#hc jett
lavendel081 · 9 months
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Wanted to try drawing him.
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little-blurry-stars5 · 6 months
Hc that atsushi's pupils dilate like a cats when he's happy or excited
Or when he's fighting his eyes narrow into little slits and he hisses
And when he's eating or looking at akutagawa his eyes get really big
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froggibus · 1 year
Hello how are you? Idk if this has been written before cause I can't find something like it but I request a simple valorant x reader where they used to have a crush on her in like highschool or whatever hehe
(maybe yoru, phoenix , jett.. if you can then gekko!!)
Reunion - Yoru, Phoenix, Jett & Gekko
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Genre: fluff! :)
CW: yoru being yoru, maybe a little ooc? mostly wholesome stuff
syd? doing a request? a miracle. technically reqs are closed rn but im still gonna work through a few of them
probably had a huge crush on you but would never admit it
the kind of guy that would tease you/be lowkey mean to you just cause he likes you 
tsundere ass mf
after you guys graduate, he doesn’t see much of you after that 
and even if he does have lots of one night stands, this man struggles with emotional intimacy 
whenever he gets lonely he probably entertains the idea of cute lil y/n and what could have been if he wasn’t so shy 
when you join the protocol, it’s like he’s seen a ghost 
goes right back to that tsundere teenager and probably ignores you 
all the other agents warm to you right away tho so you’re naturally annoyed why this guy can’t let go of *whatever* you did to him in high school
on a mission with just the two of you, you finally confront him about his indifference towards you
things boil over and one thing leads to another and 
he kisses you
you’re literally so shocked you don’t even close your eyes
he pulls away, cheeks BURNING and refuses to look at you
“why do you have to make everything so difficult for me y/n?”
FINALLY admits he likes you after all this time 
he was flirty with everyone in high school, so you never caught on when he flirted with you
but this man was DOWN BAD
he probably asked you out at least once but you thought it was a joke/more flattery and brushed him off 
rip phoenix 
he tries to connect with you after graduation but life gets in the way, and then he joins the protocol 
whenever his relationships don’t work out or he’s on his last leg on a mission, he finds your face flashing through his mind 
when he gets back from a bad mission and still sees your face, he thinks he’s losing it 
“phoenix? you okay?”
bro is not okay
spends the next three weeks doing stupid stunts to try and impress you 
only succeeds in setting multiple objects on fire, spraining his wrist and getting a lot of lectures from Brim
you end up bringing him hot chocolate & rum to lift his spirits after he’s essentially put in a time out
“so, are you gonna tell me why you had a sudden bout of pyromania?”
sighs and finally admits he has a crush on you and has for a long time
you kiss him to let him know you feel the same way
and then the two of you spend the rest of the night getting drunk and laughing about how stupid you guys were in high school
she liked you a lot in high school and didn’t know how to express it
probably tried asking you out more than once and failed miserably
just stumbled over her words all cutely and then says “never mind” and runs away
you thought it was cute and never really thought too much of it
after high school, you think about her a lot and start to realize she probably liked you
and poor jett is so swamped with missions she barely has time to settle down
and even if she does, she can’t find someone to keep up with her 
she’s ecstatic when she sees you joined the protocol 
a second chance!!
you get a little flustered around her now that you know about her high school crush and you somewhat hope she still feels the same way
she’s surprisingly matured and isn’t nearly as flustered around you as she used to be
tries her best to make you feel included too
 it’s not long before her old feelings come bubbling to the surface tho
she’s probably the most emotionally mature of the group so she just straight up confesses to you 
both of you are tired from a mission and share a half kiss/half hug where you’re just leaning against each other 
he was definitely popular in high school but it never went to his head, he just did his thing and hung out at the skatepark 
bit of a rebel 
he mostly just admired you from afar, and if you were ever together for group projects, flirted with you lowkey
never anything serious or enough to make you actually realize how he feels 
but enough to keep him infatuated 
when Brim announces that you guys have a new agent joining the protocol, you do not expect it to be Mateo 
both of you are shocked (it’s like the Spider-Man meme irl)
you do your best to make him feel welcome, taking him around and introducing him to everyone 
you decide one night to take him out for drinks with some of the other agents!! 
everyone starts to leave until it’s just you and Gekko
you’re both a little tipsy and start talking about high school
he admits he had a crush on you in high school and that he’s super happy you guys get to see each other again
kisses you & asks you if you want to go out again
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
𝔻𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Includes : If they smoke, vape, do blunts or none | Fav ice-cream flavours | Fav kissing places - giving and receiving | Height | Age | Extras
Words: 1029
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Has smoked once a few years ago but it didn’t feel good so he won’t do it again, leaving him to vape every few days. Can survive without it tho
Not a huge ice-cream fan but will eat white chocolate + raspberry
24 years old
5’11 / 180cm
Receiving: He isn’t a huge fan of receiving kisses, but if he did receive them he would rather them on his hands and wrists. Giving: A fan of just off the lips, either above or right next to them. Finishing with one directly on them.
