heyitsperfect · 3 years
Cuddeling/Affection - Sons of Anarchy cast
Warnings: some fluff, mention of sex??, kissing, just the boys being sweet with their girls
A/N: I did not mention any kind of body shape or any kind of body description or skin color or hair color in it. If it’s the case please let me know. This is written for everyone. YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Old school. In bed. The world outside is non-existent for the two of you. You have your head laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It calms you, like nothing in his world could harm you. His one arm is wrapped around your shoulder drawing invisible patterns on it while his other arm, more like his hand is linked with your hand resting on his stomach. Legs tangled underneath the sheets. You talk about all the good things in life, nothing bad, no club shit. Jax would place a kiss on your forehead from time to time listening to you and your plan for the future or some dream you had last night. When you don't get a response you look up at him and see him smiling down on you.
He is the one who needs comfort after a long run or when his head is messing with him again. You don’t mind at all. He comes home and walks straight up to you pulling you close to him. You wrap your arms around him and let him hold you as long as he needs. You think it reassures him you’re still there. When he lets you go, you softly grab his hand and pull him towards the sofa, laying down motioning him to lay on top of you. He gets rid of his kutte and boots and gets on the sofa laying half on top of you, careful not to crush you. One hand goes straight to his head raking your nails over his mohawk, the other on his back moving up and down in a soothing manner. Juice just holds you. After some time he starts talking and tells you what’s going on right now. “You don’t know how much I love you, babe.” is the last thing he says before kissing you deeply showing you what he told you. 
He is an old fashioned man and he’s not afraid to show you his love in public. When you first saw him you would’ve never thought he’d be so gentle with you. It was a simple friday night, no party, just the members and their Old ladies or girlfriends. Chibs was sitting on the couch with Opie, Tig and Jax on chairs in front of him. You had a long day at work and just wanted the comfort of your Old man's arms. As you entered the clubhouse you instantly locked eyes with Chibs. You made your way over to the couch and took a seat in between Chibs and Tig, throwing your legs over Chibs and resting your forehead against his shoulder. He pulled you as close as possible kissing your forehead. “You wanna talk about it, lass?” “No, just hold me.” and he did hold you the rest of the night. 
Crazy, weird, always horny, strange men, this is how you can describe the best. His hands are all over you, all the time and not in a very appropriate kind of way. When you walk past him, he’ll slap your butt, when you bend over to pick something up, he’ll let out some whistles, when you sit at the bar, he’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and place kisses on your neck and cheek. No hiding at all. He even does not hide the dirty talk. At first you were embarrassed he would say those things out loud for everyone to hear, but you got used to it. From time to time you would say all the dirty things you’d do to him when his brothers are around and then leave him alone. It never takes long for Tig to come after you. 
Never in a million years you thought Happy would show any sort of affection or yet would cuddle you in public. When you first started dating he was hesitant about showing his love and adoration towards you when his brothers were around. It all changed after you got kidnapped and held hostage for a day. The thought of losing you changed his thinking of looking whipped. At partys you’d be in his lap, his arms around your waist. He’d place kisses on your neck and cheek or whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Out in public he holds your hand or has an arm wrapped around your waist. His kisses were the best. Soft, slow and passionate with a slight hint of dominance, but it showed you how much he loves you. 
You kept your relationship as private as possible. His brothers knew you and about your relationship. You were friends with most of Kozik's brothers. When the guys have to leave for a longer run you say goodbye at the clubhouse, a short kiss on the lips and one of those hugs where you don’t want to let go. When he comes home to you, he pulls you close, hands on your waist slightly squeezing and giving you the most breathtaking kiss he ever gave you. Your hands are around his neck playing with his hair or scratching his neck slightly. Still kissing he lifts you up and lays down on the couch with you on top of him. The rest of the day you stay inside watching TV and eating take out while holding each other close and enjoying each other's company. 
His hugs are the BEST. It doesn’t matter how tall you are, that man is a giant. You are standing outside watching Happy and Tig fight. Opie is behind you, arms around your shoulders holding your hand in front of your chest. From time to time he places his head on top of yours or just leaves a kiss there. He’d tease you when you can’t reach the highest shelf just to stand behind you and press his front against you back and get the things you want. On Sundays you two stay inside to spend some quality time together. You’d be laying on top of him, your face in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent and placing kisses there from time to time. He has his arms securely around you, not letting you move an inch. 
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heyitsperfect · 2 years
“Have you been sleeping?” - Bishop Losa
Warnings: mention of kidnapping, nightmares, sleeping problems, usage of sleeping pills, angst, and Bishop being caring and sweet
It’s been two weeks since you were kidnapped. 24 hours held hostage and it fucked up your whole life. They didn’t harm or hurt you in any kind of way. Whoever did this just wanted to prove a point to the Mayans. The not so funny detail about it is you’re not even dating one of them. You are the bartender, a friend, a girl that hangs out with them from time to time. Nothing more, nothing less. 
You hadn’t slept the last two weeks. Everytime you close your eyes the memory would come back and haunt you in your sleep. You also tried to take some sleeping pills, but they only made it harder for you to wake up from your nightmare. At first you held little power naps around the day, but that only helped a little. 
