#hangyul locks
prplocks · 3 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: ʙᴀᴇ173
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Two psychopaths in the entire series lol, far worse than serial killers
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You felt like you were going insane and losing your mind trapped with Hangyul and Eugene, you despised them for stealing you from your life and your family. You regretted the day you ever met them and if you could change the time and course of your actions, you'd do that but unfortunately, the time and tide doesn't wait for anyone. You hated the way how Eugene and Hangyul coordinated with each other and found out everything about you and even had Eugene's brother Yuseong spy on you and give them daily updates on what happened in your life. By the time you found out about the secret cameras they installed in your room and in your own house, you felt sick to the core. You felt like screaming and slapping them across the face for doing something that repulsive to you. You knew it would be a stupid idea to contact the police, you knew what these psychopaths were capable of and the last thing you needed was for them to ruin your life further. Even though you found out what Hangyul Baek did in his hospital and found out about his secret of trapping people in cells where they never saw the light of day again, sometimes you felt like that would be a far better option than having to endure Eugene and Hangyul on a daily basis
You got down from the bed and walked into the living room, the dim lights and opulent furniture along with the beige walls and the carpets would have given you a homely feeling and looked aesthetically pleasing to the eye since you remembered saving tons of pins like this on your Pinterest boards, you had no idea how far these lunatics would go and they actually ended up furnishing the living room to your liking. You'd honestly be flattered if you weren't kidnapped and if you didn't feel like a freaking hostage. You looked around the room cautiously trying to detect any movement as you heaved a soft sigh of relief to yourself. Those lunatics weren't around, perhaps you could try leaving. You mapped out an escape route for yourself, the door was a bad idea since it had a digital lock that could only be opened from the outside and no doubt they both used some kind of high tech level security to prevent you from opening the door. The window was a no go for you as well since they were smart enough to have iron bars on the windows. But the balcony was a good shot, you knew there was a ledge down the balcony and if you could just manage to get down to the ledge and be a bit careful in climbing the pipeline to the ground, you'd be able to escape! You felt an adrenaline rush course through your veins as you felt a surge of excitement, something you hadn't felt in since a long time and you rushed to the balcony door and tried to open it but no avail. You grumbled under your breath and looked around for a way to break open the balcony door, unaware of the secret cameras that were watching your every move and action. The walls did indeed have eyes and ears
"How adorable, she's trying to escape'' said Hangyul as he chuckled and showed the footage of you trying to open the balcony door on his laptop to Eugene who had an amused smirk plastered across his face. The both of them shared the same look of malice glinting in their eyes and the way they had a sadistic smirk on their faces as they watched you trying to open the balcony door of fruitlessly. "What a naive little thing she is...she doesn't know we're watching her every move. But I'm rather hurt you know, we did so much for her and yet she feels like running away like the naughty little girl she is'' said Eugene as he sighed and had an expression of mock sadness on his face. "You don't actually think she'll leave...do you?" asked Hangyul as he looked at Eugene with a stoic look on his face. Eugene simply chuckled and shook his head. "You have the habit of worrying too much...but she won't. We won't allow that to happen... and our little sweetheart needs to know about the consequences of her actions as well'' said Eugene as his smile disappeared and a dark look crossed his face. Hangyul's expression darkened as he narrowed his eyes at the mere thought of you escaping from them, a thought both of them never wanted to entertain. Now that the very thought of you wanting to leave them was forming in your head, they had to squash it and nip it in the bud before it would get too out of hand. "Let's give our little sweetheart a surprise visit'' winked Hangyul as Eugene let out an amused chuckle as the both of them were on their way back to the residence where you lived with them
Meanwhile you were still trying to find something to break open the balcony door with so you could escape. After a few moments of fumbling around, you finally managed to get the balcony's sliding door open as you heaved a sigh of relief and you peered downwards to see if it would be safe for you to jump. It wasn't too steep but wasn't exactly too close either, you could manage, you just had to be careful. The last thing you needed was for you to end up with a broken ankle or some broken bones which would prevent you from escaping from these psychopaths who held you hostage for so long that you lost your sense of time. You entered the balcony area and as soon as you got ready to jump, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you back inside as another hand closed the balcony door shut again and you felt the hope die inside you. You were so close, yet so hopelessly far away from your freedom. You looked at Eugene and Hangyul with a resentful expression on your face as they both stared back at you with cold and stern expressions, their usual smirks long gone
"Why would you attempt to do such a foolish thing, my dear?' asked Eugene, his voice was soft yet his tone and the look on his face indicated that he wasn't playing games with you at the moment. "You're quite the foolish little thing you know...you could have gotten hurt. We're supposed to take care of you and love you and this is what you do. You need some disciplining sweetheart'' said Hangyul as he stared at you with his soul piercing stare which sent shivers and chills down your spine. The fact that they weren't smiling anymore indicated that they were really pissed off and you felt a cold sense of dread settle inside you. "I...I wanted some fresh air'' you mumbled lamely as you fidgeted nervously. You mentally cursed yourself for uttering such a silly excuse, you felt like you should have come up with something better but the severity of the situation didn't ease your nerves
"Tsk tsk...sweetheart, you know I hate liars'' said Eugene as he narrowed his eyes at you and he lifted your chin with his index finger to make you look at his cold stern gaze which didn't calm your nerves any. "You know...we do so much for you and yet you behave like a little brat. You need to be punished. You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions sweetheart'' said Hangyul as a sickly smile was plastered across his face which made the bile rise to your throat. "Wh...what do you mean?" you asked them as your heart raced madly and hammered wildly out of pure fear from their words. You felt your blood run cold, this was the first time you've known fear as you stood in front of two monsters who were very much capable of making people's lives hell. "Don't fret for now, naive darling...just rest. Everything will be clear soon'' cooed Eugene as you felt a prick in your neck and you could feel your vision and consciousness reducing. The last thing you remembered was them kissing your cheek before you managed to fully black out in their arms
You woke up a few hours later and you instantly knew they'd injected some kind of sedative to make you feel drowsy and weak. You could still feel the after effects which made you groggy but you were still able to decipher and comprehend what was going on around you and needless to say, you were not liking the situation one bit. "Ah...how wonderful, you're awake my dear...now, we know you might have been feeling a bit lonely and bored, which is why we'll play a nice game. A fun one which we think you might enjoy'' said Hangyul with a smile on his face, that didn't match the sadistic gleam shining in his eyes. "What do you mean?" you asked hesitantly as you looked at them with fear in your eyes. They both loved the way your pretty soft lips quivered in fright from the mere sight of them, it gave them such a rush of power as they found it rather endearing and adorable
They led you to the living room and made you sit in between them on the couch as they switched on the TV and 3 of your best friends were in a white room, blindfolded and gagged and tied up as your eyes widened in horror. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? LET THEM GO!" you screeched on top of your lungs as you glared at both of them. "You look so adorable when you try to be intimidating my dear, but you need to understand that your actions have consequences...'' cooed Hangyul as he had a sickly grin on his face and stroked your hair gently. "You know...I've always despised your pathetic little friends. They're like flies you know...but I don't really blame them for wanting to be around you, your personality is sweeter than honey...of course, we aren't really THAT heartless either, my dear...'' said Eugene as he smirked at you. "We'll give you a choice, since we're feeling...merciful at the moment. We simply cannot stand seeing you so upset...'' whispered Hangyul as his lips teasingly brushed against the nape of your neck
"What choice?" you asked as you raised a brow apprehensively. You REALLY did NOT like where this was going. "A choice for you to save one of those annoying little pathetic friends of yours. Which friend is more dear to you? Which friend would you be willing to save to be able to sacrifice the other two insignificant little pests'' asked Eugene as his smirk widened when he saw you squirm and look uncomfortable at the situation. They both loved it when you started squirming and felt pleased that they had such an effect on you. "Are you both insane? I won't choose between my friends! Please, let them go! They have families, they have their lives to live for! I'm the one who should be punished, I'll accept whatever punishment you give me but leave them alone'' you pleaded with a desperate expression on your face. "How endearing, you have such a noble heart...'' laughed Hangyul as his tone was laced with slight mockery and amusement. "How noble indeed but no, my dear. They've also had the audacity to get close to you and look at you and be with you...time's running out my dear. Choose before we choose for you. Tick...tock...'' said Eugene as he held your hand in his while you stared at the TV screen in front of you with tears streaming down your face, the fates of your dear friends lives resting in your hands
"Please don't do this...please...I'm begging you'' you whispered as you sniffed and more tears ran down your face. "You need to learn your lesson my dear. Now choose'' said Eugene with a slightly stern voice as you shook your head. "Not to worry then, we'll pick for you'' spoke Hangyul as he pulled out a remote and pressed the number 3 on it. The room in which your friends were trapped in glowed red as the number 3 was visible on the wall. A few men with masks grabbed one of your friends and twisted your friend's neck and you could literally hear the sound of their bones snapping before they fell down to the ground limp and lifeless. "NO!" you screamed as you flailed around and tried to escape from their strong grasp but no avail. "Please let them go! Please...'' you pleaded as your tears continued to flow. "Awww...darling don't cry...this is for your own good you know'' whispered Hangyul as he kissed your tears away and Eugene caressed your other cheek with his cold fingers in a nimble manner
Eugene pressed another button on the remote as the room glowed 1 and you could see the men in the masks drag your other friend and they pulled out sharp knives and stabbed your friend till the ground was covered in a crimson pool of your dead friend's blood while you watched on with horror, angry at yourself for being so pathetic that you couldn't save your friends from their deaths. "You...you said you'd spare one at least. Please just spare the last'' you pleaded weakly, hoping against hope that they'd concede and give in. "Hm...let us think about it for a moment'' mumbled Hangyul as he tapped his chin playfully as Eugene spoke "I don't think they really deserve it though...would you like to do the honor?" asked Eugene as he handed the remote to Hangyul. You tried to snatch the remote from his hand as Eugene restrained you by pulling you onto his lap and caged your body with his arms while you struggled to free yourself from him. The button was pressed and the last of your friends fell down to the ground lifeless and dead as a single bullet to the forehead painted the ground of that room with the spilled blood of your dear friends
You sat there still and motionless as you just witnessed the deaths of your dearest friends and hated that you were powerless to stop it from happening as silent tears streamed down your cheeks and you trembled slightly. "We would never hurt you my love...I hope you've understood your lesson now and the consequences of your actions...'' whispered Eugene as they both kissed your cheeks, sealing your fate to be with them forever....
