#his twin died yeah lets goooo
miicycle · 2 years
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hello i was making something but i gave up
heres a donnie sobbing and feeling angry with himself after leo dies because i LOVE the au where leo doesnt come back
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kenmolly · 2 years
hiya there! i have a sort of angsty request? dazai x gn reader who is almost exactly like oda? like the only thing that’s different about the two is how they look. take your time and have a wonderful day :)
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𝄰 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ dazai x gn!reader
𝄰 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢᎓ angsty comfort?
𝄰 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ none proof read
𝄰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢᎓ thanks for the request! i hope i did it correctly and not mess anything up- anyways hope you have a wonderful day as well! ♡
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"how is it? is it oh, so delicious, (nickname)~?" dazai cooed as he watches you eat his cooking. that's right, his cooking. he never cooks, and not to mention, he's super bad at it too. so of course.. this plate of curry he's so proud of actually taste like shit.
"it tastes like shit though" you bluntly responded.
"wh-WHAT?? OH MY, HOW BLUNT OF YOU, MY DEAR! THAT TRULY HURTS ME SO MUCH! aahh, I feel like I'm going to die!" you rolled your eyes, scooping a spoonful of curry and placing it right in front of your boyfriend's face.
"I'm not lying, 'samu. wanna try?" he wiped away his fake tears, opening his mouth as you stuffed the spoon into his mouth. eyes widened, he spit out the food with a disgusted face.
"what the hell is tha- i-i mean, it's isn't that bad!"
"oh really? finish this then, I'll go buy myself some curry"
"w-wait! okay okay, I'll admit that it's bad! come baaaaack" pleading, dazai quickly followed you and wrap his slender arms around your waist with his face buried deep into your neck. you grunt, trying to wiggle yourself away but his hold was stronger than you thought. sighing, you eventually gave up and ran your fingers through the brunette's hair just how he likes it.
" soo.. let's go together?" you asked, feeling more weight is adding onto your body. "don't fall asleep by the way,"
"hm..? yeah, sure! let's goooo" dazai dragged you towards your car, the both of you entering it. you drove to the store that sells your favorite curry and parked somewhere near. entering the store, the familiar smell of curry welcomed the both of you as you find for a place to sit with your boyfriend.
"what may I get for you both today?"
"the usual," you said, giving the waiter a small smile. "thanks,"
"and you, sir?"
"just a cup of tea would do." the waiter nod and walks away to the counter. dazai rested his face on his palm, admiring your serious face while reading the news on your phone. 'oh, much they remind me of odasaku.. i miss him. i wonder how is he doing?' noticing your boyfriend's gaze on you, you turn your head towards him with a brow raised.
"is something the matter, 'samu?"
"it's nothing, it's just that you remind me so much of him."
"him?" realized what he said, he quickly lied his head down and hid his face from you. of course, it made you even more curious about it.
"'samu, who is this 'him' you're talking about?"
"forget what I said, my dear. it's nothing!"
"I said tell me, osamu." sighing, he sat back up with a serious face that you haven't seen in a while now. 'so it's pretty serious, huh?'
"it's.. a friend of mine that died years ago, we somehow grew close. he died in my arms, y/n. he told me to help the orphans, so I helped atsushi. but I still.. really miss him. i still visit his grave, tell him everything that happened; including me meeting you." he paused for a second, "you remind me so much of him, my dear. you like to read the news, you love to eat curry, the calmness that's always displayed on you despite any situation, your personality, everything. you're like his twin, y/n.."
dazai looked into your eyes, realizing the softness in them. for the first time in a while, you see dazai, the person who's best at hiding his emotions cry. you pulled him into your embrace, letting him cry as you reassure him that everything's okay.
luckily, the both of you are sitting somewhere quite hidden in the store. you stroke his soft hair, whispering sweet nothings to him as he slowly calms down in your arms. minutes passed and you cup your boyfriend's cheek, wiping his tears off with a gentle smile.
"I'm sure he's proud of you, 'samu. because if he isn't, I'll seriously punch this friend of your in the face" you laughed along with dazai and plant a soft kiss on his forehead.
