#he realised it was a perfect flirting move and im sure he was all giddy over it
petrichoraline · 1 month
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belt move: success WE ARE EP.4
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Walk In The Park
Warninngs: Swearing
Meeting Henry in the park.
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A Walk In The Park
It was about 9 in the morning when you got the leads out of the cupboard deciding that by this time the park would be quiet as the school rush was over and anyone who had to be at work was.Your two excited dogs ran at you jumping over one another to be the first on a lead , your 3 year old blue doberman Milly was first as you clipped the thick leather lead followed by your bearly year old phantom standard poodle polly. You preferred walking them when it was quiet because of their rare colours your girls were a prime target for dognapping because any pups they had would be very expensive. You grabbed a small bag of treats ,their ball launcher and favourite ball as you left . Walking to the park it was a huge enclosed field that had a small fenced off play area in the middle there was a foot path around the edge with the occasional bench and bin, large trees dotted hear and there across the whole park, near the enterance there was a small coffee kiosk for the dog walkers that frequently used the safe enclosed space to run there dogs. Once there you saw three other dogs running loose one large and two small but they were far enough away that you should be able to avoid them. Walking a quater the way down the field you released your babies letting them go scatty they both ran off in a large circle around you letting off steam. After a few moments they slowed down panting watching you as you leaned the ball launcher on your shoulder then flicked it catapulting the ball a fair distance . Playing the game of fetch as you continued walking slowly around the field. Throwing it for the 12th or so time was when you heard someone calling for there dog to "leave it" as an akita that tore past your two and caught the ball resutling in a freindly game of chase as Milly and Polly tried to get it back you laughed and waved it off as the large man jogged closer to you still calling his dog. He was very handsome from here you noted.
"Its fine, their freindly" you called out ,he shook his head at the playful pups before smoothing his dark hair back as he watched the three play excitedly. It was rare that your babies had a similar sized dog to play with everyone now days opting for tiny 'cute' dogs and the larger breeds falling out of fashion. You giggled as the akita run up to its owner dropping the ball who dutifully threw it in your direction. The three dogs chased it erratically it was only as they got closer you realised he'd misjudged the distance before you could move his dog collided with your legs sweeping them from under you. Crying out suprized you landed with a heavy thump on the near frozen ground, the dog realising its mistake stood over you sniffing to see if you were ok joined by your two, before being pushed away by the most beautifull man you think you have ever seen, your thought stuttered to a halt as you noticed he looking down at you with bright blues eye filled with concern.
"Kal you big lump look what you did. I am so sorry are you ok?" He said helping you up laughing it off.
"Yeah im fine not the first time a dogs knocked me on my ass." He looked you over quickly decideing that your ok but began trying to brush the dry dirt off of your legs and bottom. Flustered as this heavenly stranger wiped at the seat of your jeans,you bent down quickly to take over ending up butting heads hissing you both grabed your throbbing forehead.
"Shit sorry fuck is your head ok? Look at me" he said cupping your face making you look at him as he gently ran a thumb over your bumped head. You couldn't help the a small gasp as you saw just how handsome he really was tall and broad, a clean shaven angular jawline,his mouth had a defined cupids bow that looked perfect for kissing among other things, lightly defined cheek bones and all topped off with a set of incrediblely clear blue eyes he looked like a god, you snapped out of it as he ran his tongue over his lips in what you assumed was a nervous gesture.'well you are just fucking oogling him' you thought
"That was my fault sorry, are you ok?" He nodded staring at you still smoothing over your face, you thought it was because you looked a mess after falling ass over tit but it was actually the opposite he thought you were beautiful. Blushing at his appraisal you nervously pulled his hands away ,looking down stroking your babies who had been hovering around you since you fell,you quickly turned your attention to his dog.
"So hes a boy then?" He nodded sheepishly as he realised he'd been caught staring snapping out of his thoughts.
"Yep this is my son Kal" he said ruffling the dogs furry head who was panting content. You giggled it was cute
"These are my babies Milly and Polly" you pointed each one out he smiled letting them sniff his hand gaining approval to stroke them.
"They are really sweet ,amazing colours i dont think iv seen them before. I couldn't acctually tell what breed Milly was when i watched you come through the gates" He stated then faulterd sheepishly as he'd let slip he had been watching you ,choosing to ignore it he concentrated on giving your babies ear rubs as they reveled in all his attention. You nodded smieling shyly.
