's a bit harder to rotate the GIF but is possible!
i use ezgif.com/rotate for this, you can do any rotation you want but i did this one.
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OK! it's rotated, but there's an annoying navy border so i'll show you how to get rid of that! DON'T bother saving the GIF you have just made, go from "Rotated image" and click "more tools", then "Remove background"
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assuming you get the same navy as i do, the HEX code is #282840, but you can get you own hex code by converting the RGB to HEX [or getting a hex colour picker to work, didn't work for me. you can get the RGB by screenshotting and using MS paint]
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voila! it is now transparent!
after you've added all your images in and you're satisfied with your image, you should select all the layers by holding "Shift" and selecting the top and bottom folders
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and then, you go to "Layer", "Animation" then "Merge". you can always undo this and make edits so do not freak out if you've realized you want to edit parts
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now, your GIF is ready to be exported!
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go to "File", "Export as" and select "GIF"!
it'll take a while for it to load in, and you might notice an immediate issue! the GIF is too fast! you can fix this by messing around with the speed dial. this is the most frustrating part of GIF making for me because my computer is slow and freezes a lot. just stay patient, and do NOT reload your browser or you'll lose all your hard work!
annnddd that's it! bye bye!
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charms-of-earth · 8 months
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my favorite pain scale that i've found because of the description of experience. it can be so hard to represent your pain as a number because most people just don't think in numbers (especially people with dyscalculia like myself). it was really surprising to me during my top surgery recovery how often i reported having pain levels between a 6 and 8, whereas without a description i would have said my pain level was a lot lower because i wouldn't want to worry my caretaker or wanted to appear "strong". when in reality, having pain and being affected by it doesn't make you "weak," it just means you have pain. also, caretakers need to know pain levels accurately as possible so there isn't needless suffering. i'm going to be the primary caretaker for my brother during his top surgery recovery and i'm planning on using this pain scale for him as well because it was so helpful for me. past surgeries i've had, nurses used the pain scale with the smiley faces, and as someone who struggles to read facial expressions, a simplified version that were basically just emojis was not helpful at all and i often reported inaccurate pain levels.
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purusims · 2 years
art advice?!
draw what makes you happy no matter your own perceived skill level or how much attention you may or may not get online !!!!! dont compare yourself to others but find admiration and inspiration in the way that others view the world artistically and creatively !!!!! get weirder, look at everything and think about how many colors there really are in every single thing, think about how far you can get into weirdness while still being satisfied with what youve created !!!!!! most importantly i would say though is STRETCH LOL i have horrible reoccurring pain from my wrists to my shoulders from overuse after drawing like every day for 6 years straight and never heeding my own advice. ive been unable to use my right hand to draw due to injury, switched to my left so i could continue, and then injured that one too. take care of your mind and your body because when youre in your best condition art will be kindest to you at least i believe so. take love and take care of yourself so that you may thrive creatively and artistically ! and one last thing !!!! i left one million dollars in the
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skyward-floored · 9 months
You know every time I think about legend I always feel like that albw/tfh and attp/oracle/la should've been separate. Now I don't care that much about it, it's skill issue on my part, I should've just learned how to draw then made the linked universe first if I wanted them to be separate. Now contradicting what I just claimed, what's you're opinion on that take. I'm not sure if it's a hot take or not (probably not because else no one cares enough to have a opinion on this) but it would be nice to hear another's opinion on this.
(side question, I'm very new to LU so I'd like to know what are some good places to like start, or what ever the adjacent to a start be)
Well, for lu, it’s just an AU that someone made up, so its not my place to tell the creator she should have done something different. I mean, you all wouldn’t come up to me and go “I don’t like how you made Warriors and Sky the other Link’s uncles in the Incredibles au so I don’t think that they are. They’re their brothers now.” Like... that would be rude. And not that you’re doing that! I’m just blabbing, sorry.
Anywho, there is some reasoning for making Legend a combination of so many Links, and it’s touched on very minorly here I believe. It would maybe make more sense for him to be separate people, but honestly I think it’s interesting to have him as one guy. Leads to some fun things.
In a general legend of Zelda sense, I tend to think of alttp/la/oos/ooa all being the same Link, while albw/tfh is a different hero a couple centuries later. That’s what the timeline says anyway, and I usually stick with that (I’m boring lol). But I’ve seen people who have the oracle games Link as a completely separate guy, and that’s interesting too! It all depends on how people take things.
As for your side note, yes there’s a good place to start!
The @linkeduniverse blog has everything of course if you just want to look around. There’s the Archive, (where you can find everything) and linkeduniverse 101 (that has frequently asked questions (everyone always forgets about it lol)) as well, but if you’re looking for the “start” of the comic, I would begin here, at deep shadows pt.1 As has been said many times, linkeduniverse started as a bunch of doodles and one-off things, so this is as close to an official start as it gets.