"now, wanna share my curry? I'm sure you're hungry too"
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© cara (@kenmolly). all rights reserved. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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wahbegan · 5 years
I’m Depressed Let’s Talk 25 Things You Probably Didn’t Miss and I’m Just an Asshole  About the It Chapter 2 Trailer Let’s Goooo
You know the drill by now and if you don’t you can look in the tags and laugh about how wrong I was anyway putting the rest under a cut
1. So this scene’s almost beat-for-beat straight from the book, with variations to make it more cinematic. The sign says Marsh when she rings the doorbell, and i’ll bet you anything like Its eyes changing from yellow to blue in the storm drain, they’ll keep the thing from the book where Mrs Kersh opens the door and when Bev looks again, it says Kersh instead
2. Kersh’s open chest wound/rotting flesh isn’t from the book, i assume it’s a reference to The Shining
3. The “it gets so hot you feel like you could just die” and “I had cookies in the oven” are both references to the witch from Hansel and Gretel, which is what Mrs Kersh really is. I mean she’s REALLY an interdimensional clown-spider from outer space but you get the idea. I don’t know if they’ll be as blatant as in the book, it looks like the house doesn’t turn to candy anyway which makes sense
4. The antique photo of the twin women may be another Shining reference
5. The picture on her wall of her and her “fadder” brings up some interesting possibilities, but my money’s on Andres Muschietti i believe stated at one point in an interview or AMA or tweet or something that in his universe, there was an ACTUAL Pennywise that It killed to take his form, and he was one of Its favorite victims and that’s what the old PENNYWISE travelling circus thing at the bottom of Its trophy heap is from, so it’s very possible this is a photo of the real dude and his actual daughter before his identity was usurped by The Sewer Clownspider From Outer Space
6. The bruises on Jessica Chastain’s arm seem to imply they’re keeping her abusive husband and her fistfight with him when she tries to leave for Derry intact
7. Oh yeah before I forget, Kersh’s “no one who here ever really dies” i know is a bit nonsensical but in the book, it explains that Derry was made “In Its image” and everyone who lives there is sort of influenced by It, almost part of It, and Its victims are forever “trapped in the Deadlights” so that’s probably what It meant is that even in death, in Derry there’s no escape from It. It will take your form, It will go after your loved ones, you will float in Its Deadlights, etc.
8. Oh yeah also her apartment has a bird motif and It appears as a bird several times over the book but more importantly to Bev, during the....ahem THAT scene, she sort of...dissociates? She starts daydreaming about power lines with hundreds of grackles all over them and she fends It off by saying the grackles know Its real name as an adult, so that’s probably i mean i doubt any of that will be referenced i think it’s just a fun little set design easter egg
9. The Losers looking in the window and seeing themselves as kids is probably at the end of the movie as Eddie isn’t there and it happens right at the end of the book, or something very similar i believe it’s actually Bev looks in a window and sees they still look like adults, but she sees adult Stan and Eddie’s reflections alongside their own which is very emotional and this looks to be a version of that
10. Yeah the town is...weirdly empty i’m not sure why i mean the town gets its shit wrecked at the end of the book since it was made in Its image, when It (allegedly) dies, the entire town is destroyed by a massive storm that doesn’t look to be the case here, but the town being completely devoid of life i’m assuming has a lot to do with Its influence
11. Yeah the Chinese Restaurant scene from both book and miniseries is intact, it remains to be seen whether they’ll get insane shit in their fortune cookies or not. If I had to guess, based on the way the first one went, something will probably be up with them but the ante will be upped and it won’t be as campy as the miniseries version
12. This scene of It taunting/luring Bill by pretending to be Georgie in the sewer is completely Muschietti’s own creation, It only appears as Georgie when they’re already underground in the book, looking monstrous and with his arm ripped off, so i have no idea where this is going. Oh, wait, hold on, when they all split up to okay so basically if you haven’t read the book they’ve all repressed most of their childhoods and don’t really remember shit until Mike calls, right? So after the Chinese Restaurant reunion, they all split up and go different directions to trigger memories and re-familiarize themselves with Derry. It’s at THAT point Bev meets Mrs Kersh, Richie meets the Paul Bunyan statue (more on that in a minute), etc. Bill though doesn’t have a run-in with It, he just finds his old bike Silver in a pawn shop. So Muschietti probably inserted this scene to be his encounter with It on his walking tour of Derry. Also bit of opinion here but can i just say it’s an AWESOME parallel a simple but very effective stroke of genius calling back to by far the most infamous scene of the book and both adaptations, that was brilliant on Muschietti’s part.
