#homeopathy for weight loss
ghaihomoeremedies · 3 months
Shedding Pounds Naturally: Homeopathy for Weight Loss
In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, weight loss is a goal for many, yet achieving it can be a daunting task filled with fad diets and rigorous exercise routines. However, a growing number of people are turning towards homeopathy for weight loss as a gentle, effective solution to shedding those extra pounds. This natural approach offers a holistic way to address weight issues, focusing on the root causes rather than just the symptoms.
Why Choose Homeopathy for Weight Loss?
Homeopathy for weight loss isn't about quick fixes or drastic measures. Instead, it offers a personalized approach, tailoring remedies to each individual's specific needs and health conditions. This personalized care is what sets homeopathy apart, ensuring that weight loss efforts are as unique as the person undertaking them.
The Role of Homeopathy in Weight Management
Homeopathy for weight loss works by stimulating the body’s metabolism to burn more fat efficiently, addressing potential hormonal imbalances, and aiding in appetite regulation. Unlike conventional weight loss methods, homeopathy focuses on the individual's overall well-being, ensuring that weight loss is both healthy and sustainable.
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Top Remedies in Homeopathy for Weight Loss
Several homeopathic remedies stand out for their effectiveness in aiding weight loss:
Calcarea Carbonica is ideal for individuals who carry excess fat in the midsection and struggle with slow metabolism.
Nux Vomica helps those who have gained weight due to sedentary lifestyles or overindulgence in food and stimulants.
Lycopodium is suited for individuals experiencing bloating and cravings for sweet foods.
Natrum Mur aids those who gain weight due to stress and emotional upheaval.
Phytolacca is excellent for boosting metabolism and is particularly effective in the early stages of weight loss.
Integrating Homeopathy with Lifestyle Changes
While homeopathy for weight loss is effective, it’s most successful when combined with healthy lifestyle changes. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate hydration are key components of a comprehensive weight loss plan. Homeopathy can complement these efforts, offering a supportive push towards achieving your weight loss goals.
The Ghai Homoeo Remedies Approach
At Ghai Homoeo Remedies, we understand that weight loss is a journey unique to each individual. Our approach to homeopathy for weight loss combines personalized remedy selection with holistic lifestyle advice, ensuring that our clients not only lose weight but also move towards a healthier, more balanced life.
Embracing a Holistic Path to Weight Loss
Choosing homeopathy for weight loss means embracing a holistic path towards health and well-being. It's about understanding that weight loss is not just about the numbers on the scale but about achieving a balanced, healthy body and mind. With homeopathy, individuals can enjoy a gentle, natural, and effective route to weight loss, free from the side effects and frustrations of conventional weight loss methods.
Homeopathy for weight loss offers a promising alternative for those seeking a natural, effective way to manage their weight. By addressing the root causes of weight gain and providing personalized remedies, homeopathy supports individuals on their journey to a healthier, happier self. At Ghai Homoeo Remedies, we’re committed to guiding you through this journey, offering the support and care needed to achieve your weight loss goals naturally.
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Best Weight Loss Homeopathy Supplement - Garcinia Cambogia Tablet
Doctor Bhargava Garcinia Cambogia Tablet is a result of techniques perfected over 100 years of practice. It also reduces your appetite. It does not have any known side effects and is trusted among many people. It is the most effective natural homeopathic weight loss supplement under the trusted brand name of Bhargava Phytolab for more than 98 years, since 1920. Start taking Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement today for best results.
Constantly trying to lose weight can be physically and emotionally draining. Sometimes, it may look as though your effort is not yielding any results.  Asides from having to follow a certain diet and training, you are also at risk of having some diseases associated with being overweight.
If your healthcare provider advises you to lose weight, and you've tried all means to achieve this without seeing results, we have good news for you. Doctor Bhargava Garcinia Cambogia tablets will enable you to achieve weight loss without stress. Being overweight has a lot of downsides. You are prone to have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, back pain, high blood pressure, and other health problems. However, losing weight requires hard work and patience.
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Even though there are several weight loss supplements in the market and pharmacy stores today, they may not produce satisfactory results. Some of these drugs may cause drastic weight loss, while others may cause severe side effects. That's why you should use Garcinia Cambogia tablet homeopathic supplement. The best result is guaranteed within a few days to weeks of using it.
What are the Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Tablets?
