#he makes sure i have eaten when i get cranky
yellowhollyhock · 27 days
return to the underground is so funny because everything Donny says or does Raph and Leo are like 'that's him our baby brother, precious little genius, watch watch he's gonna do something cool, we are so proud. do you need anything Don Don'
And Mikey's like 'this is the worst plan you've ever had. I hate you.'
He really was not happy about going back underground XD
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title: you’re not you when you’re hungry
author: sciencebecameouraddiction
fandom: hazbin hotel
rating: G
genre: Fluff, could be read as romantic or platonic
pairing: Alastor x Reader
summary: Alastor looks about ready to end Vaggie, and you piece together it’s because he hasn’t eaten. So, you make him some food!
You watched closely as Alastor’s eye twitched while Vaggie went through her list of to-do’s. You knew that angels didn’t have to eat, which made so much more sense after finding out that Vaggie was an angel. That was the difference for demons though. Demons, sinners, and any hell born had to eat.
You briefly wondered if Alastor had eaten today. You’d never say anything but you saw he forgot to eat as often as you did. It could have been something else than forgetting, but you chalked it up to forgetting.
‘That would be why he was cranky,’ you mused to yourself. You hopped off your stool and made your way to the kitchen. Quickly you pulled together your own famous Spiced Alfredo and used some of the venison you knew Alastor kept in the refrigerator. He was always stocked up… even though he constantly forgot to eat, which was humorous. You finished off the sauce and pasta, hearing loud yelling and the static that accompanied an upset Alastor.
You quickly finished the plate, placed it at the bar on the island in the kitchen and dashed out, the dashing helping your cause as you looked so disheveled as you just about crashed into the lobby. You panted and leaned against your arm, anchoring it on the wall.
“Al-Alastor.” You called, still out of breath. Whatever Alastor was about to respond to Vaggie, who looked enraged, was stopped as he turned to you. He glared at you, his eyes narrowing.
“What is it?” His voice tight with annoyance.
“I need your help. Seriously. I think only you can fix this.” He sighs, his teeth grinding in his smile.
“We’ll finish this when I come back.” He remarked to Vaggie and she glared at him as he left the lobby. You stood staring at him when he stood in front of you. His head tilted.
“Where to?” He asked, gesturing to the hall behind you.
“Oh! Yes!” You walked to the kitchen and heard a stomach growl as you got closer and the scent of the pasta got stronger. You hid your smile as you turned the corner and pointed to the seat. “Sit.” Alastor looked at you and did so.
“I’m not sure how this is helping anything-“ He cut off his sentence as you placed the large plate of food in front of him.
“Eat. You’re not you when you’re hungry.” You chuckle at the joke Alastor would not get, as you turn and toast some bread, finishing up the meal you were making. You heard him set his staff down and the clink of him picking up his fork. You look behind and see him moving the pasta around and sniffing the food suspiciously. “I didn’t poison it.” You say in disgust, rolling your eyes as you walk toward him spreading butter on the toast and placing three slices on his plate.
“Can’t ever be too sure.” He deadpans. “Is this?” He trails off looking at you.
“Venison, yes.” You say chuckling as you finish up a cup of coffee as well. “My famous Spiced Alfredo? Also, yes.” You set the coffee down in front of him, black, but brewed with a bit of salt to take out the bitterness. “Black coffee? Of course it is. You only drink coffee.” You roll your eyes and take off your apron, seeing Alastor take his first bite, his eyes widening. You turn to him and raise your eye brows, sipping your own coffee, but with sugar and cream.
“You like it?” You ask as Alastor takes another bite, just nodding. “Good. Eat and then you can do whatever you were doing. Otherwise you were going to kill someone because you were hangry.” You laugh and go to leave, to give Alastor some peace, when his hand lands on your arm, stopping you so gently. You look at him questioningly, and then he pulls out the seat next to you, a wordless invitation. “I’m not eating anything though.” You warn.
“That’s fine.” He says, taking another bite. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”
“Well, in my time, we had TV and there was a channel called Food Network. All these great chefs would have different TV shows and you could learn how to cook. I never had formal training but I learned how to cook by watching them.” You laugh.
“Fascinating. Tell me more.” Alastor prompted as he continued to eat, listening to you talk about your favorite show and even some of the gossip that was supposedly fact. Alastor never expected kindness like this and the last time someone did something like this for him, his mother was still alive. He was going to cherish this as long as he could.
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vs-space-orcs · 2 years
Jil'tek was worried about his human. In the last two hours of their shift together, human James had been short and terse with his responses. He had even snapped at human Amy for leaving a box on the nightshift desk.
Finally, towards the end of the shift, he asked, "Human James, my dear, are you alright?"
"What do you mean?" Was human James's response.
"You appear to be upset."
His human sighed. "I'm sorry, hon. It's just I haven't eaten in six hours."
"And this makes you upset?"
Human Amy laughed. "He's hangry."
"The universal translator is having difficulty translating that word. What does 'hangry' mean?"
"It means he gets cranky when he's hungry. Our shifts are 12 Sol hours long, and we're only allowed two meals. Most humans ideally need three meals in that timespan. So towards the end of the shift, he gets crabby."
"So humans have evolved as predators to get angry when they need to eat?"
"Only some of us do, but yes."
"Deathworlders are terrifying. I am so glad you guys do the packbonding thing. I'll make sure to bring human-safe snacks from now on."
"That's probably a good idea."
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Chucky Lee Ray x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: When you come home from a really terrible date who definitely expects to be invited in, you do something Kinda Sneaky... and say you live with your brother and, oops! You forgot your key!!- and knock on the apartment next to yours, acting like this one is yours. Chucky's apartment.
Warnings: N/A.
Knock knock. No answer.
Knock knock knock. No answer.
Humming nervously, because why the hell why isn't he answering?? Please be home, Chucky, p l e a s e- "He must have his headphones on, the dumbass." You throw back to your date, Hank, rolling your eyes like 'brothers, huh?'.
"Hey, if you cant get it, you can always come back to my place?"
"Oh thats nice of you- " Knockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknock-
"Bro!" You exclaim in a loud, totally-fake greeting as soon as the door flies open and reveals Charles Lee Ray, looking as if you just woke him up, his hair in his dark eyes and a beer-stained, moth-eaten white t-shirt on that completely washes him out and makes him look like Samara Morgan (Sweet jesus, if you weren't so desperate to get away from Hank, you would be terrified of this nightmare look). His face twists into grumpy, tired confusion but before he can ask you what the hell you're talking about- you slip your arms around his waist and squeeze him in a hug. "Play along." Dear god, play along.
When you pull back, a hostage-smile pasted to your face standing there with Hank behind you looking bored and annoyed (And wearing a stained t-shirt of his own- under a date blazer), the cranky frown on his face upturns into a smirk. Oh~
You hope to god thats a good smirk and your annoying neighbour is not about to screw you.
Its not like Hank is dangerous, or t h r e a t e n i n g, at all- no. He's fine. But after 4 hours of talking about his fucking car, and The Big Bang Theory (How funny Howard Walowitz is in the first seasons and how misunderstood he is with women- jesus), and meeting his mother at the start-- you are DONE!!
You're up to hear with him and Chucky, as annoying and rude as he is, suddenly feels like a great alternative! At least if you went out with him tonight, you might've gotten a good buzz out of it. Hank took you to a Chuck E Cheese, and he didn't bring a flask.
When Chucky leans against the door and makes room for you to slip by, smirking dangerously at your date, you happily go into his apartment. You never wanted to get in there so bad, before. You never wanted to go in there, period, before today. But now it feels like sanctuary. "So... you're the guy that took out Y/N tonight."
Oh no- he's still talking. Why on earth is Chucky still talking-
"-Yeah thats him!" You cut in, before flashing Hank a bright smile and a waive. "I had a great time- bye Hank!" Please go. Please go. Please go now-
Before your date can leave and you can never see him again, Chucky stops him- and when you glance at his face, you can see an even broader, more mischievous smirk on him. Oh no. "Hold on there, man, wait. I gotta make sure you're alright, don't I??"
"No, bro, you don't." You say pointedly, making Chucky turn that nefarious, lascivious grin onto you for a moment.
"Hehe... I think I do."
Through grit teeth, you beseech him. "Fight the urge." Or, well- beg him. You're begging. You're absolutely begging.
Because wherever Chucky is going to take this, is not going to be good, especially with that evil twinkle in his pale blue eyes. "What kinda brother would I be if I didn't check him?"
"The best brother in the world."
"Ahhhhh... you're just sayin' that. Hey Hank- " When you both turn back to the hallway and see that Hank is, actually, gone-- you're equally baffled and relieved. Thank god, but... when did he leave??? Chucky, on the other hand, pouts. "Damn. ... Maybe he wasn't that into you."
While rolling your eyes, you catch sight of a black object plainly sticking out of Chucky's pyjama pants. "Or maybe he saw the gun tucked into your pants! Is that loaded!??"
"... no."
"No!??" That did not sound definitive!!
"Well yeah, of course it is. But here's the thing, doll. Guess what?" You're about to ask a put-out and huffy 'what?', when Chucky pulls the door to his apartment abruptly closed; standing far too close to you and looking at you in that lecherous Chucky-way that makes you feel so small and squirrelly. Wait- "Look at that?~ You're all mine, all of a sudden~ Hehe,"
As you stand there, half scared/half... something else, you wonder dumbly how and when did you lose control of this situation-
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creedslove · 11 months
I NEED some pre/no outbreak! Joel x reader where it’s just put fluff of them w Sarah after he’s had a long day at work
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: no outbreak Joel is an addiction I don't want to get rid of 😭 I'm so ready to be this man's wife 😭
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Joel had a pretty rough day at work; he had problems with deliveries of wood and concrete and he also had an argument with one of his clients 
And the asshole even threatened to cancel their deal and find another contractor 
He even missed dinner with his family which was sacred to him, only to have a meeting with the asshole client and try to come up with a solution. He hated that he missed out precious time with his two favorite girls: his beautiful wife, you, and his daughter Sarah
But he knew sometimes he had to make sacrifices, after all the money he would get for this job would make a difference at the end of the month and he had vowed to give you two only the best 
Luckily, Joel managed to solve the situation, but that didn't happen without a lot of stress, tension and anger, so when he parked in the driveway, he wanted nothing more than shower and bed 
He got out of the car and groaned, he was sweaty, cranky, sore, hungry and he figured you and Sarah would be probably in bed or asleep on the couch 
He decided he would just take a quick shower, make himself a sandwich and try not to wake you up when he got under the blankets 
Or maybe he would wake you up on purpose and see if you were in the mood for a quickie, so he could blow off some team 
But he wasn't sure he would do it because he didn't feel playful and because his back was killing him 
When he got to the front door, he thought it was odd the lights were on and the smell of food was making his mouth water every single step he took 
Maybe Tommy decided to crash and cook himself something? 