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stillm0nster · 6 months
2 / 31 december writing challenge - holiday edition! ft. @mndstom. 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 : cuddles, five more minutes, soft kisses.
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after  one  of  the  craziest  shifts  he  had  gone  through  the  previous  night,  hangyul  was  finally  home,  only  wishing  he  could  sleep  off  his  tiredness.  with  the  first  snow  present  and  the  low  temperatures,  he  was  feeling  a  little  under  the  weather  as  well.  after  showering  and  putting  on  some clean  clothes,  he  dove  under  the  blankets  where  chaeyeong  was  still  peacefully  sleeping.  hopefully,  she  wouldn't  need  to  wake  up  early and leave just when he got comfy beside her.  he  couldn't  recall  if  she  had  schedules  or  not,  his  brain  was  too  fried.
it  was  sometime  in  the  afternoon  when  hangyul  felt  his  girlfriend  move,  stirring  him  awake  as  welln due to the fact she was sleeping in his arms by now.  his  hold  around  her  tightened  and  he  mumbled  a  'five  more  minutes'  as  if  he  was  already  told  to  leave  bed.  no,  he  wanted  to  just  stay  like  this,  cuddled  up  with  her  under  the  warm  blanket.  what  he  heard  were  her  giggles  and  the  familiar  feeling  of  her  fingers  combing  through  his  dark  locks.  ah,  just  how  much  he  loved  that.  " i'm  not  going  anywhere,  silly. "  she  confirmed  which  had  him  smiling  from  ear  to  ear.
for  a  few  more  minutes,  which  to  him  felt  like  hours  just  because  he  was  so  comfortable  and  content,  she  moved  again  this  time  successfully  escaping  his  embrace.  it  was  only  a  few  minutes  chaeyeong  was  gone  until  she  was  back,  hangyul  fully  awake  by  now  to  notice  the  little  frown  on  her  face.  " now  why  is  that? "  he  said,  holding  both  his  hands  out  to  her  as  she  climbed  into  bed  again,  falling  into  his  arms.  " i'm  starving... "  she  mumbled  against  his  chest  and  he  laughed  in  return.  in  fact,  he  was  quite  hungry  too.  " what  are  you  in  the  mood  for?  do you want  some  eggs  and  bacon?  hmm,  sounds  delicious,  doesn't  it? "  he  couldn't  cook  a whole dish but  he  could  at  least  do  so  much  as  to  cook  some  eggs  and  bacon  on  the  pan. 
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after  a  few  more  minutes  of  being  laid  in  bed,  the  two  finally  got  up.  hangyul  stretched  his  arms  above  his  head,  feeling  like  he  had  the  best  sleep  in a while.  he  wished  he  could�� spend  the  rest  of  his  life  like  this,  with  her.
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rowonlgc · 5 months
FLY HIGH › @lgchangyul › CW: DEATH MENTION
  “we were banned from flying kites.”
  rowon says this nonchalantly, as if he’s just talking about the nice, breezy weather they’re having. the colourful kite goes for a nose-dive. he tugs at the tail to stabilize it.
  “they were my grandfather’s pride and joy. he dedicated his entire life to making them – sometimes he’d lock himself in his workshop so we wouldn’t see him for days. that’s where we found him. took my family a week to check in, and by that point, he’d been dead for a while. our way of dealing with that guilt was to destroy everything. all of his life’s work, everthing he’d crafted and kept, we burned. we weren’t allowed to fly kites after that. i was three, so this is my first time.”
  ah, nothing like a little trauma-dumping as they’re enjoying a leisurely activity. except. none of it is true – not a single detail. he just made the story up because he’s well, bored.
  “how about you?” rowon asks then, handing hangyul the kite handle. “first time flying?”
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kiwibomb · 5 years
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hangyul lockscreens!!! please like or reblog if you save it!!! 🐤
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x1palette · 5 years
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produce x 101 lockscreens [X1]
+locks agora com 3 dos membros oficiais do X1! ainda to na fase de aceitação com o nome porem acredito que os meninos vão se sair muitoo bem
que eles consigam um bom debut e que tudo de certo nesses longos 5 anos irra ^^
be kind pls ♡
like or reblog if you like 🍋
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷  hangyul ; simple + edit ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @iamoureuxz_
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
@ryu-edits​‘s alphabet week challege! letter h
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kpoplocks-web · 4 years
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. .☁️ x1 wallpaper › ♡
➭ like or reblog if you save
➭ requests are open
- mika;
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haenamx1 · 4 years
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whale-minmin · 3 years
Mafia!X1 reaction to their S/O escaping
Genre : yandere
tw : strong language, abuse, obsessive behavior
Seungwoo :
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· He knew you would try running away sooner or later, so he put a tracking chip on every piece of clothing you have
· He just opened the tracking app, immediately seeing your location
· “Bring my them back. What a silly kitten..”
· He'll grin widely and hug you when his men capture you and return you home
· “I missed you so much, kitten~ But, do you think that your stupid actions won't have consequences? Then you're fucking wrong”
Seungyoun :
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· He'll find it funny that you tried to escape him, the biggest mafia boss in South Korea who had connections practically everywhere
· He found you within just a hour, ready to welcome you back with open hands
· “You're back, Y/N~ Did you have fun on your little trip? Well, it ends now”
· He'll leave you half-dead and crying in the cold, empty basement
Wooseok :
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· He'll find it highly annoying and unnecessary
· You know well he's going to find you anyways, so why bother? You're only wasting your and his time
· He'll just have his men find you and bring you back to him
· “Was it worth it? God, you're so stupid sometimes..”
· He'll strenghten the security and get more guards, tired and sick of your constant troublemaking
Yohan :
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· He'll get a bit scared, hoping he can quickly find you before you can get hurt
· He would never be able to forgive himself if something was to happen to you
· When he finally found you, he'd be close to tears
· “Y/N, baby, let's go home.. Please.. I don't want to force you”
· If you deny, he'll have to throw you over his shoulder and bring you back himself
Hangyul :
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· It'd highly annoy him, but he wouldn't be really worried
· He has you wrapped around his finger
· He knows you can't live without him and even if his men don't find you, you're going to crawl right back to him
· “Stupid kitten. Why can't you just learn?”
· He'll break you even more, manipulating and torturing you
Junho :
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· He'd be so worried, thinking he's never going to see you again
· He wouldn't show how scared he is for you, ordering his men to instantly get you back
· “You're in trouble.”
· He'll lock you in your room, depriving you of any food until you apologize to him
· “..Please don't do that ever again”
Dongpyo :
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· He'll get so angry when he finds out you're gone
· He gives you the best life you could ever have and you escape from him? Just how selfish are you?
· “Find my Y/N. I don't care what it takes.”
· After you return, he'll make sure to make you regret trying to leave him
Minhee :
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· He'll sigh, very irritated by your actions
· He'll simply get his men to find you, not wanting to waste his time looking for you
· “Are you proud of yourself, Y/N? You know i'm always going to find you, why even try?”
· He's going to teach you a long, painful and tiring lesson
Eunsang :
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· He'll immediately send his best men after you
· He needs to find you. He needs to, and he won't stop until he does
· He'll be scared and nervous inside, just wanting to have you back
· “I'll never let you leave me again”
· He'll kill the stupid guards who let you through and hire new ones
Hyeongjun :
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· He'll panic, instantly sending his men to find you
· What if he never sees you again? What if you're completely gone? What would he do?
· He's both scared and angry, the two emotions firing up inside him
· “Where the hell were you? Don't leave me again..”
Dohyon :
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· He's angry. So damn angry.
· But he needs to find you no matter what
· He'll make sure you can never escape him again
· “You're coming home with me right now. Do you want me to drag you there?”
None of the gifs are mine!
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
《 Member x Reader Masterlist 》
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All of the following works belong to thirsty-x1 on tumblr. Replication of the works in any form such as copying, stealing, plagiarising and translating is prohibited. All works are fiction unless stated otherwise.
Requesting rules
[S] = Smut
[F] = Fluff
[A] = Angst
✧ = Personal Fave
Han Seungwoo
Sub!Seungwoo [S]
Don’t Lock Me Up I [S] ✧
Don’t Lock Me Up II ft. Wooseok [S]
Midnight Softness [F]
Thriller Night [F]
Undoing [S]
Crimson Lace [S] ✧
Get On Your Knees [S] ✧
Hug Me [S] [F]
Resist It [S]
Crush On U [F] [S]
Boys/Boys/Girls ft. Seungyoun [S]
Birthday Wish [F] ✧
Desire Play [S]
Trust Me [F]
Tulips [F] [-S]
Ice Cream Lick [S]
Neighbors Know My Name [S]
midnight meal [F]
[Untitled] ft. Seungyoun [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [F] [A] - coming soon!
Cho Seungyoun
Sucking Seungyoun Off [S]
Wish You Were Mine ft. Wooseok [A]
Get Her (Back) ft. Yohan [F] [A] ✧
Body To Body [S]
Two Is Better Than One ft. Hangyul [S] ✧
Patience Is A Virtue [S]
Surprise Bet [S]
Boys/Boys/Girls ft. Seungwoo [S]
Muse [S]
Take Me Over [S]
Lazy Love [F] [S]
Thirsty [S]
Too Much [S]
[Untitled] ft. Seungwoo [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
Kim Wooseok
Wish You Were Mine ft. Seungyoun [A]
Focus On Me [S]
Night Cravings [S] ✧
Daddy Issues [S]
Bad Hyung [S]
Undisclosed Desires [S]
Don’t Lock Me Up II ft. Seungwoo [S]
First [F]
Sexuality [S]
Walking In The Winter [F]
Cheese & Wine [S]
[Untitled] [F] [S] - coming soon! 
