#hand holding is so incredibly underrated
brainrot-of-a-thot · 15 days
or, actions/habits of yours that they find way too cute, featuring: hajime umemiya, jo togame, haruka sakura, hayato suo, akihiko nirei
c/w: some brief language, fluff
a/n: yes, I’m still infested with WB brainrot. seriously, we need more peeps in this fandom. I feel like the series is criminally underrated at this point .....((/- -)/ (sorry that these are kinda short)
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hajime umemiya is absolutely charmed by your latent ability to be an airhead.
the particular trait can be a bit of a double-edged sword for him, however; because although it’s incredibly adorable to watch certain things go over your head, it’s extremely irritating when it interferes with your ability to register when someone is hitting on you.
another side affect of this airheadedness is a short attention span; you could be so engrossed in a certain topic, and then completely derailed from it from something as simple as a sudden change in scenery or, more often than not, another thought crashing into the one you were currently holding.
it happens nearly daily when you’re out with unemiya. sometimes he even has trouble keeping up with your bouncing speech, but he doesn’t mind it; he will still listen to you all day long, even if half of that time you never actually finish a full thought.
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jo togame finds it simply irresistible when you wear his glasses.
it was a habit you’d picked up even long before the two of you had entered a relationship — the first time you’d stood on your tippy toes and plucked his glasses off his face, the entirety of shishitoren held their breaths, more than positive that togame would lose his cool on you.
but, much to their surprise, he let you. and when you put them on yourself and beamed at him, exclaiming “toga, toga, lookit! I’m like you!” togame could do nothing short of simply stare, heart thundering in his chest at the sheer cuteness that was you wearing his glasses.
they’re a bit big on you, sliding down the bridge of your nose with nearly every subtle movement, but togame would be lying if he said that it wasn’t cute to see you readjust them on your face with a blushy smile.
first it was his glasses, but soon enough, you start wearing other articles of clothing — namely his shirts and shishitoren jacket, both of which swallow you so adorably.
you always look good wearing his things, but seeing you in his glasses will always be his favorite. when he sees you wearing them it takes everything in him not to simply smother you with kisses.
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when you want to square up with him.
let’s face it, this man lives for a fight. so, to see you, so pretty and delicate, threaten to kick his ass, is just so adorable that he can’t help but inwardly gush over it.
just like sakura, you have a rather short fuse, and little things can set you off — that in itself shouldn’t be so cute, but it is. and when you catch him smiling at you with those eyes, you get even angrier, because how dare he not take you seriously and, c’mon, monochrome, get your ass outside so I can beat it.
of course, you’d win any physical fight that you get in with him, because there’s no way he’d ever lay a hand on you — not seriously, at least. a little cuff to the back of the head just to piss you off is okay, though.
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your sleepiness. it’s absolutely adorable.
you seem to be tired all the time, and more often than not, you’re spotted with a styrofoam cup brimming with coffee in your hand. not that it even seems to help much, as even after you’ve downed the entire thing, your eyes are still falling closed, even in mid-conversation.
if you’re next to suo — standing, sitting, or laying — you’ll always find a part of him to lay your head on. sometimes it’s his shoulder, sometimes his arm, and even in some instances, his lap or stomach. you’ll do so with this soft, breathy sigh, usually before or after a yawn, and no matter hiw many times suo has been exposed to it, it still never fails to make his heart flutter.
aside from it being absolutely adorable, it’s also quite nice to see — the fact that you feel safe and secure enough with him to allow yourself to fall into such a vulnerable state; like you know deep down in your soul that you’ll never be harmed when you’re with him. it makes him feel proud and warm and completely and utterly soft.
damn, the things you do to him.
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your fear of bugs; any bug — small, large, shiny, dull, two legs, four legs, especially eight legs, long and thin or short and thick; if you see one when you’re with him, you’re immediately squealing and dashing behind him, using his body as a shield against something that is perpetually harmless.
it’s always the same reaction to varying degrees, depending on the type of bug you come across — something like a grasshopper might warrant a small squeak and a quick retreat behind him, but if you happen to spot a spider it’s much more lively; you’ll let out an adorable squeal and quite literally cower behind nirei, grasping the back of his furin jacket like it’s a life-line and whining, “kill it, ni, kill it!”
it’s simultaneously cute and exasperating; but nirei can’t deny that it makes his chest swell, that his cheeks get warm and he feels proud when you go to him for protection. it makes him feel good, strong, needed — and when it comes to you, he’ll brave anything, and he loves that feeling of confidence too.
and he loves that you know and believe that he will protect you.
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incognit0slut · 1 year
Right Kind of Wrong (2)
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She never thought she’d be involved in a murder investigation and encounter her one-night-stand again, the awkward guy who isn’t exactly that good in bed—Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong… But as he gets tangled with the beautiful stranger, he realizes there is more to her than what meets the eye.
Part Summary: Spencer’s late-night endeavor is teased as a new case arises. wc: 2.8k
Warnings: 18+ content, graphic detail of murder
A/n: thank you for all the love it’s very much appreciated! also i want to remind you that this will be a long series, but if you like a murder mystery with a hint of humor and smut, then by all means please continue :3
Other parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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BEING CALLED IN AT NIGHT WAS SOMETHING SPENCER WAS USED TO. It was part of his job. The moment he accepted to be part of the Behavior Analysis Unit at Quantico, he knew the downside of it all. The long hours and pressure to perform the job while working with some of the most dangerous and violent individuals could potentially affect him physically and mentally.
But above all that, he always looked at the bigger picture. His job was to bring justice by catching all the perpetrators of each crime he was assigned with. It was a very dangerous job yet he couldn't imagine his life without lending in his time and intelligence to catch the 'bad guys on the loose'—as Garcia would often put it. So having his dearest friend call him at two o'clock in the morning was something that occasionally occurred. He really didn't mind it.
Until tonight.
For the first time in his eleven years working as an FBI agent, Spencer wished the bad news could wait at least in the morning. By then he would have more time to spend his night with the most irresistible woman he had ever laid his eyes on.
He shook his head. Guilt was a complex, powerful emotion and it was what he was feeling right now. A dead body was found and all he could think about was the beautiful stranger who was now more than an enigma than she ever was. Even when he had seen her in her barest form, tucked underneath his warm body. Even when his hands had roamed around every corner of her luscious curves, her desperate moan sounded like the most beautiful melody to his ears.
God, he needed a drink. No, not alcohol, he wasn't one to drink liquor anyway. Well, excluding a few hours ago when sitting all alone waiting for his friends without holding any type of alcoholic drink seemed rather uncommon. He was already feeling out of place the moment he entered the dimly lit bar, his eyes scanning for any familiar faces but being greeted by none.
So ordering a bottle of cold beer seemed ideal as he sat by the bar on his own. He didn't even drink the whole liquid, merely gulping a sip or two before it became a mere prop for blending in with the crowd.
If it wasn’t for Garcia coaxing him into joining her and the girls for a night out in the city, Spencer would still be at the office, his nose buried in the paperwork he needed to finish. But Penelope Garcia was a force not to be underrated. She had a way with words and persuasion, thus Spencer found himself agreeing to spend the night with his peers.
Besides, he enjoyed being around them. He considered the people he worked with as more than mere colleagues. He had spent so much time with them that the bond developed was incredibly special and strong. He considered them as a sort of dysfunctional family in some ways, but it was a family nonetheless. It was a very unique relationship and a special one that he took pride in working with and he was very grateful to be a part of it.
But it didn't stop him from being mad at the fact they had bailed on him at the very last minute.
Fine—a little bit mad. They all seemed to have good excuses for their sudden absence. JJ had to drive back home for her sick son, Prentiss was called back into the office by their unit chief Hotch, and Garcia... well, her answer was pretty vague. All she had said over her frantic call was, "I'm so sorry, boy genius, I need to take a rain check tonight. I'll call you later!"
Then Spencer found himself in a situation he would never imagine being, sitting by himself at the most sociable place he could ever think of.
He needed to leave. The music bouncing over the stereo suddenly sounded too loud, and even though there weren't too many people inside the place, it was still enough to make his demeanor shut down from the several conversations floating in the air.
And don't get him started on the number of pathogens clinging to every nook and corner of this place. He shuddered at that thought as he once again wiped down the bar surface with another pile of napkins he requested from the bartender, who by the looks of it, was starting to eye him with annoyance.
A man suddenly pushed him from behind and went on his way without apologizing. Spencer made a mental note to never agree to another social request without a companion at his arrival. He was feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
His fingers hastily tightened around the strap of his bag, ready to flee the scene when a sudden faint scent of chocolate fluttered through his nose.
Delicious, mouth-watering chocolate.
Spencer had always been conscious of his surroundings. The nerves in his brain would work their way into absorbing all kinds of entities that triggered his senses, and chocolate was a scent he could easily make out.
Chocolate smelled like... well, heaven. It had a sweet, decadent scent that was just divine, triggering all sorts of happy, positive emotions and reactions. He could point out a lot of facts about why roasted cocoa could trigger serotonin throughout one's body, but his brain was too busy trying to pinpoint the source of its scent.
Then he felt movement to his right and the scent lingered around the air like a delicious blanket coating his senses. And there she was—looking divinely gorgeous like heaven on a pair of legs.
Spencer knew there was no singular answer to describe one's beauty, as beauty was subjective and could be defined differently by each person. He also considered himself being very old-school as he perceived beauty through kindness and intelligence. Yet he was still a hot-blooded man and he wasn't going to lie; the woman sitting in front of him was physically attractive and pleasing to the eye.
The way her eyes lit up as they settled on him tightened the knot in his stomach. He might not have much experience with the opposite sex, but he knew when one was interested in his presence, and with that thought in mind he felt rather pleased and flattered.
His eyes roamed around her features; her glazed eyes, her high cheekbones, the delicate shape of her nose, and her plump lips that seemed to look so soft. It wasn't until later in the night he came to the conclusion that they were much softer than they looked. Because tasting her mouth was completely different than simply staring at it.
Spencer didn't know how touch-starved he was until he pressed his lips onto hers, lips that were incredibly soft yet turned every inch of his body very hard. He felt immensely dizzy with need as he nipped her bottom lip, feeling intoxicated each time she squirmed in his arms, her soft body pressing against him, making it more and more difficult to clear his mind with her hands between his legs—
"Late night?"
Spencer looked up. He could feel the blush creeping along his cheeks as if being caught having these inappropriate thoughts. Derek Morgan stood by his side, eying the amount of sugar stashed into the cup of coffee in his hand. To be fair, he really did need something that could wake him up and break him from going down memory lane again.
"Very," he murmured. He proceeded by mixing his caffeine with a spoon, unaware of how Morgan was watching him with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"My man," Morgan teased. Spencer sensed the taunting edge in his voice and turned around.
On a normal occasion, he would deny the suggestive tone Morgan would often taunt. His friend had a way of teasing him in what seemed to be simply goodhearted banter. But Spencer wasn't exactly a good liar. He was already quite flustered by the topic of conversation and the moment he opened his mouth, he knew he would only make things worse.
So instead he kept his silence and sipped on his drink, ignoring the grin plastered on Morgan's face as if an epiphany had aroused him in his wake.
"My man," Morgan repeated, wrapping a playful arm around his shoulders. "What has kept the young Dr. Reid awake on this lovely night?"
He shoved his arm away. "I wouldn't consider myself youthful anymore."
Morgan snickered. "You're the baby of the team." Then to annoy him even further, he added, “Kid.”
"I'm thirty-six." Spencer frowned as they climbed their way toward the conference room. "You know, men in their mid-thirties have prefrontal cortexes that are fully developed and they have a lot more experience throughout their lives. Their body is also fully functional so they—I am most definitely a mature, fully grown adult."
"Do you know what else they say about men being in their thirties?" Morgan threw him another one of his grins. "A very high sex drive."