It was one of those nights again where you couldn’t find sleep so why not go for a walk you thought to yourself. You were wandering around the streets of Santo Padre until you were standing in front of the scrapyard.The light was on and only one bike was parked under the roof. Bishop was still there. Somehow your feet made their way into the clubhouse. You were standing in the entry as Bishop came out of Templo.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he asked curios making his way towards you. 
“I saw the light and thought maybe someone might be still here.” you barely could stand on your feet anymore that’s how tired you were.
“It’s way after midnight, sweetheart. Care to tell what this really is about, because you look like a zombie on holidays.” You and Bishop had a special friendship. You had a crush on him since you started working at the bar on the weekends. He was always honest with you, not holding back when it comes to the truth and he is always a big flirt with you. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” you shrugged your shoulders. “The nightmares are keeping me awake. Everytime I close my eyes, I see them and I can’t get out of it. It’s haunting me ever since and I don’t know what to do anymore.” you were full on crying now. Bishop came closer and pulled you into his arms. Your legs are too tired to hold you up anymore. Bishop was quick to recognize and lifted you up bridal style just to lay you down on the couch. He sat down on the couch and you had your head resting in his lap. His finger raking through your hair calming you. After a while you calmed down and started telling him everything.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I thought we were being honest with each other? It was eating me alive while they had you and don’t you dare to think I’m just saying this.” Bishop spoke softly barley above a whisper. 
“I thought I could deal with it alone and I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“Never forget what I’m gonna tell you right now….you are not alone, we’re all here for you. And you’re definitely not bothering me with those things.” 
“okay.” you’ve gotten more and more sleepy while laying with Bishop playing with your hair and talking to you. 
“Querida?” no reaction from you. Bishop leans slightly forward to have a look at your face to see your eyes closed and mouth slightly agape. “I love you, querida, but for now sleep tight.” he whispered and placed a kiss on your head. 
The next morning you woke up in the same position you fell asleep last night with your head in Bishops lap. He was sitting on the sofa with his head leaned back sleeping. You sit up and looked at him with a small smile on your lips. 
“I love you too Bishop.” 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Where did you learn that? - Happy Lowman
Warnings: violence, kissing, unwanted touching
When Jax asked you to help the club with some business you didn’t hesitate long and agreed to play the shill for them. Dressed in some tight ass jeans and a low cut top with a leather jacket paired with some high heels. You looked good, all the guys complimented you, except one. Happy was standing with his everyday growl in the corner watching Jax explain you the whole deal. 
“Can you give us a minute?” you asked Jax as you looked at Happy. 
“Course. Don’t take too long.” he said and left the room with the others waiting outside. You walked to your boyfriend. Nobody knew you two were dating, you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Happy thought it would keep you safe when no one connected you to one another. But if only Happy knew, you are totally capable of keeping yourself safe and protected.
“Hey” he just looked at you chin raised. “Oh no, don’t look at me like that. I never said anything when you left for a run or came home bloody and beaten, so don’t be mad now when I’m helping your club. It’s kind of my family now too. And by the way, you’ll be near me the whole time.”
“Just be careful, little girl.” he said and showed you a tiny smile. Secretly he loved it when you looked right through him, it made it so much easier for him when you did all the talking. 
“Always.” you pecked his lips. “Now come on, the others are waiting.” 
You went outside, got some last instructions and drove off with your own car, not risking to be seen with the Sons. When you arrived at the bar's parking lot, you sent Jax a short text to let him know you there, and made your way inside. 
It didn’t take long to get the attention of the man the club was having trouble with. He talked and talked and talked. Drink after drink was served and you were getting annoyed. So why not speed things a little bit up. You started with stroking up and down his arm while leaning slightly forward so he could’ve had a better look at your cleavage. He was putty in your hands. 
“Why don’t we go somewhere more private?” you whispered seductively in his ear. You took his hand and walked through the back door of the club. It was a small side street. The man didn’t wait long to have his hands all over you. He tried to kiss you and it was getting more and more difficult to handle him friendly. Actually the boys should show up now, but nope, something must’ve happened. 
You finally lost it when he grabed your breast and started pulling at your jacket. With all strength you shoved him off you and punched him straight on the nose. Unluckily that sobered him up. He came at you like a maniac. He threw a punch at you, getting your lip busted but you were quick to react. Another punch on his jaw and one in his abdomen, a kick in his balls. He sunk down on his knees. It was your chance to knock him out. Swiftly you grabbed his head and pulled it against your knee, knocking him out. 
As you knocked him out the boys came running around the corner, guns drawn. 
“Nice of you to show up to the party. You missed a lot of fun.” you said sarcastically  motioning at the man on the ground walking past them to get to your car. 
Back at the clubhouse
You were sitting at the bar, ice pack resting against your busted lip, a bruise already visible. The boys were back, one after one were strolling in, except Happy. Jax came up next to, looking at you.
“I’m sorry.” you looked at him. “but you sure have some moves on you, darling.” you chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Just be there the next time.”
