#happy belated Tragedy Thursday
We all know that Leon probably dies not much longer after Honey. Probably a few months. Enough time to make sure everyone's going to be alright (Trick situation: the kids were always going to be alright without their parents).
Selina is angry/jealous that her brother and daughter can see her parents at will. She ignores that they have to kill themselves to do it. Sure he can conjure them, but she's conflicted about that too.
Sunny becomes obsessed with visiting Honey at least until Leon dies. He uses the guise of Klaus. He wants to keep her for himself. Sometimes he presents himself as a little boy or a teenager to make up for all the grief he put her through with his addictions and disappearing for two years.
Nikolai takes their deaths harder than anyone expected. ESPECIALLY Leon which takes Selina by complete surprise. He finds it hard to communicate what it is that is causing him so much grief, but it's really because Leon's been his dad longer than Sergei ever was. Leon always told Nik that he was very easy to love.
Luther is also devastated. Leon and Honey were his first friends outside of the academies. Actually they were Sloane's first friends too. And it was reciprocated, Honey did not have actually confidantes outside her sister and Leon until she met Sloane. They were both worried the other would judge them on their pasts.
Funny enough, I suppose this is the same situation for Diego and Lila too?
Irina and Lev and JT are the most ok with everything. Their period of grieving is far shorter than their parents and uncle and great uncles/aunts.
Leon's heaven is just a dingy flat in White Chapel above a Greek restaurant and Gracie with the flowers in her hair.
Now your turn: Jess and Ollie and their family's reactions 🥹😮‍💨
😭 I love this, but also hate it. Why would you do this to me?
Jess and Ollie have a similar timeline actually.
They live well into their eighties, or maybe even nineties (probably nineties. I like the word nonagenarian better). Time to not only meet but really have relationships with grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Jess dies first. Of something slow enough that she has time to say goodbye, but not painful. Just age?
Of the next generation, I think the three that take it worst are her middle daughter, her and Ollie’s son, and Sean (after all, she was something of a mentor figure for him for most of his life, and their similar interests kept them close. Although actually I think he takes the years leading up to her death, where age has stopped her from being able to take pictures anymore harder.)
Her eldest daughter is very stiff upper lip about it, and feels like it’s her job now to take care of the others, and she only cries after she’s sure her siblings, cousins, and their kids are all okay.
Cormac probably handles it best out of them, both because he met her later in life which gives them a unique relationship, and because of his scientific approach to things. (Plus if he’s anything like his father, he has the chance to talk to her again.)
I have no idea on the grandkids and great grandkids. Some are devastated, others take it better.
Ollie dies within a year. Suddenly in his sleep.
His official cause of death is a heart attack, but everyone in the family knows that it was actually a broken heart, it just took a while. 
The family is equally saddened, but are able to take comfort that they’ll be reunited.
This is the one that gets their eldest and youngest daughters, the latter probably at some point begs any/all of the folks in the family that can to bring him back, so they can have one more conversation, one more hour with him.
(I tried to think of how Selina and Nikolai would feel, if they outlived their other halves, but I think that is too much pain. 
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tc-doherty · 2 years
Happy (belated? But IT IS Thursday where I am so it counts) blorbo blursday!
Tell me abt your blorbos in general- this is like the first time I stumble upon your blog :D
Hello!! Always love to meet new friends, but don't worry it's still Thursday here too~
My characters in general, huh? Well I have a bunch of different projects but I can give you some overviews.
Most of them are some kind of LGBTQ+, I don't necessarily talk about it with those terms in the source material because I write fantasy and I don't think those terms fit. But it should be obvious from their actions and thoughts. Basically everything I write is gay, that's what I'm here for, but none of it is about being gay. I just write books with gay characters!
With female characters I especially enjoy writing about women who are relatively even-tempered, they're calm and levelheaded no matter what's going on (and it's fun to find out when those characters lose their calm demeanor too). I also really like writing about very ambitious women, women who are ruthless and focused and manipulative, I just think they're neat. Sometimes they're the villains, but not always. Actually, not even most of the time hahahaha
With male characters I really like writing about men who are very kindhearted and sweet, very soft. And I like writing about gay emo disasters.
With any gender I have a good time writing characters who have very flamboyant, larger-than-life personalities. People who are purposely very dramatic and always having a good time. And I like writing about characters who are very devoted to someone or something.
These are just general rules, of course, my characters' personalities aren't necessarily divided along gender lines. These are just things I particularly like doing.
Sometimes I write tragedies, because I'm into that, but not most of the time. Most of my books will also feature some kind of romance as part of it. My big thing with romance is that I like to write characters who each provide something the other person is lacking, so that they are more complete together.
My books focus very heavily on my characters and their relationships with each other!
I don't want this to get too long but you can find my character archive here and a (long) intro to most of my projects here. I'm happy to talk about things in more detail!
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Now to answer the question that @misskittysmagicportal apparently actually meant (which makes way more sense, I’m just dumb and tired) with this ask and then I promise I’ll be done with tragedy for the week: How do Jess and Ollie and their kids react to losing the Kostas family Matriarch and Patriarch?
Jess does her best to be a rock when Honey dies. It hurts, but her best friend needs her, and Selina has been there for her through so much, it’s only fair she finally return the favor
She also worries about Sunny. A lot. She may not be in love with him, but she will always care deeply about him, and she knows how much his mom meant to him. And how self-destructive he can be.
Losing Leon is harder on her. It feels like having one of the legs of your chair break (weird metaphor but go with me). You’re still able to function but the stability and comfort are gone.
To Ollie, losing Honey creates a void, an empty gap where she is supposed to be; not having her there feels just plain wrong. She was a force of nature and it feels impossible for her to be dead. 
She was somewhere between friend and mother-figure to him, so he’s almost not sure how to mourn her. 
Leon is easier on Ollie. Not for any particular reason, it just happens that way. He’s heartbroken of course, and sometimes he still starts to call or mention to Jess that they should ask Leon if... before he catches himself
But he doesn’t fall apart. Maybe because he remembers still too sharply the pain of losing his Dad, and while Leon was a very very good man, he wasn’t Timmy Sway. 
He probably ends up being the one taking care of all the others (Selina, Nikolai, Jess, the kids, maybe even Sunny?) with the day-to-day things like reminding them that no matter how much it hurts or how much they don’t want to they need to eat, sleep, etc
To their kids, both losses feel like the end of the world. Honey and Leon are the only grandparents they’ve known. And they were so beloved, so special. It feels like they’ll never recover. 
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