13. They’re pushing Bill/Beverly in this trailer which is a subplot i really hoped they would drop because Bill is fuCKING MARRIED and she ends up with Ben at the end anyway, so it’s pretty pointless padding and just a reason for the dude to have an affair, but alas, they appear to have kept it intact.
14. Yeah, so this is where they defeated It the last time, the tower of floating kids and victim trophies appears to be gone, which is probably what prompts them to go deeper (also more on that in a second). I assume they end up going down the place Pennywise retreated to last time to find Its real lair.
15. Okay yeah Pennywise floating off of a Paul Bunyan statue with a pyramid of balloons while Richie freaks out is also right out of the book, it’s his “Walking Tour” scare, when he was a kid the statue came alive and attacked him, and as an adult, it actually turns into a giant Pennywise statue and fucks with him. I’m not sure if the statue is actually going to come to life because that is a bit hard to translate to film or if they’ll take the easy way out and just have Pennywise on the statue, it remains to be seen. Although, the inverted triangle of balloons and fucking off while laughing is what It did to Eddie in Chapter 1 after chasing him as a Leper, so that could be an indication that It’s just gotten finished pretending to be the statue and fucking with Richie.
15. Mike’s digging for something? I have no idea why other than Mike in the book is the narrator, local It expert, and sort of amateur detective trying to find out what crimes are It related, so he could be trying to dig up a body of a missing kid or something, i do not know
16. The balloons under the bridge are straight out of the murder of Adrian Mellon, which i believe Muschietti said is going to be the opening of this film. It’s definitely the inciting event for It to wake up. Basically these assholes harass this gay couple at a fair, which you see a couple flashes later in the trailer, follow them, see them on this bridge and beat the shit out of the one guy who talks back to them and then throw him over the bridge. This hatred and brutality wakes It up, and both Adrian’s boyfriend and the youngest of his attackers see It under the bridge biting his ribs “like he was trying to eat his heart.” The boyfriend, Don Hagarty, then sees It disappear with Mellon, who is just barely but STILL ALIVE at this point, into a giant cascade of balloons under the bridge
17. Yeah judging by how fucked up this house is, i think where Pennywise is attacking Mike is his early childhood house where his parents burned. Also not in the book, also i assume a scare put in during his walking tour of Derry because he’s the other character that doesn’t get one.
18. Now this is a really interesting shot and one i’ve heard several theories about. It could be the original, human Pennywise losing his shit, it could be It transforming, it doesn’t really resemble anything from the book so it’s hard to tell. One theory i’ve heard that i really do like though, it holds no more merit than any of the others, but i personally like it the best, is that this is actually Henry Bowers we’re seeing. Because he did survive, he got the murders for the original cycle pinned on him in the book and was sent to a brutally run mental hospital, and It breaks him out to have him try to kill The Losers. This could be him, mid-mental breakdown, applying make-up to look like Pennywise. Homeboy’s face is too jacked to really tell who it is, and the background’s not helping much so it is a mystery, but it does look like a human, it doesn’t have the proportions of Pennywise’s face, and i do like the idea that it’s Henry. But yeah also very likely it’s the original human Pennywise meeting some gruesome, horrible fate. There wasn’t a human Pennywise in the book, by the way. I mean It liked to talk about how Its name was Bob Gray and It was a human, but It’s just lying. This is 100% Muschietti’s contribution to the lore.
19. Now THIS place, where the flashlights are almost shining green with the black alien-looking stalagmites, i mean this has gotta be Its real, final lair. Not quite the same as the book, but giving off a very similar vibe, keeping the cosmic origin intact, which Muschietti did say he was going to do so. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention before when there was a shot of him in the sewer, but in the book and miniseries, Mike is actually badly wounded by Henry and has to sit out the final fight with It, but that doesn’t look to be the case here, he seems on the scene, which is really nice after his side-lining in the first movie.