"Actually, studies show that 30% of healthy people aged between 65-74 still enjoy sexual intercourse weekly."
Morgan groaned. "Don't give me that mental image."
The two men turned to see Garcia scurrying towards them. How she still conjured so much energy at this time of hour would always be a mystery to him. The determined look on her face reminded him of their last conversation on the phone and Spencer quickly turned away, walking into the empty conference room before sitting himself by the round table.
Noticing the weird interaction between his two friends, Morgan threw Garcia a questioning look. "What's going on?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what's going on." She hurriedly entered the room and grabbed the remote control sitting in the middle of the table. She poked Spencer with the device. "This boy right here decided he's too cool to hang out with us."
"Garcia, you're the one who bailed on me."
"So not the point," she deadpanned. "My question is, when are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend? I didn't even know you were dating."
Morgan's brows shot up as he took a seat beside him. "Girlfriend?"
Spencer looked down as she went on, "Imagine my surprise when he answered my call and there was a woman's voice in the background. At this hour."
Morgan laughed at her emphasis on the time because it was common knowledge only certain things happen this late. Especially with an alleged female company. "Really?"
Disliking the way he was thrown into the spotlight, Spencer leaned in his chair and crossed his arms defensively. "She's not my girlfriend."
That statement only raised their interest even further.
"Oh?" That was Morgan.
"You naughty minx." That was Garcia. "Since when have you been seeing her?"
Spencer had two options. He could ignore their curiosity and remain silent, or he could flat-out give them a lie. He looked between the interest on their face and decided he couldn't escape their probing curiosity, so he answered in a very low voice, "Tonight."
"Tonight?" Garcia asked in disbelief. "Wait—didn't you go to the bar earlier?"
"Yes, before everyone ditched me."
"Oh my god," Garcia squealed in surprise. "Dr. Reid, did you spend the night with a stranger?"
There was a long pause as the grip around his mug tightened. Morgan let out a choked laugh. "My man."
"Stop saying that," Spencer muttered, his lips inches away from his steaming cup.
"I can't believe this," Garcia gasped between her giggles, clearly fascinated by this new information. "Our resident boy genius is actually a Casanova in disguise."
"Who's a Casanova?"
The three of them turned to see Emily Prentiss walking into the room followed by a very curious David Rossi. His other colleagues clearly didn't hear the beginning half of their conversation and Spencer wanted to make sure it remained that way.
He casually took a sip of his drink and replied, "Giacomo Casanova. A famous Italian adventurer and author in the 18th century. He became famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women."
Prentiss scoffed as she and Rossi sat down by the table. "I know who Casanova is, I'm asking who is a Casanova."
An awkward silence settled in the room. Spencer shifted in his seat. He really, really didn't want to deal with this. Spending a very intimate night with a stranger wasn't something he would like to discuss in front of his peers. Ever.
He could feel the heavy weight of everyone's eyes and the blush slowly creeping along his cheeks when Derek stepped in, giving the room one of his charming smiles. "We were talking about me."
"You?" Prentiss quirked one of her eyebrows in mocked surprise. "I don't think your girlfriend would be happy with that."
Morgan easily laughed. "We were discussing my old Casanova days."
"Yeah," Garcia interjected. "We were talking about how bad his choices of female friends were."
"Until now." She gave him a toothy grin. "We love Savannah."
Morgan rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He caught Spencer staring at him with a grateful smile and returned the gesture with an understanding nod. Spencer relaxed as the conversation rolled by and the topic of his secret escapade was long forgotten.
For now.
JJ, another member of the team, entered the room a few minutes later with a huge smile. Then the moment their unit chief, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, followed behind, everyone knew it was back to business.
Spencer placed his mug down on the table and focused his attention on the case at hand.
"Alright, so." Garcia pointed the remote towards the black screen and a moment later, gruesome pictures of a murder scene were presented in different angles. The picture of the male body covered in blood greeted them before a passport shot of a middle-aged man smiling happily at the camera was shown. "Fifty-six-year-old Kevin Marshall, a corporate lawyer, was found dead at his home by his secretary."
"At home?" Derek wondered. "Were there no security?"
"There was a sudden blackout going on in the neighborhood for about seven minutes. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at that time of hour. His wife and kids were visiting her parents and Mr. Marshall was at home finishing some work. It wasn't later on when he didn't answer his calls that his secretary found him lying in his office with several stab wounds."
"Time of death?" JJ questioned.
"A quarter past midnight." Garcia clicked on her device before another detailed picture of the scene was zoomed in on the screen. "And this was found—no, carved on his back."
The picture had a clear shot of the wound on the victim's back, a sloppy carved-out handwriting slashed across his skin. Spencer narrowed his eyes. "Exodus 20:13," he read, his brain already discerning the meaning of the words. "Thou shalt not kill."
"Quite ironic, don't you think? Given the way the Unsub just brutally acted out his assault," Prentiss wondered out loud.
"The verse might actually tie with the murder into this god-given right for someone to bear arms. The Unsub probably feels justified in murdering the victim because he feels that this man is a sinner, thus he must kill him in the name of the Almighty."
"So, what? Are we looking for a religious vigilante?"
"That's what we're trying to find out." Hotch looked over his team and assigned everyone their work. "Since the crime scene is a mere hour away, Morgan can investigate the crime scene with JJ. Reid, go with Rossi to check the autopsy report. Prentiss and I will be here for his family as they're flying straight from Michigan."
"What can I do to help, sir?"
Hotch gave Garcia a pointed look. "Find everything you can on Kevin Marshall. Bank accounts, purchase records, extended family, and also the people he worked with. Report to me when you find something suspicious. Anything."
"Right." She nodded. "Anything."
"And find any possible matches from old cases that have anything to do with carving on body parts. Solved or unsolved."
"Carving on body parts. Got it."
Everyone started scattering around the room, ready to start the investigation. And although his mind somehow drifted back to soft lips and the scent of sweet chocolate, Spencer pushed them away, gulping the last drip of the sweetest coffee he had ever made as if he was draining down all these inappropriate images running through his mind.
It was not the time.
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loverwebs · 1 year
The Perfect Pair
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Pairing: Bella Ramsey x Costar!Reader
Synopsis: After playing Ellie and Riley, you and Bella answer the internet's most asked questions.
Word count: around 1,100
Part Two
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Just like any other highly anticipated series, The Last of Us press tour consisted of traveling and interviews. The entire experience being incredibly glamorous and exciting for the cast.
On one of the last few days leading up to the premiere, Bella and Y/n were paired up to answer the internet's most asked questions.
Despite her role for the show being limited, Y/n continued filming in Canada for a movie after wrapping as Riley, which gave her and Bella the opportunity to spend even more time together since Bella didn't finish until a few months later.
The duo would often visit each other's sets and had countless sleepovers, constantly posting the other during their time together.
That being said, they already knew what the internet thought of them. It didn't change anything, though.
They knew they were close.
A little too close.
"Unlike the other boards, this one has questions for both of you." Bella's assistant explained towards the end of the interview, handing the last board to them. "Whenever you two are ready."
Bella cleared their throat before peering at the board in their hands, "Are Bella Ramsey and Y/n L/n..." She looked at the camera through squinted eyes before proceeding.
"...still friends?" Y/n finished off once the sticker was peeled.
"Phew," Bella pretended to wipe sweat from their forehead, meanwhile Y/n dramatically placed a hand over her heart to show relief.
They knew what the question was implying.
"This may come as a surprise to you all, but we actually aren't," Bella deadpanned.
"It's true," Y/n chimed, picking at her nails in an attempt to seem uninterested, "I'm being paid to be here."
"Me too. I despise her so much," Bella grinned.
"Yeah right," Y/n nudged her, preparing to peel off another question from the board. "This one says... How did Y/n and Bella meet?"
"We met a few weeks before filming this little project called The Last of Us," Y/n started. "Maybe you've heard of it. It's not really well known or anything."
"It's remarkably underrated," Bella added with humor.
"Absolutely," Y/n gave an amused smile. "Best day of my life, though. I was so nervous."
"Were you really?" Bella raised a brow, "Because I remember it a bit differently."
"Oh my God," Y/n groaned, turning to face the camera. "You see, I kind of talked Bella's ear off the whole time."
"Kind of? Darling, I couldn't get a word in the entire night." Bella giggled.
"I'm sorry!" Y/n whined. "I just thought you were really cute. I talk way too much when I'm around cute people." 
"Then you must still think I'm cute," Bella teased her. "Because you always go on and on when we're together."
"Moving on!" Y/n sighed. "God, you're so annoying."
"You love it," Bella shook with laughter.
"Hold still!" Y/n laughed as well. "Bels, I can't read them if you're moving! Okay... This one says—oh wow. Y/n L/n and Bella Ramsey kiss."
"My goodness," Bella bursted out in giggles once again.
"That's not even a question," Y/n gave the camera a look whilst fanning the brunette, attempting to calm him down. "Someone needs to get fired for that."
"I'm assuming they meant to ask if our characters kissed on the show." Bella glanced at the crew members skeptically.
"This interview will come out after the episode airs," someone assured them.
"Oh! In that case, we did kiss, yes," stated Bella.
"Our characters did." Y/n clarified, smiling at her friend.
"Well, we kissed. But for the show, of course."
"Completely professional."
"Though we had to do it quite a few times." Bella added.
"Because someone kept 'forgetting' their lines. Definitely not on purpose," Y/n teased them.
"Wow! Way to throw me under the bus there," she pretended to be offended. "I see how it is, L/n."
"Just saying," Y/n shrugged smugly, fingers tugging off another strip.
"Did Bella Ramsey and Y/n L/n play The Last of Us?" Bella read. "Not really…I mean, prior to filming we were told not to play it, but Y/n/n and I tried to get through some of it recently."
"We didn't get very far though. Even on the easiest mode, it just never ends well." Y/n grimaced.
"Yeah, it's tough." Bella agreed. "Neither of us are gamers, so we wind up eating snacks and playing a film instead."
"Which is way less stressful!"
"Is Skipper Y/n L/n's or Bella Ramsey's dog?" Y/n said, struggling to flick away the sticker from her fingers.
Bella immediately noticed and tried helping her, but it ended up getting stuck on both of them, which earned him a small giggle from the girl.
"Despite what Y/n says, Skipper is my kid." Bella announced, successfully placing the long sticker on their chair.
"But she likes me more. I birthed her," Y/n joked.
"I won't lie—she does like to cuddle Y/n/n quite a lot. I think she gets that from me."
"She definitely gets that from you. I like when all three of us cuddle, though." Y/n smiled at the fond memories, "Anyway, I'll settle for the title of being her second mom."
"That works," Bella chuckled. "We'll co-parent her."
"Bella Ramsey and Y/n L/n laying on each other," Bella read through a heavy laugh. "Again, not a question."
"There's a thing called needing body heat, people!" Y/n said defensively.
"Right! Because Canada is incredibly cold. If you were filming in our conditions, you'd do the same." Bella spoke, hiding their face behind the board.
"Yeah, we had to stay warm somehow." Y/n added, her face heating up from the embarrassment of this topic coming up.
"Are we done now?" Bella peaked, "I feel like we've revealed a lot in this ten minute video," they joked.
"I think that's it," one of the assistants said, laughing along with the team behind the camera. "And we're already shooting, so you can just give us an outro and we'll wrap this up."
"That concludes our Wired Autocomplete Interview!" Bella yelled at the same time Y/n chanted, "Thanks for watching!"
They shared a laugh, then looked back at the camera before continuing, "Make sure to check out The Last of Us." Y/n said when Bella rested their head on her shoulder.
"It's streaming right now on HBO Max," they pointed out.
"Now, if you'll excuse us, we're gonna go make out!" Y/n joked, running away from the camera-frame with Bella, hand in hand.