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
Kim Yohan
The Interview [S] [F] Part I, Part II
Solo [S] Part I, Part II - coming soon!
Get Her (Back) ft. Seungyoun [F] [A] ✧
Teach Me How [S] ✧
Thoughtless [S]
My Good Boy [S] ✧
Love at First Chat [F]
Heat Me Up [S]
Self-defense [F]
Lesson Learned [S]
Come To Me ft. Hangyul [S]
Angel [F] [S]
Don’t Make Me Wait [S] - coming soon! (1)
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
Lee Hangyul
Prove Me Wrong [S] [A] [F]: Part I, Part II  ✧
Two Is Better Than One ft. Seungyoun [S] ✧
Game On [S]
Game Over [S]
Cherry On Top [S]
Make My Day [F]
Work For It [S] ✧
Future Love [F]
Come To Me ft. Yohan [S]
Play Me [S]
Sunrise [F]
Baby Can I [F] [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] [A] - coming soon!
[Untitled] [S] - coming soon!
Hyung Line (All)
Five Is Better Than None [S]
I’m Here For You [A] [F]
Last updated: April 4th, 2020
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s3ungyoun · 4 years
❝my eyes want you more than a melody❞ [single dad!seungwoo x reader]
genre: smut, fluff (?)
warnings: explicit language + content, age gap, unprotected sex, it’s kinda soft ngl 
word count: 4.4k
a/n (please read 😭): sorry for being so inactive!! exams + personal issues have been killing me lately. i’ve been sitting on this au idea for a couple months and i finally finished it so i wanted to post!! comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. i feel like this has a lot of unnecessary build-up until the smut which i usually don’t do, so pls let me know if u like it this way or not <3 ty pls enjoy
Seungwoo was untouchable.
Disregarding the fact that he was sinfully attractive and unbearably kind (aka, way out of your league) — he also just happened to be the dad of the child you babysat most weeknights. Harboring a crush on an actual father was not exactly ideal, yet you somehow managed it anyways. 
It was the little things, really, such as the way he would ask you to stay for dinner in his honey-like voice, or how his long, slender fingers looked as he ran them through his hair, rousing it in the process. Or maybe even the way he would always give his son a goodnight kiss, melting your heart as you wished he would give you one too.
“What are your plans for tonight?” your friend Yohan asked, snapping you out of your reverie. 
“Hmm? Oh, I’m watching Dongpyo.”
At that Yohan let out a slight chuckle, leaning back in his chair and mockingly raising his brow at you. Your crush on Seungwoo was painstakingly obvious to everyone except for him and Dongpyo (which you constantly thanked god for, seeing as the child couldn’t go a day without running his mouth). Seungwoo and Yohan were close family friends, and Yohan had actually assisted you in getting the job — unable to watch Dongpyo himself due to his busy schedule. Being a broke college student, the job was practically magical; the pay good and hours more flexible than other jobs available to those your age. Which was exactly why Seungwoo was so untouchable. You needed this job, and the thought of ruining it over a simple crush haunted you through every interaction. 
“The fact that Seungwoo-hyung hasn’t noticed obsession with him yet still amazes me.”
“Shut up,” you groan, glaring at him. “I’m not that obvious.”
“You look at him like you want to get railed.”
“And? I do.”
Yohan scrunches his nose up in disgust. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that.” 
Picking up Dongpyo from school was something you enjoyed immensely. The walk home was spent with the 7-year-old ranting about his day, whether good or bad, and you nodding your head as if you totally agreed that his classmate, Minhee, was selfish for stealing his crackers during snack time — or whatever petty drama elementary students dealt with. 
Today, Dongpyo had gotten in trouble for talking back to his teacher, and you couldn’t help but coo at his pouty expression, reaching out to pat his head in sympathy. 
“Just follow her orders next time. Then you won’t get put in time out.”
“You don’t understand!” he whined, shaking his little fists. “She was wrong, I just wanted to correct her! She’s so mean to me.”
Chuckling, you turn to grab the child’s hand as you both cross the street, soon arriving to his and Seungwoo’s apartment building. Dongpyo switched the subject as you rode up the elevator, now telling you about Hyeongjun’s epic birthday party. This was the best part of your day — bonding with Dongpyo. While Yohan and Hangyul assumed you only liked the job for the perk of talking to Seungwoo, you did genuinely enjoy his son’s company. Not only was he adorable, but funny and warm-hearted as well, all traits you assumed he inherited from his father. 
The apartment itself was clean and sleek. While you had initially been surprised at the size of it, you quickly learned that Seungwoo’s job, whatever it was, paid quite well. 
Despite the apartment’s organization, Dongpyo’s toys still occasionally littered the floor, and you were careful not to accidentally step on a lego or break one of his precious toy cars. On days he felt especially active he would ask you to play with him, but for the most part he studied and stared at his iPad.
You were grateful for his low maintenance. Even though Seungwoo was gracious enough to work with your class schedule, you still arrived home late, leaving you barely any time to complete your assignments. Sometimes you wished the job was a little more demanding, Seungwoo a little harsher — because maybe then you wouldn’t feel the way you do.
Seungwoo arrived home a couple minutes earlier than usual that day, and you perked your head up at the sound of keys jingling in the lock, Dongpyo excitedly jumping up from his place on the couch to run towards the door. 
“Daddy!” he yelled, bouncing up and down while waving his arms as a signal for Seungwoo to pick him up. The father complied, his previously weary eyes sparkling in delight as Dongpyo nuzzled his face into his chest. 
“Was he good today?” Seungwoo asked.
“Well...” you began, glancing at Dongpyo. Noticing the pleading look on his face, you quickly changed your expression. “He was great! As always.”
Even if Dongpyo had decided to act up, you never quite felt like telling Seungwoo — seeing the smile come off his face as he solemnly disciplined his child broke your heart more than you wanted to admit. That, mixed with Dongpyo’s unresistable pout, usually kept him out of trouble. 
Seungwoo smiled. “Of course he was, I’m sure you keep him in check anyways. You don’t want to bother our precious babysitter, do you Dongpyo?”
Your face flushed, color lighting up your cheeks as Dongpyo giggled in agreement. “Y/N is the best!”
“Mm, she is, isn’t she?”
Letting out a slight chuckle, you pick up your things, simultaneously wanting to go yet dreading having to leave. Seungwoo puts Dongpyo down and turns towards you.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” he asks, and you feel your heart leap a little. Dinners with Seungwoo weren’t extremely common, yet he did invite you to stay every once in a while It was rare that you took up on his offer, however, too worried you might embarrass yourself in some way that would haunt you for the remainder of your life. Besides, you were busy as well. 
“Ah,” you looked down. “I actually have a lot to do. Thank you, though!”
A flicker of disappointment flashed upon Seungwoo’s face, but he was quick to mask his dismay, nodding and wishing you farewell as you walked out the door. 
There were few sensations in the world that made you feel breathless, as if you were peacefully falling; a moment of tranquility yet exhilaration. Seungwoo smiling was one of them.
“Why don’t you just talk to him?” Hangyul suggested, thumb scrolling through his twitter feed as he laid haphazardly across your couch.
“Yeah, Seungwoo-hyung is nice. He’s not going to fire you for having a crush on him.” Yohan agreed.
Whining, you scowled at them. “How do I even approach that? ‘Hey, father of the child I’m currently making sure doesn’t die, I think you’re hot.’ No, that’s stupid. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
“That’s kinda good actually. Brief, but gets the message across. Maybe don’t reiterate the fact that you babysit his kid, though.”
“Wait,” Hangyul interjects. “I have an even better idea.”
“Which is?” you prompt.
“I’ll make a shirt that says ‘Please Fuck Me.” You can wear it next time you go over.”
“Ooh,” Yohan exclaims. “Subtle. I like it.”
You throw a pillow at them. 
It was Monday, and Dongpyo seemed to be even more talkative than usual on the walk home. You zoned out slightly, occasionally nodding and mumbling one-word responses as Dongpyo continuously blabbered. In a way, you felt bad, but you had too much on your mind to listen to the seven-year-old complain about his teacher — no matter how adorable he was.
Dongpyo, however, sensed your wavering attention, tugging on your jeans while pouting slightly.
“Y/N,” he whined.
“Yes?” you asked, finally looking at him.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Eyes widening comically, you laughed while crouching down to his level. “No, I don’t. But why would you ask that?”
His pout turned into a smirk. To be frank, you were quite scared of Dongpyo at times — despite his innocent face, he always seemed to be planning something. “Well, Daddy said you were pretty, and Uncle Wooseok told me that when you think someone’s pretty, it’s because you like them.”
“I don’t think your dad said that, Dongpyo.”
“It’s true!” He yelled defensively. “Daddy thinks you’re pretty!”
Standing up, you reach to press the elevator button, ready for the conversation to be over as you head up to Seungwoo’s place. “Whatever you say.”
The walk into Seungwoo’s apartment is met with cries of indignation from Dongpyo, the younger still upset by the fact that you don’t believe him. Rolling your eyes, you shush him, hands coming up to rub at your temples. Your head had started to hurt due to the loudness of Dongpyo’s yells, each hour passing by slowly as you attempted to finish a paper due the next day despite Dongpyo’s words still ringing in your mind. Lying was not something he partook in. While the child did have a big mouth, everything he said was true to a certain extent.
Soon enough, Seungwoo is unlocking the door, Dongpyo jumping up and repeating the same scene that had occurred only days ago. It was heartwarming, really, how much the two loved each other. Basking in the affection in front of you, you completely forgot about Dongpyo’s words from earlier — until he decided to blurt it out.
“Daddy, you said Y/N was pretty, right?” 
“I—,” Seungwoo blinked, startled. “Where is this coming from?”
Blushing again, you were quick to stammer out a response, internally thinking of ways to escape the situation. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer him, he was just saying nonsense earlier—”
“She doesn’t believe me! I told her you said it, and she doesn’t believe me! Tell her I’m not lying, please.”
“Dongpyo,” Seungwoo sighed. “Why don’t you go to your room and play with the new toy I bought you, hmm?”
“But daddy—”
“Go.” He said sternly, watching as Dongpyo stomped down the hallway, lightly slamming his door in protest. 
