#he kept that ship running with duck tape and skill and by good i will make him proud
mariusslonelysoul · 1 month
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Lucky Charm
Am I jumping on the “I heart Mandalorian” train? Yes indeed, absolutely. This is going to be a three part Drabble (unless I lose control and write more idk I can't seem to ever control whether or not that happens 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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Summary: For someone who used to be called a lucky charm, you found that trouble seemed to find you fairly easily. This time trouble came in the form of a beskar plated warrior and tiny green bean, adorable baby. The first rule of being on the run was do not make connections, but you were quickly learning that this rule was the most difficult of all to follow.
Mandalorian x Female!Reader
Warnings: cursing, non-descriptive violence
2,713 words
The town was cheerful. That was the only word you could really think of to fit it well. It was one of those small towns where people just enjoyed their day to day life. It didn’t matter that it seemed repetitive. The same people walked the same path greeting the same vendors, but every day you watched them do so without ever getting tired of it. You admired that. You admired that they could live their life so happily and not pay time or worry to any stress they may have. And, you knew they had stress. This was a rural town on a rural world in the middle of absolute nowhere. Ships didn’t come in or out very often which left their minimal economics limited to just them. You could see they didn’t have much to work with. Most people didn’t pay for items on main street with credits, but rather with favors and goods.
This was the only reason you had managed to survive so long out here though. All you had to your name at the moment were the clothes on your back and a few knick knacks from an past life you couldn’t return to. Everything else you had spent on getting a ride out to this itty, bitty ball of dirt. The fact that it was in the middle of nowhere with no trade routes meant that the only people stumbling across it were those who knew it was there or those who were actively seeking the safe haven it provided.
You were the latter of those two.
There was a number of people who were out for your head, and it was hardly fair because it wasn’t even your fault. Your dearest, beloved father had been a crook and con man who made more enemies than friends during his long life. He gambled poorly, borrowed money from the sketchiest this universe could offer, and straight up tricked some real shady characters out of their wealth entirely. Honestly, it was a little impressive how much damage he could cause, and somehow, he had managed to weasel his way out of it all.
That’s what forced you into this unpleasant journey. A message had come into your workplace and told you that your father had passed away in his sleep. It saddened you, but it didn’t crush you. It had been years since you had spoken to him. He kept his distance after you gave up and told him his life was shit and you wanted no part with it. Hell, the last time you saw him he had stolen a decent amount of your credits before slipping away in to the black of space again.
So, seeing his death hadn’t exactly broken you. The second message to come though, from a rather famous, crooked politician, had stilled you to your very core. You knew your dad had dealings with him. He had bragged about how much money he managed to take from the man, but you didn’t know exactly how much it had been until said man told you he planned to take it all from you.
With your father’s death, you now owed all the people he faulted.
Again, you didn’t see how this was fair at all, but life tended to suck like that. Since you had no real way to actually pay back that loan you did the one thing that made sense. You packed up your bags and fucking ran. It was one of the skills you got from your father ironically enough. It was almost fitting that you had to use the skillset he taught you to deal with the mess he put you in.
See, as a kid who never knew her mom, you were forced to live that kind of life with him in your early years. In fact, for many of his cons he used you as a prop or partner. He taught you how to lie, to cheat, to trick, and he used to make you feel proud of it. “My little lucky charm” is the phrase he’d coo at you when you were young and naïve enough to want to make him happy. Your father always joked that no con could go south when he had you with him. It warmed your little criminal heart until you got old enough to figure out that this wasn’t a normal life. More than anything, your dad wanted you to go into the family business with him as an adult. A true partner now. Calling you his lucky charm wouldn’t work anymore though and you left him. You burned that past life and built something new from the ashes. You learned how to manually work with your hands. Became a mechanic, a damn good one if you said so yourself, but not good enough to be earning the kind of credits you now needed.
Especially, since last you heard other con men and criminals were now seeking you out as well to pay for your father’s sins. If you could visit your father’s grave without getting caught, you’d spit on it. Conning, greedy asshole.
