#he also has a brand new carrd so.
twcebrn · 8 months
as a shapeshifting deity , dio is not unaccustomed nor unwilling to represent attributes of animals important to him . while this is most commonly present in the clothing and accessories he chooses to wear , in his divine verses he does grant himself horns ( i , ii , iii ) that are most often bull horns , but can be goat / sheep .
he doesn't always have these out , and really just saves them for these specific events / circumstances :
relaxing in privacy with just his wife , pets , children , etc.
fancy galas or other diplomatic events where he has a statement™️ he wants to make
in the throes of his own madness , at a bacchanal or otherwise
( it's for practicality that the horns aren't always present , but when they are , he's counting on other people's critical thinking skills to determine which circumstance applies . )
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 3 months
(they will be added to her carrd too, I just want a post of them on the blog)
The year is 1982, and Doe SHOULD be happy, she knows it, but the feeling of joy at a change of scenery never comes, in fact, as the car treads on, the towering trees shifting from coniferous emerald giants to plumes of brightly coloured plumes of leaves. All that comes is that telltale tremble, shaking each breath and the sting of acid at the back of her throat: held-back cries turned cutting, she knows, but she won't admit, especially not to the foreign faces feigning smiles, what a pleasure it is to meet her again after so long, they've heard so many things. Oh, Doe BETS they have.
She doesn't want to know the stories; Doe'd argue she doesn't care, but that would be a blatant lie, as transparent as the brave face she's currently wearing. They're lies, all lies; they don't know her; they've NEVER known her. What her parents, the wardens, did know were the grades they took credit for and the incident they could have prevented. If they'd listened, for once, she had proof. But no, tighter leash, more restrictions, the guards, her brothers following her straight home and guiding HIS way the entire time. She begged them to listen, the car outside their house, getting closer and closer, the fox to the henhouse.
He WAS going to hurt her; he'd tried before, and she had marks from when he tried to grab her after school. She couldn't stay in that goddamn house, in her goddamn room, visible from the road. She needed to leave, and she BEGGED them, begged them to send her away before this, but no, what would the family think? That she was pregnant, the town bicycle? Failing classes? Expelled? No, no, no.
She had to STAY for them, but her life was worth more. She knew this; she had a bag packed and ready to go; she'd said goodbye to her friends and knew a shelter some towns over where she could be safe. She planned to tell them once she got away, but a link in the chain broke. A friend or two let the word slip to the guards, a plan foiled before she could even leave and oh, the fallout it wrought.
She'd been in trouble before; screaming matches were never hard to find and physical discipline less so, but the quietness scared her worse, the defeat; she didn't hear many of the words, but she knew the message loud and clear. They gave up on her; she'd be someone else's problem now.
First, the nightmares, then the anxiety, the incident with her job, the false reports to the police (they weren't lies) and now this? They didn't know what was wrong with her, where they went WRONG. But they couldn't keep trying to keep a lid on the situation she seemed determined to bring to a boil.
She wasn't their daughter; she was this... monster. That was the word they'd used, seared in like a branding iron, and she screamed it out through the night. When the Sato's finally arrived to bring her to her new home, her voice was gone, raw and fractured. Silent as she'd gotten what she'd wanted and needed, but in the method she worst feared.
Doe is sent away from her home following a failed runaway attempt 'for her own good,' in truth, her parents have sent her away more for their benefit than hers. The mounting stress of an incident where Doe (truthfully) claimed to have witnessed the abduction and murder of a woman has led them all to a breaking point. Doe, in terror for her own life and realizing the gravity of her situation, has taken impulsive action into her own hands. And her parents? Not understanding the problem or holding the trust in Doe to take her at her word, they have come to believe that this 'stalking' issue, like many of Doe's problems and the subject of her previous terror, resides solely within her head and that the madness of her paranoia and behaviour has gone on long enough. It is their hope, their will, that by moving in with her Mother's sister, Doe will be compelled to understand, to heed for once in her life and to rectify herself and through social pressure or a change of scenery, or some other means they haven't thought of.