Joel laughed at himself at that absurd thought, there was no way his brother would cook something without burning his house down 
When he got inside, he heard laughter and your voices, Sarah immediately smiled up at him 
"Hey dad, we missed you!" 
You went towards him and pecked his lips, tangling your fingers into his sweat-damp hair and caressing it gently 
"Go shower, handsome. Dinner's almost ready" 
You chuckled as he looked very surprised and give him another peck on the lips 
Joel didn't waste time, showering and changing into fresh clothes. He got downstairs as quick as possible and saw as you took the potatoes out of the oven at the same time Sarah was setting the table 
She proudly told him how the two of you had decided to cook dinner together and his heart warmed at the realization you two had made his favorite: steak and baked potatoes
Over dinner, you two told Joel what you did in the evening while you waited for him: you helped her with the homework, then you two listened to music and prepared dinner together, as you decided you would wait for him 
Joel ate as if he hadn't eaten in days, he was so full and satisfied and felt the tiredness taking over his body, so you told him to go to the couch that you would handle the dishes
Sarah helped you and in no time the three of you were on the couch. Joel had picked whatever movie that had a lot of explosions or car races, you didn't really care, as you focused on running your nails through his scalp, one warm wrapped around your body and another wrapped around Sarah, who dozed off at her dad's soft cuddles 
You could see he was also struggling to keep his eyes open, so you suggested everyone should go to bed, after all, it was way past everybody's bedtime 
Joel carried his daughter to her room, even if his back was still sore, he just couldn't wake her up, not after everything she did for him, she was sleeping peacefully, and he smiled at himself, thinking about her when she was an adorable little toddler and wondering if he would have the energy to have another toddler running around the house 
His back said no to that question, but his heart said yes 
He tucked her in like he had done so many times during her life and went to your room, meeting you there, with a muscle relaxer and a glass of water in hands and your lotion waiting for him on the nightstand
You didn't even need to tell him twice, he immediately took off his shirt and lay on his stomach, so you took some lotion and rubbed over his back, before massaging it effectively 
Joel loved the massages, not only because they felt good and helped him relax and very often had a happy ending, but also because you always used some of your fruity lotion on him and he would smell like you - but he wouldn't really admit that 
Once again he was almost dozing off, when you noticed he couldn't help but pop a boner. Joel groaned and he couldn't deny he wanted to fool around a little but he felt so goddamn tired
You told him to close his eyes and relax as much as he wanted, as you kissed from his lips to his neck and then down his body until you got to that thick cock of his 
And you gave your husband a blowjob until he finished in your mouth 
He barely had time to recover from his bliss before falling asleep finally, to the point he didn't even notice he was the little spoon that night 
You clung to him and fell asleep too, drunk in love with your husband and happy with the family you had 
The next morning Joel woke up in such a good mood, because he knew that no matter what he had to face at work, he would have his family when he went back home
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boltupbitches · 5 months
My Daughter Thinks I'm Ugly - Justin Herbert
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Part 4 of the Layla Herbert series
Part 1 - One Day at a Time
Part 2 - Today's the Day
Part 3 - Cheer's To Us
Justin sighed as he walked into his house, carefully lugging his bag with one hand while he juggled his water bottle and phone in the other. He could imagine Alex’s reaction if she saw him carrying his bag on the side of his body where his injured hand was.
He sat his bag in the foyer on the bench next to the closet. He walked into the kitchen and sighed as his stomach growled. He should have eaten before leaving the facility, but he wanted to get home in time to surprise Alex and Layla, who were at a doctor’s appointment.
He wanted to attend, but after his panic over Layla’s last set of vaccines (she bawled - he got mad at the nurse irrationally for it), Alex decided to book her next appointment during a training day he couldn’t get out of since he had a rehab appointment and post-op with the team’s head doctor. He decided to stick around to watch practice for the upcoming Chiefs game - the last game of the season. It was bittersweet. 
Just as he pulled out the leftover grilled chicken he helped Alex make last night, he heard her car pull up. He quickly popped the lid off the container and put it in the microwave. When he made it to the front door he saw the door open. A surprised Alex was staring back at him with Layla’s car seat in one hand and her diaper bag in the other.
“When did you get home?” Alex asked in surprise, handing the car seat with a sleeping Layla in it over to an eager Justin.
“About 20 minutes ago. I wanted to get home early so I finished my stuff up at the facility as fast as I could.” He cooed at his sleeping daughter. “She do ok?” He moved out of  Alex’s way, following her into the living room where Alex sat her stuff down and plopped on the couch.
“She did,” Alex confirmed with a sigh. “Well, I mean, she cried again like last time. The second we got into the room, she was inconsolable. Thankfully I took her ducky with her so she was relaxed as soon as I gave it to her. That is… until the doctor had to check her ears to make sure the infection was gone.. She started to cry again.”
“Was she too rough maybe?” He asked with alarm.
Alex gave him a deadpan stare, still amazed at how irrational her boyfriend was over their daughter. This was a man who had medical professionals in his family and had considered the same profession as an alternative to pro football. “She was perfectly fine. Just cranky and tired. She didn’t take her nap before the appointment so she was already not in the mood going in.”
Justin nodded as he looked at his peacefully sleeping daughter. She was just a little over 2 months old and would be 3 months old on January 16th. He couldn’t believe how big she was getting - it was as if the last 2.5 months flashed by in an instant.
She could recognize her loved ones, smile, babble, and laugh among other things. She’d give him a squinty smile, something everyone loved to point out came from him. His heart fluttered with happiness every time he saw her flash him a gummy smile and laughter. Even when she was grabbing fistfuls of his hair and trying to gnaw on his nose when he gave her kisses.
Speaking of hair… he still had his baseball cap on from his haircut earlier this morning. His teammates and team staff were shocked at the cut. Alex and Layla had no idea about it. He knew he was about to shock his tired girlfriend.
“So… I don’t know if you noticed... But I got a haircut today.” Justin said shyly, peaking at Alex’s alarmed look.
She stared at him, taking in his ballcap that was hiding whatever he got done underneath. She could see some hair but not his usual long locks. She assumed he probably pulled his hair back in a bun or something as a new style. She was so tired she didn’t realize the possibility that he cut his hair.
“Please tell me it’s not a buzz like last time.” She said lowly, her eyes inspecting his cap as if it held the world’s biggest mystery.
“God no,” He said in disgust, almost offended she thought he’d consider that ever again. He learned his lesson and went to an actual professional this time. 
He sighed and lifted the cap off his head, showing Alex the shortcut he got done.
She stared in surprise at it, “Well… it’s much better than I imagined. Although you look a lot like a slightly older version of freshman you that your mom showed me.” She teased and then laughed at his unimpressed look. “You look very handsome.” She said softly, smiling at him.
“I didn’t know if you’d like it.” He admitted, a blush taking over his cheeks. “I know it’s different, but it’s almost off-season for me and I wanted something a little different just for a bit. At least until I grow it out over the summer.” He ran his hand throw the shortened locks at the top, causing a little curl to drop down against his forehead.
Alex squirmed as she felt herself heat up at the thought of rubbing her hands through his hair. Now wasn’t the time - not with her sleeping daughter just a foot away from them in her car seat. 
Justin smirked when he realized what she just did, “Well, we’ll see how much length you’ll have to pull on tonight.”
“Stop..” Alex whined as she pressed a pillow against her face. “Don’t get me started.”
“I’m not, I’m not.” Justin laughed. “I’ll stop. I promise.” He promised in his head he’ll get her going tonight once Layla was in bed.
Speaking of Layla, she picked the perfect time to announce her waking by making a loud “ahhhhhhhh” sound.
“She knows you’re here,” Alex chuckled at her daughter, who was very obviously a daddy’s girl. 
“Ahhhh!” she squealed again, her hands moving around as she searched for her parents.
Justin got into her view and reached in to get her out of her car seat, reaching up to smooth down the puff of brown hair on her head. “Hi, baby girl.” He cooed with a huge smile as he stared at his daughter with complete and utter adoration.
Layla stared back in confusion, a very clear “Who the fuck are you?” look on her face as she stared back at her dad. 
Alex pulled her phone out and silently recorded the interaction, she couldn’t hide her silent snicker at the two.
Justin stared back in confusion which morphed into concern the longer Layla stared at him. She was staring at him like a stranger. “Lay lay it’s me. It’s dada.” He leaned in to press a kiss to her right cheek, making an exaggerated “mawh” sound as he did so. That was something he recently learned would make her laugh.
She didn’t.
When he pulled back, he could see her dark blue eyes clouded with tears, her lip puckered out as it wobbled. She was about to cry.
And she did. With a loud wail, Layla proceeded to burst into tears at the confusing sight of her dad.
Justin tried to shush her and calm her down, but when she opened her eyes to look at him, she cried even worse. “Oh my god. What the hell is going on?” He turned to Alex with a panic.
She sat the phone down after stopping the video and moved to collect her dramatic daughter. “She might not recognize you with your haircut, babe.” She cooed at her daughter and rocked her back and forth. “It’s just dada, baby girl. It’s dada,” she pointed at her devastated boyfriend. “He just looks different but it’s him.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, listening to her sniffle as Layla stared at her dad while laying her head against her mom’s shoulder.
“My daughter thinks I’m ugly,” Justin mourned as he lowered his head into his hands. 
“Oh my god.” Alex playfully rolled her eyes, “No she doesn’t. You just look different to her with a haircut. Like when Patrick shaved his beard a week ago. She doesn’t understand.”
Justin lifted his head and stared with misty eyes at his daughter who stared back at him. She had the fisted material of her mom’s shirt now in her mouth as she continued to stare back at him.
Justin got up slowly and approached the two. “It’s me, Lay Lay, it’s dada.” He reached gently out to touch her hand and smiled softly at his daughter.
She cooed at him and flexed her hand in her mouth. 
“Sorry, I scared you, pretty girl.” He said softly, “dada needed a haircut.”