“The next time?” Jax questioned.
“Yeah, and if you’ll excuse me. I have an angry boyfriend to take care of.” you slide down the stool and made your way to the door.
“Boyfriend, wait, are you and Happy?”
“You don’t know everything about me, Jax.” you left the clubhouse and spotted Happy sitting sideways on his bike. 
“Hey” you said softly. 
“Oh no, don’t hey me now. Did you ever want to tell me? Where did you learn that shit?” he was angry. You moved closer, standing between his legs, hands resting on his shoulders.
“I have a past like you have one. Be glad I know that shit. I couldn’t wait an eternity for you clowns.” he scoffed. “Where were you by the way?” 
“We were waiting on the other side of the bar.” he paused for a moment to look at your busted lip. A laugh escaped your lips. Silence fell over you again, just looking at each other. Happy pulled you as close as possible, leaning up to carefully kiss the unharmed side of your lips. 
“Take me home, Hap. I’m tired.”
“Hop on then, little girl.”  
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Picture - Happy Lowman
Warnings: fluff, mention of baby makin (pregnancy)
A/N: I know it’s not easy to get pregnant at the first try. I experienced it myself, so please don’t read if this triggers you. 
Request by @chibsytelford : And prompt 4 with Happy please. This definitely suits him because he would just stare for a while before talking.. Fluffy please! Thanks so much ❤
Prompt: “why don’t you take a picture? it’ll last longer.”
Happy never thought he would find a woman who is willing to stay with him, yet marry him. But here you were, playing with your niece and Opie in the backyard of yours and Happy’s home. He was sitting on the porch nursing his beer and simply watched you. Mesmerized by the scene in front of him. 
Until Happy met you he thought women were good for a quick fuck, nothing more. It is what it is, he told himself many times. Then you came along and crashed all this into tiny tiny pieces. He was taken aback at first, because you treated him like you’ve known him for years. He is a man of few words and you are okay with. You do most of the talking anyway.
You caught Happy staring at you multiple times this afternoon but didn’t say anything. Later when you were preparing dinner after your sister picked up her daughter he was staring at you again. 
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” you said not looking up at him as you were cutting some veggies. 
“Take a  picture, Hap. You’ve been staring at me the whole day. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” you put the knife down and made your way over to where he was sitting. Happy pulled you closer so you were straddling his lap now, hands on his neck, caressing him there, while his arms are encircling your waist. 
“I want one.” He is a man of few words, but now you needed more.
“Huh?” you mimicked him from earlier. 
“A kid.” he said.
“Okay.” was all you said. You always imagined a family with him, but you also were okay with the way it was, just the two of you. 
“Yeah, I always imagined having a family with you. I just…” Happy stood up with you in his arms and making his way to the bedroom. “Babe, what are you doing.”
“I want a kid, so we’re gonna make one. I love you little girl, now more than ever.” He kissed you deeply, like the first kiss he gave you after asking you to be his wife.
“I love you too.” you pecked his lips again and then whispered against his lips.”now let’s make a baby.”
Ten months later you introduced Isla Maria Lowman to the world and Happy took a lot of pictures of his baby girl. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Friend I’d die for - Happy Lowman
Warnings: Happy being himself, slight violence and harassment of women
Request by @pumpkin-spice-hate : Hiii! Omg I've never sent a request sorry if I'm doing it wrong, but could you please write prompt 22. with Happy Lowman? Thanks 💖 Also ur writing is amazing, it's kinda the only thing keeping me sane in these trying times.
Prompt: “You met me yesterday,” “Yes, and I would die for you. Next question,”
You hated those late night shifts at the 24/7 diner, but they were the best paid shifts. Normally it was really quiet, only one or two lost souls who would spend their time entertaining you with some stories out of their lives. This night was somewhat special. Only one customer. Tall, muscular, bald head with a snake tattooed on it and more tattoos on his arms. He wore a leather vest, some sort of club you thought. He looked dangerous, really intimidating, but you felt safe around him. You couldn’t really describe it, hell, you’ve never met him before.
He ordered some coffee and a sandwich. It was still a miracle to you how people could drink coffee late at night. Or maybe it was already early morning for him. He wasn’t very talkative so you served him his order and went back behind the counter. After a while you went back over to him to ask if he needed something else. He declined it, stood up, threw some money on the table and left. You were curious about that man.
“Wait” he stopped before he was out of the door. “Will I ever see you again?” It was bold of you to ask, but you wanted to know more about him. 
“You’ll have to find out.” A smirk was playing on his lips and then left. 
The next day
It was your day off and you and your girls had planned a night full of fun. It all started with a homemade cooked dinner, followed by the first round of shots and the getting ready. After you finished your hair and makeup you got dressed in some sexy outfits and had the second round of shots to get some confidence in you. A taxi drove you to the bar your friend suggested. She was invited by the Prince of Charming. That’s how she called him. 
“If you would’ve told me that this is the club we’re going to, I would’ve worn jeans and not some tiny dress paired with heels. I thought we would go dancing!” you were slightly annoyed. 