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Used to be a hardcore vaper, slowing down before stopping. Still constantly smells like mint. (Very artificial)
Is very basic with anything sweet, so she gets vanilla bean each time.
She is one for anything extra, so when either receiving or giving she will try to embarrass you. Oh, you need to go somewhere, and without her? She is giving you loud and non-stop kisses at the door all over your face.
But even Jett needs to wind down, so give her a forehead kiss while stroking her hair back, she will be knocked out quickly.
5’4 / 164cm
22 years old
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She will only vape at social events or around a few friends. (Mainly any younger agents who also vape or tolerate it.) Even then she can not handle vaping for a few days at a time. No matter the smell, will handle them like they’re not even there.
She loves her sweet treats as well, so she instantly turns to her all time favourite; Bubble gum. And will add just about every topping if she isn’t stopped. (Has become sick too many times from this, and keeps doing it.)
Loves giving nose kisses. She’ll run past a leave a quick peck before leaving, if there is enough time she’ll stay back and have penguin kisses. Is a fan of receiving butterfly kisses, they are simple and cute. (She is also very ticklish.)
5’2 / 160cm
19 years old (Making her the youngest agent)
Is most likely the clumsiest when it comes to making out. 90% of the time teeth will clash, but still staying passionate. If she gets confident her partner might get a small zap, along with the surrounding area. Will act confident but in reality, you’re her first.
Has two piercings, a silver industrial and a matching gold helix. (With Raze.)
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He does a mix of all three, (Smokes, vapes and does blunts.) normally with a friend each night.
Loves his caramel flavours, mainly salted but will eat any with caramel.
Receiving: Anywhere and everywhere on his face. Giving: Anywhere on the body, if given the chance he will kiss even the most hidden areas.
5’11 / 182cm
23 years old
Lost a bet once and the consequence was to get a dick piercing.
Wingnix: (Gekko x Phoenix)
One night Gekko tried to give Phoenix head and the piercings got caught on eachother. Unable to free themselves they had to call Yoru, who won’t let them live it down.
Phoenix only found out Gekko was trying to become clean because of Reyna. Who confronted Phoenix about him halting the process, only to realise he didn’t know. Since then Phoenix has tried to help Gekko.
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She vapes in most of her free time unless around Killjoy, who she will not vape around. (Smart enough to keep it away from any labs.) 
Will only get and eat the rainbow ice-cream (Unless Killjoy, Neon, Phoenix or Breach offer.) Also adds a variety of popping candy flavours.
Receiving: Loves receiving the same amount of attention, is strong enough to catch her partner if they did the same thing. Is also a fan of softer moments.    Giving: Is a fan of crashing into her partner and covering their face in kisses. Not letting them go until she successfully covers their face.
5’4 / 165cm
23 years old
Has a gold industrial. (With Neon)
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She has not and will not do any type. Her and Killjoy are helping Gekko to stay clean.
Is a fan of the more unusual flavours, her most favourite is boysenberry.
Receiving: She isn’t one for pda a lot of the time so small pecks before rushing off fits her, only to gain ‘compensation’’ for the lack of attention later. Giving: In public she’ll give you more formal kisses, like the back of your hand, wrist or even on the cheek. In private it’s anywhere she can reach, lips down to your neck, leaving hickeys.
Will watch as you continue about your day with her lipstick marks all over your face. She saw them immediately but said nothing, letting someone else tell you about them.
5’8 / 174cm
30 years old
I feel like she has more piercings, one or two golden studs in her ears. With a relatively simple belly piercing, in gold.
After a while she got some small tattoos for Gekko and his creatures. Each of his buddies have a simple design, while Gekko himself has his name, Mateo, written in front of a graffiti like background. The only person aware of this is Cypher, who has been threatened into silence.