"Well thank you most people think they are scary tho because of there size. Milly is what you call a blue doberman and Polly is a phantom coat both are rare its why i try to bring them here when its quiet" he nodded in understanding sighing in relief as you didn't mention his embarrassing admission.
"Sometime people are wary of kal because of his size. And you coming when its quiet would explain why I've never seen you here befor, I'd have definalty remembered you" he flirted you blushed not sure where to look as he smirked at you. He picked up the ball launcher and leads from the floor beside you. Holding out your hand to take them back he twisted them away from you lightly with a teasing grin.
"I think we should continue this walk together ,you know for health and saftey's sake" he said winking at you as he used the launcher to pick up and launch the ball out towards the field causing the trio chase it. You nodded looking away your face glowing he chuckled.
"I just realised i havent introduced myself im Henry" he held out a stong hand you shook it introducing yourself.
"Y/n" he tested your name
"Well Y/n would you allow me to buy you a coffee on this fine cold morning?" You smiled shyly at him nodding
"If you want to"
"Oh i do trust me" you felt giddy as he slipped your hand in his before makeing your way to the kiosk.
It had been just over three weeks since you first walk with Henry and it had become a daily occurrence you'd both meet up at around nine grabbed your coffees and do two or three slow laps around the park before going your seperate ways. In that time you'd gotten to know one another he seemed quite reluctant to talk about his job at first, which you understood when he told you he was an actor, he was worried that it would scare you off but it didn't bother you in the slightest and that was the day you exchanged numbers. Your walks were spent chatting and casually flirting with one another, before you knew it you had a crush on the sweet man. Today was particularly cold as you made your way to the park when you got there Henry was at the bench by the kiosk coffees in hand he let out a laugh when he saw both your dogs in their little knit jumpers. You pouted at him as he gave you your drink.
"So your one of those?" He got out between laughter as you let them off their leads and began your walk.
"Yep its for a good reasons tho poodles hair is fine and wavy when they're young it gets thicker and curly with age untill then they feel the cold really bad and Milly gets jealous if Polly has her jumper on and she doesn't" he nodded watching as kal followed the two going between them investigating the jumpers comically then they began chaseing one another for the new slightly bigger ball that you had tossed towards them.
Henry moved closer towards you grasping your hand as usual, taking sips of his drink opting to kick the ball with across the grass with his feet as one of the dogs returned it.
"Well its freezing today there threatening snow by the end of the week" you sighed
"Just what i need snow" you muttered into your cup taking a mouthfull.
"Tell me about it i hope it will hold off until friday" you looked at him confused as he kicked the ball again.
"I have to travel just outside of london on wednesday should be back by friday morning at the latest ,its a fitting and makeup test for an upcoming role ,they have a few different ideas but want to have it sorted asap the costume and props are going to take a while to be ordered and made" he explained shrugging lightly, you deflated slightly it meant soon you wont be able to see him, he would be away filming and promoting and youd be on your own.
"Oh.. that sounds fun tho, are you looking forward to it?" You asked trying to bite down your dissappointment he turned to you smileing wide
"Yes its a role i never thought id get when i auditioned but im really excited for it i cant wait to start filming" he said enthusiasticly you nodded but kept quiet as you kicked the ball kal had brought back. He slowed down and binned your now empty coffee cups then took a long look at you sighing before pulling you around to face him.
"Hey dont worry i'll call you everyday at the fitting and when I'm filming" he said stroking your hair out of your face with one hand an overly intimate gesture to anyone onlookers.
"You dont have to do that" you said trying to look anywhere but his face not wanting him to see how upset you were. You had no right to feel like this you hadn't even known him that long.
"But what if i want to?" He said before pulling you closer to him by your interlocked hands and joining free hands. Your gaze snapped to at that he continued knowing he now had your full attention.
"What if I say that I'm gonna miss you, miss talking to you everyday ,miss the way I can make you blush adorabley with just a look or miss holding your hands in mine ,that im going to find it hard leaving you behind here when I've only just gotten to know you." You were lost for words staring at him as he rubbed to back of his neck.