“Suck it up girl. Maybe you’ll find your mystery men. Look, they wear all those leather vests.” she told you and you looked around. She’s right. Now you were wondering if you would see him again. 
You were last in entering the bar. It was dark, smoke everywhere and it smelled like weed, booze and sex. You thought you wore a dress that left little to the imagination, but those girls….
Your best friend ordered some shots and some drinks, which you all drowned quickly. After that the dancefloor was yours. For the next two hours this became your routine. Drinks, shots and dancing. It was getting hot and you needed some fresh air. It was already past midnight, but thanks to the californien summer, it was still warm outside. 
You sat down at the table to give your feet some rest and have some time to take a breath. A man approached you and came to a halt too close for your linking. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” he lifted his hand to touch your cheek but you slapped it away. This guy was disgusting. “Oh playing hard to get? I can sweet talk you if it’s what you want?”
“I want you to leave me alone.” You said in a not so friendly tone and tried to get up to go back inside. He grabbed your arm, hard enough to leave a mark, when all of a sudden the creepy guy was yanked away from you. With a punch straight to his face he stumbled back inside the bar and left. 
Your hero turned around and to your surprise it is your mystery man from the diner yesterday. 
“You okay?” he asked you. 
“Yeah, thank you…” you looked at him with a questioning look. 
“Happy? You don’t look like a Happy. My name's Y/N.” a slight chuckle escaped you. 
“No problem. If anybody tries to harass you again come to me and I’ll take care of him.” he bluntly told you. 
“Thanks, but I’m pretty sure I can protect myself.” you told him, a bit annoyed of his behaviour.
“A girl like you shouldn’t be alone outside. There are some bad men walking around.” he was walking away from you. 
“Excuse you?! Is that some Rambo bullshit? You only met me yesterday. You can’t just come to me and play my hero and pretend I’ll call you everytime I’m in trouble.” you said a bit aggressively. He turned around and stood directly in front of you. 
“Yes, and I would die for you. Next question?” You couldn’t believe him. He was annoying you and at the same time you wanted to know more about him and damn, he was turning you on. 
“Will you take me on a date some time?” The question even surprised you. Blame it on the shots. 
“Thought you would never ask.” he stated. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
“What if I have to work?” you asked. It was the weekend and it rarely occurs that you were working on the weekends. 
“You don’t. I checked it out over the last weeks.” he turned around again and made his way inside. You were swift to follow. 
“Oh, so you’re not only a part time Rambo but Sherlock Holmes too. What comes next? Hannibal every second Thursday?” you asked him laughing. 
“Oh little girl, just wait and you’ll see.” he threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. The rest of the night you two spent laughing and drinking and getting to know each other. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
I’m sorry - Happy Lowman
Warnings: angst, fluff, mention of blood, a tiny bit of violence
A/N: And another Happy imagine. It was fun writing it. I could literally see Happy standing in front of me. 
Request by anon: If I may request 3 and 20 from the prompt list with happy please 😊 angst with a fluffy ending please ♥️ thank you so much if you do!
Prompts: “what did you do?” & “YOU SAID TO BE HONEST STOP HITTING ME!”
He has been distant lately. Happy was never much of a talker, but he never once stopped showing how much he loves you. Actions speak louder than words and Happy was a master in that. But the last few weeks he showed up late without informing you and left early in the morning. The couple of times you saw him and actually had a chance to talk to him, was when you stayed up late or you showed up at the clubhouse in hope he would be here. 
You even reached out to his mom, in hope, she knows what’s going on. But she hasn’t seen him either. Time to confront him. This is going to be ugly you thought to yourself as you made your way to the clubhouse. Gemma was nice enough to let you know when he’s there so you had at least a chance to talk to him. As you were driving the wildest thoughts came to your head. What if he wants to break things off or what if he already has someone new? Thousands of bad thoughts were running through your head and none of them were friendly.
You parked your car in the usual spot and made your way inside the clubhouse. No one was there although their bikes were outside. They must be sitting in church, so you waited at the bar, where Happy could see you when he would leave church. 
Showtime. The men left church and Happy froze in his place as he saw you. He wanted to turn around but you were faster. 
“Happy Lowman, don’t you dare to run away.” You followed him back in church and closed the door behind you for some privacy. The other men were snickering when you crossed them. So they knew what was going on. Of course they knew. 
“What did you do? And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” you told him sternly. 
“I did nothing.” he stood there like a little child who got scolded by mom and dad. He didn’t even look at you. 
“Are you cheating at me? Is there another woman? Just tell me and I’m gone by tonight.” you used all your strength not to cry, but he wanted to break things off with you, then now. 
“No! You’re the only one for me. I love you.” Happy never said those words when he’s not meaning it.
“Then tell me what it is! I’m sick of not knowing what is wrong. And please be honest with me, if you really love me.” you said on the verge of tears. 
“I might’ve ruined your favourite shirt.” He said but not looking you in the eyes. You thought about what shirt you’ve been missing. After a short moment it dawned you. Your white Prada blouse! You only wore it, when you had an important meeting at work. It took you months to afford it. 
