#headcanons: urick
iinexorabile · 1 month
                  Chosen || Drabble
’They put up a good fight. I think one of them almost cut me back there,‘ slowly, Yaha pulled the sharp end of his scepter from the back of a bandits head, one of the many corpses that surrounded the blonde elf.
Urick was a couple of paces away, with no shortage of dead bandits laying at his feet as well. 
’One of these guys?' Urick would step over a severed arm, doing his best to not get his shoes dirty with blood. If there was anything that was difficult as hell to clean off, it was blood.
’I doubt that! I think you’re giving them a bit too much credit,’ Urick smiled, looking over at the blonde elf, his best friend.
Yaha was staring back, a smile, just as bright as Urick– nay, brighter, creased upon his lips.
’Ahh, maybe I am. It’s not like that is a crime, though.’ Yaha would make his way toward Urick, not caring for the corpses he stepped over/on. There sure was a lot of them, just how many had he and Urick dispatched? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? It was so hard to tell. There were lots of bodies laying on that cave floor, many of them cut into a myriad of different pieces.
Their numbers may have been lost, but if the mass of bodies and body parts said one thing, it was that Urick and Yaha were a great team. There wasn’t anything they couldn’t accomplish when they worked together.
’I would not be giving you too much credit, if I said you fought like a true knight back there, would I?’ four or five feet away from Urick, and Yaha stopped, his eyes focused on Urick’s own.
Urick chuckled, giving his friend a nod of approval, ’Haha, no of course not! I know when to take a compliment.’
The white haired Lieutenant would then turn around, stretching, and giving a loud yawn. It was about time they returned to headquarters, they had achieved their goal. Find the bandits planning who were planning a raid on one of the districts, and end them, that’s all they had to do, and now that they were done, Urick saw no reason to stay around this corpse gathering any longer.
Turning around like he did is when he first saw it though. What did Urick see? A scythe. Toward the end of the cave, laying upon a wide stone table, sat the most interesting weapon Urick had ever seen. He hadn’t noticed it before amid all the fighting, but now that everything was calm, it had finally caught his eye.
Curious, Urick moved across the cave, once again carefully avoiding any piles of innards or blood. The weapon looked nice, but he still didn’t want to get his shoes dirty, especially with Yaha present, they were gifts from the guy after all.
’Hey Yaha, do you see that?’ Urick says, gesturing to the scythe.
’See what?’ Yaha had only focused on two things during this whole trip, the bandits, and Urick, and now that the brigands were lifelessly scattered about, he hadn’t given much thought about anything else but his fellow lieutenant in this dank cave.
’This weapon–’ Urick had already gotten close to the scythe, his eyes looking directly down at the masterpiece before him. ’– look at it. It must’ve belonged to the bandit chief.’
Yaha eyed the weapon, a cold chill traveling down the back of his spine in effect. There was something about that scythe that didn’t feel right. Yaha was not one for religion, but that scythe simply felt, and looked..unholy. There was no better way to describe it. The table it sat upon didn’t help either; some sort of macabre altar, by the looks of it.
’Are you sure you should be touching that?’ Yaha voiced his concern, concern that was also evident in his golden eyes.
’It’s just a weapon!’ Urick, jovial as always, picked the scythe up from its resting place. The weapon was heavy, heavier than expected. Even so, it was nothing Urick couldn’t handle. ’A very nice weapon. Better than that rusty heap of metal I was assigned.’
Yaha frowned; he wanted to tell Urick the weapon didn’t seem right, he wanted to tell him to put it down, but Yaha could not work up the will to do so. Urick seemed so excited about the scythe, and the last thing Yaha wanted to do was make Urick of all people sad. When his fellow Lieutenant finally turned around, the scythe still in hand, Yaha forced a smile onto his face. ’It certainly looks more imposing. Are you going to keep it?’
Urick would look down at the scythe once more. From the tip of the blade, all the way down to the skull-themed ornament below the handle, this weapon seemed..perfect. It wasn’t an axe– the kind of weapon Urick was familiar with–, but it was shaped like one.
