bcdluckstumblcd · 2 years
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@homra-no-artemis​ asked:  "did you hurt yourself?"
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || accepting   ​
   He’s jumping up, brushing himself off quickly. Jin was holding down the fort until the other’s got back from wherever they were. {Dabi doesn’t usually say where he heads to, Toga was definitely out getting food but the others, he wasn’t sure.}. He’d expected maybe one of them to come through the door, but seeing Hiko come through had hit him with such surprise that’d he’d, quite literally, leapt up from his seat to rush over to her. 
     And, in his shock, he’d collided right with the small busted table, stumbling and falling over {maybe if he’d just laid there for a minute, he could’ve just drowned in his embarrassment}
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     “’’Me?! How’re YOU?” He’s standing back up and at her side, leaning in just a bit to meet her eyes. WAS he hurt? Nothing more than the lingering, minor, pain in his knee and shin, but that would fade quickly.  “I’m the last one you need ta’ be worrying about. What about you! Are you- your face.” He wants to reach out, and he ALMOST does but his hand is shaking when he does and the man decides not to.
     “You’ve been gone forever! We really missed you. Hope you enjoyed your little vacation. I wish I could’ve-” Twice trails off, switching from not being able to shut up to suddenly being at a loss for words. {but the shake in his voice catches him off guard, just like the way he’s suddenly remembering everything that happened, to Hiko and to Magne and Compress}.
     “You should sit down. Everyone had stuff to do but they should be back soon.”
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anarchyhorde · 2 years
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          “i can assure you i know exactly what i’m doing.” She’s with her parents on business, and this area just happens to be home to one of her favorite little cafes. Perhaps Aimi is a BIT turned around, but the map on her phone shows that it’s not too far. She’s on a time limit, her father is strict about her wandering alone like this. “i’m certain i’m on the right street, but just in case.” phone screen is held up towards the other.
       “do you know of this place?”
aimi starter || @homra-no-artemis
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curseleads · 2 years
@homra-no-artemis​    | s.c    
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―  🜺  ―  "  Sensei,  where  did  you  learn  your  techniques?  "        the  boy  is  kind  and  courteous  in  his  inquiry,  regarding  her  with  deep  interest  as  he  continued  to  roll  fighter's  tape  'round  the  fingers  and  wrists.
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bigidiotenergy · 2 years
@homra-no-artemis​ asked:  "I feel like I'm one bad day away from becoming what I've fought against,"  // ANGST.
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“y’know,” HERE THEY ARE AGAIN. on the same rooftop they’ve fled to so many times. legs dangling over the edge. seems like it was always their go-to spot after... everything. she’s free now. he doesn’t gotta babysit her anymore. quite honestly, they could probably just go their separate ways after everything. AND YET, THEY PURSUE. he knows what she’s doing. and he knows that the commission doesn’t like it. guess they both have that in common.
“i used to think it was US VERSUS THEM. like, heroes versus bad guys. one ideology considered bein’ ‘good’ while the other is ‘evil’. always thought i was on ONE SIDE.” there was a time in his life that things... could have gone very differently. would they still be here? if it had? “but that’s all bullshit. there’s no bad guys. no good guys. and when it comes down to it, it really just is me versus everyone else.”
that being said... “are you becomin’ what you’ve fought against? or are you becomin’ what EVERYONE ELSE wanted you to be against?”
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yeonban · 2 years
✔ kagari bc show me how they can make Gino's headache evolve into a migraine
Send me ✔ and I’ll bold what my muse would do with/for yours.
hold the door for them | help them carry something | let them borrow something | let them use their phone | smile at them when passing in the streets | shake hands with them | flirt with them in a bar | share a taxi with them | give them a ride home | lend them money | sit next to them on public transportation | offer them some food | help them find something they lost
let them stay the night | listen to them complain at 4 am | help them get over a break up | go out shopping with them | pet sit for them | help them move houses | help them find a lost pet | go on vacation with them | stay up all night with them | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | take their side | talk about their future plans | be maid of honour/best man/etc. at their wedding | share food with them
fight | hug | laugh at them when they get hurt | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | tell them they’re annoying at least once a day | share food with them | help them move houses | walk them down the isle | try to sell them online | set up an online dating account for them | set them up on blind dates | try to set them up with your friends | listen to their problems | help them cook | cook them food | make them watch shows they don’t like with them | tell them they’re an idiot/loser/dork/nerd affectionately
fight them (sparring or in games) | take petty revenge (in games) | kill them | try to smother them in their sleep | hire an assassin | work harder to beat them at something | follow their social media just to get mad about it | make passive aggressive remarks towards them | spread rumours about them | laugh at them when they get hurt | take pleasure from them being upset | ruin their life
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bigdhashira · 2 years
@homra-no-artemis​ : pretty alright seeing as I'm allergic
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Is that code-language for I never get any?
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goyokuborn · 3 years
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@homra-no-artemis​ MESSAGED: turtle tell us if hawks is a "eat kfc on christmas and make sure to order it weeks in advance" type of guy or is he a "take it or leave it" type. also which the collective unconscious of the world demands to know if he partakes in the christmastime strawberry shortcake consumption?