Part Two
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spicyicetea · 5 months
So I got the new Pokemon DLC for Christmas and I’m on a big Pokemon kick currently so I’m going to give a gift to my fellow Pokémon lovers. Now I’m more well known for Yandere work but I also do love doing more soft romantic stuff. It heals my traumatised self. So I’ve decided to go through all Pokémon games I’ve played and write romantic and yandere sfw+slight Nsfw headcannons for every character I personally like. [No DLC content because I haven’t played any of them yet]. If there are any characters I haven’t done that anyone wants, either comment or request and I can add it onto this post. Merry late Christmas!
As mentioned before, these posts will contain NSFW topics like violence and sexual references, so if you’re triggered by these topic please be careful. The reader in this is also a Fem reader, I can redo this post for a Masc or GN reader if wanted but I’m writing it as Fem currently is just easiest for me. I don’t describe appearance like skin colour or hair but I do write the Y/N with a curvy figure in mind (I can’t help myself, I love thick thighs IM SORRY-)
Ah the original silent protagonist. I love this man so much, even more after his cameo is Sun and Moon. I’m not sure what it is about him but he has this strange allure to him, although I doubt that’s a unique opinion on silent characters. Anyway, onto the headcannons.
This is almost a given with the silent types but I feel like he is an amazing listener, only ever nodding to show he’s still listening or giving small “mhms”
You’re probably the only one he comfortably talks to other than Blue.
In public he likes holding your hand, he often communicates through squeezing your hand or fiddling with your fingers.
Psychic boyfriend No.1
This man can just tell what you need, when you need it. Whether it’s comfort cuddles after a bad day of for period troubles.
Speaking of period troubles, this man not only will buy you whatever you need, he’ll wash the sheets, run you a bath and let you use him as a personal heater.
Yandere + NSFW
This man doesn’t open up to people easily yet you made him fall apart.
You made him stutter, drop things and slip up in battles when you cheered for him, he’s whipped.
You were the only woman that’s ever caught his attention and you aren’t leaving him anytime soon.
So get used to him possessively having a hand on you at all times, glaring daggers at any other person you pay attention to.
He’s a very private person so isn’t one to leave marks on you openly, but he does take great pleasure in leaving dark marks on your thighs.
Speaking of thighs… he’s a giver, do what you want with that.
Ah the smug bastard rival, and I promise you… he’s still insufferable, but in a loving way.
Bullies you playfully. A day doesn’t go by where he doesn’t mess up your hair and trip you up.
But he loves you truly.
You could not have asked for a more cuddly man, I didn’t expect to have this headcannon but I imagine this man is very eager to stay cuddled up to you as much as possible.
Although he talks a lot and loves it when you compliment him, I also think he’s a good listener, but like I’m a hype man way.
He’ll sit by the bathroom door while you’re in the bath letting you vent about anything you want just egging you on. “Wow she sounds like a bitch-“
A man who loves PDA, it’s his favourite way of staking his claim on your beautiful self.
Yandere + NSFW
Has dated his fair share of girls, but he wants you so bad.
He will fight for you, no matter what. This man will abuse whatever position he has to impress you. A relative of the professor’s, ex Champion, and a gym leader. He will do whatever he can to have you.
He is incredibly touchy, the moment other people aren’t looking, his hands are under your shirt. Nibbling your neck and kissing your earlobes. Actually he’d do that even with people watching,
Although he’d be mighty mad if someone watched your gorgeous body, he might even hurt someone.
This man is underrated.
The most loveable family man you’ll ever meet.
He loves to cook for you. Everyday. Please let this man make you breakfast in bed.
In fact no, he wants you to cook with him. All romantic. His chest to your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ears while you chop up vegetables.
If you get along with his siblings, he will propose to you on the spot.
Very openly affectionate, but never goes further than a hug in public… ok maybe you can get a kiss on the cheek.
Yandere + NSFW
This man has a breeding kink… you can’t change my mind.
He wants a nice big family and the idea of you, heavy and round with his baby. Not to mention how your… other assets will change.
Will happily suffocate in your tits, and if you’re pregnant, he will help relieve any discomfort you have.
If another man hurt you in any way, he’s going to go… missing. He’d break a man in half over his knee for you, and his Onix is very strong.
Am I the only one who would smash? Yes? No? Alrighty-
He’s always hits me as a someone who likes spending time with his lover in silence.
Not opposed to PDA but gets worried about his fans potentially harassing you, let’s you borrow his dragonite to escort you between towns.
Away from the public and just with his friends (elite four mainly) he loves to have you by his side, often whispering things about his day to you, information he only shares with you.
Also a man who is very hot, like he’s warm constantly, will be the best snuggler when it’s cold.
Yandere + NSFW
Originally I thought this man would be rather… vanilla but I feel like he’d be into wax play. I can’t explain it, but I can picture him loving to spill wax all over your tits.
For the more yandere side of things, he’s the strongest dragon trainer in Kanto. He will use his influence to make himself your only option, not that you’d realise, he’s not an idiot.
Your relationship is hidden very well from most people, you don’t get to villain status with a clean record and no enemies.
Despite that, you love a life of luxury baby.
He loves nothing more than to pamper you. His beautiful girl sat on his lap, with her hair all done up and nails all pretty. Now that’s the life.
Yandere + NSFW
I think he has great Yandere potential.
You sat comfortably on his lap in his office, his hands trailing comfortably under your skirt.
He loves watching you squirm as his fingers traces tight circles- well that’s all you get for now.
As I mentioned before, I believe he’d default to yandere to be honest.
He would not hesitate to kidnap but I like the idea that he’d try and woo you first. Dinner dates… wine… murdering his competitors.
Yeah, he’d be a yandere.
(I’m ashamed to admit I’ve never played these ones so I have no significant opinion on any of the characters)
This is just a crow in a human form, mr I love shiny rocks (me fr fr)
His love language is most definitely gift giving. Your shared house is littered with crystals and shiny things he’s found over his travels.
He loves to press kisses all over your fingers, buying you as many rings as possible for you and him to match. If he buys himself a new ring you’re getting one too.
Loves showing you off to the elite four, and begs that his dad approves. Not that he needs his approval but it’d be awkward if he didn’t.
Yandere + NSFW
Possessive as fuck.
You ain’t getting away from him easily. He will track you down as long as he needs to before you calm down and quit running away.
Loves pampering you once you behave though.
He kisses up your legs to your thighs, such passionate loving words followed by the mantra of “dirty girl” and “slut”
Ok all the villains just radiate Yandere energy- so they’re all gonna be pure yandere + NSFW warning
This man doesn’t have it in him to kidnap someone… oh wait that’s a lie.
When he met you that all changed
He needs you, he would hurt anyone to get you to himself.
He’d leave dark bites on your neck, massaging your hips to tangle you together.
Another man I think would be into wax play, also a corruption kink. (No I won’t elaborate)
Big brute of a man… he’s going to make you beg for his mercy.
He loves holding you in his lap, cradling you delicately while he peppers kisses along your neck.
Will bite you, this man is a shark and will leave slightly bloody bite marks all over your body.
This man eats pussy for breakfast, you will never not cum first, a truly good man.
He is far more eager to kill a man to prove his love for you than he should be.
I’ll be honest I tried to but I’m tired and I’m just going to be writing Yandere and NSFW headcannons. I’m sorry people-
This boy is so happy to finally have met someone who loves him… you’re not allowed to leave, he’ll cry.
For some reason I see this mans as wanting a family… he wants to be a more present father than his own.
Not one to leave marks on you but will beg you to stay home so he can cuddle and pamper you all day.
When he eventually takes over the battle frontier (he so would you can’t tell em otherwise) he will use that position to “protect you”.
Ah yes, the cold emotionless man who falls for a sweet woman and kills all competition… I approve!
PDA? Who is that? The most you’ll get from him is his hand on your shoulder moment before he orders team galactic to handle someone who was making moves on you.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. You’re the only woman he could ever love.
He lays awkwardly in bed but melts when your head rests on his chest, that was when the yandere switch flipped and he locked you in his apartment.
At least the man lays some good pipe, also this man has a bondage kink cause I said so.
You think that the world won’t notice the famous model and gym leader with a girl on her arm. You’re going to end up centre of the Unova news for the next month.
She loves this though, now everyone knows you belong to her, and anyone who ignores that will just get zapped.
Prepare to share clothes, and prepare for her to watch you undress, she can’t help herself.
The woman loves to zap you, just lightly though, you’ll live… and probably cum.
Emmett + Ingo
Yes you get both, these two are a package deal ok?
Now… prepare to never leave their sight.
They want you at every battle, cheering them on, cuddling with the Joltiks or napping in their office using their coats as blankets.
Now… ok these two are kinky. They just are-
Ingo is 100% a family man, big breeding kink.
I think Emmett is more, adventurous, bondage and impact play seems right in my opinion.
Love to… “threaten” to throw people on the tracks when they flirt with you.
Aww what a sweet little thing, come and give me a hug- now time to hide you away where no one can ever see you again!
Honestly, he probably fell for you after seeing your relationship with your Pokemon. Almost every Pokemon you see likes you.
He’s very possessive over you. It’s no secret that he was raised in an incredibly unhealthy way, so he can’t exactly discern between inappropriate and appropriate behaviour in pursuing his courtship with you.
Now onto more NSFW art themes, he 100% praises you constantly and makes sure you’re tended to first. Often ends up super pent up because he wants to take care of you but sometimes go so far and overstimulates you. Don’t worry, the aftercare is amazing though.
. . . Bastard
I’m only including this mother fucker because he’s so evil he’d be one of the most extreme Yanderes out of all of them. And because if still smash because I’m sinful-
The moment he sees you and falls for you, you can bet you’re getting kidnapped, sorry you just are.
I would bet money that he is the most possessive out of all of them but, and hear me out, would also be kinda attentive?
I can totally picture him being cold and accidentally upsetting you only to spend the rest of the next day showering you on gifts.
You’d also be seen as a god to the rest of team plasma, so enjoy being worshipped.
Oh and NSFW… spanking, degrading and tying you up, enjoy
Ah yes, my adorable scientist that I think is a kinky motherfucker-
He would make a collar to track you when you leave his side, he isn’t too keen on the idea of locking you insider after all.
Wouldn’t kidnap you but would murder the competitors.
Anyway onto the kinks I think would suit him…
He’d 100% make different types of vibrators so he can cuff you to the bed and watch you squirm. Considered making you a ball gag but he gets off on your moans, that does mean he ends up edging you before fucking you himself.
Sugar daddy
I could leave that like that but fine fine I’ll feed you horny bastards.
He parades you around more than any of the others, always making sure you’re wearing the finest clothes. Usually also wearing his jacket, he can’t stand gawkers staring. Admiring your beauty he can handle, but staring at his woman is punishable by a flamethrower.
You live the luxury life. Fancy bath soaps and massages. Cafe trips daily so he can make sure you’re eating well. Sex in the back of his car in secluded car parks when you’ve been misbehaving at dinner.
He’s a rough lover but amazing with aftercare, so there’s that.
Dilf energy… and I’m hungry for it I’ll be honest.
So tired, but you give him energy. Energy to do crime to keep you to himself but still energy. But hey why argue, you get to cuddle his cats all day.
Also, if you’re a trainer that has cat Pokemon… he’d probably marry you. Proposal on sight. Already on one knee.
He isn’t very openly affectionate but as long as no one is around he’ll always have an arm around your waist. You’re well protected.
Another man that I believe would make sure you cum first every time. Just make sure you have a warm bath after for your back, he hits me as a rough lover.
Oh you poor girl… not because he’s going to treat you bad but he’s obsessed.
You’re probably kidnapped by team skull but you had no idea it was a kidnapping, it was more of a scooby-doo chase.