Happy reading!
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sincerecinnamon · 2 months
Hey! I was curious, what kind if music do you usually listen to?
Hello! I listen to a lot of stuff lol
When it comes to genre, I usually just say indie, but I have no idea if that's actually accurate.
Bands/artists I like include: Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber, TV Girl, JW Francis, Gable Price and Friends, Bill Wurtz, Bo Burnham, technically the fictional band Sex Bob-Omb from Scott Pilgrim if you count the songs from the movies as actual songs, etc.
Bands/artists I listen to some music from but am not entirely knowledgeable on include: Queen, DEVO, Weezer, Daft Punk, Girl in Red, The Cardigans, ABBA, Lesley Gore
And I also occasionally listen to soundtracks to musicals, usually if I'm hyperfixated on them, but for good measure, those musicals include: Hamilton, Cats the Musical, and Into the Woods
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gary-goldstein-law · 5 months
(I already asked Jerry sorry for copy and pasting but i need to ask)
Out of character
hi:)! I’m going to make a post with paul talking about his family so is Jerry Paul’s brother
lol i actually made a family tree! It has Jerry and Gary as twins, and Paul is their cousin. it’s a tiny bit outdated because of some character developments around most of em, but this has everything with how I play Gary and Jerry in mind :3
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Posting a plain text version of today's sobh so that it's easier to read!
Being that Adaon, Prince of Faerie, is a steadfast and noble Liege and 
Being that he is a Friend to the Crown, Seelie and True, and 
Being that in his Prerogative he may Bear welcome as he wills, 
And also 
Being that the Nephilin known to us as Emma Carstairs has not Displeased the Court, and 
Being that the Nephilin known to us as Julian Blackthorn, consort to Castairs de quo, has not Displeased the Court,
Safe Passage is hereby sworn to the Nephilim through the Lands-under-Seelie under Warranty of Adaon, Prince of Faerie, for the Full Span of Time between their Coming and their Going.
Let all who deny this guarantee suffer the Justice of the Court!
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sakura-gyarugal · 4 months
how do i find other people my age on there
hi! Hmmm. I would say look for fandoms that have a younger base. So if you have an fandom you really enjoy, I would recommend finding some cool people also with accounts that say minor. South Park is one of my favorite fandoms because they’re in my age range but yeah…A lot of accounts usually put their age or age range. :) make sure you stay safe though some people do lie about their ages on this app to lure minors.
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crossplanar · 8 months
So I'm trying to create a magic system where people must learn it, not be born with it. I'm also attempting to make it challenging enough that not everyone chooses to study it. I've considered creating a rune magic system, but I'm concerned about how it could easily be commodified in world, which I want to avoid. Like, you carve a light rune and you have an instant lamp. While the existence of magic is public knowledge, I still want there to be a bit of a divide like in fullmetal alchemist or chainsaw man.
Okay this is a fun one.
In absence of a mechanical deterrent for the democratization of magic, you can pick from a few other options:
Cultural Deterrents - magic can be restricted culturally. Maybe there are religious restrictions on its use. It could be seen as corrupting or as foreign or simply undesirable. Most people find its use distasteful, and those who do use it are outcast.
Socio-Economic Deterrents - magic could be something held by the upper class, placed behind a barrier of education, monetary cost, and social dances so that the masses cannot access it.
Material Deterrents - what if you needed a special knife to carve runes or it didn't work and the blade had to be made a super specific way and most people just don't fucking bother. "I know how to draw all the runes yeah, but you gotta do it on the fancy paper and if you get it even a little wrong it backfires. Way easier to just light candles myself."
Probably More - this is just what came to mind off the top of my head as possibilities.
People will find a way to use every single resource they can get their hands on given the time. Magic is no exception. If you build it, they will come. Just gotta bend things around to work for you.
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soup-mother · 5 months
Hey, genuine question, what’s wrong with small businesses?
Exploitation of workers for profit! ppl confuse small business with like self employed artisans (like if one person was selling on etsy or selling knitting or whatever) but a small business has employees, and businesses make profit from not paying workers as much as they should. also you get a lot of issues that come with the company being small and understaffed like not having HR to report mistreatment to, union busting, harassment, pressure to do unpaid work "because we can't afford to hire anyone to do it right now", not being paid on time if at all and a lot of similar stuff.
basically all the issues any business can have but with the extra issue of it being tiny and way less regulated/prone to inspections and stuff and sometimes your boss can't afford to/doesn't pay you and if you're angry about that you hate small business, which ppl see as like the most ethical form of capitalism or even anticapitalist for some reason, just because they're not like a massive corporation.
also at least where i live, small business owners form government lobbying groups and get mad about proposed public holidays and stuff "because we couldn't afford the lost profits. I hope that makes sense! the exploitation of workers doesn't go away just because it's a smaller company, 'cus the exploitation is like one of the key elements of capitalism.