Stuttering, you motion towards the door, slowly getting up. “Um, I think— I think I should go now, see you tomorrow?”
He focused his gaze on you, smiling faintly when he noticed the blush on your face. “I’m sorry about Dongpyo, he really has no filter sometimes.”
“Oh,” you said. “Don’t worry about it. Kids just have a good imagination.” 
“He wasn’t lying.”
This — this was where the lines truly blurred. Sure, Seungwoo had always been overwhelmingly kind, and at times a bit touchy, but he had never been so blatant before. There were moments of uncertainty, moments in which you wondered whether or not he felt the same way. Of course, you still weren’t sure, but you were at least aware of the fact that he thought you were pretty. And that simple statement was enough to keep locked in both your heart and mind for days or weeks on end, only opening the vault when you felt like further exploring your supposedly delusional fantasies.
You’re quick to leave after that, using the excuse of your paper as you practically run out the door. Once in the elevator, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
Maybe, just maybe you were a bit more delusional after what had happened. But when Seungwoo invited you to stay over for dinner that Friday, you didn’t deny him. 
The dinner itself was good, and Dongpyo talked throughout the whole ordeal, excitedly chattering about the field trip his school had taken that day. You couldn’t exactly pay attention to the food or Dongpyo, however, too flustered by Seungwoo’s constant stare. At first, you were worried that you had accidentally gotten something on your face, but after a quick trip to the bathroom, you determined that he was simply staring for no reason — staring at you.
As the night calmed down and Dongpyo went to bed, you were almost scared of what Seungwoo was going to do. Clearly, he had something to say — or he wouldn’t have stared at you like that. But what exactly was it? Had he found out about your crush? Were you going to be fired? Your stomach churned anxiously at the last question, fingers toying with the rips in your jeans as you sat on the couch, waiting for Seungwoo to return from Dongpyo’s bedroom. 
“Sorry about the wait,” he said as he sat down next to you. “Dongpyo wanted me to read him a bedtime story.”
You internally cooed, your mind immediately picturing the scene: a tired Dongpyo, desperately clinging onto his father as Seungwoo’s eyes filled with adoration, laying him down and—
Snap out of it, you reminded yourself, instead attempting to focus on what new jobs you could apply for when you got home. Maybe a barista?
“So,” Seungwoo started. “I wanted to talk about Monday, but I haven’t gotten the chance without you running out the door.” At that sentence he chuckled nervously, seeming almost as apprehensive as you. 
You gulped.
“I’m sorry if my comment made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t my intention, and I’m fully aware that it’s not my place to say things of that nature to someone who—well, someone who watches my kid.”
“It didn’t,” you stammered, “It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable or anything. I was just, surprised? I guess. I don’t really expect someone like you to think someone like me is pretty.”
He glanced into your eyes, fingers reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of your face. They finally settle on your cheek, and as his thumb strokes your chin, it feels like the air is being sucked out of your lungs, your chest constricting with each movement. “Y/N, you’re very pretty. You’re beautiful. If you weren’t so young and Dongpyo’s babysitter, I would—,” he stops. “Well, that’s not important.”
“You would what?” you implore, subconsciously scooting closer.
His eyes lazily drop down to your lips, and you’re certain that he can hear how fast your heart’s beating. Uncertainty lingers slightly in the air, clouding the mood and making you briefly wonder if this was a good idea — if this was going to ruin everything. You have hardly any time to be nervous, however, as Seungwoo is quick to close the gap between the two of you, molding your lips together. 
It wasn’t rushed nor heated, quick nor sloppy. It seemed to be a perfect meld of everything that is Seungwoo. From the way his fingertips gently combed through your hair, the way his other hand had settled protectively at your hip, or the faint aroma you caught of his cologne — everything somehow pieced itself together to portray his want, to portray the ache he had felt after pining for you all these months. 
You’re the first to pull away, breathing slightly laboured as you both stare at one another, each waiting for someone to speak. You’re not sure why, but every doubt you’ve ever had, every single moment of regret you’ve faced, has somehow been released into your mind. As if a dam had burst, you’re quick to jump up from your spot on the couch, refusing to look Seungwoo in the eye as you hastily took your leave.
You had fucked up.
“So, just to make sure,” Yohan said. “He said you were pretty, kissed you, and then you left?”
“Yeah, sounds about right.” 
“Are you fucking stupid?”
You let out an indistinguishable groan, words muffled by your pillow. “Clearly.” 
“I don’t understand your thought process. The man you haven’t shut up about for the past year basically tells you he likes you back, so your first thought is to ghost him?” 
“It’s not that simple!” You yell defensively, strangely resembling Dongpyo in the way you whine.
Yohan sighs in annoyance. “Explain then! What’s not simple about it?”
“First of all, he has a whole child. He’s also a lot older. 
“He’s not even 30.”
“Still! I’m probably too immature for him.”
“Doesn’t he get to make that decision though?” Yohan asks. “If he thought you were too immature for him, he probably wouldn’t like you in the first place.”
Grumbling, you turn to face him, face adorned with a scowl. “Can you stop being annoyingly right for one second? God, it’s suffocating.”
Yohan shakes his head. “If him being a single father bothers you, don’t do anything. But I know you. You love Dongpyo, and you obviously like Seungwoo-hyung too. If the only thing holding you back from pursuing this is the fear that he won’t like you, then, well, you’re even dumber than I thought.”
“I know,” you sigh. “But I kinda already messed everything up, don’t you think?”
“Seungwoo-hyung’s more forgiving than you think. He’s probably just as confused and anxious as you, wondering what he did wrong.”
The gears are slowly turning in your head as you calculate when you can talk to Seungwoo next. It was a long weekend, meaning Dongpyo had gone off to see his mother, and you were off work until Tuesday. While you weren’t quite sure of Seungwoo’s work schedule on the weekend, you still mustered up the courage to go and visit his apartment anyways, Yohan’s words lingering in the back of your mind. 
Tension radiates off your body as the elevator slowly climbs to Seungwoo’s floor. A small voice in the back of your head tells you that this is a bad idea, that it will only result in heartbreak and tears and having to find a new job. But there’s a bigger part of you, a part that is simultaneously fueled by your heart and whatever words of encouragement Yohan managed to give you — and that part leads you to Seungwoo’s door, it leads you to raise your fist and knock on it, and it leads you to step inside. There’s no turning back now, no excuses or hasty exits. Instead, it is you and Seungwoo, finally alone.
He’s the first to break the silence, offering you a drink as you tells you to sit down. You politely decline, making yourself comfortable on his couch, mind reeling back to the events that took place on it a mere two days ago. 
“I shouldn’t have kissed you, it was wrong of me to do so. If you no longer want to work here I understand, and I’m sorry for overstepping any boundaries. I just— I guess I just read the moment wrong, and I’m sorry for that.”
“Seungwoo,” you said softly. “You don’t have to apologize, I kissed you back. I guess I was just a bit overwhelmed with...everything. I like you, I really do. And I’m sorry if you don’t feel that way, if you just felt like kissing me for no reason and you don’t want me to work for you anymore. But—”
He cuts you off. “Y/N, I do want you to stop working for me.”
“B-but not because I’m mad or uncomfortable or anything,” he laughs nervously, scratching at the back of his head. “I like you too. But that’s kinda hard when you’re, well, my employee.” 
“Are you firing me?” you ask teasingly.
“Do you want to be fired?”
“I want you to keep liking me.”
“Well then, yes, you’re fired.”
Giggling, you bat your eyelashes at him, “Can I at least get a goodbye kiss, then?” 
The kiss is heated this time, Seungwoo’s lips fervently pressing against yours as both of his hands trace your hip bones, moving slightly up and down your lower body. Yours are quick to mold themselves into his hair, gripping softly while his tongue coaxes your mouth open. Urgency is replaced by passion, and any hesitation is swallowed with every movement Seungwoo makes. Slowly, he lays you back against the couch, hovering over your flushed body as he continues his ministrations.
You’re the first to push things further, legs spreading out in order for Seungwoo to situate himself between them, the older man practically enveloping your entirety. As if they have a mind of their own, your hips bucked up to meet Seungwoo’s, a strained moan leaving his mouth at the contact. He’s quick to reciprocate, grinding down into you like a touch-starved highschooler. It’s almost sweet, the notion that you can turn Seungwoo into a groaning mess. But you suppose he has the same effect on you. 
Pulling back, he begins to leave soft kisses on your neck, biting softly when you let out a sigh of encouragement. There’s no doubt you’ll have marks the next morning, but at that moment, you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
Soft kisses and nips soon trail further down until he reaches your chest, Seungwoo immediately looking up at you for consent to continue. You nod, but he seems dissatisfied by this, shaking his head while letting out a hum of disapproval.
“Use your words, princess,” he orders.
“Please, Seungwoo. I want you to touch me.”
“Where do you want me to touch you, sweetheart?”
“Anywhere,” you whine. “Just please.”
He smirks at this, fingers tugging at the edge of your shirt as he lifts it off, unbuckling your bra as well. You’re a bit embarrassed — being so exposed — but the anxiety is quickly washed away by his awestruck gaze, Seungwoo leaning back up to resume kissing you as his hand gropes your breast, relishing in your gasps of pleasure when he lightly pinches your perked nipple. His other hand focuses on undoing your pants, making quick work of the buttons and zipper. 
The two of you briefly break apart in order for Seungwoo to take off your jeans as you almost rip away his shirt. If you were to look in on the both of you, it would seem as if you were starved — two lovers reunited after a painstaking absence. Instead, you were simply hollow, desperately clawing at the other for a sense of love and passion.
And indeed, you both found what you were looking for.
Both of you were stripped down to your underwear, yet no hasty movements were made. It was that moment again — that moment of tranquility yet exhilaration. The moment that was only ignited by Seungwoo’s smile, by Seungwoo’s voice, by Seungwoo. And right now, it was being ignited by the feeling of his fingers delicately tracing your core, your panties practically soaked with each circular motion. Slowly, he pulls your underwear down, tossing them across the room somewhere. Digits circling your hole, Seungwoo pushes one finger in, taking delight in the wanton moan that escapes your lips. 