Wouldn’t call herself a fan of shitty spanish shows but will binge watch them at night.
Is a fan of romance and thriller books, especially if there’s a mix. Reads them in bed at night, even when she’s alone during the day. (Has a pair of reading glasses but rarely wears them, so it takes her twice as long to read.)
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Doesn’t smoke but vapes regularly, mainly blue raspberry. And every few days he will roll a blunt with Phoenix. Although he doesn’t mind the smell of any type.
Is pretty basic when it comes to sweet food, especially ice-cream. His favourite being double chocolate, this also includes most chocolate flavours
Receiving: Will never kiss in public, (Has a reputation to upkeep) but enjoys a more intimate moment. Being all tough and scary on the battlefield leaves him melting in your embrace instantly.  Giving: Still a fan of intimate kisses, but also gives rough and romantic moments.
5’4 / 165cm (Though his hair adds an inch, making him 5’5 when it’s styled.)
26 years old
Especially in his last few teenage years he got a lot more ear piercings, though over the years he let them close over, only keeping the one current piercing. (Having 3-4 more.)
His fashion sense isn’t terrible, but it isn’t amazing either. Since the protocol pays their agents well, Yoru pays the more expensive pieces but they aren’t good looking, as long as it looks cool (only to him) and most of the time blue he’ll buy it. This has caused other agents (Phoenix, Jett and Neon) to try help his fashion sense.
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brewing-radianite · 5 months
tier list of val agents on the topic of napping
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illubean · 4 months
The Orange Theory
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Characters: Valorant Protocol except for a few of them Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
I was eating an orange and thought of this <3 if any of these are ooc forgive me I'm going solely based off of what I interpret from the game
Warnings: idk last one can be a lil angsty?
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❥ These agents would peel your orange for you without a second thought. As a matter of fact, they'd make sure to get rid of all the stringy bits left behind from the peel. Hell, they'd probably even feed it to you! They're sure that their lover gets only the best, sweetest, peel-less orange and would peel a thousand more over just to make you happy.
-Gekko, Harbor, Jett, Neon, Phoenix, Raze, Skye
❥ They're not to sure why you can't peel the orange yourself but would do it for you regardless. It was a simple enough request of them, why would there be a need to complain? Maybe they don't go above and beyond all the time but they love you enough to complete the tasks you ask of them.
-Brimstone, Cypher, Deadlock, Fade, Iso, Killjoy, Reyna, Sage, Sova
❥ Why would you ask them do so something so trivial? Can't you tell they're busy? They have no time to do anything as silly as peel an orange for you, they have much better things to do. Seriously, why can't you just do it yourself?
-Chamber, Omen, Viper, Yoru
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aamircoeur · 2 years
more random valo hcs
jett is the type to kiss a wound after adding bandaid on to make it "heal faster"
the first time that phoenix tasted boba (suggested by jett), he was surprised to taste and accidentally swallow the, and i quote, "small slimy balls" in his mouth so he accidentally spat them out to brimstone
chamber knows how to make paper cranes
yoru has the messiest bed hair, and only omen has seen it so far. not that he cares, really
killjoy has this small notebook filled with small infos and doodles of agents in the protocol. she draws brimstone with devil horns all the time.
chamber wears lip gloss to make him shine more, he says.
astra wears galaxy-colored contact lenses sometimes!
fade's the first one to laugh when someone trips or hits their head on the doorframe. followed by reyna and breach.
omen listens to songs quite oftenーsoft, gentle, and slow songs are his favorite when his day's uneventful.
breach ties his hair using with ties that have bows sometimes. none of the agents know where he got it from
skye's hair is so unbelievably fluffy.
killjoy asked brim if she could braid his hair this one time. spoiler: she couldn't.
yoru and neon watches anime together; they binge watch naruto and kuroko's basketball during their day offs
sova knows how to sew
viper observes how sage heals others with slight envyー she misses being people's healer more than she'd like to admit
phoenix's go-to pose during pictures is 😄👍
there's a huge picture frame of everyone in the protocol hung on their living room. they change it every time a new agent joins in
raze had a justin bieber phase
yoru and jett listens to EXO ! their fave songs are growl and call me baby.
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darlingmisa · 2 years
Valorant hcs pt. I
heavily inspired by @hvstias :) requests are also open so lmk if you guys want more !!