This medicine primarily enables weight loss easily and fast. It is also helpful in the following ways;
It helps in burning excess fat
It improves metabolism
It reduces hunger pangs
It prevents fat buildup in the body
Since weight loss is associated with a lot of health problems, Garcinia Cambogia tablet helps to prevent the following;
Reduce stomach fat
Cardiovascular disease
lose arm fat
High Blood pressure
Reduce fat from hips
High LDL cholesterol levels
reduce face fat
Breathing problems
Body pain
What are the Key Ingredients in Garcinia Cambogia Homeopathic Tablet? The major ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). These homeopathic supplements are made from the extracts of Garcinia Cambogia peel, a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit. Research has shown that hydroxycitric acid enables weight loss.
What is the Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight?
Regardless of your age and gender, it is important to burn excess fat in the body. Being overweight can expose you to the risk of several diseases such as;
Sleep apnea, Kidney failure
Diabetes, Infertility
Joint pain, Cancer
Depression, Cardiovascular disease
Osteoarthritis, Musculoskeletal disorders
Low quality of life, Difficulty in performing daily activities
Breathing problem, Low HDL cholesterol
What are the Causes of Being Overweight?
For most people, their gene plays a major role in their weight. So even if they consume little food, there's no way to avoid being overweight.
Other factors that contribute to weight gain include;
Unhealthy eating habit, Living a sedentary lifestyle
Lack of exercise, Age
Lack of adequate sleep, Pregnancy
Certain medications, Stress
Important information about Using Garcinia Cambogia Tablets
To get quick and effective results while taking this weight loss supplement, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
Drug Dosage:Adults should take 2 tablets three times daily while children should take 1 tablet three times daily.
Do not use more than the recommended dosage
Store in a cool place with low temperature
Take a lighter dosage after you see Improvement in your weight
Keep away from children reach
If you are allergic to the drug, stop its usage immediately
Speak with your health care provider before taking this drug if you have an ailment or disease
Take the drug regularly to see positive results
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding a child, consult your doctor before taking this medicine
Where To Purchase Garcinia Cambogia Tablet?
You can buy Garcinia Cambogia Tablets from various sources online. However, it would be best you purchase the homeopathic supplement from doctor Bhargava. Also have a live chat with the doctor and to purchase the medicine. By this, you'll be able to describe your symptoms and other information to the doctor, and he'll provide the solutions you need.
There's a popular saying that "health is wealth." Taking care of yourself should include eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and seeking medical help when necessary. One of the best treatments for weight loss is Garcinia Cambogia supplements. Buy the Garcinia Cambogia supplements online and use them as recommended. The fast and effective result is guaranteed within a few days to weeks, depending on your body's response to the medicine.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Your immune system is your body’s defense against infections and other harmful invaders. Without it, you would constantly get sick from germs such as bacteria or viruses.
Your immune system is made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect you.
The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that spread, like blood vessels, all over the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells. They are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells.
White blood cells are the cells of the immune system. They are made in one of your lymph organs such as the spleen or thymus, and in the bone marrow.
When your immune system doesn't work the way it should, it is called an immune system disorder. You may:
• Be born with a weak immune system. This is called primary immune deficiency.
• Get a disease that weakens your immune system. This is called acquired immune deficiency.
• Have an immune system that is too active. This may happen with an allergic reaction.
• Have an immune system that turns against you. This is called autoimmune disease.
Immune system disorders
Here are some common examples:
• Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This is an example of an immune deficiency that is present at birth. Children are in constant danger of infections from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This disorder is sometimes called “bubble boy disease.” In the 1970s, a boy had to live in a sterile environment inside a plastic bubble. Children with SCID are missing important white blood cells. This disease is deadly without treatment.
• Temporary acquired immune deficiencies. Your immune system can be weakened by certain medicines, for example. This can happen to people on chemotherapy or other medicines used to treat cancer. It can also happen to people after organ transplants who take medicine to prevent organ rejection. Also, infections such as the flu virus, mono (mononucleosis), and measles can weaken the immune system for a short time. Your immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition.
• AIDS. HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system. People with HIV/AIDS can become seriously ill with infections that most people can fight off. These infections are called “opportunistic infections” because they take advantage of weak immune systems.