Layla continued to coo and even made a soft shrill sound as she reached her hand out toward his face.
Justin leaned in, letting her press her little fingers against his bearded jaw. He cringed slightly at the feeling of her wet fingers wiping her drool on his face.
Layla made another loud shrill and laughed at the feeling of her dad’s face. 
He looked at her as she smiled her gums at him, her eyes doing their famous squinty-eye thing that his did.
Justin grinned at that, his own eyes squinting with the smile as he stared back at his little mini-me.
“See, she’s ok and she doesn’t think you’re ugly,” Alex said gently. 
“No, but she does think Patrick’s ugly,” Justin quipped back with a smirk.
“Don’t let your mom hear that,” Alex laughed, “Or Patrick because he’ll be blowing up your phone with all sorts of insults.”
“We’re not afraid of him, right Lay Lay?” Justin gently scooped his baby up and pressed a kiss to her cheek, doing his signature “mawh” sound to hear her laugh again.
Layla cooed and pressed her wet, drool-covered hands on her dad’s nose, digging her nails in. 
“Ouch,” Justin winced, gently grabbing her hand on his nose. “Those talons are sharp.”
Layla just sighed in response and pressed her head deeper into his neck. 
“She seems to dig the surprise now,” Alex mused. “Let’s hope I feel the same.”
“You will after tonight,” Justin grinned, flashing her a knowing look. “Still enough to pull.”
“Oh my god,” Alex rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the smile from spreading. She headed for the kitchen.
“It’s true,” Justin called after her with a grin. He suddenly remembered his long-forgotten lunch. “Can you grab my food babe?”
“Only if you do all the work tonight because I’m not lifting a finger.” Alex was in the kitchen at that point.
“Deal,” Justin called back. 
Layla dosed once more against her dad, oblivious to the conversation her parents were having. All was fine once more in the Herbert house - as long as Justin didn’t buzz the rest of his hair off. He wasn’t certain Alex or Layla would forgive him if he did.
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wip weds??
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Thank you to @kiwiana-writes, @ships-to-sail, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @suseagull04! I honestly haven't done an awful lot of work on either WIP due to the horrors, but here's two for the price of one.
“So what’s the plan when you get him free?” June wants to know. “Because I don’t know about vampires, but I get a little cranky when I’ve not fed at all.” “You should know,” Pez points out. “You kill enough of them.” “Watch it,” says Nora ominously. Her dark eyes are cloudy, and, Alex notices nervously, so are the skies above them.
putting old enmity to the side and reaching across the divide today. let me know if you want updates? ps you know i hate to say it but henry is killing it at this wedding She doesn’t reply. Then the bride spills her drink and there’s ten minutes of Alex inspecting the dress to make sure no bubbles have stained the hem. When Grace confesses Sophia hasn’t eaten yet today, Alex volunteers to go and grab the breakfast they’ve paid for, but there’s a knock at the door and Henry sweeps in pushing - of all things - a gold-and-glass cart with cloches galore. There’s croissant and Danishes and a dish of fruit cut into stars and hearts and other whimsical shapes. Sophia almost starts to cry, and while Alex rushes forward with a tissue he catches Henry’s eye and winks. Henry blushes and walks into the doorframe.
Tagging! @dustratcentral @14carrotghoul @everwitch-magiks @clottedcreamfudge @firenati0n @dumbpeachjuice @orchidscript @cha-melodius @jamilas-pen @affectionatelyrs @myheartalivewrites @indomitable-love @celeritas2997 @cricketnationrise @read-and-write-
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dudadragneel · 3 months
Hello, guys! It's me!
How are you?
And I present to you another fic, ashorter one!
I'm almost done with the request so I'll be accepting new ones soon!
I hope you'll enjoy!
I’ll try word this the best I can. My request idea was one when reader and hyunjin are ice skating and then he slips and gets a concussion and he’s really dizzy and asks to just go home. He’s being really cranky and frustrated and won’t even eat anything. Later he develops a terrible headache and reader has to stop him crying and making it worse. Reader convinces him to eat something but he gets really sick in the middle of the night and tells her he wants to just throw it up but she discourages him from doing that because it’s all he’s eaten all day. He gets frustrated (again lol) because she doesn’t want him to puke so she just lets him do it in the end.
Hyunjin spent the entire week stressing over what you two could do together that wasn't the usual dinner, Han River, etc. He wanted to do something different, then an idea popped into his head: ice skating.
He knew how to skate and he thought that maybe he could teach you, and laugh at you in the process, but little did he know you were almost a pro.
You were really excited just as he was and couldn't wait to get to the ice rink, but little did you know how the day would unfold.
Getting there, you both put on the skates and set off on the little adventure. And yes, he was appalled by how good you were and how magical you looked while you skated and spun.
- Woah. You look beautiful babe!
- Thanks!
You said getting close to him and circling him, giggling, making him feel extra happy that you were having a good time.
He then joined you, doing really simple choreographies with you, enjoying every bit of the moment. Then he attempted a move that didn't end well.
He failed his landing, making him fall on his back and unavoidably hit his head on the ice, the sound of it startling you and making your stomach drop.
- Hyunjin!
You yelled running to him. Getting to his side you instructed him to not move for a while.
- Oh my god, babe! Are you okay?
- Agh!
He winced from the pain in his head and even though he was lying down he was feeling dizzy. After a minute he was calm enough to get up.
- Here let me help you.
You placed your arms under his, hugged him, and helped him to his feet and he swayed once he was standing but you managed to steady him before helping him out of the rink.
- Sit down here.
He sat down and squeezed his eyes, the dizziness not wanting to go away. You kneeled and removed his skates for him and helped him put on his shoes.
- Let me see your head.
You said getting up and looking behind his head, trying to see if he'd cut it. Thankfully nothing, but the fall was hard so he might've gotten a concussion.
- babe...let's go home...I'm too dizzy...
He said grabbing your arm and ducking his head. That was the sign that something was wrong, Hyunjin only admitted to feeling unwell when things got really bad like you'd seen when he injured his hand.
- Sure honey, let's go.
You put on his mask for him, making sure he wouldn't be recognized even though you didn't see any paparazzi, and then put your arms under his and he embraced you back so he could stand, feeling way too dizzy to trust his own body.
You helped him settle in the car, buckling his seatbelt, his eyes closed all along, and a pained expression all over his face.
- Honey, I think we should go to the hospital...You might've gotten a concussion
- Okay...
He said grunting and sinking into his seat.
You took him to the hospital where the doctor said he did have a concussion but it wasn't bad, he'd experience headaches and probably some nausea but it would get better in a few days, as long as he rested. You let the others know and then took him home.
The pain was so annoying that Hyunjin was really grumpy, anything was setting him off even the tiniest of the inconveniences.
- Babe, I made some food.
- I don't want to eat...
- Just a little bit?
- I don't have any appetite...I just wanna rest...
- Okay. I'll eat and we'll sleep for a while, okay?
- Hmm...
He hummed, leaning his head on your shoulder as you ate your meal. Once you were done you washed the dishes while Hyunjin already headed to the bedroom to lie down.
You got to the bedroom and lay down next to him, cuddling him to try to give him some comfort. You rubbed his back and stroked his hair making him fall asleep within minutes.
But at 1h30 later he woke up and his head was throbbing, he could feel his heart beating inside it. The pain was getting unbearable, he was feeling miserable, and he started sobbing quietly in your embrace.
You woke up as you felt him twitch a little under your touch and noticed he was sobbing.
- Hyune? Baby?
You said waking him up and cupping his face, tears ready to fall from his eyes.
- It's hurting a lot...
- Oh baby, I know. But don't cry, crying will only make it worse.
You said pulling him into an embrace and rubbing his back gently, trying to calm him down. You started breathing deeply and slowly and instructed Hyunjin to do the same. He paid attention to the movement of your body and followed along and managed to calm down after a few minutes.
- There we go. Feeling a little calmer now?
You asked, gently wiping away a small tear with your thumb.
- Yes....
- Can you try to eat something? For me?
- Yes...
- Okay, I'll go get it.
You brought a small portion of the food you made earlier for him to eat and he did and liked it.
- Thanks, honey. It was really good.
- I'm glad you liked it.
You turned on the TV to watch some drama so he could distract himself and get some sleep while cuddling you and within 30 minutes he was fast asleep again and so were you.
The night was going well but then the effects of the concussion started to reveal themselves.
His head was throbbing again, he could feel it behind his eyes and his stomach was in absolute turmoil. It was sloshing around, making loud uncomfortable gurgling noises.
He woke up and sat up on the bed nudging you to wake up.
- Hm? What is it?
You said blinking, eyes half open trying to take in the image of your boyfriend sitting on the bed, one arm hugging his middle and head resting on the other.
- What's wrong honey?
- My head and my stomach...
- What exactly are you feeling?
- My head is throbbing...and my stomach h-hurts...
- Are you feeling nauseous?
- Yes...I wanna throw up...
He said gagging weakly into his hand and then leaning against you.
- But baby...you've barely eaten anything...
- but it hurts... something is revolting inside.
- I know it's annoying, Hyune. Don't you want to try to get some medication first? And see if the urge goes away? I don't want to see you vomit the only thing I've managed to make you eat today...
- Fine...
He said sounding clearly frustrated and defeated. He knew you meant well because, yes he didn't eat much but deep down he knew getting it out was the only way for him to feel better. But to not worry you, he took the medication and just waited, seated on the bed with you. Ultimate silence took over the room as you rubbed patterns on his hand while he just kept looking down.
At some point, his body made it clear that the medication wasn't working, making his stomach let out a loud gurgle, that even you heard it.
It was rioting inside him and he already could taste acid at the back of his throat. An air bubble stuck in his throat obligated him to force a burp out to try to get some comfort or relief but it backfired when it brought a small amount of acid liquid.
He grimaced at the taste and texture, gagging weakly and then immediately swallowed it back.
Which proved to be the worst choice he could've made at that moment. As soon as it went down it wanted to come back up, making him start to swallow convulsively, now gripping your hand to try to control the urge since you didn't want him to throw up.
You squeezed his hand back looking at him with caring eyes and he never moved from his position, still staring at the mattress keeping his head down.
After he managed to swallow the urge one time he let out a long sigh, that didn't really seem to be of relief.
- You okay?
You asked softly, holding his hand and rubbing patterns on it again.
- No...