1983 / First-Half of Season 1
Doe has been adjusting very smoothly, though Hawkins is undoubtedly a change of pace from Vancouver; that's not to say it's a negative one. Small-town Americana suits Doe more than she'd like to admit, and the relief of finally being freed from her parents, brothers, and That Man has brought back years to her life. Doe feels excellent, better than incredible; the mask is NATURAL, without the pinpricks of pain that came with the lies and the isolation of being the black sheep not only in her family but the community as a whole, the unwanted youngest daughter. The Sato's, her aunt, and their family are not hers; they don't accept her; she can feel that distance as much, but the pointed daggers and weight of their perception are feather-light. She has gotten on track, or at least the track they've laid out for her; she has learned the tricks they want her to play, the songs to sing, and the image they want her to cultivate. They are proud of her and her transformation, but it's fake; it's all fake. The grief is there but silenced with the glee of freedom and phony acceptance. Hell, maybe someday it won't BE phony; maybe that pride of theirs will be built on truth and honest effort, and perhaps she'll deserve it when that day comes. It's a far-fetched dream, but this place makes her feel some empty hope. Maybe not today, but someday! Even still, amidst all this joy, the beast of anxiety rears itself and her dreams, they haven't known silence. By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
Doe is still in the growing pains of her time with the extended family, not a short leash to the same abusive extent as her time with parents, but she is still in the phase of earning trust. She is all smiles and nods. Respectable, but not demure, more so muted. A sense that there's a lot hiding behind a shell of polite manners and a desire to not overstay her welcome. Yes sir and no ma'ams, best behavior and really there's nothing to out of the ordinary, she's a pleasant, smart as a whip and affable. Why a girl like her would want to spend a learning abroad opportunity in Hawkins is anyone's guess, but her aunt chalks it up to an interest in programming and science. After all, Hawkins Lab is right there and surely they would be looking for upstarts from the surrounding community, right. It's a flimsy reason, all things considered and something isn't quite... right. There's no LOGICAL reason to doubt the Sato's or Doe. But there is an air of sadness about Doe, a kind of desolation about her, hidden beneath the surface of warm smiles. What truly brought you here, Doe?
An Old Familiar Ache / Second-Half of Season 1
You shouldn't have been so stupid; Doe's mind reels at the news of a second disappearance, but the hiss in her mind is unmistakable; you shouldn't have been so goddamn stupid. There's a bitter dread in her mind, of course, OF COURSE! Her home wasn't enough, her family, her LIFE, that wasn't enough. He made her an idiot. He made her WISH she had just let him take her that night, kill her, dump her, whatever it was that freaks like him do. It would've been KINDER, less humiliating than this, than the lies. But no, she thought she could win; she survived, fought, suffered, and lost EVERYTHING, EVERYONE. But it wasn't enough; Doe couldn't help the giggle that passed by her lips. God, she was a class-act idiot. It would NEVER be enough for people like him; what satisfaction can they get other than by ruining lives? It's stupid to think a cross-country road trip would save her. Hell, men like him probably run on the sadism alone. But she was done running; no, the fear and dread galvanized something stronger than she thought a person like herself could ever be. But she doesn't care. A wide, almost manic grin passes her lips with a hop in her step. No, she doesn't care if it's a lie like the rest of it. She was comfortable now; these people believed in her, it was all bullshit, but they believed her, they believed the American girl next door babysitter's club bullshit, and she was happy! She liked this, liked it better than Vancouver. She wasn't going to give this up, not without a fight. No, she'd be ready for him this time. His cockiness, going after that poor boy and girl, he'd PAY for that. She saw him coming. She'd be the hunter this time. Set a trap.
Despite Doe's set of beliefs, the work of Will and Barb's disappearance isn't the result of her killer coming around for the sequel. It's the result of a far greater reaching evil, the likes of which she can't even imagine but her nihilist mind wouldn't be too surprised about. However, the culture and sense of tension and fear about Hawkins is taking its toll. The mask is slipping as the trauma of the events that led her to Hawkins is resurfacing. Hypervigilance is the main component, as is the raising of her guard. Her warmth remains, but there's something strained about it, like her mind is constantly focused on one task and only being redirected to other interactions. Likewise, there's this shifting sense of almost mania as the growing elation at the idea of the madness ending and her catching her would-be killer to inflict even a fraction of the rage she feels for his gall creeps ever closer with the tightening rituals she undertakes in silence to ensure her and her new guardian's safety.
1984 / Season 2
She was wrong; it should be a relief. She should be laughing at herself. That mantra was right, 3,842 kilometres; no one would travel that far to kill her; it's stupid. It was stupid, she was… she didn't want to say the words, but she felt it in her gut. Sitting warm in the safety of her home or her Aunt's home. Coincidences happen; she's jumpy, that's all; she has every reason to be. The voice that interjects is kinder than her usual line of thought; she welcomes it. It's not hers, it's well. Her throat tightens.
She… she'd broken, she couldn't explain it after the boy had been found, and things returned to normalcy all around her, but she? She never did; the fear never waned. It boiled and festered. She couldn't settle the frustration; she felt like she'd regressed. She felt awful, miserable, back stepping on eggshells. He wasn't coming, he WASN'T coming, and she KNEW it so, so why? Why couldn't she drop it? Why wouldn't it STOP? She wanted it to stop; she didn't want to be alone. She… she told Ami, her cousin. Not about her theory, god no, in retrospect, it, with the paranoia past, was insane. How, how did she let herself spiral that hard down a rabbit hole of mole-sized mountains? No, she'd let THAT secret die a slow death inside her. She told Ami about the man, the crime, what she saw that night and what her parents, the cops, they wouldn't believe. The secret came out of her with all the grace of a person flying through a windshield, but Ami believed her.