An overactive immune system
If you are born with certain genes, your immune system may react to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. These substances are called allergens. Having an allergic reaction is the most common example of an overactive immune system. Dust, mold, pollen, and foods are examples of allergens.
Some conditions caused by an overactive immune system are:
• Asthma. The response in your lungs can cause coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing. Asthma can be triggered by common allergens like dust or pollen or by an irritant like tobacco smoke.
• Eczema. An allergen causes an itchy rash known as atopic dermatitis.
• Hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Sneezing, a runny nose, sniffling, and swelling of your nasal passages from indoor allergens such as dust and pets or outdoor allergens such as pollens or molds.
• Food allergy. Severe allergic reactions that are caused by foods.
Autoimmune disease
In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks normal, healthy tissues. Experts don't know why. It is likely a combination of a person’s genes and something in the environment that triggers those genes.
Three common autoimmune diseases are:
• Type 1 diabetes. The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Insulin removes sugar from the blood to use as energy.
• Rheumatoid arthritis. This type of arthritis causes swelling and deformities of the joints. An auto-antibody called rheumatoid factor is in the blood of some people with rheumatoid arthritis.
• Lupus. This disease attacks body tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, and skin. Many types of auto-antibodies are found in the blood of people with lupus.
Experts don't know what causes autoimmune diseases. But many factors seem to be involved. If you have an immune system disorder, learn as much as you can about it. And work closely with your healthcare providers to manage it.
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skinspecialist11 · 2 years
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Laser hair removal treatment is better than anything. The most effective way to eliminate unwanted facial hair as in the nose or on the chin is with a laser.
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drpanktisreviveclinic · 2 months
⏳ Don't miss out on this opportunity! Book your FREE consultation at Kandivali West branch now and embark on a journey to a healthier, more beautiful you. Contact us today! To book your consultation DM us or connect with our experts on
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besthomeopathy5 · 2 years
Dr. Anima Mishra |Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram
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The search for the best homeo clinic in Indirapuram or homeopathy specialist in Indirapuram ends with Dr. Anima Mishra. With her years of experience and matchless expertise, she provides the best treatment for all kinds of ailments. She runs the best homeopathy clinic in Indirapuram.
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dranimamishra12 · 2 years
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Some diseases namely thyroid, anemia, protein deficiency, chemotherapy, and low vitamin level may also cause hair fall or hair loss.
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healthasters · 2 years
A lot of research has been conducted and it is still not clear as to what causes PCOD. It varies with each individual differently, but some of the common factors are listed here.
A balanced diet chart for weight loss, along with conventional clinical treatment, can control the cause and effect of PCOD.
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elliepassmore · 22 days
The Last Bloodcarver review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: Vietnamese mythology, science fantasy, magical medicine
The author describes this book as 'science fantasy,' which I think is an apt descriptor. Nhika's powers are within the realm of fantasy, but the way she thinks about her powers is more science, as are the automatons that help run the city. There are also doctors and medical advancements, like surgery, IVs, and organ transplants. I really liked this aspect of the book and thought the combination of magic + medicine was super cool. It was interesting to see how different characters viewed medicine and heartsoothing, particularly the differences between Nhika and Kochin, and how they reconciled those views. I also really liked seeing the duality of healing. It's not really something you see a lot with healer characters, but if you have power over a person's body systems, healing, and immunity, then you can just as easily use those systems for damage as well as for good, and I liked seeing Le use that in this story.
The worldbuilding is neat and gives us hints of a more complex system going on in the world. We spend the entire book in Theumas, which is divided into sectors based on the zodiac. I'm definitely intrigued by the way the city is setup, though I'm not sure we'll get an in-depth explanation for that since politics aren't really at the forefront of the novel. We do get a look at the class system of Theumas and how the boroughs correspond to that system. I liked seeing how things differed and how certain behaviors trickled down from the wealthier boroughs to the poorer ones.
While politics isn't at the forefront of this book, immigrants and culture are. Nhika is Yarongese, born in Theumas. Her parents and grandmother were born in Yarong but had to flee to Theumas due to war and colonialization, and then died when Nhika was young. So while Nhika learned her culture from her family, she also feels a disconnect due to living in Theumas and having to hide her heartsoothing. Nhika greatly yearns to belong and wants desperately to feel that connection to her culture, so those two things drive her actions through a lot of the book.
