#have I mentioned how much I LOVE getting that kind of feedback? 😄
elitadream · 5 months
I don’t know how but you have made Mario hot.
Oh have I, now? 😏 I bet it's the jaw. People always comment on the jaw! 😂
As the artist though, I so hope on some level that it has something to do with his gaze and the way he carries himself in my art as well.^^ I find characters who appear genuinely kind and helpful in a very non-assuming way to be significantly more attractive than any other. 🤭💘 Compassion and openness massively contribute to one's friendliness and charisma imo, and it's something that I always aim to emphasize whenever I draw him. 😌💫
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personasintro · 1 year
Mimi!!!!! Thank you sooooo much for the wonderful New Year's present!!! I was so happy when I saw that MH55 was out. You are awesome!🫶🏼
I really don’t think that this will be interesting for you to read, but I just need to get this out so here are my two cents...
This was an interesting chapter to read, full of fluff and sweet moments that I fully enjoyed even though I usually prefer angsty scenes. And tbh the ending took me a little by surprise. But before I start I just wanted to quickly mention that Tae and Yoongi scenes were sooo good! I loved how sweet and caring Tae was, and YOONGI HUGGED Y/N??? Whaat??? Both scenes were awesome! Anyways I did expect Jungkook to be the first one to try to approach y/n and I was so happy when he did, bc honestly I feel like y/n would have taken a forever to do that. I know that many people in the comments were judging y/n for not being ready to talk and panicking, but I for one understood exactly how she feels. I’m actually glad she took her time to sort out her thoughts and have the talk when she felt ready. That’s why I was so happy to read the wrestling part (Maya knew what she was doing😏), which imo kind of eased things even more.. and the “I won’t let you fall”…. Ohhh for the first time since the argument it felt like the old times and that was just so heart-warming to read.. And I have no idea whether it was intentional or not, but someone in the comments already pointed out that those words “I won’t let you fall” felt like sth more than what it meant at the time. Like when she slipped on the rocks and Jk caught her – he didn’t let her fall again. This whole thing just felt a bit more whether it was intended that way or not… and then when jk got drunk and they ended up cuddling, it made me so happy. He was soooo cute and I really missed reading scenes like this. It felt like that reassurance she was asking for earlier – that everything will be okay no matter what happens. And then the ending…… I was really happy to see how they both finally opened up and talked it out and all the time I kind of wanted them to take a little break, but when she actually proposed it I was like “ouuff I don’t know about this”😄🥲. And imo Jk did seem hesitant about this, but agreed anyway.. From now on things can go in many different ways and it excites and scares me at the same time.. Because if there really are romantic feelings between them and this helps them to realize then I get the feeling that jk would be the first one to say something. Either way, I hope that one of them will say something. But if they realize they want to stay friends…. It’s just like you said in one of your asks – it was nice while it lasted, but ngl it would really f*cking hurt..😞
Anyways I’m just gonna sit here and try my best to manifest a really nice realization scene or sth like that in the next chapter, which I’m already excited about.😄
I am so, so sorry that this was so long. Take your time, rest, and have a wonderful day/night.🫶🏼💜🫂
55 is a weird mixture of angst and fluff, I’d say, among other things lolol and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the scenes with Yoongi and Taehyung!!
I’d like to think of jk knowing she would take her time to approach him & him knowing she’s having a hard time and that’s why he took the first step 🥲
I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed so many scenes in this one! Thanks a lot for your feedback, you guys know I love hearing your thoughts and all that, so this was fun to read 🥰
Thank you for continuing to read this story & enjoy the ride while it lasts 🎢🤍
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revesvagabond · 1 year
I'm SO glad I asked you this followup question! I've been racking my brain and getting all anxious about this since the day I got the reading and just thinking and thinking. (Sorry, I'm just an overthinker and suffer from extreme anxiety, lol).
BUT, what you clarified for me was even BETTER!!! 😄😄😄😄
"It is incredibly likely you will eventually move away, but it could be before you meet your future partner. Or you meet them in your home country and then make the decision to move to their home. Or you travel out of country and meet them and then later move away. Or situations like that."
All this, is perfect! I absolutely do not mind any of these scenarios, or anything else that you mentioned in the reading. I actually loved all of it!! I have no qualms about the "how" or what happens first - me moving or me meeting my FS. I just want both to happen, someday, and possibly sooner than later. 😊 As long as it does happen, I'm a happy goose :)
I had been getting worked up unnecessarily thinking what it could be that we got in the last reading. I'm so thankful to you for clearing it up! And so thankful to the Universe too for pushing me to ask you again coz I was hesitant as I didn't want to impose on you coz you had already given me a wonderful reading :) Thank you sooo much for the reading. Thanks a lot again for your kindness and time and energy 🙏💓☺️
Thank you for taking the time to give more feedback! I'm really glad you asked for clarification too. I want to make sure I get my point across and I'm happy you gave me the chance to do so. I also don't wanna give readings that cause stress!! (Even if sometimes readings don't give an overly postive message). So thank you for reaching out again :) Good luck on your journey and I hope you get to continue being a happy goose ^-^
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beccasissy69 · 2 years
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Goddess wanted me to do a write up for the end of “Love Month”. This is trickier than my usual post because it’s very internal and almost completely focused on what I’ve been feeling so hopefully it won’t read too much like a lot of unconnected thoughts 🤞. 