It was vindicating; it BURNED. Shame and regret in waves, but god, the horror that washed over her face, she BELIEVED her. No one else did, but SHE did; she was scared and worried. She CARED; her hand burned when it reached out and touched her shoulder, but something crumpled, and she fell into her, and the cries came out in haggard howls. It doesn't matter, fuck them, fuck it, Doe. Doe, this is real to you! That's what matters. You went through something TERRIBLE. You didn't get help; obviously, obviously, this would happen. The rest of the conversation was a blur. Comforting actions. Hard breathing. Slow down. You're okay. Breath. You're safe. It doesn't feel like it yet, but you are. You've been through a lot; you've been running for a long time, but you don't need to run anymore. You can't beat the storm by running to the ends of the earth. Sometimes, you must stand, find your ground and brave the storm. You can do this.
Less on the actual meat and potatoes of this verse but it varies HEAVILY on who I write with! Typically I have a tandem canon with @mxlevolence between Doe, Danny/Sebastian & my other muse, Sally. It all begins with Doe having developed a routine of patrols to combat her paranoia. Rituals for control, to make herself feel safe nightly. Checking the doors, the yard. Only for these harmless, stupid, stupid rituals to bring her face to face with an inhuman horror. Driving her from the madness of her emotional recovery into an interdimensional conspiracy and missing person investigation which leaves her and this new and frankly unhinged found family fighting for its life against the confounding mystery gripping Hawkins and the monster presence that begins to infect it. HOWEVER I am open to writing around it, or hell, even involving it as the verse can be anything from a slow-burn hurt comfort to an action packed mystery, to even an angst mess with Doe sneaking around and lying about her situation and where the hell she is after Doe finding herself a target of the demo-dogs and once again feeling like she is out of her mind just after she's gotten more control over it.
1985 / Season 3
No little introduction blurb here, mainly because Doe, at least in a narrative sense sort of takes her exit and has a pause of character growth during this part of the narrative! During the arc of the tandem canon between my connected characters, Sally and Doe.
Sally ends up finding her missing patients, but the answer is everything other than what she hoped. Her patients, like her children, had been fodder this entire time. A cover up from a time before Eleven had escaped the facility, and Sally? Well, she was late, those not dead had been relocated for their safety and that knowledge lost or.... eaten during the fallout at the laboratory. It devastated Sally, more than the adventures already had, a further fracture in already broken woman. But like recognizes like, and through the adventures, Doe had begun to view Sally in a maternal role, more than her own Mother or Aunt had ever provided. So much so that after things conclude and Sally has prepared to move away, seeking distance from the tragedy and a career in the greater Indianapolis, far away from the last vestiges of her pain and more of a shell of herself than ever. Doe doesn't, can't entertain the idea of leaving Sally to the barbs and hooks of her own mind. Not like everyone had done to her. No, the idea of that alone pulls a chord directly to anger. She's a loyal woman when a person truly manages to breach all of her walls & she's just found a new family, she's not leaving it, not leaving her. Doe's tagging along, through a series of small lies, much to pride of her new guardians, who believe she is caring for the mother of a close-friend who had passed away.
As previously mentioned through, this comes at a cost. Her guardians are among the dead claimed by the Mind Flayer by the end of the season, a fate which it is believed she shared. When in reality, she had been living 8 miles away the entire time. None the wiser of what was occurring in her absence.
Doe can come and go in this verse and I'm not at all against her stopping back by and visiting people! After all, Danny/Sebastian still resides in the area and him and Sally have joint non-legal custody of her, likewise Reese & her gf bff Zoe (another important character for Doe in this verse) still reside in Hawkins, she has plenty of reason to visit, give the folks a check up, chat with Ami and then hit the road again!