“More,” you beg, hips moving to meet the thrust of his hand.
Seungwoo complies, pushing in another finger and attempting to scissor your open. The movement of your hips becomes more desperate when he adds a third, and you’re quick to warn him of your impending orgasm.
“S-stop,” you tell him shakily.
He pulls his fingers out, worriedly glancing up at you to make sure you’re not in pain. “Are you okay?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”
Shaking your head, you point to his hard length pressed against your thigh, practically throbbing with need. “No, just wanna come with you inside me.”
At your statement he smirks, thumbs hooking around the waistband of his underwear and pulling them off. Your eyes widen slightly at his size, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Seungwoo, who leans down and kisses you ardently again, hands taking hold of your thighs in order to spread your legs apart and position himself between them.
Gripping the base of his cock, Seungwoo rubs the head against your folds, collecting your wetness while effectively teasing you. 
“Oh my god,” you whine. “Just fuck me already.” 
With that, he thrusted into you. The stretch was slightly painful at first, but Seungwoo had accommodated for it accordingly, giving you a second to adjust before he pulled almost all the way out, plunging his hips into yours again. Your breasts bounced with each snap of his hips, hands reaching out in hopes of finding something to grab onto you. Seungwoo notices this, intertwining his hands with yours with a look of both adoration and lust. 
“You feel so good wrapped around me, princess.”
You could only moan in acknowledgment, your brain foggy and disoriented from the pleasure. Releasing one of your hands, Seungwoo reached down to rub your clit, causing you to clench around him.
“Shit,” he mumbled. “You’re so tight.”
“Seungwoo, faster,” you whimpered, close to reaching your high.
His hips seemed to move at double the speed, drilling into you while you babbled incoherently, letting out small praises and loud gasps. Everything was overwhelming in a good way, each one of your senses being overcome by Seungwoo’s movements. His brow furrowed in concentration, and you could tell that he was close too, leading you to purposely clench around him. 
“Don’t, ‘m gonna come.”
“Me too,” you said, clenching again. His thrusts became sloppy, fingers lazily circling your clit as you both rode out your highs. The sound of labored breathing and racing pulses filled the room as the two of you basked in the afterglow, only breaking apart once Seungwoo pulled out and a light squeal of sensitivity was heard from you. He stood up, leaving to grab a warm washcloth and returning with fresh clothes. 
Sighing, he looks down, “We probably shouldn’t have done this on the couch.”
You let out a giggle, smiling warmly at him as he cleaned you up and dressed you, ensuring that you were fully comfortable before laying down again, positioning you to lay on top of his chest.
“You don’t regret anything, right?” he implores, anxiously gnawing at his bottom lip.
“No,” you affirm. “I told you I liked you, didn’t I?”
“Mmm, you’re right. It’s settled then, right?”
You look up at him curiously. “What exactly is being settled?” 
“That we like each other. That you no longer work for me. That— that I want you to be mine.”
“Yeah,” you smiled at him. “It’s settled.”
Letting out a sigh of content, he visibly relaxes. “Good.”
“But, who’s going to babysit Dongpyo now?”
“Hmm,” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head. “You should do it for free as my girlfriend, don’t you think?”
You could probably get used to that.
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hwayoungscorpioshin · 4 years
Filthy Rich, Spoilt Rotten | sixteen
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Summary: Seungwoo covers up corruption and you are an activist in your spare time.
Also known as Seungwoo’s life as your employer
A week ago...
“Are you fucking kidding me?“ Lee Dongwook hurls the glass of bourbon to the wall. It crashes immediately, leaving a stain of brown liquid dribbling down the floor.
He combs his hand through his hair, breathing hard. Hangyul notices the tips of his father’s ears are red in anger and takes a step back instinctively. This reaction is unexpected. In fact, if he’s being honest, he has never seen his father react this harshly before. The urge to ask what’s wrong threatens to overcome him, but self-preservation dictates that he leave now. So, that’s what he tries to do until his father takes notice of his presence.
“What do you want, Hangyul?“ his father growls.
The sound sends shivers up his spine. This man suddenly feels like a stranger.
Dongwook walks around the desk to approach him and Hangyul almost bolts out of the room. Still, a big part of him tells him to remain where he is, unless he wants to make his father angrier than he already is.
“What the fuck do you want, Hangyul? I’m busy.“
His father easily towers over him and he steps back ever so slightly just so he doesn’t need to look up so much, “Seungwoo hyung called. He said—”
“Your brother cost us twenty-five billion won,“ Dongwook hisses, “Twenty-five billion!“
Hangyul pales. He has just gotten off the phone with his older brother and while he knows that Seungwoo has failed with something, he has no idea that much money has been involved. That’s more or less three percent of all of their net worths combined. Sure, it sounds like it won’t make much of a dent in their business but the fact that that much money has been lost not because a deal has fallen through but because it has been taken into police custody shows how grave exactly the situation is.
“Has...has anybody talked yet?“ he stutters. His father’s rage might be petrifying right now, but Hangyul doesn’t plan on waiting what else will unfold if the worst happens.
Dongwook shakes his head. “I don’t know,” he walks back to his desk to take his phone, “No one’s answering my calls and the men working for our friend, Tony Yu, have all been detained by the police. They haven’t made any calls outside since.”
“I thought Seungwoo hyung was supposed to take care of that meeting?“
“Every single one of the men on that port were booked by the police except for your brother. Once he gets back, take him straight to me. He needs to explain himself.“
Hangyul’s blood runs cold. “What are you saying, dad?“
His father turns to him darkly and he feels sweat breaking on his forehead.
“Just get it done, Hangyul,“ Dongwook snaps.
There’s no point in arguing with him, Hangyul realizes. So, he simply nods, “Okay, dad.”
It’s already nightfall by the time Seungwoo gets back. Seungyoun and the others have tried asking Hangyul about what has happened, but he can’t bring himself to even speak the words. So, he chooses to stay silent until he hears his older brother go through the gate. A part of him wants to rush down the driveway and turn Seungwoo away but a bigger part of him wants to see this through and to see the truth for himself. Hangyul knows, if he doesn’t find out what has happened this morning, his mind will never be able to get some peace and quiet.
Seungwoo gets out of the car with none of that confident aura he usually has. His collar is rumpled, hair disheveled like somebody has run their hands through it a couple times. Normally, this is Hangyul’s cue to tease Seungwoo because he looks exactly like how anyone would look like if they had some old-fashioned fun in the car on the way there, but this isn’t a normal night. So, Hangyul waits for another door to open until he has waited too long and still, nothing happens. 
“Are you gonna keep standing there, Gyul?“ his older brother’s voice snaps him out of it.
Hangyul turns to him, “No assistant tonight, hyung?”
“No,” Seungwoo gives him a straight, no-nonsense look, his voice hard.
He puts both his hands up in the air not much unlike how Seungyoun does and shrugs. “I was just asking, hyung,”
“Right,“ Seungwoo bites, “Where’s dad?”
Hangyul breaks eye contact with him, whether because it feels like he’s bringing him to his execution or because he has seen neither his eldest brother nor his dad become furious until tonight, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he just wants to get this night over with so they can finally go back to the family they used to be.
“He’s in the study,“ Hangyul answers, “I’ll go with you.“
This stops Seungwoo in his tracks. Gone is his aggression from before. He now looks worried, and if Hangyul knows his brother any better, he would say scared, but their eldest brother never gets scared. So, Hangyul surmises it must be the lighting outside. After all, it’s already dark.
Seungwoo leads the way — as he always has since they have been children. Hangyul doesn’t mind, either. They have all followed their eldest brother’s lead for as long as he can remember. Strong and confident Seungwoo hyung, Hangyul thinks. He has always been a leader through and through. So, when he turns around with unsure, nervous eyes before they enter their father’s study, Hangyul is alarmed. Suddenly, he is also unsure and slightly afraid.
“What’s wrong, hyung?“ he whispers.
But his brother doesn’t get to answer, because as soon as he starts to part his mouth, the door to the study suddenly opens with their father glaring at the both of them right inside.
“Everything,“ Dongwook growls.
All that jiu-jitsu training and Hangyul still isn’t prepared for what happens next. Seungwoo barely makes a step forward before he is greeted by their father’s fist to his face. He staggers backwards and almost falls over from the impact, but Hangyul braces himself as support behind his brother and eventually helps him regain his footing.
“Dad,“ Seungwoo wipes on his lip and winces, “Calm down.“
They both get inside the study and Hangyul locks the door behind him.
“You stupid, stupid boy!“ Dongwook charges at Seungwoo again, but this time, Hangyul steps forward to stop him.
Hangyul, considerably shorter than their father, visibly struggles to keep him at bay, “Dad, stop it!”
But Dongwook’s anger is unrelenting and soon enough, he slips past Hangyul to swipe at his first born once more. His fists only catch air and this is when the two brothers realize that their father is wobbly and his eyes are unfocused. One quick glance at the tray where he keeps his bourbon tells Seungwoo that their father definitely has had one too many. So, they both approach him and sit him on a chair, albeit his rather faint resistance.
“Do you have any idea,“ their father pants, “what you have done, Seungwoo?“
The sudden defeat in Dongwook’s eyes alarms Hangyul as he stares back to both of his sons. It is only then that Hangyul realizes that it’s not sweat dripping down their father’s neck but hot, wet tears. Now, in all the years he’s known his father, it is only once that he’s seen him cry. Seeing him shed tears right now, all the more tightens the tension that Hangyul has been feeling since this morning.
Hangyul takes a glance at his brother to see if he’s feeling the same, but Seungwoo’s face is as cold as ice, unreadable. His brother takes a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes down their father’s face and neck. Dongwook doesn’t resist, but he can tell that he’s uncomfortable being taken care of by his sons.
“I’ll fix this, Dad,“ Seungwoo finally says when he’s done, “Let me handle it.“
Dongwook shakes his head slowly. Although, Seungwoo doesn’t see because he has already walked towards the door. Hangyul thinks the fatigue from the entire day must have finally caught up to him because his normally broad shoulders now look slumped and petite.