Yes, Urick was going to keep it, he was dead set on that. ’I think I will! I’d be crazy to pass something like this up.’ Urick would bring his eyes up off his new weapon, looking back toward his friend.
The two of them continued on talking, no doubt speaking on their plans for returning to the Knight’s headquarters.
Unbeknownst to either of them, there was a dark entity listening in, watching them, but mostly, watching Urick, from the skull on the scythe’s handle.
          F̢̩͍̠̅̒̀̀ḯ̫̬̙̙̌̈́̉ǹ̪̱̭̲̑̓̕a̛̯͉͙̖͂͊͗l̜̗̖̭̾̔͒̋l͓̼̱̬̇̇̽͝y̡̗̣̎̀͑͠ͅ,̦̞̬̰̃̿̓̕ ͖̹͔͇̀͛̏̃a̧̡̳̩̎̋͒͠ ̢͖̱̂̓́̍ͅv̧̼͇͈̍͗̽̐e̙̤͉͖̽́̃̏s̡͉̝̖̔̂͆̋ŝ̮̱̺͇͑̈̈́e̳̞̦̗͐́̊̏ľ̠̻̦̟̈́̾̍ ̦̰̤̆̃͋̚͜ḧ̡̦̫̳́̽̇́ą̩̮̥́͛̉́ṣ̭͕͍̋̓͌̓ ̙̳̮̬̊̎̀̊b̭̤͇̬̋̄͛̏è̛̤̪̝̱̌͝é͎͖͓̬͛̕̚n̦͙͖̖̊͐̊̉ ̣̙̩̞̈̿͊̔c̜͉̹͔̄͊̅͂h̦͉̤͍͋́̑̈́ơ̞̣̫̯̑͌̋ș̢̯̗͑̂͆͝ė̘̖͘̚͜͜͝ṇ̙̹͎͌́̉͠.͚̯͔͍̏̈́̃̓
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puercoeurdraco · 3 years
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[Anna’s Talking:: Who’s ready for 50 million questions? lmao]
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deadlyfang · 6 years
His back was now pressed to a wall, and slowly, Urick began to side down onto the ground. His body could take no more, the blood loss had become too much to bare. “DAMMIT..” He attempted a deep breath, but his inhalation was cut off half way through, interrupted by a sharp cough which sent small droplets of blood spewing from his lips onto the ground beside him.
    Stars filled his vision as well as darkness; THIS WAS IT. Death’s cold embrace could not escaped, all of Urick’s running could not bring him to flee room this seemingly inevitable end. “..I DON’T…I DON’T--”
                                                         (you don’t want to die)
A disembodied voice would finish Urick’s sentence, and in his field of view, a flower appeared.The petals of this flower were vibrant, a crimson shade of red they were, their color akin to the liquid that was so swiftly seeping from the wound on Urick's  chest. What was this, Urick wondered? The flower, the voice, what was going on?
  "..WHAT? WHO’S, THERE?“ Urick’s raspy voice called out into the seeming darkness that surround him, his eyes still fixated on the flower that had been presented before him. Urick could not see anyone or anything, he saw nothing but the red petals before him. However, Urick’s hearing was still top notch.
                     (if you do not wish to die, then you will accept my offer, mortal)
    The ominous sounding voice did not answer Urick’s question, it merely presented him with an offer. Most would be offended, or bothered had someone completely disregarded an inquiry of theirs, but right now Urick was desperate. This entity, it seemed to be offering him a way out of this situation. To live..it was like sweet music to Urick’s ears. ”OFFER?..H-HA..“
    Urick would cough, sending more blood from his lips. Urick hoped none of it got on the person he was speaking to. ”..IF ITS GOING TO SAVE MY LIFE, THAT’S ALL I NEED TO HEAR.“ Urick made a half hearted smile, which was a great enough strain on him as it was. So much strength had been sapped from his body..it was a wonder he could still speak.
                                                        (wise choice, mortal)
    The voice would let out a chuckle, one that sent shivers down Urick’s spine. The laugh made Urick a bit unsure of this encounter, but what other choice did he have? This being, whoever they were, they had offered him a way to escape death. There was no turning down such a thing in Urick’s eyes.