Please Pick Up The Phone / Second-Half of Season 3 (custom verse with @slateir)
In the quiet peace of the early morning, the shrill chime of a corded phone rings out. Once, then twice, drawing Doe from her slumber. A glance to the window shows the darkness, still jet black and thick enough to be cut with a knife. It couldn't have been any later than 4am, who calls this late? Standing on uneven feet, Doe pads to the kitchen, her footsteps muffled by plush carpet. A part of her expects to hear the hospital, staffing maybe. Looking for Sally, and a polite but firm 'no,' is on her lips when her heart stops and time itself seems to freeze around her. A quick and sharp, terrified sound. Reese, Reese. No, no, no. She nearly drops the phone, a quick curse leaving her lips as she white knuckles the plastic and desperately repeats Reese's name into the faint background noise. Once, twice, no reply. Then she hears her, hushed and desperate, as though afraid someone might hear. ' Sorry, Rira, sorry, I didn't mean to call you this late-- it's Zoe, and everything- just. Something is wrong, please come back,'
It's exactly what it says on the tin! After moving in with Sally, the bliss of a new beginning, a REAL new beginning, in a house that loved her. It's a difficult transition, especially at first. But after the transition, the pain it melted away into bliss, Doe felt better and in a way that didn't came with the acrid, acidic taste of lies. Sally had a way about her that made Doe feel safe and valued. Worth the trouble, the lies and the heartache, and even the late night jumpscares after turning a corner to find her in her eating out of the pantry like a raccoon. Maybe it was this, joy and the big city change of pace that made her mind slip away from her friends and Hawkins, or maybe it was her selfishness that came back to rear its head, after all, only an idiot would think a monster could change its nature. But one call, one chance call, caught by the skin of her through bleary eyes brought it all back. Hawkins, her friends, her Aunt, Ami, Zoe and most importantly Reese. Her younger sister in all but blood. She left her, she left her and now her selfishness had cost Reese her happiness, her safety and now she was in trouble. Doe knows it's not all her fault, but goddamnit, she won't leave her for a moment longer, she won't abandon Reese, not a second longer. Sally will forgive her for the missing supplies and borrowing the car. She needs to go home.
Of note, there are two endings for this verse that follows along with Doe, Reese & Zoe's story, the good ending and the bad one.
The Good Ending? Gay desperation wins out, Reese knew something was wrong the second Zoe came home late, and when the abnormal behavior began, the sweating, and the weird new people. She called Doe, she tried to hold Zoe back to treat her, loving rom-com style, but things got violent and between the jigs and the reels. Doe ended up dosing the Flayed!Zoe with enough Midazolam to take her down, and they both tied her down to a radiator, just until they could get her to return to her senses. Which, eventually, they achieved. Turns out Zoe was a new flayed and the slug was still in its infancy. Her insides were still a solid and through a mixture of dumb luck, sedatives, balmy bathroom heating, a radiator and the power of gay love and sisterly affection, they made the host uninhabitable. Causing Zoe to violently eject the otherworldly parasite, dragging out so much blood and a lot of Zoe's strength with it. Leaving her near death by the end but alive and not under thumb by any slug or goo monster, which a victory Doe will take. The Bad Ending? Zoe gets gooified after it becomes clear there is no wiggling free for the host body and the time is upon the flayer to move. Doe and Reese are left to watch as she goos in front of their eyes and goes down the drain. When word eventually touches ground that Doe's Aunt and her family are among the missing, Doe doesn't need to be told. She knows, she KNOWS that what happened to Zoe? It happened to them too.
1986 / Season 4
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On a more serious note, like with season 3's verse, I don't have a specific set up for this verse because it's less an over-all character arc and a smaller track for the greater character growth that can be found in her university verses, that I can re-type, but I've already forced you all to TRUDGE through 4,000 words of my Doe brainrot. But suffice it to put, Doe is beginning college life, she'll make a joke about death being nothing but new beginnings given the whole living dead girl, papers printed before they could confirm the vitals thing. Don't take her jokes at face level though. Doe, she's saying she's okay, but she's not. Her brush with death, facing mortality and approaching her future. She's terrified, Sally tries & Danny, or rather Sebastian; he's always around, a phone call away to make her feel more sane, counter-intuitive as that may sound. But her entire life, she's been focused on momentary survival, one day to the next. Sitting at the brink of such massive, massive change she has never taken to consider as a possibility for herself. She truly feels like a ghost among the living. Haunting aimlessly in hope for a spark to return her life. She's around, physically, but mentally she's more of a shell, and it feels like it.
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paxislandsystem · 2 years
🕶️👁️🟩🟪🟦An Introductory Guide to This Blog🟦🟪🟩👁️🕶️
Turns out I'm too stupid to figure out how to make a carrd so for now welcome to the blog! We're a tulpa/parogenic system of three, and while I suspect we'll be more active on our instagram, PaxIslandSystem, we'll also post stuff here.
DNI (may be expanded):
1. Anti-endos/anti-tulpa
Syscourse and discourse in general is quite triggering for me and my anger issues and I have a hard time disengaging once I'm bothered enough so kindly do not interact with me if you have any anti-endo thoughts you want to share. Furthermore, I have yet to see a good argument as to why tulpamancy is a problem, so if you don't have any informed opinions to give, kindly keep them to yourself. I may explain what I mean later on. Furthermore, don't interact if you are under the blatantly incorrect impression that "sysmed" is a slur. This reads to us as TERF tactics.
2. Exclusionists/bigots of any kind
This includes TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti whatever pronouns, racist assholes, homophobes etc. However, I don't expect to not see such people interacting with me because they don't care about DNIs, so gladly make yourself known in order for me to block you and get on with my day. Thank you.