“They’ll come after you,” their father suddenly rasps, struggling on sitting more upright on the chair.
Seungwoo looks back, a determined look dancing on his face, “I know. Let them.“
Hangyul hasn’t slept that night.
Present time...
Sweat drenches her neck and back as she takes the zillionth rest tonight. Her tank top clings to her skin in that annoying, disgusting way only sweat-drenched clothes ought to make, but it doesn’t faze her. Nothing can faze her right now when all she wants is to keep hitting that stupid punching bag until she’s too tired to give anything a second thought. Her mind is a one-way street and nothing can take that away from her right now — or so she thinks.
“That’s enough already, YN,“ a hand stills the sack of sand in front of her.
She almost punches Yohan in the face when he steps between her and the bag. She decides against it, though. His admirers will weep at his pretty face getting all banged up, she thinks.
So, instead, she makes a face at him, “Just one more hour, please?”
But Yohan shakes his head, “You’ve been at it since three in the afternoon. It’s already seven.”
He gives her an incredulous look, “It’s 7pm, YN. What the hell are you thinking throwing punches for four hours?“
“I was...training,“ she finally brings down the fists that she realizes she’s still holding up.
A sharp pain shoots up her shoulders and she almost falls over if not for Yohan bracing himself for support. He wordlessly takes her gloves off and inspects her fingers with her watching his face for any reaction all the while. He has always known her better than anyone else, even better than Minhee, but now she wonders if he can still tell what’s on her mind.
Yohan uncurls her hands and makes a tsk sound when she gasps in pain, “You really never know when to stop,” he comments as he meets her in the eye.
On any other day, she would’ve taken that comment lightly, but right now that she’s at her most sensitive, angriest state thus far, she can’t make herself let go. So, she takes her hands from Yohan and shoots him a glare.
“What’s that supposed to mean?“ she asks, challenging.
The defensive tilt of her chin obviously surprises Yohan and it infuriates her even more when he doesn’t engage, “It’s just that. Nothing else.”
She grabs the gloves from his hands and tries to goad him on, “You meant something more and you know it. What are you saying, Yohan?”
The girl isn’t usually belligerent like this. In all of her bravado in “exposing” the Lee family, deep inside, she’s not a confrontational person. Not really. That’s why she knows her behaviour surprises Yohan right now. As ugly as it can be to admit it, but she can’t really bring herself to care. Not right now. She’s been simmering in anger since this morning and she needs release. So, as he fixes the other equipments in the gym, she follows suit to pester him some more.
“Just tell me, Yohan,“ she sighs, arms crossed against her chest.
It must have been the stale air in the gym or the darkness outside the glass panes or the thought that she might have intentionally wanted to vent all her anger on him because she knows he’ll never get mad at her no matter what but the second Yohan turns to face her again, she sees a whole new side of this man she’s been friends with for so long. And almost immediately, her heart becomes a hummingbird trapped in a cage as he takes a hand to the side of her face.
The girl tries to backpedal, “Fine, let’s just drop it.”
But it’s too late now. Yohan steps closer to her — so close that she can smell the faint scent of his perfume. He stoops down to her level so they are now face to face. The hummingbird in her chest is now trying to peck its way out.
“No, you wanted me to talk, right?“ Yohan asks as his eyes bore into her own.
She doesn’t answer. She is frozen in place.
There is a mix of anger and sadness when Yohan speaks again, “You let yourself fall too hard, YN.”
“What?“ she stutters, confused and nervous.
Yohan still has his face inches away from hers and little by little, she feels the discomfort crawl up her body like a vine. She wants to slap herself. There is no need to provoke Yohan and yet she already has. And now, she doesn’t know what to do.
“You know exactly what I’m saying, YN,“ he whispers.
“No, I don’t...“
Yohan smirks, “Liar. You were so angry a moment ago. Why?”
This time, she finally averts her gaze. So, that’s how it is, she thinks. Yohan notices her reaction. He stretches up and steps away from her still smirking. This Yohan isn’t unknown to her, but he sure is unfamiliar. Especially, because he’s being like that to her. He’s never been like that to her.
Now, it’s Yohan who crosses him arms. “It’s about him, isn’t it?”
“Seungwoo has nothing to do with—“ her hands fly up to cover her mouth but they both have already heard all there is to hear.
Yohan shakes his head in disdain, “You love him.”
He doesn’t say it as a question, but she still gets the need to deny it, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It doesn’t convince him, though. “You love him,” he repeats.
“Stop it, Yohan!“ the girl cries.
“Have the courage to say it to my face, at least,” he whispers, sounding strained, “Say it to the person who has been with you when everyone else couldn’t be there.”
“There’s nothing to say...” her breaths come out in gasps as she clutches her chest and heaves. It’s hard not to start crying but she manages not to for a while.
“Say it to the person whom you have so conveniently taken to your side to give you the love and affection that you craved but couldn’t give back,” Yohan’s voice is sharper, like he’s gritting his teeth, but she can’t know for sure because the second he’s started speaking again, her tears are welling up and she’s choking out sobs faster than she can breathe.
She mumbles something softly.
“What?“ Yohan takes in a sharp breath.
The girl lifts her head up, tears streaming down her face, “I said,” she whimpers, “You’re right.”
Yohan smiles bitterly. He covers a trembling hand over his mouth, but he manages to get out a small “thank you” before pulling away.
For the first time in their friendship, Yohan has turned his back on her as she cries. A part of her wants to beg for him to stay, to tell her everything is going to be okay and that they’ll fix whatever problem it is that they have right now but a bigger part of her knows that’s nearly impossible. So, she lets him leave. She doesn’t even follow her with her gaze. She just stands in the middle of the gym, tears pooling around her feet and she realizes she has just committed the biggest blunder of her life.
She’s fallen in love with Han Seungwoo.
A/N: I wanted to make this longer but school stuff is taking it’s toll and I wanted to post an update already. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!
Also, I’ve been thinking of using 2nd POV in my next fic, 3rd person is so hard to write, I have come to realize. What do you guys think? Would you stlll read it if it’s in 2nd POV? Or do you prefer my works as it is?
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lublycho · 4 years
Is forever a thing? - X1
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pairing: none
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 1.5k
Song rec: Put your head on my shoulder - Paul Anka
From outside the dorm, you could already hear the loud commotion inside. The dolphin-like shrieks of Dohyon, the never ending arguments of Hangyul and Seungyoun, and the rest of the boys talking and laughing like there was no tomorrow. 
You took tentative steps inside when you opened the dorm’s door, careful not to disturb any on-going conversation, because there were many.
There was Seungyoun, sitting beside Hangyul and having a light-hearted argument over a bag of chips. Junho sat not too far from them, mumbling incoherently. He was talking to himself again, you almost laughed as your gaze moved past him. There was Dohyon with his face buried in the fridge as he took out leftovers from last night, piling them up on the kitchen table. 
There was no way he could eat all that in one go, you thought. 
In one of the bedrooms there was Minhee, taking a late afternoon nap, tired after returning from school. Then there was Hyeongjun, trying to wake him up while saying, “Minhee you have been sleeping for 5 hours, wake up now.” 
You smiled at the sight.
In another lounge, you found Yohan teaching Dongpyo taekwondo moves, which he claimed only pro taekwondo athletes were supposed to know. Wooseok sat nearby, his eagle eyes making sure none of the two kids got hurt.
Nearby, busy writing down songs in his diary, was Eunsang. Lost in his thoughts, he absentmindedly looked up to find you standing in the doorway. With a smile, he waved at you. You waved back, locking your lips in a smile. He was about to announce your arrival but you put a finger to your mouth, asking him to be quiet for now. Still smiling you retreated into the hallway, feeling as if you were missing someone.
There was one person you hadn’t seen today.
You went through the dorm again, then again, and then again and yet he was nowhere to be found.
“Looking for me?”
You almost jumped as Seungwoo called out from behind you, a teasing smile on his beautiful face. 
Annoyed as always, you lied, “N-No.”
You tried to hide the blush on your face as he came forward to stand beside you and draped one hand across your shoulders.
“I’ve met so many people in my life and yet you’re the worst liar amongst them.”
He looked down at you and smiled.
You looked up and smiled back.
“They look beautiful, don’t they?”
You didn’t have to explain for Seungwoo to know who you were talking about. The ten boys in this dorm, lost in their own beautiful dreams, who you had come to love dearly. 
Seungwoo hummed in agreement, lightly squeezing your shoulder. 
“It almost makes me want time to freeze and make this moment last forever.”
Seungwoo laughed at that. A soft, melodic laugh that swerved in the air, lingering long enough for you to cherish it.
“I told you once, there is no ‘forever’. All things come to an end.”
But did they have to? You thought. Before you could say anything else, Seungwoo picked up the big boxes of pizza he had stashed near the small table in the hallway. 
“Kids, the food is here!”
At that small phrase, you heard a ruckus of shrieks and stomps of feet as all the boys started gathering in the lounge at their leader’s call. Seungwoo placed the pizza boxes on the center table. You watched as he retreated from there, letting the other boys fill up their plates first and then proceeding to take one slice of pizza only after he had made sure everyone had their share. 
Seungwoo being selfless as always.
“You brought my favorite flavor, hyung!” This was Hyeongjun, his voice stretched out in that cute way.
“And you brought my favorite person,” Seungyoun said, as he stood up and pulled your hands to make you come out of the dark hallway and join their little pizza party. 
“Our favorite person,” Yohan retorted, putting emphasis on the word our as you settled down beside him. 
He smiled warmly at you, taking your hand and squeezing it under the table. You squeezed back reassuringly. 
Before you knew it, Hangyul and Dongpyo had already started bickering about which flavor of pizza you should try first. Amidst their endless quarrel, Minhee silently put a slice of pizza in your plate, his eyes still puffy from the nap he woke up from. 
“Eat up,” he said.
And so you did. 
But instead of focusing on eating, you focused more on the 11 boys around you; Dohyon, Junho, Minhee, Dongpyo, Eunsang, Hyeongjun, Yohan, Hangyul, Wooseok, Seungyoun and Seungwoo. All of them shining. 