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Without any kind of proper schedule, since you can’t exactly tell folks to stop doing what they’re always going to do just because of a holiday season, the best this guy can hope for is getting his hands on whatever he can while he’s got time to do so.    Being intrinsically incapable of any sort of real break, an obeisant mindset coupled with entirely too well conditioned perceptions? He’d be out of the room every ten minutes as soon as his wings caught a whiff of christmas wrongdoing - you’d have to tie him to a chair, shove all his feathers in a trash bag, have someone with super strength sit on them, and spoon feed him whatever you intended to have as a tradition.
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quatervoix · 3 years
Takehiko would agree but muscle damage is plenty of reason,
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You too?? Should they apply to a retirement home?
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kaigyokus · 3 years
@homra-no-artemis​ / sc. teacher geto ( takehiko & geto )
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“i hear your last mission was a resounding success. no casualties or destruction of private property. congratulations.”
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bcdluckstumblcd · 2 years
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@homra-no-artemis asked:  ❛ it was a nightmare, that’s all. ❜ // when she falls asleep @ his place and after he puts a blanket over her
short angst starters || no longer accepting
  He hadn’t even realized he’d dozed off.
Hiko had come to spend some time together, his small place wasn’t much {considering Giran had pulled some strings to get him there to begin with} but it was always open to anyone in the League who needed somewhere to just rest for a while. They’d spent the evening talking, watching whatever had come on his tv, and before he knew it, the young woman was resting her head on his shoulder and falling asleep. 
   Jin had been careful to move and not disturb her, draping a blanket over her and sitting on the floor next to her {he hadn’t really wanted to leave her alone}, and before he knew it, the man was fast asleep himself.
and then he’s jolting awake at the sudden movement and sounds of hyperventilating. He’s alert instantly, ready to fight at any moment, but it’s clear by the way Hiko is sitting up and grasping at her chest, struggling to even her breathing. He can tell by the expression on her face before she even gives the explanation. ‘it was a nightmare, that’s all’ To him, she’d said it so simply but he’s not taking it nearly as casually. 
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  He’s fixing the blanket that had fallen, putting it gently on her shoulders. “Looked pretty bad, from the way you shot up like that.” He isn’t wearing his mask, so the genuine concern can be clearly seen in his eyes. “I’ve been there, nightmares suck ass.” He’s sitting on the end of the couch again, just close enough so she knows he’s there for her, but not too close in case she’s still overwhelmed.
    This is practically his area of expertise, unfortunately. “Do you...want to talk about it?””
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bigidiotenergy · 3 years
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it was OBVIOUS to pair them up, right?
they both have fire quirks. he’s a year above her. he’s the son of endeavor. it’d be stupid for them have not to met at LEAST once, nevermind him never teaching her what he knows. he’s had to overcome his own hardships with his quirk (his body less than optimal for such powerful flames), as well as other hardships that have made things ... difficult for him.
besides. that nurse could only heal so much of his burns.
he’s sitting on a rock near a mountainous area of the training arena. he hears her approach, but doesn’t really bother to look over at her. ❛ you’re takehiko, right? ❜
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yeonban · 2 years
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Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses.
@homra-no-artemis​ asked:  takehiko 💗 tomo :')
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       ❛   Ah  !   ❜   And  a  blush  creeps  on  the  youth’s  features  at  the  result,  gaze  shifting  shyly  towards  the  ground;  fingers  fidgeting  with  his  sleeves.   ❛   Um,  while  I’m  glad  to  hear  that  we’re  f-flawless  together...  I  think  Susumu-san  would  be  happier  with  someone...  less  dull  than  myself.  I  mean  !  I  don’t  think  I’m  terrible  or  anything,  but  Susumu-san  is  just...  really  bright,       ---  there  are  plenty  of  people  that  are  stronger,  or  smarter,  or  more  interesting  than  me  in  the  jujutsu  world,  and  there  must  be  even  more  outside  of  it...  so  surely,  there  must  be  someone  out  there  who  could  make  her  happier  than  a  guy  like  me  ever  could,  right  ?   ❜ 
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viruscide · 3 years
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@homra-no-artemis​ liked for a starter ! 
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               „screw responsibilities. are you free tonight? i have a plan or two.“    actually, just one. it's good, she'll see.
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cromwellharvests-a · 3 years
🚢 for feli!
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send a 🚢 and I’ll fill out this template for our muses’ relationship | @mangataonegdaj
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they just make me happy, your honor
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getsuruito · 3 years
pours him some tea because it's been a while
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           "I never would have guessed you were this good at brewing tea. I figured you knew your stuff but this? This is next-level marvelous!" Tanba almost gulps down the contents of his cup in one go, before adding, "It's almost as good as the tea I brewed for us a long while back." Ah, so many months had passed since then, so many changes had transpired, so many struggles endured-- for Tanba anyway, though he was sure that Takehiko, too, had dealt with much. "But on the note of, 'it's been a long while', it's good to know you've stayed alive all this time, and that you're doing okay." Tanba smiles wide and nods his head at Takehiko, toasting to them with his cup, "I think the world I'll one day create will be a lot better with someone like you still kicking around, so cheers to you and your continued living, my friend! Cheers to the great tea, too!"
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malibvnghts · 3 years
@homra-no-artemis  /  jjk sc.  ft. FUSHIGURO MEGUMI
            the sorcerer peers down on the girl  ,  “  you could have dodged that . . .  ”  he notes  ,  voice flat as he holds out a hand to help them up  .  “  why’d you take it head on  ??  ”  he asks  ,  reminds him of itadori  ,  or maybe they were just slow to react  ??
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