3. Proshippers/MAPS or whatever you wanna call yourself, zoophiles, etc.
I shouldn't have to explain why this is a problem.
4. Fakeclaimers/gatekeepers
There's a 99% chance that you don't even know the person you're claiming to be faking their disability/disorder, which means there's a 99% chance you don't know what you're talking about.
System bio:
Madison (Host) 🟦
I'm a 19 year old non-binary ancom musician from Sacramento. I also passively practice/believe in Luciferianism. I occasionally dabble in literature and I've been a furry since I was 14, so expect a bit of that maybe? Idk. I'm currently majoring in audio engineering so that I can at least do something tangential to my passion without turning my music into a brand.
Artemis 🟪
Hey everyone, I'm Artemis! I'm Madison's deer person brother and I guess tulpa. I'm 15 and interested in theatre or at least checking it out so if anyone has any recommendations with where to start, let me know! My favorite band at the moment is Rishloo because of its nostalgic value thanks to Madison listening to it a lot while creating me. In fact, I have Systematomatic stuck in my head right now, so that's fun. My favorite color is purple and I'd like to think I'm laid back, so expect memes if I post. Anyways, have a good one!
Treeline 🟩
My name is Treeline. I am a demonoid between the ages of 20 and 10,000 years and I originated as Madison's imaginary demon protector and I am the system's protector/caretaker, however I feel that I am not exactly aligned with actual demons or at the very least fluctuate between human and demonic states. Currently as of writing this I feel more aligned with my demonic side, although it could be that my human side is only a result of Madison's personality influencing mine and as such is not me in my purest form. I quite enjoy bird watching. It's possible I may also have two distinct personalities or be some sort of median sub-system, although I'll admit my understanding of subsystems is lacking.
Bentley 👁️
Alexa 🛸
Hello there! I'm new to the system, but I really like it here so far! I'm quite a bookworm, at least based on what I've read so far. Feel free to recommend me books to read! Right now I'm still figuring myself out, but it's been a fun journey in the hour or so as of writing this that I've been around!
Ezra 🕶️
Pax 📗
I'm a fictive from Pax and Jude. I'm a species of alien called a queksol and I'm still having a really hard time understanding how I got to be here. Apparently this is the first time the system has had a fictive and it's a little alarming, but I'll probably be fine. I dunno.
A Description of our Wonderland
While we prefer to use the term "headspace" because it personally feels less mystifying, but we're glad to use "wonderland" to clear up any confusion.
Our wonderland is named Pax Island, which my fiance suggested because pax is latin for peace and it's somewhat of a paradise over there. It's a relatively flat island liberally peppered with oak trees in the middle of an endless ocean. We have our house by the eastern shoreline with a treehouse to the right of the entrance as well as a mall up north that is solely there because of the wall we used to use for graffiti, although it has pretty good ice cream even if I'm not quite good at perceiving the taste of it. We also have a park a little bit northwest and a recently added a submarine dock with a little non-sentient cat dude who mans the submarine because why not?
The headspace is in a constant state of night because I find it reasonably calming. Otherwise, there isn't much to say about it.
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I'll make a carrd later, but for now an about post.
Call me mod Alistair (or just Alistair if you want, or my other names if you know me from elsewhere). He/ip/they
This blog does various things for kins, delusions, introjects, comfort characters or just for fun.
This blog is safe for: proship, neutralship, pro-kink, agere, lolicons/shotacons
Do not interact: MAPs/Zoos/consang, TERFs/SWERFs/radfems, anti-ship, anti-kink, support harassment in any way
I don't keep up with most discourses so idk what most other discourse terms mean or are even about at this point. But like, as long as you're respectful of others, not bigoted and don't fakeclaim without proof of malicious faking then we good. Please don't send "can [blank] interact?" asks, they will be deleted.
What I can do:
Aesthetics - may take some time, if you have a specific image you wanted used please send it to me. I would also appreciate being sent a link to where I can find transparent background images for characters/ships in it.
Stimboards - also may take some time, I can only do them on my laptop so I can be able to source the images without the struggle of switching between apps and dealing with mobile browser tumblr.
Knit/crochet/sewing patterns - a few patterns for knitting, crochet or sewing picked out for you. Please be specific in what you want (amigurumi/plushies, clothing, accessories, etc.), skill level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and any other specifics (ex. plus size friendly for clothing patterns, only weight 4 yarn for knitting/crochet, no long projects). You can also specify if you want free patterns only or if paid is okay.
Requesting guidelines:
- Requests will be closed when I have 10 or more in the inbox, and will be opened again once it gets back to zero. However, inbox will always be open in case anyone has questions or anything.
- Do not put more than one request in the same ask or make more than three requests at once.
- Please be specific with what you want!
- I have every right to deny a request if I am not comfortable filling it or feel I cannot adequattely fill it.