First up the easier part, some of my sessions have been incredible! The BBC/chocolates one, the c*mshot/squirting dildo and deep lesbian kissing really stand out (oh and the twink.guy married couple too). They hit me so deep and hard (😂 innuendo not intended!), as I mentioned in the write ups they ran late and I had to take time to recover after them before I did anything else. 
When Goddess told me it was Love Month, as it’s February, I had some expectations of what it would be like. Less sexual content and more romance, maybe some romcoms and romance novels? But very near the start it was clear that it focused more on loving myself (again, no innuendo!).
The first time this really hit me was the session where I was watching lezdom videos, playing with a toy and had a mirror next to my screen so I could see myself. I never really see myself like that and I’m not even used to thinking about myself in that kind of position either.
Seeing it, seeing myself react and how natural it all was really made me feel more in touch with myself. A big part of it was the feedback, where my face doesn’t match what I’m feeling, so I smile more or try and look sluttier. 
It’s a good lesson to learn because if I’m on my own I’ll have a tendency to focus on what’s inside but this helped me to ground things more and makes it more real.  
For most of the sessions, when Goddess has been talking to me about them beforehand she also took some time to explain how the theme applies to the  session. So as an example, when she was telling me about the super deep lesbian kissing and using a dildo, she spent a few minutes talking about how if someone is kissing you like that, it means that you are worth being kissed like that! 
Reading it back, it seems an obvious point but it would never have occurred to me to look at it from that perspective and when I was doing it, it felt like it made a huge difference. Like I was worthy of what I was watching.  
Even I could see how it applied to some of them, so the “guys helping crossdressers” galleries I looked through is pretty clear but even here, Goddess pointed out that it also helps me to get comfortable with feeling that guys won’t be scared seeing me as me (and getting to watch some tender JAV crossdressing videos afterwards didn’t hurt 😄).
I had a chat with Goddess after my last session of the month and she was talking about how at some point, it becomes about needing more than just hookups and that seeing a couple holding hands or lightly kissing will be enough stimulation for me. She’s mentioned this kind of thing before a few times in passing and I’m long past the stage where I really doubt her when she says things like this, but when we were chatting it struck me how big the difference is between believing something and starting to feel it happen.
Like when she would talk about it previously, I’d kind of nervously giggle but this time when she talks about a guy wrapping his arms around me I could feel the blood rushing to my face and I’m like OMG, I need this. 
It’s seems quite weird to say things feel more grounded and real and also more fantastical and far reaching but here we are!
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sithisreadingcorner · 2 years
Omg hello Sithi!!! How are u doing? I just opened my tumblr after a week lol and I truly felt glad when I saw the notif from you! 😄 So here I am writing immediately for the feedback coz why not hehe. First off, my FS seems to be a reallyyyyy nice person huhu. I also have some of the qualities you mentioned about them. And for the acts of service as their love language? Omg I do get this a lot and we do have the same love language, but I also love giving gifts hehe. AND OMG, for the additional message, yes I was sooooo worried/stressed about something for some time huhu mostly related to my studies and those signs and synchronicities I'm getting about this certain person lol. But now, I'm getting ok and taking my time hehe. Again, thank you so so much, Sithi!!!! Your time, efforts, and advice are really appreciated 🌻 please stay safe and warm, and enjoy the holidays!!! 🤗
Ooooh welcome back MINP I hope you are enjoying your December so far!! I appreciate your feedback so much. It's always the best news to hear that the readings could help.💗Taking your worries one step at a time sounds like a really good idea. Sometimes you just gotta let things come at their own pace. And I really hope that things will work out between you and your FS, it seems like you have a ton of chemistry!! I think, if two partners have a compatible love language thats half the success in a relationship already lol.
Thank you so much for the kind wishes 😊 Have a wonderful holiday season!!❄️
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elitadream · 6 months
I am incredibly serious when I say I have the biggest crush on your Mario. Granted, I have mad a crush on him since I was about 4. But your Mario makes me feral.
Oh Anon, you don't know how happy this makes me! 😍
I always make a conscious effort to pour as much gentleness, compassion, selflessness and humility as I can into Mario's characterization and present him in a way that feels both genuine and comforting, so to hear that my version stands out to some of you really means a lot to me! 🥹
Be it for the elements I've mentioned or purely his visual aesthetic (I also love when people tell me they find my Mario handsome! 😄💕), that kind of feedback is always an absolute treat to get and I highly thank you for it! 😁
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