I liked Nhika as a character. She's been living on her own since she was 12 and, in order to survive and make money, has turned to homeopathy remedies to heal people and stay under the radar as a heartsoother. Try as she might to be tough, she has a soft inside and cares deeply about other people, even if she's just met them. This allows her to bond with the Congmi siblings, and later Kochin, despite slights and differences. Nhika is willing to stand up for herself and follow through on things, even when it's dangerous or difficult, and that perseverance both helps and hurts her at different points.
Kochin was a character I liked, then didn't, then did again. He has a very specific goal in mind throughout the novel, but he's somewhat clumsy in how he goes about it. In the end he pulls through and I liked that he was able to be there for Nhika and share some things with her closer to the end of the book. I do feel bad for him since he definitely got in way over his head and is doing the best he can to try and mitigate the damage to everyone else.
Despite Nhika staying with the Congmis for most of the book, I feel like I don't totally know them as characters, so I hope to see them more in book 2. Mimi is definitely a lovable character who is friendly and wants to believe the best of others. She's heartbroken by the recent loss of her father, and she seems to enjoy having Nhika around as a friend. That being said, she's somewhat naive about how the world works and just how much her family's money and social standing advantage her. Andao seems to be more aware of it, but he's got the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders and rivals and friends coming at him from all directions to try and influence his moves.
Trin is a friend of the family and at first is kind of mean to Nhika, but he's a bit like Chubs from The Darkest Minds. What he really wants is for the Congmis to be safe and well cared for, and he's not afraid of giving someone the smackdown if they seem like they might threaten that, but is much friendlier once you're past that initial stage. I ended up liking Trin's character a lot and think he and Nhika have the beginnings of a good friendship.
The mystery was very interesting, and the seeds of it are laid from the beginning. It's somewhat predictable but it's still a very enjoyable story because there are twists to the mystery that aren't apparent at first. The last 1/3 was definitely tense since everything is coming together, and I really liked seeing how it all played out.
My one complaint about this book is that there's some instalove going on in it. It's very minor so I can kind of ignore it, but it seems like it might be a bigger thing in book 2 (maybe? Maybe it's just the consequences of that, we'll see.).
Overall I loved this book and can't wait to see what book 2 has in store! The combination of magic and medicine was super interesting, and I liked seeing how both were dealt with. I also thought the characters were well rounded and liked reading their interactions.
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tanadrin · 1 year
Doctors here in Germany are especially prone to prescribing, uh, how can I put this... bullshit that doesn’t work, which is in part probably a reaction to a culture that is in general more open to homeopathy and alternative medicine (derogatory), and part excess caution/paternalism on the part of the medical culture. Your German doctor might lecture you about the need to lose weight, but they’d also probably refuse to prescribe you a weight-loss drug, even one that was cheap and safe, which I think is pretty stupid.
In comparison, there is a view of American medicine as being relatively liberal with drugs, and while that might be true of some American doctors, it’s definitely not true of them all--from other peoples’ anecdotes it sounds like there’s actually quite a lot of medical gatekeeping in the US, despite prescription drug ads of the “ask your doctor if this is right for you” flavor. We just seem to have a really ambivalent attitude toward medicine. Some of this seems to be a reaction to illegal drugs, some of this seems to be skepticism toward the medical establishment, some of this seems to be a kind of generalized anti-intellectualism, and some of this seems to be a reaction to notable-but-rare medical disasters like thalidomide.
But it generally seems unwarranted to me, and as somebody who has dreamed of a transhuman future like that featured in the Culture novel for years now, I would be happy to take all the drugs if it made my life better.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
While I'm at it, THE STUFF remake but all the trailers/tv spots/adverts are just commercials for the actual STUFF product not the movie, making STUFF look super enticing and yummy and low-cal and keto and gluten free and shit ....the movie being an indictment on diet culture and homeopathy and marketing in that people find find fucking subterranean sarcophagus juice and sell it as a natural weight loss remedy and it eats people from the inside out and people bleed and vomit the goo and the goo infects whatever living thing it lands on (movie takes place in a test market town or some other "controlled" area so it's not like a nationwide endemic problem, idk)... I just want a gross gorey comedy about the horrors of marketing or smth
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Your immune system is your body’s defense against infections and other harmful invaders. Without it, you would constantly get sick from germs such as bacteria or viruses.
Your immune system is made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect you.
The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that spread, like blood vessels, all over the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells. They are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells.