"That... didnt sound as cheesy in my head.. I just mean I really really like you, as soon as I leave here I cant wait for tomorrow to see you again. What I'm trying to say is that I really really like you" he admitted
"I like you too" the words left your mouth before you could stop them he looked up glowing at you. Quickly before his courage dissapeared he wound his large arms around your waist and pulled you against him leaning in for a kiss, you gasped as his lips met yours soft and gentle at first before tilting his head down more and deepening the kiss becoming more heated and desperate as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer as your tongues danced back and forth. Hearing a whining you both pulled back looking down at three impatient dogs waiting for the game of fetch to continue. You both laughed Henry kicked the ball without releasing you before leaning down again.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that" he mumbled against your lips placeing chaste kisses on them as he spoke.
" and now I cant seem to stop"
"You think your the only one?" you giggled at him meeting his kisses half way
"Just so you know I expect this to be our greeting from now on love" he whispered lowly and squeezed your waist your tummy fluttered at that.
"Well i suppose thats an acceptable request" you murmured he gave you a mischievous smile.
"Who said anything about request? I'll greet my woman as I see fit" your laugh was cut short as he kissed you deeply again. Before pulling you around one arm slung around your waist as he guided you along the path against him.
"Your woman? you havent even bought me dinner?"
"Which i plan to rectify tonight?" He asked cheekily you nodded at him leaning your head against his chest feeling like the luckiest girl in the world as he looked at you lovingly leaning over kissing your head.
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megalony · 5 years
Liar- Part 6
Yet another update on this latest Roger Taylor series which I hope everyone is enjoying so far. There are mentions of past abuse in this part.
Permanent taglist: @marshmallowmae @langdonzvoid @butlegendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr @luvborhap @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan
Series taglist: @caborhapch @im-just-a-musical-prostitute @scarsout
Series masterlist
"Good day?" (Y/n) couldn't keep the smile from her face as she asked her question the moment she set foot in Roger's home. As soon as he had opened the door his arms had enveloped around her and practically dragged her inside. A bright smile on his lips that she hadn't seen on him for a few days now as he leaned to press his lips to her own. His hands resting on her sides, thumbs feathering up and down her hipbones before he leaned to shut the door behind her.
For a while now when (Y/n) came round to Roger's place or when he came over to her apartment he had seemed rather down or anxious and there was no guessing why. He never usually opened the door with a smile so bright as he did today, nor did he seem so carefree as he did right now.
Not that (Y/n) was complaining, far from it.
"Amazing." Roger responded with a grin that looked positively cheeky, one that didn't disappear when he dipped his head down to connect their lips for a second time. (Y/n) cocked a brow to ask him to continue and tell her why today was so great as she slipped off her jacket and shoes before following the drummer into the living room. Seating herself down next to him on the sofa, crossing her legs beneath her as Roger moved so he was facing her. "We got my song finished today, the one I couldn't get the drumbeat for the other week. It sounds great, I can't wait to show you- Fred thinks it's gonna be a hit!"
The enthusiasm in Roger's voice was contagious as a broad smile flooded (Y/n)'s features at the news. She had been at the studio a few weeks back when Roger got angry at his drums. He could hit out any kind of beat or come up with random rhythms whenever and wherever but that day none of them had sounded right for the kind of song he had playing in his mind.
Now he had gotten the beat and got it wrapped up and ready like a present for Christmas Roger was over the moon. It always made him happy to know that the boys liked it as well and to know that Freddie thought this one was going to be a hit made Roger's mood lighten significantly.
The band had been a bit apprehensive about Roger coming back to the studio the very next day after his sudden panic attack in the street last week. They had enough time on their hands for Roger to take a week off or at least a day or two so he could calm down and feel better. They wanted him to take a break since they had all been working so hard and clearly Roger wasn't one hundred percent right now. But Roger had insisted that he was fine and wanted to be back to get on with his song which had been their current song to work on and they didn't have the heart to tell him to go home and rest. He seemed fine enough so why make him go home?
The drummer had to tell them yet another lie last week. Simply saying he hadn't been feeling the greatest and suddenly suffered a panic attack but didn't know why. They bought it, of course they did. They thought Roger had suffered with mental health issues before which he did, but just for different reasons than they thought. It was a normal thing for people to not know what caused their panic attacks, they could happen at random so the band didn't question things. John had driven Roger back home that day just to be on the safe side, not wanting his friend to drive when he was shaking and in a state like that.
Sarah hadn't been back to the studio since then which helped Roger to feel calm and more at ease knowing she wasn't hanging around to watch and scrutinise. The band were getting to a point where they were almost finished with this album so they were working that bit harder to finish everything up. They had three more songs to perfect and then they needed to add the finishing touches on a few other songs if the tapes would allow it. They needed some more back up vocals on one of John's songs and Brian wanted to go over his part in a different song. So when this was finished they would have a few weeks off before they got a tour planned and set in motion.