He said with a shaky voice and nodding his head.
Another loud gurgle was the last warning from his stomach before strong nausea took over his entire body, strong enough to make him sweat cold.
He felt that acid taste in his mouth again which was beginning to fill with saliva.
- ...'m gonna throw up...
He said very faintly, trying not to open his mouth too much and risk vomiting all over the bed. His voice was so muffled, you didn't hear clearly.
- What?
You asked with a fond tone of voice, tilting your head to the side and lowering it getting closer to him.
- I'm gonna throw up.
He said with a shaky voice that ended with a retch and already getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.
- oh.
That was all you said before getting out of the bed yourself and following him into the bathroom.
Hyunjin just bent over the toilet, holding the edges, and stood there, staring at the water.
- Is it that bad?
You said as you entered the bathroom going to his side with a hair tie on your hand. You tied his hair into a bun and placed your hand on his back and gently rubbed it up and down.
- Yeah...
He said spitting out a bit of saliva and rocking back and forth in agony. His head was throbbing because of the concussion and his stomach was angry but it seemed like it had created a mind of its own and was determined to make Hyunjin suffer some more.
Despite all the nausea, gurgling, and pain, his stomach was not exactly helping him throw up.
It then started cramping making Hyunjin retch dryly over the toilet and the only thing that would come up a few times was thick saliva, but the nausea was still there and it was still very strong.
- Honey... nothing's coming up...
He said, still rocking back and forth and feeling defeated and hopeless. His stomach was clearly not okay so why wasn't it trying to get the food out?
- Breathe baby...do you want some water? Maybe it'll help trigger it...
- Yes...
- I'll go get it.
You gave him your water bottle with cold water in it and he took a few careful sips.
- Straighten your back a bit, maybe it'll help as well.
He did as you told him and your hand never left his back, providing him the comfort and balance he needed at that moment.
Moving his body actually increased the nausea, making him gag a few times but nothing came up, so he just kept standing and breathing.
You decided to rub his stomach and see if it helped him throw up since he was feeling so miserable.
It seemed to have helped as the nausea increased even more, making him bend over the toilet one more time.
He kept his mouth open, retching unproductively a few times before a strong cramp in his stomach sent hot liquid rushing up his throat making him lurch forward as a thick stream of partially digested food hit the toilet water.
- Oh baby...
You cooed as you rubbed his back when another round came out not giving him time to breathe.
- you're doing good.
You pat his back when he choked on a piece of that got stuck in his throat and triggered another wave to come out mixing with the putrid mess inside the toilet.
After that, he dry heaved a few times before the nausea subsided a little. He straightened his back, took deep breaths, and swayed a bit, the whole ordeal making him dizzy and his concussion hurting even more.
- Babe...can you help me to the bedroom...I feel faint...
- Sure. Just rinse your mouth quickly and let's go.
You flushed the toilet then wrapped your arms around him, helping him rinse his mouth in the sink and guiding him to the bedroom where he immediately passed out once he hit the bed.
You covered him and lay down beside him, stroking his hair, hoping he could sleep through the rest of the night and that his concussion would get better soon.
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elevensixteenpm · 1 year
Bringing my lengthier (and maybe more elaborate) thoughts on Rei Suwa in this week's episode of Buddy Daddies. This was originally commented on Reddit.
Now that we got Kazuki's past (a whiplash from his happy-go-lucky smiley face, of course), I'm so hyped up for Rei's backstory. When Rei said he's doing his best, I think he genuinely thought he's doing his best. He doesn't know stuff that one should know as a proper human being living in a society in a worryingly degree—location of medicine and hospital, what's inside the fridge, what can be eaten inside the fridge, etc. I know it's been always told that he's a shut in, but wow, it is THAT bad. (He probably would have died first inside his apartment while gaming because he choked on a potato chip rather than on a mission if Kazuki isn't taking care of him and his house). It also doesn't help how similar Miri and Rei are in terms of personal preferences. It's easy to overlook because Miri is a sunshine and Rei is always just Rei, but when it comes to little things that make us as a human (veggie hating, sweet loving tooth, gaming, how to laze around, etc.), they're actually so similar. This factor possibly adds to how Rei saw himself doing his best because from where he can see it, everything is working well for him. Miri looks happy and comfortable with him. At that point, that's how Rei sees taking care of Miri means. As long as Miri is happy, he thinks all is well. Rei and Miri relate to each other so much that Rei failed to see Kazuki having a hard time taking care of Miri sometimes. Kazuki has to deal with the stuff that Miri doesn't like, but needs to learn, so Kazuki gets a cranky and pouty child more often than Rei did.
It seems like he was really just raised as an assassin. He wasn't raised as a human being. He wasn't raised to live. He was just raised to kill. I wonder how they will tie his past to his current life now because this episode might have been his wake up call that he's not just living for himself now. Instead of killing, he's here, realizing that holy crap, he's taking care of such a tiny human being that relies on him. This tiny gremlin can't live on her own without him. Holy hells. My boss (dad) didn't teach me this! This wasn't in the How to be a Perfect Assassin 101 guidebook!
But from how he was fretting over Miri, and trying to do that poor looking French toast for Kazuki, it shows he wants to try now—he just needs to learn how. Taken from what I shared in another app: Also, that sorry looking French toast at the end of the episode is a good symbolism. It doesn't look good—it looks horrendous compared to Kazuki's French toast—but it is there. Rei made it. He isn't good at it yet, but it's a start, and it's an image for a possibility of so much growth, and he's trying.
Of course, Rei being like another child in the house when he's already an adult supposedly parenting a child is not excusable, but I'm sure it has something to do with his past. I'm looking forward to his backstory to know where he's coming from.
Hopefully, we get to see more involvement from Rei-Papa from here onwards! Kazuki needs all the help he can get. That golden retriever man needs a hug and a trophy. He's a trooper. (Kazuki-Papa might need to add himself in the Mama group chat because hey, I'm sure he'll get a lot of support from the other Mamas who probably have husbands who are pain in the asses, too. He needs a safe space.)
20 minutes seem to pass so fast whenever I'm watching this anime. I can't wait to see the preview for the next EP!
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alejandroseyepatch · 1 month
could you write a fic with regressor Jake and cg Tom, where Jake doesn’t want to eat anything, there’s no reason for it he just doesn’t want to eat, and Tom is getting frustrated and worried?
Regressor! Jake w/ Caregiver! Tom
“Jake, it’s time for lunch, buddy.” Tom called out, standing in the doorway that separated the living room with the kitchen. He stayed quiet for a few seconds, waiting for Jake to respond and come over to him, which he never did. He seemed to distracted by his toys.
“Jake.” Tom said, his voice a little louder to get his attention. This time, Jake looked over at him and tilted his head.
“Come on, baby. I have your lunch ready on the table.” Jake gave a small huff, before turning his attention back towards his toys. Tom sighed to himself as he walked over to the male.
Jake had been like this all day. Distracted by his toys and refusing to eat anything. Tom wasn’t sure why he was acting like this, but he knew Jake was hungry. Especially since Tom could tell he was becoming upset easier than usual.
“Hey, I need you to take a little break from your toys. You have to eat something.” Tom told Jake, kneeling down to his level. “Don’ gotta.” Jake grumbled.
“Jake.” Tom spoke in a more stern tone. “Let’s go. You haven’t eaten all day, you need to go eat.” Loudly, Jake whined as he shook his head with aggression, still not even looking at Tom.
Getting slightly annoyed, Tom moved the toys away from Jake, which were just a couple stuffed animals. That immediately got Jake’s attention.
“Hey!” He shouted. “Give ‘em back!” Jake demanded. “You can have your toys back once you go eat your lunch.” Tom said.
Jake didn’t like that answer in the slightest, which was made clear when he let out a long, loud whine. It was the kind of whine that indicated that he was about to start crying.
“Look, Jake. If you go out to the kitchen and eat some of your food, you can go back to playing. I just need you to get something in your stomach.” Tom told him.
“I wanna play…” Jake said in an incredibly whiny tone, kicking his legs and pouting as tears filled his eyes. “I just said you can play once you go eat.” Tom repeated, though Jake shook his head.
“Why not, baby? Why don’t you want to eat?” Tom questioned. Jake gave a small shrug. “I dunno..jus’ wanna play.” He answered.
“Well, you know you can take a small break from playing, right? You can take a quick break, eat, then go right back to playing with your toys.” Tom said.
“I know. Don’ wanna take a break.” Jake admitted. “I understand, but it’s necessary sometimes. You can’t just go without eating though, it’s not good for you.” Tom responded.
“Plus, not eating makes you all cranky and grumpy.” Tom teased, getting a small giggle from Jake.
“So, can we go eat lunch? After we’re all done, we can play.” Jake thought about it for a couple of seconds, before nodding and wiping away the old tears from his eyes.
“Great choice, baby. Let’s go.” Tom scooped Jake up and carried him out into the kitchen where the two ate lunch.
It may not have been the easiest task, but Tom was glad Jake was finally able to take a break from his toys and get some food in his tummy.
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malthegal101 · 1 year
The Trigun Stampede Twins with a GN S/O that's often sick!
- Often wonders to himself if he's the reason you get so sick, so many people have blamed so many things on him that he's sort of just taken the blame for it regardless, now he's not sure how to stop thinking like that, he's not sure how to stop the little voice in the back of his mind that whispers to him jaggedly that the reason you get sick so often is because of something he's done, because he's tethered to a twin that wants to kill out all humans, but it soothes away when you smile at him kindly.
- He's your personal ambulance, if your too sick to walk he'll carry you, he'll give you his jacket to stay warm or to stay cool and out of the sun when it's burning hot. Always has bandaids, medicines, water for you and only you, he never uses it on himself.
- He really doesn't mind doing anything or everything for you, even if you weren't sick he'd do it for you, he assures you. Even if it's small like handing you plates of food and water, or running a bath for you, he doesn't mind, he wants to help.
- Often starts to think about what he would do if you got a little too sick one day, he tries to be brave and say he'll protect you, care for you, love you til the very end, but he can't shake the image of you pale and sick in bed, unable to walk, and Vash unable to protect you and help you, he feels helpless and scared when he thinks of scenarios like that.
- Always attentive to you, while your walking to and from places he always keeps an eye on you, how you walk, how you talk, where your going, when you've eaten and drunk something, when he should drag the both of you off to bed or to eat or to take a look at anything that might be ailing you from heat, to bugs, to stress. He'll take care of you in the ways he knows how to, he'll even learn new ways to comfort you through the frequent bouts of sickness.