So, all of that left you here. Trapped on a planet with nothing to your name, but you were safe. At least you were safe.
“Here you go, sweetheart.” Brandy, a middle-aged woman who had taken pity on you real early on, dropped a plate of food in front of you with a broad smile. You offered her one in return, but before you could speak, she was whisked away by another customer. She owned a small little restaurant in town, and she was the reason you hadn’t starved to death yet. Brandy was adamant about this not being an issue once you described your problems to her, but you still planned on paying her back someday. For now, all you could do was fix some of her older machines anytime they broke down and keep her one serving drone in tip top shape, which was fairly difficult since he was made mostly of repair tape and sheer willpower at this point.
You dug into your food, enjoying the warm breeze in the air carrying the smell of the pine trees and the soft, cheery prattle of the street around you. The sun was beating down today, but your table was half hidden by the shade of an awning.
You were halfway through your meal when you spotted someone new. It was easy enough to do since everything here was always the same, but this stranger was even easier to spot. He was Mandalorian. Your heart stopped and it felt like someone had filled your stomach with lead. Mandalorians were terrifying war machines who lived for the hunt. That’s what all the stories you had heard lead you to believe at least. They were skilled bounty hunters, and you were someone with a big ass bounty on your head.
The urge to jump up and run was strong, but for some miraculous reason, this silver, beskar plated beast hadn’t spotted you yet. That said something about their reputation. If they were as good of a bounty hunter as people said then how come this one was marching down main street without even spotting you.
Maybe he wasn’t here for you? Your luck was good, but never that good.
As your mind raced, the Mandalorian began to pass you and your eyes landed on the small creature toddling after him. It was tiny and comically covered in a burlap sack looking cloak. He wasn’t very fast, but the Mandalorian was walking slow enough that the green, long eared creature could follow.
What the fuck?
Suddenly, the green thing turned and caught your gaze. It was cute, that couldn’t be denied, but all you could think was that this thing was about to blow your cover. It stopped walking and you cursed under your breath. The green thing just stared and stared, and you did the only thing your panicking brain could think of.
You waved at it.
Just a small wave. A little twitch of your hand. The creature tilted its head, thinking, then lifted its hands and closed and opened his fist. The smallest baby wave you’ve ever seen. Despite the fear of being dragged in by a helmeted bounty hunter you couldn’t help but crack a smile. Shit, this thing was adorable.
The Mandalorian was back in sight. Shit, the panic in you returned. He didn’t even glance in your direction though. He just scooped up the creature and continued on his way. You turned in your seat to watch him quickly move down main street. That was odd. Really odd. Slowly, you turned back to your food relief settling over you.
Maybe the universe was finally smiling down on you.
Honestly, this was your own fault. You had jinxed yourself. Gunfire and screaming filled the street of this pleasant little town and it made you sick to your stomach. This hadn’t been about you, you don’t think. The fighting started separate from you, but you felt guilty all the same. These people were peacefully living their lives and someone like you, on the run or trying to catch someone on the run, had ruined it. You assumed that there was some other bounty hiding in this town you didn’t know about and the Mandalorian had found them. That was the only explanation you could think of for the war going down on main street. It must have been a pack of runaways though and these pack were putting up a hell of a fight.
The pillar you were hiding behind was fired upon again with a stray shot and you ducked down with your arms around your knees. You cursed your father one more time before taking in a sharp breath and peeking around the corner. Two men in leather armored clothes were firing their blasters down the street at their target. You hadn’t spotted the Mandalorian in this fire fight yet, and you wondered if he was in the cloud of smoke that these two guys were firing into.
Their distracted gaze gave you the perfect opportunity to slip away though. As you took a step back your eyes landed on a familiar green baby. This had to be a fucking joke. The child was standing alone by a smoldering cart, and his eyes were trained on you. He didn’t seem all too concerned with his location, but you were plenty concerned for him. Where the hell was that damned Mandalorian? Wasn’t it his buddy or something?