"Rog that's great, I can't wait to listen to it."
A small blush crept up the side of Roger's neck and spread to paint a dusty rose colour over his cheeks that pushed up to his eyes as he smiled. He loved his music and it was so satisfying to finish a song and be truly proud and happy with what he had created. To not have that little annoying voice in the back of his head telling him that he needed to change this drumbeat or take out that cymbal or ask John to change his bass line. It was like he was on cloud nine to feel this proud and thrilled with his song. The feedback from the band was something that also made Roger giddy like a schoolboy again.
"There were no... visitors, today." Roger responded, a hint of something in his voice that (Y/n) couldn't exactly place but she understood what he was referring to in an instant.
Roger wasn't sure if Brian had talked to Sarah or not to tell her that with how close they were to finishing they'd prefer to be on their own or if she had simply decided to give Roger a break. She had popped in quite a lot on her days off or her lunchbreak over the past three weeks and it had gotten to Roger more than he thought considering it had happened quite a lot over the years. Maybe it was because (Y/n) knew what Sarah had done, maybe Roger was feeling threatened by Sarah because if she did something (Y/n) was going to expose his lies for his own good.
Whatever it was it was distracting Roger and he didn't like the way she made him feel when she turned up at the studio. It was Roger's place of work and he didn't need her there to dampen his mood and make him feel unsafe in a place that he was almost every day. That wasn't fair to him after everything that had happened.
Sarah could easily go and see Brian at his home or have him go round to see her, they could go and see their parents and converse there or go out together outside of work. She didn't have to pop into the studio to catch up with Brian and she knew that. Something in Roger told him that Sarah was doing this to mess with him because it gave her pleasure, he could see her eyes sparkling when she knew she made him feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
"That's good... are you feeling alright since last week?" Roger hadn't lied to (Y/n). When he had opened the door to her looking paler than death and shaking he couldn't lie. He had tears falling from his eyes and blurring his vision until he buried his face into (Y/n)'s neck, needing the comfort that only she could give him. He had told her exactly what had happened and had convinced her that it was nothing that needed (Y/n) to tell Brian or anyone else what had happened. (Y/n) said if Sarah did anything else to Roger she wouldn't stand by and watch but this wasn't that bad in Roger's book. She had scratched him and had clung to him, she didn't attack him or whisper little threats or harmful poisonous words into his ear.
All Roger wanted was to forget it had ever happened and (Y/n) had complied with that for Roger's sake.
"Much better." Roger had felt so much better at the studio and at home when Sarah hadn't been there. She was like a shadow hanging around him or a fog clouding his vision but when she was gone Roger could see clear as day. He could work without that worry that put him off, he could go home and feel fine, he didn't feel that transition from uncomfortable to safe when he went from work to home. It was so much easier when she wasn't there because Roger could move on.
"I'm not trying to pry Rog, but I just wondered... the boys are so fine around her and the way she flirts with you. Do they actually know you dated her?"
If Roger told her to drop the subject then (Y/n) would comply instantly, he could tell her to shut up about it and she would. If he didn't feel comfortable talking or it made his mood drop significantly from when he walked in the door then they didn't have to talk about it. They could carry on with their night as if (Y/n) had never asked. But she only asked because she couldn't help but feel curious.
It was clear that Sarah hung around Roger a lot even if the boys didn't realise how nervous and uncomfortable she made Roger feel. If the boys knew the pair of them had dated (Y/n) thought it would have been awkward, especially for Brian. With his best friend and his sister having dated and then split it would have been weird for him especially when his sister still seemed to flirt with Roger even if it came off as harmless. The boys didn't seem to acknowledge the fact that Roger had gone out with Sarah years ago which begged the question did they actually know about the relationship or not.
Roger leaned back into the sofa, one hand knitting itself into his light blond hair as the other rested over the back of the sofa. His knees pulled up to rest beneath him as his lips pressed into a thin line as he thought about his answer and if he really wanted this conversation or not.
