prettygreenpills · 1 year
300pills celebration! Wahoo!
I absolutely love your writing, it gives me something to look forward to!
Can I get a jealous Larissa fic with r being more male presenting (like pants, a button down, vest and tie of some kind) and is being hit on at an event they are at together, and when they get home Larissa shows r who she belongs to. Dom/possessive Larissa, marking kink, choking kink, r being more sub, r proving that Larissa is the only one for her. Larissa ordering r around "do as you're told" mistress kink, shapeshifting cock, maybe a slap or 2....
Feel free to add anything else your little heart desires, I trust you!
oh shit- here you go anon-
Pretty clothes, long nights
warnings: gxg smut, dom/possessive!Larissa, marking and choking kink, sub!reader, shapeshifting, mistress kink, slapping kink, etc.
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“What was that?” Larissa asked you angrily when both of you entered the house and you took off your heels, dropping the purse you had that night.
“What do you mean?”You asked her with an exhale. You were tired and all you desired was sleeping at that moment.
“You know what I mean. Now get to the bedroom, laying on your back, naked,” Larissa commanded and you let out an exhale, opening your mouth to say something.
“I still don’t know why are you-“ and at that moment you were stopped by Larissa’s hand on your neck, choking you lightly what made you finally look up into her eyes.
Oh and that did turn you on. She was wearing a suit and her blonde hair was in a pony tail, it suited her much more than how she used to be wearing her hair to some other events. Her hand started squeezing your neck even more and you gasped for some air, but mostly unsuccessfully.
“Do as you are told,” she said, her teeth clenched and her voice cold as ice. Your pupils widened and you could feel the adrenaline run in your veins. With a little nod of your head, Larissa let go and you started making your way to the bedroom as you were ordered to do.
Larissa wasn’t following you immediately. When you got to the bedroom, you started undressing thinking how did you mess up so she was behaving like this with you, you tried to figure it out, but your thoughts flew away the second you were naked on the bed and the doors of the bedroom opened, the tall blonde standing in them.
She didn’t say a word so you had some time to run your eyes through her body. She didn’t have so much clothing on, all she was wearing was a bra and her thong. When you looked down, you realized a bulge between her legs. By that moment you knew exactly what was about to happen.
“What did that man want from you?” Larissa asked you, her voice darker than you were used to. the beautiful pair of eyes you fell in love with filled with jealousy and you gulped, knowing that she was waiting only for you to answer her.
“He just wanted to chat a little,” you whispered not looking at her but closing your eyes and arching in your back. You parted your legs a little so Larissa had a really nice view of your body. Her eyes were fixed on your dripping and glistening core and you moaned quietly.
“Chat? With his hand between your legs?”
“Larissa there was nothing like that-“
“Mistress for you,” Larissa spat and you took a deep breath being a little scared of her. When she undressed, your eyes fell onto her shapeshifted cock and you knew that this one was bigger than those she had shapeshifted before. Looking up into her face you opened your legs even more, hoping in that if you would be cooperating she would be so much softer. Oh how dumb you were.
“I think I need to teach you a lesson,” she breathed out and you looked up into her face. She was watching you and you didn’t dare to break the eye contact. Larissa crawled onto the bed to join you and she sat on her heels between your legs. “You wanted his attention, you will beg for mine,” she said with her voice deep enough to make you become dripping for her cock.
“That won’t happen, because I didn’t want his attention,” you said perfectly sure about that and Larissa leant across to you, knowing what you were into. She wrapped her hands around your neck and she didn’t let go that soon. You were looking her into her eyes and you were really decided to not say a word. You could go without begging her, couldn’t you?
“We will see,” Larissa breathed out and she leant onto her hand, bringing more pressure onto your neck. You automatically wrapped your fingers around her wrist with an intention to make her realize she was going to kill you if she didn’t stop.
Larissa smiled and she loosened her grip a little with her cock sliding inside of you. Your eyes rolled back into the back of your head and you let out a moan which wasn’t a moan really. When Larissa heard your noises, she chuckled and pulled out the whole length, pushing it back in. You moaned a little quieter and bit on your lip. All you could think of was Larissa and her cock inside of you. She was thick and she was long, brushing the highest spots inside of you.
“Fuck-“ you lowered your voice and shut your eyes close. Larissa’s hand was mercilessly squeezing your neck and her cock was buried so deep inside of you it made you think that you wouldn’t survive the night. You were squeezing her cock so well, making her moan quietly.