20. Yeah the fair i was talking about that’s where Adrian Mellon and Don Hagarty are first harassed by the homophobes who later run into them again and murder Adrian
21. Eddie has a bandage on his face it looks like in the final fight scene, probably giving to him by Henry. So Henry like i said It winds him up and sets him loose on The Losers, but he only succeeds in badly wounding Mike, who badly wounds him back, and he’s actually killed in a fight with Eddie. I assume the bandage is a result of that fight
22. Oh yeah just small side-note, it looks like the fair where Mellon and Hagarty were first accosted by the homophobes is still up and running and Bill visits it for some reason, which isn’t in the book, i don’t know what that’s about, but it’s probably a new lil story beat for him. Exciting!
23. Bev drowning in a pool of blood isn’t in the book at all, so i have no idea what they’re doing. Jessica Chastain though did mention in an interview though that one scene used a frankly ludicrous amount of fake blood, possibly the most ever although Evil Dead is giving it stiff competition, and i don’t think it’s much of a gamble to say this is probably the scene in question. What makes that interesting is she also had an instagram post about washing all the fake blood off and out of her hair, whereas this is clearly Sophia Lillis drowning in the blood. So it seems like there’s gonna be some time fuckery where it cuts back and forth between both child and adult Bev experiencing some kind of trauma which is really cool, the book did that a lot, blurring the line between the kids and their adult selves, and i’d love to see that in this movie. Oh yeah also almost goes without saying but i assume it’s some sort of continuation/ante-upping of the blood-out-of-the-sink bit
24. It looks like they all participate in the Ritual of Chud, rather than just Bill and Richie like in the book, which....which actually i like and makes a lot of sense, because frankly you don’t notice when you’re reading it but afterwards you’re kinda like “wait were they all just kinda standing around doing nothing while Bill and Richie had all the fun?” So yeah, good decision. Also yeah clearly alien architecture
25. The girl under the bleachers i assume is just one of the murders that prompts Mike to call the others back to Derry, if not THE murder, it doesn’t have an exact parallel in the book that plays out like this. But what’s interesting is the little light It uses to lure her in closer, when he claps it out and then lets it shine again, it’s clearly spooky orange which is THE DEADLIGHTS color so it almost seems like It’s luring a kid over to It with one of The Deadlights in disguise which is....very interesting, not a thing that happened in the book, in the book it was much more “the second you see orange light your brain melts out of your ears, eyes and nose” so it’s pretty cool. Also Its apparently friendly smile and “Hello!” are a lot like when It took Georgie and i really appreciate that
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tuwasduwillst · 6 years
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who the hell are you
i don’t know what any of that was about, but okay.
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would you stop blowing things up?? what is even the point
Shuichi and the others decide to try to go talk to him and get him to stop.
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stop blowing things up!!
he says he wants to destroy the school to end the killing game.
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well that’s just rude.
they try to convince him that they can stop it together and that there’s still hope; Shuichi says there could still be somewhere for them to go, though he’s mostly just basing that on what Kaito told them before his execution about someone watching.
still, though, that possibility is their hope. they still have things to investigate in the school; they can’t just give up now.
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great, thanks, now that you’ve blown half the place up you’re willing to stop and cooperate. couldn’t have just spoken to everyone before the explosions, noooo.
he says he’ll wait until dawn. what gives you the right to place a time limit on them?? 
once it hits dawn he says he’ll end the killing game and kill himself? okay
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Monokuma shows up and says that the killing game is eternal and can’t be stopped.
also, destroying school property like that is ~an act of mutiny~. so now Kiibo’s going to have to fight off Monokuma and his stupid “kubs”. u_u
at least they’ll be distracted while Shuichi and the others poke around, i guess. still, what the heck. the guy just starts blowing things up without speaking to anyone else about it... geez... how inconsiderate...
Shuichi, Maki, Tsumugi, and Himiko all go into the school and decide to try to find the actual mastermind, because they think there could be someone in the school controlling things. they all split up, but before Shuichi can leave the school’s entrance--
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a hole in the floor in front of him is created by some of the damage to the building.
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staircase in the hole!
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aw. i was wondering where it was, since it hadn’t shown up yet...
since there’s damage to the door, Shuichi can get in.
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Shuichi looks around and most of his comments are “this seems comical” or “this seems like a kid’s idea of what an evil organization would have”
he won’t play with the RC helicopter :(
...not that he has time to, but.