“You did what?” 
“I kinda mistook it for a towel the other night….I got blood on it.” you walked over to him and stood in front of him. 
“Happy, look at me.” he looked up and you started smacking him in the chest, on the arm, literally everywhere you could reach. It was not because of the ruined shirt, more because of the fact that he didn’t talk to you and he had caused you so much overthinking.
“YOU SAID TO BE HONEST STOP HITTING ME!” he tried to get a hold of your wrists to make you stop. 
“Jesus Christ Happy! Can you please stop pulling those stunts and just talk to me! I won’t kill you because of a damn blouse. I thought you wanted to leave me!” he pulled you in a hug, the first one for weeks and kissed your head. 
“I’m sorry little girl.” he apologised. 
“For what? The shirt or the fact that you’re a big stubborn asshole.” your voice was muffled. Happy let out a chuckle. 
“Good. I love you, but you have to buy me a new Prada blouse. Sorry you penny pincher, but that’s for not telling me.” you took a step back and gave him a quick kiss before leaving church leaving Happy shocked and dumbfounded behind. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
“Are you jealous?”- Happy Lowman
Warnings: some fluff, Happy being Happy with his killer demeanour, kissing
It was a typical Saturday night at the clubhouse. The party was in full swing, everybody was having a good time. Except your fiance. If looks could kill….
The other charters and the Mayans were in town for some club business and that would be, of course, celebrating it with a huge party. Currently you were standing at the bar with Gemma, Tara and Layla talking, laughing and having a good time. Happy instead decided to put on his killer face and scare everyone away. You found it funny that he is so protective of you but it was the clubhouse and everybody was safe here with all the members around. 
You couldn’t stand it anymore and excused yourself and made your way over to Happy.
“Hap, can you please stop looking like you want to kill everyone here?” you said as you sling an arm around his shoulders and placed yourself in his lap. His demeanor slightly changed as he pulled you closer, but still his killer look on his face. 
“Not everyone, just one.” he growled with his deep gruff voice that you love so much. 
“Are you gonna tell me whose body I have to help you with later?” a chuckle escaped your lips. Happy tells you everything that is going on with the club, so you know what he was a hitman in the past. 
“What?” you looked at him as he was still staring at el presidente. And then it clicked. Bishop and you were talking earlier about god knows what, laughing and maybe a Iittle bit of flirting on both sides, but totally innocent. It was an easy going conversation but as the overly protective pitbull Happy is, you should’ve that this will happen.
You started laughing. Now it was all making sense. 
“Are you jealous, Happy Lowman?”   he looked at you, lips slightly parted. What he saw on your face, in your eyes, is love. Love for him and only him. He never once saw you looking at other men like that.
“I was.” He tightened his grip on you and pecked your lips one time. “I don’t wanna lose you little girl.”
“Oh, you’re never gonna lose me Happy. I’m in it for the long run.” he showed you his sweet smile that only you got to see.
“Good to know, babe.”
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Cat got your tongue? - Tig Trager
Warnings: mention of alcohol, smoking, mention of sex, language 
Party night at the clubhouse. Tig tried to sweet talk you the whole night but you weren’t having that. Instead you started drinking and smoking until the early morning hours. Now you were sitting outside watching one after one leave either alone or with some croweater, but you were missing one person. Tig. Normally he would have at least one hangaround under his arm every night. Just as you wanted to get up, Tig walked outside and sat down next to you. 
“There you are, doll.” Tig said matter of fact. 
“I thought you left by now. You know, with some other girl.”
“Those girls are not you. Why don’t you just give in to me? I’m trying my best to show you, I’m not the man I used to be. Fuck, listen doll, you’re one of a kind. A girl like you deserves the world and not some low ass biker like me, but I want you to choose me, to be mine and I promise you I try my best to give you the fucking world.” Tig rambled down, but you weren’t listening. 
On the other side of the parking lot was a cat doing some weird ass shit and you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. 
“You see that?” you asked Tig. 
“See what?
“The cat over there.” you pointed in the direction. 
“The fuck...did you listen to me at all? he was getting annoyed with you. You looked at him bewildered and slightly shocked. 
“Yeah, to say it my words...you love me and you’re trying to show it to me all the time you were hitting at me and I get it. Trust me. I was waiting here for you, waiting if you go home with some random chick or are you truly into me.” Now it was his turn to look shocked. “Cat got your tongue, Trager?”
“Ehm, what.?” you let out a breathy laugh. “Tig, I. Love. You!” It took him a minute to register what you said, but then he slammed his lips onto yours. You threw your hands around his neck holding him close, he was quick to lift you off the table and make his way inside the clubhouse. 
“You’re the only one I’m taking to bed, doll.”
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Tumblr media
Happy Lowman
Chibs Telford
Juice Oritz
Herman Kozik
Tig Trager
Tumblr media
Mayans MC
Angel Reyes
Ezekiel Reyes
Coco Cruz
Gilly Lopez
Bishop Losa
How they would react to you doing….