"No." Roger sighed through the word as his head leaned to the side, resting on the hand knitted into his hair. "We weren't actually 'dating' we just... she seemed nice. She wanted to know me, she was funny and flirted with me, no one else seemed to. I was nineteen and she was twenty four, two years older than Brian. It was just meant to be fun, just hookups." Roger hadn't had that many relationships before but when he met Sarah there was this older girl who flirted shamelessly with him and who genuinely wanted to know him. She seemed to care, she wanted to know him and they just seemed to click.
Roger didn't tell Brian because it was his older sister and it wasn't a relationship, they were friends who hooked up a few times, it wasn't really Brian's business.
"You don't have to tell me." Reaching out, (Y/n) rested a cautious hand on top of Roger's which was on the back of the sofa. Feeling him hold her hand tightly as he forced his lips to move in a way that resembled a fraction of a smile. A gesture that showed he appreciated her words. She didn't want him to feel he had to talk to her if he didn't want to, this was Roger's life, his personal secrets and identity. If he didn't feel able to talk about it or he felt he didn't want to confide in (Y/n) then she would be fine with that.
"I want to tell you. It wasn't... she didn't lead me on or anything like that, she wasn't drawing me in. She wanted to be together but I didn't, it was meant to be some fun. I liked her a lot but not in that way, I could flirt with her but I didn't want a relationship, I had uni and the band and work, there just wasn't time for that." Sarah hadn't preyed on Roger, she hadn't been that older woman who draws in younger men to exploit them or to hurt him. She wanted to be in a relationship rather than their 'friends with benefits' status but Roger didn't want to do that.
Roger had university which was his priority and took up a lot of his time and then he had Smile with Brian and Tim. A band was what Roger desperately wanted and needed, between studies, the few gigs the band managed to get and then working down the market with Freddie Roger didn't have time for a relationship. He was at a place in his life where he didn't need one nor did he feel he wanted one. A few hookups with a good friend suited him fine and he wasn't even sure if being with Sarah was what he wanted or would have liked. He didn't know if he liked her in that way so it wouldn't have been fair to lead her on to then break up anyway.
"I ended the hookups, it wasn't fair if she wanted more and I didn't mind being friends but... she just, she kept pushing. She came to my flat one night and we hung out for a while and it was fine, then she started kissing me..." Closing his eyes Roger tipped his head back, no one in the world knew what he was about to confide to (Y/n). Something in him told him that he couldn't, he couldn't let anyone know what happened to him but the other part of him knew talking was helping. (Y/n) wouldn't judge, she was listening to understand and try to help. "She just wouldn't stop... she forced herself onto me a-and after, she told me she wanted to be with me. She did that and then wanted me to be with her. I thought she'd leave me alone, she did that to me and I said no so I thought that was it."
(Y/n) felt his hand tighten around her own as she pressed her lips into a thin line so tightly they were no longer visible. How could someone try and force another person to be with them? How could Sarah do that to Roger and then think he would be fine with being with her when she violated him and his wishes like that?
"I couldn't get her to go away, she'd come to my flat, she'd hang around my classes at uni or at the pub I went to. When she came to the flat she wouldn't leave, she'd do shit when I tried to get her out so I stopped making her go. Then she did it again." If she hadn't of done what she did to Roger he would have been fine with staying friends. They liked the same kind of stuff and they got along, they could have talks about politics and she understood his work for uni so she could help. She was a great friend but a horrible person when she didn't get her way. Roger just wanted her to leave him alone but she seemed fixated on him.
"Did what again?" The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. (Y/n) wanted to be certain about what he was telling her but deep down she knew what he was referring to. The way his eyes seemed to lose their sparkle and how the blue faded from his eyes made her heart shatter in her chest. She didn't want to see Roger like this again, it was too heartbreaking to bear.
"Came onto me after I said no. I snapped, I hit her and told her to leave. I started pushing and shoving her to the living room to get her to the door and she grabbed a knife. Suddenly I-... I'd pushed her and she smacked her head on the table. I thought... I don't... I left. She was out cold so I went to Fred's place, I was gonna tell him but Brian was there. They thought I'd slashed my arm so I said yes. When I went home she'd gone and she, she stopped coming round." Roger had been terrified that he'd pushed her too hard, that she had smashed her head too forcefully on the table and had died or she would bleed out right there. But he couldn't help her, if Roger tried to help her and she either died or she woke up he was in trouble either way. She would have murdered him if she woke up.
Roger wasn't waiting to get attacked again and he had been hurt. She had violated him and then assaulted him with a knife, he needed help instead of getting the life beaten out of him. She had cut him and he pushed her, he bled out all the way to Freddie's place and needed stitches in hospital.
