#hc that after her gift ceremony Mirabel hates big birthday parties where all eyes will be on her. Antonio's ceremony really pushed on that
starsfic · 5 months
Encanto idea:
The whole Encanto realizes they never celebrated Mirabel's Quinceanera, and they only have one month left until it's too late (when she turns 16)
so they plan the party while Antonio distracts the guest of honor until it's time (isabella, Alma, and the villagers may or may not have lingering guilt for their treatment toward Mirabel)
It was a simple fact, even though it was horrifying.
Mirabel had not been given a quinceanera.
Isabela, at the time, hadn't questioned it. She was distracted by Mariano's hints that he would propose sometime this year and Abuela's cheer at the fact. Mirabel's birthday itself had almost slipped her mind. She had summoned a bouquet of flowers- multicolored, like Mirabel's creations- before distracting herself with practicing her reaction to said proposal.
Of course, said proposal had been a disaster, Casita had fallen down, and Isabela had discovered herself and rebuilt her relationship with Mirabel.
Which left a fact niggling at her brain.
Mirabel had not been given a quinceanera.
Abuela felt just as awful as she did about it. In fact, it was her idea to create a make-up quinceanera a month before her sixteenth birthday. It would be a little weird, but hey. All birthdays were weird.
And now Isabela was rummaging through Mirabel's closet, hoping to find a dress that she could take to the seamstress. A month was too little time to make an entirely new dress. The same day was too little time!
But they would make it work. They had made everything else work.
Isabela pushed past a few dresses. No, no, no. This one was already covered in embroidery, this one was too flat, this one had too little ruffles... "Come on, she's gotta have a good dress," Isabela hissed. "Somewhere, come on..."
She came to a stop.
The dress she stared at was flat without the petticoats and Mirabel to fill it up, but the design of embroidery candles, changing the soft peacock blue to a mixture of blue and gold, was show-stopping. No doubt. It was a quinceanera dress.
But why was it here?
Isabela made a noise that she chose to identify as a yelp, whirling around and slamming the wardrobe shut. Mirabel stared at her with a brow raised, holding a stack of clothes. "Mirabel! Hi! What are you doing here?" Nobody could deny they were sisters with that last part.
"Uh...it's my room?" Mirabel cocked her head. "What are you doing?" Her brows furrowed together. "If you're looking for your black summer dress, I think Camilo took it."
"No, I'm not- Wait, what did you say about my dress-" Wait, no, she could deal with that later. "I was looking for something...else, when I found this." Isabela held out the quinceanera dress. "What is this?"
Mirabel glanced at it as she set the clothes down, the furrow in her brow easing to be replaced by it raising. "My quinceanera dress?"
"No, I mean, why do you have one?" Isabela maybe shook it a little bit. "We never threw you a quinceanera."
Mirabel's brow raised even higher. "Yes, we had one?" She sounded like she was ready to call for their mother. "I mean, you probably don't remember it, you were dancing with Mariano all night." What. "It wasn't a big community event like your quinceanera, but I wanted it to be small."
"...we threw you a small quinceanera?"
"Yeah?" Mirabel stepped forward, raising a hand to Isabela's forehead. "I asked Abuela if it could just be the family and some of my friends. She agreed but insisted we invite the Guzmans." Her brow dropped back into a furrow when she failed to find a fever. "I've always hated big public birthday events, but I like the Guzmans so I agreed. Isabela, are you okay?"
Isabela batted her hand away, panic seizing her heart. If that was true, than she and Abuela had possibly done something really stupid. Mirabel,according to the girl herself, hated big public birthday events and that was exactly what was being set up in the town square. "I'm fine! I just...don't remember your quinceanera, that's all."
Mirabel stared at her even harder. "The pictures are on the quinceanera wall," she said, slowly. "I mean, we don't all look at that wall every day, but it's there. Isabela, I think I should call Mami-"
"I'M FINE!" Isabela shoved past, setting the dress on Mirabel's bed as she passed. "I just remembered that I need to do something." She paused, glancing back at her sister. "I...uh...bye- ABUELA!"
Mirabel cried out behind her, but Isabela was already running.
Hopefully, to stop what was going to be the most awkward event ever.
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