Yoga - Mayans/SoA
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
I love you, but I hate you more - Filip “Chibs” Telford
Warnings: cheating, language, angst, heartbreak 
Whoever said heartbreak is easy, never experienced one. It’s been now 2 months since your friend told you about how Chibs fucked Althea against the hood of her police car. She saw them on that day and told you straight away. That’s what best friends are for, are they? Whatever. Chibs told you about her before, about how she always keeps flirting with him. But you trusted him. You’ve been through a lot, so you never would’ve thought Chibs would actually cheat on you. 
You confronted him the next day at the clubhouse, so at least he had no way to talk himself out of it. He didn’t deny it, said it was for the club and you know the club comes first, in everything. Even in your relationship?? You left town for a few days, visited an old friend somewhere in the north of California, to clear your head. You still loved him. Some people would say cheating is a deal breaker, but you were willing to forgive him and try to work things out. So you drove back to Charming.
Chibs and you talked, more like you screamed at him, about everything, and you could see it in his eyes. It was a one time thing and he would never do it again. He even told Jax he is not going to talk to Althea anymore. He wants nothing to do with her.
But why was it so hard for you to forgive him. You still loved him, but is cheating deal breaker for you too? Apparently it is. You found yourself snooping around, wanting to know everything, where he went, with whom and what he had to do. You were coming to a point where you’re not able to trust him anymore. You guys fought every other night and yet here you go again. You packed a few of your personal things along with your clothes as Chibs walked inside your once shared bedroom. 
“What are you doing?” Chibs asked, clearly knowing what was going on. 
“I’m leaving. I’m done. We’re done. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t trust you anymore. You turned me into a paranoid nosy bitch, who wants to know everything her boyfriend does and I don’t wanna be that kind of girl.”  you said not looking at him once, while packing your stuff. 
“What about us?” he knew it was over, as soon as he saw the hurt expression on your face when you confronted him. 
“Us? You destroyed it, this is on you, Filip.” you tried so hard not to cry anymore, but you couldn’t keep the tears at bay anymore. “I love you Filip, but I hate you more.” You grabbed your bag and made your way outside to your car.
“I hope you’ll forgive me someday, lass.” Chibs said with a cracking voice. 
“Yeah….I hope that too.” and with that you got in your car and drove off. Only time will tell if you can truly forgive him. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Surprise visit - Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz
Warnings: voilence, mention of revenge and death, some fluff and our cute Juicy boy
“What you mean he got stabbed? Where is he?” you are nearly yelling at Jax as he tells you what happened to Juice. 
“Don’t worry, lass, he’s at St.Thomas. They will take good care of him.” Chibs tried to ressaure you with a hand on your shoulder slightly squeezing. With that Jax and Chibs left the office of T-M and you and Gemma behind. You are helping Gemma with all the paperwork from time to time, but now all your thoughts are about Juice. Gemma noticed. Of she does. 
“Come on honey…” she got up and handed you your bag, “I’m gonna drive you to St.Thomas so you can see him.”
“Gem, no, I’m fine.” with both eyebrows raised she gave you the typical Gemma Teller look. Juice and you are not dating. It just happens that you have the biggest crush on him, but how could someone like him, like yet love someone like you. That’s what you always thought. 
“You’re not. You like him and he likes you. Now get your ass in my car and go see your men. I’m tired of this going around feelings shit you two are doing!” she tells you sternly and so you got up, grabbed your back and headed to her car. 
The ride to the hospital was quiet, you didn’t dare to say a single word and furthermore you are nervous as hell. Gemma waited in the car as you made your way up to Juice room, knocking and slowly walking inside. 
“Hey Y/N” Juice is surprised to see you. Secretly he hoped you would come here and visit him.
“How are you? Ehhm no, sorry stupid question, I should’ve...do you need…”you start rambling causing Juice to chuckle.
“I’m fine, it hurts like a bitch though, but I will get my revenge.”
“Not before I had mine.” you mumble. Juices head perked up. You hoped he didn’t hear that. 
“You want to take revenge? On whom?” he asks you, curiosity lacing his voice. You make your way over to his bed and take a seat at the end of the bed where his feet are.
“Ehmmm…” you chuckled to yourself, embarrassed he heard you “the ones who did this to you. I like you better without any stabbing wounds.”
“So you like me?” you couldn’t look him in the eyes, too scared you might get rejected. “Y/N look at me.” you look up and meet his beautiful big brown eyes. All you can do is nod. “Will you tell me you love me when I get shot.”
“Don’t you dare to get shot Juan Carlos. I wouldn’t survive this.” he was smiling like an idiot. yu shove his leg to show you are kind of mad at him for making fun of you. 
“Come here” he motions you to come sit next to him. You move ever so carefully not to hurt him. You sit down next to him and he takes your hand in his, kissing the back of it.
“And now tell me how you would take revenge on those motherfuckers.” he looks at you with his big smile making you smile too.
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Need you - Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz
Warnings: fluff, stress at work, Juice being a sweetheart 
A/N: This is exactly what I need after this week in hell. 
Request by anon: Yo - so I have had THE headache since last night, and today - and I just want to do all the things, but also get huggles and head rubbies from my sweet Juicey - so may I ask for a Juicey & fem reader with all the fluff plez.