                                (it is settled. Initiate the words of the pact, mortal)
    The voice took a demanding tone, but it was not the tone that surprised Urick. ’Words of the pact’, it said? This was…..THIS WAS A PACT? That’s what he was entering into? Thinking about it just then, it made sense, of course this was a pact, what else was it going to be? Oror had always spoken out against pacts.. saying how humans did not need them. In Oror’s eyes, a human could become powerful without the need of delving into unholy and forbidden magic, and to some degree maybe he was right.
    OROR WAS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL MEN URICK KNEW, and he had no pact partner. But Urick wasn’t Oror. Not all humans could be as great as he.
                               (speak now mortal, or ready yourself for the afterlife.)
    The voice had grown more demanding, agitated even, all while the flower was pushed closer toward him. How did the words of the pact go again? Urick couldn’t quite remember. Urick remembered Seere speaking about them once before, during one of his history lectures, but for the life of him, Urick couldn’t remember the exact words.
                                   Urick figured he would just have to improvise.
    ”..BY..“ Urick broke his silence, desperately trying to remember how the lines went. ”..MY DESIRE TO LIVE, I HEREBY MAKE THIS PACT.“ Urick’s breathing  was now shallow, he did not have much time left. ”..I OFFER WHATEVER PRICE YOU DESIRE--“ Urick was more than sure this part was completely wrong, but he wasn’t worried about that. All Urick wanted was to live. ”– AS PAYMENT, WITHOUT HESITATION.“
    With the last bit of strength Urick had, he would reach toward his bleeding chest. After the words were spoken, and after all were in agreement, one's soul was supposed to reveal itself; that’s what Urick had heard, anyways. In his hands, something warm could be felt, but it had no weight. Urick could not exactly see what it was he was holding, but he was sure it was his soul.
    Unbeknownst to him, the entity had done the same, an unseen (to Urick) orb of light within the its boney palm. Sparing no time, Urick moved his hand out into the darkness before him, both fear and hope filling his body. At the same time, the entity followed, and in the moments following, their souls had become one.
                                        However..Urick didn’t feel any different.
    ”…WHATS WRONG, I THOUGHT WE..“ Urick was at a loss for words, but the entity, which he could now see– a floating skeleton, The Reaper– shook its head from side to side, slowly.
                                          (there is one more thing I require)
   ”ONE MORE THING?“ Urick looked up at the horrid creature, his eyes wide and filled with more fear than ever before. It needed something else? What else could this creature possibly need? Just then, Urick remembered..
                                          The price…the pact price…OH NO.
                                                         (YOUR HEART)
The pained screams that were ejected from Urick’s lips profoundly amused The Reaper as he grasped his cold, dead fingers around Urick’s barely beating heart.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
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What happened between Urick and Yaha was a true tragedy tbh. Two people who were very close, who harbored a strong friendship that (at one point) blossomed into romance, but one that burned out quickly and ultimately crashed because (and these are understatements) one side was too selfish and cowardly (*cough urick cough*) and the other side FAR too obsessed (looking at you Yaha).
anyway, siri play fourth of july by fall out boy.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
Urick & Courage/Cowardice 
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As seen in DoD2, Urick has two very distinct qualities of courage, the first being 'lets get the fuck out of here' (when Caim appeared in the City of Rust), and then there’s 'I'm going to challenge the single most powerful person in the series yet to a fight' (at the District of Shining Life, twice).  
So, whats the deal ? Well at one time, Urick was genuinely cowardly, like, full stop. The incident with General Oror was perhaps the best example of that, but Urick had a bit of a cowardly streak going on long before (and not just with running from serious fights, you could look at his past relationship with Yaha or how he went along with the Holy Flowers situation in his District too among other things).
Post Pact though, or rather present day, Urick's at least gotten over his crippling fear of death, and his apparently questionable courage all has to do with his envisioned end-game; i.e he atones for the grievous sin he committed (getting Oror killed), and then dies, or dies and simultaneously atones, you know, however that guilt-ridden cookie happens to crumble.