- Drills into his and your head how fragile and delicate you are, doesn't say it very nicely but you know what he means when he calls you 'weak and pathetic' as opposed to when he calls everything else weak and pathetic. Often leaves you wondering if he's mad at you for being sick.
- Always bothering Conrad for advice, examinations and medicines to help you while also demanding Conrad makes something that makes you feel better permanently. Refuses to put you into dangerous and painful experiments because; "It will make Y/N sicker or stress out more, I don't want them squealing or crying to me afterwards." Part of himself urges him to put you through experiments to find a cure, but he doesn't want you running for the hills like his twin did. He wills himself to be careful and somewhat delicate, even though he's harsh in words, his actions indicate some sort of softness for you.
- Refuses to help you drink medicine and fish out tablets but always hands them to you, he's not sure why all the medicine and water has to come from him to you but it's become such a habit you don't question it when he suddenly holds out a glass of water to you alongside some pills. He becomes moody when it's anyone else who offers water or medicine to you, especially as your travelling.
- Hates seeing you pale and sick, especially with fevers, he feels so helpless seeing it each time, but when you call out for him in your haze he always draws near you and lets you babble and cling to him in need of comfort from the pain. He's sorry, he is, he makes it evident by the way he presses himself into you, he's sorry for not protecting you well enough, for leaving you like this time and time again. His heart can barely take the cruelty and responsibility he feels to make sure you're happy and safe, he vows to make sure one day you never feel this soreness again as you cry into his shoulder from the discomfort.
- Throws a fit if the temperature isn't right for you, throws a fit if the water isn't to his standard, gets cranky about all sorts of things when it comes to your care, whether it be miniscule like how cold the water is or how big the pills are or how warm the blankets are, he's complained so much that all your things are a little too nice and new, always getting replaced when Knives demands it. He won't have anything that isn't to his standards but he does it for you. He wants all your needs to be taken accounted for, he wants you to have the best of the best, secretly he believes that having the best quality cuts down the pain of being sick and how long you stay sick.
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acceleracers-baby · 4 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Road Trip Roles! Metal Maniac Edition!
Metal Maniacs
(Taro Kitano, Tork Maddox, Monkey McClurg, Porkchop Riggs, Mark Wylde)
+Bonus Round
(Doctor Tezla & Lani Tam)
Metal Maniacs
Taro Kitano - Taro is the mediator and is in charge of making sure the group is alive by the time they get to their destination. I love the Maniacs, but these idiots will pick a fight over the stupidest shit. Obviously they’re all friends, they’re welded, but when Porkchop starts snoring like a buzzsaw, and Wylde starts kicking his seat to get him to stop, someone HAS to step in. That’s why he’s also in charge of discreetly picking the seating arrangement. Before every trip he strategically packs everyone’s stuff in the van to where they basically have assigned seats if they want to easily reach their bags.
Tork Maddox - One of the drivers but due to his role as leader, he’s also in charge of planning the trip. Whether or not that plan is actually carried out exactly as written is anyone’s guess really. No matter what happens, he seems to always have a solution for it though. No gas station for miles and their tanks running low? Good thing he’s got one of those extra gas cans filled up. Someone (Wylde) in the back is getting cranky cause they haven’t eaten? Good thing he packed extra sandwiches because he knows how his guys get. Let it also be known that Tork WILL stop if he sees someone having car troubles and he thinks that they can help.
Monkey McClurg - Like Shirako, I feel like Monkey’s roll is pretty obvious. He’s the mechanic!!! Before every road trip, Monkey is elbow deep in whatever van like vehicle they’ve decided to fix up and make their own. From oil changes to tune ups, this guy is ON IT. Nevermind the fact that his tool bag takes up at least half a seat… Luckily, he’s a pretty scrawny guy so it doesn’t bother him too much. Even when he’s not working on the van he’s thinking of ways to make it better. Monkey is also the main guy Tork shoves forward when they stop to help a stranded driver. He’ll grumble about it, but he really does enjoy helping people out. Especially if the people they’re helping are attractive.
Porkchop Riggs - Porkchop is driver number two! Him and Tork switch off anytime the other needs a break. If it’s an overnighter, he’s usually on the night shift because of his aforementioned buzzsaw like snoring. Porkchop can sleep through a lot so when the musics on and the windows are rolled down you can almost tune him out in the daytime. His secondary job is planning their stops. I like to think that either Mama Chop or Papa Chop (or both) were truckers so this man has all the insider information on what stops to take and which are better left in the rear view mirror. He has never missed with his roadside diner selections either.
Mark Wylde - Road rage connoisseur. You ever have that friend that flips off asshole drivers for you? That’s Markie. It’s his favorite source of entertainment on long drives. He may not be the one driving, but he’ll be yelling out the window at people like he is. He is a classic shit starter. I love Mark to death, but genuinely, he will argue with anyone about anything. When he’s not being a little shit, however, he is an excellent source of endless entertainment. He’s somehow always able to keep a conversation going, and between his endless sarcasm and witty comebacks, it’s never dull.
Bonus Round
Doctor Tezla - Doctor Tezla travels with one person and one person alone…or should I say robot? No matter what, he’s always got his emotional support Gig with him. It also helps that Gig can simply connect to whatever car they take and essentially autopilot it all the way to their destination so that Tezla can continue working or catch up on some much needed sleep. Sometimes Gig will purposely make Tezla a decaf cup of coffee for the road so he’s more likely to pass out halfway through the drive.
Lani Tam - Okay so I may have lied… Doctor Tezla USED to only travel with Gig, but now that Lani has taken up a role at the Acceledrome, he’s hesitantly extended an invitation to her as well. Mainly because when they’re on the verge of a breakthrough, he doesn’t want lack of communication to be the reason he couldn’t reach the Accelerons quicker. Lani sorta loves autopilot Gig too- especially when Tezla inevitably passes out from prolonged sleep deprivation and she can catch up on reading or even do a little crochet. Lani is also the type to pick up souvenirs from wherever their destination is. It’s like Christmas when she gets back because she’s just handing out keychains, shot glasses, and T-shirts from wherever they visited.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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Merry Christmas, Taylor!!!🎅❄️🎄💖
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So within this gift package is a bit of a mixed bag! While coming up with ideas for you, I realised how many things you've sent me over the last few weeks and months which I haven't replied to or written for you yet, which is horrifying considering how many things I send to you which get a quick response. So, with that in mind, I pulled together some of the requests you've sent me, as well as sifted through our DMs making notes of things you've mentioned on the offhand, and I've put together this for you! @sparks363
The overall word count for this gift package is: 5, 099
Before I get onto the actual writing, though, a little handwritten letter from me:
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Blurbs I came up with based on things you've told me
Hands to hold // words: 1, 018.
Summary: your boobs are giving you a backache. Eddie comes up with an unusual way to support you.
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As with any day, by the time your responsibilities were done and you were finally on the way home, your back hurt.
The intense ache stretched in the space between your shoulderblades and extended down to your mid back; it was almost impossible to soothe it by moving around or stretching. It was persistent and almost stabbing if you let yourself focus on the discomfort, which was sometimes unavoidable. You knew from very reluctant experience that only the removal of the modern torture device known as a bra would alleviate the chronic back ache, but for that, you had to get home first.
The two words crossed your mind almost at the same time, for Eddie and the thought of being somewhere familiar and safe, were practically synonymous. Home is where the heart is, as the saying went, and so you had known ever since you had met him that Eddie was your home. Thoughts of him kept you company for the entire time you were on public transportation to get yourself home, your back aching so badly that it almost drowned out all coherency of your thoughts of your beloved Eddie, which were stored inside yourself safely, where none and nothing could take them away from you.
Your trip home seemed to take forever and yet no time at all, and the back ache was now beginning to drip down your spine, your every step almost an effort as you reached the end of the street and turned onto Forest Hills Trailer Park. Your feet began to scuff along the ground as you approached the Munson trailer - home - and your feet slapped against the steps before you reached the door. It was always left open for you, with you and Uncle Wayne being like ships in the night on the days when he had a graveyard shift.
Shedding your outside layers at the door, shoes on the wooden storage unit and coat on the rack, the sounds of Eddie's Sweetheart repeating chords of Metallica's latest song rang out to greet you; he was still trying to learn Master of Puppets by ear and by heart. His determination and passion for his hobbies was always so heartwarming and inspiring. He would be occupied in there for a while, his inner sanctuary from the cruel world outside the walls of the trailer, so you got yourself in the shower without greeting him. By the time you would be done, he would have noticed that you were home. But until then, you only thought of being able to take your bra off.
Fucking finally.
The ache still remained, though, even without your bra, and it would for a little while, so you could only try to reach back to massage where it was sore, contorting your spine this way and that in an attempt to alleviate the aching as you sorted out some dinner for yourself and Eddie. Acts of services was one of your love languages and being able to make sure that Eddie was fed, knowing he had only eaten a bag of pretzels for lunch, made you feel good and also kept Eddie from getting cranky due to hunger.
With dinner made, you let yourself into Eddie's bedroom, two plates in hand (the loose door handle meant that you could open the door with your elbow), and so attuned to you was he that Eddie, previously distracted but now watching you the same way a bird watches a worm in the early morning dewy grass, picked up on your discomfort easily.
"Is your back hurting again, sweetheart?"
You winced as you nodded, that ache not going anywhere. "The curse of having big boobs," you grinned, though you were serious.
Eddie knew it, too, so he only hummed around a smirk. There was a time and a place for a joke and this didn't feel like either of them. Instead, he said, "I could rub 'em better, if you wanted." Your pause gave Eddie pause and he squinted, trying to figure you out. "Wait, unless - would that actually help?"
You nodded. "Probably, babe. Can't do me any harm."
"Shit," Eddie's smirk was in full swing and he wolfed dinner down, hungrier than he realised and your food as delicious as always. "Okay!"
Nothing more was said about your sore back until you were at the kitchen sink doing the dishes; Uncle Wayne's portion was set out on a plate, covered with a note telling him what it was and how long to reheat it for, along with a message telling him that you loved and missed him but maybe you would be lucky enough to catch him in the morning.