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Brim will purposefully “forget” to replace the coffee pods just so the agents will drink Cyphers tea whenever they have their silly little arguments
She’ll never say it, but Fade considers Astra her closest friend in the protocol
Yoru and Phoenix feed off of each others ego. It’s like fuel for an endless fire
Viper never shows it but she cares a lot about Reyna and genuinely worries for her constantly. (Will a lot of times leave little gifts at her door that might remind her of her sister)
Phoenix isn’t allowed to cook. Not because he burns things, but he eats as he goes and will end up with no food for anyone else.
Everyone loves Jett’s food. There’s never leftovers. Never.
The fire alarms don't work. Phoenix kept setting them off so Brim gave up and never replaced the batteries.
Everyone knows not to pass by Killjoy's lab while her and Raze are tinkering... its like a slash zone of paint.
Chamber has flirted with everyone in the VP at least once. Even Kay/o.
Yoru is scared of moths. One time one flew up his nose and he's been terrified since.
Cypher and Sova regularly play chess together. Sova has yet to win.
Sova hates coffee but makes a cup every morning to take to Viper if he notices her lab light is still on from the night before.
Brim misuses slang way too often for anyones liking.
Cypher treats KJ like his own daughter, she doesn't really catch on, but he's always looking out for her. (this u canon and you can't tell me otherwise)
Fade has a kitten in her room. No one knows where she got him from, but omen knits little sweaters for him.
They all definitely forget to put the Christmas tree up until like, the week before.
Fade has horrible night terrors, KJ made a little white noise machine to help. She wont admit it, but it really does calm her prowler at night.
Skye wasn't kidding, she will drag the others out for her 4am runs. Even Brim.
Jett can fall asleep anywhere. Sometimes during an extra boring meeting you'll hear her head lightly hit the table. Dont even try to wake her up, she could sleep through a tornado.
Yoru claims he can heal up without Sage, the only reason he goes is because she blackmails him with the fact that one time he called her mom.
Neon cannot have caffeine. She's already got enough energy.
Kay/o "naps" to pass time. he's not really asleep, but his display board is shut off, like he's closing his eyes but still alert.
Sage and Reyna sometimes meet up on the roof at night to drink tea and stargaze.
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aphelicns · 2 years
Some valorant agent’s age headcanon that somehow makes sense :
astra: 25-30 (prob 26)
brimstone: 45-50 (idk just that old)
cypher: 30 (or older?)
fade: 25 or 27 (because she has so many experiences)
reyna: 30. she’s a mommy for sure.
killjoy: 23
jett: 22-25
sage: 25-30 (probably 28)
sova: 32 (?)
viper: 35 (a total mommy)
raze: 25
skye: 26
neon: 19 (for sure)
phoenix: 24
yoru: 25
chamber: 30
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mezzy-1 · 7 months
Pick The Last Spot
There's like 2 spots left on my list, anyone not here is already getting headcanons so don't worry. I left out Killjoy and Raze too because it feels weird to go against a canon relationship as well as Astra and cause I didn't have room. Comment if you want her, or just comment in general with stuff I like to know what people are thinking :)
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thedeepstate69 · 10 months
FadeShock hc’s cause I love them (also some FadeShockStorm)
They’re love language is napping. If anyone in the protocol is looking for Fade or Neon and they cant find either of them they’re usually away cuddling somewhere.
Neon likes to get up early to go running and Fades clings onto her for dear life because Neon's warm
It took them a while to get close physically (hand holding, cuddling, ect) since Neon was so afraid that she’d hurt Fade
Fade is fucking hopeless in the kitchen. Before the protocol she survived purely off of instant noodles, coffee, and whatever she could find at the nearest store.
Neon moves A LOT in her sleep so Fade usually wakes up to see her girlfriend half off the bed with a leg in Fades face.
Fade knows all the names of Neon’s teddys 
Fade tells Neon stories about the stray cats she befriended back in  Türkiye
Neon fell first but Fade fell harder
They take bubble baths together and one of them always ends up falling asleep
FadeShockStorm hcs:
Fade and Neon got together first but they both had a bit of a crush on Jett
Jett, at first, only thought she had a crush on Neon but Fade started subtly flirting and Jett just melted
Whenever they all share a bed Fade is in the middle, Jetts snuggled up to her and Neon is just sprawled across them
Neon and Jett call it their Fade sandwich 
Jett gets flustered super easily and Fade finds it hilarious
It was actually Fade that invited Jett into their relationship (after talking it through w/ Neon ofc)
Whenever one of them is on their period it’s just top tier pampering from the other two
If two of them are out on a mission the one left at base will send the other two some spicy pics and enjoy their reaction once they get back
Fade got so offended when Jett called her mirror a weirdo and Neon had to step in and be like but u r a weirdo babe??