Yeah you now have like 50 babies to care for but don’t worry, big sis Plumeria and your new husband will help you. What you don’t remember getting married? Oh silly, you belonged to him the moment your eyes met.
He’s very inexperienced with relationships so give him a little time to learn. He’s a fast learner in bed so he won’t leave you unsatisfied. Will pamper you anyway he can.
Oh and have mercy on this man… don’t wear his clothes, he can’t handle it.
Little shit… he’s going to try and use anything he can to claim you.
Whether that be advances in front of people to scare them off and stake his claim over you.
He does have a decently good reputation so no one would expect him to be dangerous, so you’re kinda fucked, Cyllene would protect you if she needed to though.
He talks down to you all the time, you’re not his equal, you are his property in his eyes.
This man is smitten. No more smooth and confident Adaman, this man is a stuttering mess.
He wants to marry you so badly, please let this man marry you… and then put a baby in you but marriage first.
This man gives you jewellery, clothes, helps you befriend Pokémon or catch them depending on which method you prefer.
Cuddler, he will snuggle and cuddle as long as you want, so what he has duties? His pretty little wife wants his attention and you will get it.
Had noooo idea how to handle her feelings. Probably started as a childish crush at first but it developed into something much more.
She wants to spend the rest of her life with you by her side.
Glares at everyone who speaks to you, even people from her clan. She’s very jealous very easily.
But she loves you, and will let you spend unsupervised time with some people she trusts… only her Wardens, although she doesn’t trust Ingo as much as she doesn’t know him as well, not with you at least.
Warden Ingo
Dilf energy again
His memory may be strange and shaky but he remembers how to treat a woman he loves. Remembers things Elesa told him and Emmet, although to him it’s more echos of voices he thinks he knows.
He loves cuddling up to you while watching the newly hatched sneasels learn how to live. Although this does awaken a want for family he forgot he had.
He isn’t the most trusting person, but he is a good judge of character… and has gotten into a fistfight with Volo when he hit on you. Blood was drawn.
He throws a good punch, but would never hurt you, he adores you, you make him feel good in a familiar way.
Anyway you freaks want NSFW- this man lives up in the mountains, them rough hands can do wonders. And he loves making you feel good, people pleaser but only for you.
Aw what a sweet boy, who will strangle anyone who tries to take you from him.
This boy lost both his parents and nearly lost his best friend/dog… he is terrified he’ll lose you too.
He cooks he cleans and then makes sure to rub your back and give you love so you’ll love him back
Please give this boy some affection or the boys around you will pay the price of you don’t.
Professor Sada
This woman is feral, not only did she basically throw you over her shoulder when she met you but you never don’t have bite marks all over your skin. It’s her way of telling everyone your hers.
I feel she’d give more freedom than Turo, only if Robo Sada was with you for safety… and to break the arms of whoever looked at you the way she did.
Also this woman is a mosterous pussy devouring fiend, don’t argue, you know I’m right.
Professor Turo
Oh daddy Turo- criminally underrated daddy let alone Yandere daddy.
I feel like Turo most definitely would have kept you locked down in his lab with him, convincing you that you help him with his research. I mean… he isn’t wrong, you motivate him to keep going.
However girl has needs and he often get consumed by his work. It wasn’t until he caught you handling problems yourself on your shared bed that he decided robo Turo should take over his research a little bit more.
It’d be a shame if you fell in love with a toy he so kindly made for you than him himself.
Ah my favourite ordinary business man… I’m so normal about him.
He is very normal about you too, except the fact that he has pocketed any handkerchief you’ve used while eating with him.
Oh and many dates that are just trying new food, oh and bird watching.
Again, call me weird but I think this man wants a family, total breeding kink.
Also I feel like he likes a rather feminine woman, not in the frilly skirt way but in the way of “I don’t N E E D a man but I like you”. You like him, right?
M m mommy?
Dominatrix… owns a whip… bondage. ANYWAY-
Not above using their position as elite four to scare off competition and keeping you in line.
Oh don’t cry, you won’t escape anyways.
She only uses PDA to send a message to other women or men, “hands off”
Teach me about biology bb-
ANYWAY… loves to discover new Pokémon with you.
Will happily teach you about your favourite Pokémon for your attention.
Please don’t look away, he’ll have a breakdown.
Ah cute little nurse… she has access to so many dangerous drugs.
She will scream and cry if you choose someone else, don’t do it, she’s an ugly cryer.
She loves to give you “check ups” when no one is looking.
On a side note, don’t you know that orgasms are good for your health? You didn’t? Oh silly let Miriam help you out, her fingers can work wonders.
But it was worth it enjoy animals. I want to get more serious with Pokemon x reader writing so I hope some people enjoy this… I’m never doing this big of a post again… this was meant to be a Christmas post- way to many bloody tags to add :,)
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Carole Lombard (To Be Or Not To Be, My Man Godfrey)— One of the most stunningly beautiful and glamorous people of the golden age of Hollywood, and also one of the funniest. She wasn't afraid to be over-the-top and undignified to get a laugh. And legend has it she managed to fend off the unwanted advances of Fredric March by wearing a strap-on in her dressing room and freaking him the hell out when he tried to seduce her. She was a total legend.
Leonor Maia (The Tyrannical Father)— She didn't do a lot of movies but in The Tyrannical Father she is so pretty and charming that there's a guy who's obsessed with her to such a degree he is still a meme 80 years later. Her character's name is Tatão and the guy would stare at her whenever she was there and say her name to the tune of everything. A clock ticking: ta-tão, ta-tão, ta-tão. And to this day one of the lines people know the best from that very quotable movie is "ta-tão". She inspired crushes and horniness of legendary levels.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Carole Lombard:
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She was an amazing actress that I think has become a bit underrated due to her early death. Stellar comedic actress with great dramatic potential, loved hanging around with the crew on set and swore up a storm. I only saw my first movies of hers a little over a year ago and I've been obsessed with watching as many of them as I can find since then. She has this monologue in Hands Across the Table that I had to rewind and watch again because her performance of it was so good.
She defined what it was to be a comedic actress in the 1930s, starring in a bunch of screwball comedies that still hold up. She was married to two certified Hot Vintage Actors, William Powell and Clark Gable, but tragically died at 33 in a plane crash following a war bond rally in 1942. She was the love of Gable’s life, and although he married a couple of more times, he was buried beside her when he died.
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Incredibly foul-mouthed, had a habit of stripping in front of gay male costars and loudly wondering why they cared, never wore a bra (and rarely panties), was always yelling about how based the New Deal was.
She was gorgeous and a comedy genius! She could have chemistry with a rock!
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doobea · 11 months
BLLK - Relationship HCs + Songs That Describes It PT. 2
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contents: gn!reader, super fluffy, sfw, established relationships, kinda proofread characters mentioned: sae, shidou, barou, oliver, yukimiya, karasu a/n: hehe part 2 c: (this ended up being WAY longer than the first one) also wanted to try my chance at writing for both yukimiya and karasu bc i feel like they're underrated
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sae - ride by hybs
not the biggest fan of PDA but will steal moments to hold your hand for just a second, giving it a little squeeze. for more physical reassurance, he loves taking his thumb and rubbing it across your palms and thighs.
he's hyper-aware of your surroundings whether you know it or not. if you're bending down to reach for something, one of his hands usually hovers over your head to make sure you don't hurt yourself on the way up. if he catches you shivering or sneezing for just a second then the next minute you're presented with a cup of tea and his demand for cuddles. you get the gist!
following up on the last point - whenever you get up from any surface, he always checks and dusts off anything that might cling to your bottoms or back.
sae is always out traveling and attending games, so phone calls are endless with him. even if the conversation has ended, there's something comforting about being on the line with him versus being in complete silence.
shidou - see you again by tyler, the creator
he is incredibly great with animals and that’s why you guys foster dogs together! it's no surprise for your neighbors to see the two of you walking an army of chihuahuas and german shepherds around the block every morning. it's also no surprise to everyone when he ends up adopting four of them; he claims no one can take care of them better than he can.
when it comes to washing dishes with shidou, he likes to make shapes out of the bubbles and blow them your way. this always ends up in a bubble-blowing battle that leaves the dishes to be washed the day after.
not really an extreme prankster, but what harm would an innocent sticky note on your back do? he likes to write jokes on them before sending you off to get errands.
gets abnormally invested in the drama in your social life. you tell him that one of your friends had just gone through a breakup? he's getting a bag of popcorn and already listing off questions pertaining to who's at fault.
barou - come inside of my heart by iv of spades
if you ever need to move he'll be there to help in a heartbeat. not only does he have the muscles to help you secure all the furniture, but he has the brains to let you know how to stack the items and what equipment you need to keep them pristine and in one piece.
even if he claims it’s a bother, it’s not! he’s the type to fix your messy cable management and will replace anything that looks like it needs “fixing” in your house. examples include buying you new sponges for the kitchen, restocking your fridge if you’re running low on essentials, and folding your laundry if you’re the type to leave it in the dryer after it’s done.
he hates having his photo taken but knows that you absolutely adore showing him off to your friends. when you first got yourself a camera, all the film was practically barou, barou and you, and shirtless barou. it took a while for him to warm up to the idea but when you came home with developed photos in hand, he can't help but litter the fridge with his favorite moments with you.
definitely listens to cheesy boy bands when he's tidying up the place. he gets easily embarrassed about it so he usually waits to clean up the area when you're out before turning the music up to max volume. there was a rare moment when you returned early and a flustered barou claimed that he didn't know how 'boyfriend' by big time rush came up in his playlist.
oliver - somebody by keshi
surprisingly one of the best people to go to IKEA with - and no it's not because of the fact that he's part Swedish. he'll be the type to get into character whenever you guys go into a showroom, acting as if it's an apartment that you guys share. he’s cute but be careful, he’s the type to sneak items into the cart when you’re not looking!
gets excited whenever pull him into the living room knowing that you'll be announcing a fashion show from your recent mall run. he'll play along and hype you up, taking photos and telling you to give him 360 spins.
a chronic blanket hogger! he complains about needing a bigger bed because his feet keep dangling off the edges and that he needs the blanket the most. if you offer to sleep on the couch so that he can get more space, oliver will just pout and join you wherever you end up sleeping.
when you guys were touring for apartments, it was your job to keep the leasing agent occupied with questions while he was in the other rooms subtly scratching the walls with his nails to see if the paint would hold up.
yukimiya - home by luke chiang
never forgets to bring the mail in. a majority of the time, yukimiya will throw away the useless magazines and ads, but on slow days he likes to sit down and sort through coupons and tries his attempt with the weekly crossword puzzles with you.
there's always a different scented candle in every room you guys share. when they're running low, the two of you typically go to the store and spend at least an hour trying out all the different smells that they have to offer. a new seasonal and two of the regular scents are the final items he settles for.
he'll drive to your workplace to bring you lunch if you've forgotten it for the day. most of the meals he ends up buying for you are typically way healthier and out of your budget than what you would usually make for yourself.
keeps your side of the bed warm for you after you come back from a long day! yukimiya believes it's bad luck to get in a cold bed so he's doing his job as a good boyfriend.
karasu - summer by brockhampton
expect a lot of late-night food runs with karasu and they're all unplanned. you guys could literally be driving back from a date night in the city and he’ll just be like “I want McDonald’s” and just pull in a drive-through. sometimes he’ll do it if he wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep.
is a very good listener but not a good comforter (he's trying to do better in the long run). due to his usual snarky personality, he's worried that he might say the wrong things and usually says little to nothing. when you're crying, the best he offers is back rubs and a long cuddle session afterward.
working out together with karasu is like having your dad help you with math homework. he's critical of how your form should look, always saying that you might hurt yourself in the long run if you're not placing your feet or shoulders at the correct angle.
it's canon that he's afraid of the ocean and can't swim that's why whenever you guys are at a pool, he requires you to hold onto his hand - claiming that he doesn't want you to float away.