Eddie came up behind you, his loud feet keeping you aware of where he was in the trailer, and with hands that somehow knew exactly where to land, he cupped your boobs in his hands with no hesitation. The cool tip of his nose nuzzled into your dark hair as warm and dry lips pressed along where your pulse picked up and thundered through your skin, as if your heart was being given wings borne from Eddie's unconditional and undying love for you. "I'm like a human bra, babe. Holding you up to give your poor back a break."
You smiled, a serene and tender expression, and pressed back into Eddie. With him holding you, his hands warm, his fingers gently cradling all of you effortlessly, the ache in your back was starting to fade, as was the soreness customary of wearing a bra for too long in one day. It was like he made everything better and you inhaled deeply, your whole body following the movement, and exhaled slowly. The day had washed away physically in the shower, mentally in Eddie's embace, and your heart and back found solace in the same. Eddie was the comfiest bra you had ever had, and if you had your way, he would always be supporting you just like this.
Luckily for you, Eddie would never turn down a chance to have his hands on you.
You passed!!! // words: 715.
Summary: you passed your learner's test!!! Eddie knew you could do it and so did Uncle Wayne🥺
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You had been so nervous before and during your test; you had failed it before because of the way the government set up the learner's test with trick questions designed to make you fail, and though this wasn't something you had wanted to do, you knew that you needed to. You lived out in the middle of nowhere and your parents were insistent on you learning how to get yourself around in a car. It had to happen, whether you wanted it to or not.
Eddie was known to drive like an absolute maniac, and anyone other than you who had been in his passenger seat always came out of his van looking a bit unwell. Officers stopped even trying to give Eddie tickets because if they did, he would forever be paying them off and they were sick of seeing the Munson boy's name on paperwork. It was easier and less trouble to let Eddie be Eddie. He had never crashed or caused an accident, so what was the harm?
As such, he wasn't the best person to ask for advice on how to pass your learner's test, but Uncle Wayne had taught him, and the gentle man took it upon himself to help you, as well. In the week leading up to your re-sit of the test, Uncle Wayne would periodically throw you oddball questions; if you got used to answering questions on the fly, then you would have a higher chance of passing the test because you would be used to thinking on your feet.
Eddie, for his part, tried to drive a little more carefully and started to narrate what he was doing, in the hopes that you would pick up hints and tips here and there. Between the two Munsons and your own hard work when you weren't around them, you finally, finally, passed your learner's test! You hadn't felt you had been able to breathe for the entire duration of the test, but you had done your best and it had paid off!!!
You felt like you had been walking on clouds on the way home; disbelieving but so excited and proud of yourself, thinking of all the people you wanted to tell as soon as you got home to a phone. The Munsons were right at the top of that list and by the time you got to their trailer, you were practically vibrating with excitement.
"Hey, babe! Guess what!" Your hair, which was dark but had pieces of red in it just like Ozzy's, flew about your shoulders as you rushed to find Eddie. He was sat on the sofa with Uncle Wayne, each of them nursing a beer and watching some old horror film on the television.
"What, sweetheart?" Eddie and Uncle Wayne both had identical growing smiles on their faces. They already knew, based off of all the contextual clues, but they waited to hear you say it. They wanted to hear you say it.
"I passed!"
It turned out that the Munsons both smiled from the same corner of their mouths and it spread upwards at a similar rate as they both beamed at you.
"Knew you could do it, Taylor." Uncle Wayne chuckled, "Believe you me, you can do more than you think you can, and I didn't doubt you for a second." You looked at Uncle Wayne, tears in your dark eyes, just looking at him, smiling and unable to speak. He often did that to you, brought you to the point where tears ran dry, but he heard you even in your silence and right then was no exception as he smiled at you again, the expression softer this time. "You're welcome, kid."
Eddie had just barely waited for his beloved dad to say his piece before he began jumping up and down on the spot, grinning and spinning around, shouting and hollering. "My girl did it! I knew you could, baby! Most! Metal! Ever!" The last three words were punctuated by fist bumps, Eddie grinning, his eyes alight with pride and joy and all the adoration he felt for you right there for you to see.
It was overwhelming in the best way and you knew right there and then that you had found your forever home with the Munsons.
The brother I never had // bonus blurb!!! Steve & Taylor // words: 946.
(I've never written for Steve so I'm hoping this isn't total horseshit!)
Summary: You tell Steve he's the brother you never had.
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You really loved Steve Harrington.
For so many reasons. He was smart, smarter than he or others gave him credit for, and you had always known that if it wasn't for Steve noticing details which no one else picked up on, if it wasn't for him putting concepts into words which only seemed to make sense to him (but were usually quite astute and on the nose), if it wasn't for him readily accepting things from the Upside Down as they happened, if it wasn't for him fighting tooth and nail for the kids, if it wasn't for Steve being Steve, then no one would have figured out what was really happening in Hawkins.
Not only that, but the strength and bravery it took to look at yourself and realise that you needed to work on some areas and other facets of yourself, and then make the choice to put in actual and consistent effort to address those changes, was incredible, and you couldn't be prouder of Steve.
He was amazing, and you loved him so much. He knew it, everyone did, but no one knew how; that he was the brother you had never had.
But today, it seemed like Steve needed to hear that he was important to someone, that he was important to you, and you resolve to tell him.
If anyone deserved to know that they were loved, it was Steve Harrington.
You knew Steve well enough to know that after he and Robin and the kids got out from the Starcourt Mall, that he would be returning alone to a cold, dark and empty house. No parents there to be parents. No one to look after him but everyone to look after. And he would handle himself alone just as he always did and always had. That was who Steve Harrington was.
Today, though, that wasn't okay with you.
Honestly, it wasn't okay with you any day, but especially today.
"Hey, Steve," you gently grabbed his arm and he turned to look at you, his face caked in old and fresh blood, his eye swollen, his body defeated and weary as the adrenaline wore off and the trauma began to set in, "Let me take care of you. Please?"
Steve's eyebrows shot up in disbelief but he nodded and so it was that you accompanied Steve to his parent's house, fully intent on spilling out your feelings and helping him to patch himself up.
You were a natural caregiver, you always had been, and so was Steve, so you could only imagine how strange it was for Steve to allow you to take care of him, to accept the love he so desperately wanted.
As you applied saline to Steve's bloodied eyebrow, which made him hiss through his teeth in an attempt to not show too much pain, you decided that it was a good idea to start talking. With you focused on your task, the words would come easier to you, and it would help to distract Steve from the pain he was feeling.
"M'really proud of you, Steve," your voice was quiet, your eyes soft, your hands as gentle as you could make them even when you had to apply force to remove the dried blood which clung to the minute hairs on his face. "You take such good care of people and they wouldn't have figured it out without you. You protect the kids and your friends but no one protects you..." There were tears in your eyes which you blinked away as you said, "I want to. I want to look after you. You're like..." You trailed off, suddenly shy to address the core of your love for Steve.
Emotionally intelligent was he, one of Steve's hands came up slowly, his movements slowed by shock, pain and exhaustion, his fingers trembling, as he gripped your wrist gently, stopping your movements. "What, Taylor?"
Steve looked a bit odd with a quarter of his face still caked in blood, but you pressed on. "You're like..." Your voice trailed off to practically no volume at all as your shyness climbed.
"Close your eyes." The sudden change in Steve's tone threw you for a loop, so your response was less than elegant.
"Close your eyes," Steve repeated as he straightened up, suddenly sure of himself as the care-receiver became the giver for just a moment, "I always find it easier to talk about the serious stuff when no one's looking at me."
You blinked at him and two sets of brown eyes met as Steve nodded, so you did as he said, the alcohol wipe stationary on his cheek. You couldn't clean him up if you couldn't see what you were doing. "You're like... the brother I never had."
Your brother was an asshole and Steve had no siblings and he may as well have had no parents, either, so with these familial issues shared between you, both of you felt the true weight of your confession.
Steve muttered a soft, "oh. Oh, holy shit," and then his arms were around you, his body still shaking, his hair tickling your chin as he burrowed into you, as he said, "you're the sister I never had, too. You, Robin and Dustin are the only family I have." You didn't ask about his parents and he didn't ask about your brother. You both knew and understood the other's feelings on this, and that was always enough.
In his reciprocity, you heard a vow to keep you safe, to protect you as a brother, just as he did for the kids. Steve had no real blood family, but his found family were forever.
Some of your requests! (There's a few more in my inbox but I'll answer those regularly - I wanted to save some for a rainy day so there is more for you to look forward to rather than being hit with everything all at once!🌸)
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Words: 1, 032.
Your anxiety wasn't just spiking, it was spiking, and both you and Eddie were waiting for it to peak. Sometimes, for all of the coping mechanisms and breathing techniques you had learned over the months you had been dating Eddie, you could only let the anxiety ride itself out.
It had been brewing for days, the tension in your jaw and shoulders and the ache in your chest. There were deadlines, appointments to keep, dinners to cook, showers to take, worries about your loved ones when they didn't respond to you for almost days at a time, there were ice storms and rearranged exams, hobbies to engage in... on and on and on did it go.
No chance for a break or for a reprieve, and you were about ready to shatter.
The weight of the world on your shoulders had made your head bow further and further towards the floor and you were about ready to follow the movement down to the ground, until the world had you on your knees. Despite your best efforts to let all the silly things which upset you across the days go so that you could actually focus on everything you had going on, that's exactly what happened.
Eddie found you on the messy but clean floor of his bedroom, fingers plucking at a t-shirt you had found half under his bed, legs crossed. You were looking at your French homework, a pencil held loosely in your hand as you worked on translating some complex sentences, but your eyes seemed to be looking through the words, your gaze faraway.
Your body was in the Munson trailer but your mind had gone somewhere Eddie was determined to follow. He knew the kinds of thoughts which ran through your head, he understood better than most how exhausting it was to have to fight your own mind, what it was to have to fight against your own physiological responses in the face of external stressors which, in reality, weren't that bad, but your mind just couldn't let them go for one reason or another and so you broke yourself up by pulling at your own threads.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eddie's voice was quiet, hushed, as if he was hesitant to break your silent reverie, "you okay?" He ducked down to join you on the floor, meeting you where you were in that moment. Eddie had always accepted you; his entire demeanour non-judgemental and welcoming. He never wanted you to be anyone more than who you were, whomever Taylor was in that specific moment. You saw so much of yourself in Eddie and you loved him wholeheartedly, just as he did with you. The two of you loved hard, seeing yourselves in the other person only made you love one another more, and though your love burned hot, never would it fizzle out. Your shared similarities kept you together and kept you from any major conflicts; you understood each other deeply and sometimes it felt like you were talking to yourself with someone else's voice when you had serious or introspective conversations because of how many ideologies and thoughts you shared.