- I can do NSFW sources, but only if the requester is an adult. NSFW requests are a maybe but they will have to be off anon so I can fill them privately.
- I can try with any non-blacklisted source, but the sources I know the most will be on the whitelist. If the source isn't whitelisted if I am not familiar with it and there isn't a really good wiki I can't guarantee.
Whitelist: Otogi no Uta, Twisted Wonderland, GeGeGe no Kitaro, Idolmaster (Cinderalla Girls and SideM only), Danganronpa (first two games only, Pokemon (BW only for human characters and that's games only), the Legend of Zelda (pre-BOTW only), Kirby, Sanrio, Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, Disney and Pixar films, Mob Psycho 100, King of Prism, Zombieland Saga, Steven Universe, My Little Pony
Blacklist (these sources/themes/etc. can be a trigger for me or are something I am not comfortable with doing, sorry) (* means trigger): Undertale/Deltarune* (mainly Napstablook is the trigger but I'd rather avoid it all), Kill la Kill*, Brand New Animal*, anything involving cockroaches*, YouTubers (including personas, characters and VTubers), factkin/factrojects, most live action sources
More about the mod:
I'm 20 and my gender is anime femboy shota. I have delusions and may possibly be a system (the questioning is mostly just denial at this point but I'm stubborn about denial even when I know it's denial).
If I block you it's not always something you did, if you mention kinning some of my delusions in your blog (like in bio, title, url, etc.) or have them as delusions as well or a fictive of them I might block for my own safety. I also block if any ask comes across as passive aggressive since passive aggression directed towards me is a trigger, so if you didn't mean it that way I am sorry! It helps to use tone indicators and be as clear as possible.
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rubinsteindarch2 · 3 years
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new carrd. new carrd.  𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘥.  𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙙.   NEW CARRD.
thanks to the genius @villainsrph, shelley has a brand spankin new carrd and man is it GORGEOUS!! briar outdid himself i am so happy with everything they’ve ever made for me and my blogs and he’s SUCH a kind person and brilliant to work with! if you haven’t checked out my carrd lately go ahead and give a perusin! i also updated my MCU verse so now’s a great time to check that out, as well!
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chameleon-cryptid · 4 years
LFRP: Bex’li Nelhah
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The Basics ––– –
Age:  20ish
Birthday: 25th sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Cis Male
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: RED
Eyes: One green, one blue
Height: 5′8″
Build:  Not bulky but well-muscled and strong.
Distinguishing Marks: SO many freckles.
Common Accessories: snacks of some sort
Personal ––– –
Profession: Medic/healer/surgeon. Soldier. Alchemist
Hobbies: Eating, socialising, art, music, hiking, hunting, fishing, dancing, partying
Residence: The Lavender Beds
Birthplace: East Shroud
Religion: Worships the Twelve
Patron Deity: Menphina but has a strong connection with Nophica
Fears: Deep water mostly. He doesn’t like large aquatic monsters.
Sex & Romance— -
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
Preferred Emotional Role: Switch (technically, but he always thinks HE’S in charge, regardless)
Preferred Sexual Role: Dominant
Turn On’s: Ears. Particularly Hyuran ears. Confidence. Compassion. Intelligence
Turn Off’s: Arrogance, boastfulness, people who immediately think he’s a submissive catboy.
Relationship Tendencies: Bex loves being in a relationship. He loves devoting time to his partners and trying to make them happy. He isn’t really comfortable with polyamory or open relationships and tends to fall fast and hard for people he finds charming.
Traits ––– -
Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted/ In Between / Introverted
Disorganized /In Between/ Organized
Close Minded /In Between/ Open Minded
Calm/ In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between /Agreeable
Cautious /In Between/ Reckless
Patient/ In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken/ In Between / Reserved
Leader/ In Between / Follower
Empathetic/ In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic/ In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional /In Between/ Modern
Hard-working/ In Between / Lazy
Cultured/ In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful/ In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Fogweed, occasionally
Drugs: Every so often, for funsies.
Alcohol: Often, but not to excess
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RP Hooks ––– –
Bex is a skilled healer. Should you need medical attention, not only is he a very good doctor but he also doesn’t charge for his services. He is familiar with both aetherical and traditional medicine, including having a vast knowledge of alchemy. He has a clinic in the Lavender Beds, located within the Drunken Moogle pub and is happy to see anyone, even without an appointment.
Bex’s family, the Nelhahs, are fairly well-known in the alchemy trade business. Bexa, Bex’li’s mum, is a successful alchemist selling everything from cosmetics, hairdyes, and aphrodesiacs, to medicines and potions. While not the leader of this company, Nelhah Brand Alchemy, he is known to work with his mother and almost rival her in his alchemical skills.
Conjurer’s Guild:
Though a red mage now, Bex’li’s initial training was with the conjurer’s guild and he still has strong connections there, often taking on students and interns from the guild to work in his clinic.