Obviously, Urick doesn't want to die without doing that (during death or before). That’s why Urick was so eager to flee the first time the group encountered Caim (since Urick was pretty sure Caim could kill him indefinitely, and at the point Urick hadn't done shit to atone, possibly being killed for good without doing any of that scares Urick), and its also why he stood to challenge Caim the other two times.
The first time Urick challenged Caim ended up being a flop, both because everything had turned into a fucking mess (the knights were everywhere, and they had captured Manah), and because Urick realized that dying and leaving Nowe on his own at such a time was a bad idea. The mindset Urick had then and the one he had at the final confrontation with Caim were the same, though. Urick threw down the gauntlet because he thought that was it, he had atoned for what he did, so he could finally die with no qualms.
To summarize though, across all his verses, Urick will generally only flee from a serious fight (or any instance when someone is trying to kill him) when he feels the person(s) involved are capable of-- not killing him-- killing his Pact Partner, The goddamned Grim Reaper (which would mean actual death for Urick).  This is of course assuming that Urick feels he won't atone for what he’s done by dying in that moment, or he hasn't found some way to atone beforehand, because if he has, then he'll be comfortable taking that eternal L-- but otherwise? Nope, he's OUTTA THERE.
This does also mean that barring a threat of that sheer apocalyptic caliber, Urick won't ever back down from a challenge, not necessarily because he's THAT confident in his own skills or abilities but because he knows that worse case scenario, most people are unable to kill him for good, even if they can kick his ass seven ways from Sunday.
Does any of that mark Urick as harbouring true courage? Can Urick really be called 'brave'? That's debatable, especially since you could say Urick's still a bit of a coward in certain other ways, but at the very least, present day, he's far from the coward he once was.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
......The Holy Flowers,
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          Key to the District of Shining Life, they are a bed of parasitic-like flowers that draw from the vitality of those around them. When 'fed', they release a powerful scent that neutralizes a seal's negative energies, keeping the area around it relatively stable.
....continue to bloom,
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          Originally a holdover from the Cult of the Watchers (which was repurposed by former Hierarch Verdelet), the Holy Flowers typically feed upon the vitality of villagers from nearby settlements, and/or imperial martyrs, whom the Knights force to be sacrifices. People given to the Holy Flowers-- men, women, and children alike-- usually suffer a slow and agonizing death as the flowerbed steadily drains them of their life-force.                      However.....            .....when needed, those put at the flowers mercy can be hauled into one of three chambers within the District, where they will be offered as more immediate sacrifices; their deaths coming swiftly as the Holy Flowers ravenously devour their life's essence.
...their petals stained with the blood of those they consumed.
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          Like all districts and their key's, the Holy Flowers are assigned a Guardian, someone who is not only tasked with protecting the key and the seal it contains, but is also bonded to it. That Guardian is Urick, and during his time as a Knight Lieutenant, he was responsible both for watching over the Holy Flowers, and feeding them. Though even after departing from the Knights of the Seal, Urick's link to the flowers remains, one that is perhaps stronger, and more intricate than any Guardian of any District....           The Holy Flowers are unique among the other district keys. While other keys can be destroyed on their own, the Holy Flowers are indestructible by themselves, immortal, if you will, a trait they share with their Guardian. Only once Urick and his Pact Partner are gone, will these wretched parasites be wiped from the world. until then, t̫̞̱̋̓̀ȟ̠̜̞̎͝ê̪̜͉̓͌ ̢̪̼́̊̉H͔̖̥́͒͝o̗͕͑̈́̈ͅl͙̩̗̒̅̚y̫̳̥̏̄̅ ̨̟̞̓͝͝F͚̲̒̑̑͜l̡̢͍̆̆͐o̰̖͖͌̿̚w̞̝͖̅̓͝e̠̠̲͌̊͘r̹̭̭̓̐͠ş̛̲̳́͛ ̬̖̇̒́͜w̭͇̰̃́̇i͚̱͕̔̽̑ḷ̝̗̓̋͠l͖̜͎͋̌͝ ̛̞̻̩̆̓c̜̜͕̉̋̓ȯ̗̟̟̉͑n̫̲͓͋̇͋t̼̳̘̽̄̑ǐ̦͎̪͗̓ṋ̤̻̇̎͝ù͉̙̘̃̅e̫̯̟̿̀̿ ̧͇̮̄͆̚t͓͇̜͑̋̚o̫̝͎̽͂͠ ͈̤̥̾͌͝b̜͕͍̈́̔̆l̩̲̲͗̿͝o̡̹͇̾͋̂ờ̧̩̣̈m͎͇͑̓̚ͅ
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iinexorabile · 1 month
Urick & Atonement
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One of Urick's main goals is atoning for his antics that wound up getting General Oror killed (that's the main driving factor anyway), and the end stage of Urick envisions for that atonement basically involves him dying for good, but before he does that, Urick feels as if he has to do something… important, something important enough to where he feels as if he has made up for what he did on that fateful day.  