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kj-munch · 2 years
!! actno POLEASE! Why wont backspace worjk
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DR CHARLES ACTON-DOLLO my bestie. its been a while since ive posted any legit lore with him and some stuff has been tweaked so im gonna do a pretty hefty recap, so forewarning this is gonna be long as fuck
starting in pre-canon, he used to be a high school bio teacher! he has a degree in biotechnology so he was a bit overqualified for the job, but he struggled to find work closer to what he studied for. he felt a little disappointed with himself for that, but he DID love his job as a teacher a lot, plus he had his husband murphy at his side! things werent perfect but they were damn close, and the two of them planned to have a child together in the very near future.
UNTIL the madness hit nevada full swing. plans for a child went out the window with the hellscape nevada was devolving into with no sign of improving. acton lost his job as a teacher, but was quickly picked up by the newly forming AAHW due to his expertise in biotechnology. things were shitty, but he was able to find excitement in finally becoming a respected scientist! one of the leading figures in the development of the MAG program in fact!
some time later, following a close call incident in which acton was nearly a casualty, his husband murphy convinced him that he needed to be there to help protect him. the two of them agreed that the best course of action would be for murphy to become MAG, as those are powerful enough that the risk of murphy being seriously injured or even killed on the job was very low. additionally they agreed to it because it was intended to be temporary (murphy signs a contract to agree to work for the AAHW in year long stints, at the end of each year long period he would be able to either renew the contract or quit and be cloned back into a regular grunt body)
but only around a month after murphy was magnified, he began showing signs of something having gone wrong. acton could do nothing but watch from the sidelines as the man he married rapidly devolved into a bitter, cruel and work-obsessed MAG agent who answered onto to law and snapped at anybody who dared try to compare him to his old self.
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obviously watching this happen and not knowing how to help in the slightest, actons own mental state began to deteriorate. being completely loathed by the man who’s still your husband on paper does things to a guy! especially when youre the head of the department dedicated to monitoring him and youre forced to interact with him almost daily! acton began to avoid law in face to face interactions the best he could, but his job position and his own desperate attachment never let him go too far
this went on for months, the tension on both ends only continuing to build until eventually it finally all came to a head. during a standard monitored training session, law snapped and attempted to murder acton. as a heat of the moment decision it was poorly planned. law shatters and reaches through the observation window and manages to kill several other scientists in the project law team in his attempt to reach acton. (important side tangent i shoulda mentioned earlier probably but w/e, when murphy was magnified they implanted a remotely controlled detonator in the back of his neck. as a powerful and dangerous MAG, this was intended as a safety measure in the case he ever turned on his fellow agents. as the head of the project law team, acton was entrusted with the controller)
actons remaining attachment made him hesitate to resort to the detonator, along with a mix of shock at what he was seeing. he hesitated long enough for several other people in the room to die, in which acton finally activated the controller and killed law.
despite everything, acton cant bear to lose law. hes beat down by months of open hatred from him, but he’s still desperately hopeful that murphy has to be in there somewhere. he goes back and forth with AAHW higher-ups to negotiate laws revival, which is eventually granted. learning this news, the remaining members of the project law team (many of which actually good friends of acton) turn on him and are hurt and shocked that he could STILL be defending law after EVERYTHING. many refuse to work with him and demand to be moved to a different department.
when law is revived approximately a week after his death, acton is the one to greet him. the conversation goes south fast and law lets loose how deeply his loathing runs, for acton AND himself. law doesnt attempt to physically harm him again, and i want to depict this scene in art one day so i wont go too in depth now, but actons still left deeply wounded.
with his social circles now COMPLETELY destroyed and having no one to talk to, acton finally just relents under the pressure. barely a week after laws revival, acton quietly dissents and goes completely off the grid. hes working under his own contract and cant simply quit, as a higher ranking scientist he has too much insider knowledge to risk trying to escape to another city where he could still live in some sort of comfort. he’s forced to completely go it alone.
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actons time after his dissent is 90% spent feeling miserable and sorry for himself, and 10% scavenging for the bare minimum resources to keep himself alive. hes a weak scientist, he’s not built for surviving on his own out in the wastes, and he only manages to scrape by by laying low and hiding from any passerby. this doesnt always work, a few times he is found by bandits who rob him for what little belongings he has, and beat the shit out of him for the fun of it.
its a fucking miserable existence. but hes afraid to die, so he spends his last days thinking about what he couldve done different. how he couldve saved murphy, or not let it happen in the first place. he reminisces on the good old days quite a bit too. ultimately hes just wasting away out there, a far cry from the bright-eyed respected top scientist he once was.
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