There was no choice for Roger.
He couldn't have told Brian his sister had sexually assaulted him twice and started hurting him when he told her to leave or that he didn't want to see her again. He couldn't tell Brian that his sister had almost cut through his artery in a fit of rage or that he had knocked her out by accident and left her unconscious in his apartment. Brian either wouldn't have believed him or would have cut all contact with him and Roger couldn't lose him. He had lost part of himself after what Sarah did to him, losing Brian and the future of the band they were creating would have killed Roger off.
"I'm so sorry for what she put you through and the fact you can't have that closure. But I think it's brave to try and act civil and as if you're alright around her when you have the right to scream and shout."
(Y/n) couldn't erase the past. She couldn't stop Sarah from doing what she did to Roger and she couldn't make what she did okay or bearable for Roger to live with. All (Y/n) could do was offer her support and love him how he deserved. Roger had the right to scream at Sarah, to push her out of the studio and tell Brian exactly what she had done to him but he didn't. He did the bravest thing he could and faced his abuser whenever she walked into his life. He acted civil with her, he allowed her to sit so close next to him and to whisper and flirt with him even when it made him uncomfortable and feel unsafe. He allowed her to be around his friends and for them to think she was kind and sweet and everything in between.
Roger didn't play the victim and he didn't express that he was even a victim in the situation. He let his attacker waltz free and walk in and out of his life whenever she wanted. That was the bravest thing anyone could do and (Y/n) admired the strength Roger held within him to be able to do that.
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work for it | reggie mantle (riverdale)
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a/n: if you want to be added to my tag list leave a comment below or drop it into my ask box and ill add you!! i have three different lists one for each of my short series and one for all my posts!! happy reading be sure to leave a request!🦋💙
request: can i ask for a reggie x reader where he tries to ask her out but plays hard to get? thanks! :)
it was just another pep rally for the river vixens but for cheryl blossom it meant that there was another opportunity to be in the spotlight, being the captain and all.
you smile over to your red headed best friend, she was nervous like always. her parents had attended every single bulldog/vixen event but after jason’s death they had stopped because the memories flooded back each time they sat in those bleachers.
tonight was different though, tonight both blossom parents were here to support the teenage girl, so we had practice every damn day for at least a few hours. 
we had to make this rally perfect so cheryl could show her parents what they’ve been missing.
“you know this routine inside and out cheryl, you could do it in your sleep” you reassure her placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“thank you” she smiles softly at you “what are best friends for?” you giggle bumping her hip with your own as you apply your last coat of mascara to your eyelashes.
it was our fifth and final period and cheryl had ordered an emergency practice which resulted us being forced out to practice on the field with the jocks because the gym was being occupied by freshman gym class.
“5 minute break” cheryl yells allowing us to rest and hydrate.
you wonder over to the drinks table pouring yourself a cup a icy water from the cooler they leave there for the jocks.
“drinking our water i see?” you jump at the sudden voice almost covering yourself in water “god you scared me” you mumble wiping your mouth of the fallen liquid.
it was the one and only reggie mantle, it was common knowledge to all the kids at riverdale high that the raven haired jock had a thing for you. you flirted back and fourth tension building between the two of you.
he’d asked you out multiple times as well as half the other guys on the team but you refused to date anyone of them. the girls on your squad were puzzled at your decision to turn down only the best of riverdale high but you just shrugged it off.
you didn’t want to fall into the stereo type of an ‘easy’ cheerleader.
its not that you weren’t attracted to him because god, you were. he was tall, strong one of the best bodies in your year but he was more than that. you were the only one who’d seen past his bad boy jock facade.
he had everybody fooled, except you.
“can’t a hard working vixen get herself some cold water?”
he smirks “depends” he steps closer continuing to flirt
“will this working hard-gorgeous vixen want to go on a date with this beautiful specimen of a bulldog”
you roll your eyes placing the cup back down on the table
“you know what I’m actually not that thirsty” you turn and walk back toward your squad, swinging your hips as you know his eyes are watching your every agonising move.
“your going to have to try harder than that reg” you yell to the boy
he bites his clenched fist before jogging over to his jock friends.
you begin to stretch when cheryl approach you a smirk evident on her face. you grab her shoulder to stabilise yourself as you tuck one foot up.
“what are you doing?” she questions you, looking you up and down then behind you were you know reggie is staring based on the voice of coach clayton yelling at the poor boy.