The kid lifted his hand, giving you another small baby wave, and then a pair of arms scooped him up. The green baby let out a small cry at that, and you realized the arms that held him were not covered in Mandalorian armor. It was the last guy of the pack of three that was causing all this trouble. Why did he have the kid all of a sudden?
Without thinking, because if you had spared this any thought you’d realize how stupid of a plan this was, you rushed past a few more of the pillars on the side until you came out into the street behind the goon. He whipped around, blaster raised, and leveled a deadly glare on you.
You lifted your hands with a cheeky smile, “Uh, hi there.”
“Get the fuck out of the way!” He barked. There was an accent in his voice, a rural one, but you couldn’t place the planet it came from. He paused then narrowed his eyes at you, “Wait a minute, I know that face. You’re John’s little girl.”
Of course, this low life knew your father. You don’t know why you expected anything else. You nodded, “Yeah. That I am. So, you were friends with my dad?”
“Fuck John! Do you know how many bounty rewards he stole from us??” The guy barked. Probably a lot, you would imagine. You glanced at the kid in his arms who was staring at you again with a small smile that showed his tiny teeth. How was this kid not terrified? The blaster was nudged toward you and you realized he had been talking this entire time. Oops. “Now we can turn you in and get back all the money we lost. How perfect.”
You slowly began to lower your hands, “I really don’t think you wanna do that.”
“And why no-” You were quick with your hands. The kind of quick that made you think most of it was probably just sheer luck like your dad said. You grabbed the blaster with one hand, slapping his hand off it with the other and turned the blaster on him without batting an eye.
You held out your other hand while the goon cursed at you, “Kid please.” He snapped at you and you fired at his feet once making him jump back. You took a step toward and more firmly this time spoke, “Kid, please.”
“You bitch.” He threw the child at you, the child that cooed as you barely managed to catch him. You were off balance doing so and the thug had ample opportunity to steal back the blaster or just straight hit you, but instead he cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground with a blaster burn in his back.
You clutched the cooing child to your chest and held the blaster up, trying to keep your hand from shaking, as the Mandalorian himself marched up to you with his own blaster in hand. Your hands were quick, and you were relatively lucky, but you knew that you didn’t have enough of either to go head to head with him.
“Stay back.” You barked at him. “I will shoot.”
That was a blatant lie. Skills you gained while running with your father in that past, past life included brawling and stealing and being able to do cool tricks like you had just done with the asshole who was now dead in front of you, but shooting had not been one of those skills. You didn’t think you’d be able to actually fire at a person. Firing at the person’s feet to spook them was one thing, and something told you the Mandalorian wasn’t going to even blink if you shot at his feet.
“I don’t think you will.” The Mandalorian spoke. His voice was deep and hearing it through his helmet’s modulator added an unusual tone to it. He closed the space between you, stepping over the body, but then he did something you didn’t expect. He put his blaster away and held his own hands up. “I just want the kid.”
Hearing his words, the child began to squirm in your arms and babble loudly. You glanced down at him and he turned to look up at you with his large eyes. His ears twitched. Carefully, you held him out, keeping your blaster up, and the Mandalorian took him from you.
“You were never here for me. They came for you.” You said aloud in thought while watching as the child continually waved at you from the armored grip that held him.
“Why would I be here for you?” The Mandalorian asked, your eyes darted to his helmet, but he took this as an answer alone. “You have a bounty on you.” The grip around your blaster tightened and you clenched your jaw. So, he hadn’t known before. Did him knowing now change things? Apparently, the thick silver helmet didn’t mar his vision any because he noticed your tense shoulders, “I have no quarrel with you. I won’t be going after your bounty.”
“Forgive me if I don’t take you at your word.” You slowly backed away and was pleased that he remained where he was. “Maybe next time don’t bring your kid to a firefight.”
The Mandalorian didn’t reply. You glanced at the kid who had stopped babbling and waving when you walked away. With a small smile, you offered the green child a wave like before then ducked into the alley to your right to run away.
If your luck really was as good as you thought it was, then you’d never see that beskar plated helmet again.
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