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usetheeauthor · 1 year
Video Games (MDNI +18)
🎶I heard that you like the bad girls, honey? Is that true?🎶
Sub!Boyfriend!Arisu Ryohei x Dom!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend games all day instead of paying attention to you. You know exactly how to get him out of his own world.
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A/N: Wrote another sub!Arisu fic because I’m horny and I want to slut this man out. He’s so underrated in the fandom and I don’t get why. Do you see that innocent face? This man is begging to be folding like a pretzel.
Word Count: 994 words
Warnings: smut, handjob, biting, hair pulling, choking, kissing/french kissing, saliva as lube, spit kink, cum eating, dacryphilia, daddy kink
You knew the disadvantages of having a gamer boyfriend but you figured that Arisu was more than worth it. Now you’re not so sure anymore.
Just how is it possible that this man could stay in front of a screen for hours on end, mindlessly shooting enemies? Not once has he looked up at you to make sure that you’re still there. You just might very well leave.
Except you were incredibly horny.
There was something about your boyfriend that just made you so insatiable. You’ve never had a sexual appetite this intense before but whenever you’re in his presence all you want to do is tie him to your bed and use him until you’re both spent.
Sometimes, you wondered if your boyfriend felt this way, too. You get that he enjoys sex but it’s almost as if he’d rather game than make love to you.
You huff out loud. He glances at you for a moment, unaware of your lust-filled thoughts. You guess you should test your theory.
Standing up from your seat on the couch, you alert him enough for him to do a double take. Nonetheless, he returns his attention back to the game, headphones over his ears as he shouts commands at his team.
You approach him from behind the couch, removing the headset and throwing them off to the side.
“Hanii, I’m a little busy, here.” Arisu groans, frustration pickled in his tone.
“I know,” You whisper seductively in his ear. “But I want you.”
A shiver goes down his spine. “I can’t leave the guys. We’re right in the middle of a serious game.”
“I just wanna play with you for a bit. Why should you get to have all the fun?” You pout, leaning over the couch a little to rub his clothed erection. He’s already starting to grow in your hands.
“Please…” Arisu rasps.
You kiss and suck his neck, now exposed from lowering his hoodie. Continuing to palm his thick length, you could feel the faint motion of his hips rolling up in a circle.
“Should I stop?” You ask, teasingly.
“Uh-uh.” He protests, eyes closed.
“That’s what I thought.” You say, pulling down his shorts and underwear with his assistance and free him of his restraints. Your mouth waters at the sight of his dick. It was just so pleasingly beautiful. Thick and decent in length, he knew exactly how to use it to hit the deepest parts of you.
You hold your palm out in front of him, signaling him to spit. Arisu obeys, whimpering once you began coating his cock with his saliva and slowly stroking him. His ragged breaths fill the air and it takes everything in you not to ravish him. Your free hand grabs a fistful of his hair, turning his head to the side for a kiss. Upping the theatrics of the kiss, you massage your tongue over his while moaning. It was absolutely pornographic.
Sucking on his bottom lip, you drag it along with you before letting it go with faint pop. Your grip tightens around him, focusing your clenched fist around the sensitive tip of his cock.
His mouth parts, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. He looks so amazing. How was it possible that you were his first girlfriend with beauty like that? You clasp a hand around his neck, applying enough pressure to choke out a sob.
You bite down on his earlobe, stroking him quicker. “Ryohei, don’t hold back. Make some noise for me.”
Arisu does as you say. No longer afraid to be vulnerable with being subservient to you. With every tug, he makes a soft ‘uh, uh, uh’ sound. He could feel his balls drawing up, the tension in the pit of his stomach building up.
“I’m gonna cum.” He whines.
“I wanna see your eyes when you cum. Please, daddy.” You were surprised yourself that you let that slip out. You’ve never called a guy that before especially not when you’re the dominant one in bed. But you were just so desperate to please him that he’d earned the title in that moment.
You could tell that it was just what he needed to let go, eyes open as you stare back at him intensely. He lets out a guttural moan, back arching as he spills over himself. His warm cum spurts out and runs down your fist and his tummy. You continue to jerk him, wanting to extend his pleasure for as long as he could take it.
“That’s it, daddy. Let go. Make a mess for me.” You kiss up his neck some more, it slightly sweaty from the exertion.
He begins to shudder and sob at the overstimulation. His nails sink into the couch cushion under him, searching for something to ground him. You have mercy on him, removing your hand and he can breathe again.
You make a show of licking his essence off your palm and fingers before crawling up the overhead of the couch, rolling onto the seat beside him. You plop your head in his lap, his dick still out but long gone soft. He hasn’t moved since his orgasm.
You stare up at him concern. “My love?”
He looks down at you in his lap with a blissed out smile and his hair was messy. “I’m back.”
“Good to know. I was worried I lost you there.” You giggle, soothing his hair.
He snaps out of his daze when he hears the notification sound from the TV. He quickly takes the controller to open the message.
“Dude, if you were going to abandon the game to get laid, at least give us a heads up. Also, your mic’s on.”
Arisu blushes profusely, taking a throw pillow to shove in his face. He muffles, “We forgot to turn off the mic! They’ll never let me live it down.”
“I’m sure they enjoyed the show.” You wink, rubbing his back.
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nipuni · 3 months
Doctor Who report!! We are all caught up with NuWho and in time to watch the new season when it comes out!! mission accomplished, It took us around 6 months total and we loved every minute of it 🥰
Now that we have watched all eras I can share our tastes and opinions nobody asked for under the cut 😌
We can confidently say RTD's era is our favourite and for Doctors 10 (and 14) followed by 12, but honestly there isn't a single Doctor (or Master!) that we didn't love.
We've also started rewatching the first four seasons now with more context and there is just something so special about them. They almost feel like a different show from all the later ones. The silliness and the way the story doesn't take itself seriously at all until all of a sudden it does and then the pain hits you twice as hard because of it. How with just with a line or deed and it's implications the Doctor can be so unbelievably inspiring. The way the narrative seems to place you in the role of a companion trying to catch up with the Doctor and figure him out yet never quite managing to do so creates this distance but also admiration and reverence in you too and you can't help but adore him flaws and all. It has just the right amount of room for every side character and relationship to develop and feel human and the right amount of exposition to keep the pace quick and don't hold your hand. The glimpses behind the doctor's cheerful childish façade into an unsettling calculating alienness and immeasurable trauma but also a weary wisdom. The complete selflessness to the point of martyrdom. The reckless irresponsible acts of devotion from both the companions and the Doctor. The near apotheosis of the companions the closer they get to him. The contagious feeling of awe and wonder and hope for life. The way it's so unabashedly centered around love of every kind 😭 ARGHH I don't know man there is nothing like it!! Ultimate comfort show for us, just.. healing really. There is so much more I can say and gush about but I'd be here typing all day so I'll draw more about it instead!! We would also like to get started on classic Who soon! and try to get our hands on the audio episodes and comic books and all the extra stuff as well 😊
We also watched more David Tennant works since the last report!
Blackpool was hilarious, infuriating and horny, the singing was a choice but overall so fun!! The Escape Artist was great, very sad and tense, would have loved for it to be longer, these miniseries are always so good but so short!! Mad to be Normal is so underrated? we enjoyed it a lot!! RD Laing's portrayal was so compelling, it's beautifully shot and the 60's setting is really immersive and well done. Einstein and Eddington was also really good, incredibly accurate historical setting!! the costuming was fantastic, one of the best I've seen!! These last two films are biographical and sort of no plot just vibes so maybe this is why they are not everyone's cup of tea but we enjoyed them very much. David just never misses, I'm sure we can watch anything with him in it and we will love it no matter what lmao what a guy 😭
Anyway that's all for now! I hope you are all doing well, spring/autumn is almost here! best bits of the year 😊
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winters0689 · 8 months
Lester Papadopoulos is a comfort character to me. I’ve been a huge Percy Jackson fan for years now, and I’ve loved many characters (Grover, Nico, Leo, Percy, etc) and when I first read TOA I loved it, but after rereading it…
I fell in love with Lester, this caring and complex character who had many layers to him, that came off as selfish, and yet just so happened to be one of the most selfless characters in the book.
He’s caring, he’s a former god, he’s selfless, he pees himself regularly, he loves his children, he drowned his ex that one time, he is a god of many things, he has had many lovers. He has so many aspects to him that makes him so interesting.
He has a redemption arc as he realizes that he has made mistakes, but also realizes that he has been abused by Zeus, that it most likely influenced how he view things, and how he may have picked up toxic behaviors from Zeus. He learns to be more human, which is such a beautiful arc to see him go through.
He cares SO MUCH about others. He grieves for Jason and Crest and Heloise and so many other people. He tried to sacrifice himself many times and has many heroic qualities, but he is an unreliable narrator and sometimes what he says doesn’t reflect what he does.
His and Meg’s relationship is one of my favorite friendships in the books. It feels like it’s the two of them against the world at times. Meg cares so much for him while also calling him out on his bad actions (like when they were on Sutro Tower) and Lester cares so much for her as he realizes that she has been abused, that she needs help, and that he wants to help her separate from Nero’s influence, that he is so proud of her for standing up to Nero. They both form such a strong bond with each other and I just- I love them!
He is also absolutely hilarious. I find myself laughing as he is just- so snarky sometimes? He also sometimes know random things? (Like the Goddess of Sewers Cloacina) He is also funny when he has no knowledge on how human things work (like not knowing the price of Tater Tot’s)
He also gets anxious and freaks out and cries and he just feels. He gets happy and laughs and gets sad and laments. He gets flashbacks and clearly has trauma but doesn’t let that excuse his bad actions as he feels guilt for his actions. He can also be quite harsh on himself, blaming himself often and sometimes projecting that onto others (like him saying that Piper is blaming him for Crest’s death??) He is such an emotional character and I love him for that.
I love whenever he gets his godly strength as it starts with small things and then it gets to the point that he can create fire with his hands just by simply mentioning cauterizing a wound and breaking Nero’s fasces and having enough strength to drag Python into the Underworld and is strong enough to hold on just enough to save himself from falling into Tartarus. He is such a strong person who has an incredible pain tolerance.
There are many other things that I love about Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo. I think I can positively say that he is my favorite PJO character. I often reread TOA more than the other books. I love the story and how dark it can get while also exploring the themes of how abuse affects you.
I just- I love Meg and Apollo. I need for fanfic of them!! I need more content of them! Their friendship is so underrated, so when I see people make fanfic of them I get so happy!
I also love the community. The fan-artists and the fanfic makers and anyone who just writes long posts, like me, are so talented and is honestly the best fandom I’ve been in.
I hope the PJO show becomes popular so that more people can read these amazing series. I hope there will be a day that TOA gets adapted, and even if it doesn’t, I still have the audiobooks to go back to.
Thanks TOA fandom, for still going strong, even years after the books ended and new books have come out and are still making fanfic about them. It feels like the books have never ended, like the TOA books are still going on and are still making posts.
I’m so happy to be part of such a passionate fanbase.
Anyways if anyone is willing to offer any good fanfics then let me know!