“mantle! ball. over here” you giggle turning and giving the small boy a wave
“gosh (y/n) why don’t you just say yes!” the captain fumes at you.
“because its reggie cheryl” you muse taking a break from the stretching.
she huffs crossing her arms over her chest.
“oh c’mon you don’t seriously think i should go out with him? you hate reggie and me dating jocks remember what happened last time?”
she ignores you staring off behind you
“god what are you looking out” you turn spotting a familiar red head looking your way.
you smile and wave at your long time friend before turning and facing your best friend.”
“oh. my. god.” you squeal bouncing on your feet
“what now?” she snaps
you grin widely “you have a thing for andrews gah this is golden!!”
her eyes widen and she shakes her head “no i don’t!” she defends 
you laugh clapping your hands together
“it doesn’t matter his into you- they’re all freaking into you”
your features soften “cheryl archie is NOT into me” 
“I’m serious its completely platonic- wait what does this have to do with me and mantle?” you question dipping down to touch your toes.
“well if you start seeing the bimbo jock-” you interrupt her “don’t call him that”
she sighs “anyways if you start seeing each other than you my dear friend can put in a good word with efron- and then we can have double dates at pop’s!”
“god you didn’t just refer to archie as zac efron” you giggle
she narrows her eyes causing you to shoot your hands up “fine fine ill put in a good word to archiekins, i don’t need reggie for that”.
you bend down again touching your toes when you hear whistles and a huge thud.
you both turn quickly glancing as reggie is sprawled out onto the floor clutching his head as he rips off his helmet. before you know it your legs are carrying you over to the injured boy dropping to your knees as you approach him
“reg oh my god are you okay what happened?!” you bout running your hands over his face worry covering your expression like a blanket.
he winces trying to stand up only to stumble down, you stand quickly trying to bare all his weight. “arch” you mumble begging for the bulldog to help you out.
he swoops over holding the boy up, “what happened?!” you exclaim glancing at his team mates they all go quite holding in laughter “what?!” you ask confessed looking to your friend and the injured raven haired jock.
arch sighs laughing before answering “someone was having a good look at your ass and moose clocked him because someone didn’t have his head in the game”
you laugh covering your mouth as your cheeks heat up “hey i wasn’t-” he tries to defend himself leaning against his team mate.
“oh im sure you weren’t” you tease poking his chest
“practice is over mantle your on the beach tonight” he throws his hands in the air in frustration pulling away from the support of his red headed best friend
“c'mon coach-” coach clayton tucks his clipboard under his arm pointing a finger at the raven headed captain “i can’t afford you trying to show off to your girl- rest up”
your eyes fall to the ground blushing as Reggies attempts to cover up what his coach just said
a laugh spills from your mouth but your hands dart up to stop anymore from being realised. he glances at you with pleading eyes his rosy cheeks evident on his tan skin.
“(y/n)!” you turn to see your best friend yelling your name “i gotta get back to practice to you need help getting him to the bench?”
archie shakes his head adjusting his grip on the sulking boy “nah we’re good, go back to cheryl before she bursts a vessel”
you give the two boys a two finger salute before winking and rushing back over to your hot headed cheer captain
“jeez cap don’t get your knickers in a knot” you complain throwing your hair up into a pony tail.
she huffs turning and clapping to get the vixens attention “lets go bitches formation!” she yells
you roll your eyes getting into position catching the boys staring as we start our routine. “be right back” you mumble to the red head before jogging over to the pair on the first row of the bleachers
“yes” you smile catching reggies attention, the ice pack of his head slipping as he moves his hand away. they share a confused glance before looking back at the dumb smile on your face.
“wait what?” the raven haired boy chuckles nervously “ill come with you- on a date. pop’s. tonight” you speak with confidence twirling your hair.
a smile grows on his lips “really?” you dip down to reach his eye level “as long as ginger god comes too, for my ginger goddess” you point to the anger cheerleader standing with her vixens
“deal?” you question smile lazily placing your hand on his thigh
he looks to archie and he shrugs “im in” you give your friend a fist pump before looking back to the shy boy “deal” he finally speaks smiling up at me.
“what made you change your mind?” he asks nervously
you bite your lip backing away “i told you mantle, you had to work for it”
his smugness overwhelms his features archie elbow him in giddiness as he watches his friend flirt with the girl of his jock dreams
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