And then you recalled Seungwoo’s words. 
There is no forever. All things come to an end. 
Would there be a day when you won’t be able to see these boys smile anymore? Wouldn’t that just be the end of the world for you? Would you survive such a day on which your boys didn’t smile?
It seemed impossible, perhaps because it was impossible.
“You’re thinking again.” Seungyoun’s voice was a whisper in the beautiful commotion, almost lost over the noise, but you found it before it dissipated.
“How come you guys know so much about me?” You looked at him, as he settled in the seat beside you.
He merely shrugged, “I think we’re tied with the red string of fate. You know, like in the movies?” 
But when you looked at him with an unamused face he sheepishly smiled. A minute or two later, he asked, “So, what is it?”
You bit your lips, unable to say what you wanted without an abrupt, unwanted moisture pooling in your eyes. 
“Do you think forever is a thing?”
Baffled, Seungyoun recoiled at the sudden question.
“Seungwoo says forever doesn’t exist, do you think that as well?”
You watched something change in Seunyoun’s face. Gone was the casual expression, replaced by something more serene. He was quiet for a moment or two, thinking deeply about your question. 
“If you want me to be honest, then I’ll say it: I think forever is different for everyone. For me, forever is this moment, as long as I’m here, as long as I’m happy and smiling and beside people I love, everything lasts forever.”
A tear rolled down your cheek, but Seungyoun caught it with a finger, wiping away the stain it left on your cheek. 
“Then what if someone steals this moment from you in the most painful way, and asks you to forget everything and pretend it was never real? To give up all you’ve fought for? All you’ve loved and cherished for so long?”
Seungyoun brushed his fingers across your cheeks. You leaned into his touch.
“Then I fight. And I fight till I bleed, till they take my stupid breath away from my very lungs. I fight for my brothers, and I fight for you. Everything I care about, I fight to get it back.”
“It’s not that easy,” you said.
“When is anything easy?” He smiled, and your heart fluttered in your chest, blooming with possibilities and the will to fight. 
Seungyoun pulled your head forward and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead, filling you with warmth and love. 
He then left you to finish your food, returning to whatever the others were talking about now.
Later that night, when the boys had settled in Wooseok’s room for a little movie night, you and Seungwoo stood in the kitchen, cleaning up after the boys.
“I want to fight.” You said out of nowhere.
Seungwoo looked up from where he stood by the sink, “What was that?”
You turned towards him, abandoning the plates on the table, “Seungyoun said forever can be fought for. That if someone takes away your forever from you, you ought to fight back. You fight back until the end. I want to do the same.”
“Who would want to take away your forever from you?”
You shrugged, “The list is endless. Anyone would want to take it away. We��re living in a beautiful dream, Seungwoo. All while the world lies in chaos. There are people greedy enough to snatch this little dream of ours.”
Seungwoo walked closer to you, until he towered above you and looked down in your dreamy eyes.
“Okay, then. You can fight.”
He enveloped you in a soft embrace, with one hand behind your head, slowly caressing it.  
“But not alone, I’ll fight with you.”
You looked up at him, smiling.
“I’ll fight too.” 
You turned to see Dongpyo in the doorway.
“Me too,” came the voice of Hangyul, coming up beside Dongpyo followed by Yohan, “You can count on me too, I didn’t learn taekwondo for nothing.” 
That made you laugh. 
“I’ll fight too!” Hyeongjun exclaimed putting his fist in the air, followed by Minhee, Junho, Eunsang and Wooseok. Then came Dohyon’s muffled voice, his mouth still stuffed with whatever he was eating now. 
“And me too. Today, tomorrow and forever.” This was Seungyoun.
You could tell without even looking. 
For the first time as you looked around the boys, your boys, you thought: Maybe fighting wouldn’t be too hard after all. The fight would be long, and tiring with lots of ups and downs. You would fall many times, but eleven boys would always be there to pick you up and stitch your wings
You could always count on that.
Like always.
For forever.
You smiled at the thought.
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A/n: I will fight for X1. I have that in me, at least. Sending all my love to fellow one its who are in this together, stay strong please. And keep fighting.
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holdmekhh · 5 years
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Artist/Person : Han Seungwoo
Group/Crew : Victon/X1
Genre : SMUT/ Angst/ Fluff/ AND SMUT
Words : 3.3K
Requested : “ can you do a seungwoo (x1) smut where usually he’s all vanilla and soft but one day reader purposely made him jealous by flirting with the other boys and that made him snap and reader and him had rough sex with lots of daddy and choking kink and the boys could hear them dhdfjdhdgdf its okay if youre not comfortable to do it!” -anonymous  
A/N;; Hiii guys! I hope you guys enjoy this! It took me all day to write this, and it was my first time actually writing about a certain kink other than Daddy kinks. But, I think I did good. Let me know what you guys thought! Enjoy! -Admin Nani
“Play with me!” She whined, pulling gently on his sleeve only to get ignored again. A soft whine left her as she again, tugged at the fabric, “Seungwoo, play with me.” Finally, he pulled his arm away and looked to her. “I’m busy, Y/N. Be a big girl and wait.” He stated sternly, turning back to his computer and typing away. She pouted and huffed, falling back on his bed, keeping her eyes trained on his focused form. Okay, so maybe she was acting like a baby, but she had a good reason. He’d invited her over to hang out and relax, but since she got there, he hasn’t paid her any mind. He wasn’t even the one to open the door, Wooseok did! It’d been hours and he hadn’t so much as given her a smidge of his time, just kept his attention on his computer and phone. Finally, she gave up with another huff and stood from her spot on the bed. Even then, he didn’t even look her way. “Whatever.” She muttered, walking out of his room with a slight slam of the door. At that, though, he merely glanced up with a grunt before going back to work. 
“Y/N!” She was greeted loudly in the living area by the rest of the older group members, laughing softly as they turned their attention to her, save for the two who were on the floor playing video games. “What’re you guys doing?” She asked softly, moving to squeeze herself between Seungyoun and Hangyul. “Watching Wooseok get his ass handed to him by Yohan-ie.” Hangyul muttered, looking to her with a raised eyebrow. “What about you, short stack? Thought you were supposed to be hanging out with your boyfriend?” At the mention of Seungwoo, she rolled her eyes and pouted. “I thought I was, too. But apparently, his computer and phone are more important.” “He might be working on lyrics.” Seungyoun chimed in, eyes still locked on the chaos happening on the television. “Maybe, but he still could’ve paid a little attention to me, y’know. He invited me over and had me just sitting there bored and craving cuddles for, literally, since I got here 5 hours ago.” She complained, head falling onto Seungyouns shoulder with a pout on her lips. He laughed softly, lifting a hand to ruffle her curls. 
It was possibly an hour or two later that Seungwoo finally stood from his bed with a stretch, ready to bring his girlfriend to bed with him after neglecting her for as long as he did. He honestly didn’t mean for it to happen the way it did. Calling her over, he actually planned to spend the day relaxing, maybe even send the rest of the boys away and have some fun, because he missed her. But then he just kinda got pulled into work, wrapped up in writing lyrics and a melody for a song. He felt bad and really wanted to make it all up to her, make sure that she understood how much he loved her and appreciated her, and missed her. But, that all went out the window when he saw her watching a movie with the others, more so Seungyoun. “Hey, what you guys doing?” He made his presence known, causing everyone to turn and look at him. Going around the couch, he watched Hangyul make room for him sit next to Y/N, with he took immediately. He’d expected her to move over and lay on him, but she just cuddled into Seungyouns side even more. He could feel the jealousy flickering in his chest, jaw tightening just the slightest, but he ignored it and settled into his seat. 
Stretching a little, he relaxed and set his hand on her thigh, only for her to push it off and press even closer to his younger member and lean up to whisper in his ear, causing them both to laugh softly. Again, he ignored the flame of jealousy that started within him, running a hand roughly through his hand. Then he heard her, “Youn-ie, want something to drink?” Then she turned, her face right next to his but she completely ignored them and asked the others with a smile before getting up and heading to the kitchen. He stayed silent when she called Seungyoun to the kitchen for help, and he didn’t try to hold her anymore. The flame had completely consumed him by now, and he felt himself getting more and more agitated as the movie went on.
 Then, it was over. The credits started rolling, and Yohan getting up to flick on the lights. “Should we order some more food before the kids get back?” Hangyul asked, eyeing his phone as there was a chorus of ‘yes’s around the room. Seungwoo stood, stretching slightly before silently heading back to his room. “Y/N!” He called, groaning softly when she didn’t enter. Going back out to find her in the same spot that she was in before, he cleared his throat, causing it to go silent. “Y/N, come here, please.” His voice was tense and his eyes were cold when she turned to look at him. Rolling her eyes, she stood and walked passed him to his room. He watched as the other boys stared with eyes, none of them had seen her be this bratty before. “Save us some food, yeah.” He stated simply before turning and going back to his room, shutting the door softly and locking it. Turning, he leaned against it and watched her sit on his bed. “What did you want me for?” She huffed, but the slight shake in her voice showed that she was nervous as to what was going to happen. She’d never seen him like this before, jaw tight with eyes so dark and cold. “What the fuck was that, hm?” He asked, voice calmer than she expected but still held an authoritative edge to. “What are you on about?” She asked, a huff heavy in her tone. “Don’t play dumb with me, princess. You know what the fuck you were doing.” He stated, calmly walking towards her. “I treat you so well, don’t I? I don’t mad at you, or yell when you do something you shouldn’t. I give you everything you want, all of my love and attention, when I can. But the one time you don’t get your way, you go and act like a brat?” He’d gotten right in front of her by now, dropping down to stare up into her eyes. “You go flirt and cuddle with Seungyoun-ie? You ignore me?” He reached up and grabbed her cheeks roughly when she attempted to look away from him, turning her head back to look at him. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” He hissed, standing up and tilting her head as he did. “Such a spoiled little brat. I think you need to be punished, little one. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? To be punished by Daddy?” She attempted to shake her head, making him chuckle. “Well, since it seems like you forgot who was in charge. You’re getting punished, whether you wanted it or not.” He let go of her face, her cheeks red from his hold. “On all fours.” He stated, pulling his belt from its loops. When she didn’t move, he looked to her with a raised eyebrow. “Did I stutter, princess? On all fours, now!” She scrambled to her hands and knees, heart racing as looked down at his sheets. She’d never seen Seungwoo like this before, he was usually very soft spoken with and gentle. Vanilla for the most part. So for him to be reacting like this, she must’ve really pressed his buttons this time.