You shrugged, the thoughts inside your head screaming much too loud for you to be able to hear Eddie. It was almost as if he was speaking above water, with you lost underneath the currents in your mind, drowning inside yourself. You looked like you wanted to speak but no matter how many times you opened and then closed your mouth, nothing came to you, so you could only shrug again as you shot Eddie a helpless look. He had always understood you, better than most, and situations like this were no exception. This wasn't quite an anxiety attack, but you were well on your way to having one; you needed Eddie to help you.
"Okay, that's okay," Eddie was almost whispering, his beautiful voice lowered to such a pitch that you felt soothed. He shifted before you so that he was sat cross-legged as opposed to kneeling, and offered you his hands, palms up, fingers splayed so that you could slot your own between his without too much fuss or movement if you wanted to. "I'm here, Taylor. You're not alone, babe, I promise. M'right here."
When you slowly, slowly, dropped the pencil you had had rested against the fleshy space between your thumb and forefinger (so loose had your grip been) and released the pages of French homework you had been clutching like a lifeline and lifted your hands, Eddie smiled softly as he moved the rest of the way for you, slotting his fingers between your own and squeezing. Tears dripped sore down your face but you didn't brush them away and neither did Eddie; they fell too fast for either of you to do anything about them.
"That's it, sweetheart," You held onto Eddie's voice as tightly as you gripped his hands, grounding yourself with everything he was, "deep breaths, too." He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly and you matched him as best as you could, feeling the tension in your jaw and shoulders begin to release the longer you and Eddie sat there, hand in hand, just breathing and being with each other. "Doing so good for me."
When your breathing was finally level, when you could see past the tears in your eyes, when you felt like you would be able to focus on your French homework, you knew that Eddie would remain beside you, his hands still in yours, his lips in your freshly dyed hair which was reminiscent of Ozzy's, his knees touching yours as you sat cross-legged side by side, but no matter how long it took, Eddie would stay.
He had always told you that the Munson trailer was the safest place in all of Hawkins, and Eddie would be damned if that ever felt untrue to you for even a moment. He would do anything to have you be happy and healthy and Taylor, in all the good moments and the bad moments and every time in between. You deserved nothing less than the very best of everything, and Eddie would be that for you, no matter what.
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Words: 858.
So, first of all, Eddie does not judge people based on their appearances. He would be head over heels for you! He wouldn't even know your name yet but he would love you. Your dark eyes are what he notices first, and then the Ozzy reminiscent hair, and then he notices the Hellfire Club shirt tucked into a black skirt, the black nails. He falls in love with you hard from that very first moment and after that, he just finds more and more reasons to love you. The fact that you are you, Taylor, is what makes him love you the very most.
Eddie knew you in middle school, when you lost an obscene amount of weight in just one week; you weren't as close then as you are now, but Eddie has always been the type of person to notice things which others may not, and he witnessed the way you battled nausea and lost weight. His concern blossomed to the point of approaching you to ask if you were okay just as you were put on birth control, and so he also got to see you put weight back on. As you began to physically heal from the hormonal issues, Eddie introduced himself, and you've been as thick as thieves ever since.
Now, you say that you can't see the effort you put in when it comes to working out every day and physically taking care of yourself but respectfully, Eddie disagrees. Because he can see it. The scales tell you that you're putting weight on, but you both know that muscle weighs more than fat and so it seems that you're gaining weight when in fact, it's just being replaced by muscle. You look soft on the outside but Eddie knows that you're his muscle mommy, he knows that you could take down Jason Carver with just one punch, he knows that you're so much more physically and emotionally than you think you are, and that's partly why he loves it when you underestimate yourself. Because then you surprise yourself and everyone around you except for Eddie, because he knows you so well. He gains an air of smugness because he knew you could do it and it's everyone else's fault that they didn't know you could do it.
You're more than you think you are; you're stronger, prettier, smarter, with a deeper heart than you let yourself and others believe, and Eddie thinks that that's one of your strengths. Despite everything you have been through, you're still kind, you're still so you, and that's a very special and enduring type of bravery which few possess, especially in a shitty town like Hawkins. You're incredible when you try but when you're not trying, it knocks you and others for six. You're amazing and Eddie wishes that he could show you, he wishes that you could see yourself as he sees you, because you would be so much nicer to yourself.
Eddie loves that your voice is deeper than his is. He loves the way you can't speak and just tear up when you see his Uncle, he loves the way that his name sometimes comes out as a faint squeak because you love him so much that it renders your vocal chords practically useless in the face of all of that emotion, he loves the way you stim with your hands and the way you express yourself physically as well as verbally. On the days when you can't embrace your masculinity, Eddie does, telling you how much he loves your voice and how it comforts him, soothes him when he's on edge or scared, how even his Dungeon Master voice doesn't do for him what your voice does, and he wants to hear you speak. If you don't want to speak, he won't push you, but Eddie would ask you even to read from the phone book for him if he had one to hand. He just loves to hear you, see you ,feel you, touch you, be with you. On the days you can't love or even like yourself, Eddie does it hard enough for the both of you.
You see physical flaws, you see disproportionate body parts and eyes which disappear into your cheeks when you smile, you see things to dislike but not to hate, you see your double chin and your belly rolls, and Eddie sees all of that too. But where you hate it or give yourself displeased looks, Eddie sees Taylor, the woman he loves more than anyone else, the only one he wants to hug and hold and be with, and it's not uncommon for him to come up behind you and whisper all of the things he loves about you right into your ear. For every insult, he has a compliment. For every disgusted look, Eddie has a kiss to press to that area specifically. For every scathing look you have for your reflection in the mirror, Eddie has a look so full of love that you almost want to cry just watching him.
And if sometimes you do, well, that's between you and Eddie.🥺
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Words: 530.
You had been thinking about it for days; how much you wanted Eddie to sit in your lap.
You knew that it wasn't something he would do of his own volition; you had asked him about it a few weeks ago and he had said that he wouldn't do it because he would squash you and then who would be there to love him in that very particular way you did?
No one, Taylor, exactly. So no thanks, babe.
But you had been thinking about it ever since; how it would feel to wind your arms around his slutty waist and tug him backwards onto you, the way he would protest loudly, full of indignation, the way his ass would be cradled by your lap, the way you could rest your chin on the sharp planes of his shoulder, the way you could hold Eddie.
Eddie wouldn't do it of his own accord, and so you resolved to do it yourself, take him by surprise. He often grabbed you, came up behind you to hug you, press kisses to the nape of your neck or shove his nose in your dark hair until he made himself sneeze (thankfully not in your hair!), so what was a little reciprocity?
With Uncle Wayne out of the trailer on yet another night shift at the plant, you had bags of time to accost Eddie. But it had to be when he wasn't expecting it.
You didn't have to wait long; Eddie put his Sweetheart back up on the wall, strumming the chords affectionately as he kissed her goodbye (and you did not get a hot flash of jealousy, of course not...) and went to the bathroom. As he came back, walking past you, you struck like a viper, arms grabbing him immediately by his tiny waist and tugging him backwards and down.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey!" It came out in a great, loud rush and you giggled, pressing a kiss to the back of Eddie's hair.
"Easy, Eddie!"
"No, hey, hey! I'll squish you, Taylor!" Eddie wiggled around, trying to get out of your hold, but you were much stronger than he was and you held him fast. If Eddie really didn't want to sit on your lap, you would let him go, but you knew that he did want to; he was strong, too, stronger than he looked, and he could fight you if he wanted to. If he truly didn't want to sit on your lap, he would have gotten out of your grasp by now.
But he was still there, so you tightened your arms around him like you were a boa constrictor, or a child with their comfort teddy late at night, and nuzzled your nose into his dark curls, lips pressing kisses to every patch of skin you could reach.
"Got'cha, Eddie! You grinned and Eddie felt the expression stretch across his skin, so close was every part of you pressed against him.
"Yeah," Eddie hummed and tipped his head back so that he could look at you, "you got me, baby."
It was a promise too deep for the decidedly silly moment, but the tenderness was welcomed.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
how chaotic would a crossover of your fave media and beyblade beee
Beyblade x my Second Favourite Media would be...huh. I'm not sure what my Second Favourite Media IS, actually. It's either Inazuma Eleven or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, idk which to pick over the other.
I think Buffy would be funnier than sakka because sakka is too similar to spintops. Sakka is just Kids Doing Casual Magic via soccer instead of via plastic spinny top toys. Buffy is vampires and demons and Hellmouth and Apocalypse no. 4515645206.
Slayers are supposed to Always Be Girls [...because the first one was like a human sacrifice pretty much and all subsequent ones are Supposed To Be Controlled By A Council Of Old Men, The Slayer Is Treated As A Weapon/Tool Not A Person etc.] but there aren't very many of those in BeyBurst so I'm throwing that rule in the trash. Heehoo misogyny denied. Shu is the Slayer now.
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Shu is given a pointy wooden stake one day and told to go kill monsters, It Is His Sacred Duty, He Must, For The Protection Of Humanity, etc., and Shu says DON'T MIND IF I DO
Shu stakes Free immediately
But he is terrible at it because it is his first try so he misses the heart and the creature is fine. Dude, What The Fuck. Free punches Shu in the face. This is the beginning of a slowburn homoerotic romance that will only come to true fruition in a Heated Moment Of Emotions when one or the other of them attempts to sacrifice themself to stop apocalypse no. 41689449635 in a season finale. [They both either survive or are resurrected 1. very quickly, and 2. against their will. It's fine.] At which point Free will be unable to cope with Admitting He Has Caught Feelings, and will promptly move to Los Angeles and become a lawyer. His spinoff series will get five seasons.
In the meantime, Shu tries to argue that Lui is probably ugly enough to qualify as a demon and thus he should be allowed to kill him. The Watcher's Council is not swayed by his reasoning. Shu tries to figure out how to feed Lui to a vampire and make it look like an accident.
Speaking of The Watcher's Council, Ashram is probably the Big Boss Bitch of that bullshit club. This is because The Watcher's Council is inevitably damned to not be listened to or cared about, and will get blown up at the beginning of a later season to emphasize how scary and dangerous a new Big Bad Monster is. Nobody even notices for a day or two.