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Shuichi finds this book about the history of Hope’s Peak. Maki shows up while he’s looking at it and he asks her to tell him what she remembers about the history of the academy. she sighs, but she does it.
what she says is what he remembers as well, but it doesn’t match the book, and the book is apparently the most accurate account of the school’s history.
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you can’t keep what you found from me, that’s unfair! i want to know now too :(
well, whatever he discovered, he decides he needs to go to Kokichi’s room and figure out more about him, since he found this book in his lab.
...don’t the rooms lock after the person dies?
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what the heck
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Shuichi’s remembering some kid asking him if he’s part of the Gofer Project; Shuichi says he’s not because he’s just a normal high school student. the kid was convinced all the kids were still alive despite the fake funeral thing and he was calling them ~heroes~.
oh, it was a delayed flashback light thing from the one Monokuma used after the trial. Maki apparently also remembered something like that.
time to go to Kokichi’s room! which i guess isn’t locked, because they get in easily.
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awww, the whiteboard is too tiny to see on Tumblr. it’s funny, though--he’s got “annoying” written by the “kubs”, “suspicious” by Maki, “trustworthy!” by Shuichi (aw)*, and “weird” by Kiibo.
--oh no, i accidentally hit it away! D: come back, whiteboard!
* or it’s “trustworthy?”, i can’t tell. either way it’s cute
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is that a lightsaber
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Shuichi says they don’t have time to look through them, but Maki says she’ll do it. that way Shuichi can keep looking at the rest of the room.
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speaking of the rest of the room, Kokichi had a bunch of stuff from the past murders. i was kind of wondering where that stuff goes after the investigation... and Shuichi commented on the missing inner tube after Kirumi’s trial.
Shuichi finds one of the motive videos on Kokichi’s bed and decides to play it. he doesn’t think it’ll be Kokichi’s video, but he wants to check it out.
it is his, though!
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once Shuichi’s done seeing that, Maki tells him he can go and she’ll keep looking through the blueprints, because they rely on Shuichi most in situations like these. before he goes, though, she wants him to look at something she found.
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it’s like a scavenger hunt! let’s go!
Maki thinks it’s probably just a prank, but Shuichi thinks it needs to be checked out. i agree, let’s goooo
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oh, good, this is the right place. i had no idea what that note meant by “garden”.
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Shuichi has another flashback before he leaves this area.
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oh, good, Shuichi thought it was stupid as well.
anyway, the reason is ~*hope*~. you guys in the DR universe have serious problems when it comes to “hope” and “talent”.
Kiibo also had a flashback, so he ends up crashing through the roof of the area Shuichi’s in. he offers to destroy Rantarou’s lab’s door so Shuichi can get in there and check it out.
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Kiibo does that and then tells Shuichi he’ll help him get anywhere he needs to go. even the place behind the bookshelf? o:
well, first: Rantarou’s lab.
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ooh, roses. Himiko shows up, having heard the sound of Kiibo blasting the door.
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uhhh... no.
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weird zodiac vault...
what the... really.
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and there’s a laptop on the table, so...
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one file on there and it’s a video. oh, it’s Rantarou’s weird video, but now i get to see the whole thing.
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one part of it was the video.
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was there something special about his Monopad?
Rantarou got blocked from saying something in the video.
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what kind of ultimate survivor gets lured over by a camera’s flash?
Shuichi thinks the mastermind knew his identity and that’s why he died.
another flashback!
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Shuichi’s school friends: u gonna fuck some hot girls in space, bro??
yeah that’s definitely what Shuichi’s main concern and priority was
once the flashback is over, Himiko says she’ll check for whatever the other part of Rantarou’s perk was so that Shuichi can continue moving. Tsumugi approaches him just as he’s decided to go to the bookcase room--apparently there’s a new room by Kaito’s lab that opened up due to the destruction, so Shuichi has to check that out first.
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it’s the room they were all asleep in.
there’s a thing on the table that apparently has all their information in it. Tsumugi noticed something she wants Shuichi to see.
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and Tsumugi is worried about that because Junko also had a twin sister.
what, is it like a rule in the DR universe that if you have a set of twins one of them has to be evil??? no. Shuichi makes a note of it just in case it’s relevant.
now it’s time to go to the library.