He slowly slid her jeans and panties down to her knees, letting them pool onto the bed for the time being. His hands smoothed over her ass before he pulled away and grabbed his belt from where he set it down near her feet. He watched her body tense when ran the leather material over her damp slit, jumping slightly when he tapped her lower lips a few times with it. “How many do you think you deserve, princess?” He spoke up, watching her body stiffen at his cold tone. “F-Four?” She whispered softly, making him raise an eyebrow. “Four? You think you’ve only done enough bad for four spankings?” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Let’s see about that. Count.” He ordered, delivering a hit of the belt to her right ass cheek causing her to jerk forward with a gasp. “One.” She whimpered, making him nod. “That’s for disturbing me while I was working.” Another hit of the leather to her skin made her gasp out, “Two.” “For continuing to disturb me after I’d asked you to stop multiple times.” “Three.” “Catching an attitude with me.”
It continued like that until they’d gotten to ten hits. Her ass was red, welts starting to show on her skin, and tears were running down her flushed cheeks as she cried the last number. “Ten!” “And that’s for being a spoiled brat.” He hissed, the belt landing on her skin harder than the other hits, making her head fall forward as she cried out. Her arms were shaking, so were legs, and her ass was on fire as he pressed his free hand against it. “Look at that…” He muttered, using the belt to trail over her pussy again and landing a few gentle hit against her swollen lips. “You’re dripping everywhere, princess.” He stated, dropping the belt to the side in exchange to cup her soaked sex, pulling away to land a few slaps to it before dragging a finger through her slit from her clit to her entrance as she let out soft gasps. Without warning her plunged two of his fingers in her hole, making her arms give out and fall face first into his pillow. “Oh, god.” She whimpered, hole tightening around his fingers as he fucked her quickly with them. Her legs were shaking, juices gushing out, insides tightening around his digits as her first orgasm started to approach. He knew, too, from her high pitched moans. And just as she was about to fall off the edge and into the abyss of her orgasm, he pulled away from her completely, ripping a desperate cry from her lips. “No!” She cried, hole spasming around nothing. “On your knees. Now.” He ordered, making her force herself up and off the bed to the floors. He felt something in his chest ignite at the sight of her fucked out form, eyes darkening and his dick twitching in his sweats. “You know what to do, take it out.” He stated, pulling off his shirt before watching her pull down his sweats and boxers. 
As she pulled out his length, she felt her mouth water at the sight of it. He was rock-hard, tip red and leaking precum, she couldn’t wait to sink her mouth on him. Looking up at him, he bit his lip softly making her clench around nothing, before he nodded. “Go ahead, princess. Be a good girl and suck Daddy off.” She didn’t waste any time, wrapping her lips around his length and taking as much into her mouth as she could before gagging and wrapping her hand around the rest of him. Bobbing her head slowly, twisting her hand in unison, she felt so good. The soft moans he let out were great and all, but the tiny praises he grunted out made her feel like she was on cloud nine. “You suck Daddy’s cock so well, princess.” He muttered, looking down at her as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked harder, making him moan out. “Fuck, just like that.” He muttered, hand pushing her hair back from her face and gripping in it. “Move your hand and look at me.” He whispered, making her drop her hand and focus her teary eyes up towards his face. “Keep your eyes on me, got it?” She nodded the best she could with his dick stuffing her mouth and his hand in tangled in her hair, a soft hum of confirmation making him shut his eyes at the vibration around him. His grip tightened, making her whimper, before he started moving his hips to slowly fuck into her mouth. Looking down at her, her bit his lip again. “Look at you...you like getting your throat fucked by Daddy’s cock, princess?” He chuckled breathlessly as she whimpered around him. “Bet you want Daddy’s cum down your throat? Or maybe painted all over that pretty face of yours? I bet you’d like that, getting covered in Daddy’s cum.” He grunted, dick twitching in her mouth as he noticed her hand between her legs. “Move your fucking hand, princess. Did I say you could touch yourself? Hm? That pretty pussy’s mine. Understand? Only Daddy can touch it.” She pulled her hand from her clit to grip his thighs as he started to fuck her mouth harder, her nails were digging into the golden skin of his thighs before he pulled his length from between her lips and started to slowly jerk himself. “Want me to cum on your face princess?” She nodded silently, hands still on his thighs as she caught her breath. “Use your words. You’re a big girl.” “Yes, please, Daddy. Please cum on my face.” He chuckled, smirking softly at her words. “Too bad this is your punishment, huh? Get up, strip, and get on the bed. All fours.” He let go of himself, stepping out of his clothes and watching her. “You’re so wet.” He muttered, climbing onto the bed behind her and running his fingers gently over her slit. “Such a pretty little pussy, all nice and wet for Daddy.” He smiled, grabbing his length and aligning himself before thrusting roughly into her, sinking balls deep into her. A loud moan dragged out from between her lips, head falling forward as he set a brutal pace. His hands gripped her hips tightly, grunting as he pounded into her. 
Pulling a hand from the hot skin of her hip, he reached up and tangled his fingers in her curls and pulled her head back as she cried out at the pleasurable pain. “You like that, baby? You like having Daddy tug your hair, hm?” “Yes, Daddy! Yes!” She cried out, hand reaching back to hold loosely on his wrist as he continued to grip her hair and pound her. Her eyes had begun rolling back and her pussy started to clench around his length making him smile. “You’re gonna cum?” He smiled at her high-pitched whines as she attempted to nod. “Too bad.” He hissed, pushing her away and pulling out of her as she cried out. “Daddy!” She whined, pouting into the pillow that her face was buried in. “Turn over.” Flipping herself, she looked at him with blown pupils and flushed cheeks. He moved her around on his bed slightly before climbing over her and slipping back into her tight, hot pussy. Her head lolled to the side, mouth falling open in a deep moan. He immediately went back to his merciless pace, straightening his back up and throwing her legs over his shoulders to hit deeper. Her eyes crossed as he hit her g spot, “Oh, fuck! Right there!” She cried, walls fluttering when he chuckled darkly, wrapping a hand around her throat and pistoling into her sweet spot. “Cum.” He growled, making her tumble over the edge, but he didn’t. Not the first time she came, nor the second or third, or fourth; he just continued attacking her g spot with the tip of his cock, hand tightening around her throat more and more. 
Her hand wrapped loosely around his wrist, eyes shut and lips parted. Saliva coated her lips and chin, soft gasp-like moans falling from them and felt another orgasm building up in the pit of her stomach.”D-Daddy…” She started, whimpering as he nodded, free hand moving to start rubbing slowly at her clit, completely opposite to the quick thrusts that he’s delivering to her clenching walls. “Daddy…” She whined again, tugging slightly at his wrist. He loosened his hold on her throat, moving to cup her jaw and drag his thumb over her lip. “What is it?” He slowed his thrusts down slightly. “Want you to cum in me.” She stated, whimpering when he roughly grabbed her cheeks. “Oh, does baby want Daddy to paint her hot walls with his seed?” She nods, mouth falling open as he hits her spot again, speeding up. “Cum when I tell you.” She nods at his stern words, gripping onto his forearms as fucked into her. When she felt him twitch in her, she felt her stomach flutter in excitement. “Hold on, princess. Almost there. Almost-” His voice broke face dropping to bury in the crook of her neck, hand having had moved back down to wrap around her throat loosely. “Cum with me, princess.” He grunted softly, thrusts turning sloppy as he let his orgasm take over. At the feeling of his warm cum shooting into her walls, her abdomen clenched tightly before orgasm washed over her, back arching and hands running up his back to grip at his broad shoulders. “So good, so good.” She muttered, as she slowly came back down from her release. 
Slowly pulling out of her, she sat back and watching their mixed releases flow out of her swollen hole. Moving himself downward, he situated himself on his stomach between her legs. At the movement, she peeled her eyes open tiredly and looked down at him. “What’re you doing?” She slurred slightly, merely receiving a ‘shh’ in response. Then he licked a long, strong strip up from her entrance to her clit. Her eyes rolled back and her hips bucked, having him wrap his arms around her thighs to hold them as he started to lick and suck at her swollen sex. “Daddy, ‘m too sensitive.” She cried, but not attempting to push him away and merely burying her fingers into his hair and loosely pulling at it. “Oh, baby you taste so good. Been wanting to eat you since you got here.” He muttered into her lower lips, making her whine before he wrapped his lips around her clit. Removing one of his arms, he slowly slid two fingers back into her spasming entrance. “Mmm...look at how clench around my fingers, baby.” He praises, watching their mixed juices. “Give me one more. I know you can do it, princess.” He placed a kiss on her inner thigh as her curled his long fingers into her g spot. Her back arched, fingers tightening in his soft strands. Quickly, he latched his mouth to her clit and started sucking roughly, speeding up his fingers. “Ah-ah- ‘m cumming! Daddy!” She cried out, his arm moving back to wrap around her thigh again, holding her still as he ate her out through her orgasm to draw it out. Her moans turned to cry-like whimpers and whines, body squirming at the intense overstimulation until he let up with a gentle kiss to her pulsing bundle of nerves.
She didn’t know what happened after that, waking up when the sun was shining brightly into the room with Seungwoo wrapped around her tightly and breathing into her neck. “Seungwoo...babe?” She muttered, going to move but feeling pain tense her leg, making her whimper. It wasn’t long after that Seungwoo’s eyes fluttered open to find her face full of discomfort. “What?” “My body hurts like hell, thats what.” She pouted, causing him to chuckle softly. “And yet, you’re still being a brat?” She whines, shaking her head and leaning into him. “I’m sorry.” She mutters, making him smile.
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kiwibomb · 5 years
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x1 bf material lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it!!! 🐤
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