“You little whore, you’re squeezing yourself on my dick too much. Is this what you want? You want daddy to fuck you like this?” Larissa asked and you weren’t really surprised by her reaction. You were more surprised by the nickname she used for herself.
“D-daddy-“ you somehow managed to get out of your body and then you whined. She went deeper as you called her that, she became rougher with you, fucking you into the bed. Her hand was still on your neck and as she was pushing you into the duvets, that more you were out of breath.
Her hips smashed against yours. She was making sure you felt her where she wanted you to feel her. She was making sure no one else could fuck you like she could.
“Did you squeeze him like this too? Did you show him what a good whore you are? Or is this just for me?”
“I- I told you there was nothing-“
Larissa didn’t answer. She went rough on you, she didn’t care about your moans or cries. When you opened your eyes to look at her, you saw how dark her eyes were. Your chest was raising and falling faster and faster and you sobbed quietly when she squeezed your neck more.
“Fuck daddy!”
Your walls were clenching so tight around her cock and you knew when you were squeezing her so much because she hissed. Larissa was rhythmically fucking you, her hips meeting your body every single second and you felt tickling in your stomach.
“Beg. Beg for me you whore, show me who owns you.”
“You do. F-fuck daddy you do!” You let out a scream. Larissa was bottoming you out that well it hurt but you didn’t tell her. You were pulsating around her, hearing your wetness soon enough to realize that you were getting closer and closer to the edge.
You knew that there was no way out of this. You had to beg. Larissa knew that you were getting closer every second and you wanted to cum so badly. And if you wanted to cum, you had to give her something too.
“D-daddy- p-please I wanna- I wanna-“ you weren’t able to finish your ask, because of how rough she was with you.
“You can do better.”
“Please daddy- I wanna cum for you- I wanna cum for daddy-“ your voice was getting higher and higher. You needed her to help you out so bad. You wanted her to make you cum, to make you feel good only like she could.
The hand which was squeezing your neck squeezed you harder. You were getting a headache and you were tickling too much. All you wished for was cumming for that woman, for your daddy.
“Who are you cumming for?”
“For daddy!” You screamed when Larissa bottomed you out again and you felt that the little ball which she prepared inside of you was already exploding. “Please!”
“Cum whore. Cum for daddy,” Larissa breathed out and she continued with slow, deep and hard thrusts. When her eyes met your body as you were arching in your back, shaking and screaming for her, she took you by your hips and pushed her cock deep inside, as deep as she could.
“Fuck daddy! Daddy!”
“One more time love.”
You were shaking on the bed. Your hearing got worse than it was before and your breathing as well. Your thighs hurt and your walls were clenching that hard it hurt. Your head hurt just as much as the rest of your body and you felt Larissa’s finger wipe your cheek. You were crying.
“Y/n? Y/n wake up,” Larissa shook your body on the bed and you opened your eyes softly, giving them time to adjust to the light in the room. When you looked aside, Larissa was laying next to you naked, just like you were.
“Issa I’m sorry-“
“Shh darling. You should rest now.”
“It won’t happen again I’m all yours,” you breathed out and Larissa smiled.
“I know you are. Now rest
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prettygreenpills · 1 year
“its late for this” Larissa taking Y/n to the session with the psychiatrist for the first time after she found out y/n tried to kill herself and then just some fluff with Larissa Weems at home?
anyways your works are amazing! i love the way you write Larissa and i can’t wait to read more of “Missed years”!
oh i haven’t thought about it like this but your idea is amazing! and thank you so much, i am trying. and you can find all the chapters on my profile by now, I am sorry this request took me long<3
“It’s late for this” - Larissa Weems x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of psychiatrists, mental hospital, mentions of suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, mentions of scars and wounds, etc.
You were watching the clock on the wall which was ticking. You had to stay there only for ten more minutes. And then you would be heading home with Larissa.
“Y/n, would you like to tell me when was the last time you have had thoughts of suicide?” The woman which was sitting in front of you asked and you took a deep breath. If you would’ve told her ten minutes before the end of the session that you have tried the previous night, you could’ve been home by now. “I assume it was yesterday night.” The doctor added and you didn’t even give her a sign of that she was right. But then…
“Actually the last time was this morning,” you said, and you didn’t even know why. The doctor sighed quietly and then she wrote something into her papers. You watched the pen sliding on the surface of the paper when a soft knock landed on the wooden doors, from outside. You immediately looked there and when the doors opened and you saw the blonde standing in them, you relaxed.