Shu's own personal Watcher, however, breaks the norm of being a stuffy old man in a tweed suit. It is Wakiya. This is because Wakiya is rich and spoiled, and begged his Elder Watcher daddy to pull some strings and let him have his Very Own Pet Slayer the next time one awakens, in spite of the fact that Wakiya is only 16. The monkey's paw curls and he now has to babysit Shu. He is surprisingly incredibly competent at this and ends up being the only person Shu will actually almost-consistently listen to. Wakiya takes his nannying job very seriously. Shu is scolded very sternly every time he tries to die or run away to Mexico. Or do drugs.
The fun thing about Slayers is that they are almost always bratty teenagers who awaken right in the middle of High School, easily the worst time in anybody's life, especially if you find out you are now a supernatural entity bearing the sacred duty to protect humanity from the forces of evil all while already being completely full of hormones. Shu was expelled from his first school for burning down the gym. In his defense, there was one single vampire inside of it, but he's not allowed to tell people about that. His second and current school has a Hellmouth in the basement. He tries to push Lui into it.
Valt attempts to reason with the Hellmouth, arguing that perhaps it is simply cranky because it is hungry and therefore we should try feeding it some bread. Shu debates whether he should try to stop him or not. Wakiya has to prevent Valt from being eaten by the basement maw.
Daina takes up witchcraft in an effort to become more useful, and also more goth. Jin and Clio are his occult study buddies. Clio claims to be a foreign exchange student from Transylvania. He's still doing the vampire schtick, but nobody considers trying to stake him because he is clearly just an idiot nerd in a silly costume. He gets shoved into a locker at least once a month.
Orochi is a random civilian [well, he's the son of a very rich and famous piano guy and also his family is friends with Wakiya's family, but other than that] who is saved from becoming a vamp snack one day, thus learning that Vampires Are Real, Apparently, and promptly asks "So some of them are good, then?" Shu and co. ask what the fuck he means by that, one of those bastards LITERALLY just tried to fang him, and he points at Clio. "Your friend there. He doesn't have a heartbeat. I thought my ears were playing tricks on me." Plot twist, the idiot nerd in the silly vampire costume IS an actual vampire and has just been hiding in plain sight. Shu goes to stake Clio and Clio squeals WAIT WAIT IT'S FINE IT'S FINE I DON'T EAT PEOPLE I'M THE GUY WHO'S BEEN BREAKING INTO THE HOSPITAL TWICE A MONTH I'M STEALING THE FUCKING BLOODBAGS PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I'M AN ETHICAL UNDEAD CREATURE OF THE NIGHT. This is true and everybody shrugs and lets him live because he's harmless. He didn't even eat the bully who tried to swirly him last week. Also he's really good at magic. The Annoying Creature Is Useful.
Clio later finds out that Free is ALSO an Actual Vampire who is not killing people and thus Shu has not killed HIM, and he is VERY PEEVED BY THIS.
Clio: "What The Fuck, Asshole! I've been friends with your friend for MONTHS now and you still tried to dust me immediately! You KNEW Murder Is A Choice, Even When You're Dead! Why no faith in me??? How have I not earned thine trust yet????? Oh! Oh! I am so offended. I bet you don't even taste good anyway." Shu: "I DID stake Free. I staked Free for being annoying. You are also annoying." Clio: >:O !!! "...Wait, Free's still around. That means you missed the heart?? lolololol" Shu: "I am literally still holding a stake in my hand right this very moment. I am much better at using it now. Why are you deliberately continuing to annoy me. Do you WANT to be a little pile of ash on the floor."
Kensuke is a werewolf, unbeknownst to everybody [including Kensuke] because Kensuke is so sweet. Kensuke just thought he was a sleepwalker and didn't tell anybody about all the times he woke up butt-naked in the middle of the woods because that is embarrassing. Shu refuses to slay Kensuke upon discovering the truth, and instead opts to simply lock him in the incredibly convenient giant cage built into one of the walls of the school library every time That Time Of The Month rolls around. Kensuke is a good boy and only eats a few of the books.
Wakiya's father is incredibly rich and owns the school, as well as most of the rest of the city quite frankly. Everybody gets away with quite a lot of property damage because of this.
Shu's parents never find out anything whatsoever about what is going on because they are never home. They probably don't remember they even HAVE a son. Over the course of the series, Shu's father will divorce his mother and move away to fuck knows where, and Shu's mother will briefly date a robot before dying of a surprise cancer-induced brain aneurysm. Shu is conflicted on whether or not to care about either of these events.
I could keep going but this post is already very long and I need to stop.
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
@violetueur​ said: 🤲 you know my ass has to send this for Kaigaku. Gentle as can be and thumbs brushing fondly over the markings on his face. help       from: send 🤲 to cradle my character’s face in your muse’s hands!
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     he hasn't eaten in... well, a while. longer than necessary. he hasn't been able to bring himself to tell nicolette about the hunger gnawing at his stomach, let her know he's running on empty because he knows her. kaigaku knows she'll offer her blood to him, and he doesn't want her to. he doesn't want to chance harming her should he lose control ( and how prone to that he's been, how easy it's been to lose himself ).
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     but like most choices he's made, he was wrong to keep his hunger to himself. now he's frozen where he stands before their target's would-be victim, talons digging into his palms and teeth nearly biting his tongue in two. the taste of his own blood is nothing compared to the smell of the trembling man's. he's uttering something kaigaku doesn't catch, too focused on the gash across his leg that's left him immobilized and helpless. he can't think straight; it's like the blood is singing, beckoning him closer, and the only reason his self-restraint doesn't fall to pieces is that just as he takes a step forward, there's another body obstructing his way.
     she smells of blood, too, but it's fainter, nearly concealed by ash and sweat and something familiar. it doesn't fully register that it's nicolette standing in front of him at first. he just knows she's in the way, and he's so damn hungry. fangs reveal themselves in a crimson-tinted snarl, when---
     " hey, hey, kai! "
     that's... that's her nickname for him. he's never told her, but he likes it. teruko used to call him that, too.
     nicolette stands there with a hand outstretched as though to keep him where he is, brow furrowed and purple gaze worried. his snarl fades only to be replaced by a grimace. the blood isn't singing anymore -- it's screaming at him, wondering why he hasn't ripped through both of these humans already. it's what demons are meant to do, so why shouldn't he? monsters don't mind ending lives, even revel in it, so what makes him any different?
     calloused hands cradle his cheeks, and kaigaku nearly tears away ( she can’t be so close! he’ll hurt her! ). his own hands immediately grip her wrists, unaware of the scratches he gives her in his panic, but in the end, kaigaku can’t bring himself to pull away from nicolette. instead, he squeezes his eyes shut and focuses on the thumbs gently brushing across his skin, how warm her palms are. it’s okay, nicolette says. this isn’t you. he’s just hungry, right? she gets a little cranky when she’s hungry, too. it’s okay.
     “ you won’t hurt him. ” she sounds so sure and confident that he opens his eyes to meet her gaze ( how can she still look at him like that, like he’s deserving of her care? even when he’s like this? ). “ you don’t want to. ”
     he doesn’t. he wants so badly to stop.
     it takes a few more moments, a few more reassurances, but the smell of blood grows more bearable. his hunger still rumbles in his stomach like an impatient beast, but he no longer feels he’ll succumb to its gnashing teeth. nicolette is right -- he doesn’t want to hurt that man. he doesn’t want to be the monster who takes what he wants at the expense of others. he’s been that monster, and he hates it.
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      “ i should... i’ll wait outside. ” how awkward he feels as he pulls away ( and how cold, too ). how many more times will nicolette have to see kaigaku lose control? he turns to leave, teal eyes firmly focused on the ground, and quietly -- almost too quietly for her to hear -- he utters, “ i’m sorry. ”
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byondtheveil · 6 months
Duckie The Elf Story
Today mom and I went to Denny's and the booth behind us was a little girl wearing the CUTEST Christmas sweater matching with her mom. It had little dangling ornaments and bells and she had a tinsel scrunchie and it was the cutest thing ever. Well of course I had to tell her how cute it was and when I did she was so happy and was telling me all about her sweater. So I say "You know what I think this calls for? A Duck! I'm guessing your favorite color is pink!" Because she was wearing the cutest pink glasses. She gasped and asked if I was Mrs.Claus. I chuckled and said no that I was an elf. At this, her eyes lit up and she was speaking like a mile a minute asking if I was sparkle and if I knew Thomas and if I what he did this morning. Luckily her mom helped and told her that Thomas probably hadn't made it back to the North Pole yet. I told her that I knew a few Sparkles but my name was Duckie! and that the name Thomas sounded familiar. I then asked if Thomas was her house elf. When she nodded I went Ah that's the problem, I didn't work in the house Elf department I worked in the Duck Department but I certainly heard about what they get up to in the break room.
She then went on telling me how this morning she woke up to Thomas watching Sparkle dangling from the ceiling. I laughed and said yup that sounds just house elf shenanigans. Then I told her I had to get going because my head elf got cranky when she was hungry and her mom said oh noes she gets Hangry! So I sat in our booth vibrating with excitement because I could hear her telling her mom that she got to meet Duckie the elf! Well, we order and moms silverware wasnt the cleanest so I went up to get another and me being my goofy self isn't thinking much and is just humming doo doo doo and doing little hops as I come back to the table so she tells her mom The elf is being sneaky!!
When the waitress gave them their check the little girl said did you see the elf?? She is sitting right behind us! Her name is Duckie!! So as they were getting up I asked her if she had eaten her dinner and she nodded yes she ate all her dinner because they came from a Girl Scout parade she was in and how I must have seen it. I nodded and said it was very good that she ate all her dinner to get her strength back! Then she asked if I would ask Santa to make sure that she was on the nice list and I nodded saying I would make sure that he checked it twice! Then I asked if I could speak with her head elf for a moment and she went That's my mom! Her names Patricia!! So she went with her grandma and I gave her mom an extra Santa just in case Thomas visits the Duck department tonight!
She thanked me saying I made her daughter's day and I'm like you are totally welcome your daughter made my lifetime. So I now am officially Duckie the Elf who works in the Duck Department. I told her that if she wants another fun story for her daughter to tell her about how all elves have animal friends and in the North Pole it is usually reindeer but in the duck department we all have bird friends! and that I have a parrot friend who is green and orange and yellow! Because I do have Senegal Parrot but I figured it would be a fun elf story.
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