#hippopotamus amphibius
inatungulates · 5 months
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Common hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius
Observed by richard_johnstone, CC BY-NC
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 months
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"The Secret Life Of Underwater Hippopotamuses"
Seemingly coy hippopotamuses (Hippopotamus amphibius) sit below the surface of the water, eyes fixed on the camera.
Kosi Bay Lake, South Africa.
By Mike Korostelev
BigPicture Natural World photography competition
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snototter · 9 months
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A hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) yawns in Kruger National Park, South Africa
by Bernard Dupont
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aticketplz · 4 months
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She is a cute hippo with a mischievous face and swimming around!
She is a girl of maybe 33 or 34 years old.
@Nonhoi Park
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birdblues · 9 months
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podartists · 2 months
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The Hippopotamus | African scenery and animals (1804) | Samuel Daniell | Flickr
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stijlw · 7 months
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Bob Wallace (early 20th century), Lotus aft, gelatin silver print, 34.5 x 27 cm
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fraterribilis · 9 days
The taxonomy of Sly Cooper: Part 1
In which I will be using my higher than average knowledge of zoology to attempt to accurately identify the specific animal species of various characters in the Sly Cooper franchise, sharing some interesting facts about them along the way.
I'll start with the four most prominent characters; Sly, Bentley, Murray and Carmelita. If people are interested I'll be making similar posts for the other characters.
WARNING: I will be unleashing my inner Animal Kid™ in this post. Verbose language and casual dropping of scientific names abound
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Starting off with Sly himself, I like to believe that he is a crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus). This quirky little carnivoran is found throughout South America and parts of Central America. Despite its name, it has a varied diet including crustaceans, fish, small turtles (watch out Bentley), fruits and nuts.
As opposed to the common raccoon (Procyon lotor), which can be a bit of a chubby little furball, the crab-eating raccoon has shorter and sleeker fur, and its slender proportions makes it an even better climber than its northern cousin. All of this makes it a perfect fit for Sly in my opinion. Also, its jaws are more defined and powerful than those of common raccoons, which i think is very appropriate for Sly's dashingly chiseled jawline.
Bentley was a little bit tricky to identify, as he seems to be a rather generic looking turtle. However, a closer inspection of his shell reveals his kinship.
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This rather flat, ring-marked shell has led me to conclude that he must be a diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin).
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Like Bentley, diamondback terrapins are very resourceful animals, being able to survive in both fresh and saltwater habitats, where they priamrily feed on insects, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They can be found in brackish marshes and mangrove forests thoughout the east coast of North America. The beautiful diamond-like markings on their shells are unique for every individual. Some people believe that the markings indicate the turtles age, like growth rings on a tree.
I have seen others identify Bentley as a box turtle, which I don't get at all. Box turtles are distinquished by their bulky BOX-shaped shells. The diamondback on the other hand has a flatter, more streamlined shell, which makes it very mobile in the water. Though, I guess this makes it all the more ironic that none of the core members of the Cooper gang know how to swim, despite all of them being based on semi-aquatic animals, but I digress.
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Speaking of semi-aquatic, I firmly believe that Murray is a pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis). Not just because I have an affinity for these animals, but I can back this up by examining Murray's design and characterization.
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Murray has a very stocky and robust body (friend-shaped), with a relatively short compact snout, not unlike the pygmy hippo. This is in stark contrast to the common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) which has a very large ungainly (and less "cute"-looking) head in proportion to its body.
I think the main reason that Murray's design in the unfinished Sly-movie was so unappealing, is that they based his proportions too much on those of a "realistic" common hippo.
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Anyways, pygmy hippos can be found in scattered populations across forests along the west coast of Africa, where they feed on broad-leafed plants and fallen fruits. They are extremely rare and endangered due to habitat loss and the bush-meat trade.
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Unlike the infamously aggressive common hippo, the pygmy hippo is a rather docile and shy animal, whose first instinct when threatened will typically be to run away and hide (not unlike Murray in the first game) though it can defend itself with its powerful jaws. True to its name, the pygmy hippo is less than a quarter of the size of its larger relative, with the biggest specimens weighing in at about 600 pounds (which is lighter than some domestic pigs).
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Moving on to Carmelita, there's no getting around the fact that she is supposed to be a red fox (Vulpes Vulpes), what with her strikingly orange fur colour and long bushy tail. The red fox needs no introduction, being one of the most succesful and abundant carnivorans on earth (besides domestic dogs and cats), with a range covering basically the entire northern hemisphere (aside from the Arctic), along with a worryingly invasive population in Australia.
Even though Carmelita is often characterized as a spicy latina, (being inspired by latina actresses such as Selma Hayek and Jessica Alba) Latin America is one of the few places on earth not inhabited by red foxes. These areas of course have their own native fox species. I considered the possibility that she could qualify for being a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), a kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), or even a culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), but the thing that really cements her as being a red fox is her jumping ability.
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Red foxes are able to jump up to 2 meters into the air, which is four times their shoulder height of about 50 cm. This would be the equivalent of a 6-foot person jumping 24 feet in the air, which feels appropriate given some of the insane feats of athleticism we've seen Carmelita pull off throughout the series.
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mammalianmammals · 8 months
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Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), mother w/ calf, family Hippopotamidae, Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
photograph by Olivier Grunewald
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inatungulates · 4 months
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Common hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius
With African jacana Actophilornis africanus
Observed by glennstockil, CC BY-NC
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 months
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Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) out of the water, peering around vegetation. Okavango Delta, Botswana.
Photographer: Wim van den Heever
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snototter · 1 year
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A common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) emerges from the water in Kruger National Park, South Africa
by jaffles
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aticketplz · 9 months
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Despite their large pond, they were snuggled up together, and I captured it from the observation tower. Cute!
@Toyohashi Zoo & Botanical Park
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Hippopotamus amphibius. Struik Pocket Guides for South Africa: Mammals. Written by John Skinner. Illustrated by Penny Meakin. 1988.
Internet Archive
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podartists · 3 months
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The Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) | Joseph Wolf | Zoological sketches v.1 (1861) | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr | Public domain
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The Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) & The Oxpecker Fleet (Buphagus africanus africanus) The oxpeckers are two species of birds—the red-billed oxpecker and the yellow-billed oxpecker—that live in sub-Saharan Africa. The oxpeckers perform a symbiotic relationship with the large, hoofed mammals of the area. Photo: Jacana Maun :: [h/t Robert Scott Horton]
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“May all that have life be delivered from suffering” ― Buddha
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