Maki’s down there and she has something she found in Kokichi’s room that she wants Shuichi to look at.
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Miu apparently made a prototype version of it. it works, but there’s nothing in there.
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Himiko shows up--she didn’t find anything in Rantarou’s room. Shuichi wonders if someone took whatever he’d had.
they decide to check out the hidden door, but one of the Exisals shows up before they can even really get close to it.
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then he blasts open the door.
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good idea!
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well, here’s the room.
they start talking about the mastermind and Monokuma’s voice speaks up, saying it’s time for the “last boss”.
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hey, it’s an ugly Monokuma head.
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i’m not calling you that.
it claims to be able to make Monokumas, so everyone demands that it do it right now. it doesn’t.
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hey, it’s Rantarou’s thing!
he had a map that had every single space labeled, including this secret room!
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he was also told about the Monokuma spares, which is probably why he was trying to get into the hidden door that one time.
Maki goes to get the pictures of Rantarou from Kokichi’s room so they can figure out what’s up with the blood on this Monopad.
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and what kind of idiot leaves it in the trash? surely there was somewhere better to leave that thing.
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Kaede’s vest?
Shuichi gets another flashback, this time of when Monokuma first showed up and erased his memories before the killing game started.
Himiko tells Shuichi she’ll keep looking here, so he can go somewhere else to investigate more.
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Shuichi and Tsumugi leave the room, but after they do the fight between Kiibo and the Exisal causes the hidden room to be blocked by rubble, trapping Himiko inside.
Shuichi says they’ll have to leave her there for now (Kiibo doesn’t want to risk hurting her by blasting it away) and continue their investigation.
oh, weird, the timer ran out and then it just gave me a huge chunk of time while keeping me in the same place.
since i wasn’t sure why it ran out and thought it might be due to my typing, i had to stop for a bit.
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Shuichi found a way to make flashback lights in one of the classrooms; it let him pick from several different versions of memories and then spat out a flashlight into a locker in the room. when the door gets opened, the room goes back to normal.
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Himiko found a hidden passage to the secret room; it’s not on Rantarou’s perk map.
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Shuichi thinks he’s found enough to figure things out.
Monokuma agrees to the trial because it’s more interesting than fighting Kiibo. he warns them that there will be consequences if they don’t accomplish what they’re aiming for, but everyone left is prepared to accept that. they know they can finish this.
Monokuma makes Kiibo’s gear get removed before the trial starts, and when he shows up again, he’s got his ahoge back.
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apparently the Monokubs put it back because he asked them to repair him.
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what if every ahoge was secretly an antenna
Maki has the bugvac with her, so Kiibo asks to take a look at it. apparently he can zoom in on things now.
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why bother making them in the shape of tiny Monokumas with cameras!
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aw, it’s kind of cute.
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apparently they function as a hivemind and they’re swarming all over the place. what the heck.
they bring up Kokichi using the electrobomb before.
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although, Tsumugi... well. it doesn’t matter right now. we’ll see what happens in the trial.
...i feel like i’ve accidentally spelled her name as “Tsugumi” in these posts before, uhh. oops. listen. ...her name is literally right there, why... i have no excuse...
trial time! the “kubs” already won’t shut up and i hate it. Monokuma asks Shuichi why he called this trial.
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gotta go back to that first case! he’s found new evidence and thinks that someone else was responsible for the murder, not Kaede.
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did he become the ultimate survivor after that? what was he before that, then...
anyway, reviewing things! they thought Rantarou was the only one in the library at the time he was murdered, but that isn’t necessarily true.
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someone was in the hidden room. someone had to have taken Rantarou’s Survivor Perk Monopad away from him after his death.
ughh, the bearsss
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you tell ‘em, Shuichi.
they argue that he just didn’t have it with him, but the photo of Rantarou clearly shows him holding it.
regarding the timing, the mastermind would’ve known exactly what was happening in the library due to the tiny... Nanokumas? i think that’s what they were calling them.
Monokuma claims the Monopad got taken back just because it was meant for Rantarou’s eyes only, so after he died, it was removed. he says it’s not relevant, though, because this is about Rantarou’s murder itself.
Shuichi says that the mastermind was the one that killed Rantarou, though.