At the top of Urick's list, however, is stuff that revolves around the people Urick cares for; helping them in some tremendous way, or dying for them if need be, the latter being a ’kill two birds with one stone’ situation for him  (he helps his loved ones in some way while dying in the process! Yay). In DoD2 Urick did a combination of those two things on Nowe’s behalf.
Urick will settle for other grand feats too though, like saving large swaths of people from certain doom, or maybe even the world if possible-- so long as whatever he does has great meaning, and positive effect.
          Dying in any scenario is a little complicated for Urick, though, as The Reaper needs to die before Urick himself can truly die, and getting The Reaper to die isn’t a walk in the park (unless you're Caim apparently)… but regardless, that's what a lot of Urick's overarching actions are leading to in his main verses and others.
That said, I like to think that Urick's various adventures will eventually lead him to realize (either with the help of the people in his life-- whoever they may be-- or on his own) that he doesn't need to die to atone for his sins, and that he can learn to forgive himself and keep going.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
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Fun fact about Urick is that he literally has no heart, he lost it when he made his Pact with The Reaper (his Pact Price was Mortality, and his heart symbolized it, beautiful right). This aspect of his pact left Urick with one of the only wounds on his body that will never heal; on the right side of his chest is a giant, gaping hole where his heart used to be!!
Visually, you can imagine the hole in Urick's chest is not a pretty sight, in fact it makes him appear quite monstrous, a fact that many people have remarked on upon seeing it. This literal heartlessness has other impacts though, beyond being visually repulsive.
Without a heart, Urick has no blood flow, and almost no blood to speak of; The Reaper's magic sustains Urick in a way that makes up for this, ensuring his body functions as it would if he had a heart (along with regenerating from whatever damage comes its way), but this aspect of his Pact means that Urick is very cold to the touch (not freezing but corpse-like), and means when he's cut or injured, he doesn't 'bleed' so much as he 'oozes' or 'seeps' (the only blood left within him since his pact was coagulated long ago).
If there's anything Urick can say is positive about his literal heartlessness, its that it hasn't made him metaphorically heartless, but..... that's about it.
Pact's are REALLY GREAT.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
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Having an entity like The Reaper as one's Pact Partner is definitely a harrowing experience to say the least, and not necessarily because of the way his Pact-related Immortality functions.
Urick and The Reaper, being bound to one another as they are, are able to directly communicate with one another through their minds whenever they wish. Urick often doesn't wish to speak with The Reaper, but The Reaper, through this communicative link, are often speaking to him, and it's not fun.
The Reaper can't force Urick to do anything he doesn't want to (unless they are entering his body to Resurrect him-- that's a discussion for another day too) but having a voice in his head that's often telling him to brutally murder those around him and spill their blood can be grating on the psyche.
Making matters worse is the fact that The Reaper can be quite cruel toward Urick specifically, sometimes taunting him, or shaming him about past failures (they like to copy Oror's voice and berate Urick with it for example but there's more than that), further compiling the grief and guilt he has to wrestle with on a near daily basis.
