#hes irresisteble
roalinda · 9 months
i try to crack what is so irresistebly compelling about prongsfoot. Was it the tragedy of canon? Or (i'm sold on this one) was it the absolute synch they had in bad and good, this shared edge in high magic level, wicked fun, reckless lifestyle and firm choice in wizarding war sides? they are amazing, terrible AND always inseparable> this level of togetherness hits hard.
Hello anon ♡
I had some health issues, so I am very sorry for the late reply. 🙈
First and foremost, I would like to point out that prongsfoot is a pairing that makes sense. It is THE pairing ( non canon-wise ) , specially in the Marauders' era. I'm not here to spread hate on any other pairings or saying this because I am a prongsfoot fan, I am just looking at it logically, beyond the excuses of - If this happened in that AU … - or - If X fell for Y… - 
Now let us proceed with your wonderful ask. ♡
Prongsfoot is a complete package deal, there is no need to add dysfunctional wild imagination to it. By wild imagination I don't mean vast fan creator imagination, those are necessary for a good fan work. What I mean is that there is no need to change their base into something that doesn't exist. There is tragedy, there is angst, there is enabling and co-dependency, there is darkness and light, there are shenanigans. 
You have all of them in prongsfoot. You don't need to make them handsome or bright. You don't need to make them morally grey. You don't need to make them heroes and villains. James Potter and Sirius Black are canonically like that and it works so great like a magnet. 
They ruin and rebuild, wreck and reconstruct, all in one go.
Personally, I think one of the most attractive parts about prongsfoot is the way they enable and indulge each other shamelessly. We have not seen much of it but from what we saw, they don't care about other people's opinions and reactions as long as they can satisfy the other. Yes, James likes attention and Sirius has him on leash, but the depth of their entertainment is private. What we saw was the negative part of this deep enabling but I think what most people fail to realize ( or do not want to acknowledge ) is that this can have a positive side as well, which again, is only directed towards each other, no one else. The possessive protectiveness they share is one of these traits. That is why Sirius was in pieces when he lost James, because that protection backfired. 
The tragedy of canon is something that hits so deep and is so devastating that it gets worse and worse with every book re-read. With every re-read the lines get a new meaning and when I am comparing my understanding of them to years ago when I first read HP, I can't help but to realize how age and several re-readings can change one's view on how a character works. It's canon that Sirius and James were glued together. I just can't imagine James' pain when he was faced with Voldemort, knowing that he is going to die without seeing his soul mate one last time, knowing what it will do to Sirius and still be brave enough to stand in Voldemort's way to buy Lily time, a time that he knows is probably useless. 
Just thinking about that and James' desperate try to protect his family at that single moment breaks my heart. Like, all these thoughts coming to him in less than a second and then…sudden silence and death. 😭
James Potter was a brave man who died an honorable death and I am not accepting otherwise. Also anon, I am crying right now ( not kidding) because I am an absolute crybaby for James and Sirius and their tragedy.
The way they are in sync and harmonic is just on a whole another level. They are that kinda couple that can finish each other's sentences or can't pull pranks on each other even if they want to because they always know what the other is thinking. They are trusting and private. The world sees them as a pair of mischievous brothers but in reality they live in a private crystal globe. Others can watch from outside, but they don't know what is happening inside, what their secrets are, or exactly what their bond is.
That is what makes prongsfoot so beguiling. Their love is in plain sight yet is hidden under the surface because they are so entangled that no one knows when they are romancing each other and when they are not and Remus and Peter have suffer through all these platonic/romantic gestures. 
Thank you for the ask. ♡
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nanakokotohanasilt · 4 years
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Opera Cake
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fathp · 5 years
I'm thinking about him. His strong abs. About his late night skype calls. About his height (slightly smaller than me) but still so in shape. About him smoking weed on the call. His irresisteble grin and the missed opportunity. Damn I should've fucked him. He was so tan back then, he still is. :-( Lol I'd love to get drunk just to have an excuse to write him again and have him send me some nudes. #hoelife
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