Sociable Guy!:
Bex’li is an outspoken, kind guy. He is absolutely happy to talk to anyone about anything. Always looking to meet new people and make new friends, if you can’t figure out a hook that works for you, Bex’li can always just come up and start chatting. He enjoys going to pubs, restaurants, clubs, and shops and travels often with his job as a healer and alchemist. He can be nearly anywhere! Just let me know and we’ll work something out.
What I’m looking for  ––– –
Anything! Interaction! Friends, enemies, rivals, romance, mystery, intrigue, colleagues, pre-established relationships. Anything! I RP all types of genre, including mature themes, casual scenes, erotic, funny, violent, lighthearted, long term development, one-offs, fighting. Pretty much anything as long as it comes organically. I am happy to go RP one on one, but I also adore going to RP events in the community, especially club nights and themed social events. 
OOC  ––– –
Hello! I’m Bex. I live in the UK, and am co-owner and co-founder of the Drunken Moogle FC. Bex’li here is my baby. My first character in ARR that I made in 2013. He’s been around forever and it’s possible you might’ve seen me idling somewhere (I do that a lot). I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment (especially with the plague going on) and I’d really like Bex’li to get some new friends. I’m available to RP nearly any time at the moment and though my timezone is GMT, I do regularly stay up to attend RP during north american times.  I am WELL over 18 and expect my RP partners to also be over 18.  I don’t mind server hopping, though I’m located on Balmung. 
Contact Information  ––– –
Please feel free to get in touch! 
Tumblr: bexli-nelhah.tumblr.com Discord: Bex#2763 Bex’li’s Carrd: https://bexli.carrd.co/ Bex’li Nelhah in game
@mooglemeet @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​ @balmungroleplayers-blog
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yokasaris · 5 years
LFRP: Rae-Hann (Crystal/Balmung)
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Full Carrd profile over here. Rae is a First character, but I have recently begun RPing him on the Source. I am open to connections with characters from either place!
The Basics ––– –
Name: Rae-Hann Nickname: No. Either his full name or Rae is acceptable. Age: 93 Not going to get a straight answer here Birthday: He doesn’t remember Race: Mystel Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Marital Status: Widowed
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black, wavy, usually a bit of a mess Eyes: Grey Height: 5'5" Distinguishing Features: A very long tail, six earrings (three per ear), left brow piercing, lip piercing, aetheric tattoos on arms Common Accessories: Red bandanna (either over his hair or around his neck), a bracelet of braided cord
Personal ––– –
Profession: Healer, amateur skywatcher Hobbies: Reading, stargazing, exploration Languages: All (Echo), but can only write in Common and a few dead languages Residence: The Citia Swamp Birthplace: Lakeland Religion: Is likely the last practitioner of his faith Patron Deity: A personal family guardian Fears: Heights, being alone, tomatl, memory loss
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between/ Organized Close Minded / In Between /Open Minded Calm/ In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between /Agreeable Cautious /In Between/ Reckless Patient /In Between/  Impatient Outspoken / In Between /Reserved Leader / In Between /Follower Empathetic/ In Between / Apathetic Optimistic /In Between/ Pessimistic Traditional /In Between/ Modern Hard-working/ In Between / Lazy Cultured /In Between/ Uncultured Loyal /In Between/ Disloyal Faithful/ In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: No Drugs: No Alcohol: At times
RP Hooks ––– –
-Source or First characters welcome! Though Rae lives in the First, he has recently found that he can “visit” the Source. He will not admit to his true nature, but is endlessly curious about this new world he had only previously experienced through others’ dreams. -Mind sharing a dream? Rae has the Echo and is able to see and subtly manipulate them with his ability. Usually this is just another tool to help patients on the road to recovery, but he has been known to pry at times. He has a deep interest with what goes on in the subconscious. -Need a healer? Rae-Hann specializes in both physical and mental health. Probably a bit too eager to help… -Interest in skywatching and stargazing? He is fascinated by both weather and the stars and will happily while away bells staring at the sky with a fellow enthusiast. -Magic user or Ronkan researcher? Though he is cagey about his own brand of magic, he is always interested in how others interact with the world aetherically. He also has some experience with Ronkan magics, though he is seemingly not fond of them.
What I’m Looking For ––– –
-In game RP! I prefer to RP in FF itself, though I can make exceptions for Discord RP if needed. -Pretty much any kind of connections for him! Rae is very focused on learning about others, so he can easily adapt to whatever situations he finds himself in. The only major hurdle might be that he has a low tolerance for humor. -I really like character driven stuff and helping people further their own personal stories. Rae’s Echo ability is just one of the ways I’m looking to do that. -Not all relationships have to be good. I treasure the rivals and enemies just as much as anything else! -The only thing I’m really NOT looking for is ERP and the like. Just. No. No, thank you!