I just think they all love each other
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sovas-bow-string · 2 years
Chamber hates sand more that Anakin Skywalker.
Neon put a handful down the back of his shirt on a dare from Jett and Phoenix once and he just straight up killed her with his headhunter.
Sage was not a happy mom.
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limitlessimagines · 2 years
Their Radiant fear
[we get a little angsty - cheese]
Astra: looking into the Astral realm isn’t for the faint of heart. Some days the other side wants to talk to her, and maybe they hold onto her a little too tight.
Fade: she won’t delve into the price she paid to have Nightmare’s partnership, but the screams and begging in her sleep give the other Agents an idea.
Jett: once lost control and floated higher and higher into the sky. She was able to calm herself down to get back to the ground with about an inch of her life.
Neon: she took out an entire city block’s power without trying. Landlines and cell tower’s didn’t work. Motor vehicles crashed into each other. Power lines fell onto the ground. She’s very adamant that the inhibitor stays ON.
Omen: he’ll never forget the fear in the eyes of the people closest to him. The way they looked at him like he was a monster. This was only with his bindings and cape on. He won’t even begin to entertain the idea of how they’d react without it on.
Phoenix: he used to be the hotshot prodigy of theatre school. Then he was a literal hot kid. The one who’s face was plastered in the newspapers for burning it down during First Light. It was the first time his powers manifested. It wasn’t his fault… right?
Reyna: without souls to feed on, she becomes weak. She’s tried to find alternatives, after her young sister saw her do it. But nothing comes close to satisfactory. She has no fears about becoming something frightening. She just doesn’t want her sister to see her as a monster.
Sage: it hadn’t occurred to her that giving something or someone life would mean she had to take it from somewhere. She still hasn’t recovered from when she had to decide between her parents.
Skye: the one time she needed her healing powers to work, it failed her, and it haunts her to this day. That’s why she’s the first to jump up to heal someone, no questions asked.
Yoru: prior to getting his mask, he travelled between points without it. And he got stuck. In real time, it was just under a week, but for him, who knows how long. He came out shaking, disturbed, and completely disheveled. He doesn’t talk about it, and snaps when it’s brought up. He never teleports without his mask now, and refuses to if he doesn’t have it.
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darkwaltz-blog · 2 years
Hi! Idk if you still do requests, but may I please have some yandere!Australia hcs or a scenario (you pick)? Thank you so much! <3 💐
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From the moment Jett developed an obsession with you, he wanted to get close to you immediately. He is someone quite outgoing, so he had no problem fulfilling the role of the "perfect friend".
He usually does a lot of bad things behind your back, and the worst thing is that you never find out about them. He will always be a nice and carefree guy to you.
His jovial personality makes it easy for him to manipulate the environment. Jett is smart enough to plan scenarios involving you and others:
-The invitations to attend the social events to which you were invited never reached you. -Your cell phone was lost and you can't contact your friends or family until you buy a new one. -Jett lets you know the terrible comments that others were saying about you.
His obsessive attitude towards you gradually shows itself to the point of alienating you from your friends and family, convincing you that he is the only one who will always be there for you and is the only thing you need in this life.
As soon as you reach your most vulnerable point, Jett takes advantage of it and convinces you to flee with him to his country, where you will only be by his side without anyone harming you.
Australia is a vast place, full of dangerous spaces that no one in their right mind would dare to explore; It wouldn't be hard for Jett to hide you somewhere where only he can have access to you.
He doesn't usually worry much about chaining you or locking the doors, you're in the middle of extensive vegetation full of deadly animals! You're more likely to die outside than being by his side.
It's a pleasure to have you alone for him, especially when you followed him of your own free will. He doesn't have to force you to love him, nor does he need to punish or discipline you, everything went according to plan.
You will live your whole life as the victim of a perfectly executed lie.
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t-posing-ibuki · 1 year
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We Edensposting today.
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illubean · 4 months
Valorant Masterlist
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The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Sugar and Stardust If You Need a Muse Rainy Days Clay and Crushes Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids From Spite to Sunshine Jealousy is Green Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
The Orange Theory Valorant Protocol with Kids Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes Mr. Arrogant
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