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i still can’t believe it was just put in the trash can. who does that.
ughhh, i want to care about this trial but i really dislike those stupid bear cubs. just blow them all up already, they ruin everything
anyway... Shuichi says that Kaede’s shot put ball missed, so the mastermind had to fix it in order to keep the game going. that means that Kaede was executed for a murder she didn’t commit.
and now they’re trying to figure out who the mastermind is. Himiko suggests it was a 17th person, but:
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it said that the person comes to the hidden room often, so they weren’t always there. if it was someone that had to stay completely hidden, it seems unlikely that they’d risk that.
there’s also the flashback light classroom--it reverts to a normal one when the door is opened. if they were just a 17th person, they could just use their own room for stuff like that.
the unfortunate truth that reveals is that the mastermind is one of them. Maki says it’s possible it’s not one of them right there; Kiibo agrees, saying the mastermind could have faked their death.
in order to really know who the mastermind is, Shuichi needs to know who killed Rantarou. which means he needs to go over everyone’s alibis again.
Himiko and Maki were in the game room. Kiibo was in his room. and Tsumugi was in the dining hall, but she left to go to the bathroom.
the bathroom that has the ~secret passage~. since the card reader dust was still there, that passageway is the only way the culprit could have gotten into the hidden room at that time.
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Tsumugi denies that it’s her, saying it was just a coincidence that she was in the bathroom.
the trial continues and Shuichi points out that Tsumugi is the only one that didn’t try to command the “Motherkuma” to give birth to more Monokumas. she specifically told it to “create” more; it only works if the mastermind tells it to “birth” more.
anyway, Shuichi doesn’t want to think Tsumugi is the mastermind. he’d prefer if she could refute what he’s saying. he wants everyone’s help and cooperation to find the truth.
Tsumugi isn’t saying anything to defend herself; they all want her to say anything that would prove her innocence.
Monokuma tells Shuichi to do the manga thing.
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gotta be honest, i wouldn’t just stand around staring up if this happened, i’d immediately be backing away.
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she has nothing to say to defend herself, though, all she says is that she didn’t do it and it’s obvious their logic is flawed. point out the flaws, then! participate!
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no! get out of here
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go away!
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Shuichi says the trial is over; Monokuma covered up what she did and the whole game is illegitimate. 
she admits she messed up there, but that’s about it. the others start asking about the people watching.
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the only reason she cared about things being exciting or the rules was just to replicate the original feel of the killing game.
Shuichi doesn’t believe that. that’s what they remember, but that doesn’t make it true. he brings up the book and asks everyone to say what they remember about Hope’s Peak and its history.
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oh, that’s what was bothering him. and the other things... oh, this isn’t hard at all, even with my terrible memory. nice.
Shuichi brings up Rantarou--he said he’d won a previous killing game in his tape, but he’s not one of the students from Junko’s other games they know about.
he also has suspicions about Kokichi. they all assumed he was a Remnant of Despair, but Shuichi doesn’t think that’s true.
i never thought that was true, it didn’t make sense... idk why they were so convinced he was. is it because he lied all the time?? ...i mean i guess he did lie about being the mastermind and set up a murder and stuff, so it’s kind of understandable... and they had a memory of it or whatever.
anyway, Shuichi brings up Kokichi’s motive video and his organization.
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it only had 10 people in it, too.
Shuichi talks about the flashback lights and the thing that makes them.
they “implant” memories and i don’t like the hangman’s gambit thing, geez.
the memories being false means that nothing they learned from the flashback lights matters. so even their memories about being students at Hope’s Peak...
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okay, well, i apologize for being rude to Naegi before, then. if that plan isn’t real then it’s fine.
anyway, the reason she had them remember Kokichi as a Remnant of Despair is because she wanted to get rid of him; with them remembering Hope’s Peak as well, they’d be likely to target him, like Maki did.
all of the lights served a purpose like that--pushing them to do one thing or another, or feel a certain way about things.
Shuichi wants to know who this “Junko” is.
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get out of there
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oh, good, it stopped. also, uhh, you’re kind of... drooling.
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DR reveals the truth: cosplayers are evil
Shuichi brings up the whole “cospox” thing.
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Megumi Ogata! <3
uhhh, right, actual game stuff is happening.
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that’s stupid.
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no u
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no, it’s just stupid.