“Good day Mrs. Weems,” the doctor greeted your girlfriend and you stood up. “I will just prescribe some medication to Y/n,” she said again and you understood it as that you were free to leave. As soon as you stood up and grabbed your coat, you walked over to Larissa.
“Hi baby,” the blonde breathed out and you just nodded your head as returning the greeting. Larissa looked at you with questions in her eyes and you didn’t know what to say or do. You didn’t know the question she wanted to ask and you didn’t really wanted to know it. Larissa let her arm rest by her side, the only movement she did was taking your fingers with hers.
“Here it is,” the doctor returned and handed Larissa some small paper. “If you both agree, I will make a session plan for Y/n. What about twice a week?” The woman asked and you weren’t feeling like answering her. Larissa answered something like “that would be amazing,” and you blinked for a little longer. “I am happy to hear that. See you soon Y/n.”
You made your way out of the building and Larissa opened her car. You slid inside, onto the passenger seat, and put your belt on. Larissa got into the car as well and then she started it.
“Do you feel any better?” She asked as you drove past the cafe which was near to the building you had been in. Your eyes got fixed on a raindrop which was running down on the window and your mood was still the same as before you had visited the doctor. Since you didn’t answer Larissa’s question, she was a little worried about you. And it was really understandable. “Y/n?”
“Mhm?” You just hummed back and then something made you look at Larissa. She seemed to be busy with driving but she seemed a little worried as well. “I don’t know Larissa,” you said honestly and a sigh followed.
“Have you told the doctor about this morning?”
“I have,” you whispered quietly and then you looked out of the window again. You were already at home. As you placed your hand onto the door handle, you felt like that you shouldn’t be doing it. You pulled your hand back and looked at Larissa.
“Larissa… I don’t want to go to the doctors with this anymore,” you said and Larissa shook her head.
“It is too late for this baby. You do need help,” she said and you breathed out quietly, your eyes getting fixed on the house in front of her. The raindrops were making your sight blurry since they were falling onto the window of the car and you knew that Larissa would take you to the doctor when it was needed. And of course wouldn’t stop until you wouldn’t be… normal.
You opened the doors of the car and got out of it. Just like Larissa. While she was locking the car, you sped up a little to not get so wet from the rain. Waiting for her by the doors to unlock them for you, you were watching her. The woman you loved, rushing over to you because of the rain. As soon as she arrived to the doors, she opened them and held them open for you until you weren’t hidden from the rain properly.
“Baby?” Larissa called for you as soon as you both walked inside and took off the wet clothes you had on. You found the blonde’s eyes and looked into them. You knew very well what she wanted and you just breathed out.
“I have all of them… in the bedroom. In my bedside table,” you responded and were waiting for Larissa to turn around and rush into the bedroom to take all of the razors from there. But she didn’t do it. A little smile settled on her lips and she nodded to the bathroom.
“Please leave the doors unlocked, okay?” She asked you softly and with one step, she approached you. The back of her hand brushed your cheek and you leant onto it as a kitten. With a nod of your head you closed your eyes and tried to enjoy the moment you had. The soft skin on her knuckles brushed your cheeks and all of your senses were focusing on that one touch. “I will bring you one of my shirts and some underwear.”
With this she left you in the hall. You were watching the tall woman leaving and you took it as a sign of that you should go to the bathroom. Without locking the doors.
As soon as you arrived and turned on the lights, you realized that something had changed since the last time you were in there. There was nothing sharp anymore. Nothing you could hurt yourself with. This little thing made you panic a little and you started undressing, not daring to look at your body in the mirror.
Once you had only your underwear on, your eyes landed on your body. Accidentally. You couldn’t look away from the lighter places you had on your stomach, on your ribs and all over your arms. Here and there there were some fresh cuts, but you didn’t give much attention to those spots. You looked down onto the floor, took your underwear off. You stepped into the shower and with a deep breath, you started the water.
The wall of the shower which was made of glass became not really see through since the water drops landed on it and the vapor covered it all. The air became thicker as the hot water was pouring out of the shower head. You could still breath but it was harder than before. All you were focusing on was the water washing the dirt off your body. You didn’t even realize when did the doors open and when did Larissa slide inside of the bathroom. When you saw her blonde hair, you immediately turned around with a gasp, trying to hide yourself from your other half.
No words. The only sign you got was that Larissa softly knocked on the doors of the shower.