It’s been the worst week you’ve ever had! Your boss screamed at you more than one time and your colleagues were minding their own business instead of helping you with their work. You are too nice for this world. It was Friday. FINALLY! Juice happened to be on a run and shouldn’t be home until Saturday evening.
You made your way home, trying hard not to cry behind the steering wheel. All the stress from hells week came crashing down on you. All you needed was a hot shower, something to eat and your man. Two out three could you have taken care of yourself, with the last one...well you had to wait. Maybe fortune was with you and Juice would be home tonight. 
When you arrived home you took a long hot shower and ordered some food from your favorite place and made yourself comfy on the sofa. After 20 minutes you heard the front door and your heart rate sped up immediately until a very familiar voice called out your name. You jumped off the couch and ran over to Juice standing there with a plastic bag in his hand. You literally threw yourself into his awaiting arms, holding him as tight as possible. 
“God, I missed you.” you inhaled his scent and squeezed him even tighter. 
“Babe, I missed you too, but if you keep me squeezing like that you’re about to miss me forever.” he breathed out, slightly chuckeling. 
“What’s in the bag?”
“The food you ordered. I guess we had the same idea.” he kissed your forehead. “C’mon let’s eat something and we can chill.” 
After you two ate, Juice laid down on the couch and pulled you on top of him. You were between his legs with your head resting in the middle of his chest, your hands holding onto him. One of Juice's hands was on your back running it up and down the other in your hair scratching your head lightly. He told you about the run, from time to time he placed a kiss to the crown of your head. Eventually you told him about your day. 
The Tv was playing in the background, both of you not really paying attention to it. 
“Just remember always, Y/N, I’ll be always there for you and now sleep tight babe.” He kissed you one last time before you fell asleep. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Ride together - Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz
Warnings: kissing, mention of sex (not in a direct kind of way), some fluff
“Cherry? Is that you?” you squealed excited as you got off Juice bike and made your way over to her. 
“Hey, long time no see. How are you? Are you and Juice finally a thing?” she whispered the last part not wanting Juice to overhear you. Cherry and you were friends back in Charming, she always made fun of you and Juice, because he was the only one you’d ride with.
“Ehhm, no, but I wish, you know.” you told her. 
“What do you wish, pretty girl?” Juice came up behind you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Nothing.” you smiled at him. You excused yourself to help Gemma with something and left Cherry with Juice alone. Juice was gazing after you with a dreamy look on his face. It didn’t go unnoticed by Cherry. 
“She likes you, you know.” Cherry said bluntly, calling him off guard.
“Huh.” he turned to her. “You mean Y/N? Nooooo way, she sees me as a friend.” 
“Oh pretty boy… guess why she’s always riding with you.” she said, clapped him on the back and left Juice with his thoughts alone. 
The next day, after the explosion 
You heard about the explosion. You were pacing back and forth outside, waiting for them boys to come back. You hoped that nobody got hurt and those Irish mutherfuckers got what they deserved. After what seemed like hours, you heard the familiar rumble of the bikes. Gemma and the other girls came outside to have a look at their man too. 
As they came strolling back into the parking lot you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Juice got off the bike and you came running into his arms. It seemed to be dramatic but you didn’t care. This whole trip was about getting Abel back and not getting in more trouble. 
“It’s fine, I’m fine.” Juice spoke softly in your hair trying to calm you down. It began to dawn on him that you really have feelings for him, like he has for you since the day he met you. You stepped slightly back to have a better look on him. 
“You have something…”he trailed off and wiped away a tear that was running down your cheek. You don’t know what has gotten into you, maybe it was the fact he could’ve died or the fact you loved that boy, but you kissed him. It was a short and sweet kiss.
“I’m glad you did this.” he showed you his perfect big smile, one of the many things you fell for him.”And now, come on, I’m starving.” he grabbed you by the hand and got inside with you where the rest was. 
 “Ay, I see Juicey boy finally made a move on ya, Lass, was abou’ time.” Chibs said it rather loud so everybody could hear it. 
“Now you can not only ride his bike.” Cherry added, making everybody laugh including you and Juice. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
My man - Herman Kozik
Warnings: violence, bad language, mention of sex, kissing and a charming Kozik
You trust your old men with your life and you also trust him not to go behind your back. That “what happens on a run stays on a run shit” doesn’t work out for you and Kozik was okay with that. Whom you don’t trust is that bitch Ima. The blonde barbie bitch who fucks everything that isn’t up a tree at three and after what she did to Tara and Lyla...well let’s just say you don’t want her near your man. 
It’s Saturday night at the clubhouse. The men were standing around the boxing ring watching two prospects fight, Tig and Happy cheering them on. Tara, Lyla, Gemma and you were sitting at one of the tables a few feet away from the bunch of shouting and yelling men minding your own business until that one specific silver car rolled onto the parking lot at TM. Although you hate her and nobody wants her here, except a few horny men, you can’t do anything against her presence. You looked around to see Kozik standing with Bobby and Opie in some conversation about the fight.
