skylarkpanda · 2 years
Life repeats itself, one way or another. Is this a curse or a blessing? I think it's a bit of both. To know that every little thing will be repeated at some point later on and that nothing ever truly is lost gives you hope right? The patterns, the seasons, the colors, the emotions, and the heartaches ... everything and everyone will come full circle again. It really is the circle of life. But it also awakens you to the fact that no matter how many times something might repeat, it'll never be the same again. I'll meet the people I miss in new faces tomorrow but they could never replace the ones I've lost or loved. I'll live the experiences I've once enjoyed again but I'll never soak them in as I did before simply because I've grown older. And I'll be in new places that have become my second and third homes but they'll never reach the deepest part of my soul like my true home. I'll love like I used to, but my heart would be bigger, more open, and more flavourful... and just like that, the bittersweetness of life will always stick around - for "things never happen the same way twice" (Aslan in Chronicles of Narnia) but "things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end - if not always in the way we expect" (Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter).
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