“I am alright,” you said and then you stopped the water. You waited for some sign of that Larissa turned around and when you head it, you breathed out in relief.
You got out of the shower as fast as you could and you wrapped your body in a towel. Larissa was standing by the sink, not watching you so you had enough time to take care of yourself. In a meaning of dressing up. You put on your panties and then you took the shirt Larissa brought you. It was a simple black one, but long enough to cover your thighs. When you were dressed, you closed your eyes.
“Mhm?” You asked back, turning at Larissa, avoiding the eye contact.
“Your arms and legs please,” Larissa asked you softly and you breathed out.
“How could I do anything when nothing is in here?” You asked quietly and then Larissa nodded her head to your hands. You looked down at them. Almost gasping. There was blood under your nails and you started to panic. “Issa I don’t know how- I didn’t do anything-“
“Let me take care of it,” Larissa whispered and your eyes filled with tears. She dropped onto her knees in front of you and had in her hands some napkins already. Your eyes started to water and you couldn’t help it.
“I swear I don’t know how-“
“I know love. I know,” Larissa whispered and looked up at you. You understood what she meant and you took off her shirt. When you looked at your body, you wanted to start crying even more. You looked like a monster.
“I am sorry,” you whispered in weak voice and Larissa was softly taking care of your wounds. You let her do it and then when you had nothing more to say, you stood there in silence, waiting for Larissa to finish what she had started.
Larissa was waiting for any sign of you being in pain but you were so good in hiding it. The only sign was that you clenched your teeth from time to time.
“And it’s all done,” Larissa whispered and put the napkins which were from blood away. She threw them into the trash can and you couldn’t look at her.
“Thank you,” you said quietly and Larissa reached her hand out. You were thinking about that you wouldn’t take it but then you sighed. She was trying to help you.
You slid your hand into hers and gulped. Larissa made sure you were all clean and showered. Then she led you to the bedroom you were both sharing.
“Come baby,” Larissa invited you and you sat onto the bed. Crawling up to the headboard, you almost let a tear drop onto the sheets. But that didn’t happen. Then you turned around to be able to lean your back onto the headrest. As you did so, Larissa joined you on the bed.
“Yes love?” She asked you this question, her voice full of love.
“Will you help me with adjusting my nails please?” You asked, those words were getting out of your throat really hard. Larissa agreed with a smile on her face and she reached her hand out into her drawer of the bedside table. She took out a little scissors and you sat opposite to her. She seemed to be so happy about that you wanted to fight your illness.
“I am so proud of you for fighting it,” she said as she was cutting your nails and you were watching her hands. When she was finished with cutting your nails, she took the little scissors and cleaned your nails from blood.
“Thank you Larissa,” you whispered and she pecked your cheek.
“I will stay by your side until you won’t be better. And then for much longer time.” She promised you and gifted you with a warm smile which was playing with her lips.
Larissa collected your nails which she had just cut off and she stood up from the bed. You looked down at your fingers and peace filled your chest. She was helping you with fighting your illness. She wanted to do everything to make you feel better. And you loved the blonde woman for that.
When you were both laying in the bed, you by Larissa’s left side, you couldn’t fight it. You had to look at her. To find her blue eyes watching you and making sure you were feeling a lot better. When you made eye contact with the blonde, smile curled your lips and you felt loved like you have never felt. Larissa softly took your hand and she was trying to not hurt you by accidentally touching your thighs or the areas which had been bleeding. This little gesture brought tears into your eyes and you took a shaky breath.
“What are you thinking about?” Larissa asked you and you shook your head. You didn’t want her to realize how sensitive you were in the last few days, but she was your girlfriend. She had realized it by herself.
“You are not mad at me?” You asked her and your eyes told her that you were worried. Larissa smiled at you softly and she took your hands into hers, brushing her thumbs over the back of your hand to make you feel even a little better. Or calmer.
“I am not mad at you love,” Larissa shook her head and you nodded yours as the words rang in your ears. Then she took a breath what was a sign of that she wasn’t finished with her speech yet and you continued in listening to her in silence. “We got you some help. You will be better soon and then we will be living the best life we can alright?”
“I am sorry Larissa,” you apologized again and Larissa smiled at you.
“You have no reason to apologize to me love. We will fight this together.”
“It is too late for this. You can’t fix something what is fucked up,” you said quietly and as you finished that sentence, you immediately regretted it. “I am sorry-“
“You are not messed up love,” Larissa whispered and placed a soft kiss onto your head. “We will fight it together.”
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