White blood cells are the cells of the immune system. They are made in one of your lymph organs such as the spleen or thymus, and in the bone marrow.
When your immune system doesn't work the way it should, it is called an immune system disorder. You may:
• Be born with a weak immune system. This is called primary immune deficiency.
• Get a disease that weakens your immune system. This is called acquired immune deficiency.
• Have an immune system that is too active. This may happen with an allergic reaction.
• Have an immune system that turns against you. This is called autoimmune disease.
Immune system disorders
Here are some common examples:
• Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This is an example of an immune deficiency that is present at birth. Children are in constant danger of infections from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This disorder is sometimes called “bubble boy disease.” In the 1970s, a boy had to live in a sterile environment inside a plastic bubble. Children with SCID are missing important white blood cells. This disease is deadly without treatment.
• Temporary acquired immune deficiencies. Your immune system can be weakened by certain medicines, for example. This can happen to people on chemotherapy or other medicines used to treat cancer. It can also happen to people after organ transplants who take medicine to prevent organ rejection. Also, infections such as the flu virus, mono (mononucleosis), and measles can weaken the immune system for a short time. Your immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition.
• AIDS. HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system. People with HIV/AIDS can become seriously ill with infections that most people can fight off. These infections are called “opportunistic infections” because they take advantage of weak immune systems.
An overactive immune system
If you are born with certain genes, your immune system may react to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. These substances are called allergens. Having an allergic reaction is the most common example of an overactive immune system. Dust, mold, pollen, and foods are examples of allergens.
Some conditions caused by an overactive immune system are:
• Asthma. The response in your lungs can cause coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing. Asthma can be triggered by common allergens like dust or pollen or by an irritant like tobacco smoke.
• Eczema. An allergen causes an itchy rash known as atopic dermatitis.
• Hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Sneezing, a runny nose, sniffling, and swelling of your nasal passages from indoor allergens such as dust and pets or outdoor allergens such as pollens or molds.
• Food allergy. Severe allergic reactions that are caused by foods.
Autoimmune disease
In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks normal, healthy tissues. Experts don't know why. It is likely a combination of a person’s genes and something in the environment that triggers those genes.
Three common autoimmune diseases are:
• Type 1 diabetes. The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Insulin removes sugar from the blood to use as energy.
• Rheumatoid arthritis. This type of arthritis causes swelling and deformities of the joints. An auto-antibody called rheumatoid factor is in the blood of some people with rheumatoid arthritis.
• Lupus. This disease attacks body tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, and skin. Many types of auto-antibodies are found in the blood of people with lupus.
Experts don't know what causes autoimmune diseases. But many factors seem to be involved. If you have an immune system disorder, learn as much as you can about it. And work closely with your healthcare providers to manage it.
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skinspecialist11 · 2 years
Dr. Anima Mishra | Can homeopathy help with asthma?
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Asthma, homoeopathic treatment is effective for managing symptoms when a person is under the care of a qualified health practitioner.
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besthomeopathy5 · 2 years
Dr. Anima Mishra | Dermatologist in Indirapuram
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When it comes to the best homeopathy specialist in Indirapuram, Dr. Anima Mishra is the first name that strikes everyone’s mind. She is practicing homeopathy for the last 23 years. With her expertise and experience, she provides the best care and treatment for all kinds of chronic and acute ailments.
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dranimamishra12 · 2 years
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According to a Homeopathy clinic in Indirapuram, Homeopathic medicines are considered to be safer than other medical treatment as they are derived mainly from plants.
When it comes to the best homeopathy specialist in Indirapuram, Dr. Anima Mishra is the first name that strikes everyone’s mind. She is practicing homeopathy for the last 23 years. With her expertise and experience, she provides the best care and treatment for all kinds of chronic and acute ailments.
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brahmhomeo · 2 years
What Is Intraductal Calcification Stone ?
Intraductal Calcification Stone Best Treatment In Homeopathy
It is a condition where stones or calculi start forming within the duct of pancrease, it is further more progression of disease.
Intraductal Calcification Stone Pancreatitis Symptoms
1. Intense abdomen pain. 2. Pain in Upper parts of abdomen which spreads to back. 3.Pain in abdomen get worse after eating or drinking Alcohol. 4.Oily stool. 5.Nausea and vomiting. 6.Weight loss.
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