All of this, and Urick kinda has to just deal with it, because he can't turn the communication off. The only thing that ever truly quiets The Reaper down is when Urick happens to kill people with his scythe (usually in defensive situations or with people who truly deserve it like bandits and other evil ilk), those incidents will usually quell The Reaper's lust for death for a while, but it always comes back at some point.
The price of Urick's Pact was his Mortality yes but sometimes he feels that having to hear and deal with The Reaper is the true price he's had to pay.
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iinexorabile · 1 month
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same.(TvTropes)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: taken from myself. look at how scandalous i am Tagging: hey look i tagged u
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Death Seeker: At some point in the past, some characters have had a traumatic experience, found themselves dishonored, committed a crime they could not repay, or lost everything worth living for. For whatever reason, rather than turning to suicide, they went off seeking battles to fight, hoping to find an enemy who would kill them, and achieve an honourable, heroic, or otherwise acceptable death. Martyrdom Cultures may regard such a character as a role model, even if upon closer examination he or she might seem like a Martyr Without a Cause. In cases of cruel Irony, Death Seeker characters who snap out of it and find something to live for often end up dying or getting killed shortly afterwards anyway.
“Character wishes to die but can’t simply kill themselves.“
Power at a Price: Power. The ability to influence, create, change, and even destroy things, places, people. It is by nature highly contentious: Some want it and would kill for it, others do not want it, or would gladly give away such a burden. Therein lies the rub. For all its force, blessings, or ability to change, power is not free… of responsibility, consequence, or cost. Some people think the exchange has to be “fair.” Be Careful What You Wish For....
“All power demands sacrifice.“
The Grim Reaper: The mascot of death. The nature and purpose of the Grim Reaper (also simply known as "Death") varies between two different versions: one version describes him as a simple guide — the supernatural being who takes people to the afterlife when they die; another version sees him as the entity of death. As with most folklore-ish characters, he has many and diverse characterizations. He may be sinister or come across as friendly. Still, other representations of death forgo the neutral guise and make Death a God of Evil that must be fought. The Reaper sometimes overlaps or is influenced by the Angel of Death of Biblical scripture, in which case he may explicitly be equated with the Archangel Azrael.
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him..”
Stepford Smiler (Depressed): This character makes it a point to project an image of wholesome happiness in front of their peers.  Their flawlessly crafted facade hides the real person that’s usually troubled on the inside, in order to keep up the deception. The character seems to be happy, cheerful, is always smiling and seems to live a perfect life - but inside they are melancholic, if not outright depressed. 
“ Happy on the outside. Unhappy on the inside. “
Resurrective Immortality:  Characters with Resurrective Immortality can die just like anyone else. The thing is, they will not stay dead. When killed, they will always return to life and look none the worse for wear. This is not necessarily due to a regenerative capability, though this sometimes also applies. On the plus side, this means that Death Is Cheap. Any enemies they have will never be able to kill them. On the negative side, this could be a Fate Worse than Death.
“This person can be killed — but they’ll just come straight back to life.”
Honorable mentions: Sinister Scythe, Pun, Beneath The Mask, An Axe To Grind, Who Wants to Live Forever?, My Greatest Failure, Purple is Powerful, Super Strength, Deal With the Devil, Sad Clown, Gallows Humour, Why Won’t You Die? , Immortality Hurts, Sacrificial Lamb, Heroic Sacrifice
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iinexorabile · 1 month
The Reaper, and it's origins
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A longstanding headcanon of mine is that Urick's Pact Partner, The Reaper, is more or less a sorta reincarnation of the Watcher Ezrael from DoD3. Erzael, being the Angel of Death, and The Reaper being, self explanatory, (and both of them being purple) of course they would be connected.
The idea is that, while the manifestations of 'Death' can be 'destroyed' (as has been seen with Ezrael and The Reaper), their core essence and power can't be-- when their manifestations are destroyed, 'Death' goes on, and eventually reconstitutes itself as something new (personality and appearance wise) but altogether still 'Death'.
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riftere · 5 years
//before i do anything major with urick im gonna put together a big navigation page for all his headcanons and stuff... bc that headcanon tag is a mess and looking thru it for the rlly important stuff is a chore!!!
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