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yuwuta · 9 hours
you need to write more for yuuji i’m begging you you do him SO SO well like the characterisation is perfect and he’s so underrated and hot and you just know how to show it<3 it could be smth as simple as a makeout session or anything you want i love your writing
every time someone tells me they like my characterization i sob real grown woman tears and also have the intense urge to smooch you all 🫶💓 he’s actually so hot it’s crazy…. i don’t know how to describe it other than he’s such a Boy… he’s so boyish… he’s fun and he’s silly and he’s flirty but it’s sweet and sometimes not that innocent but still genuine, kinda cocky but also incredibly naive to how much better he is at somethings than other people, unmatched raw strength and adaptability and yet still crazy work ethic… handles anything you don’t want to deal with and makes it look easy even if he struggled with it, ride or die, effortlessly sexy and he literally doesn’t even know it i will bite steel oh my god
making out with him… god… the thing he’s so… he’s so intense but he always has these moments where he pulls away from you just to smile and giggle a little because he remembered he has a crush on you, and he’s kissing his crush and that’s pretty cool. and then the next second his lips are back on yours and his tongue and sliding across yours and it’s a complete 180 but it’s also not because it’s yuuji and it feels natural yk. you always know when he’s going to pull back because you can feel him smiling when you’re kissing him—though, he’s always smiling a little bit, he’s always happy to kissing you, or always trying to be sneaky and think of the next thing to do—but sometimes he smiles too wide for you to keep kissing him, so you’re reduced to pecks on his smile, and eventually he pulls back and you can see his whole smile, and he just sighs, “hi,” and chuckles and kisses your nose, and goes right back to making out… he’s perfect
perfect hand placement, too, it feels natural for him to hold you. if he’s greeting your or just feeling kiss-happy, his hands mostly stay on your lower back or your hips, occasionally roam around or he uses them to pull you closer to him or lift you up and move your around, but when he’s really into it, when he’s making out with you for the sole purpose of making you (or himself) dizzy with kisses, or as foreplay, or mid-sex, his hands always on your face, cupping your jaw. he squeezes your face with a bit of pressure sometimes, depends on how out of it he is, but he has to hold on to your face, has to use the leverage to crane your neck so he can bully his tongue into your mouth, so he can lick at every crevice, so can he breath your breaths. it feels like he’s trying to consume you sometimes (his cute-aggression is insatiable most days, too), but even that wouldn’t be enough for yuuji, he wants to be apart of you sometimes and never let you go
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illiterateaffairs · 11 months
behind the scenes chapter one | i enjoyed our meet cute
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masterlist | next
pairing: jamie tartt x actress!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 4,722
summary: you’ve been in richmond one day and you’re already having chance encounters with famous british football players, what are the odds?
a/n: welcome to the first chapter of my new jamie series, behind the scenes! fake dating is a god tier trope and i’ve always wanted to write something for it. it will also be very rom-com-y, just like ted would like. i really hope you enjoy the first chapter, i’m so excited to kick off this new story and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. also wanted to shout out @buckychristwrites​ who wrote an incredible fake dating jamie series called could this be and you should totally check it out if you haven’t already ♡
Your alarm goes off at 8AM on the dot but you’re already wide awake. You’ve been in London for 48 hours and instead of taking in the sights, you’ve been trying to reset your sleep schedule. After landing at 10AM Friday morning, you pretty much passed right out as soon as you arrived at your rented, two story brownstone. 
See, London was eight hours ahead of Los Angeles - your home base. While you were used to traveling for work, you’d never had a job in another country before. And jet lag was a bitch.
You’re an actor. You have been since you were 15, when you got a recurring role on a kids show after an opening casting call. Some called it luck, but you called it busting your ass in theater classes as soon as your mom could afford them. You’d been a “drama queen” since you were in diapers and you begged her to sign you up for every class, camp and play in your small town and she did everything she could to support your dream. She’s your biggest fan.
By the time you were 20, you’d had a sitcom and several supporting roles in films that made you an underrated fan favorite. Your biggest break came, though, when you were 22 and were given the opportunity to star opposite A-list actors in the superhero film of the summer. After that you blew up, you did a few more action movies and a couple other dramas. 
Now, freshly 25, with a lot of credits filling your IMDb page, there was one genre you still hadn’t tackled: romance. And that’s what brought you to London. You were filming your first romantic comedy in the beautiful town of Richmond. Usually when your job brought you to a new place, the first thing you wanted to do was explore it. However, spending the last couple days in and out of sleep was preventing you from doing so. Today was Sunday, your last day before production kicked off tomorrow, and you’d be damned if you didn’t get the chance to get out and do something before you were swamped with work.
You get ready quickly, eager to not waste another second inside. However, just as you swing your front door open, you come face to face with your assistant, who’s hand is poised to knock. 
“Oh, good, you’re already up,” she chirps, brushing past you and into your temporary home as she taps away on her iPhone. 
“Margot, I thought we agreed on no work this weekend,” you sigh, reluctantly following her into your living room.
“I agreed and you agreed, but Harry on the other hand,” she frowns holding up her phone, “He didn’t agree.”
You groan. Harry was your publicist. You’ve worked with him since getting the role in one of the Spiderman movies. He always had some crazy idea how to boost your public image, most of which you’ve shot down, but his most recent pitch he hasn’t been able to let go of. 
“He’s still bugging you about that shit?” you question, flopping down in an armchair. 
Margot perches on the arm of the sofa, “He’s only bugging me because you keep ignoring him. He still thinks it's a good idea.”
The good idea in question was agreeing to a fake relationship with another celebrity - or anyone really. Usually the goal of a PR relationship was to gain attention for one or both parties, or their upcoming projects. While that wouldn’t hurt, your publicist thought the benefit of having a fake boyfriend was that you’d appear more desirable. 
In your previous roles, you’d been typecast as the funny best friend or snarky sidekick. Not only was this movie you were about to film your first as the leading lady, it was the first where you were playing a romantic lead. You also haven’t been known to be seen with many suitors in your personal life as well. Not that you hadn’t had any significant others since entering the spotlight, but they’d been short lived and you tried to keep those relationships under the radar, not necessarily wanting the public’s opinion on your dating life. 
Of course, that didn’t stop journalists and people with Twitter accounts from speaking on it anyway. Since you got cast in this Rom-Com - Hopeless Romantics was the working title - you’d been subjected to criticism over how you couldn’t possibly be seen as a realistic love interest when you’ve yet to be painted as such both on and off the screen. Though, you’d love to point out that just because you hadn’t played a romantically driven character before didn’t mean you couldn’t now. You’ve learned to just ignore trolls like that. 
That didn’t mean from time to time the odd comment didn’t get under your skin. 
Still, you didn’t see the point in faking a relationship just to get these people off your back. You had the best fans in the world, who’d watch you do anything no matter the genre. And your co-star was Charlie Knox, who’d been pegged as this generation's Hugh Grant, so plenty of people would be buying tickets regardless. You could hardly argue, feeling flushed after your chemistry reed with the actor even though he was doing just that; acting. Harry had even previously suggested faking a relationship with him, which would be the perfect scenario according to him, but Charlie was of course already taken. 
“He’s going to have to give up eventually,” you shake your head, “Because I’m not doing it.” Margot makes a weird face and you tilt your head, “Don’t tell me you think I should do it.”
“No, of course not. You should have the autonomy to make your own decisions about your love life, real or fake,” she insists, “I just wish Harry didn’t make such a big deal about it.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry he’s bugging you about it. I can talk to him again.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” Margot sighs, “You should be enjoying your day off. Were you on your way out before? What were you thinking of doing?”
You shrug, not really having had a game plan, “I was thinking breakfast or something to start, and then seeing where the day takes me.”
She nods, once again tapping on her phone, “That sounds nice. Don’t be out too late, though. A car will be here to get you at 6AM for the read through.” As she stands up and starts walking to your door, she glances at you, “And wear a hat please. Last thing we need is you to be stampeded by fans like in The Lion King.”
“Margot, I love you, but there is no need to bring Mufasa into this,” you tease, “I promise I will be discreet, but only if you promise me you will also take time for yourself today.”
“I promise,” she says with a small smile, but before you know it, she's already back on the phone and out your door. 
You can’t be too hard on her. You were also known to prioritize your work over everything else most days. But she was not only the best assistant you could ask for, she was also one of your closest friends, and she deserved some time off. You’d have to talk to Harry at some point tomorrow to get him off her back. And yours. 
But first, food.
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It had been one month - one fucking month - since Keeley had gotten back together with Roy. And it was the worst month of Jamie’s life. 
Yes, he still has feelings for Keeley. Yes, it hurt him to see her choose Roy, even if it had nothing to do with him. And it was twice as bad that Roy and him had finally started becoming actual friends after all these years. But that wasn’t really the problem. 
It was the way everyone has been looking at him since it happened.
It started with the apologetic look on Keeley’s face that greeted him when he answered the door one summer morning. Before she could get a word out, he knew what she was going to say. In fact, he’d seen it coming. Despite Keeley insisting she wasn’t choosing between him and the grumpy old fart who was now his head coach, the two had been spending more and more time together. Keeley was around the club more and Roy was less grumpy. That morning, Keeley told him she wanted him to hear it from her that they were thinking of starting things again. His stomach twisted, disappointed that he’d practically lost her for the second time. But, God, the look of sympathy she was giving him felt even worse.
That was nothing compared to the way Roy looked at him when he walked into the locker room later that day. Roy wasn’t one to talk about or express his feelings, but he still managed to somehow convey his guilt and apology through a single look. Jamie just shook his head, eager to not speak a single word about the topic and move on. For the first time he wished Roy would just yell at him like he usually did. 
Then a week later, Roy and Keeley were publicly a couple again. The rest of the team and staff were elated, but the few who’d known Jamie had been pining for the bubbly blonde again looked on at him sympathetically, patting him on the back and muttering affirmations on the way to training. In the grand scheme of things, they were just being nice, but he fucking hated it.
He was Jamie Fucking Tartt. He could be with anyone he wanted. Sure, the only girl who’s liked him for him and the only one he’s truly loved would rather be with someone else; someone else who was one of his best friends now. So what? The last thing he wanted was everyone around him treating him like a wounded puppy. He was fine.
It didn’t help that he saw Keeley and Roy all the time. At work. At team celebrations. At friendly gatherings. They were everywhere. In fact, they went the extra mile to include him in things to make him feel better, though it had the opposite effect. He felt like a charity case. He didn’t need them babysitting him, like he couldn’t spend a single night alone without collapsing into a full mental breakdown. 
To be fair, the last time he’d had a night to himself, he’d made the mistake of turning on The Notebook for the first time out of morbid curiosity and he wept for an hour. But it was The Notebook for fuck’s sake, what else was he going to do?
Things improved little by little as the weeks had gone by. Sam and Colin stopped giving him glances everytime Keeley visited the locker room to drop something off for Roy. Keeley stopped looking at him with guilt riddled eyes, but there was still a weird energy between them when they hung out. And with Roy things felt mostly normal. 
At least he thought so, but this morning Jamie’s been wandering around his house aimlessly waiting for Roy to show up for their regular early morning training. He’d been ready at promptly 4AM but there was no sign of his coach. He waited thirty minutes before calling but no answer. So, he plopped on the couch and watched some cooking show for another hour or so before trying again. It wasn’t until 8AM - four hours later - he got a call back from Roy.
“Hey, I thought old people were usually up early,” Jamie teased upon answering, “Did you oversleep, grandad?”
Instead of Roy’s gravelly voice responding, he hears another familiar voice in the background, “Is that Jamie? Tell him I’m sorry.”
Jamie’s stomach twists. Of course.
“Uh, yeah,” Roy’s voice eventually says, “Keeley was here and I forgot to set an alarm. We were going to get breakfast but then we can meet at the park if you still want?”
Roy grunts as Keeley speaks up again, voice distant, “Oi, ask if he wants to join us.”
Roy sighs into the phone, “Yeah, unless you want to come to breakfast with us?”
Jamie closes his eyes. Another pity invite. “Um, thanks mate. That’s alright, though. Think I’ll get some running in on my own and maybe we can meet up later tonight.”
“Yeah, that works…” Roy says before tacking on, “Sorry, Jamie.”
Jamie chuckles humorlessly, “Not a problem. Talk to ya later.”
He hangs up and tosses his phone across the couch. Not only did Jamie not like feeling like a third wheel, he didn’t like being one because the other two felt guilty. Especially when he was still getting over his feelings for one of them. He groans, forcing himself off the couch, eager to stay true to his word. He needed to run off these feelings. 