Kozik was standing with his back towards you, but out of the corner of your eye you can see a certain familiar blonde bitch making her way towards your men. Okay you thought to yourself, maybe she just wants to see the fight...bullshit. She wants your man as her next trophy. 
“You gonna do something about it?” Tara asked.
“Somebody needs to put that whore back in her place.” Gemma said more determined.
“Oh trust me… I will put her back in her place if she puts a finger…” you couldn’t finish the sentence, because she already put her hand on his biceps. You got up from your seat and made your way through the crowd. Halfway there you called out for her. 
“Babe, it’s not what…” Kozik tried to explain
“Don’t worry babe.” you shot him a smile and turned to Ima.
“What are you doing here Ima?” you asked her, clearly annoyed.
“I just wanna have fun.” she said in that sultry high pitched voice smirking at Kozik. “Are you gonna do something about it?” she continued. 
“Hell yes!” and with that you punched her straight on the nose, breaking it, earning applause and cheers from the members and the girls who watched the whole scene from afar. Ima was holding her nose, trying to stop the bleeding. You grabbed a fistful of her hair and got close to her face. 
“Now listen closely, bitch, if you ever come near me, my old men or any of the other taken members, I’m gonna hurt you a lot more and a broken nose will be your last problem. You understand me?” it was dead silent around you, nobody dared to say a word. Ima just nodded. You shoved her away as you released her hair. She was quick to disappear. 
The crowd erupted in cheers again. Kozik was snaking his arms around you from behind pulling you close. You intertwined your hands with his.
“I think you’re hot when you go all protective and badass, but I’m only yours babe.” he told you and placed kisses up and down your neck. 
“I know” you turned around and placed one arm around his neck while the other hand made its way over his chest and stomach down to the bulge in his jeans, stroking it, “but I just wanna have fun.” you repeated Imas words. 
Kozik hands were nailed on your hips as he pulled you into a breathtaking kiss, whistles and hollers around you. In one swift motion he grabs your thighs and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around him, as he makes his way into the clubhouse to the dorms to have some actual fun. 
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Happy Lowmann
Tumblr media
Are you jealous?
I‘m sorry
Friend I‘d die for
If I die, I‘m hunting you first
Where did you learn that?
Please say yes
Night diving
House Hunting (HC)
Happy Ending
I‘m done, we‘re done
What dating Happy would include
Can‘t fight feelings
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heyitsperfect · 3 years
Work out - Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz
Warnings: none???
A/N: I didn’t get a hold of the request. I hope you like it though. 
Request by anon: So, I workout a lot. Even though I'm fairly skinny, I've managed to attain some muscle. Got myself some abs and some cute ass biceps. Actually proud. Anyway, I'm getting away from myself here. Basically, kind of want a Juice x female reader, where she helps out around the garage - and it's super hot, so she takes off her shirt to tie around her waist, revealing her cropped vest underneath and her abs and arms and Juice, who hasn't admitted to liking her yet is like "yeah, I need me some of that"
It is a typical summer day in California, to say it was hot is an understatement. You helped out at the garage from time to time and currently you were laying under a car trying to find the cause of a problem. Normally you’re dressed in your blue overall, but today was simply too hot to wear long sleeves, so you pulled it down your shoulders and tied it around your waist. Luckily you always wear a top underneath the overall. The new outfit showed your new gained physique. You had been working out the last couple of months and earned some nice abs to show off. You did this for yourself and not for some men, although you hoped it would earn some Puerto Ricans attention.
Juice and you had been flirting for as long as you knew him, but you were both too chicken to finally confess your feelings towards each other. At the moment you were alone at the garage, the club had some business to deal with but it wouldn’t take long for them to come back. 
An hour later you heard the deep rumble of the bikes. One after one came rolling in and parked their bike at their usual spot. They were laughing and making fun of one another so it must’ve been a smooth run. You looked over at them and caught all of them staring at you. Juice in the middle of them. 
“Man, if you don’t ask her out, I sure will.” Jax said, nudging Juice shoulder with his. 
“I don’t know, fuck, what if she says no?”
“Then she is one bloody stupid lass.” Chibs added and pushed him in your direction. You looked like a goddess right now. The sun was setting lower and made the sweat on your skin glisten, perfectly accentuating your new found muscles. You were still working on that car, but you overheard their conversation and you saw Juice making his way over to you. 
“Hey Y/N.” Juice greeted you a bit awkwardly.
“ Hey.” you said back, still working under the hood of the car. “Whatever is on your mind, please just get it out. I can hear you thinking.” you chuckled. It caused him to let out a small laugh. 
“I wanted to ask, maybe you’d like to..” it was so sweet so you decided to end the torture. 
“Yes, I’d like to go out with you.” you smiled at him.
“Okay fine then.” and with that he left. You couldn’t help it and laugh to yourself shaking your head and going back to work. 
“Oh Juicey boy, you definitely need that lass more, than she needs you.” Chibs said as they made their way over to the clubhouse. 
“Don’t you dare to make fun of my man!” you shouted over from the garage, making the heads turn and Juice grin. 
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