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that doesn’t even make sense
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“Sakura is my muscle waifu”
same tho
except i’d never use the word “waifu” ever, even ironically
so anyway this game really doesn’t want you to actually care about it, huh.
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hey that ugly kid is there
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you can’t mix Roman numerals and Arabic numerals like that
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you know, if you’re sick of making these games or you’re bored or something, you don’t have to keep doing it.
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well gee, if people want to watch teenagers murder each other in a game like this, i guess there’s just no choice but to continue making it happen
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oh, hey! did you know i’m getting my passport today? i’ve never had one before, so i’m kind of nervous i’m going to mess up the application or something. i think it’ll be okay in the end, but i’m still a little worried. i’m really excited to go to Japan in May, though!
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i’ve never even been outside of the US before, so that also makes me a little nervous, but i’ll be with my sister and her boyfriend, so i think it’ll be fine. i do need to make sure i keep studying Japanese, though, because i’m the only one that knows enough to have a conversation or read anything.
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we’ll just be wandering around in Tokyo for the ~9 days we’re there, because we don’t want to wander too far and end up being lost or something. there’s plenty to do there, though! i want to eat a crepe~ which offends my sister because she’s been to France and had French crepes, but Japanese ones always look so good... and i’ve never been to France, so it’s not like i’ll know the difference.
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in 53 seasons? really? what the hell were they doing
but i was talking about Japan. anyway! yeah, it should be pretty fun. i’m trying to save up as much money as i can. i’m not sure how much i should bring with me, but IIRC they still don’t really use cards much over there.
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my sister is going to just withdraw cash whenever she needs it because apparently the conversation rate is better that way, so maybe that’s what i’ll mostly do as well. right now we’re looking at a place in Shibuya to stay at and it’s pretty close to a lot of really convenient things!
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money aside, i kind of worry about public transportation. we don’t really use much of it here and it can be tricky to figure out, y’know? though with all the apps and technology around these days, it’ll probably be fine.
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you can’t mess with me by using a piano~ you already did that once~
oh! there’s a really cute cafe that sells doughnuts that look like animals in Tokyo! we’re going to try to find it, but apparently it’s in a kind of hard-to-find place. the doughnuts are sooo cute, though.
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oh, it finished.
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sure, why not.
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“ultimate real fiction” just sounds stupid
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what was i talking about before? oh yeah, the doughnuts. honestly, i think the food will be a highlight of the trip, i am so ready to try new things and hopefully like them despite how picky i can be.
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i think sometime before the trip i might go to one of those all-you-can eat Japanese places with my sister, just so we can try some things we've never had and make sure we're okay eating them. brand new things are fine to try, but you also don't want to get sick or just waste money on food during a trip like that...
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i hate fish, so i know that's going to limit me a lot. i think other than fish the most common meat is chicken, though, so that should be fine? and i can have vegetable dishes or whatever, too.
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hmmm... i ran out of things to say.
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i just chose the option that appeared in front of me, don’t bring me into this. i'm done
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she wins: they get to live at the school forever Keebo wins: they have to finish the game and only two get to "graduate"
this post won't even let me stick any images in here anymore, so i guess i'm going to have to describe everything.
Kiibo volunteers to sacrifice himself so ~hope can win~. Maki also volunteers to sacrifice herself.
Shuichi starts talking about how he rejects that hope, blah blah, Kiibo's like "noooo despair can never be better"
Shuichi says that the people watching want hope, which is why this game keeps continuing and they ignore everything they suffer through to get this point. so if they choose hope here, they're just giving them what they want and it'll never end.
Shuichi wants to know what kind of punishment Maki and Kiibo will get. if it's what he's thinking, everything makes sense, including why Rantarou would participate in another game like this.
the punishment is to participate in the next game; Rantarou must have sacrificed himself last time, which is why he wanted to win this game. so if they choose "hope" here, the game won't end.
he decides he's not going to vote. if no one votes, the audience will hate it. he's done playing.
Shuichi gets the other three to agree and all of them decide to just stop. the audience doesn't like that and decide Kiibo's personality needs to be erased.
Shuichi says he's going to change the outside world, since they're why that happened to Kiibo.
okay i'm sick of not having screenshots, i'm going to do something
(click here for the secret end of the game post)
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