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You’d been leisurely walking through the streets of Richmond for a little while, enjoying the early fall breeze and the sights as the leaves started to change color. You’ve been trying to keep an eye out for a place to grab breakfast or a snack, but you’ve been distracted by the shops and the people walking around you. For your part, you were donned in sunglasses with a ball cap tilted low on your head. So far no one has stopped you, which was nice. Not that you minded meeting the occasional fan. Most were sweet and you adored connecting with people face to face, but there was always the risk of someone just in search of an autograph or selfie despite not caring about you or your work, not to mention nosy paparazzi who pop out of nowhere to get a photo. So, you’re enjoying the semblance of normalcy while you can. You sense that once filming starts, those in the area will be eager to catch a glimpse of you and your costars any chance they get. 
You’re a little too comfortable with flying under the radar, when as you’re turning a street corner someone runs right smack into you. You both fall to the ground, your sunglasses flying clear off your face. Your heart hammers in your chest, wondering if someone had done this on purpose, but the stranger next to you also appears to be scrambling. 
“Fuck, sorry,” they mutter, grabbing your discarded sunglasses for you before pulling you both up. As he places the glasses back in your hands, his eyes meet yours for the first time, “Oh shit, are you…”
You smile sheepishly, his eyes alight with recognition. You’re still a little anxious from the encounter, as you try to get your breathing to return to normal. You vaguely wonder if this guy is going to ask for a picture or something, when you actually hear the familiar click of a camera and your blood runs cold. 
“Hey Jamie Tartt!” an accented man calls, “Who’s the girl, Jamie?
The man in front of you looks back at you with wide eyes and grabs your hand, “Shit, come with me.”
You can barely process what he’d said as he pulled you down the street, “What? Where are we going?”
“Somewhere private,” he explains as you continue jogging alongside him, “Where there’s one paparazzi, ten will follow. But I’m sure you know that.”
You can’t argue with him. But you do wonder who the hell this guy is that he’s so familiar with paparazzi. You also briefly consider if following a guy you’ve never met through alleyways is a smart decision, but you hardly have the time to dwell on it. 
After a few minutes, this mystery guy, who you can only presume is named Jamie if the paparazzi was right, leads you through an unassuming storefront that ends up being a charming and quaint little café. You look around curiously. It’s not completely vacant, but the patrons don’t bat an eye when the two of you enter. The middle aged barista behind the counter looks at your companion with a warm smile and greets him, once again, by Jamie.
After your heart rate returns to normal, you turn to the man beside you. He gives you a tiny shrug, “I come here when I don’t want to be bothered. Not many people know about this place but it has the best scones in Richmond.”
You squint at him in curiosity, “So, I’m guessing you’re…someone of note then, too? If that paparazzi was taking your picture and you have a secret hideout.���
He chuckles, looking a little bashful, which you have a feeling is out of character for this guy, “Uh, yeah, I’m Jamie Tartt? Premier League footballer for AFC Richmond?”
Your cheeks heat up, “Oh, uh, sorry, I’m not really familiar with…”
He cuts you off, “No need to apologize. Wouldn’t expect an actress from the states to know anything about English football.”
You chuckle, despite yourself, “Well, if it helps I don’t know much about American football either. Or any sport for that matter.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up again, “I know you, though. From that thing.”
You snort, “Well, I’ve done a couple of things.”
He shakes his head, “No, no, no, you’re in that one movie, what’s it called,” he snaps his fingers, “Meet Me in Melrose, that's the one!”
“Wow, that’s a deep cut,” you comment, the film being an indie you worked on years ago; one of your first bigger roles despite the lower budget project.
“Yeah, my old coach? It was one of his favorites, so the whole team became obsessed. We’ve watched a bunch of your stuff,” he explains.
“That’s cool,” you nod with a small smile.
He nods along with you before suddenly becoming very aware of his situation, “Uh, can I order you something? Or, shit, you probably had somewhere to be. I usually try to wait things out for a while here, but if you have to go…”
You once again consider the oddity of casually hanging out in a cafe with a man you just met, but he seems trustworthy enough. And even a bit intriguing.
So you respond, “No, I don’t. I was just out exploring before. I was actually looking for a place to eat so this is perfect. I’m happy to hang out here for a bit.”
“Okay, cool,” Jamie nods again, still feeling a bit unsure of what to do when a Hollywood movie star is suddenly in your midst, “Uh, do you like coffee? Tea?”
You shake your head, “You don’t have to buy anything for me.”
“Well, I was the one who crashed into you and abducted you here so it’s the least I can do.”
You giggle, “Okay fine, I’ll take a hot chocolate. Coffee makes me anxious and tea tastes like a worse version of water. No offense.”
Jamie laughs to himself before walking up to the counter to order for you both. He returns moments later with a hot chocolate for you and coffee for him, as well as two of those scones he mentioned, before leading you over to a small booth in the back of the cafe. 
“So, uh, you must come here often if the staff knows your name,” you say as you blow on your drink for it to cool, “Unless they’re all soccer - sorry - football fans?”
“Actually, Olive, the owner of the café doesn’t know shit about football. It's part of the appeal,” he tells you, “I manage to avoid photographers most of the time, but even if they’re not hounding me, I still like to come here to get away from things.”
“That makes sense. I feel like it's hard to do that in LA. Even the small businesses are overrun with influencers trying to find the trendiest spot nowadays,” you muse.
“Is that where you live? LA?” he asks.
“Mhm. Have you been?” 
“Nah. Been to New York before, but spent most of my time in some clubs,” he tells you, “Have you been to London before?”
“No, actually,” you admit, “I’ve always wanted to come but never got around to it. I’m actually here for a film.”
“Oh, yeah, a Rom-Com, right?” he asks and you nod, “It’s all anyone can talk about around the club these days. We’ve never had a big movie shoot in Richmond before.”
“Hmm, wait til everyone hears how you kidnapped one of the stars,” you joke, finally braving a sip of your drink.
Jamie laughs, “I think I’ll keep that one to myself. Plus, I don’t think they’d even believe me.”
You laugh along with him, thoroughly enjoying his company as well as the delicious cocoa. You also finally try the scone Jamie placed in front of you. Your eyes light up after the first bite.
“Is that blueberry?”
Jamie’s eyes widened, “Sorry, I should have asked…”
You furiously shake your head, “No, no, don’t apologize. I love blueberry.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up, “Me, too. It’s my favorite.”
You smile back, but it drops when you feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you see that you had a missed call from Harry along with a few text messages. Instead of responding, you roll your eyes and put it away, eager to forget that the man exists until tomorrow.
“Uh, everything okay?” Jamie asks tentatively. 
“Oh, yeah,” you reassure, plastering another smile on your face. Then you find a part of yourself that desperately wants to vent about your situation to an unbiased party, “Actually, uh, I’m not sure how much pressure football players are under for their image, but have you ever been asked or been in a fake relationship for PR?”
Jamie leans back, processing the question, “Uh, no. I haven’t really had a problem finding my own girlfriends.”
You snort, “Of course.”
“But I’ve heard of it happening with other footballers,” Jamie adds, “And there was this whole reality dating show I did and none of that was real.”
You gasp, “You were on a dating show?”
Jamie nods reluctantly, “Yeah. It was called Lust Conquers All. It was a low point.”
You can’t help but laugh, “Wow, I’ll have to check it out.”
“Please don’t,” Jamie groans, rubbing a hand over his face, wondering what possessed him to even bring it up.
After your laughter quells, Jamie eyes you curiously, “Why do you ask? About PR relationships, I mean.”
You sigh, looking down at your hands in your lap as you answer, “My publicist wants me to do the whole fake relationship thing.”
Jamie’s eyebrows furrow, “Why?”
You shrug, not eager to admit but still wanting to know his take nonetheless, “Apparently, I don’t seem like a romantic person, because I haven’t done a romantic role or publicly dated someone before.”
Jamie continues to look confused, “So? Isn’t that what actors do? Play new roles even if they haven’t done it before?”
“Yes, thank you,” you agree, nodding furiously, “But since I’ve only played cynical or sarcastic characters, that’s how people see me. Apparently, I don’t seem like a good choice for a movie called Hopeless Romantics.”
“But you’re not like your other characters in real life right?” he asks, “You’re not completely cynical about romance.”
You falter, your eyes flitting away from his. Jamie scoffs.
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me you’re anti-romance.”
“I’m not,” you sputter, “I just think dating is a little more complicated than the movies make it seem.”
Jamie doesn’t listen, “Wow, I can see why your publicist thinks you need a fake boyfriend for this to be a little more realistic. You can’t be against love and in a movie about love.”
You gasp, lightly shoving him, “Hey! I’ll have you know I’m not against love. It’s just…hard to come by for me.” You sigh, trying to figure out what exactly you’re willing to admit, “The last few guys I’ve dated weren't so great. They either only wanted to date me for the exposure or connections or money.”
Jamie’s expression sobers, “Oh.” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “My last relationship, if you could even call it that, was so short lived. It ended because he stole this fancy vase thing from my house.”
“Wow,” Jamie whispers.
“And jokes on him, it was from pottery barn,” you huff, “But yeah, basically its not love I don’t believe in. It’s other people. So I’ve been pretty content to be on my own these days.”
“I get that,” Jamie says softly after a beat, “I’ve dated plenty of girls who only wanted me cause I’m a footballer. Or cause I’m great at sex,” you snort, shaking your head, but he continues, “Not that I really wanted a real relationship, but it still hurts when someone doesn’t want you for you.”
“Exactly,” you nod, picking off pieces of your scone, “I’ve never been with someone who felt genuine. Have you?”
Jamie sighs and you sense there’s a story there, “Once, but I fucked it up. Didn’t realize what I had until it was gone. Classic right?”
You huff lightly.
“The worst part is she was kind enough to stay my friend even after the way I treated her,” he continues, “So not only does she treat me with kindness that I definitely don’t deserve, but I have to sit by and watch her be with someone else.”
You frown, “That must make it hard to move on.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckles humorlessly. 
“And you haven’t been with anyone else since?”
“A couple girls, but nothing serious. And no one recently. Haven’t really seen the point.”
“So I guess I’m not the only one who might be a little cynical then, huh?” you ask with a teasing smile.
He gives you a half smile. “Yeah, I guess I can’t be one to judge.”
You study him for a few more moments. After your introductions, you would have guessed Jamie Tartt was another classic playboy athlete, and after conversing with him that seemed to be his reputation. But now you weren’t so sure. He was…peculiar. 
You continue chatting for a while longer. He tells you more about his football team and you tell him a few spoiler-free details about the movie you’re shooting. Before you know it, you’d been camped out in this cafe with Jamie for a full hour. Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself. You had to imagine the paparazzi had to have left the area by now. And while you weren’t in a hurry to cut your conversation short, your hot chocolate was no longer hot and your scone was long gone. 
“Hey, this place is really nice by the way,” you comment, as you gather your trash, “I might have to come back here. That is, if you don’t mind sharing your secret hide away with me for the next three months?”
Jamie chuckles, following you back to the front of the café. “Feel free.”
You smile at him softly, as you walk out the door, “Maybe, I’ll uh, see you around?”
He shrugs his shoulder, “Yeah, I’ll be around. Maybe you could catch a football match while you’re in town.”
“I’ll definitely keep that in mind,” you nod, “Well, thank you again for the rescue. I owe you one.”
“Nah, it was nothing. Get home safe, yeah?”
“You, too. Bye Jamie.”
He bids you farewell, before you two reluctantly turn and head in different directions. You wrinkle your nose, recapping your encounter in your head. What a random coincidence to run into an apparent famed football star on your first day in town. You wonder if you ever will run into him again, but you assume the odds of that are low.
