#holster's main goal in life is to be the second coming of adam sandler but is occasionally foiled by accidentally saying worthwhile things
parvuls · 2 years
friends cast au: in which the O6 are actors in a wildly popular sitcom and to prevent Trouble, their contracts include a no romance clause.
it's pretty much common knowledge on the set that lardo and shitty have toyed with that line before without really crossing it (?), but what people don't know is that for years bitty's been harboring a persistent crush on jack; one of his best friends, his co-worker, the man he shared an apartment with during the first year of the show.
what is even less well known is jack's crush on bitty. in fact, it is so unknown that jack doesn't even know about it. he just chalks up the fact that he had no desire to date since being casted to the fact that he practically lives on set, is so dedicated to his career, and the no romance clause forbids him from dating anyone he meets at work.
but after six successful seasons the series finale is fast approaching, and with it the inevitable end of an era. everybody on hollywood says they'll keep in touch, but bitty knows full well how infrequently they keep that word. now that their contract is reaching its conclusion, will bitty make a move? will jack figure out his own feelings? or will they both move on to other projects and become just another person they used to be friends with?
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