OOC Information  ––– –
-Hihi, you can call me Kas. I play on Balmung, but am happy to visit other servers if needed. -I am in Central time! (CDT/UTC-5, soon about to be CST/UTC-6). I am usually free on week day evenings, but I am pretty flexible if I can schedule stuff ahead of time. -I am a-okay with pretty much any theme except sexual ones. HOWEVER, as much as I love humorous RP, Rae would probably be a bit of a stick in the mud. So, something to keep in mind. -Please talk with me! Always remember that I can’t read your mind, but if we’ve gotten in touch I WANT to write with you. We’re all just a bunch of nerds on the internet. No need to be shy. :) -Rae exists in game through Zhan'a and the magic of the aesthetician. So, yes, Zhan'a is the character I will be RPing on.
Contact Information  –––
–Here on tumblr is good! Or over on Discord at Kasaris#8952. Or in game on Zhan'a Rakhin (Balmung server).
And, a repeat in case tumblr eats the top of the post again:
 Full Carrd profile over here. Rae is a First character, but I have recently begun RPing him on the Source. I am open to connections with characters from either place!
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bakugourarepairzine · 4 years
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Our first mod spotlight is for Mod Kuro, the co-founder of the Bakugou Rarepair zine - who also functions as the co-head, writing/beta and graphics moderator.
If you want to know more about them, check out their mini-interview beneath the cut, or find them on their AO3, Twitter, Tumblr or Carrd - but if you have other questions about the zine itself, check out our Carrd or Tumblr for our FAQs or Schedule, or drop us a question at our Curious Cat!
Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m ChiaRoseKuro, better known as Kuro or Chro (since Kuro is a fairly popular name for fairly unsurprising reasons) - or the one person who never shuts up. I tend to write whatever comes to mind, which results in a lot of angst, crack and/or unusual rarepair combinations, and my zine graphics tend to involve a lot of edited manga/sketch screenshots. If you’ve read anything involving IiBakuShou (Iida, Bakugou and Shouji), AoBakuMono (Aoyama, Bakugou and Monoma) or BakuMonoKuro (Bakugou, Monoma and Kuroiro), then my name will probably be familiar to you… but you could honestly put any combination of characters in front of me and my brain will come up with a scenario for you, like your very own demented plot bunny factory. Mod Suga will be able to tell you about my weird superpower - accidentally making myself (and other people) ship pairings nobody needed, wanted or thought about prior to their existence.
What experience do you have with zines and/or moderating? I’m the founder of Phoenix: From the Ashes (a BnHA post-apocalyptic AU zine that’s currently in its creation phase) and I serve as its co-head and writing/beta mod, though I was also responsible for most of the graphics prior to the contributor application period. I’m also a mod intern (for organization and social media) in BnHA x HQ Vol. 2 and was the communications mod for one other zine (though I parted ways with them due to internal issues). As a moderator, I’ve organized and moderated exchanges and mini-bangs on my own, but I’ve also helped moderate larger exchanges and fandom Discord servers - and more recently, I’m contributing to six zines as a writer (four BnHA, one Haikyuu and one Naruto). If you’d like to know more about my experience in zines and/or moderating, you can check out my general Carrd or my zine Carrd.
What is your favourite Bakugou rarepair? My AO3 will indicate that I like BakuShin - which isn’t necessarily incorrect - but I love permutations of BakuMonoKuro far more. I really enjoy the different brands of assholery that is Bakugou, Monoma and Kuroiro put together in some fashion, so anything involving them gives me a lot of amusement. One day, I hope that people will begin associating BakuKuro with Bakugou and Kuroiro (and not Bakugou with Kurogiri, or Bakugou with… me).
What do you like about Bakugou? (asked by Sierra) I hated Bakugou when I first started reading the manga, but as I’ve gotten to know him better through roleplaying, fanfiction and character analyses… I guess I like his determination. Even if he has terrible ways of going about his life, I really admire his drive to do good in the world and to remain focused on his goals, even in the face of what almost everyone else says.
What would you do if you got to meet Bakugou in real life? (asked by Kuro) I would probably end up punching him in the face within five minutes of talking to him - if I don’t become best friends with him instead. He’s exactly the sort of person I find myself hating unequivocally or liking right off the bat, so it’s even odds as to whether I’ll hate or like him. Honestly, though, I feel like I’d probably punch him. He’s not exactly endearing, after all.
What do you look forward to seeing most in this zine? More representation for super rarepairs! Even if there’s only one new story or work of art for relatively unknown ships, it’ll still be one more to add to the small selection in the world. I’m also excited to see how people characterize Bakugou, because it’ll be interesting to see how many different facets of Bakugou we’ll end up getting in the zine.
Tune in for the next mod spotlight on May 6! Until then, if you’d like to join our mod team, we’re still looking for a finance/production moderator here.
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