Meanwhile, on his walk home, Jamie is questioning whether or not he should have asked for your number. In a strictly platonic sense, just to keep in touch or to be available in case you needed a friend while you were in town. But he brushes the thought away. Like a famous actress would want to willingly hang out with him if she wasn’t hiding from paparazzi. Yeah right. Odds are this was all a dream and the boys would laugh in his face if he brought it up tomorrow. 
Real or not real, he’d remember your morning together fondly. 
a/n: please let me know any and all those! again, so excited for this story and brand new journey for jamie x reader. also! i will be starting a fresh taglist for this story, so let me know if you’d like to be tagged. the distractions taglist will stay the same for any one shots i may continue to post in that universe. <3
taglist: @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog​ @royalestrellas​
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dangerousbride · 10 days
Have you seen the rock musical bleach ichirukis
Seen? I was raised by the rock musical bleach, I consider myself lucky to have experienced the first gen of the musicals with such a perfect cast in real time and believe most of the stuff I draw for my fanmade alternate timeline is heavily influenced by it. Tatsuya Isaka is still the best Ichigo I've ever seen, Miki Sato was incredible as Rukia too! Not only the adaptation of the actual story was great but all the fun side shenanigans going on were truly a joy to see. You can see how happy Ichigo would be living in SS with Rukia and that made me absolutely love it. Now if your question is about me seeing what's currently going on with the musicals, I have no idea, so if there's anything worth knowing of let me know. Anyway here's Te Wo Tsunagou, the version of Code 003 where Ichigo and Rukia don't accidentally hold hands by the end (which is obviously the most popular version), but the way Ichigo smiles at her instead is so underrated and you all should see it;
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fangxin-guoshi · 1 month
Banana fish re-review ~
I did a rewatch of banana fish and oh my God I forgot how good this series was. Considering the original manga came out in the 80's in JAPAN, it was SO ahead of its time. One of the best depictions of gay characters I've ever seen in Japanese media, even by today's standards.
Some more silly thoughts:
Like yoshida just casually dropped a manga with an insanely progressive take on the bl genre by showing a complex queer interracial relationship with incredibly well-written characters. Honestly the fact that ash and eiji's relationship wasn't explicitly defined as romantic is a plus imo. Not being able to rely on obvious romantic gestures like kissing, hand-holding, romantic confessions, etc. actually forces the writer to develop their relationship without that crutch to lean on. That's why ash and eiji's relationship is so good, because it doesn't rely on surface-level romance to get across the fact that they love each other and instead use subtlety and little nuances in their interactions. It's obvious from the subtext and how much they're shown to care for each other.
Not to mention the great depiction of black characters (I know portraying black characters non-offensively is like, the bare minimum, but may I remind you this is the EIGHTIES in JAPAN, and there are so many CURRENT animes that have an issue with it).
I mean yea does it have its flaws? Sure. Ash's admittedly very lame "lynx" title that comes with many wildcat metaphors, eiji being a bit passive in the first half, sort of cringe portrayal of America, etc. but my God the way she handles the trauma and character dynamics is incredible.
Ok so I did have a uh... Not really a criticism but something that I noticed that got me thinking. I feel like some shows use dark subject matter as a bit of an easy way to evoke an emotional reaction from the audience. Sometimes authors give characters horrible backstories as a way to make the audience THINK the character is complex and interesting but in reality it's a bit of a lazy writing tactic. Low effort high reward kind of thing. Banana fish obviously does have brutal subject matter and ash is really put through the ringer, but I love that yoshida doesn't let that become the axis of his character. He has trauma that greatly impacts him, but he's also super developed on his own apart from that. When I think about Ash's character, I don't immediately think about the traumatic backstory parts. The balance between how significantly the trauma affects him vs making sure that's not the ONLY part of his character is extremely well-executed.
Scenes that stuck out to me (not including asheiji ones bc it goes without saying theyre all amazing)
- the interrogator playing Ash's tapes after being arrested ("later, movie star" was the most brutal line ever omg)
- max burning the photos of ash (underrated moment this was SO good),
- any and all interactions between sing and blanca (they're such an unlikely duo peak comedy right there)
- the convo between sing and yut lung in the last episode
- ash stabbing the guy in the dick with a fork
- callback to ^^^, ash stabbing the banana with a fork
- Ash's breakdown in front of dino (ep 19 I believe)
- the entirety of ash escaping from the "mental hospital" and then having to go rescue ibe and max lmaooo
- ash brutally murdering Abraham(?, the redhead guy) by blowing abt a thousand holes in him w a machine gun as payback for shorter
- ash shooting shorter
- running joke of max being Ash's dad
- everyone constantly manhandling yut lung by yanking on his hair (dude get a haircut)
- ash immediately going to shoot himself no hesitation after yut lung told him he wouldn't hurt eiji if he did so (technically asheiji but I'm keeping it since this was a yut lung and ash scene)
- "what does this picture look like?" "Your wife"
- eiji's cute stupid little outfit he wore when he went to go find shorter in Chinatown
I also have a confession:
I LOVE yut lung. Him being paralleled with ash, but instead of finding love he let hate consume him because he had no one unlike ash who had eiji was just devastating but in a good way.
So yea those are my messy thoughts after finishing it. I'd argue that it was probably one of the best pieces of queer media to exist at the time. In the world. And one of my personal favorite pieces of queer media ever.
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temporalhiccup · 10 months
🌱 and 💡
🌱 An unreleased/not-yet-crowdfunding game I’m looking forward to. Oh there are so many of these! It's really fun seeing folks work on things over time before unleashing it to the world. Picking one for now, and easily one I'm vibrating in excitement for, is @wildwoodsgames' HARVEST, here's the description for it:
"HARVEST gives us laden orchards and barren fields; desperate fervor and doubts grown thick as weeds; calves born and pigs slaughtered; proud traditions, failing wealth, and hostile stares; juice-smeared lips and dirt under nails; and always the questions echoing down through the generations: whose blood must be spilled to feed the land, and whose hand will hold the knife?
A folk horror game of Belonging Outside Belonging, inspired by The Wicker Man, Midsommar, and Apostle."
The bits and pieces I've seen make me absolutely feral. Luke does some amazing work in the Belonging Outside Belonging space, and their games in generally are criminally underrated. Luke has an ability to describe magic and horror and ground it deep in the earth, in a specific place and time, that I don't see anyone else doing in the ttrpg space.
I also think folk horror is an overlooked genre that just resonates so well with what ttrpgs are naturally good at: intuitive and collaborative story telling in a hushed group that keeps their eyes on each other. 💡 A game that inspired my own design or creative practice. The very cool thing about ttrpgs, and well all art really, is that we're in constant communication with each other. I love seeing us inspire each other and build on each other's work!
In recent games I've loved experimenting with gender and how it interacts with characters and their actions, and the game that first inspired me to do so was @jdragsky's Sleepaway. Here are some amazing examples:
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Jay dragon's approach to imbuing quiet truths about the trans experience (without explaining any of it) is incredibly powerful for me.
Drawing upon who I am, in a way vulnerable and open, but powerful and unapologetic, has shaped so much of my design practice and the way I engage with my art.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Susan Fleming (Million Dollar Legs)—Gorgeous as hell, sweet, and tough. She wrote a book about her marriage, called Speaking of Harpo (she was married to Harpo Marx) and honestly she sounds like the kind of lady I would want to be friends with.
Carole Lombard (To Be Or Not To Be, My Man Godfrey)— One of the most stunningly beautiful and glamorous people of the golden age of Hollywood, and also one of the funniest. She wasn't afraid to be over-the-top and undignified to get a laugh. And legend has it she managed to fend off the unwanted advances of Fredric March by wearing a strap-on in her dressing room and freaking him the hell out when he tried to seduce her. She was a total legend.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Susan Fleming:
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Carole Lombard:
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She was an amazing actress that I think has become a bit underrated due to her early death. Stellar comedic actress with great dramatic potential, loved hanging around with the crew on set and swore up a storm. I only saw my first movies of hers a little over a year ago and I've been obsessed with watching as many of them as I can find since then. She has this monologue in Hands Across the Table that I had to rewind and watch again because her performance of it was so good.
She defined what it was to be a comedic actress in the 1930s, starring in a bunch of screwball comedies that still hold up. She was married to two certified Hot Vintage Actors, William Powell and Clark Gable, but tragically died at 33 in a plane crash following a war bond rally in 1942. She was the love of Gable’s life, and although he married a couple of more times, he was buried beside her when he died.
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Incredibly foul-mouthed, had a habit of stripping in front of gay male costars and loudly wondering why they cared, never wore a bra (and rarely panties), was always yelling about how based the New Deal was.
She was gorgeous and a comedy genius! She could have chemistry with a rock!
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4aceclover · 2 months
Some of my favorite moments from the shadows house Manga and anime
(of course spoilers ahead)
Anyone who's seen my previous post about my head cannons for mistress Shirley and Rum will immediately know that these two are my favorite more specifically Rum as she is just the sweetest little thing ever in the show
Here are some of the reasons why she's just so precious
Her photographic memory
Her ability to calculate things in her head very quickly
She's so shy that she has to use her finger to talk to people
She's actually a bit more tan than the rest of the characters making her stand out from that alone
The manga makes it clear that the animal associated with her would be a rabbit/bunny
She's incredibly shy around new people but enjoys people like emilico who are very outgoing and who can stand up for her
She doesn't like being a burden to other people around her (pretty sure a lot of us can relate to that)
I really do think that if mistress Shirley survived the debut she would have been a lot like Emilico just holding on to Rum hugging her and squeezing her face as rum lets people do that to her
She's totally touch starved
When I went back and looked through the manga I noticed that I wasn't the only person who thought Rum was too precious to hurt, it seems like a lot of other characters know to be gentle with her
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For context about the scenes
Emilico pets Rum's hair in order to comfort her about her feelings about mistress Shirley and whether or not she deserves to save her during the debut
We never get to see this in the anime, but in the manga it's revealed that when Emilico and Rum first found the hut that had the orange tree in it rum was holding on to her dress the whole time and Emilico didn't seem to mind (it wouldn't surprise me if she told rum that it was okay for her to do that)
(Serious spoilers) During the chapter when they first meet Emilico, Shawn says close to the end of it that "the five of them will become close friends once they enter the house", and when he says that we see Lou putting her hand on Rum's back in a very gentle way as if to support her
(Serious spoilers) The last scene has Patrick patting Rum on the head as she looks like she's about to cry. Why let's just say him, Rum and Ricky were all yelled at by a mean Shadow causing them all to fly back in a cute anime style he pet her head in order to comfort her
And it's not just them being gentle with her it turns out many people also recognize her skills and compliment her for it
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(seems like my head Cannon about her becoming friends with the future debut members was actually true I mean look at Matilda asking her to become friends with her that's the sweetest thing ever)
I think these scene speak for themselves
But my favorite part about all of this is her relationship with Emilico as the manga reveals in future chapters that the reason why Rum even has a bow on her finger to begin with is because of her
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(Once again A Major spoilers but mostly for these two) for context, the name Rum and Rummy in the show come from a subconscious memory Rum has of her little toy bunny that she had back when she was in the village, the reason why she calls herself a Rum is because it comes from her old toys name… an old toy that just so happened to have a bow on its ear… the same bow that she now wears when we first met her, all the way up to the end of the debut. The lavender bow on Shirley's finger actually belonged to Rum before she entered the house (which explain the color she was given when she did enter the house)
This is one of the many reasons why I really love Rum, she is just a sweetheart of a character that just screams "MUST PROTECT!". I have a lot more head cannons for her than I do a Emilico or anybody else of this show, and I think it's because of the hidden potential they have with a character like her. They took full advantage of it and one of the earlier scenes and I hope they continue to do that. She's an underrated character with the most amount of potential for growth
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